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Welcome welcome everyone hi Jay Jay yeah Jay that’s me Jay can’t even talk today hi guys Jay Smith here welcome to the ask nut Channel um live stream time for the from stats of Strokes the show which I’ve designed to try and help everyone understand their Strokes gained understand their shop making their

Decision making on the golf course everyone talks about how lessons and how equipment can help massively when improving your golf uh but really no one talks about how decision making and knowing the percentage shots Etc can make uh such a huge difference as it can to your score so that’s what the from

Stats of Strokes uh show is all about and doing it in a fun way I have collaborated for this round this season okay from um with 11 Golf and sub7 golf so they are very kindly donated the winner of this a full set of irons custom fitted to their

Requirements from other sub Golf Now sub 70 have loads and loads of options I mean if I just literally quickly pop up on the screen you can see there how many options I make obviously 11 wedges um there the 11 hybrids which I reviewed on my channel already they’re the 11 uh no

The Blaster wedges I can’t remember but here’s the subse stuff and they range from super game improvement all the way to the lovely blades that they make so you got plenty of choice there but so thank you very much for sub 171 golf for donating that uh whoever wins and so the

Whole idea is I posed a question um and I give everyone two to three days or so to get in the comments and answer it and it will be centered around statistics and Analysis and stuff like that and it gets people’s brains working it gets people’s understanding sometimes how um

Necessarily their decision makers a little bit flawed in their perception of what they should or should not be able to do this what I I posted a few days ago let’s get to the actual question um one part and I need to add something in

But I did it in a question so I’ll do the same thing so keep it like for like I asked the question of this uh so part one was as a 15 handicap R uh golfer from 125 yards in the Fairway that’s the bit that I did actually add during the

Um question because I forgot to write it in there but I said it so everyone was aware uh 50 handicap golfer from the Fairway at 125 yards what distance away from the hole finishing on the green finishing on the green so they’re putting effectively are they neutral for

Strokes gain now Strokes gain is a measure of um how many shots you should get down from in a certain location if you take a certain amount of shots as a general rule from a certain distance than that you can pair that against your peers at 15 handicap you can then see

It’s measured in say I don’t know you hit a drive 250 yards down the Fairway um compared to a 15 handicapper that don’t generally speaking hit at 250 yards and also hit the Fairway you are massively gaining on your shots if you were a 15 handicapper and hit your drive

60 yards into the water then you are massively losing shots that’s the whole idea of shots gain and shots gain goes through everything so again it’s much more complicated than that but it’s great for understanding how you are getting on compared to your piers and

Also you can put it up against a scratch player or 10 handicap five handicap or anything else like that and so that was the uh question that I posed uh for part one and then the part two was this bit so part two what distance does a 20

Handicap golfer need to be to hit the green 50% of the time hitting from the Fairway so what distance away from the pin do they have to be to hit the green 50% of the time so that was the whole idea and so we got the answers to the

Questions popped in the comment section and it was quite interesting to see how we all got on so what I will do no one’s on the chat at the moment anyway cuz I didn’t actually announce I was going to be doing a live stream so I’m not surprised but it doesn’t matter because

It saves my editing if I’m uh doing it live stream rather than physically doing a video so the answer to the question was as let’s see if we can get part one up first so we can actually see we’ll do it bit by bit the 15 handicap goal for 125 yards

From the Fairway what distance away from the whole finishing on the green are they neutral for strokes G I had a myriad of um answers and for the question one was a range of answers between 7 ft and 75 ft and of course then I will uh attribute points to that

So actually the answer was 75 ft 25 yards away from the pin so 25 yards 75 ft away is a big I don’t say Miss it’s not a Miss at all but I mean that’s that’s a quite a big distance considering we are talking about a 15

Handicap golfer from the Fairway at 125 yards which is not really that far away finish on the green how many or how far do they have to be to get neutral and it’s 25 yards away 75 ft so as a 15 handicapper or if you’re worse than this

At 20 handicap 25 hand 30 handicapper if you’re hitting your approach shot from 125 yards and it hits the green and it’s within 25 yards do you know what you’ve done a good shot don’t care if you’re 20 yards away You’re 60 ft from the hole and you’re cursing yourself because it’s

A a rubbish shot it’s not really it’s good you’ve done well well done that’s the whole idea of it stop beating yourself up you’ve done well uh zit is in the house I’m here hello hello Harry’s in the house hi Jay surpris us yes um I surprised everyone I didn’t

Actually let anyone know that I was going to be doing a live stream I’ve kind of done it off the cuff because um I’ve got to be careful because Mizuno is going live at 8:00 p.m. which is another 8 35 minutes after now and I’m starring

Well I’m not starring I’m just there as a uh as an extra we’ll call it um Chris fosure is the star talking about the Muno Pro 241 243 245 um the St 230 Max driver Fairy Woods a little bit at the fly high that kind

Of idea and so I was just there to um make it a little bit more more techy but then shut up when he needs to start talking cuz if not him and I start talking we would never stop and people would fall asleep so I just had to be

Quite often no Jay don’t say anything don’t say anything don’t say or yeah I’ve got to give something here but I wasn’t involved in the edit so I don’t know how much theyve kept of me or not we’ll find out 8:00 right so the next

One the next answer to the question so I will pop the full part up now and so you can see there is the full part of the question part two as well and then part two was the at what distance does the 20 handicap golfer need to be to hit the

Green 50% of the time hitting from the Fairway on this one I had another a range an absolute range of uh answers ranging from 35 yards all the way up to 120 now the concerning thing is obviously that anyone put 35 yards 40 yards 50 yards even from a 20 handicap golfer it’s

Understanding one thing and another now the actual answer I’ll get the answer up so you can actually we can explain this a little bit better ready 106 to 110 ft feet uh yards so 108 let’s split the difference 108 yards is the actual distance that a 20

Handicapper is away to hit the green 50/50 so we’re not talking about distance away from the Green World literally just talking about if they hit it now depending obviously where they hit in the green they might be closer or further away from the pin yes that’s not

A part of the question it’s more so as a 20 handicapper what distance should you be looking at knowing for well that you’ve got a 5050 uh chance now the interesting thing on part one is that it was only I think only two people got 75 ft 25 yards bang

On and every single I think it it was two people at 75 one at 69 fet the rest of them were a myriad a cornucopia of worser answers down to 7t which is like wow if you think you should be 7 ft away and then shots

Neutral yeah um but on this one it was at 35 yards so uh with the first one they thought a 15 handicapper should be much better than they actually are on this one actually they thought the 20 handicappers um well I don’t think they given them enough credit 108 yards is

The actual answer for a 5050 shot in the Fairway so very quickly sh we stick the leaderboard up I’ll just get the answers off the screen because um there’s a couple of people in the house considering this was absolutely um what was an imp pomp you thing it was like oh

Might as well do a live stream rather than anything else so let’s go and have a look at the leaderboard see how everyone’s getting on remember this is um whole four of 18 so we’re now getting close to um C of the way through now there’s 70 or so points still up for

Grabs and what I’m finding out so far is the fact that at the moment we’ve got about 100 people on the list yeah so 100 uh players as such that are going to be involved in this and what is striking me straight away is that people that are putting in

Consistent answers doesn’t matter if they’re right or wrong I’ll flick over to the uh the answers now there you go you can see ice trade 2468 he on 19 points he’s still in the lead but only by two points Point Neils Neil axon is literally scrubbing at his heels with

Two points away so again we got 70 uh points still available uh Richard Jacobs is here it says howy hello Richard hope you are well the chat is there Richard is just behind the leaderboard but you can see so what I’ve noticed so far with some of these people is that actually

They’ve done uh on round one they were in round one they actually done quite well but they weren’t they didn’t come back for round two and three and stuff so they’ve dropped down the leaderboard on the basis of they just haven’t uh involved themselves throughout the whole

Thing and if people were to just do consistent answers through the whole of the series they’ be in a really good shot of um yeah winning this custom fit set of irons from some sub 70 and 11 golf although so that it doesn’t matter that you’ve got people down there at

Tied 50th tied 41st um then it goes down to three points all the way I mean if you’re in um here we go wait for the third if you’re in tied 75th and you gain one more point you’ve gone up 25 places so it is very much so down this

Side of the uh leaderboard it doesn’t take much at all to Rock It Up and with 70 points still available anyone even on last place there at 96th place they are more than able to win again a lot of the um information that I’m putting out there for the questions and for the

Answers are easily findable if you want to spend some time on the internet now again if you don’t want to spend some time on the internet and you just want to have a little bit of a go then by all means but um what I’m thinking that

People that are spending a bit of time researching understanding different uh statistics understanding of the uh what the percentages are from different um distances or handicap are going to have the best chance of winning this because they’re obviously finding out and learning and that’s the whole

Idea so we’ve got probably I might do tomorrow depend if I can get the live stream sorted out the question for tomorrow um if I can do that then great um Harry corver says not a good hole but a challenging course it is um well to be

Fair there was there’s been quite a few movements up and down the leaderboard as time’s gone on and so the only one that’s really kind of stayed there from start to finish is ice trade 2468 he’s doing very very well but again that also depends on how much time he’s getting to

Spend on the old Google trying to work exactly what these are but again I don’t mind if people want to go on Google and try and work out themselves um let’s make that chat a little bit bigger while we can there you go massive um I don’t mind it because at

Least they’re learning that’s the whole idea the whole the whole idea of from Shots uh to Strokes from stats to Strokes story is just basically to get your brain working in a way where you can understand how uh statistics can help your golf decision making that’s all it is being educated and understand

You already do you already do it to a certain extent when you’re playing golf you kind of get an idea of how the wind is blowing and then you’re making a decision for yourself oh that’s normally about a club or this or that and you make allowances for it no different to

Any kind of slope if you don’t know what the slope is and you’ve played that whole loads and loads of times for you already made the the adjustment for it the allowance for it because you’ve got knowledge well this is what I’m talking about when we do when we’re talking

About shots gained and we’re talking analysis of dist es and accuracy accuracy Etc this is a huge part of you understanding how to lower your scores remember any kind of this even equipment different equipment or even tuition will not make your best shots better everyone’s good shots are

Already good shots what we’re doing is more than anything else is limiting the bad ones try and make your worst much much better cuz that’s what effectively just separ operates us all is not our good cuz our Good’s already good and our good is as good as the PJ tour guys I

Mean anyone who’s hit a hole in one regardless of what handicap you are is already as good as a PJ Tour player in that sense but their worse against a PJ tall player is huge difference and so that’s the whole idea about getting better it’s not about getting better it’s about getting less

Rubbish there you go so um right guys hope you like that one um remember when it comes to getting involved in the competition for the giveaway um you need to like And subscribe to uh the channel so every single video you need to be liking it especially the question ones

The question ones is the most important the answer ones not so much but definitely the question ones um and you subscribe to the channel you also need to follow sub7 and 11 golf on their social media which is their Facebook and Instagram yes and then as we go through

We will be doing all this and having a little bit of fun Anastasia as a new golfer and a perfectionist it took me a while to appreciate that golf really is a game of managing your M hits absolutely it is it’s taking the big numbers off the scorecard remember the

Driver’s job is to do one thing and one thing only obviously people say to go as far as possible and to hit the Fairway no it’s not the whole idea of the driver is to go a certain distance yes but to not put you in trouble as in it should

Not cost you a shot hitting a driver out of bounds hitting a driver into water or hitting a driver into a position that you need to recover from that is the big issue with driver not the distance that it goes and definitely not the fact that

It hits a fairway or not but so hope everyone liked it if they did go on Thumbs Up YouTube likes it and so do I next to it is a little well it’s kind of like a triangle kind of shape thing I think that’s a subscribe button great

For the channel if you could subscribe so thank you and next to that one is a bell icon that’s notification Bell if you click that one that will notify you next time I upload another video as well as stats of strokes and stuff like that

So make sure you get the Bell on and you’ll be notified next time I upload another one so I hope you’re well and we’ll see you again soon don’t forget the mauno thing if not watch it afterwards I’m kind of like saying hello in the background bye


  1. "A good shot" is a feeling that travels up the golf shaft into your hands and straight to your heart.

  2. I recently got some eleven hybrids so don’t really need some new ones but man is it eye opening to see these questions and answer, so informative and good fun !

  3. So right Jay. I just got back from Dubai where I played pretty well but when I did drop a shot it was about 50/50 on poor club/shot/aim choices vs bad swing/shot.

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