5 Step Plan To Reduce My Handicap

We go through a 5-step plan to reduce my golf handicap with Coach Will Robins from @thescoringmethod . If you’re serious about lowering your scores and becoming a better golfer, these practical strategies and on course coaching will get you there.

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We may have just killed somebody oh no anyway so will is a performance coach you’re the guy that I go to when I need to figure out how to score how to score better how to score and not be so frustrated with your level of talent you

At your high scores I’ve got watching you play the last few days I got five things for you can I give them to you do I need to talk to the crew or do I need to talk to you you can talk to them okay

So the first thing is we went out to a club in La which we’re not allowed to talk about and played and uh I’ve never seen Sky hit driver is good I mean just pound and get 70 80 yards past me but when we came out this morning we were

Doing some filming uh driver came out and uh it was um yeah into some trees and trees and then a double then a bogey and so first thing that I’ve got to say for cordi is you have got to get a go-to club that when you start off your round

Yes you can pound that thing but you can also ruin the round in the first three holes so to me is yeah let’s go ahead and rip it but realistically let’s go ahead and pull out what does your three iron go 240 yeah yeah so we need to put

Club in play you’ve got to have a go-to club and you’ve got to be more patient and warm up into the round and when we get wide open Fairways like we’re at down there then great hit it but when it’s tight and dog legs left and there’s

Creeks and Hazards and stuff like we got out here at Dark Horse then you got to be a little bit more patient the thing that stuck out that made sense to me this morning was those Gears of like some days you just go out there and you

Rip it perfectly yeah some days you don’t and and the funny thing is is that yesterday you ripped it and today you didn’t but you came into today’s round like right let’s just pick up where we were yesterday instead of let’s see where we are we didn’t warm up today and

You pull out driver and hit into the trees you know what I mean and then you hit into the trees on the second and we’re three over through two yeah I mean that is absolutely perfect yeah that is so good oh no he’s still there is he oh

we may have just killed somebody oh no anyway now let’s go ahead and take through but I still don’t know if it’s okay I think you may have run out of Fairway and run into the into the jump true right so now my point is is that

You go ahead take the three IR out aiming that left left quadrant of the Fairway right there that you can see where it’s actual not going over the tree and again still still full commit to it you know what I mean you got to put yourself in a position you’ll be

Left out about maybe 130 145 from there all right little cutter here we are you tweaked it a little bit further rate than you wanted but look how massive this is I still don’t even know if your golf ball down there which was striped is in the

All right so let’s go ahe and take a look how far we have maybe a little bit more than I thought okay you got 165 so you didn’t hit it the way you’d like but the point is is that the second thing that I’ve been seeing from you is you

Can now hit it a mile you’ve been doing a ton of speed training but we need a yardage Gap okay like how what club do you hit 165 that would be slightly less than stock eight iron less than a stock eight IR what time do you hit a full

Full a like 170 okay what do you hit a 3/4 uh probably 160 okay what what would it take you to hit one 145 145 yeah I don’t know like slower Tempo like 9:00 yeah 9:00 and slower Tempo probably I mean I suppose what I’m seeing is is

That in a lot of players that start bombing it like Jason day and stuff they just have this one speed and I would be saying to you is I’d still be working on here’s my 9:00 smooth a time that goes 140 flighted down here’s my 3/4 that

Goes 160 here’s my full that goes 175 here’s my I’m going to kill it and go 185 but getting into a position where you have different ball flights from the same Club because of the different speed different yardages so I think yardage gapping and getting those numbers dialed

Down actually having on a piece of paper instead of in your head right is really vital especially when you come and play up here we’re at 5,000 ft you’re going to get you’re going to get further distances right so I think that’s going to help you a lot thoughts on that so

You think so I should go in like on a launch monitor I’ve got the simulator in the family room I go in I go okay 9:00 8 iron and we do that figure out hit 10 of those hit a 3/4 hit a full hit a smash

You know and get these numbers and start looking at all of that data and start to see what’s the Gap you know when I when I hit it full it’s between 165 and 172 okay great but we need more clarity because you’ve got to hit the ball

Closer to I never write this down too you never then you forget it exactly so 165 you said just take a little bit off of an A sign let’s go and take a look FL pin High safe away from the trouble not going to hurt you all right so this

Is the greatest drive I’m not kidding I’ve ever seen on this hole okay you fit it down here I was concerned you ran out into the hazard okay so this is the other thing that we started to talk about and we just talked about on that last piece of improvement is this idea

Of yardage gapping but also clock system yeah right so again you’re gaining all this power which is fantastic but also it’s I think bringing some inconsistency with your wedges you seem to be guessing a lot right and the ball seems to be going very high a lot so to me is what

I’d like to do is how far do you think that is to start with with uh 110 110 okay how do and we have 108 so that’s good now what’s 108 yard Club what do you to uh I got a sandwich just a full sandwich is 115 so how do you gauge that

What do you do on the clock what show me a back swing on a full swing okay now what would you do would you slow swing slower would you shorten the back swing would you choke up what have you got to do um I don’t know I feel like I got to hit

This full full power cuz it’s going to spin or I don’t know okay but you said 115 this is 108 I think it’s going to spin back 20 21 ft is it no no a full swing is 11 right I want you to go ahead and shorten the swing down a little bit

Engage it at 10:30 okay so I want you to have that that arm up an across still with the same tempo and speed that you would I want you to take dead aim at that flag stick maybe one yard right of it and I want you to go ahead and play that 108

Shot it’s going to be long I don’t think I did it I think I did a full swing take a look yeah it’s about seven or eight yards long so now what I want you to do is if that’s your full I want you to shorten the swing up and go

Ahead turn with that same tempo okay put a shorter back swing take about you know half the I guess the thing about a clock system is it takes some work to dial it in well that’s why I would say to you is I would get out there and start doing a

9:00 a 10: in a full or a 9 and a 1030 in a full there you go it’s a little bit better but you can see that your ball flight’s getting up pretty high up in the air right yeah and and there’s the inconsistency so what I would like to

See is now what club is that right there that’s sandwich okay sandwich okay probably speed wise you’re going to be swinging about 70% so we’re trying to control the Flight of the ball instead of getting it so high feel like it’s going to be a little bit lower and so

You can swing with the the length is still up there around 10:30 but I just want the tempo right to not be where you’re compressing the ball so much and getting it to shoot so high up that’s a bit flight to me how that feel really good and what I want you to

Do now is a 930 okay there you go that was nice yeah that’s what we’re looking for Nice Shot thanks that’s what we’re looking for so I would like to see less height on the ball by spting up the goal swing slowing down the tempo lowering the flight

Getting more consistency if you have to smash it out of rough and hit a long way great but we’ve got a yardage Gap do you do how do you learn this do you do mirror do you do video well yeah I do I just work on nine and then I go ahead

And hit 10 shots then I’ll go 10 1030 right and then I’ll go full lob wedge three Sand Wedge three gap wedge three pitching wedge three you start to work on it you’re going to master it yep got to do it I love that Lage yeah you would

Right yeah okay so let’s go ahead let’s see see what you got close as you can get it all right oh yeah and I love it and you pull off great shots my thing to you just like Phil Mickelson he used to pull off amazing shots but you just flew the ball

For a basic Chip Shot I can see your diver right here right you flew it to here to hit that shot I know I know and so to me is we’ve got to like I said the T box we got to start to give you some fundamentals in different shot selection

Around the green look I’m fine with you hitting that lob wedge you know when it’s the appropriate shot like if we were over here right you’d have to cuz the slope’s massive but I would start to say okay now now go ahead and hit with a

Sandwich for me so I think it’s really about like game development for you which is wedges fight them down use different distances different clubs around the green let’s hit a sandwich close let’s hit a pitching witch close let’s hit a 99 close and start to learn oh that’s too far

Oh really it’s too far oh know you landed it shorter and it’s closer to the hole okay so the point being is is that you can start to play different shots around the green because when you do get on firm and fast greens you do need to

Have a whole array of shots and not just that On’s on at a dimensional shot which you’re good at see landed that shorter and oh it releases down to the hole you’re a show off dude look at this okay let’s see another one let’s go 9on this is uh you

Can see how the landing zone is coming closer and closer and closer and closer to us right which makes the shot easier when you’re under pressure more consistent look at that a good old Scot go in the hole I want to prove to you that I’m right come on but did you see

That just wait there Cody you landed that one right here right there it is right that is an easy Chip Shot okay you can’t land it here cuz it’s going to kick down you couldn’t hit a 99 from this I would start to expand what you do around the green and really practice

Different shots and try and get away from the lob wedge spinner cuz sometimes it will zip and stop way too short or it won’t stop and it will release by and then you got a 10-footer and you’re going to miss it unfortunately and you got to hit that solid this you can kind

Of miss it yeah get away with it how do you do you practice it in this way do you like practicing through the try and do every different club and they get to a nine and oh no nine didn’t work you know what I mean okay so don’t hit a

99 still pretty darn good I mean how much easier is that shot than a lob wedge spinner go like this right yeah okay final thing that I’d say to you fifth thing I’d say to you is look you make all your puts inside 3 or 4T I

Think you got to start working from 6 to 15 ft a lot more I think just going around the hole and practicing you know these type of lengths parts and really working on those CU you got a good stroke but but again you’re not going to

Hit wedges inside of six feet very often right but you are going to hit him to 12 excuse me I don’t know if you just saw know yeah I would challenge you to start going around doing like Mark bro’s 10-point game you know that one 9 ft 10t

11t okay okay 9 ft 10t 11t you put five TS around the hole okay okay so you then go around it and if you make it it’s two points okay okay if you leave it short it’s negative 1 okay if you three put it’s -2 okay and you’ve got to get to 10

A tour player does it in seven okay and so what it teaches you to do is get the ball just past the hole and make make some of those puts idea of how challenge yourself for the putts that you’re going to need to make to start shooting lower

In the 60s more often than in the 70s yeah so again I wouldn’t say technique’s wrong I would just say I’d be challenged so go ahead and hit this one right here you know 8 9 10 11 ft that’s going to be what’s going to make the big

Difference oh that a little bit and one more but do you get what I’m saying is this is an 8ot part and this is 50/50 on the tour this is why you got to practice them a lot and also make sure you’re on Green early in the morning so they’re

Pure and you’re not going to edit these out either everybody if I watch this video and these aren’t in there I’m going to tell him that he was lying you just want to show people how this is what I need to practice huh okay one more come on I mean this is

Crazy I think you made thing in have you made your point it in knock it in there and there we go Mr Walker thank you sir sir much appreciated good time check out scoring Method YouTube channel scoring absolutely you got your best stuff over there the five keys

To Breaking 85 is a great video it is and people should learn how to quit golf is that right they should also learn how to quit golf if you’re not having fun playing it you might as well quit it cuz you’re trying to perfect it you might as well play

It okay till next time a

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