How have UEFA and other organisations responded to new European Super League plans?

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UEFA, The Premier League, The FA and many European football clubs have responded to new propsals for a European Super League.

Organisers behind the failed European Super League have revealed plans for a new competition that features promotion and relegation.

It comes after judges said UEFA rules blocking the formation of such a competition were contrary to EU law.

The initial plan for a European Super League was met with widespread fury when it was announced in April 2021 and included Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea, Tottenham and Manchester City.

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► For the latest developments on this story:

00:00 – UEFA and FIFA acted unlawfully blocking European Super League
01:24 – A22 proposal
03:15 – Pep Guardiola reaction
03:53 – Manchester United response
04:29 – Unai Emery reaction
05:30 – The Premier League and FA statements
07:03 – Sky’s Geraint Hughes provides updates
08:27 – UEFA President response
09:23 – Backlash to A22 proposals
11:07 – PSG president comments
12:30 – ‘British clubs will be unable to join by law’
14:54 – FIFA statement
15:30 – Atletico Madrid statement
16:00 – Bayern Munich comments
16:30 – Big moment for football say Barcelona and Real Madrid presidents
18:25 – Inter Milan statement

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Well we start with a potentially seismic ruling for the future of football the European court of justice has today decided FIFA and UEFA acted unlawfully in blocking the European Super League two and a half years ago over the course of several chaotic days these 12 clubs

12 of the biggest clubs in Europe tried to set up a breakaway Super league and straight away felt the full force of uefa’s rules but could it be reignited in some form Real Madrid and Barcelona have been leading the fight to form a rival competition and the grand chamber of the European

Court of justice has today decided UEFA and FIFA acted against EU competition law however both governing bodies have today issued strong responses to the new ruling here are the key points from the ruling FIFA and UEFA rules blocking the formation of a competition such as the

Super leag League are contrary to EU law the European court of justice has ruled that FIFA and UFA were abusing a dominant position in blocking them crucially this ruling does not mean a competition such as the Super League must necessarily be approved and the court is not ruling on the specific

Super League project however UEFA and FIFA must now listen to any proposals for a new project such as the Super League indeed there is big news today and that news is that football is free free from the Monopoly of HFA free to pursue the best ideas without fear of

Sanctions and under our proposal free feewing of all life matches but more on that later let’s start with the ruling this morning the European court of justice ended with us near 70-year Monopoly by determining that that FIFA and ufa’s rules on prior approval of interclub competitions are contrary to European Union

Law they have also determined that FIFA and WFA rules making any new interclub project subject to their prior approval are pro and prohibiting clubs and players from those playing those competitions that they are also unlawful the court has effectively opened the door to innovation in football and clubs can now openly

Discuss and consider proposals to address the sports most pressing issues the ecj is the highest court in the European Union and therefore this rules cannot be and this ruling cannot be appealed and it paves the way for the creation of a new more exciting competition at European level in which

Clubs can determine their own future all within the existing European football family so again the strongest message today goes out to the fans football is free well let’s get some reaction from around the football World Pep Guardiola has just been speaking in Saudi Arabia in his pre-match news conference ahead

Of the club World Cup final but the Manchester City boss wasn’t giving anything away about what he thought about the idea of a new European Super League I’m not going to comment in in before hours before the player final the World Cup I will not talk one second this track about that

So we’ll have time to reflect what the sentence and the lawyers and the clubs will decide what you have to do well Manchester United were the first English Club to have their say and they’ve insisted they remain fully committed to participation in UEFA competitions United were one of the

Founder clubs of the ultimately doomed Super League Venture in 2021 United say their position hasn’t changed as well as remaining fully committed to UEFA competitions they also remain committed to positive cooperation with UEFA the Premier League and fellow clubs through the European clubs Association on the continued development of the European

Game what about an i Amy the Aston Villa boss says he’s enjoyed competing in uefa’s European competitions and his only focus is on reaching Europe next season with Aston Villa I don’t know what I can respond about it because my super league is Premier League tomorrow the ma in

Sheffield of course I like to play in Europe I enjoy playing Champion League I enjoy playing EUR League I enjoying playing confer league with uh with Aston Villa and I don’t know exactly how they want to create a new I respect everybody I respect every decision but I can only speak about our

Way and about our competition we are facing and for me is it’s not more and I want to focus the match tomorrow and I want to play in Europe with Aston Villa got a statement about an hour ago from the Premier League here’s what it said

This is a significant ruling and we will now fully examine its implications for the game the ruling doesn’t endorse the so-called European Super league and the Premier League continues to reject any such concept supporters are of vital importance to the game and they have time and again made clear their

Opposition to a breakaway competition that severs the link between domestic and European football the Premier League reiterates the statement goes on its commitment to the clear principles of open competition that underpin the success of domestic and international Club competitions football thrives on the competitiveness created by promotion and relegation the annual merit-based

Qualification from domestic leagues and cups to International Club competitions and the long-standing rivalries and rituals that come with weekends being reserved for domestic football the Premier League will continue to engage in an open and constructive dialogue with all relevant football stakeholders on how best to protect and enhance the

Complimentary balance of domestic and international Club football and the fa added we note the Judgment of the ecj today in the European Super league case uefa’s rules and the relevant rules in place in England have been strengthened since the proposal of the ESL the Super League in 2021 with the fa rules

Regarding the supervision of competitions and matches updated in October of 2021 well this afternoon the UF for president Alexander jeffrine held a news conference he was flanked by La Liga boss Javier tbas and the Paris siman president NASA Al CI amongst the senior European journalist asking the questions

With Sky G Hughes what did he say um he was irritated annoyed I think by the emergence of a22 that’s the company behind the proposals which we we saw a little bit earlier just now and also uh behind the the European Super League project uh two and a half years

Ago um uh Alexander cherin could not really hide his annoyance that irritation dare I say anger just a few days before Christmas as well in part he he mocked it he dismissed it but he knows that he has to address the issue because it’s come from the Court like

The ecj uh but yeah I think it’s it’s quite clear where how he feels about this and where he thinks uh any Breakaway Super League can go and where it and if it could ever happen um so yeah irritation annoyance uh anger mocking were kind of I think the themes

Of of of the the head of uefa’s initial response to to a22 and also the ecj ruling as well let’s hear exactly how he responded I’m so happy that we saw the presentation and that it’s clear now that they are offering a close competition which we knew all the time

But they tried to present publicly it’s not true I’ve seen today the Press Le of English supporters who call it the zombie League they didn’t use that they used blue league and and some other colors as well uh but despite that we will not try

To stop them we even before we never uh tried to stop them uh and we said that even I said that publicly many times they can create whatever they want I hope that they start their fantastic competition as soon as possible with with two

Clubs uh I I I hope they know what what they are doing which I’m not so sure about and gar what sort of backlash have we been hearing from the proposals today from a22 yeah backlash is an interesting word because there has been a backlash because it’s been a response to the ecj

Ruling but I actually think not so much a response to them it’s it’s it’s it’s a22 uh again the company that’s behind the proposal for a new competition it it’s It’s the reaction to that which I think you can describe as as a backlash because I think who are we going to hear

From now is the is the head of an organization called the ECA the European clubs Association they represent almost 500 clubs from across Europe including bar Real Madrid and Barcelona pretty much every big club that there is to be had across Europe so the reality of

Where we’re going to go with this if you’ve got youa from FIFA as we’d expect would be against it but what’s happened in the last two and a half years there there’s been a galvanizing Force I suppose with the clubs actually talking with UEFA bringing about some reforms

They’ve got a joint venture going at the moment so if you’ve got organizations like that Thief Pro who represent the players who are kind of all against any kind of breakaway European Super League you got to kind of think well where can this actually go today tomorrow and

Going forward let’s hear from the chair of the ECA this body that represents almost 5 100 clubs football clubs within Europe on his response to the ecj ruling but also to these a22 proposals today I have seen this so many times before you know around and around they come every

Times they come with something you know about one thing if you notice you the media you know journalists here the same presentation the same videos the same people they are there same talks talk about freedom but it’s not Freedom it’s Clos leak um you know clubs you know as

Chairman of the AC and beh of the clubs last two hours I reive I don’t know 40 50 calls from different clubs from leagues from from really different DS listen whatever this is not legal contract this is a social contract social agreement between us this value

There’s a value that we defend is not about agreement I said it before and I’ll will say it on behalf of the clubs all of them all the stakeholders sticking together and the same we’re so proud being a partner with UEFA so part so proud to play all this competition I

Mean they’re promoting you know Super League which trophy behind them Champions League UEFA Champions League trophy behind them which is a little bit for me a little bit strange G if you go back to 2021 and the initial doomed project six Premier League clubs were very much involved very briefly are

They up for it again key word key important question this and a key word you said briefly there and why because we talk about that word backlash where did the backlash come two and a half years ago the fans the supporters it was incredible it was

A tidal wave against any any notion of a European Super League from those six big Mega clubs that exist within the the Premier League an absolute tidal way from the feelings of fans and it made people who didn’t think fans had a voice or that they mattered it made them think

On my word they do have a voice and they do matter and they do because the Premier League now you’ve heard Nick you you read out that statement from the Premier League which basically says if you want to be part of the Premier League well you can’t really go and go

And break away and do do something like this but there’s a greater force at play here we are all bound by law and legislation in this C in this country and regardless of the color of the government we have right now or that might be in the future there’s one thing

That all political parties have signed up to and that is the football governance Bill and a UK regulator and by early next year that will be law and this regulator has the power will have the power to stop clubs in England from the Premier League if they want to be

Part of a domestic setup like this they cannot by law go away and join any Breakaway League whether that would have been the European Super League notion two and a half years ago or the proposals that have come forth today as well they cannot do it so if the basic

Question is is the people who watch our channel that view our content on our apps and on our websites as well that are fans of the Prem leagues fans of the clubs asking the question today is what does this mean well it doesn’t matter because the law will set out very

Clearly next year is that clubs who want to be part of the Premier League established in the Premier League with all the Traditions they can’t leave and go and play in a breakaway leag they are not allowed to by law thank you very much garant gar Hugh been speaking to

The boss of Europe’s governing body UEFA what about the world governing body FIFA a response from them as well here is their statement in line with its statutes FIFA firmly believes in the specific nature of sport including the pyramid structure which is underpinned by sporting Merit and the principles of

Competitive balance and financial solidarity football owes its long and successful history to the above mentioned principles which FIFA the confederations and the member associations will continue to promote in the future in the interest of all football fans worldwide reaction from some of the leading clubs as well Atletico Madrid they’ve said the

European football family does not want the European Super League remember they were involved amongst the original 12 Germany France England Italy Spain except for Real Madrid and Barcelona they put in Brackets and so on they don’t want the Super League we are in favor of protecting the European football family safeguarding domestic

Leagues and ensuring that qualification for European competitions is achieved achieved through onfield performance every season reaction to from Bayern Munich’s CEO Yan Christian Dron who says it’s very clear the door for the Super League at FC Bayern remains closed such a competition would represent an attack on the importance of domestic leagues

And the Statics of European football and the two clubs at the heart of today’s ruling by the European court of justice have had their say Barcelona and Real Madrid the president of the former xan La Porter and the real president Florentino Perez both marking dis decision as a big moment for

Football we believe that the time has come from clubs and even more so for those that are owned by their members such as football club Barcelona to have greater control over their Destiny over their future over their own sustainability first of all I want to make it very

Clear that Bara position on the matter of a new European League format is not at all intended to go against the Spanish league nor against the national leagues in General on the contrary with an improv European competition and more resources for the clubs the national leagues will become more balanced and

Competitive what we wanton and what we will work towards achieving is to establish an open constructive dialogue with the aim of generating positive and productive relationship between all parties uh completely different view from Barca and Real Madrid just into us from another of the 12 clubs involved in the

Original doomed Super League Inter Milan who in a statement say they reiterate their position that European football’s future well-being can only be secured by clubs working together through the ECA clubs Association in partnership with collaboration and collaboration with UEFA and FIFA as a club we remain committed to the values that underpin

The European sports model and to working alongside the ECA and our fellow clubs to uphold those values that just in from Inter Milan


  1. I really don't see whats so objectionable. The Premier League is owned and run by the clubs themselves, this would just be a European version of that.

    If I was the PL clubs I'd drop the carabao cup, FA Cup and UEFA football and split all the games between Premier League and Super League.

  2. Nothing is free there is always a catch thats just a way to get fan to support it but if you really think about it its a sketchy league made for elite who are suffering financially

  3. This is other teams scared of the Premier league and how much money we have and they want a piece of the pie the english teams should just ignore it we dont need this

  4. Literly nobody is joining it. The entierty of the Premier League, Bayern, Dortmund, Leipzig, PSG, Roma, Juve and more have already dropped out

  5. working class game rinsed again by wealty elites , free viewing for a short while you idiots , then ppv who remembers 2 weeks to flatten the curve , A22 is a Madrid based company 😂go away and leave us be you greedy chicken neck freaks

  6. This all started through the greed of Barca and Madrid. They overspent, got into massive debt, and now want this new League to the detriment of every other football club in Europe. I normally applaud anything that gives UEFA and FIFA a blackeye, but not this. Us fans should again show solidarity and reject this League of avarice out of hand.

  7. Free to air on live SL matches? Bring it on! Less fortunate people across the globe can see their teams play. UEFA is corrupt, a monopoly that is run by old men that lack vision. I like the new SL format. There are 3 tiers and teams can be relegated or promoted. CL, Europa, Conference and domestic league games will still be played. People need to learn to be more progressive!

  8. The Super League is the natural progression and it will happen whether people like it or not. The same thing happened over 30 years ago when the EC was rebranded and changed into the CL. There was an uproar about that back then as well. Yes, it was always about the money and it will always be about the money.

  9. The super league is the same closed shop dressed up as something else. The team in the top tier of the pyramid will be guaranteed at least three years in Europe. The team in the second tier at least two seasons. The only jeopardy or consequences will be for teams in the third tier. Even if the third tier teams get relegated,it is in effect not a relegation because their second string will be stronger than the average team,so it is instant return into the pyramid system. It will eventually kill football. All this talk of "free"is cr*p. Which business gives away it's product for free.

  10. This is the problem of the world… Everybody is greedy and wants to monopolize.. FIFA and UEFA have been greedy over the years

  11. I say yes to super league… Just take a book out of the Rugby … you could have 2 teams play in different competitions…. S.A rugby is the perfect example….New Zealand rugby the same thing … their are enough players around waiting for chance to play …

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