Welcome to the 2024 Proverbs (31) Day Challenge

Here are the (5) Fundamentals of getting a Daily G.R.I.P. on God’s Word. This will be a great help for you new guys that are joining us for the 2024 Proverbs 31 Day Challenge.

Also, here is our NEW In His Grip Golf APP that you can download for FREE…

Good day my brother welcome to the 2024 Proverbs 31-day challenge I am super super excited to Embark upon this journey with you and guys we have over 700 guys that are now getting that daily grip on the word of God a lot of you are

Brand new and so what I want to do is just hit pause before we get started January 1st and for the last 24 years years I started in 2020 by getting a daily grip on God’s word I want to share with you five fundamentals if we get these five right

Consistently you will be on a journey with God that you could maybe only imagine this is what I’ve learned over these 24 years consistency is key but I just want to walk you through the uh key five fundamentals uh just like in golf the Five Lessons that Hogan teaches um

What’s the most important one to start out with well it’s probably uh the grip so as we do that um I’m going to start out with number one and I’m going to just try to go from my heart I have an outline but number one is oh yeah number

One is the why and guys you’ve really got to determine why you even want to get a daily grip on God’s word why you want to join us on this uh Pro BS 31-day Challenge and here’s just some of the wise that I’ve flushed out over the

Years and I just want to refer to a couple of those um by the time I started to really dive in and spending time with God each and every day I discovered my purpose and if that’s maybe where you’re at maybe you are on the back nine of

Life you’ve getting close to retirement you may have retired and you’re asking questions like God do you really still have a plan for my life God do you still have purpose for me my answer for you is yes he does we’re going to learn that as

We spend time with him some of the other wises uh you may just want to continue to grow that personal relationship with God and also you may have drifted over the years with that personal relationship with God maybe you’re like me back when I was 36 I didn’t even know

Where to start when reading the Bible I was clueless that may be you but also you may want to become a better husband in your marriage you may want to become a better father uh to your children those are deep ones for me lesle and I will

Celebrate wow 29 years of marriage uh on May 27th and um father to Micah who is now teenager and freshman year in high school so I want to finish strong as a dad and and as a husband on this game called life so those are some of my wise

Uh maybe one more maybe to um hear the words that I know I long to hear when my tea time’s called in heaven I’m going to meet Jesus face to face this is what I long to hear well done good and faithful servant I long to hear that guys so

Figure out your why write it down and then uh we can now go on to number two which is who oh yeah uh who so we got the why now we’re going to go to the who and who are you going to join in uh on

This journey with you may have a a dad that um you can connect with get in this 31-day Proverbs challenge with him uh maybe your son maybe a brother maybe a neighbor maybe a coworker but you want to make sure that you’re doing this with somebody if you can and you’ll just find

That there’s a there’s a Proverbs that’s going to come up in in chapter 27 that it’ll really um solidify doing it with somebody okay I’m just going to leave it as that so make sure you find out who uh who you’re going to do it with and maybe

It’s the group of guys are are already uh joining in that you’re going to join that community of of 700 plus um that’s a okay you know you’re you’re welcome and we look forward to being on this journey with you all right so number one

Was why two is who and number three is going to be what what do I need in getting that daily grip on the word to get through the Proverbs 31-day Challenge and since we’re going to be reading a chapter of proverbs a day there’s 31 proverbs 31 days in January

There’s the alignment that you will need a Bible and you have a choice of course going hard cover uh printed or you could actually do uh an app one of the best that I found is U verion so you could just get it on your phone use it electronically I’ve done both I’m

Leaning more and more to just doing uh the the hard cover Bible I love the field of pages the sound of turning them even it’s got a little bit of a you know a Roma to it um I’m just leaning that way so you definitely want to grab a Bible the next

Thing is you’re going to go wait a minute Scott I’m okay I’m tracking with you so far but really um yes you really need to get a journal and the main reason is when we when I walk through with you in a couple more steps of you know how we’re going

To do this um I’m just telling you guys if you could break through the facade that men don’t journal and just humble yourselves and go out get a blank Journal you will be blessed beyond measure trust me in that one so grab a journal um you also want to probably

Grab a bold cup of coffee uh I know I need that first thing in the morning and then also um just because I’m 62 back n of life for sure uh you’re going to probably need uh your readers and I know that I need them uh for sure and then

I’m actually just going to put this in the bottom of the the video it’s a grip card but it really walks you through our process so if you have that if you have your Bible you have your Journal you have a cup of coffee you got your

Readers and the grrip grip card you’re going to be set okay so that is what you need now we’re going to go to the when and again I’m going to go from my uh history of 24 years of when is the best time to get that daily grip on

God’s word I’m going to speak personally for me early is better and the reason I can say that boldly is we’re following the example of Jesus and in Mark 35 look up The Book of Mark look up chapter 1 look up 35 um when did Jesus go to spend time with his Heavenly

Father early in the morning while it was still dark Jesus went away to spend time with his heavenly father so I’m just going to keep following that example when I first started out years and years and years ago it was 6:30 that was kind of my time uh over the years it

Migrated to 6 I love the early mornings I love even before the sun’s Rising the home is quiet so right now I daily tea time is 5:00 a.m. and you just got to figure out when that is for you okay so let me just glance I want to make sure

I’m getting here’s a couple um crazy old quotes that you know early bird gets the worm and you’re like oh Scott that early morning I don’t know if I can even get out of bed well just remember this challenge Mind Over mattress it works just get out once you

Get hopped up um out of bed you know just keep walking and the last thing that I want to share with you is um I had a buddy of mine we had lunch and he was just really struggling with that early morning tea time with Jesus to spend time gripping the

Word and I’m just going to tell you the Lord just brought this story to me and I said well Ken um did I tell you that I actually have a tea time at Augusta National I’ve got one slot open he goes what what when I I said it’s in a couple

Weeks but man we’re first off and so we’ve really got to get there by like 4:00 a.m. and before the sun even Rises they’re they’re getting us off at Augusta National he goes I’m I’m all in I’m all in so I sat back in my chair and

I said okay are you telling me that you would show up at 4:00 a.m. for a tea time at a golf course but you can’t show up that early to spend time with your heavenly father is that what you’re saying he goes oh okay okay I get it um thanks for that

Challenge but we’re still playing Augusta National rights Scot should sorry brother no we’re not I just wanted God obviously wanted to make a point guys we’re only here for a very very short time on Earth this is our temporary home here on Earth We’re In transition we’re just going through this

Temporary home to our Eternal home in heaven if we have said yes to Jesus that is our ultimate Destiny Destiny we’re just we’re just moving through to that Eternal home in heaven so early tea time with Jesus is best all right so we’ve covered the why we covered the who the what the

When let’s talk about how what are we going to do so January 1st I’m going to get up and right in the middle of the Bible is the Book of Proverbs and as you kind of Thum through um get to chapter one one in Proverbs you’re going

To read the whole chapter all right so you’ll read the chapter of Proverbs chapter one and you’re only looking for one at the most maybe two verses to jump off the page once that verse goes whoa has that been in there this whole time yes then you’re going to grab your

Journal you’re going to just write out um G which is God’s word write out that verse just write Proverbs 1 verse 7 and and write it out and then that’s the G for gripping the word it’s an acronym the r what you’re going to do then is just sit

There look at that verse and go gosh what does that reveal to me and then guess what you jump in your Journal you write an r and you just start writing what does that one verse or maybe two verses reveal to you now that will probably go fairly

Easy for you the challenge will be the eye and the grip is implementation how am I now going to implement what God just revealed to me in God’s word into my own life um I’m going to go transparent with you right now um off the script guys over the 24

Years it’s been fairly easy for me to read through the Bible and get the verse each day and I’ve got it up here I really do I I could even quote you know many of those verses many of the popular ones Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ

Who strengthens me but what have I what I have found if I only keep those verses God’s word in my head and they do not transfer down that 18in Highway way to my heart I will not change as a man I I just won’t I need God’s spirit

His holy spirit to help me take it from my head knowledge down the 18inch highway to my heart and once his word is etched onto the tablet of my heart transformation happens and I become a I become a changed man by The Works of God within me to become the man that he’s

Called me to be it only happens if that Journey happens 18 in remember Jack Nicholas saying the most important part of the golf swing 18 Ines it’s just it’s that takeaway it’s the start of the Swing get that on track and then we’re going to have a lot better opportunity to get it

Back uh in square and hit the sweet spot at impact it’s the moment of truth and what I’m finding is when I can take his word and this was the how from my head down to my heart um change happens positive really really good change happens not until

Then so then as we get through the implementation which is the challenging part we pray and you may find yourself just praying back that verse to him uh praying for help God please help me take that verse that you revealed to me and just help me take it from my head

Knowledge to my heart just help me God I can’t do it on my own and just pray it out so there’s your G the r the I the P that is how you get a daily grip on God’s word and then guess what January 2nd happens and you

Get up on your tea time at 5:00 a.m. cuz you’re excited God just revealed something to you on day one and then you’re going to read chapter 2 of Proverbs and you’re going to start looking expectantly guys look expectantly for a verse to just jump off

The page and then you’re going to go ahead and grip that one maybe two verses okay so those are the five fundamentals to really set you up for the best opportunity for success but maybe more for significance as you spend time with God there’ll be a uh reading plan for

The whole year of 2024 um but just know that we start out January every January last few years in Proverbs because of January being 31 days Proverbs having 31 chapters and then in February if you’re like wow this is awesome I want to continue Scott what’s what’s the next uh reading for

February we’ll have that whole reading plan set up all the way through December 31st 2024 okay couple things that be helpful for you is um we have a new app that’s been redeveloped and redeveloped and redeveloped I’ll put the link for that on the bottom of this uh video and um

You can just download that it’s free we’ll keep our app free it’s got the daily grips in there so if you’re getting this before January 1 you can really start to see how we’re finish out the last few days of 2023 and just give you a feel of how we’re gripping the

Word I actually have the last week um I’ll be going through uh Psalms and you can just join in on that but no I’ll come back January 1st for uh the first seven days and then you’re also going to be able to hear how Joey Hickman Brian Jorgenson and Steve Shelton do their

Daily grip so we’ll have four of us during the whole month all right any other question questions email me um scott. Layman inhis grip I’ll uh definitely come back with you uh with an answer the best that I can and guys I just have to tell I’m

So pumped I know that if you spend quality time with Jesus getting a daily grip on God’s word your life will be transformed far greater than you can ever imagine let me go ahead and just pray out this message uh because I can’t wait to see you guys in the New Year

Heavenly Father Lord thank you for what you revealed to me years and years ago of the importance to spend time with you spend time reading your word and not just reading to check it off the list and go hey I just read a few chapters today out

Right uh I’ll do that again tomorrow and maybe I’ll skip a day here skip a day there but uh thank you for the secret sauce in the grip it’s so simple God I know I need that and I pray that Simplicity will spill over into the other guys that

You brought into this journey that we’re embarking Upon Jesus go before us uh guide every step um move on the man’s heart that you want uh in this and Lord how amazing would it be that this new year we start out with over 700 men getting that daily grip and then we

Close out the year 2024 and we look back and there’s over a thousand of us all around the world spending that quality time with you each and every day thousand men God I know you could change the world um with that we love you Jesus

We pray this in your name amen and amen God bless you guys have a wonderful and blessed holiday season okay

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