Stop Turning Your Body Through Impact And Start Throwing The Club Like This…

This golf lesson is KEY if you want to learn how to use your trail arm properly in the downswing. It can save you so many shots and stop those ball striking headaches. In this video, I’ll show you a fantastic drill that can be used no matter your age or ability. This is super easy to set up and you can use this right away!

Stop turning your body and start throwing the club just like this, you will automatically get more open in the golf swing than you ever have before. I have used this with so many golfers and it works a treat! You will start to train your body and arms to get into the right position so that you will consistently hit the golf ball longer and straighter.

The trail arm is so important in the golf swing and so often I get asked, how to improve the downswing in golf, where to position the trail arm in the golf swing, trail arm, golf swing tips, golf tips, turning your body through impact, start throwing the club, simple golf tips.

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0:00 Intro
1:32 What it should look like
2:08 3 Checkpoints for the drill
5:56 The drill and how to practice

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Stop turning your body right and this is all down swing start throwing the club like this you will automatically get more open in the golf swing than you ever have before now this is a method that I’ve used with thousands of students and it works just a treat now

You do not need a smash bag for this video at all just this first St you want to explain the importance of this throwing Action Now simply you will do all these things automatically without even thinking about it as soon as you loosen up and just put your attention in

The right place now I want to say right now I have told so many students when they come to me like Alex I want to get as open impact as I can I tell them to stop doing it because there shots become weaker become more glanced and we have

No association to what our club face is doing now look at this right so if I gave you your golf club and I said go on hit this as hard as you can for me right first stage you just go like this you did it pretty hard and now I’ll go to

You go on hit it harder again so you stand there and then you would go like this you would turn the hips because automatic your brain’s going okay if I want to generate more power I need to create this sort of slingshot throwing action with my arm this creates some

Power this then creates even more power but what I want you to look at here is the importance of where I just finished to impact and I’ll do this slowly I finished like that I put my left hand on look on my right hand is sort of

Slightly bent my elbow in front of my body my arm in this space that’s where I would be right if I wanted to throw maximum power guaranteed you do this you just do that you wouldn’t stand here and go like this you wouldn’t stand here and

Go like that you wouldn’t so let’s go through and I’ve devised a little simple guide that you don’t need a smash bag for you just need some tea bags so some checkpoints I want you to have a look at there when I was hitting the bag with my

Hips and my arm throwing action or working together I was here left arm nicely extended right arm slightly bent my right Palms are Target and my elbow pointing up here the last two checkpoints I want you to look at here is this there’s a separation Factor my

Shoulders at the Target my hips are open I’m not spinning both out of the way and I think that’s where a lot of people go wrong so the first thing I want you to do is just put four tegs in a row in the ground I’ve got a little three-step

Process and this going to come at you thick and fast guys this is the bit of the video really concentrate here stage one we’re going to hit the first TEEG away here and have a look at this how I’ve got this set up we’re going to

Stand here and then we’re going to swing it back hit the teg no hips follow this follow through back now to impact and just make a little bit of a checkpoint to what I had as those reference points before elbow in Palms to Target hips open shoulders Square okay that okay now

I was made that whole move there without even trying to engage my hips at all but automatically that separation Factor started to happen so what I’d really recommend is do two reps just hitting that TEEG okay don’t think about the hips just think about if I was going to

Hit it as hard as I could just with arm only how would I do it and think about this let’s be smart here I’m not saying rip your arm out your socket just do it as as fast as you need to to get the feeling but the important point is to

Just make a reference and come back to impact just see where you are we’re not here we’re not here we’re really thinking about this okay the next two I’m try and give this some intention here hit them out the ground and bring in your hips in it again bring it back

Back to impact where are we we’re in the exact same position and again back to impact you really start to get that feeling of that throwing action through the golf ball as if I was hitting the bag from before so moving into stage two here I told you this is going to come

Thick and fast and stage three is about how you take this to the course which is vital if you want this to last cuz a lot of people said to me oh is all well and good but how do I take it to the course that’s coming up in stage three stage

Two I want you to stand here create two moves one like this make a few reps and I do this between every shot on the Range okay then make a few now with hips few hips now this is a little trick before we hit one both hands on the club

But I want you to make the grip pressure and you’re not hitting it like this 90 10 so you still have that exact same feeling of that throwing action 9010 through that space and make maybe two three practice swings again until you get that feeling then you’re

Comfortable enough to stand in there and hit that shot away because you will start to get some great feelings in the golf swing now have a look at that shot I just hit in slow-mo I’m creating a very similar pattern using that knowledge using that information using that throwing action

As if I was hitting the impact bag at the start of this video as hard as I can so stage one is all about just hitting some tegs stage two is about taking some feelings and building into a shot to make it comfortable here’s stage three

Now this is the secret that I’ve been keeping from everybody because I I I really think this is valuable information this is how I take it to the golf course and do it this way don’t falter from this so on the course whether I’ve got

Driver or iron in my hand I would have two practice swings and I started doing them away from Target put my back to Target I know it sounds crazy but stay with me as soon as we start looking towards Target we start reacting to the

Shot okay so just Peck your ball up if it’s on a par three or a driver make one practice swing where you go like this okay it’s hips and arm just that action your second practice swing you’re going to make that 90 10 okay using that exact same feeling of

That throwing action you will do this you got to trust this your brain is a magnificent thing we start to react which is why it starts to hinder us you then turn around you walk into your shot and you take that same feeling the one

Thing that I have at impact is that I’m trying to hit it with my palm okay that’s the feeling that I have in order to translate everything we’ve spoken about in this video onto the golf course now the brain’s magnificent thing do not do not try and fight it too much

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  1. My favourite method for downswing improvements this month! Let me know if you have any questions on the videos…I reply to all the comments personally. Thank you Alex.

  2. Elliot, superb. You’re not knocking my socks off, but you’rethrowing my socks off with this excellent instruction video. Thank you.

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