Get Your Lower Body Connected to the Ground Like a Pro | Golf Lesson

Downswing video:

Finding the balance of weight shift, hip rotation and body turn is extremely hard for most amateur golfers. In this video, MyGolfDNA instructor Chris Tyler shows you how to use your lead leg and hip like the pros do in the backswing for power and stability.

0:00 Intro
1:55 What you need the lower body for
2:18 Setup keys
4:25 The drill
6:15 How to practice your new movement
9:34 Closing
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So I think it’s probably pretty safe to say that there’s absolutely no shortage of golf instruction these days and what’s probably the most frustrating thing in the world for a lot of you at home is that you don’t know what it is that you should be working on because

Everything is all over the map I get it I want you to answer two very important questions every single time you go out there and you start to work on your own golf game and these two questions are number one is what I’m working on considered safe of my body number two am

I working on things in the correct order now a lot of you at home aren’t equipped to be able to answer those two questions you need an instructor to be able to look at you and tell you hey this is what you should be working on this is

The sequential order and what you should be doing so and this is what the outcome should be if you do these things right now the hard part is is to know if these movements are safe on your body when it comes down to it being safe in the golf

Swing is Paramount there’s so many players that have to sit on the sidelines from injuries like their back or their hips or their knees and you can swing the golf club safely and efficiently and still produce the club head speed that you’re looking for I’m a good example I’m 41 years old I’ve

Played this game for just over 36 years of my life and I can tell you right now I have never had a golf related injury and I love to beat golf balls I love to hit golf balls now I’m not saying that my golf swing is picture perfect but

What I have in my golf swing is a Consolidated movement where I produce my power and speed by using good sequence if you have a good foundation and you use your smallest muscles as little as possible and you use your trunk in your core properly then you can also have a

Golf swing that’s safe and efficient that doesn’t make you mad at the end of the day so what I’m going to teach you here today is I’m going to help you find that perfect balance of what your legs and your hips should be doing early on

In the swing shape so that you’re using them properly in the sequence and so that you can fire in the downswing just like you would see of the best players in the world let’s go Ahad and get started now you want your lower body as a power

Source in your golf swing you want your lower body to be a foundation you want it to be stable but finding the balance with how much weight shift and how much hip turn you need to have is exactly what we’re going to be working on today

I’m going to teach you a little trick that you can do with your lead hip and your lead knee that’s going to help you load into your Trail side properly and also help stabilize your pelvis so that you are ready and set up for success to start attacking your downswing so there

Going to be two setup points that you want to have in a good spot before you start taking on this movement that I’m going to teach you with your lead hip and Lead n and most importantly I want you to understand that yes we want to be

Anchored in the ground but we also want to be set up in a way where we can rotate our hips properly and move in a way that’s not going to put us In Harm’s Way injury prevention is what this should be all about right we don’t want

To go out there and swing the golf club and end up in a hover hover round or a wheelchair and if you don’t know what a hover round is go to your local grocery store and look at those carts that you can put a key in and drive them up and

Down the aisles and get your canned goods we don’t want to be in one of those we want to play golf now what I want you to do is I want you to understand that when you get over the golf ball where your weight is in your

Feet and how much knee Flex you have at a dress is is critical for the loading processes of the golf swing so what you want to make sure that you have is you want to be in what we call our anatomic true balance at a dress if you were to

Stand up vertically and take all of the skin and the fat off of me and if I was just standing here like a big bag of bones I have my weight directly underneath my ankle joints I can feel my entire foot spread out to the ground but

Most of my weight is parked right underneath my ankles now when you get into proper stance width and you have your weight underneath your ankle joints you’re also going to want to make sure that you have just enough knee Flex to where your knees are softened and the

Back of the knee is directly in line with the center of the ankle I don’t want to see you with way too much knee Flex like this and I don’t want to see you locked out with your legs straight so just soften the knees so that the

Back of the knee is directly over the center of the ankle and you should feel the weight right through the ankle joints you should feel very stable you should feel very put to the ground that’s a good position for you to be able to start moving from now how we’re

Going to do today’s drill is we’re going to focus in on allowing the left hip and the left leg to move early on in the swing but once we get it moved as we load into the trail side we’re going to start locking it out into position as we

Finish off our turn and you’re going to start feeling some activation in your lead side adductors you’re going to feel some activation in your core you’ll feel some activation in your glutes these are all good muscles to have why well because they’re not your smallest muscles in the GOL swing your hands and

Your arms we need to load the body up in order to be able to produce our club head speed so what I want you to do is I want you to go ahead and take a setup you can grab some sort of middle iron yes you can do this drill with your

Driver if you want to so I want you to have your weight and anatomic true balance and I want you to have the proper knee Flex at a address okay now when we start our golf swing you hear me say so often that we want to pressure shift into our Trail side and

The way that I typically describe that is is taking your Trail hip and pushing back towards your Trail ankle so if you were 50/50 at a dress you’re going to feel somewhere between 70 to 80% of your weight now move underneath the trail ankle now in order to do that properly

To allow the hips to move dynamically you need need the lead side to respond to this movement so if you watch my lead side as I start to pressure shift I want you to watch the lead knee and the lead hip very closely okay so my lead knee moves from

A face on perspective towards my trail knee ever so slightly and it moves in towards the golf ball ever so slightly if I were to take the camera angle and I were to shift it over to where it was looking at me centered what you would

Notice is is that the space between my knees is exactly the space that was between my knees at a dress so many of you at home decrease that space or increase that space as you’re going back that’s what either makes your hips over rotate or that’s what makes

Your hips under rotate that’s too restrictive what we want is we want movement but we want that perfect balance of movement now a lot of you at home probably ask well can I do this drill with a basketball or a beach ball or a ball that fits between my knees of

Course you can that space between your knees that you have at a dress is going to be maintained through the swing shape the reason why it looks like it’s decreasing is because you’re looking at things from a two-dimensional space when in fact that space is actually the exact

Same now following this movement when I make that pressure shift into my trail side and I start rotating my hip you can see that the knee has turned in and it’s pointed at the golf ball it’s not moved inside of the golf ball it’s just kind

Of turned in at it now that’s the focus point that you’re going to use here today so once you pressure shift into that trail side and that knee turns into the golf ball now I want you to lock that puppy in place and I want you to

Turn your guts as much as you possibly can do that by feeling like you’re turning your rib cage we’re going to do three or four reps where we’re just working to a static position we’re going to make sure that we have in a good spot then we’re going to start making some

Down swings from that position and then we’re going to start moving dynamically and you’re going to feel what it’s like to now have stability and movement in your lower body all at the same time so follow this plan okay good setup weight underneath my ankle joints

Proper knee Flex okay so I’m going to press down on my trail in ankle I’m allowing my lead knee to move in towards the ball now I’m keeping it nice and still and I’m stopping okay little pressure shift so you can see that the knee comes

In as I load into this Trail side and I start to rotate the hips and then it stops moving as I finish off my turn make sure at the top of the Swing you feel loaded into the trail side you should feel about 80 to 90% you should

Have your hips rotated somewhere between 30 to 40° and you should feel some activation in your Le leg the lead at leg activation you should feel it kind of right here in the adductors you might feel a little bit in your quad and a little bit in your hamstring as well

Most of the activation I feel are in my abductors and believe it or not you can actually use those adductors to help pull you onto your lead side in the downswing so that you don’t have any sort of that push movement that gets you into trouble and runs you into early

Extension I have a video that I’m going to put up on the screen right now that demonstrates that movement in particular you can use those lead leg inductors to go ahead and get your on to your lead side with some help from the trail side

And that’s a great way for you to be able to have a good solid movement onto your lead side that doesn’t have a lot of the faults that you battle with at home okay let’s go ahead and take our setup let’s do two or three reps just drilling

Up to the top so a little pressure shift let the knee come in okay I can feel some activation in here I can feel some load in my trail side if you notice that your hips are over rotating or they’re trying to get your knee to pull in even further then

Try to maintain a little bit of flex in the right leg that will stabilize your pelvis I know a lot of you at home actually have more mobility in your hips than than I do or some of the other players that we face so maintain some

Flex in that trail leg and that’ll help stabilize it now that we’ve got that feeling going we want to start making some swings I would suggest that you do three or four reps drilling to the top holding it static and then swinging through making sure that you can feel it right

The more the speed that you put in the golf swing the more speed that you put in the golf swing is not necessarily working in your favor it’s harder to maintain the awareness of the actual change that you’re trying to make but we do want to work on getting this to

Movement because the golf swing is not about positions it’s about moving through positions movement is key so set up make sure you got the weight underneath your ankles proper knee Flex little pressure shift let that knee come in swing through so you can see that was really solid how about that

Huh now you have a golf swing that’s got more stability in it it’s got more power being built into it because you’re Now using your legs and your hips properly and on top of that you’re moving in a very safe way hopefully you guys enjoyed

Today’s video If You did leave us a like And subscribe to the channel if you are brand new and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to post that up below and I’ll help you out as best as I possibly can make it a great

Day let’s start playing some good golf will you please


  1. Timestamps. Couple of big ones coming this week so make sure you're subscribed. Please and thank you:)
    0:00 Intro

    1:55 What you need the lower body for

    2:18 Setup keys

    4:25 The drill

    6:15 How to practice your new movement

    9:34 Closing

  2. This is one of 5 things I’m working on right now, so thanks. Mainly that I’ve been letting my lead foot come way up in the backswing. Gives me more turn, but probably losing some loading down low.

  3. Lots of help – thanks! I will say that the woman in the red top in the background distracted me for a while……maybe that is part of my problem? lol She sure has a nice follow through – I am 72, I suppose trying to copy her finish would be a dumb move? Can anyone else who is old do that?

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