Ja Morant returns to NBA after suspension and hits game winner | Brandon Mason Show

Ja Morant returns to the NBA after suspension and hits the game winner at the buzzer. Brandon Mason and co-host Brent Chapman talk about Ja Morant’s suspension and his role as a player for the Grizzlies over the Pelicans. #nba #grizzlies #jamorant

But it’s like he’s trying to run a Onan ban out behind his seat and leave com this is a make Break season he’s got to make Impact hey guys welcome back to the show Happy Wednesday December 20th I hope all of you are enjoying all your holiday festivities I know they can be stressful where to ease that and give you all the fun comedy as we bring all the craziness as well if you’re watching sports right

Now we have a lot to talk about including John Morant coming back at their gun suspension and a lot of other issues all the way down to football even a golfer was arrested back in Action invited to play in the PGA Tour before we do that and go into all the craziness

Let’s welcome the main event and you guys know we got to do it my co-host the guy we love the guy that looks like he might be 18 or 40 and now they’re saying he’s older than that which is crazy also he looks like Seth Rogan the guy who

Produced super bad in play of Pineapple Express the guy knows all the tips and tricks and all the stats and more importantly now people are saying he has a face for radio let’s that sink in guys let’s introduce and welcome again our co-host my right-hand man Brent chadman hey all right Happ

Introduction well yeah that that was quite an introduction you have you ever considered potentially being like a WWE ring announcer you got the voice that’s good I like it you know what I much rather have the voice for the WWF than the face for radio I got yeah that’s right I’m

Actually a little nervous today I was hiding under the desk you posted my Pittsburgh Steelers comments from yesterday on YouTube and I’m just ready for the shellacking I’m gonna get from whiny Steelers fan guys listen first time watching remember like And subscribe we’re getting ready to expand

The show with Christmas season all the holiday AG Che we have a lot of things also have a special gift to some of you guys also but listen let’s dive into this Brent I know people that are watching basketball yesterday if you’re watching this for the first time we’re

Diving into basketball football baseball hockey golf everything shout outs live at the show also and a call-in phase that’s coming but Brent let’s pull this up real quick to show John Morant comes back after suspension flashing guns on social media again comes back and this is what he

Does right walk us through this what are you seeing from John Mor what did he do coming back hits the gamewinner yeah he had a 34 point8 assist six rebound night riling from a 19point deficit to win with that floater at the buzzer after being out for 25 games I mean this

Everybody was talking about John rant for a while John Brand’s so good and I I mean I saw his talent obviously and then I’m like okay then he got a little scuff on the court little arguments I’m like this guy’s building in social media but in the wrong way and then it’s

Flashing guns on social media which I hope YouTube doesn’t say hey you can’t say that I’m not trying to you know Advocate to this or be a brand for this or sell this I’m just saying he’s he’s flashing guns on social media on story post whether it’s Instagram Twitter doesn’t really matter

He’s doing that and immediately suspended what do you think that is is that something that he I mean I won’t want to say a cry for help the guy has a lot of money right Brent what do you think about that why is is he doing that why is he

Flashing guns on social media because he’s a in he’s a little immature at this point right I think that’s the one thing when you when you meet a lot of professional athletes you notice one thing in common with most of them they’re incredibly mature for their age that has been the most shocking

Experience that I’ve had um and I think that when something like this johnar happens he’s still putting still acting like he doesn’t make millions of dollarss like he’s not a celebrity and he’s just hanging out with the boys and he’s making bad decisions and his celebrity and the attention that he has

Uh normally no one would care but he’s johnar and people care and the disappointing thing Brandon about it is uh he got the eight game suspension and you know people are like all right we got to have a talk with him we got to Mentor him we got to work him through

This he’s a young kid then like within two months he’s smoking a blunt and flashing a gun again social media here’s the thing and you said this but a lot of these super talented individuals come from backgrounds that have rougher crowds right we could say that the politically

Correct way for YouTube and live stream it’s a rougher crowd a lot of the times whether it’s football basketball and other sports SPS these guys are so talented and I’m not saying because he waved the gun on social media that’s a rough crowd I’m just saying you bring

Your boys with you your background you’re having fun I don’t know what that had to pertain to but like you said this is something where it’s not a cry for help or anything like that it’s just a matter of maturity making good decisions and when you’re playing in the NBA when

You’re playing in the NFL and other sports I keep naming those two cuz we talk about them the most you’re young and you get an opportunity to play amongst millions of people globally not just in the US globally you’re making a lot of money you’re traveling around

State to state and now even in football International games right everybody’s watching you you have a bullseye on your back if you’re watching this you’re in high school you’re in college you’re a young pro everybody knows who you are johnar is not the typical guy working on

Your car not knocking him but he’s not the guy pushing the grocery car or or walking around Home Depot this guy walks into a store at Walmart he’s going to get bombarded so everybody’s watching your social media post your stories whatever you do it’s going to be on

Sports Center tomorrow and you’re going to have a problem other people can wave a gun and move on with their life John Mor can’t do that yeah here’s my thing I think that John Morant would be uh would be best served if he you know found himself a a

Mentor to to to Really help him and and I speak from this from experience having me also helped Mentor professional athletes as well right you’re saying he needs to find one or you saying that he doesn’t already have one he needs to find one if he doesn’t have one maybe he

Does they’re saying that he’s improved and he’s he’s been acting better and that’s great but here’s the thing that I want to say I out of all the NBA players that I’ve watched in recent memory I think John Mor is one of my favorite to watch he’s so electrifying and so

Exciting and my kids love John morand here is proof you see this you’ve got your little bobblehead Brandon I have my jarand I got my guy right here for you just in case you got just in case you got some to pop off today just in case you got something to say Brenton

I’m Coming For You J is going head-to-head with Brandon bobblehead bobblehead is crazy turn that man around are you even looking straight I feel for these guys and I and I really want him to be successful he is is so immensely talented you want to see him succeed you

Want to see players like this succeed but you know what man he’s it’s on him he’s go to he’s got to realize it and he’s got to make it happen listen speaking of basketball drama okay it’s been in the news this has been going on

Now for for for days maybe for a week but this is basketball drama Brent at its finest let’s move on Anthony Edwards now listen if you guys haven’t seen this yet serving in the media this is interesting okay Anthony Edwards makes so much money you know he he’s living

The dream in the NBA and the girl you’re seeing in the photo has put several Twitter and tweets up about her being pregnant having a baby now I can tell you this any guy that’s having a baby I know what it’s like okay come from experience it’s stressful you find out

Oh my god oh this is you know you go through so many of these emotions in your head but this woman here was basically coming to him and saying look we’re having a baby and he’s like no we’re not how much does it cost to get rid of this situation now I’m not

Advocating to that I’m not saying women can’t decide what they want to do and I’m not saying people shouldn’t make their own decisions before anybody gets all crazy because that will happen too I’m not saying that they shouldn’t make their own family decisions their own family values that’s wonderful but

Literally in those Twitter messages he was telling her look you can talk to my my attorney about this I mean the relationship went out the window it was like look my attorney’s going to handle this and then they had this agreement right where he would send her a lump sum

Of money which has been proven because she put it all over social media and I would do that and show you this message but I won’t do it this time just for his own privacy and concerns and issues and I don’t want to get flagged for that but

Send her supposedly a wire transfer of $100,000 how many women now are seeing this right there’s already gold diggers and and and girls that are chasing you know Jersey Chasers and all kinds of things but now if the word isn’t out which I’m sure it has been for a long

Time you can go chase down one of these NBA players and the new bar now was $100,000 because Anthony Edwards sent her a wire transfer and said here you go and then before you even talk about this Brent I’m hearing now reports that he has another girl pregnant right now at

The same time what do you think about that he needs to call Wilt Chamberlain and figure out what he did I mean mayy take care of the baby but uh yeah so um first of all if you if you see these tweets there’s there’s one where she

Sends the the uh pregnancy test and says I have an appointment on the 27th and you know you’ve seen those movies where the guys react wrong to hearing about the the pregnancy and the and the wife or the girlfriend gets mad his response was hell no you can’t do this I mean

Like is that not one of the alltime worst sort of reactions to this Hey listen I got I’m worried right now here’s my here’s my advice on this situation wa wait wait I’m worried right now because you said that and as soon as you said that all the

Sudden we get tons of feedback from the peanut gallery in the production set I mean I don’t know the production gu is in the back laughing at this Brent I am freaking concerned right now Howard is that Howard is that one of the worst reactions to I’m pregnant hell no it’s

Certainly not a good one I want Howard to focus on the media production of the show right now now and he’s hearing hell no he he’s looking for a drink so I’m a little concerned right now it was not hell no it was hell hell no no n

Aw hell no well listen apparently apparently Howard Howard appreciated that BR so what I wanted to say about Anthony Edwards is this is this welcome to the legal trouble edition of the Brandon Mason show yeah we we’ve got you got job we’re not even to Rashad menden Hall yet so

But wait wait listen people watch this right now there’s a lot to hear I mean there’s a lot coming up right now every single team there’s been a lot of problems but legal problems and things that we’re saying that has been outlandish we’ll get to that in a second

When you see Rashard menal and at the bottom of today’s hit list finish up so I want to say this about Anthony Edwards you know again like John Mor I feel for the guy another really talented guy obviously he he he started in a movie right and and and was a high number

Number two overall draft pick I think if not number one um and and just a really extreme Talent again much like John Morant and and and here’s something that I my my son goes to a lot of camps and his and is a high performing youth athlete and they talk over and over

Again about be careful what you share on social media be careful what you put in text messages everything you say and do in 2023 will end up on on something on a Blog we assume that everything you say will be seen and heard by somebody else and

So I you know I’m not gonna comment about the situation or Edwards what he said other than the hell no was pretty funny uh you know uh but he just needs to to be a lot more careful again like John Mor he’s a celebrity he

Has a lot of money and a lot of like you said people are going to be coming after him and he needs to be more intelligent and get better advice on what he’s doing hey these girls are coming after him like the Steelers fans are coming after

You like flies on for every comment you make we’re going to move on to the Pistons Brent listen this is a concern the Pistons are losing game after game after game after game to hit a record what do you got about that Brent so for those that don’t know I

Went to high school in Detroit which means one of my live Fe too watched and F the fouled and and liked as a kid were the Pistons so they have lost 24 games in a row that’s that is now currently fourth fourth all-time worst losing streak a

Row yes and the record by the way is 28 so they’re not they’re like spitting distance away from the worst and they have they’re holding on for Life here’s what’s bad if you start a losing streak midseason you know your record looks like 10 in like maybe you

Know a lot of losses but when you start your losing streak at the beginning of the season they are like two and 30 that looks really bad I want to say about the Pistons before I before you weigh in on this um they have a pretty talented Core

Group they’re very young but Kade Cunningham was the number one draft pick and he dropped 48 points the other day in a loss he’s a good player they’ve got Jaylen durren who’s another very good player azour Thom is an upand cominging I mean that guy’s looking like a defensive unicorn he he’s

In the conversation for best rookie so how is a team with this Talent tell us Brandon how is a team with this Talent lost 24 games in a row listen some people some teams cannot hit records for winning championships so they got to hit records for losing games

And that’s exactly what you’re seeing he can get that Trophy and go up on a billboard and the plaque the most losses consecutively I mean this is this is really bad this this is bad not only for players resume but your coach I mean you’re looking at your coach like hey we

Got to get some play we got to do something you got to start doing something because we can’t hit that record the minute they go down by that many games consecutively it’s a Talk of the Town the coach is gone that’s what you’re going to see right and a lot of

The conversation is kind of like right now now leading into some NFL teams but before we you know dive into the NFL let’s move on to Tom Brady and I have a reason why he’s on here Tom Brady was shown again obviously he was on a live

Stream or on a stream interview okay with Stephen A Smith now Tom Brady is given all of his input and his Insight now all of a sudden on the NFL and he’s weighing in on this BR and he’s saying things like this right well that’s not not true that guy shouldn’t be suspended

For that long or that hit wasn’t impr proper why did they call why did they throw a flag on that and then he said this is was interesting quarterbacks should not be throwing passes in these directions leading their receivers into problems and I said you know what of all people

Tom Brady probably can say that because the best the goat has ever played the game arguably to most people has put his receivers in great opportunities and positions to win Super Bowls and he’s really just weighing in on game after game and even teams and coaches and

They’re going now what do you think about the Patriots I mean he he’s looking at the game from a goat perspective now looking at it and giving his full input different than payt and Manning and Eli they’re hosting games and talking about what’s going on they

Could change this and then Tom Brady is coming out the left field just throwing bombs on the NFL that’s what he’s doing right now first of of all I think we should have the Brandon Mason show cast instead of the Manning cast I think we could I think we could rock that people

Love listen I love watching Eli and obviously and pton have tons of experience great quarterbacks not them at all what Pat I like what boring as watching them is like adding now you know obviously quarterbacks like Trevor Lawrence and maybe even Jaylen Herz at this point they could put a all

Four corner segment around Monday Night Football and get the lowest ratings in the world because they’re just like Stone Face like uh I love quarterback fun it was fun the first couple times now I like what Pat mcafe is doing that’s what we need to do Brandon they

Hang out in the end zone they hang out in the end zone with microphones they just talk about whatever they want they grab cheerleaders and famous people and whoever walking by and they interview them it’s great now that that’s a better idea than listening to Eli and Payton dribble coming from boring conversation

Right little boring conversation like those boring quarterbacks let’s go to the topic that Brent wanted to put on here and he thought this is important and I think it’s important too but this is interesting right Rashard mendenhal do we have a Graphic Howard for Rashard mendenhal all right oh there it is the

Twitter message reads up here and you can put it on there basically what he’s saying Brent tell him what it says in a nutshell yeah uh he says you can read it on there I’m sick of average white guys commenting on football so I’m I think I should just

Stop there right because I’m a below average white guy counting but listen then He proceeded BR you hear Howard you hear Howard how in the back Howard’s in the comp going should I give my inut on this or not I’m just going to be quiet the Latin

Guy Miami is going to take it easy honestly think he’s saying it right there average white guys counting on football I’m a below average white guy commenting on foot with you daily I I don’t I don’t think I should even weigh in on this I mean below average white

Guy with a face for radio so okay so so so what else is going on BR explain the rest of it what does he say about his game then he then he says we should replace the Pro Bowl with an all black versus all white which obviously I

Assume is tongue and cheek but people have ran with this and JJ watt’s comment is actually sort of a funny response to it get cooked we would get cooked but here’s the truth interestingly enough JJ wat brings up a good point the last white cornerback starting cornerback in

The NFL if I’m if if if this is correct my Googling is correct was Jason seahorn in 200 one what’s with the Giants who’s he with the Giants he was my facts are right here Brent my facts are right here and if I forget I’ll just ask you but

Listen here’s the thing and at this point you could just say hey Siri so but here’s the thing this is funny to me and I have I I can tell you my opinion because I’m white and black I’m 5050 down the middle if I ran for president people couldn’t really say

like oh he’s racist yeah okay oh well he’s that you’re doing it for the white people yeah okay you’re doing it for the black people no I’m not I mean you got my vote Brandon Mason I got everybody’s love and support here’s the thing though okay this is where I find

This interesting the truth of the matter Brent if I can be very candid black people white people and I want to make sure I say it clear don’t want to get flagged don’t want YouTube to go crazy here there’s a lot of talented players in every culture and

Every Dynamic and you’ve seen it now even I mentioned Sans are showing up doing things I mean all over the world you got people from International Sports basketball players are coming over starting got Yao Ming playing in the NBA you got more people coming in so it’s

Not that here’s the reality a lot of sports back in the day they were predominantly you know at first a lot of them were white and then black people got a chance to play and it was like holy this guy can really run that fast with no training

This guy can jump that high with no training and it’s like we got to put this guy in the game and they slowly took over a lot of sports and when I say took over I’m talking every sport you turn on it was like man they really are taking over sports right

African-Americans are great talented people but here’s the truth of reality now every single class I’ve ever been in from high school to college right and then even when I went to the Giants I had workouts there and I went to the Dolphins you have a white guy and a

Black guy on your team that have so much speed you’re like holy you guys are different than all of us and there’s always for every one black guy that’s so fast right there’s always that one white guy on your team that is so fast that people are like he might be the fastest

Guy on the team even in track and field you got a lot of black athletes and all of a sudden you have that one white guy that’s like this dude’s a Blazer and so you know but that’s just talking speed right now when I get to the athleticism

And I get to what I’m seeing on TV I got to tell you you know African-Americans have taken over football and basketball at the receiver position now they’re running into the quarterback slot right look at the quarterbacks now this is not what it was before but if you go to the Payton

Mannings of the world they Mannings the Tom Brady right and then now the Joe Burrows Aaron roders these are white quarterbacks and they’re phenomenal so I don’t think the comparison is good to do I don’t think it’s smart to do and I think it’s 2023 people have to wake up

Black people white people SP we’re all together in this and life should be much better than these kind of remarks completely completely agree with you Brandon I think the thing that I actually love about sports and one of the reasons I started my nil pay is

Because I love the fact the diversity in sports that’s what makes sport so great is there is so much diversity men women white black tall small whatever it is right and and people come together in a team environment to achieve goals together and that’s what’s so awesome

And making comments like this just just doesn’t really benefit that and kind of takes away from from what’s so awesome about the purity of sports and people working together as a team regardless of of these these these things like that’s what’s awesome about sports I would say that Rashard mendenhal next time he

Makes these comments should really like write out who his teams would be because I think the mixed team might be the better team he does realize Patrick Mahomes is white right like like Brandon Mason and Josh Jacobs is also Filipino did you know that right so so there’s like he he

Better he better take inventory on his team because I don’t think it’s what he thinks it is like I’m go to philipinos I married some Filipino America is a Melting Pot and that’s what makes it great and as Generations go on it just becomes more that there’s it’s it’s

That’s what’s awesome about sports and I think think rard menal missed missed that part of it in his in his comments and you know what and we’re going to move on to the NCA Bowl but just to add to that Brent I believe you can have a best a

White guy and a black guy can make best of friends I mean that wholeheartedly you learn about a new culture and I don’t want to bring up Remember the Titans because it’s a fantasy world or whatever this is the truth a white guy in a black eye or a white girl in a

Black girl could become best of friends you share different Bonds in different levels so we’re going to move on now appreciate that part let’s move on okay to the bowl games and the problems right now with players you get to the bowl games and we talk about this you

Have the top bowl or the top championship games right championship game and then you have all these bowl games Brent and we know again we’re not going to talk about Florida state Florida State’s going to get all crazy they didn’t make it and they whether they deserved it or not are better than

Michigan Alabama but the bowl games in general there’s so many of them let me get this graphic up if we have one here are you pulling it back up again no I’m not pulling oh no where’s your big graphic toilet bowl and the and the Dr Pepper

Bowl the toilet bowl and and all these other bowl games that we talked about in the past Brent what is the issue right now what do you think players opting out here here’s the issue and you and I have talked about this before there’s currently a four team playoff if you’re

Not in that four team playoff then the rest are just basically exhibition games there’s no point in playing right so what are potential first second round third round draft picks in the NFL going to do well they’re not going to risk injury in a exhibition game so here’s what you

Have so far USC quarterback for former Heisman winner Caleb Williams sitting out the bowl game healthy scratch current Heisman Trophy winner LSU quarterback Jaden Daniels sitting out his bowl game uh quarterback Drake May uh Notre Dame offensive tackle Joe Al Notre Dame quarterback Sam Hartman even Florida

State receiver Johnny Wilson some of the best players in college football are not playing in the bowl games unless they’re in that 14 playoff because it’s not worth the injury risk and you know what they’re right because here’s the thing it is an exhibition game if it’s it it

Is not nothing from nothing dude coaches leave before these games they take new jobs and go these are ex these are like nice little exhibition games at the end of the season Y and that’s why it’s incredibly smart to expand to a 12 team playoff because guess what’s going to

Happen that’s going to be 12 teams now where the players are not going to leave early they’re all going to play they’re all going to make more money the coaches are going to make more money in a 12 game and let me be clear what Bren is

Saying is if you’re just joining in now or watching this in the NCAA all the bowl games are not the championship games the bowl games that they create to like you know I’m going to name some not saying that they’re in the top or not I’m just giving example like the Fiesta

Bowl and the Orange Bowl and the Rose Bowl these are all great things the games that are further down the road right that are coming up the Continental Tire Bowl which we said before and then we’re going to have the Brandon Mason show Bowl right and then we’re going to

Have you know we’re going to have the face for radio bowl and these bowl games these players are opting out of going to the game because it’s an exhibition what’s the point of getting injured before I potentially get drafted into the NFL so all these marketing people

Are making all the you know creating all these opportunities spending all this money they’re giving all these gifts and presents and every single player I was in this position flying out to Arizona and all you get these gifts they give you iPods and when that was in then they

Give you PlayStations and Xboxes and controllers and headphones all these gifts and money they give you to travel so it’ll give you like $2 or $3,000 and you go and it cost you 700 bucks for your tickets you keep all that money too which is great but some of the players

Are going I’m not playing what do you guys think of that obviously I want you guys think if you’re watching this for the first time hit the like button subscribe because this is an important conversation what should they do obviously making big changes Brent next

Year going to 12 games I think I agree with you that will change all that so let’s move move on to something very interesting for a lot of people and I got to tell you I am not in no way shape or form a big time golfer I have a golf

Set in my garage that is leaning over basically attached to my water heater growing spiderwebs at this point because I haven’t used them they keep getting transport but my golf set looks like I’m Tiger Woods if you see my golf set Brent you’re going to think that you want me

On your team and just a quick story before we bring up the main topic here I went golfing with a gentleman on fiser island in Miami one of the most exclusive places in the world it’s per capita the most I guess highest Capital per capita per person and I was invited

By guys that were 70 80 years old they picked me of all people on their team I you must have looked really good in your your pants your golf Nike golf pants your Nike tight fitting Polo showing off your Bice up I showed up ready to ball

Out okay you must have been to the nines bro my look looked like listen I’m game time but this is what happened okay I get on the course and I start driving these balls and they’re like I’m so glad you’re here because we’re playing best ball I said wonderful wonderful so just in

Case you guys watch this right now I’m driving the ball okay and they are so pumped about that we get to the next step and they’re looking at me like go and I’m like I need to know what club to use like what club do we use right now I

I don’t know what to use so they point at my clubs use this one I believe in you Brent the look on their face when I hit the next listen the next shot I turned around the guy was in he wasn’t in a wheelchair he was on one of these

Little things you can kind of push and like walk around and he was hitting it all awkward and he was and I I he looked at me and he goes bro you you effing suck I was like bro you’re 80 years old like calm the hell down I got this i got

This anyway long story short I suck a golf I’m good at the drive let’s move let’s pull the graphic up explain this I I’m glad that we are in the Brandon Mason show can talk about golf also so two-time major Champion Angel Cabrera he is now 54 years old you’ve probably

Heard of him before he won the US Open in 2007 and the Masters in a playoff in 2009 so this is not some slub he was arrested again the legal edition of the Brandon Mason everybody’s he was arrested for assaulting for assault and spent two years in prison he is now on

Parole from an Argentine prison and guess what the PGA Tour says come on back Angel you can golf again he’s back on tour let’s go Angel this is like this is like the NFL where they bring in Joe flacko at 40 years old because they can’t find anybody else to golf in the

World they get a guy who’s in jail for two years let’s roll hasn’t seen his golf his set looks like mine let’s be honest though Brandon winning the Masters is a pretty exclusive club and I actually think your Joe Flack analogy is right on because winning a Super Bowl

And being a Super Bowl MVP is also a pretty exclusive Club so much like winning a Super Bowl as a quarterback Joe flal Angel Cabrera won a masters that’s a huge deal but BR come on back Angel beat up whoever you want let’s go we need you on let’s be real Brent

Watching football watching the NFL especially college football the NFL the NBA you know these other sports hockey entertaining especially with the fights and all the craziness going on is is is golf Bor I mean listen I’m CAU like it is great sport it’s boring to watch on

TV that I can see the wind blowing Brent I’m seeing the grass blades they have camera angles showing the grass and the turf and it’s so pretty the only thing I can think in my head when I’m watching golf realistically is how can I put that

In my backyard so I don’t have any other reason and Howard Howard look at Howard face talking about golf doesn’t give a rat’s ass Brent I got to tell you golf is no I’ll tell you who Howard’s favorite golfer is Happy Gilmore when he beat up Bob Barker golfer that how even

Is happy freaking Gilmore that yeah probably well now Brandon Mason we’ll see we’ll see who brand I I challenge you to a to a golf listen I have a funny feeling that you could be a good golfer but then I look I go n I’m a uh

I’m uh you can probably see by these guns I I’m not exactly the 300 yard drive but I’m a very steady 85 yards down the Fairway how he is a very steady any club I’m like Howard he is very steady golfer sitting there on his couch watching Tiger Woods Golf that is

Exactly what Brent is going to do but anyway listen guy’s arrested gets out and is invited to play I mean it’s pretty good you got to give it to him I I don’t know if it’s great for the PGA but you know this is where we’re at in in 2023

Let’s move on Hey listen I I love what we’re doing this is the time and I Howard is responsible if you’re watching this right now when we will have the live stream line up for people to call in and talk crap to Brent and also to

Howard now you can talk to Brent or Howard not to me because I’m your host and I’m the great guy and these people here you can talk to them but on on top of that here’s the time listen I appreciate that bobblehead but here’s the time one the

Time wait I can’t there we go here is what I got to say shout out to my dad today’s his birthday happy birthday 58 years old back in Pennsylvania love you Dad I know you watch this I appreciate you really really appreciate all things you’ve done in my life thankful love you

And I will see you soon and you’re going to have a good holiday as well so happy birthday to my pops awesome so Brandon uh are you getting your dad a birthday cake with Brandon Mason popping out of it Brandon Mason shows going to pop out like this and it’s going to H

And it’s going to have me holding your bobblehead like this by the way if you didn’t watch yesterday’s show please go back and watch the end because Brandon’s comment when I made the same comment about my sister’s birthday was yeah now that’s a birthday is one of the best comments

Ever you know what guys I have so much fun doing this I love all you guys watching Remember to if you’re on this now hit the like button we really appreciate you and subscribing by all the other people that you know that would enjoy all the comedy and

Entertainment in the morning as we get ready to expand the show we’re very excited we welcome other people on networks to talk to us as well as we’ve been getting a lot of action emails and messages Brent thanks for having you today on the show every day 10 a.m. my

Rightand man Brent Chapman thank you thank you guys thanks for tuning in to the Brandon Mason show we love to have you every day at 10:00 a.m. to 10:30ish and we will be expanding to 11:00 at the end of our show you’ll be able to call

In live as we get ready to produce that and remember to have safe travels during your holiday and until next time

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