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Black Lighters Unveil Rare Crystal Opal, King Stones & More Worth $24,000! | Outback Opal Hunters

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Black Lighters endure a challenging 12 months of excavating thousands of tonnes of dirt. Battling dust storms and equipment breakdowns, the team unveils unique opal specimens, including crystal opal, king stones, and a rare Bella Nai fossil!
From season 10 episode 5.
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The black lighters Mark ianson 16-year-old stepson Xavier Paul and John nassa have spent a grueling 12 months Excavating thousands of tons of dirt attempting to reach old Tunnels yeah we sunk at least 50 Grand into this open cut so we’ve been getting some nice material but we’re just not there yet the m t we want to open them up take the pillars take the roofs take the floors and really empty it out properly it’s a massive

Gamble the dust at the moment is out of control we probably got bloody 20 knots blowing in me face right now which is about 40ks an hour it’s blowing straight into my face as I load now have a look at what I got to deal

With boom no no I cannot see a bloody thing but Fe a baby with your bloody eyes CL whoopsie don’t everyone come and help at once cuz it was so dusty I kept nudging that plate nudging that plate all day and eventually it just gave

Way can’t leave it off cuz you know all the dirt coming down it’s going to eventually roll underneath opal Zilla you know underneath the belt blocking up therefore end up breaking it going to it that’s all right what do you want me to stand here holding this just don’t want

It to fall on anyone cuz that’ll seriously hurt in Kuba py opal zilla’s protective plate has been battered off by the black lighters 6ton loader turn it down just to smidge without the plate secure dirt will Jam the processing plant’s belts which Supply mined Rock to the black

Room where Ultra violet light exposes any opal we just do a little bit more here that should hold pack it up see what happens it’s ugly but it works let’s whip some color so with the cut we need to get the dirt out of here to put through opal

Zilla we want to find opal we want to make some money something breaks down we all pretty much got to Stop boy we got op in the wall here any good I can’t see no color you a whack man yeah she might lead to something went Flor whatever that was I heard a crunch opal in Australia formed when silica Rich water from an ancient ient Inland Sea seeped through cracks and

Fishes into the Earth and hardened in host rock over millions of Years you hear it that’s crunchy oh that’s crunchy look at it all look at the color beaming out of all the bits oh we’re in today boys we are in today coated in this really stainy like the stain from up above just keeps blowing down over the millions of years

And stains the whole area the open coated and you don’t see it unless that breaks a bit you know it just hides op Zilla can find that little Crap there I’m still in here start a more material coming through now into the good St oh nice getting involved what we’re doing now with the open c I mean you can sit there and check in the cup but you do Miss stuff I mean we

Found a few bits that us we’ve already missed so far oh hello PR a golf something different oh hang on hey bit of bellite lovely prehistoric relative of the old calaris or the squid so that’s the last bit that’s left that filled up with opal over you know probably God knows 100

Million years ago or so hey oh that could be the other part of him take that bellore I think oilla had his way with it but you find the right one you could uh do very very well for yourself always looks amazing in the dark room but till

You actually get her out in the light or give it a wash you really can’t tell back at home base the black lighters wash their opal Hall in a converted cement mixer for 3 Days the process removes the clay from the opal and exposes the color you guys want to come over here

And have a look at what I’ve s well I’ve graded it as best I can I think the best thing we can do is get RA in she’s up with the latest prices of what is going for what so this is this week findes is it guys wow some

Bloody nice color in here we tumbled it for 3 Days rage as you would have heard that thing that it was just going and going and going wasn’t it all right when I I mean you got a lot of nice smaller Stones here which you know they’re cheap

Enough that the average Joe Blow can buy them so they’re going quite fast on the market at the moment and then we’ve got the kingstone quite nice and bright in color it just came on its own boom nice clean Crystal this parcel here is bloody nice that’s the top they’re good size

Cutters quite easy thick bars and then your tops here which are just stunning beautiful blue green C still wanted badly on the European market for sure oh wow this is the infamous Bell bort yeah John found both pieces went flipping rocks that’s really interesting specimen

Isn’t it it’s nice I Reon we should hold our heads up cuz it’s I think you’ve done all right this week boy I’m a bit proud of your everyone’s put it in this one yeah bloody o the black lighters have Crystal opal including low grade chips l King stones and a Bellum Knight

Fossil featuring the full spectrum of color it’s been tumbled with the crystal opal weighing 566 G yeah I reckon you’re looking at about 24 Grand guys that’s all right man that’s all right that’s worth the man well done man well done well done well done boys well done

But oh you know you realize this wasn’t all we found this week okay hey ah hey let’s hit the driving range let’s do it oh yeah look at the course today I’d watch out if you were standing out there oh finding a pocket you know there’s not really much

That can be today it’s a pretty bloody Good Feeling nicely done sir that’s wle yeah I’ve definitely been bitten by the opal bug got opal fever up here quite an easy fever to Catch got it 24K that’s a fair amount of money to pull in for a week in anyone’s books keeps the cobwebs out so um deep down pretty happy with it no Malin we’ll get that one back no I’ll get another go that no


  1. Please stop spoiling the surprise element of watching mining weigh ins……by shoving it in the title of the video?

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