Golf Players

Bart Scott Discusses Aaron Rodgers Return To Active Roster, Thomas Morstead On Staying Elite

07:22 If Rodgers Was Healthy
19:36 Christmas Eve Vs. Washington
26:32 Which Jets Should Make The Pro Bowl?
32:27 Thomas Morstead’s Emotional Journey
41:00 Career High In Total Punts
48:50 Onsides Kick In The Super Bowl
56:25 Hard Knocks
1:00:15 Christmas In The Morstead House

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Official podcast is presented by wib B team sport but together at winb Eric Allen here at One jets Drive joined by my partner the M backer B Scott how long has it been now it’s been a long time 14 14 years I would say wow we’ve been

Working there I’ve been doing this for 14 years yes wow you signed with the Jets in 09 correct I know yeah and then I retired so every year after I retired I’ve been doing this no I guess we had a break in there did we okay I don’t even

Know what happened after you retired remember disappeared I went to CBS right and then I remember as being how long ago have we when we was at the uh hotel with Robbie Robbie Anderson we had to apologize to America I bring that up all the time it’s josen Anderson now huh I

Know chosen yeah they brought chosen back last week I was like oh he’s still around oh he lined up past the ball he’s like I got you Tyreek Hill you line up with one with your toes over I mean not Tyreek Hill uh uh cadarius Tony right he

Lined up and that his whole foot was he was past the defender yo he he went he he did wave at the official like a couple yards before he L but when you do that you you have to look and wait for the official to respond you can’t just

Look and look straight the fish like bro you are past the DN yeah like well you got to shed some light on that interview there we used to we used to do inside the Jets across the street and there were TV up there and we were

Actually facing the TV and and it was brought to uh it was brought by ESPN radio right and U we used to do it and like at some point we just had to apologize to the people about like you were apologizing because Robbie was kind

Of he’s kind of he he was space that man he was focusing on a couple other things while we were doing the interview yeah he was just spaced out man like only two guys I’ve ever had to do that with yeah you know I had to do that with Jerry

Judy too like we we ended the we ended the we ended me and my partner we ended the interview that was ESPN Radio yes we me we was like bro like never we’ll talk to you later thanks thanks for your time though he he was he was promoting a

Product he knew nothing about oh was this his Super Bowl or was Judy just I don’t know it was so bad that the pr and radio station from Denver yeah got hold of an interview and start calling us like man this dude’s an idiot and he he

We like I don’t know what like if this dude was on something like this dude tripping listen Robbie’s a good guy he’s just focused on couple other things interview it was a crazy interview though it was like but you never know some guys are don’t don’t don’t speak a lot right so

He was only giving us like one word ass like bro you know this is entertainment right like oh so we came out of the break and you were still talking about it after we thanked them for coming on like bro that was the worst all right so

The big news here this week was Aaron Rogers going on pep McAfee show on Tuesday and his regular weekly appearance I wish I had money to pay Aaron Rogers so he can be my weekly we can’t afford do you think we should work on that for next year in 2024 there’s a

Couple things it’s going cost you seven digits so there’s a couple things to get to here we ain’t got seven digits to spare like that uh no surprise right and if we got seven digits like that then we need to we need to up my salary and we

Can we can do without it no yeah no no Surpise salary mine well well no well no surprise right when you when you think about um the statement that was made before the game saying that if it was a 1.00 one point chance it was still a

Chance he would play right but at this point it’s no reward at all all risk because if he hurt something in you know looking at you know how Sam you know got hurt last week you know getting hit you know took a vicious hit it’s no need for

Aaron Rogers to take that yeah Zack Zack Z it’s no need for uh Aaron to take that type of punishment right so let’s just live the fight another day um the good news that came out that is he he believes he wants to play a couple of

Years which I believe that’s what he wanted to do anyway was to play multiple years this year and next year um and because he only played Four snaps he doesn’t consider this a year or you know maybe if he had played eight games and got hurt then maybe he consider would

Have considered it a year and say I want to play one more year so now this means that the Jets has a solid commitment from him right you know and it’s solid commitment so I don’t expect him to have to go into a hole or go into darkness

Retreat or anything like that he’ll do what he does do to get his mind right for next year but the fact that we know that we can have Aaron Rogers for two years changes the way you go about free agency changes about the way that you go

About uh the draft so you know I think that that that statement alone multiple years means to me that you know you have to build around Aaron Rogers because you may have an opportunity to win a Super Bowl um if you win it the first year you

Have opportunity to run it back much really similar to what Tom Brady did in Tampa Tamp Rogers has always played this game at such an elite level he dealt with injuries that last year in Green Bay before being traded over here he tears the ailles but that

Was a broken hand so that’s I he dealing with the th right I think other Nicks and bruises I really don’t think about that as like a aging injury yeah so that’s what I my question is so he’s 40 he’ll turn 41 next season but you have confidence after

Watching guys like Brady late in their career that hey no LeBron LeBron James you have to put all great athletes I think in the same category right LeBron James is a and his body to do way more than what Aaron Rogers is right because talk about basketball you’re playing

Offense and defense and you’re keeping up so like you’re going by people but then now you got to check somebody as well you know Aaron Rogers is just playing offense so I I feel confidence that he can play at a high level and I always have this conversation with

People when they talk about well he’s 4041 I I always say and Rogers whatever his age is take off four years and that’s what his real age is because he was a backup he didn’t get a lot of wear and tear he didn’t get like a lot of he

Hasn’t had a lot of injuries he hasn’t torn his ACL and all that so this is his first major injury so I don’t look at him as a typical you know 40 year old quarterback you know and I kind of compared to like guys like Brandon

Jacobs and big guys who were young but wore down hard because the type of position that they play in the style in which they played we talk about yeah we talk about Earl Campbell right six years right we talk about some of the great like Runners like Eddie George they didn’t

Play late into their career I mean Frank Gore played forever he was an anomaly you I mean the fact that he was able to to play at a high level and still absorb that type of position but quarterbacks especially now where the game is so less physical and and the quarterback has so

Much protection um and probably that that that tackle that he got not saying that that it was illegal but they’re going to take that weight drop tackle down away as well so you you don’t worry about those type of tackles um going forward so here we are three games remaining Jets eliminated from

Postseason contention it was a huge improbability to begin with as far as last weekend but they lose to the Dolphins what I think people at home struggle with is how would all this look different with Rogers because we know that he is an unbelievable player at the most

Important position in all the sports so it’s hard I think when people are taking it in and they see the Jets offensive struggles for such a long time and say well how different does this look if Rogers is there well I mean talk about war in baseball that’s what I’m talking

About yep uh wins over replacement or whatever not the traditional Word War of course um you’re going to all analytics you you would like to think that Aaron Rogers is is a plus two plus three well if the Jets were plus two or plus three where would they

Be they would be right in a thick of it yeah right there it be there’ll be eight eight wins maybe the seven seed four and nine you seven and six right if you flip it three three wins yeah three wins that’s what I’m saying so like you you would think that they

Would be right in the thick of it yeah uh in a wide openen AFC where anybody gets hot and styles make fights would be able to win you know what I mean maybe the Run game would be a lot better because of non-loaded boxes because you know if you give Aaron Rogers off

Coverage he’s just going to raise up and throw it to it and make that play a run play and not even even tell tell his offense that he’s doing that he just has his cold word his one word with his receiver a guy playing off and cover

Three 10 yards off boom instead of running the ball there you go right tackle my guy in space giving guys opportunities like Garrett giving guys like opportunities like you know Gibson giving guys opportunities like Lazar just to to raise up and those are just the things that his football Acumen

Gives you advantage of you like he makes the game easier because because he’s doing the thinking you know for for the team right he’s thinking at such a high level Jedi level that he’s able to think the game and you know a lot of times

That the game is more mental than it is physical at times and he’ll you know he’ll always put you at the right position the right play not saying it is going to be perfect but it’s a added Advantage when you have players that can think the game the way that Aaron Rogers

Can we know the Jets have multiple offensive needs we’re not going to talk about the off season at this point but just with the Rogers conversation you talk about the defense does your mind go back as somebody who played the game and also who’s commenting about the

Game every day and say you know I wonder how this would have played out in 2023 if Rogers was healthy because it sure feels like the AFC has a open feeling that we haven’t had in quite some time I mean I know Kansas City’s defending Champions and Baltimore’s very

Good but but everybody’s beatable Right On Any Given Sunday and if you got a great game plan and you have you know efficient uh productivity and everybody plays well any team can beat any team in the AFC and you you you imagine like what that would have looked like with a

Healthy Rogers and a healthy ABT yeah you know because avt I believe is probably the most valuable um player on the offensive line because his ability to get on the edges and be able to do things and you look at how titman has got better now just imagine pulling the

Center and the backside tackle what that would look like you know I mean being able to get you know extra bodies to the open side you like avt more long-term tackle even though he can do both no no I think listen it depends on what you’re

Able to fill the team with I think at some point we’re going to have to decide what he is and what he’s going to stay at and that’s something he has to decide um but I’m sure right tackles get paid more than guards I mean Nelson Quint

Nelson did a great job in raising the price for for uh guys like that and Zack Martin this offseason so I think maybe that close the gap but I just need AV to be healthy I mean that was that was a draft pick that you hit on the talent

Isn’t an issue the versatility is an issue but now the durability is an issue and you don’t know how many I don’t worry about the first injury the the tricep or the bicep whatever it was I don’t worry about those cuz those don’t affect you as a player as far as how

Moving forward but now you talk about the uh what is it Achilles yes you talk about Achilles that’s that’s a different thing okay right and um we have to figure out you know as the Jets it’s what three Achilles this year outwoods yes avt Aaron yes uh you I

Think you really have to figure out how to um feels like injuries are up across the national football but but then particular injuries okay Achilles has been you know JK dobins a lot of guys your Phillips right right it’s a lot of guys with that so A lot of times you

Have to start looking at okay what kind of shoes are these guys wearing what kind of prehab can we do to strengthen and elongate the tendon so it’s not so tight so it doesn’t pop right most of these guys have tight calves which means tight hamstrings how do we loosen that

Up how do we you know make sure um that we stretch those and we warm them up properly before activity every day instead of just you know doing it when you feel like you know I mean I used to you know it was a fear that because I

Had flat feet that later in my career they talk about how African-Americans over 30 how have a higher tendency because we have high Cals and this is a little bit and you know other stuff High Cals which means that we flat feed High Cals you know a lot of tension on

Achilles they were concerned so I made sure every day before I did anything I did extensive warm up on the slant board to warm and stretch my calves and my Achilles because I already have plan fasciitis do you ever yeah I know and that’s an awful injury isn’t it

Yeah um let’s go back to Rogers real quick how don’t you like his mindset when you just hear the guy talk do he hear like other dudes like the way he phrases things and his approach I mean he’s a he’s a forward thinker right and like he’s a

Guy that’s open to everything and a open-minded person is a great person to listen to and be around because he doesn’t shun ideas he listens and internalizes ideas and you know his attack to to rehab and stuff like that was another example of his belief system

As just as a person right so I think a lot can be learned from a guy like that Oni it’s a mindset yeah way living like a black mama yeah like Kobe a little bit we call so we call him uh White Mamba oh yeah I wonder if he like that nickname

Yeah I know I know it’ be funny so we got to get him in the studio though you’re saying seven digits yeah man well he might gonna charge you seven digit this family it’s different he might just do this off the strength off the love well you mean because he’s not GNA play

So this is the greatest platform that he can do to speak to his peoples not the MCA show speak to your people directly this is just put out information you know what I mean so you talk to your peoples you you do this show you sit in

This seat yeah you talk to and be SK take you can follow what you did your map back in 09 joining jet content as a player and then there was a little break in action when you went to CBS stuff like that all right so three games remaining yeah what

Do you want to see what do you want to see because if you’re a fan you’re already you’re so upset disappointed that you’re in the situation but there’s that tug push and Pole right that hey I want a good draft pick but also you want

Your team to play well you want to see individuals succeed what do you want to see I want to see I want to see all the young players get an opportunity I I I would love to see like listen I I I know Bree probably has goals that he wants um

But I want to see you know you know we know that dvin cook probably won’t be here so I want to see I want to see a guy like Izzy abaka get an opportunity to to get get meaningful uh reps right I want to put him in tough spots I want to

See him on third down pick up blitzes because next year you’re going to expect him to do that so I rather him get some type of on the job training um before the season start I want to see Ruckers start I want to see him start and see

Okay you know who knows what the future of um uh Usama is so I want to see that guy you know go out and start you know and cockland comes in and maybe you know spells him and see if he can handle the load the game plan the pressure the the

The football AC I’m trying to develop now right you know I’m looking at Will McDonald like I want to see him start I want to see him in pressure situation I want to see him on the strong side leaning against the run I want to see

Him anchor I want to see him take on double teams I want to see him you know be disciplined getting up the quarterback depth spinning underneath I want to see that I want to see young guys put in tough situations to see how they respond when the lights turn on I

Like that what do you make of carryover there’s no carryover right right this is more well it’s it’s momentum you can yeah you gain momentum as an individual I’m saying like team wise like if you finish strong can you take that into the offseason yeah a lot of teams we talk

About all the time teams that finish seven- nine or SE back in the day seven- nine and then the next year they come back and they win the division like we’ve always talked about that teams go it’s always a team that takes that jump from six and 10 and next year they’re

The number one seed that’s always been the case right right because it’s it’s not a far distance from 6 and 10 to you know you know 13 and5 you know what I mean it’s like what it is is learning how to finish right and you start realizing the

Differences and the small details that make the difference between winning and losing and how many of those games if you would have did things right way if you would have been disciplined if you wouldn’t had pivotal um uh bad mistakes where you would have been each gave is

His own season I know that but why such a discrep up and see when you see the second half against Houston and then you see what happened for 60 Minutes against Miami well in my my in my opinion um Robert Salah going into this game everything that Deo Ryan or a lot of

Stuff that Deo Ryan knows he learned from him yeah so you understand and not’s principles so you attack him and on the flip side Mike m danels knows a lot about conceptually what this defense does what gives him problems and he know because he’s practiced against him and

Practice over and over again but he has the type of weapons that can really cause trouble for schematically what they do I mean they he knew that that Robert Salah doesn’t flip Corners so you you gave him an idea of a matchup that he knew he could take advantage of and

Going over and saying hey I can take the best player that we have not our best player when Tyreek Hill is here but our best player and get him against you know not saying DJ Reid isn’t a great player but they like the matchup yes maybe the

Length is what gives wild issues not a guy that’s that’s short and and and quick and and Powerful maybe some some some some receivers don’t like length and speed right because that length allows guys to recover and you can’t get on top of them because they can keep you

At at Harm’s length so and he can run too right so and so understanding that right you know maybe that Knowledge from going against former teams uh uh teammate which that’s what Sol McDaniel was you know hurt it helped him one week and hurt him the following

Week what do you think the response is going to be here jets are five- n we’re playing at home this crowd’s going to be like hey you you guys better do something early this is a Washington it’s Christmas Eve bro this is a this is a Washington team that’s 4 and 10 Bart

They won their first two games so talk about struggles I mean they’re two and 10 in their last 12 well they decided clearly to to move in a different direction uh and they’re flipping it they they they they traded their two best defensive players yep like who trades

Two great pass rushers they let Chase young walk out the door and they let Mont sweat who has 12 and a half sacks he had six for them then and now he had six and a half for the Chicago so proves that he can take the show on the road

And be a a multi scheme type of player he he’s going to end up with 15 16 sacks this year you let that walk out the door because you decided you weren’t going to pay him but you paid your deep tackles who who doubles down on paying two D

Tackles usually you pay one D tackle and one outside got the compliment not not not not since Minnesota has I ever seen a team invest so heavily in D tackles yeah like The Williams Brothers Kevin and Pat like I haven’t seen it ever again but to let two potentially All Pro

Pass rushers go that you drafted that’s a fireball fence in itself Sam Hall he’s the young player back there at the signal caller position Jobe brassette We saw him last week brette enters the game up and down the field he’s moving that offense how is an interesting guy because he’s athletic

He’s tough he’s a little bit smaller they like to throw the ball up top mhm on paper I think this is a favorable match up for the Jets you can say that most weeks as far as their defense going going against an opposing offense but they like to get the ball

Down the field so you gotta all it take all it takes is hit two of them so you got to stay on top of you said Scary Terry yeah they got Kurtis Samuel doson and doson so what do you think about the Jets Corners against these three guys I

Mean they they they they gotta be disciplined right because they’re gonna take shots so you can in this game you can stop nine out of 10 but the 10 is the one that people’s goingon to remember depending on if it’s a big play or if it’s a touchdown or if it’s like a

Jaylen wad you know 70 yard or however long that was touchdown that takes and negates everything that you had done the other nine times because of that one time I think this is the game where s gets his first interception of the year yeah listen because he going to have

Some opportunities yeah Sam holl is not going to be afraid to throw the ball at anybody right so I mean he’s going after big play slay right they’ve played Philadelphia very well two straight down times that they played him so we’re taping this Wednesday morning Robert Sal

Hasn’t talked yet I think the starting quarterback decision for this game may go later in the week because he said that there’s a possibility clear protocols right yeah he’s in protocol he said if he was asked directly if he’s cleared later in the week could he start

Without practicing and he said he could but if it’s Trevor Simeon how do you make this a a functional unit that we saw against Houston compared to the breakdowns that we saw against Miami different opponent you got you got to run the ball man you still have to it always stops and starts

With running the ball and being effective running the ball so they can’t run the ball then that’s going to allow extra um resource to be applied to stop in the pass yeah and you know interiorly defensively I told you how great they are with um I always say his name wrong

It’s Payne and Allen right the two different guys dearon Payne or something something Allen they can be game wers and this team still plays hard man so this a e evenly matched um game and they got to figure out how to get a win last

Time you’re going to be in front of your home crowd you want to leave them with a positive taste in their mouth we talked about it before what do you make of the conference what do you make make it the division not just this year but long

Term because the Jets going to be battling Miami for a while MH Buffalo seems to have found its footing here a little bit maybe a little bit too late you know they had you know they have I forgot who they have they have a couple tough games I think they got the

Chargers Patriots and then Miami Miami that that that may be to get into postseason for them right and then New England this is a crazy setup here well it’s it’s the reset for them they who knows if Bill bich going to still be on on the team um if he’s going to still

Be there if what were your thoughts what were your thoughts be because there’s been reports that they could part ways yeah I mean I think the Jet’s final game I mean it could be time yeah it could be time right you talk about you know they’re moving on from their quarterback you know

Uh and they didn’t do a great job in developing I know that could be said for for this organization as well uh um but they’re clearly going to be drafting they’re right now have the number two overall Pi number two overall pick so are you going to trust Bill belich to develop that

Quarterback I’m saying how crazy would it be if this ends up being bel’s last game and you’re sitting there with the number two overall pick heading into that matchup against the Jets and Caleb Williams is out there Drake May’s out there yeah I mean they have an opportunity to get a generational what

We feel like is two can’t miss uh quarterbacks but then you know people said that about many drafts and that hasn’t been the case so be careful what you wish for so Christmas coming up you got any plans no man I just what are you getting

The kids yeah what the kids are already taken care of you know how that s s Santa okay with them or what yeah say they my kids do a good job man I can’t they don’t really ask for stuff so they’re doing a good job man so I think

I think they Gucci with Santa uh but you know one thing I like is they don’t really ask for stuff or really have desires for stuff maybe just because they buy stuff all year round so maybe that’s maybe it’s a difference U but they don’t really go too crazy my

Daughter always wants candles and well my daughter’s if anybody wants anything it’s my daughter but it’s not really anything crazy it’s usually like bomber jackets cool jeans Okay and like candles candles she had me get she wanted some type of floby thing or something you

Put put her hair in it it Cur makes it curly when it come out when you come out I don’t know let’s end here because I want people to go out to the pulse give me a reason why the following players are Pro Bowl worthy s Gardner I mean Sal is probably

One of the most avoided um players in the league so you can’t look at Stats all the time with them um just know that he doesn’t get the ball thrown his way he he ranks high and uh manto man and Zone which is rare some some guys are dominant in one he’s

Dominant in both I think he rakes over 95 in both categories rapid fire DJ Reed DJ Reid I think you know last week was a tough week but you know that’s the first time we saw him struggle I thought he was actually playing better than the

Sace um before last week but um he’s been played at a high level and like we said like we don’t switch sides so everybody that you want to give sauce credit for stopping well DJ Reed has done the same car second Mike car second I think is one of the best players at

His position I mean he plays at such a high level to me he’s the best Nickel in all the football CJ Mosley well Mosley’s just you know he gets underrated as far as um you take it for granted right and that’s the definition of greatness doing the Small Things routinely so I mean

He’s already a four five Time pro bowler so I me he’ll be six yeah this is just Quincy Williams Quincy I think had a breakout season we you you said early earlier you know in our in our other show that we take about where he ranks

As far as tackles for loss um sacks pass right right so like rail Rond it’s gonna be tough too because you know the kid in um it’s always tough to try and be the new kid breaking into a new spot because we know one of those spots is already

Probably reserved for Ray Kon Smith because they they have the best record in the AFC and um he’s playing at a high level he’s a brand name as well you know this this new kid zier uh leads the league and tackles so that’s G to be so

So it’s gonna be tough and their team is um actually in the playoffs so that it’s it’s all kind of factors that come at least one of those guys should go mostly Quincy uh Quinny Williams well Quinn Quinn is a brand name I don’t have any problems with

Quinny getting in he’s getting a lot of attention and now this sack numbers are starting to get to a respectable spot where people like oh that they but before it was glaring because she getting D team triple Team all time yeah but look at how many other guys are

Eating off his plate Jefferson eating off his plate all these guys are having career years because Quinn is U taking up all the resources yeah because those are the other two guys I want R Bryce Hoff and Germaine Johnson they both yeah but we we know we know we know how this

Game goes like you got miles Garrett you got some wad you got the Allen Josh Allen down there no doubt like so like it’s going to be tough s him but the fact that he’ll get some votes and nominated he’ll probably be altern alternate you know just speaks a lot of

Volumes about him Garrett Wilson should get some votes I mean yeah it I know the numbers aren’t going to compare to some of those other guys tough sledding still got 79 catches playing with four different quarterbacks yeah it’s tough sledding but I think he gets respect I

Mean listen if he doesn’t go take take note because next year hopefully you’ll have Aaron Rogers and then you’ll be able to make your case Bree Hall has quietly become one of the best backs as far as receiving it yeah they just haven’t been able to find a way to to to

To for him to run the ball and it’s weird cuz last year he ran the ball that’s such a crazy clip and early in the season but you mentioned it before it’s because avt out of the lineup I think there’s a correlation here yeah yeah it’s always a correlation right

Between those two the run run game goes as those two together man they like the um Dynamic duel and Tyler Conlin I’ll tell you what from a tight end position I know you want Ruck seeing more reps and he’s definitely goingon to get some more reps down the stretch but klin

Quietly has had a nice year as well of course he’s having a career year for himself right and you know but I just say Rucker just because like next year moving forward he’s going to be there you know what you’re going to get from Concklin right you know what he is and

What he’s capable of and you want to see like some of the young guys the future you know see what they can do and put them in meaningful games playing in preseason is not meaningful you want to see what it’s like when they got to make real life decisions when everybody’s

Playing and this is what the final three games are going to be all about subscribe rate review also bang the like on YouTube and do you have a final pitch for Aaron Rogers first of all a rle discount double check the people’s champ it’s only right you know what I mean we

We let you get all the way through the year didn’t bother you doing the pre-season then bother you doing OTAs come holl at your boys man get a real interview merry Christmas happy holidays Jets fans we’re in our final push and the clock is ticking wib is

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Sports book or Casino for New York customers all you need to do is wager at least $100 on winb BET’s sports book the best part you get an entry for every $100 you wager got a special bonus on the Jets official podcast today we are joined by punter Thomas morstead Thomas

Thank you so much for joining us one thing I got to ask you what are you most proud of here this season you got 28 punts down inside the 20 you got 15 down inside the 10 and I believe you have six down inside the 5 yard

Line um yeah I didn’t know the exact numbers um so that’s cool to hear um you know I think I’m just proud of being here you know three years ago I got cut from the Saints and um had a bad injury and I just struggled to kind of get past

It and um couldn’t get a workout with anybody just because of my age and um you know I just kind of made a commitment to myself that I was going to just stay ready uh and get back healthy and and and if I didn’t get an opportunity then I could live with it

But I if I did get an op and I wasn’t ready I would regret it so I just trained and it was very frustrating time because I feel like I was the best punter in the league for a decade in the 2010s and um to not even be given a

Workout or you know get an opportunity was difficult so I just stayed ready and then when I came here in the week two of 2021 you know I showed everybody that I was still planted in Elite level and then um and so just kind of the you know I’ve seen the the really

Good side of this business and and and the tough side of the business um and to kind of like persevere through that and have to go to a few different teams to kind of get my you know get back in and to kind of like really just you know been I I call

It Elite consistency you know I don’t have the highest punt or the farthest punt in the league and um to be statistically competing at the top of the you know League um in a bunch of areas and to be doing it as the oldest player at my position and have come

Through that and my kids to have seen me persevere it’s like a really unique opportunity and um so I’m just proud to be here you’re not an old guy but by NFL standards you are an old guy yeah so 37 you got four kids what are their ages

And what has been it like been been at all been like for you as far as being able to watch Dad on the field perform at such an elite level yeah so I’ve got uh Maxwell’s nine boy Becket is eight boy Maggie’s six girl and rosley is four

Girl and um it’s been amazing um I remember about two weeks after I got cut three years ago and you know it was the first time me and my wife kind of sat down and kind of felt like somebody died like we were grieving like our homes in

New Orleans and we’d been there my whole career and um and she just finally asked like after two weeks she was like so what do you think you want to do and um I just remember like telling her I said you know I know it doesn’t

Look great right now but I just know I’m not done right and I’m and I’m I just need to like recalibrate and get back into my training how I’ve been able to for so long like I I already know what the script is you know what I mean I know

How to do what I you know how to train what I need to do to get back and I said ‘what do you think you know because it’s going to not not have the stability it could be us moving around it could be a lot of change and she just

Said you know all I know is you’ve got an opportunity to show your kids particularly your boys who are the older ones that kind of know what’s going on you’ve got an opportunity to show them how to get up when you get knocked down and uh I I never I just remember being

Like Floyd that she just hit me with that like it was basically like nothing else matters people are telling you to retire don’t ruin your legacy you you’ve done it all with the Saints and all this stuff and she was like you’ve got a chance to show your

Kids how to handle some adversity and you may never get this opportunity again and I remember just being floored um and so yeah I mean it’s been amazing they know you know it it was hard on them right are we allowed to be Saints fans anymore I said yeah we’ll

Always be Saints fans you know we we’re you know we still live there and and they love the team and we still root for that team but um they’ve kind of learned the business side as well and you know you know well do you have to do you have

To keep working because then you’re going to be gone and you know it’s just there’s a lot of Dynamics and so they’ve they’ve kind of been through it with with us we’ve all done it together and I’m really proud of it and uh you know there’s been sacrifices made by

Everybody you know you know we moved everybody up here this year and we pulled them out of their school we’re homeschooling this year so that we could all be together and that’s been hard cuz they’re they’re missing all their buddies down south and um going somewhere where you don’t know anybody

So it’s been a challenge for them but it’s also been kind of a Growing Experience for the family we’ve kind of we’re all together and um we’ve made it to where a lot of friends have been able to come up and visit and stay with us

And come have a cool experience up in in New Jersey New York and and so it’s been good it’s been a good change and a good good year of growth for the family and honestly I feel like we’ve kind of as a family we’ve gotten away from the rat

Race because of that we’ve created our own schedule and we’ve kind of had a nice so all four are homeschooled yeah we found a teacher here in uh in Floren Park who is uh who who specializes in in that and so she comes to the house a few

Hours every day and kind of you know mom’s helping out Lauren helping out but um but she’s like teacher and so that Mom can still be mom and you know not have to be both all the time so it’s been good it’s been a good challenge and

It’s allowed the kids to kind of have a little more freedom and we haven’t been rushing around constantly getting the kids out the door to all these different things they still have a few activities but it’s been a little bit of a recharge for our family this year and it’s been

Nice can you talk about being AFC special teams player the week after the Giants game when you had one of the best PNY performances I’ve ever seen so you’re talking about Jet’s franchise history I only go back 23 years here but if you go back to 1960 I don’t know if

Anybody ever punted better than you in that game and why was it such an emotional moment for you following the win just because of what I talked about what am I most proud about being is just being here and having kind of you know persevered and uh to

Like it’s not just it wasn’t just that performance right I mean we just had to punt a lot that day I just got my number called a lot it was it just you know I felt it from everybody and I felt it before that game that just magnified everything

Right but I felt the love and support from teammates where like there’s only one of us on every team right a kicker and a punter and so like as a general rule you want your teammates to be like glad that you’re their punter in that in every game right

That’s how I look at it right if I’d like to be the the better player 80% of the games that if that makes sense that’s kind of my mark of being super valuable to the team and I felt that almost every single game this year where it’s like all right we’re glad morstead

Is our guy you know what I’m saying and and that um it just kind of spilled over in that and it was it was emotional and um you know people keep asking when are you going to retire like how much longer you want to do this and all that stuff

And it’s just because of my age but it’s like I don’t feel like I’m at that point I know I’m not at that point but at the same time you know that statistically you’re kind of close you know what I mean right like and so I

Don’t know I feel like it’s kind of like a glimpse into the process just in life it’s just relative to football it’s like you get closer to the end and you’re still able to enjoy doing the things you’re doing um it’s hard not to appreciate it differently especially

When you’ve not had it when you’ve lost it at some point and you’ve been on the street you haven’t had a job and to get back in there’s just a different level of appreciation for being able to do it and um I guess that’s the best way I can

Explain that how odd is that Dynamic being a punter because I think on Sunday against coming up your next opponent which of course is the Washington commanders you’re going to set a career high in terms of punts for a season I think your previous I’ve already passed

It I thought it was season I thought it was we’re over 80 for the season I’ve never done that before so so so okay so speak to that so uh I don’t know speak to speak to the dynamic of hey offensively we want to score points I

Want to be part of a winner but also as a performer you like going out on the field and helping the team yeah I don’t think of it that way um you know I’ve I’ve ped 43 times a few times in my career for a whole for a

Whole season right which is like half of what we’ve done this year um and my point in saying that is is I don’t look at like people ask do you root to pun are you excited to like I’m like of course I want to score on every drive

Like you know um I would say that I just stay ready and whenever my name is called or the you know the pun team is called I’m excited to go do that job that rep because coaches decided that’s the best play for us to have the best

Chance to win right so I’m I’m excited for the op when it comes but like I’m pumping my fist when we get a big third down conversion and it’s first down now we’re going so but I’m not like you know okay take I can let my breath out now and breathe like

I’m I’m not disappointed either way I’m excited when we keep it keep it moving but um you know when I get my name called to go do my job I’m it’s like it’s the best play we have to win the game or at least in the eyes of coach

And so I’m excited to go execute whatever they ask me to execute so so why have you excelled as a directional kicker throughout your career because you talked before I’m not the best hangtime maybe I’m not the best directional guy but bottom line is you are one of the more proficient

Punters over the course of your career make yeah so I I don’t want to like I don’t know sometimes I get you know the best way I can answer that is sometimes it’s nice to humble yourself in your in your own speech in your own mind it’s not because of a lack of

Confidence um my my point in saying that is that if you were to put me at the NFL combine I’m not going to have the highest punt that is possibly hidden there the guys that come out every year they are so talented they can absolutely Hammer a football super high and super

Far if I kick the ball over 56 57 yards I probably out kicked my coverage like I’m not trying to ever do that whereas I know some guys they’re trying to hammer it as far as they can every time and that’s what they do right so I’m not

Knocking myself I do think in a way it’s a compliment to myself that if I’m up here in averages and I’m never kicking it as far as the best guys that tells you that my efficiency yes is is Elite and I do feel like if they had a metric for ball

Striking in this league and just hitting type of ball you want to hit consistently where you want it to go I think I’d be the number one guy and so um you know I’m not trying to knock myself when I say those things but I do

Know that if you hit spirals that go to the location you want them to go you really should not ever have a not have a job you know what I mean so if you if you can tell your Gunners and your punt team that hey this ball is going to be

In this range in this part of the field and everybody knows that and they can all synergize with that you should be able to control games and um you’re doing it all this year well may you got 47 punts of 50 plus yards yeah well

We’ve punted a lot you know so um but you know I you know it’s it’s you know it’s like I said I’m it’s it’s not exciting to you know Pub your your punter whenever the offense is struggling but it is cool to be on a team where you know field position has

All the games we’ve won have been the defense has played really really well and the special teams has played really well and so um and offense has contributed but it’s been very much a complimentary football no turnovers play the field position game and um it’s been

Exciting to be a part of those wins and some even some of the losses that we have been really close in we’ve we’ve kind of had a chance because of those field position games and so um you know that’s that’s what that’s what I get

Paid to do so it’s exciting to be a part of that what’s it like working with Greg’s zline because for my money again you talk about you having a fantastic year this is probably the best kicking year in the history of this franchise I mean you put you two guys up

Again against anybody in the league right now as far as the combination is concerned yeah look it’s all about what have you done for me lately and it’s all about your next performance so um having said that I think we’ve I think we’ve been at the top of the I think all three

Specialists have performed at a super high level we have none of us have been perfect but um we’ve all done a I think we’ve all played at a very high level you know I think Greg’s missed one extra point and a 50 something yard field goal

This year and uh so he’s like 96% and uh and you guys aren’t playing at home at home games yeah yeah I I’ll say that’s another sense source of PR you know I don’t want to call it pride but just well people were wondering it’s 21 right

What does he have yeah well I’ve always been you know personally I’ve been accused of being a dome punter and so being able to have success outside in some tougher conditions has been um you know it feels good to be like no you know I’ve just been a good punter that

Happened to play in a dome so um you know definitely off offers challenges different in in uh inside as opposed to outside side but there’s a lot more excitement to the play because there’s a little more variability wind rain snow a lot of things like that um and so it’s

Just a different it’s just you just play the game a little differently and um but yeah I think all the Specialists have been you know have have been pretty solid this year and um and it’s been fun just to to work together our group is

Just we have a lot of experience I think Henny’s in his seventh year and and uh I think this is year 12 for Greg and this is 15 for me so we just kind of all been around the block a little bit and uh we all enjoy working together and so it’s

Just been a nice energy just all come to work together what would it mean to you to get a Pro Bowl knod here at 37 it’d be pretty cool it’d be pretty cool I’ve been the first to alternate like six or seven times in my career and

Um you know it’s been a hard pill to swallow a number of times when I thought I should have gone and uh it’d be cool so um you don’t you don’t make it a goal every year or I don’t because I don’t control it right I don’t control how

People vote or um how coaches Vote or players vote but um at the end of the day if you’re providing value for your team and the team is glad that you’re their guy it’s a it’s a good feeling and uh certainly felt that this season well

The fans still have a little bit of time they can get out and vote yeah yeah look it’s uh like I said it’s appreciated um no matter what happens it it’s it’s irrelevant to um how this season has been for me individually um you know I’ve feel the

Love from all the fans game day at the stadium and um it’s just it’s fun to it’s it’s nice to feel valued you know I don’t care what your job is it’s nice to feel valued so I definitely felt that you’re definitely are valued by Jets

Nation and your teammates let me ask you about this 2009 you come in a league out of SMU first year you’re playing in the Super Bowl yeah halftime Payton says do an nons sidechick what’s the thought process there for him or me for you once you

Hear that that’s the call I panicked I mean I was Terri I was terrified yeah I mean I’d never he said we were going to run 10 six lead right so let’s the we’re losing okay we’re losing 10 six and um and and honestly we you know to be

Only down 10 six I mean they kind of we were I I think feeling pretty good about where we were at at halftime totally be down four and Coach had said we were going to run it not if just what it was just going to be a question of when but I

Didn’t believe we’ actually do it and um and payt Manny’s on the other side so if you don’t get that ball it’s 10 six they get the lead and he’s got a short field yeah and and I think part of it was just possession right it was less I mean one

Of the drives they had in the F their touchdown Drive they had in the first half I had punted it ball down to the four yd line and they went 96 yard and scored the touchdown so I think coach felt more like hey it was worth the risk on the short

Field to just have a chance to get another possession that that was going to be the difference and so still and at the time with the rules on you know kickoff rules are different now but at the time you could have guys get a full-on running start and so the odds of

Of recovering a a true surprise onsite kick were close to 2/3 so people say it was super aggressive and and a major gamble but it was like you know if you’re at the blackjack table and the dealer flops a six over you know if you got a chance to double down you double

Down doesn’t matter what you got right you’ve you’ve uh you do it because deal was going to bust and it was it was kind of like that even though it was super aggressive and felt like a gamble to out of three times you do that at the time

The odds were you going to get it so it was not the odds were in our favor to go do it and um and so he called it and I was freaked out were you really yeah I mean I just didn’t believe we’d do it I really didn’t believe we’d do it we’d

Said we’d run different fakes throughout the season we never did but it’s probably because we were winning all the time and um so yeah we just thank God the halim’s like 30 something minutes long because of the half you know the whole Halftime Show and The Glitz and

Glam of the Super Bowl so I had time to kind of process it and almost have like a I don’t know a therapy session with myself you know in the locker and I you know at at the time I I used to never take my helmet off it’s a long story but

Basically I got I was unprepared for a play and my my last play of my senior year of college couldn’t find my helmet and I didn’t think we’d Punt and they sent the punt team out and I was frantic and I shanked the punt last that’s way

My college career ended and uh so I always kept my helmet on and I look like such a spaz I was just sitting like this nervous little rookie with his helmet on all halftime just thinking about what I had to do and uh I was pretty negative

In my mindset about it and I was thinking man if I screw this up letting down the team letting down our whole city of New Orleans um there’s a 100 million people watching this and blah blah blah blah blah and so I was pacing around and then uh I kept this picture

Of my coach in my locker that was from my uh from college who passed away the day after I got drafted named Frank gan he’s an all-time great special teams coordinator in the NFL and I just looked up at his picture and he used to have this acronym ACDC

Which was the more aggressive more confident um more disciplined and better communicators uh those teams won and I thought well this is pretty eff and aggressive yeah and I kind of relaxed and then I thought you know every time coach called us to hit this in practice

I hit it how you know exactly how I needed to and then I was like man if we get this we’re going to win this game and then by the time I went out for halftime I was confident I was still my nerves were it’s hard to

Explain they were still through the roof and um and the worst part is you can’t go out and practice it so I’m out here just hitting kickoffs as far as I can out the back Pat mcafe is their punter we had drafted as rookies together and

I’m talking to Pat saying you know I’m like hey tell your returner not to bother even going out there this is going to be in the stands you know I’m trying to sell the Kool-Aid to anybody I can just to talk myself into it and I

Went over the sideline we got in the Huddle and uh John Carney an old kicker who had kicked for us that season was coaching uh us through the playoffs and he used to always tell me 10% when I would go out to kick this ball and he grabbed me last person that

Said something to me and I turned around to him and he said Teemo one 1% like he knew I was just I was just I was charged up yeah he said Teo 1% and I just went out there and honestly I just said a little prayer and I said Frank I

Hope you’re watching and and we went out I kind of blacked out you know hit it we got it went down and scored and ended up winning it was pretty cool so cool in the rest history and it’s carried Saints win the Super Bowl along with winning

The Super Bowl and being part of the history of that and and um you know that’s awesome and that’s that’s a forever thing you know we’ve already had a 10year reunion there’ll be a 20-y year reunion there’ll be a 30-year reunion it’s a lifelong cool Brotherhood that

You’re part of but um for my career it’s really been super beneficial because you know spe being a specialist is so much a mental game right and the days you don’t feel as good as you want to feel or you’re not as confident as you want to

Feel to be able to take yourself back to Big moments like that when the pressure was on and you had to have it and to remind yourself that you’ve got the goods to get it done and not be lying to yourself it’s you actually believe that is to be able to

Go back and think about that play and numerous other plays have had my career where it was like the game’s on the line here and to be able to think back to that and be like yeah I’ve got it you know what I mean I’m going to be

Able to control myself I’m going to be able to get it done and to to really believe that has carried me a lot through a lot of tougher times or tough days at the office yeah you know what’s the thought process people were following you on social media as far as

Before you board that plane on the road you get that selfie there’s Teo in front of the plane how long you been doing that I think since my rookie year so I just kind of I don’t know why I started doing it I just did you do it week by first game

Rookie year I I can’t honestly I can’t remember but I I can’t remember not doing it so I don’t at some point it became a thing and um and so yeah I’ve just always done it and um and I think you know fans of mine over time get used

To seeing it’s it’s almost so dull and so boring I’m just D you know I’m just wearing and now I just look like a freaking Dad out there just you know rocking up in a polo flannel whatever uh shirt and khakis and um I don’t know I

Think a lot of people just they kind of look forward to it and see uh you know kind of a regular looking dude that’s getting to do a cool thing and um I don’t know people appreciate it I guess the run to the sidelines quite epic as well right

Yeah um I kind of have a little disdain for the fact that that got put on uh Hard Knocks because I’d never really gotten any attention from it other other than a few teammates and you know I not that I have a problem with it but it was

You know I think some people thought I was looking for attention and I’ve just always done that you know for a long time I didn’t punt much throughout the season so it’s kind of a way to kind of keep loose keep myself loose so um I haven’t done as much sprinting this year

Because I’ve kind of been a little looser throughout the game um but yeah it’s kind of just part of you know I think I said it best to to Randall and the Hard Knock deel I said I don’t know how to I don’t know what to tell you I

Just know what I need and he was like Hey you do you brother you know it’s working so um so yeah so that’s that gotta ask you about Rogers here he early this week that he’s not going to play in 2023 Robert Salah of course said today that he’s going to be

Activated but he’s not going to play with that being said you’re 37 having a career year he’s going to be 40 coming off in Achilles what do you think is next for Aaron in terms of his career obviously gonna be with the Jets and he’s profess his love for this place and his

Teammates and the organization things like that how excited are you from your perspective a guy who’s been in the room with him to see his next chapter look I mean that’s one of the reasons I came was to um be a part of that be a part of winning and um

Obviously not just Aaron but we’ve had like a gauntlet of injuries um especially on the offensive side of the ball this year and you know nothing’s guaranteed in life and um you know it’s uh so I I don’t know what’s you know if anybody knew you know they you there

You’d know so um you know I’m excited for him um there’s nothing better than a good comeback story you know there’s nothing better than doing something that people tell you can’t do and so um you know obviously he’s he’s got such a microscope on him and everything he’s

Doing and um but you know I’ve enjoyed getting to know him this season and um I’ll be honest with you I wasn’t a huge Aaron Rogers fan before getting here just from what I’ve seen in the media and and uh just falling along over his career kind of an abrasive guy and

And you know um and I’ve really enjoyed getting to be teammates with him and getting to know him and uh seeing how he ticks um you know it felt like a guy who who loves the attention and and just now getting to know him this year I’d say he

Really doesn’t care what anybody else thinks outside of the people that he cares about you know his teammates or his family or people that he’s close with he’s he just doesn’t care and he’s going to do what he thinks is the right thing and um and I respect that so I’ve

Really enjoyed getting to be teammates with him and uh you know no matter how things go in the future I’ll be pulling for him nothing better than a great great comeback story and you’re authoring your own comeback story here yeah we all we all have our own our own

Books to write you know and uh it’s cool when you get to cross paths with with special people and um so yeah it’s um I’ll be I’ll be pulling for him for sure but I’m talking about you as far as your comeback story it’s still ongoing

Now what’s Christmas gon to be like the morstead house you play Christmas Eve yep so you got to go to the hotel yep you got to line up suit up hopefully get a w against the commanders and then you GNA go home and what do we got

Planned um well we’re going to try to find a church service um Christmas Eve to get to um we obviously getting out a little bit later than would be ideal for that be a five o’clock mass m probably not a five o’clock mass um but we’ll see

We my wife’s kind of looking into that right now um because the whole family’s going to the game so we may find try to find a church like really close to the stadium yeah if we can sneak off to that um and then yeah I mean my kids are at

The age where you know they’re they’re they’re all living up upstairs in the house and all the feet Pitter pattern down the stairs for Christmas morning is um you know all the excitement is like legitimate and uh we’re in a really cool place with that with the kids um they’re all young

Enough and um that you know they’ll be up for any of us so it’s an exciting time and uh certainly don’t take it for granted um we’re looking forward to it I’m glad we’re all together this year yeah very cool uh congratulations on an outstanding season you got three games

Remaining um and you’ve enjoyed your experience here at 2021 then you come back in 23 and obviously the life of the kicker or punter the national Football League it’s always a little bit people on the move right it’s you had that long stay in New Orleans yeah

But would you like to be back yeah sure I would I mean like I said we we made a commitment to come up here and really see what it was like and do it as a family and uh we had a great setup in New Orleans and we still have our house

Down there but you know we brought everybody up here and so you know we’ll see what happens I mean it’s um I’ve really since Co happened really it’s been covid and then getting released and and having to jump around a little bit to get back in

Um we’ve gotten to a point where um we we just enjoyed s such stability for so long and um we’ve grown a lot in the last three years our family has and me and my wife and you learn to deal with things as they come and you stop

Worrying about or trying to plan too far out you know and uh that’s been a big learning for me or uh it’s been a uh a challenge for me because I am kind of you know I’m a planner I like to have things laid out and we’ve just kind of

Enjoyed life as it’s come the experiences as they come and we’ve been present and um and I think that’s one of the reasons I’m playing so well you know I’m just enjoying it and uh you know you know you get the questions about the future and all I know is I’m enjoying my

Time right now and um you know I’m focused on playing well this week and that’s all I can do and we’ll see how things turn out yeah staying in the present and the kids are going to have a lot of presents and they’ll they’ll have a few more than more than they probably

Should and Thomas Moore said you’ve had a hell of a year fans can get out and vote for the Pro Bowl right now a number of jets deserving including this man t Mo thanks a lot thanks for having me appreciate it


  1. Hats off to Morestead. He was one of the few that made us proud this year. A true talent, a true inspiration and a damn good man

  2. Morestead is a class act. Gregg is having a great year too. Our Punter and kicker need to be appreciated & applauded. Let’s not have a repeat of Jason Meyers’ exit. Confusing his talent for the coaching talent.

  3. I said at the time of the trade and all summer that goofy woody and gang just ruined this team- surprise surprise woody does it again, for a ego maniacal past his prime qb who has the likability of a hornet – thanks Jets for continuing to be a disappointing feature of my life , I knew I could count on you

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