Golf Players

The Hole Story Podcast – Ep 39 – Andrew Kitick – Western Golf Association, Evans Scholars Foundation

Robby & Jonathan welcome Andrew Kitick to talk about baseball, golf, Chicago, caddies, & more on this week’s The Hole Story Podcast. Andrew & Robby reminisce about South Carolina Gamecock baseball as Andrew shares about his 16 years working with the team. We learn more about the great things going on at the Western Golf Association & Evans Scholars Foundation where young lives are being changed through their tournaments and caddie programs.


Started in 1930 with two scholars in school that and these are caddies that go to college on full tuition and housing scholarships fast forward as we like to say 93 94 years later uh we have uh right now 1130 young men and women who are caddies in high school who are

Now in college um on full tuition and housing scholarships so that’s that’s a little bit of the history um it’s a growing organization and um again cading is the is is the start we go we talk about Cy to college to Career so um they’re not going on to become full-time

Cates they’re going on to become lawyers they’re going on to become attorneys Engineers business what have you um cading is the means to get [Applause] There All right welcome ladies and gentlemen to another edition of the whole story podcast Robbie and Jonathan here we are joined by very special guest Andrew KCK and we’ll introduce him more here in a second uh Jonathan I don’t know if you got to catch any of the PNC Championship

Over the weekend won’t say much about it you know congrats to the longers for winning it but just a really cool thing we always talk about is it’s not your schores where you play it’s who you get to play with and playing with your kids is pretty cool what do you think about

Well the whole time I was watching I was wondering if there’ be like a program event where maybe you Archie me and micaa could like figure out a way to go play with some of the other dads uh you know what was fun was that it was all

Parts of the family right people on the bag uh people that they were playing with and you could see like even the kids kind of giving their dads a hard time about missing shots or you know going one one way versus the other but yeah I mean what’s better than going out

And enjoying obviously the sport that they love with their family uh on on a pretty big scale so lots of kudos to the kids who got out there and played well too yep well today’s guest uh joining us Jonathan it kind of you know I’m thinking more and more about it it kind

Of hits uh you and me in multiple locations right so you’re from Illinois I’m from South Carolina Our Guest has ties to both uh we both love baseball we both love golf he’s been involved with both but let me introduce Andrew KCK uh originally from Illinois Chicago area

Went to University of Illinois and then in 20 2002 came down to the University of South Carolina uh and was there for 16 years as the we were joking the the sports information director I think it’s different titles now for the baseball team uh had quite a run there uh there

Were a couple national championships and other appearances uh there but then in 2017 moved back to Chicago to take on the role as senior manager of development Communications for the Western Golf Association and Evans Scholars Program so Andrew KCK welcome to the whole story podcast C Robbie

Jonathan thank you so much for having me and it’s great to be able to catch up yeah absolutely so I knew Andrew back uh when he was the Sid for the baseball team I did uh an internship with the Gamecock Sports Marketing um and we got to interact there during the baseball

Season um but Andrew I got to ask like what uh we’ll talk golf stuff and and all that but what was it like to be uh involved with Gamecock baseball kind of during I mean they’re still on a pretty good high but uh you know a couple national championships during a a pretty

Good time to be a a Gamecock baseball fan uh it’s a great question and thanks for asking it too I I I always use a term when I when I talk about South Carolina my time there um and working for um you know both coach Tanner and

Coach H Brook when I was with the baseball program and um Carrie Tharp and Steve vinker were my um bosses in in in the Sid office as they say Communications media relations whatever what have you and um um I always use the term special it was a very special time

In my life um it’s where I grew as a uh individual after college and uh I found it to be a place that you know I did not know when I went down there for it was a full-time internship when Carrie hired me and you know I was like well maybe

One year maybe two years who knows what will happen and and sure enough my first year we go all the way to the national championship and I’m with Coach Tanner and working with Tom Price who is the legendary historian um and you know we’re getting all way National

Championship you know guys like Landon power on that team you know it was it was a really really amazing group um yone Peters was the SEC Player of the Year Blake tayor was led the nation of saves um had great team and you know we go all the way

There and you know it was one year and I really enjoyed it and you know it became something where I’m like you know I like it down here and uh weather’s better um and it it was just something it just became something I you know I love baseball and uh just really enjoyed

Working with the student athletes so um before I knew I was down there for 16 years years and uh uh you know some incredible memories um being able to go to Omaha six times um some people just hope to go once um and my first three years like we

Went to omo I was like does this happen like that and as Chris Tanner would tell you no it doesn’t and uh he hadn’t he hadn’t made that trip until I got down there so um you know makes makes you really appreciate the the high level of uh those student athletes and what

They’re able to what they’re capable of because it it was a pretty amazing time uh feel very fortunate to have been part of some championship teams SEC championships national championships so um was lucky and got to meet some really amazing young men that uh went on to

Great success both on and off the field yeah well you gave me one of uh one of my highlights you probably don’t even remember this but I was doing the internship for gamec Sports Marketing I was getting ready this was we were playing Vanderbilt one weekend and I was

Getting ready in our office to to do kind of some game promotions and stuff and and the phone rings you call up there there and you said Robbie Charlie Mack Alexander and Christopher Thompson can’t make it do you want to do the PA for the baseball game tonight uh and I

Got to do uh the announcing uh over the loudspeaker for one of the baseball games and that was that was a ton of fun I you talking about introducing Landon Powell when he’s coming up to bat it was H it was a highlight for me that uh that

I’ll never forget so thank you for that oh you’re welcome and you know the Old Sarge fry field you know you know now obviously Founders Park beautiful place but there was so much character to Serge FR field when uh when I first started down there and it was just a nice little

Intimate Place great field great field and um it was interesting you know you look at the times of Serge P field and you know doing PA announcing like you did there and now to where college baseball is now with all these Mammoth Parks I mean um and you know we’re part

Of that experience of seeing the sport grow and and that that’s another a great memory is to see people really Embrace college baseball and they certainly do that in the great state of South Carolina it’s it’s Fant fantastic state for um baseball all the way from high

School all the way into aou and college and so forth and now minor league teams so um you definitely uh get a sense of how important baseball is in the state yeah you’re going on about your early career and now what you’re doing now I’m I’m I’m jealous I played baseball

Through college at a very small school definitely not a Gamecock level and here you are talking about going to Omaha three times with the team like I can’t imagine like being on the planes going with everybody getting it all set up uh just what an incredible experience it

It’s it’s really a journey too I you know the seasons I I always was just like just I think you have to remember to just Savor the experience and just Savor those moments and those bus rides and you know going on the planes with the teams getting to know the athletes a

Little bit more meeting their families um meeting other people from other teams you know I great relationships with my counterparts that were at other schools and learn a little bit more about them and uh you know what we all saw in the sport um and you know it you you really

See some things and then you see how teams are shaped you see how athletes deal with tough situations um you see how coaches deal with tough situations you’re winning you’re losing um fortunately we were winning a lot of time um but you know how how you battle

How you hand handle adversity um you know as coach Tanner would used to say heightened awareness um so uh it was really kind of special to kind of get those moments in behind the curtain a little bit and really see how you become successful at the highest level and and

Watching the players and and watching how what they had to do to do that how the coaches had to figure out different things you know such a strategic game um so um yeah I very very blessed uh you know you can go back and look

Back at so many memories and just like I remember when that happened and I was just it’s uh it’s pretty cool well and now you’re living the dream for probably a lot of our a lot of our listeners here besides the fact that it’s 30° and you

Got to go back home come to Chicago uh you’re with the Western Golf Association what exactly Drew you to that organization switching Sports really I mean completely switching Sports uh it’s a great question Jonathan you know after I moved back to Chicago in the summer of

2017 I was kind of looking just to you know just take a you know I I was I was ready to get back closer to home and you know um try to find something that fit right for me um you know being a college

I said he was great but it was it was demanding and um you know I just I was ready to see my family a little bit more and spend more time in an area where where I I could could be around people that I I wanted to be around with um so

I just want to be back home and be close to my dad and my brother especially um so I you know I was looking around for a job and sure enough something came open here at wga ESF um in the fall of 2017 and um for your background for both of

You Robbie and Jonathan um I was a caddy when I was young so um so I was familiar with wga I was a familiar with what was then the Western open now the BMW Championship so um I love golf I play golf um and it was there was really an

Opportunity in the development department um gentleman that was in my position was moving from development Communications to the actual Communications team we have here so we can get in more into that later um so the job opened up and uh you know I I reached out and fortunately I had a

Friend um a colleague who became a colleague here was Robbie you’ll get a kick out of this who was also worked did Serge fry field when he was a student at University of South Carolina then worked for wga ESF um Ryan Jones was his name

And um so uh I had reached out to him through through Linkedin and I said I saw this post and sure enough he’s like he remembered me um and uh he’s like well do have some lunch and so sure enough I got to know a little bit more

About the position and you know I was intrigued I was intrigued with what we’re doing here in the mission of the western Golf Association and EV Scholars foundation and so sure enough I put my hat the ring and uh uh the rest is history so they were they fortunately

Fortunately worked out and they offered me a position on on the team well you talked about the mission of uh the Western Golf Association and Evan Scholars uh what for those that might not know what impact uh have those that organization had on the game of golf it

It’s a storyed history really um with wga and ESF and uh we’re actually next year we’re coming up on our 125th anniversary for the Western Golf Association it was established in 1899 in the Chicago area uh with with the interest of promoting the interest of of golf and they they started championships

As as I mentioned earlier the BMW Championship is our is our Flagship tournament um which was then known as the Western open but we have terrific amateur in junior championships um so it was established to to to conduct golf championships promote golf um and as

Part of it um in in the late 1920s 1928 29 Chick Evans who was a a famed amateur golfer um played with against the likes of Bobby Jones Francis we met to name a couple um you know he came he never was able to finish college so but he he

Became successful in golf and uh he had some earnings that he wanted to put into um that he wanted to use to try to help caty go to college so um in 1930 the EV Scholars Foundation was established we sent our first two Cades to college and

He came to wga to kind of oversee the program and administer um the the funds that he had and sure enough we started in 1930 with two scholars in school that and these are caddies that go to college on full tuition and housing scholarships and um

You know fast forward as we like to say 93 94 years later uh we have uh right now 1130 young men and women who are caddies in high school who are now in college um on full tuition and housing scholarships so that’s that’s a little bit of the history um it’s a growing

Organization and um again kading is the is is the start we go we talk about Cy to college to Career so um they’re not going on to become full-time Cates they’re going on to become lawyers they’re going on to become attorneys Engineers business what have you um kadan is the means to get

There yeah we I think when you and I were messaging back and forth we mentioned that uh I played at Old Barnwell and uh they have the Evan scholar program there and um my friend Brandon Smith who invited me to go play there when he was describing kind of the

You know his excitement about the caddy program it’s you know the these high school kids are coming out and they’re caddying and they’re learning about golf but they get to interact with these members that are in the finance world or banking or attorneys and all this other

Stuff to then I think like you described it it takes them onto that career so maybe they learn something they can ask questions of these members who are very generously giving back um but it provides Ides an opportunity for them uh I think you know I read on your post how

To talk to adults right how to ask questions interact um and I think that was really cool uh really cool to see in action yeah we we we believe in what kadine teaches a young person and that is going to help them become successful

In life takes a lot of hard work to be a Katy especially at a young age you know a lot of maybe some of your listeners are familiar with adult Cades but to be to be a young caddy you know it’s a very you got to get up get up early go to

Work get to the club you’re catting for someone you got to make sure you’re there take care of the bag communicate to the golfer what your yardage is about you know it it’s a very very um you know there’s a lot of responsibility to the job and it’s really the responsibility

On the caddy to do a good job um for the golfers so um and through that you do get that mentorship and um fortunately to have successful um people that who take caddies and want to get to know you and want to learn more about you and

What is your interest what what what what do you what would you like to do in your life and so there’s this this Bond and and that mentoring part is so important um because it will help a young person especially if they they’re interested in applying and hoping try to

Become an Evan scholar um that it’s going to be through that Bond and that relationship um that they might have a recommendation they might get a recommendation from someone that would help them to apply and maybe earn the EV scholarship well and you said 125 years so obviously there’s a long life cycle

To this right I’m assuming there have been Evan scall ships and other caddies that have now back contributing to the program itself and working to make that different and move around a different places you alluded earlier before we got on the air here that you’re that you’re

In the South Carolina area now at Old Barnwell but also potentially at USC is that right yeah so you know we’re um you know we’re we’re very fortunate you were talking about alumni alumni do get Vex to the program we have a very generous you know we have over 12,000 caddies who

Have graduated with scholarship and uh our alumni giving last year I think was 14 million over $14 million towards back towards the program so um you know we’ve had some very successful people go on in life and it’s all because of the scholarship they got to Cali they they

Will never forget and they pay it back um and that’s something that’s it’s so important to us that the alni are giving back to our program and so um and and we are growing as an organization um when I started in 20 so I was January of 2018

When I started here at Evans scars we had 965 Scholars at 19 universities so as I mentioned earlier we had 1130 right now so and so we’re trying to get to 1500 Evans scholars in school by 2030 1500 full tuition and housing so um think about that that’s that’s that’s a

Big and uh you know as part of trying to get to 1500 we have to grow as an organization and um you know predominately we started we were a Midwest organization um it started going west a little bit um we have Scholars at University of Colorado University of

Washington University of Oregon but the East has also been some of an area where we’ve really felt that we could grow as well and we’ve established some really good Partnerships with other organizations um started kind of in the Pittsburgh area and now we’ve kind of grown more into the Northeast partnering

With some of those organizations that also give Alca scholarships and working together with them um but the southeast is is is an area where we haven’t tapped into yet so um South Carolina is definitely a state that interests us and uh you know it’s a state with great golf

All across the state whether it is old Barnwell as you mentioned whether it’s in the Charleston area whether it’s even in the upstate or in the Midlands um you know there are plenty of opportunities to play golf so it’s it’s really about starting youth caddy programs is

Something that we’ve had to do and fortunately old Barnwell is a great example um and in the Charleston area we have some great examples Charleston Municipal Golf Course was a public course that that is is taking you CAD so um it was important for us as an

Organization to to Really begin to start growing caddy programs if we’re going to be successful um in getting to 15 our Scholars and that’s what has interested Us in having conversations and starting to have conversations with University of South Carolina uh as we look to have our first Southeastern School uh become a

Partner um so we’re uh conversations are ongoing and uh you know stay tuned but uh we really feel that South Carolina is a great a great fit and you know we’re hopeful that uh we can we can have a partnership down the line you mentioned some pretty cool places to visit I’m

Assuming you’re the one that gets to go scout out all the new courses and all the new schools is that right uh I I don’t get to do that much that’s some other people on our team uh we we did have um and speaking of old Barnwell we

Did have several of our caddy development team um so as an organization we have um four people on our team that are specifically focused on caddy development growing caddy programs um whether they’re in the East West or in the Central and uh they get a chance

To go a little bit more than I do um South Carolina since it’s so close to my heart I’ve had a chance to to to go down there a little bit um but uh you know all of us get a chance to go out and promote the Evans Scholar’s name as much

As we can whether it’s in South Carolina or whether it’s in other states or other areas we’re looking to to maybe grow the program so how can individual people how can coures get involved with you guys you know what can they do to to kind of help support what y’all are doing you

Know just reach out and say you know we want to start a Katy program and uh if you reach out to wga Evans Scholars uh we’ll certainly have that conversation we would like to know a little bit more about the course whether you are a private club most of our most of where

Cates are are private clubs but we do have public courses as well um and so we just like to learn a little bit more about what’s okay who’s who’s going to support it who from the membership side or from a golfer side is are going to

Take caddies um and you know it just learning a little bit more about it and then we can understand okay how do we recruit and get young people to go there to caddy and to make sure that that they get out and that they’re successful cading um and that can lead to

Eventually applying for for an scholarship so um it’s just a lot of that and understanding you know this is where this is what you have to do to have a successful K program and All Pro you know as we’ve learned it’s it’s different different areas different places have different rules different

Understanding um you know some KY some places KY programs are huge some places you know there’s a select amount of Cades so um it it’s just understand we we we try to get the best understanding of like what’s going on at the course who’s there to support it um from a

Membership side from a golf staff side and uh from a director’s side and just try to understand from a board side also what the support is as well and from there we we we try to come up with a plan plan all right well if you’re a

Course out there if you’re an individual that’s involved with your course please reach out and uh and see about getting a caddy program but uh you mentioned before you love playing golf and you’ve been playing for a while uh we ask everybody that comes on our show what

What is the most memorable golf shot that you’ve ever had most memorable golf shot i’ I’ve got a couple um I that’s a really good question so I played Whistling Straits in 2018 summer of 2018 play with my now father-in-law um and uh I almost had an eagle and I

Was there was there’s a short part three on the back nine I can’t remember what was it 11 or 12 it’s short part three and I had a good drive and the caddy adult caddy at at westling streets uh and that’s all they have at westling streets you have

To take a caddy um uh he’s like you know you said you could I said it was it was a downhill was about 80 yards or so he’s like like you can almost put this if you need to and and sure because it was such

A downhill thing he’s like I want you to go right down to this area and he pointed right towards it and sure enough I did he’s like you’re just about he’s like he’s like that’s a perfect shot that’s a perfect shot you’re gonna get an eagle you’re about to get an eagle

Whistling straight and sure enough it goes right barely past the hole it like came in from the left to the right and it just it it it flowed perfectly and just missed the hole and I would have had an eag so I tapped in for birdie but

Uh it’s the to get a birdie a whistling St I was very proud of myself um I I don’t know I have I’m a I’m I’m a solid 15.4 but I I don’t score too much um I just I try to I try try to hit par

Usually that’s my my that’s usually my win for me I just not a score I don’t hit the ball far enough but that was pretty neat experience and I wasn’t playing great that round um but that hole I will remember that I was like I I

Can at least say I got one birdie whistling stad well you said now father-in-law do everyone wants to know did you let him win that day oh he won he’s he’s a much better golfer than me um he I I and he was ironically he was a

College baseball player and you guys are get a kick out of this he actually played played at Central Michigan University in the early 1970s he played at starge FR field so we had that uh nice story that we were able to share together but uh uh he he usually he’s

Usually got me on on the course he’s usually got me by a few Strokes so but we have a great time that’s it’s one of the many college baseball golf is probably bu well it’s funny you mention Whistling Straits our Our Guest last week is a caddy full-time caddy at

Whistling Straits so uh Mark the caddy give him a little shout out there he does a does a great job out there we have not played it yet but we’re we’re hoping to get there someday I hope you do it’s a absolutely I’m sure you’ve

Seen it from Ryder Cup days and you know the majors that it’s hosted um it’s an absolutely beautiful place just right along Lake Michigan and Wisconsin Ian and Coler Wisconsin is an absolutely gorgeous place to go to in the summer for all you that looking to get out that

95 degree heat in the the pop-up storms in Columbia South Carolina in the summer uh make your way up to Wisconsin for a week um and there some Great Courses up there Wisconsin has a great state for for golf and we’re fortunate we have we have a beautiful new Scholarship House

Actually at University of Wisconsin right now so we get a lot of Cades going to Wisconsin so so yeah go to Whistling Straits I I highly recommend a good invitation all right well we always like to go through what we call the quick nine with our guests so

You can rapid fire you can elaborate whatever you want to do the first question uh what’s the favorite course that you’ve played favorite course that I played I I would say was Straits I I I definitely would say that that that for me was just a pinnacle moment to play

Golf and uh I absolutely enjoyed it um and it’s just just to be able to to see the views of it um you know I got some courses on my bucket list that might crawl over that a little bit um but for now that that will be number one on my

List for sure that and I’ve played it now I first played it with my dad and my brother back in 20 2005 so I’ve seen the course grow up a little bit as well um so I’ve played it U three times now I think and uh I enjoyed every time nice

Well the next question was what course is at the top of your bucket list uh Pebble Beach Pebble Beach would be would be the the one that I want to play um I I went out to montere one time um and I almost went out and decided to

Play it myself but I decided not to I said I want to do it another time when I I wasn’t at the right yeah I just I didn’t have the time to do it um but I remember thinking H if I get back here I want to go play Pebble Beach so that

Would be that would be the one what golf event do you want to attend to those really good question well I I I did do a bucket list thing earlier this year so my wife and I went on our honeymoon to Italy so I did get to go to

The ryer cup in Italy this year so that was amazing so I I did cross that one off so I would say the Masters would be my bucket would be my bucket list in terms of attending um so yeah definitely the Masters all right we make the

Invitation to all of our guests if you ever need to go to a guesta you can come stay at my house you don’t have to worry about housing we’ve got plenty of rooms I appreciate that chat thank you if I if I someday get the get the get the get

The nudge uh I will I will reach back out to you because I’m I I know how how that week I’m sure it’s it’s a pretty penny it sure is yep all right so what baseball stadium do you want to go to most what Bas say that again Robbie I’m

Sorry you broke up what baseball stadium is at the top of your bucket list the baseball stadi at the top of bucket okay um that’s a really good question I’d say Dodger Stadium to be honest with you uh never been there always wanted to go to

A game there’s a lot of history there um they have a heck of a team um so you know I I’ve been to a lot of really cool baseball stadiums over time but for reason I never had a chance to go to Chavez ravines so um I’m sure the

Tickets are going to be nice and uh tickets nice easy to afford now with Otani I’m just kidding uh but yeah doer Stadium would probably be number one on my list right now standing room for open day is like 500 bucks a ticket right now

I can’t I can’t imagine if you want to see it it’s 5,000 I mean you’re you’re a Cardinals fan so it shouldn’t be too difficult to come down to St Louis right uh I’m not a Cardinal fan at all I but uh I have to St Louis a few

Times so um enjoy the Cubs Cardinals rivalry Jonathan so I’m sure you do as a someone from Southern Illinois so that’s right yeah you know I uh I um yeah it’s great great atmosphere always when you see CBS Cardinal so that’s pretty special My Funny Story my dad went to a

Game down there and he caught a foul ball and he was the fan of the game and he got the foul ball and they they actually came out and do the interview with the with him afterwards and they’re like oh yeah he’s a c fan Soo they gave

Him a they give well I raed him a little bit so anyway I did the same thing and they gave me three pounds of sunflower seeds that’s pretty pretty strong it was awesome yeah it was great got to share with the entire section it was a good

Day I believe it that’s awesome yeah it was a good day uh what is your favorite golf logo my favorite golf logo oh that’s a really good one um other than Evans scolars of course right um I obviously promotion there um I would say that is really good question um banon

Dunes I really like B Dunes yeah that’s another one on our bucket list that we want to go see all right uh who would you rather see win a championship next the Cubs or the Gamecocks would I rather see win a championship next the Cubs or the

Gamecocks um well now that I live in Chicago I would say the Cub so I I I I I I lived beautiful times with championships with the with the game CS but I I would say the Cubs because uh it would be nice to see another one uh another one in

There as I always say Robbie is generous enough to let me always ask this question it’s my favorite one what’s your favorite snack on the golf course and since you are a Cubs fan what’s your favorite snack during a baseball game really good questions on both um my

Favorite snack um at the golf course is I I usually I usually get a Snickers bar I try to get some sort of chocolate protein somewhere around the turns so I’ve always I’ve always like gravitated towards Snickers bar I Snickers bar is what I have I I I play I play Adult

Hockey so that’s what I usually grab Sunday before I go to the rink is is a Snickers bar um in terms of my favorite food at a game you can’t go Gotta Go nothing like a Chicago style hot dog I’m sorry Chicago style all the way um

Everything on it and um so that’s when you go to when you go to Wrigley you got to have a dog so all right next question true or false uh you can be seen on the top of the dog pile in the 2010 celebration of the College World Series false

Um you know I had a routine actually I’m sorry I know this is rapid fire but I go I had a routine so when we went there in 2010 I just want to give you a little more background we went there in 2010 we lost the first game to Oklahoma

And I had gone down early just um it was my my my thing and I was like you know what I’m not going to go down early anymore I’m G to watch in the Press Box sure enough we won every game so I I actually remember when Whit hit the

Single and I have never tried to get down the field as fast as I could to make sure that I was down there I got there down there just in time to get coach Tander set up uh for his interview with Aaron Andrews and but I flew

Absolutely flew I this the fastest I’ve ever gone and I I went straight down the stairs and I knew exactly where I had to go in Rosen blad um so I never saw the dog pile till after the dog pile so I was not in the dog pile um but I was

There in time to be in The Dugout area and just watch Everybody celebrate so well constant professional making sure that the coaches were set up yeah for the interview part it it was fortunately you know they they they give you time to watch everything so I was able to run

Down there in time um eron she was already you know set up for it and everything like that so I was able able to hear coach Tanner talk about it which was which was pretty cool yeah all right so finish this sentence the best part of the western Golf Association and Evan

Scholarship Foundation is uh changing lives um through through um just just through our mission to help um young people go to to college um yeah no that’s great well uh Andrew we appreciate it man exciting things what the Western golf associ Association and the Evans Scholars Foundation are doing

Um highly encourage you guys if you are at a course that has um has the the Evans scholar program set up use a caddy um you know they might not uh know every single thing about reading a green or whatever but you’re helping uh helping to support uh support the program so

Andrew thanks for joining us today Robbie Jonathan thank you so much for having me and uh thank you for having allowing us the opportunity to share a little bit more about our program and uh what we’re trying to do um and helping young people yep well it’s been a

Pleasure until next time we appreciate you guys listening to the whole story Podcast

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