Kelly & Murray Show – NFL Week 16 and College Football Bowl Game Bets, Picks and Predictions

Looking for NFL Week 15 and College Football Bowl Game bets, picks, and predictions for this weekend? Kelly in Vegas and John Murray have you covered! Where is the sharp action this week in football, for both College Football Bowl Games and Playoffs and the NFL Week 16? We head to Vegas to SuperBook Sports and check in with bookmaker John Murray for the bookmaker’s perspective! Get your fix for NFL picks for Week 16 and College Football predictions on the latest episode of the “Kelly and Murray” Show.

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Time stamps
Recap 0:00 – 13:27
College Football 13:28 – 21:12
NFL 21:13 – 28:22
Mail Bag 28:23 – 44:54

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I’m exhausted all right do you want to talk welcome to the show oh you’re going to do the welcome not even me okay do you want to uh do you want to talk about this or is this like is this taboo you you uh got an inseason prize the West

Taboo to talk about that we got in the west gate super contest that’s why would it be taboo I don’t know I don’t know what what I don’t know what your information information of yours you want out there well the team name was Kelly in Vegas so I’m going to go and

Guess so I I come into work uh I came into work yesterday morning Tuesday Jay’s on vacation and the first thing is Rosemary has put a stack of check requests on my desk she’s like you got to sign these for the super contest winners and like

The first one is Kelly Stewart and and then I I texted you and then you were like you were going on and on about how bad of an NFL season you’ve had had how is that even possible I feel like we never lose tell me okay listen John

Murray here’s the problem I’m listening I just did a show with my good friend Todd Ferman and I would say that Todd was like maybe a mentor of mine right like older brother he taught me a lot I worked with him at dawn best we work

Together at CBS I don’t think Tod that old Todd’s not that old he’s older than me so bottom line barely older than you here’s the the thing he taught me to be more disciplined the cont he do a very good job Todd that if that’s the lesson that Todd taught

You then Todd is not a good teacher I’m sorry Todd okay first of all the the contests are hard because I would probably bet five NFL games in a week maybe once or twice a year it has been really hard I’ve been so selective and had I not been selective I would

Actually be making money but instead I’m going one and two or two and three or it’s it’s terrible how bad my NFL season’s been also also the contest I don’t put I don’t put the lines until Saturday like three o’clock Eastern or I don’t put the the games in so I’ve got

The best of the information sometimes you have some stale numbers and sometimes I’m looking for you to get an extra pick one of my buddies or I’m randomly going all right well I gotta come up with a fifth all right fine I kind of liked the

Falcons or like some team that I didn’t I would not actually get to the window with yeah that’s all I mean is it’s just been a really frustrating season where like last week on Monday I bet the Packers minus three and a half well come

Saturday I hated it so I took the three with the Bucks ate the juice and it was what it was it was a I could have yes I could have sided myself I’m very aware of that that was a bad decision it was a bad decision and so was this entire NFL

Season to put it into perspective the check that you wrote in my name is going to give G back 10% of my losses that sucks did the math already that sucks that’s how bad my NFL season has been and every single bookie that I know including yourself has admitted that the

Books have gotten crushed oh I’m not allow to call you a bookie what would you like me to call you no we did really well last week we’re regulated operators here uh we did really well last week oh regulated operators we’re not allowed to call you guys bookies I’m sorry but it’s

Been a public NFL season obviously but you know what you said something in that rant that I caught and I thought it was interesting you’re in contests and you put your picks in on Saturday right you know obviously you know I did pretty well in circum

Millions last year got a nice check from Derek I put my picks on Saturday but that’s why I get annoyed with you when you or Lisa is texting me on like Tuesday for a [ __ ] pick for Sunday first of all not know first of all I am

Not I am not and also in the contest the lines don’t move right so you’re trying to get a head of the market you’re trying to for lack of better words sometimes guess there are sometimes I feel like it’s a guess I laid two and a

Half with the bills on Monday and it was down to one and a half when you gave it out I it it’s tough right it is that was a really bad schedule spot for Dallas that was a really bad they they had that big win over Philadelphia on Sunday

Night Football then they got to go up to Buffalo that was a real that was a schedule spot play but I just think all I’m saying is that trying to I I laid two and a half with the bills thinking we might see a three

Which I know is very difficult and a lot of money I thought it was going to be the sharpest side of the week and albe it it it ended up being but I was surprised to see it come down in the way that it did so I took I laid two and a

Half thinking I was getting ahead of it you’re not gonna get a three on a game like that because the whole world was on Dallas in theory but on Monday I didn’t know that the whole world was going to be on Dallas I thought the whole world

Would be on the bills with me I mean every handicapper I saw on X had the bills Twi oh X but look at what happened on Sunday Night Football Dallas steamrolled Philadelphia the public was all over Dallas that was like our best game of the week anyways I the person I

Was at the Raiders game with showed me how to block a conversation so I I can still talk to you and still talk to Lisa oh you mute the conversation yeah that’s I’m sorry that’s the word mute so yeah we’re still talking I talked to Lisa this morning but I that conversation’s

Muted I can’t see whatever whatever nonsense you guys were saying my phone stays on mute do you not know how do not disturb works yeah I know I do I have it on do not disturb right now uh okay good Lisa Lisa gave out my phone

Number to someone this morning and I I as like a reference because you’re gonna hire her as like a supervisor no no no no and then I uh I texted her back I don’t like when people play on my phone and she thought I was serious that’s a

Chappelle Show reference don’t you you no I don’t remember that part I remember the really funny ones like the [ __ ] couch I remember the the like when you called her Tyrone bams or whatever his name was like I told I got that one because you said she was like a

Crackhead and then she didn’t get it and then I used the gift and then she I think got it but she is kind of a crackhead for your picks I mean they’re really good what about this reference so it’s Sunday in the sports book of course I’m at work

You know douge Kazan I used to do a podcast with him yeah I got a bone to pick with you Arthur has been in that sports book so many times and never once in her nine nine years of life did you invite Coco in Vegas I don’t think

Invited Arthur I think Arthur just Doug just brought Arthur but he gonna bring a dog to the sports book that’s fine anyway so Doug’s here with Arthur some other people and then you know obviously the great Adam Hill he’s over with John Von toel and another area and that the

Two team the two groups aren’t talking with one another neither one of them will go over to the other one to pay tribute so I finally I finally asked is there like a beef there that I don’t know about I don’t know so I asked Hana the waitress you know her obviously

She’s great I asked her to send a single glass of the house red over from Adam and John’s table to Doug and Doug didn’t understand the reference so that was really disappointing uh tough scene on Sunday I was a little tired on Sunday to be honest because I

Was at the fights pretty late on Saturday uh Co Colby Covington he’s the reason why we have the word Jabron that is how I would describe him gets a title shot after two years of not fighting talks all that don’t you think that’s probably why he shouldn’t get a

Title did we not learn he’ll never no but didn’t we learn anything like I don’t know okay I’m not going to sit here and pretend that I’m smarter than the people that make these fights but isn’t that kind of like hey maybe we need to learn

From this and not have a guy who’s had basically two years off have a title fight well but but it they fight accomplished what they wanted it to accomplish the tickets were div divide us as a nation between those who like Colby and those who hate Colby I don’t

Think anyone dislikes Leon Edwards I don’t know why one would um I don’t know anything about him really but you know Donald Trump was there so there was a crazy energy in the building obviously um the ticket prices were through the roof I have there was a fist fight

Between two fighters in the crowd I mean it was a crazy atmosphere just the main event sucked the main event was was [ __ ] do you want to do did you take the the $2 Underdog I sent you I did you and you and the unit okay good you’re talking

About Josh EMT he knocked out Bryce Mitchell uh that was probably the highlight of the night that was the first fight of the pay-per-view me I was with Cameron the Highlight the guy literally had a seizure on the MCH well yeah I mean that wasn’t the Highlight The

Knockout the seizure like I felt guilty I actually felt guilty that I cash that ticket I was like did you give the money back no but for a minute sorry Louie you are not in that group chat um and In fairness I gave two losers out as well

Uh but I was never gonna bet on I was never going to bet Colby comington I I was never that I had okay so here’s the thing that what the witch is doing she’s using like her witch astrological powers and she’s done really well she’s 167 and

Three in her UFC bat so I did bet Colby I think I got plus 165 because that was one of her picks I don’t care who they are what they say what they’re doing I’m just blindly betting her picks and they’re always underdogs always you had if you had told

Me that sentence about the astrological whatever I would not have bet on Josh hemtt so I’m glad that we didn’t have this conversation it was in the stars that the other guy was gonna get knocked out that’s literally what her handicap was you mean Kelly I didn’t know that I just I’m

Telling you she she prints money in the UFC and it’s always she doesn’t understand the line making she doesn’t know who’s the favorite in the underdog she takes both birthdays of each fighter it only works in like single person events like you could do it probably with tennis maybe you could also

Probably do it with uh you can’t do it with golf because the field is too big you can’t do like you know we have golf 80 people we have head-to-head match ups in golf no you can but it it doesn’t really work that way it’s more of like

Where you are at the time you’re born and where the fight is at what time your fight’s supposed to go and what is supposed to happen to you according to the universe I’m telling you she prints money and they’re always underdogs and it’s not like she understands that

They’re underdogs and this is why I had money on Josh emit on Saturday yes and all you have to say is thank you plus your uh I was with Cameron our good friend we were y they had these new uh beer I don’t even know what you call it

Beer stations in T-Mobile where you is it the kind where you touch it and it FS the bottom the cup I’ve seen that those were cool but they have those un basketball games but these you’d put your card in and then you’d enter in through a turn stop

And then you could pick out whatever you want out of the refrigerator and then enter out yeah it knows what you took I don’t like that that’s scary I’ve seen that at the airport I don’t like that that that it’s creepy facial recognition credit card recognition yeah it’s creepy I don’t

Like that at all all right let’s do something you’re not gonna like you want to talk am I not gonna like it you’re gonna [ __ ] about this Old Dominion oh God [ __ ] Old Dominion this was Monday I think okay I think I would have B about it but Marshall was worse Marshall was

Worse and you didn’t give me Marshall uh but I played 13 and a half in all of my stale contest numbers yeah and I was like yes and then I thought you know what at seven and a half I should come back and try to Middle it after especially what happened with the

Western Kentucky line like my buddy text me goes are you gonna go for Middle I’m like no why would I try why would I try to get crazy I got two with Old Dominion Li’s now seven yeah if you’ve got that great of a bet just let it go that’s the

Right thing yeah and look what happened with both of those are you telling me that Old Dominion minus two wasn’t a look what happened with New Mexico State all of a sudden all of a sudden here we are and the guy who was supposed to play

For Fresno State all year is all of a sudden playing in the bowl game I mean the guy’s been hurt since like week three do you want more uh this is worse this is worse than the NBA like right now as it stands these b games are really really like starting to be

Painful I agree it sucks it sucks in a lot of ways because bowl season was my favorite thing to bet on when I first started betting 20 some years ago and we always would do well booking these games now it’s just chasing the information it’s it’s tough

It’s tough we did very well even the information isn’t necessarily great no do you want any more bull picks are you done now for bull I mean give me the bll picks come on J at this point I’m I’m already pot committed I’m down a few

Dimes let’s go are you are you g to complain if like we lay forward and closes 10 and we lose that’s my whole point I’m not blaming you I’m just frustrated you seem frustrated you all right all right uh let’s start with the the the Armed Forces Bowl so Air Force

Uh they took plus two and a half and two against James Madison Air Force was on fire to start the season they lost back-to-back games as like a three touchdown favorite in November just the wheels completely fell off uh they did bet US Air Force Texas Texas State

Pardon me minus four and a half against rice in the first responder bowl and then this one I thought was interesting we’re getting a lot of money on this side all of a sudden in the last 24 to 48 hours Ohio State against Missouri they were taking plus two and a half

Close one and a half that’s a game with a favorite flip the Ohio State quarterback has transferred to Syracuse column cord but now a lot of sharp money on the buck guys maybe we’ll do something special at the super book in Ohio for that game that’s a kind of a

Cool game that’s the Cotton Bowl are you gonna watch that game no you’re not okay you seem very defeated lately oh I’m defeated like literally like I think when Ray emailed me he expected me to be so excited about winning the superc like did you see the meme I used

It was like the guy that just throws up like the handful of confetti like oh I like like Chris texts me he goes why are you complaining it’s better than a sharp stick in the eye and I go no [ __ ] it’s better than a sharp stick in the eye I’m

Not complaining about it’s just I I just feel very like you do what you’re supposed to do and it still doesn’t [ __ ] matter and that that is not fun I think I think you just take these things too personally you know it’s just a it’s just a sports bet did you see

Bitcoin went over 44,000 a day um I did not and the reason why is because I don’t care about Bitcoin Michigan uh this was the big news I’d say Michigan moved a little bit Michigan moved up we’re at minus two right now I’ve seen some two and a half that’s

Pretty interesting because the public is very squarely on Alabama as you probably would expect uh very very one-sided betting in that game that’s the Rose Bowl on New Year’s Day that’s a sweet game I saw I saw Jimmy Harbaugh my guy sorry I was over here

Betting because I just found a one and a half still here at the Hard Rock iow to say that assume I always assume you’re betting no no no not always but this time I was like if I if you’re anytime your eyes kind of go blank I figure okay Kelly must be making

A Sports waiter or I’m looking for something that is very pertinent for the show okay so I’m back on so we’ve got Air Force Texas State Ohio State Michigan yeah that’s right then uh we had a few a few we mentioned um earlier last week’s show like I believe Kentucky

Was W against Clemson you know I did I talked to a reporter today they interviewed me about the member of the media oh yes yes she is uh interviewed me about the Guaranteed Rate bowl that is the day after Christmas in Phoenix that’s UNLV Kan UNLV

Kansas yes I like UNLV you like UNLV and then I I also talked to a reporter about the Las Vegas Bowl and this was I like new Northwestern but that game is Saturday that game’s at allegian stadium and what the reporter said was it just seemed like the Northwestern coach was

Very happy to be there and the Utah coach didn’t really seem to care and I I said that makes sense because course Northwestern this is a great outcome to Northwestern season not only did they make it to a bowl game they getting to go to Las Vegas for the week Utah they

What did they win the Pack 12 last year they were in the Pack 12 championship last year was there I was there and so this is kind of like a like Utah’s like under eight half wins Utah is like a semi-regular participant in the Rose Bowl at this point they’ve

Been to a couple Rose Bowl recently they’re not it’s just hard to imagine them being super motivated for the Las Vegas poll that game is on Saturday night at Allegiance Stadium what do you got for me in the bull season that’s it I bet Northwestern um a

Little while back with CT Betts and my buddy Joe when it was at seven we kind of thought the same thing six and a half uh could I condone betting it I mean probably I know it’s a significant difference and Northwestern is going to be lacking on the talent side of the

Ball but I don’t know how we can sit we can sit here and we can talk about all these situations in these narratives but there’s really no way to quantify if a team is excited to be there I mean Utah has been to Las Vegas a ton I mean I had

Utah fans now that they’re joining the Big 12 like try to get the big 12 moved from Kansas City or Dallas to Las Vegas and we’re like what what what sense does that make that doesn’t isn’t Utah joining the Big 12 they are but they’re the only ones all

The way out here them in BYU kind of Colorado kind of Arizona but like a majority of them are hold on now you got Arizona State Arizona Colorado I don’t the big the landscape is Shifting in the Big 12 I don’t like it either but I just

Don’t think Vegas is the correct fit that’s all I was saying you want it to be in Kansas City no I don’t care if it’s in Kansas City or if it’s in Dallas or if it’s anywhere I mean all I’m saying is that you have West Virginia

You’ve got UCF you’ve got Cincinnati you have other teams that way over there like on the other side of the country and just because we added four or five teams from the western side of the United States doesn’t mean we should just move where the Big 12 basketball

Championships been forever when it was a big eight and then now that the Big 12 championship game is played in Dallas just because we added new members doesn’t mean that we should go moving things do you feel like you’re a spokesperson for the conference I know

You said no I don’t but I do feel like the new members like just be happy you’re not in the Mountain West bro wow okay that’s fair yeah well listen I never thought I never thought that Utah fans were ever unlikable until they joined the Big 12 and some of

Their social media personalities we’ll call it were not very not very friendly not very nice acted like they were somehow going to run this conference like the Pack 12 was somehow defensively a Powerhouse outside of Utah in fact I like Utah I went to the UFC event in

Salt Lake City last summer I had a tremendous time Utah’s great yeah except for the the rule about the booze like I I still don’t quite yeah that’s a little overblown we we went bar we we were drinking at bars all night Friday and and they didn’t care they didn’t they

Didn’t count how many drinks you had or H they definitely didn’t count how many drinks we had there would have been an issue in Salt Lake that night well that’s what I was asking i’ and maybe there’s places that don’t care to adhere to the rules or the laws I don’t know we

Had a good setup at the fights we had kind of an open bar situation um do you want to do NFL that’s option b or Saturday morning Liverpool Arsenal second place first place in the English Premier League they play each other at anfield what’s more important to you personally Liverpool hosting

Arsenal for first place in the Premier League well considering now I need to get first place in week 17 and 18 to just um try to break even on this NFL season uh let’s go with NFL I’m seven and three in the last quarter of the Circa the Circa Millions right okay but

Like if it if it if it had run 13 through 16 then I’d be gold because five and0 in week 13 five and0 in week 15 dang okay but uh it’s it’s 14 through 18 so there’s still three weeks left to just totally totally collapse uh you want what’s your

Best bet in the in the NFL this week kiv yeah it’s really square and I don’t care I uh I took I took the Ravens I don’t think I think we’re giving a little bit little bit too much accolades to this Niners team uh while I agree Brock py

Probably should be MVP a lot of people disagree with me there and that’s fine uh but I think Lamar Jackson and uh the Ravens people tend to downplay this team and I don’t fully understand it I know both teams 11 and three both teams want to be the one seat in their conference

Right of course like there’s implications to this potential Super Bowl preview uh but Baltimore 153 and two as an underdog since 2019 I I can’t I can’t get past that they are just great underdogs um I like Harbaugh I like Shanahan I don’t think that there

Is a five and a half Point difference between these two teams and the market agreed with me I took five it’s now four and a half so we’re at five like the Ravens you guys still have a five and half well you know unfortunately for me

Superbook is not legal in the state of Florida so I did not get uh I wrote down I wrote you guys are still at five and a half right the second well when I well I just did I like I don’t believe you I did two interviews before this one so I

Haven’t been back in my office in over an hour but we were there when I left my office well according to the wager talk odd screen it was headed to four and a half I’m just gonna say that well let me do I wrote down a few things I am gonna be in

Tennessee this this next week so I probably could bet uh some interesting stuff I want to ask your opinion on a potential hedge oh sure enough you guys are still five and a halfing is for losers no hedging is for losers hedging is for losers yes no guaranteeing yourself

Profit if you think that the bet that you no longer hold is maybe the right side you want these NFL plays or not honestly yes so I wrote down two that I just like and one of them was Baltimore for a lot of the same reasons Kelly said I

Agree then I like the Steelers I don’t know why I I think we’ve gone a little too far with the Bengals now the Bengals are now a road favorite in Pittsburgh without Joe burrow I I don’t I don’t agree with that and then the plays we saw sharp money on

Cleveland big time Cleveland FL favorite flip their favorite at Houston Cleveland’s playing pretty well right now although they do you think they got they got bet because no CJ strad yeah of course but but Cleveland is just playing well right now like Flo looks pretty

Good I was just getting ready to say Flo looks pretty good I mean the guy’s older the guy’s older than me we were talking about Tod Ferman earlier I should have made the reference like Todd Joe Flaco won a Super Bowl when we first became friends Falcons long ago I can’t bet

This one the Falcons have ruined my football season I hate them I like the Falcons they they’re they’re a really sharp side they’re at home against Indianapolis they’re going back from Desmond Ritter to Taylor hinei this week those guys are both so unbelievably bad and that that whole team I I I can’t

Stand the Falcons and then they bet they bet the chargers chargers plus 13 and a half against Buffalo we’re down to 12 I didn’t even see it hit open 14 13 it opened 14 right but like for like that fast that game on Thursday night just it just shows you Kelly preaches it

Whether she practices it or not up for debate but that was like example one of why you got to be careful with your bank role we had our best guy play the Chargers and we had an account that gives us the wrong side on purpose play the

Raiders we lost a lot of money on that game because I mean nine times out of 10 that works none of us got the memo that the Chargers decided to quit on the coach and not show up for the game to ensure that their coach would get fired

Was not aware of that obviously the Chargers when trying okay so I would agree that that’s what it looks like in hindsight but have we actually confirmed that any of these players would say that that’s what actually happened like it appeared that that’s what happened but like do you think they really got

Together and like [ __ ] it get his [ __ ] fired they weren’t even trying to tackle the receivers were one play the guy fumbled the ball and just stood there looking at it on the ground I mean they talk about not giving any effort just it was like it

Was a BL it was the most blatant punting of a game I’ve ever seen in the NFL they did not care at all and then at halftime we were down on The Concourse talking to some sharp betters I did you go did you go see Lisa did you bring her some

Raiders cookies Lisa wasn’t allowed in in the section I was in uh I understand that’s why she was like hey can you bring us down some snacks yeah no I didn’t do that but oh that’s rude anyways so these guys were talking about they want to bet under second half which

Is kind of a a trend during a blowout and I I said I don’t think that’s a good idea I feel like the Raiders could keep scoring until the game ended if they wanted to and then the Chargers scored three touchdowns in the second half I I

Don’t know that whole game was that is a trend I I but there’s a lot of things that I think have really flipped over the last three to five years that maybe the the sharp guys that have been around for a long time haven’t really caught up with the book the book knows

That’s how it’s going to get bet and it’s priced into the numbers now everybody knows that well that game didn’t work out that way but like look at the Dallas Buffalo game on Sunday Dallas was getting their asses kicked you could tell in like the second quarter the Dallas pretty much stopped

Trying and buffalo just wanted to get get through the game without getting hurt that was the Cowboys got manhandled but a lot of it was because they just didn’t want to be there in the second half and that that game ended really early too it did it was fast that’s the

Kind of game where our guys would look to bet second half under because you’ve got one team that stopped trying and another team that just wants to get out of there without getting anybody injured uh good performance by Buffalo you want to do the

Mailbag I had Buffalo I I went to 13 and two on Ness I know you did I didn’t get a text from you about that because again like I said when we spoke with Lisa in the group chat no I muted it I you did

Not yes I did no you’re still in it I will text it right now to prove you’re still in it it just doesn’t give you a notification but you’re still in it oh okay so stop thinking you’re not in it you’re in it in the group chat I don’t

Want I don’t like when people play on my phone okay Mike Myers I’m guessing short for investor on says who would you pick for NFL MVP and comeback Player of the Year John Murray where would where would you rank Mike Myers among the top 90s Comics or they gonna ask serial killers

No no no Mike Meyers the the guy comic yeah like so number one is Farley right obviously oh we can only they can only be 1990s yeah Farley’s but Austin Powers and all that stuff was like in the 2000s at some point no no the first one was in the 90s

Mike Myers is funny I mean I don’t know he’s hilarious does he he I don’t think he goes above the Sandman I don’t think he does I don’t know that that’s a better question than Mike Meyers investors’s question I’d like to sink my teeth into that uh I guess so let’s say

This about Brock pie if Brock pie had been a first round pick he’d be like minus 2,000 to be the MVP there wouldn’t even be a question about who the MVP is well that’s because all these Talking Heads are like trying to disc credit him

He Iowa State he has the best stats his team has the best record If he if he had been picked where Trey Lance got picked he’d already beat the league MVP the betting would probably be off um I’ll go I’ll go Brock pie comeback player of the year that

Award’s too stupid I don’t what like is it is it just Demar Hamlin for getting back I was gonna say they it’s gonna make it Demar Hamlin just because I don’t know even bet that where can you bet that at you can’t bet it here we don’t do that shouldn’t it be uh

Shouldn’t it be Joe flacko whoa whoa I I Russell Wilson’s had a good year Russell Wilson’s bounced back he’s maybe gonna get Kelly’s team into the postseason but I’ll go uh if he’ll just win nine games I will not say anything mean about him the rest of the

Year give me pie give me uh Flaco comeback play of the Year Joe flacko looks like Cleveland’s gonna make the playoffs and FL I mean Flaco’s been a big part of that I don’t know yeah I’ll go Flo okay Joseph IV on IG says what were the determining factors in making

Michigan the favorite over B in the college football playoff that’s a great question because you were gonna get Bama money no matter what so why not March Bama minus one out there BMA minus two out there instead of Michigan we call this when the bookmakers are showing

Off like The Bookies know that Michigan is better than Alabama that doesn’t mean they’re going to win I think it’s important that people understand that Michigan is better than Alabama does that mean they’re going to win on New Year’s Day no not necessarily well just like Oregon was better than Washington

Except Washington beat them both times but we got I will say this about Alabama the argument I know it’s hard to get away from the head-to-head competition but the everyone wanted to talk so much about Texas winning in Tuscaloosa that was like week two Alabama is a lot

Better now milro is a lot better now Alabama’s very very good I don’t think they’re as good as Michigan and now you’re seeing some sharp guys guys betting Michigan and pushing the lineup do you want to go through these hypothetical national championship game Lines Just so you can see kind of how we

Rate the teams I can’t I can’t hear you sorry I was muted because I was writing and typing uh I apologize I would love to hear your hypotheticals so these are for the national championship game Bama we got minus three against Texas Michigan minus three and a half against Texas so

Why is Michigan only a half a point more than Bama if Michigan’s minus two in the game the idea would be that Alabama’s power rating would go up so much because in this scenario they just beat Michigan okay well somebody who has a Washington plus4 ticket I’m guessing because you

Gave me the hypothetical lines versus Texas why aren’t you giving me the hypothetical lines versus I’m gonna do it right now Bama we got Bama six and a half against Washington and Michigan Seven against Washington now the one variable that could really change the these numbers and I don’t think it’s

Going to happen but if Texas were to Route Washington in the late game which I again I don’t believe that’ll happen then you’ll see some changes to these numbers because that’s the second game now can you bet these now on the Superbook app okay so Texas like if when

I’m in Tennessee next week before the game start if I really like Washington to beat Texas right let’s just say they went 3431 no blowout nothing crazy there’s value on the plus seven versus Michigan right now but what if Michigan routes Alabama It’s Tricky if and if you bet

It’s important people people need to understand too let’s say that Kelly bets Washington plus seven against Michigan if either of those teams don’t make it she’ll get a refund you want to do uh the next question yeah you’re you’re a stickler for those house rules good call

Remind I am not everybody is not everybody in the media is but I am big time rski John on X say that’s not g rowski it’s like at gonski G rowski rowski gation is offensive to the Polish listen my boyfriend’s got a Polish last name

You don’t know it I I do it’s really hard and actually was really funny the lady today was like overworking on the house she’s like oh uh what’s the invoice and like she was like writing it out in his name and she goes oh you guys have different last names you guys

Aren’t marri and I go with that last name do you know how hard it would be to like hi oh yeah let me phonetically spell my last name Stuart’s easy there’s two ways to spell Stuart or you’re an idiot that’s it and I don’t care if you spell it the

Other way it doesn’t offend me I sent a gift to your new dog and I was surprised comment that I hyphenated the last name I did see that well you’re a modern woman all right I’m sorry go ahead go I would not even have a hyphenated last name it’s just pointless there’s no

Reason I I like my name my name is been in this name for a very long time um okay so anyway John would like to know do you think the Buffalo Bills will make the playoffs I do I mean I don’t know if he’s asking me or Kelly but you look at

The market I think the bills were like minus two bucks to make the playoffs right and the live numbers and they’ve got the Chargers this week gotta think they’re gonna beat the Chargers on Satur this is my issue that I asked you about hedging and you’re

Like I think that’s stupid I don’t like cing but uh no I think the I think the bills will make the playoffs I think the bills best team in the AFC that’s the whole okay so here’s the thing right now they’re plus 220 to win the AFC East I

Have two dimes at plus 275 to guarantee myself almost like $5,700 or something $5,600 I gotta look why not put a dime on Buffalo plus 220 and I guarantee myself a profit and I don’t care what basically happens week 18 because Buffalo might be a very small

Under I’m not going to get plus 220 on week 18 if if the Dolphins lose they’re only one and a half Point favorites this weekend to the Cowboys I know the Cowboys are not that good but the Bills should route the Chargers they should get revenge on the

Patriots well you want to know what I think what would you do I don’t dislike that at all because I think there’s a chance that Buffalo will be favored at Miami so that’s my whole point I uh I don’t I don’t I can just sit back and

Relax on week 18 you never sit back and relax you’re Kelly in Vegas you might sit back but you’re still going to be stressed okay fine that tank yeah that no the tank because you’re saying what was up with that Seattle parlay Kelly what was up with it

Apparently Drew lock hates DK metf I I mean he had an opportunity to throw to him in the end zone not once but twice and he just said you know what screw you DK Smith jig gets it in jig Smith and jiga yeah Jackson Smith and jiga did you do a

Same game parlay for that yeah can I get you of course he went over his he went over his his uh receiving yards but like I said Drew Lock’s just like yeah screw you I’m not gonna throw it to you in the end zone it was great though Seattle

Money line got very lucky there because I did not did not I would not have bet Seattle money line had I known it was Drew lock under Center they kept going back and forth Gino was out there this person on X is complaining about the pick is that what that

Is uh probably okay so hold on I wna I want to go back I want I want you as a Christmas present to me to do a same game parlay for the Ravens 49ers game and do a video promoting the big game giveaway can we do that yes you can win

Two tickets to the Super Bowl Kelly is gonna be in Las Vegas I can’t believe I have to be in Las Vegas for that I don’t know how what are we gonna do when Ariel’s Ravens are in the Super Bowl and she railroads me to buy an $8,000 ticket to the damn game

Ariel Epstein also going to be here yeah I think you got you got to get into the big game giveaway Kelly I need a s game parley out of you on Monday yeah no so here’s my question maybe that’s what I got to do when I’m in when I’m in

Nashville next week I gotta opt in can I win those tickets can you be the winner that’d be funny if like you pulled your own name I don’t know even know how they’re selecting a winner but like no I didn’t but I’m gonna pull my own name

That would be really cool oh piss a lot of people off yeah no one would complain that’d be fine all right next question uh at Buckeye 775 on X would like to know how you would rank the former Chargers coach coaches from least terrible to most terrible Mike McCoy

Kevin gilbride Brandon Staley Dan Henning and Anthony Lynn I replied to this question with an Anthony Lynn gift Anthony Glenn with the face shield is is probably still my favorite version of Anthony Lynn because how much do you remember about Dan Henning and Kevin gilbride nothing I’ll rank the other

Three I think the best of those three is Brandon Staley um who you think Brandon Staley is the best out ofy land man he was he was a National Treasure Mike McCoy Mike McCoy won a playoff game the Chargers won at the Bengals and then he they lost

To Denver the next week when P remember when Brandon s was up 24 nothing and could have won a playoff game last year that was cool I think I think it was 27 to nothing I all right I have the Jags thank you Brandon Staley I miss you I’ll

Go uh oh my God I’ll go McCoy no least least the most terrible Lynn Staley McCoy that’s my rankings they’re they’re all terrible that’s tough I think that’s the whole joke Wiggy 1313 on X say love the show been following since the Inception thanks Wiggy question each Kelly as a

Dolphins fan I loved your AFC East piic you feeling confident in it whoa we just talked about this John is the Philly and Casey line shaded up a few points as they are Standalone games and the public will be all over can you see that guy’s name without thinking of

Wuggie no woie from uh no I call I call rley uh I call Wrigley the Sharpe that we have Wiggy all the time what I think I think those lines are are shaded up a touch um remember too the Raiders are off of a huge win and it looks like they’re motivated to

Play for Antonio Pierce I don’t know what is going on with the Eagles I mean the Eagles are a mess right now they won some games they also should have lost like the Kansas City game Chief bills I can’t believe I’m not Ariel loved the

Under 10 and a half uh wins and I bet it with her I can’t believe we’re gonna lose that like that it’s such [ __ ] that was a that was a good bet and here are these numbers are shaded up a little bit because they’re stal games plus

They’re late in the week remember that these games are Monday after the the full card on Sunday and there’s games Thursday and Saturday so there’s be a lot of parlays going to Philly and Kansas City on Christmas Day that would make sense okay Cleveland cause on X

Says Hey Vegas Murray after your 13-2 NFL pick start are you considering going into the transfer portal after the season to see what other podcast might offer you big money to join their show uh no no I I I I only enjoy doing the shows with Kelly and I you got to

Remember the NFL is so completely random I mean anything could happen what if you what if you sign a big contract and like losing two patriots games by half a point this year that would be me it happens man NFL’s tough NFL is tough no no Cleveland cause I enjoy Kelly too

Much she she’s too cheery and too fun I I I miss her too much uh at Brax and dart on X as bookmakers you have your own power index of teams in each Sports however the numbers SL stats only say so much how often have you or someone else

At the Sportsbook had to manually change the spread on a game because of factors that your models couldn’t predict well they always do that I mean for one I mean for one thing you might you might enter in the numbers you think it should be and then you find that the market is

Way off not way off but off like we teach our guys right now if you like the game under you can just be a half a point higher than the market you don’t need to be three points higher than or any any example you want to use there

You can just get to the market and just shade it by a half a point or one point that’s what you need to do yeah but you can’t be too far off Market otherwise you just get the scalpers and the board cleaners I don’t I don’t like it when

Our guys our guys are giving out like plus six and a half when theyd be willing to take six I don’t want you they already did did take six and they GNA take that’s what I thought was weird when you said that you guys still had five and a half

On the Ravens and I’m going I’m looking at the odd screen Hard Rock bet I don’t know what’s going on there all right Vince in PGH on X says Vince loves us he always is asking this question what kind of handles expected for yes this weekend’s rare boxing card that features several

Big names anything of note to report Big boxing event in Riad Saudi Arabia haven’t seen much in terms of sharp action yet but should be really good Anthony Joshua’s fighting Deontay Wilder’s fighting don’t forget inua the monster he’s fighting on Tuesday who’s Anya he’s the best boxer in the world

He’s a Japanese guy he probably weighs like I don’t even he moved up weight glasses recently I think he’s like literally like 120 pounds I’d have to look at I was gonna say he weighs as much as I do but they call him the monster I got to see him fight one pound

For pound he’s the he’s the he’s the best you said well a lot of people a lot of people would say it’s Terence Crawford uh which is fair but uh in UA Terence Crawford’s great too this guy’s a lot of fun he’s a big favorite he fights Tuesday in Tokyo good boxing this

Week no UFC for a few weeks and I think after col’s showing on Saturday we can take a couple weeks off yeah I was gonna say we’ll just end on that note not a high note but we’ll just end on that now I love the UFC and I love Dana White but

That was disappointing I do also love Dana White but again maybe we learned from our experience and uh we’re going to grow from it yeah we will okay all right well I hope you have a merry Christmas happy back yeah happy non-denominational holiday to you and the Stewart family well Hanukkah already

Happened and you forgot to wish Ariel Epstein a happy Hanukkah so that’s a shame on you and New Year’s will be back for so I think it’s okay to say Merry Christmas Merry Christmas


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