A Real Golf Swing Core Workout

Sit Ups just don’t get it done!

You need way more of your Core to be Active, Flexible and Strong so if you want a better impact position, you need to hit this golf fitness workout set!

At Impact, you need your body to be hitting some pretty challenging positions and if your core can’t create and the maintain those positions, inconsistency looms!

But when you work through these 3 steps, you have a clear progression to a stronger, more efficient golf swing:

1: Side Plank for Activation
2: Oblique Tilts for Strength and Stability
3: Impact Swings for Rotation, Speed and Power

So listen up and go to work so in 2024 you can have the golf swing you really want!


If you want a real golf workout you’re going to need more than just sit-ups that’s because your golf swing uses more than just the ABS down the front we’re going to use the whole car and in these three steps we’re going to show you exactly how to train for

Activation flexibility and strength for step one we’re looking at activation simply we’re going to get down to the front core and using our body weight we’re going to activate each side of the core individually this is good for asymmetrical balance full core activation and also highlighting any weaknesses you

Have across the system for this we’re going to go into the side plank rest your elbow to the ground and make sure your arm is lined up under the shoulder from here raise up your hips and try and keep your body in as much of a straight

Line as possible as soon as those hips drop we lose our spine angle and the car isn’t working as hard control your breathing activate the car be very aware of the muscles that you are using and repeat on both sides as you work through the motion for step two you’re going to need

A weight you can go pretty heavy here and we’re going to focus in on the tilts and the movements through the obliques again this is asymmetrical in motion and that’s really good for your golf swing this is the oblique tilt we’re working the obliques pretty hard here as we tilt

Through the side of the core and we’re looking to control the movement down and then bring yourself up that concentric phase with a little bit more speed okay you don’t want to overload here you want to ensure that the core is active and engaged protecting the spine the whole

Time and as you work through that tilt make sure you hit the range of mo motion that feels comfortable for you and execute the movement well so in step one we create activation in the core step two we build the strength and step three we bring it all together

This is your flexibility your movement and your overall force creation for that we’re going to use impact swings we’re looking light and fast you can use cables or a band jump into the med ball movements if you want to be more explosive and for this aspect we really

Want to work through the sequence of the golf swing we want to engage the ground as well as we can do and create Force right across the system that’s why we’re active that’s why we’re stable and stronger now we can use it for rotation and power into your

Swing again we’re going to work both sides we’re going to set more or less into our golf posture a reasonable distance away from here we’re going to load into our Trail side a little bit of hip rotation a nice load into that trail side then just like your swing you’re

Going to push off the ground fire the hips fire your torso and bring those cbles out in front of you just as you would do in that gol swing motion but we’re really focusing on how the core is active against the legs from the ground you transfer energy through the whole

System and take it to the end range of motion be explosive but be in control be stable really focus in on that footwork and execute this movement as well as you can do on both sides of the body so that’s it in three steps you can now

Start to build a stronger more flexible core that allows you to rotate better and create a better golf swing and when the internet coaches start talking about right side Bend tilts in the swing you know that your body might actually be able to get it done but whatever your

Swing pattern having an active stable and flexible car is going to help you play better golf for longer you’re going to be more durable you’re going to create more speed and more force and yes you will will be able to get into those different positions to improve your goal

Swing if you liked these movements do them that’s the first thing get in do some reps even just start with a side plank at home where you are right now no equipment let’s get you moving let’s get building your golf Fitness from there make sure you subscribe to the channel

Tell your friends and go get yourself the golf W app so you really can take your training to the next level and golf St

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