Golf Players

OU Football Live: Early Signing Day Eve and Portal Talk

In this live episode we discuss Early Signing Day and where things stand for the Sooners in both high school and portal recruiting.
Password: Surge

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Happy Tuesday sooner Nation as David Morton says it’s time to get this thing popping party started puffer Jack puffer jackets for the win tonight Jay is that a green one uh it’s like a green and a blue I got a I got a bunch of different jackets but it’s I don’t know where

Where are you doing this at I’m in my garage it’s cold where are you at yeah I’m in this pod room a little outside of the house it’s cold you not have a heater we look like the Oregon Duck colors Jay no is not green you look like

Missouri dude you’re a Missouri fan Chief t-berd Message Board fighting appar what’s going on apparently people already uh commenting and getting things rolling on here thanks for joining us everybody as always uh let’s keep this all friendly I guess but uh sooner fan Savon bird is not coming back yep

Thought he was but he’s not he’s gonna be an SMU Mustang Pony hey I saw some comments in here earlier about the OU ER Iona bowl game almost just a week away uh I think that is going to be a tough game I U has lost a lot in the have lost

Guys in the portal and Arizona hasn’t lost much so I think it will be a tough game for sure nobody’s fighting they’re good no one’s fighting it’s all good it’s hey this is just like uh just like last night when everyone was on here saying oh McCain matoy we’re reading on

Cap and and these other places that uh K matoya’s Locker is getting cleaned out what did we tell you guys last night I’m sure it was just friction it’s what football players do no one’s leaving the team stop listening that hog wash I agree hey Jackson I see OU

Twitter’s a bunch of B listen I saw DG I haven’t been talking about DG in two days have I Jeremy you haven’t but we can talk about t night I’m gonna talk about him for one thing and here’s what I’m going to say and I don’t care how

You take it but a lot of people on on Twitter saying everybody owes DG an apology for what what am I going to apologize DG for listen if he truly he’s coming out now saying basically these emojis about about Kaden green going to Missouri and

Not Oregon it why did he do that when all this was going on and people were bashing him why did he I don’t really care but uh someone’s asking you about Harding winning their first fo Hardin won the national title and I think they they set a record because they only ran

The ball on this on the whole season 26 times I mean they only passed the ball 26 times oh yeah they ran it the whole season dude old school hey Colin you’re right can’t listen to the drama Danny proved everyone wrong on that and Brian you said don’t believe the hype I’m

Thinking you’re talking about Arizona but uh Arizona to me Arizona’s got some weapons that’s gonna it’s going to test U and U’s got a lot of young guys and and a totally uh different quarterback uh who I think’s better than the other one a line that could be makeshift but I

I don’t think you can say this and I’m not getting on you Brian but I think it when people say like uh we’re Oklahoma they’re Arizona I that doesn’t really do anything for me sorry why is that what you’re implying though is saying well we’re we’re gonna win by our

Name only and that’s not the case Jay well and Arizona had a good year really good Arizona had a really good year as a she says a new offensive coordinator uh new QB I I do like what I’m hearing about Jackson Arnold Sal Chu talked about his leadership qualities and like

It’s unbelievable what you’re hearing from the players and the coaches right now yeah and no no new news at all today from the portal for Oklahoma other than Kaden green made it official going to Missouri I like your Missouri jacket you got on you supporting them now or what

Isn’t Missouri dude I got this today your son had a Missouri sweatshirt on earlier it was a tiger sweatshirt from a high school Jay oh it looked like Missouri my bad soon fan Jay you think there’s any traction at all on what de dman possibly I mean I think there is I

Think there’s mutual interest there but hey I want to get to something and I’m gonna say bold take right now oh early on huh huh I’m going B Big B take tomorrow’s early early signing day I think there’s going to be a surprise tomorrow on early Signing Day yep is the

Name McKinley I’m not saying a name I think there be pleas I’m not I’m just telling you that’s just it’s it’s a it’s a gut feeling has nothing to do with either it’s a gut feeling dude please Jay look at M Big B take oh you signs

Talent no Jon say you think or you know Chief T no I don’t know anything I this is a gut stop right there you don’t know anything period there we go good sense no I didn’t say that about this I don’t I’m just it’s a gut feeling dude Jay Jones says mckenley

Jay it wouldn’t be tomorrow he’s gonna wait till February is the is whatever yeah he’s probably waiting hey all the guys that have committ I’d be shocked if there’s anyone who doesn’t sign that’s committed they’re all going to sign and danielou is probably gonna start at about 2 am

Today yeah I forget the time difference but he’s starting at 10 his I think mountain time maybe I don’t know uh mckenley could go to Texas Ricky that’s a possibility here’s what I think about here’s what I’ll say about McKinley I think McKinley will not go to Texas I’ll

Say that whether he goes to LSU Texas or OU I don’t know but I do not think he’ll go to Texas A&M I tell you a team right now he’s on the rise Syracuse yeah they are actually they are on the rise uh The Hub The Hub this is my opinion on the

Matter I I think U would have gladly welcome Savon bird back I think there were probably some stipulations uh some things that he would have to correct before maybe they would take him back I don’t know that for certain uh he decided to go elsewhere uh but just saying that there

Was obviously something there because he should have been a starter and he wasn’t there there was something there immaturity I don’t know call it what it is hey SMU is another school that’s having a great portal uh season and they’re going to be in the ACC so I

They’re gonna be a good team in the future I think SMU Daniel purple Orca 40 Daniel aen koui will be a diamond in the rough I think I think he’s probably you’re welcome Hub I think he’s probably uh the most underrated of that oine class because like we said yesterday he hasn’t

Played a whole lot he’s new to the game he’s gonna be so fresh and raw he’s gonna Embrace everything I I I like to compare him to his sponge he’s just gonna soak it all in uh every bit of that coaching hey Arizon is better than SMU

Guys in the portal today you had you had Evan Stewart finally hit the portal wide receiver stud you had USC lose of their top defensive ends I L USC just continues to lose guys but Lincoln Riley’s leaving there’s no question about it I I think so but we’ll see yeah

Ron I think Arizona’s better and Brian I know you w I know you were just trying to talk up OU I’m not I’m not bashing you I’m just I’m just simply commenting on it Jay I saw what about the H look photosho it’s photosho it is not dud

Dude it is how do you know it’s that’s not real it is real now is he massive yes I think say it’s real too it’s real who said it’s real he’s only a junior dude it’s not what Jimmy it’s not is not photoshopped hey Jimmy’s asking about

Tacket Curtis any chance Jeremy yeah if odm comes here yeah I don’t think there’s much of a chance if odm comes here he was also on that picture he was bait he was mauling and holding that guy on the picture so oh clear hold Mark’s gonna be trolling Mar did

You get on that Mark Mark did you get on that UFC Live last night uh need I agree M you gotta get hey gotta get gotta get Odum if you can but the only way that’s gonna happen is if maybe Ted roof leaves Mike I would love Anton Junot I think he

Would be outstanding oh I would love to get Jun and I I like Chief t- Birds plans I’ll drive I’ll drive the Brinks truck Chief t- bird you want to roll with me hey I’ll back that I got my CDL boys I can back that thing up you might have a

CDL but you don’t can’t drive a Brinks truck oh I can drive whatever I want to drive Jay you cannot hey hey let me ask you this scenario for you I’m gonna throw a weird scenario out there and just say first off say is this a pretend

Scenario is it a actual could it be real or do you think it’s just probable or anything okay answer this question U has not gotten one defensive lineman in the portal correct is that because they are holding out for maybe one or two that they they

Think they’re going to get and I’m gonna say I’m gonna say a couple names are they holding out to really throw everything at McKinley are they Holding Out for hick to in the portal are they they waiting on something like that is that why or are they just haven’t found a guy they

Really wanted Mez says Hicks Jr is coming I’ll believe that when I see it and I think he’s going to enter the portal after the bowl game and maybe they’ve been told that maybe that’s been leaked to baites because obviously they Vis visited him uh it hasn’t been leak

Leaked to the media yet uh and then I’m GNA go back to some of these comments yeah roof roof is under contract till 25 but contracts mean nothing I agree with viewers here and Chuck I think the o line uh if you can land Fetti and uh vandermark with Spencer Brown I think

The o line will be really good next year actually I do too hey Richard I agree with this take they could have kept Brian OD in the first they could have really tried to keep him but he left and I don’t think there’s any shot you’re

Getting one of those guys back to OU no shot uh sooner fans says they’re holding out for Hicks to enter the portal I Jackson Wright says mle and McKinley Hicks one of them gotta be a I would agree Jackson right they’re not just gonna go here’s my thing here’s my take

If you go over three it’s bad it’s bad what if you go over for three on those three guys it’s bad what I was gonna say I don’t think there’s any chance they’re not getting one defensive lineman out of the portal do you they have to get one

Well I think they’re going to get one I’m just wondering I I’m still thinking it’s mlen I I’ve kind of turned the table I I I I I’m looking I’m trending up towards mlen right now really you think mlen yes Jay I think you would have committed to Colorado already and Missouri’s

Getting everybody I don’t think he goes to Missouri he may get lost in the shuffle there yeah Ron Ron you’re right on this I don’t know if the way I worded it sounded like that but yes he he basically did not get off of the job here and he left with Riley

But I think he was I mean hey Thor Thor while I agree with you that there there’s needed to be some time to jail part of that is U has brought in Portal guys every year Ral was a portal guy this year k m matto was a portal guy the

Year before last they’re trying to work on some pieces the other thing I would say is it says by that time we’ve lost games U did not lose to Kansas because of rushing game because they had about 300 yards rushing so uh it was really an

O line problem against it did take him a while to kind of sink this year I thought I I agree it did but that’s not why they lost the Kansas game because the oine part of that was guys like saon bird just not not they 300 yards rushing

Yeah so what do goes to Alabama guys Overton Bama over Overton went to B Jon Ross went to B I think you could probably mark it down Evan Stewart’s probably going to be at Alabama or Texas uh Texas is getting a hall yeah hey uh Thor that’s why I’m I’m all for

Bates being the starting center in the bowl game letting him get some reps because I think he’s One You’re Gonna Roll want to roll with hey and let me go to Dow POS here he agrees with Chief o line is biggest concern to me hey if anybody watched the Under Armour game

Last night probably where you I mean the defensive line May not be as a big concern as we think because I think this recruiting class is next level there’s no think it’s just are they ready to claim the SEC year one Jay Danny aoy kind of looked like a man amongst

Boys and those were the some of the best players in the country that he was whooping up on Mark Mark I love your uh come to Oklahoma dat to softball player seems to work out for a lot of Jay Mars Jam may have a point here

Do you think there’s do you think the coaches are thinking why would we want to bring this guy in if David Jen Jackson all them are better no here’s what I think on that here’s what I think on that I think fans have to realize listen guys you have to realize some of

These teams and I’m gonna just say some names Colorado maybe Missouri they’re gonna overpay for guys whereas OU might think well I’d like to have mlen but maybe I don’t want to pay that much for him it’s kind of like a Market deal like is he worth that for your team I think

That’s more of the issue I don’t think it’s I I’m sick of people saying oh you has no nil that’s not true I think they’re very selective on how much they pay one player Missouri May throw the buttload at Kaden Green Oh you’s not gonna do that Oh you’s not gonna throw

Everything at one player Mars says Mars Jam says watches a lot of film hey uh Chief aoer trains with the guy named chief Christian littlehead and yeah he’s not the only one there’s about four in this recruiting class that train under Chief littlehead and every one of

Them talk so highly of him that I wish there was a way oh you could maybe get that guy on staff yeah uh 405 we don’t owe DG anything and hey to me fans are gonna say whatever they want to say I don’t think you need to I mean if you want to

Apologize for what you said whoever do it but I don’t think people need to be coming after other people saying you owe somebody an apology I think that’s childish hey Hunter talk if you want to drop in the chat Hunter about nil uh I think you know like the Williams wner

Thing he he committed to Missouri he was able to cash in on that commitment the nil package prior to January right yeah that’s why he committed there that’s what a lot of people are saying that state they were able to do that it’s not the way in all all across the board but

There are different ways to get paid some may be you get paid off of you know you go do an autograph there’s different things you can get paid for but Hunter’s right school and state kind of matters and there are cont to me that’s not fair that’s not Equity at all but

Whatever Mike says some OU fans need to stay away from social media a lot of a lot of people need to stay away from social my whole thing on the my whole thing on the DG thing is I I just I guess I don’t understand why DG

Didn’t put these emojis out while this was going on and deute it right then that’s that was my deal with it like why yeah commits to Missouri and then def it why not say right away I don’t know what you’re talking about I don’t know I whatever let’s not go down there

Yeah I mean says Jay you are crazy if that’s the case it would be getting more wouldn’t be getting more than one player what what what’s that that in regards to I think that’s in regards to what Jay Jones maybe have said I I missed it what

Did Jay what did Jay say Chuck what what is that about I’m I’m I’m confused on that one Jackson you don’t have to uh protect the guy you’re not Kevin cner from The Bodyguard hey nobody is who is going after DG now I don’t understand DG’s a big boy he’s at Oregon

He’s gonna do good at Oregon let him be fine got a great future ahead of him I don’t think he cares about what people are saying about him yeah I agree 100 per. oh he was addressing you Jay addressing me for what I I think he was addressing you maybe about saying

More than one player because of how much money I don’t know I’m waiting to see what he says hey Chuck and and ask it in a different way I’m confused on what you’re asking yeah Chuck ask that again uh I’d like to answer it but someone asked Ryan

Podcast Ryan here’s the deal I’m in Oklahoma Jay’s in Arkansas uh I’ve got a where I’m at it’s not really a shed but it’s not really inside the house because I’m kind of loud uh I have three boys it’s about their bedtime although two of

Them will be up it’s uh we’re off school for two weeks and my wife it’s a little loud so I come out here to this little room Jay is in the garage I believe yeah I don’t have an insulated garage it’s pretty cold out here uh hey Chuck says

They aren’t giving all the money to one person who’s they I think he’s talking about what you said about Kaden green but U is not doing that yeah I’m not saying they are that’s not what I said so I’m I’m I’m confused uh what I was saying is

Basically I think U is not going to overpay for a guy they don’t want I mean if he’s not worth that they’re not going to pay it some teams will pay more than a guy’s work just to get him on on their team that’s kind of

What the hubs and Arkansas where you at the Hub where do you live trivia you trying to get his address man Jackson’s wanting trivia bro Missouri’s got a big bag I don’t know how but they do I agree they do have a big bag hey first trivia tonight

Bug wise is a company in Missouri I it’s probably them hey there’s the uh there’s the standings on the bottom let me ask the first trivia we’re going to go with Christmas trivia to start it out okay uh Christmas trivia who who who does not love Christmas Vacation one of

The classics Jeremy do you like Christmas Vacation it’s okay it’s not sappy enough for me but yeah okay it’s okay okay anyway uh Walmart’s in Bentonville Arkansas guys no they have a tie to Missouri that’s how they’re getting a lot of money yes correct Jackson you’re right okay here

We go uh what coffee mug is Clark drinking from when he talks to his boss okay what coffee mug kind of what is on the coffee mug this should be pretty easy they’re all dropping they’re all dropping in quotes from the movie uh let’s see world’s not world’s

Best boss was it moose Jay uh Mike’s pretty much got it yeah Tasmanian Devil that’s it Mike Mike with the point tonight good job Mike hey Jay he’s Hub is from Hardy Arkansas where Hardy okay I thought that’s what it said I could Jackson you’re late Tasmanian Devil everybody’s late ask me my

Favorite Hallmark movie there’s one there’s one I have to watch according to Brett Reich I haven’t been able to watch it yet and it’s uh builtmore Christmas oh I haven’t seen that one one of my favorite actresses is in that one too yeah Kim once says what I don’t get is maou

Um uh maou out bit us before green signed with you D has lost his mind I mean yeah I don’t know I don’t know what happened in that situation Jay I don’t know what happened I don’t really know and I don’t really care at this point no but I someone earlier

Next year that game’s gonna be wild PJ outway against uh Kaden green I mean I’m I’m there for that hey uh was it Ryan that just said that I’ve heard really good things about violent night violent night it’s like a viking Santa thing I’ve heard really good

Things about it is that on Hallmark Ricky McCoy said it no it’s not Hallmark I think it’s Amazon Prime dude isn’t that a scary movie it’s not scary I don’t think heard really good sounds scary to me violent night but whatever I mean there’s probably some violence hey so

Tomorrow tomorrow sign early Signing Day everything should go as planned for Oklahoma I don’t think there’s anything from Oklahoma that’s going to change unless one surprise uh a good surprise but that’s uh we hey we are dropping a video for every player that signs in this class it’ll be about an eight

Minute video of every player uh make sure you tune in we’d appreciate it just give an overview in our thoughts on the player hey and we should probably tell everybody right now tomorrow night we’ll be a little bit late hey Charles uh you don’t like to come on here talking about stuff that

Has nothing to do it throw you football listen I’ll say this Charles uh we we just simply uh follow what the comments are saying and then we bring in our own things and it’s mostly OU football on this uh some sometimes we go off topic

But that’s just what we do we want to apologize for that thanks for being on here oh this is a great great great this is great Adam think if you buy the wrong guy it can destroy your program got to be smart with your bags that’s 100% true

What if let me throw this scenario what if kayen green was wanting Billy Bowman money I I don’t know what I don’t know what any of them make but I’m just saying like a guy that’s been through the ring or three four years versus a guy that’s a fresh I mean that’s a

That’s a fine line I don’t know how you’re going to handle it guys Jay what position does your surprise prediction play I’m not I’m not going into any specific you’re full of it Jay Jeremy you’re full of it I think I know who it

Is I think I’m not gonna say it but Jay uh Charles not in remember Charles in Charge so yeah hey Do’s the money purple Charles in Charge of our day of our life man when you sing it’s it’s so bad God that’s why I do it why lay tomorrow u basketball starts

At 8 o’clock that game’s going to go till 10 probably we will probably come on right at 10 I’m guessing it’ll be 10 I’m just U basketball’s not ranked number seven very often and this a number seven versus a number 11 ranked team I’d like to see the end of that

Game I think U’s now we could come on at 9:30 if U’s Dominate and rolling or something but if it’s close game I’ll probably be on the end TI this is not Missouri it’s just a a Missouri color jacket it’s not Oregon although it is kind of yellow it’s just a puffer jacket

I think OU does win tomorrow I a Chic a lot of people St talking about Terry busy flipping why are they talking about busy flipping hey chief and Jackson are you saying flipping to LSU I think they’re saying he’s flipping OU no not to ow you that’s what they’re saying

No no Jackson is what have you heard Jackson what makes you say that hey all I can say is uh getting a unicorn yeah Chief T bird says the same thing maybe they’re on the same message boards or something I don’t know I’m just saying in general I think

There’s GNA be one one flip I think they’re going to get a flip hey was there commercials or something what’s going on I have no idea Jackson is Chief t- bird Source all right that’s scary Chief t-d if Jackson your Source uh oh hey let me

Answer this let me answer this I was about to answer this question earlier will the money ever run out I I don’t think money will ever run out in this nil day I think it makes too the college the sports it makes too much money I think it just does I think it’s

Too much money um jerem Jackson says he’s a good source bro okay I don’t care yeah it says they got hit with the commercial but we’re not yeah it’s YouTube we’re not we Hunter is not running ads for no reason it’s it’s YouTube doing it we’re sorry we’re not

We’re not making them roll we’re not doing anything out of the ordinary we’re just trying to be the usual that we are in here uh the donors could stop ponying them if the team’s not performing yeah for sure hey Kim I like this comment Kim uh I am

Too I’m really excited about the bowl game a lot of questions are going to be answered mainly we’re going to get to see uh a generational talent in Jackson Arnold uh play and see what he brings and kind of a skill set we think he’s going to be elite but it’s still great

To uh great to watch yeah hey what Adam what is the pre Somebody explain the premium to me I I know it goes ad free I guess YouTube I think that viewers have viewers have to get the premium for that correct yeah it’s nothing that we do I don’t think

Jackson’s wanting a sooner surge Collective for it can’t do that uh no ads is what premium’s about no ads boys yeah o line line up for the okay let’s give the o line lineup here okay uh it’s going to be my opinion baat I know we disagree some Jay baates at

Center I would agree with that you are going to agree with that now that for the Bame you’re gonna have uh Walter Ral maty McCade mat toyer and then you’re gonna have seon on one side and I’m gonna go Jake Taylor why because I like the name because he was in Major

League I’m gonna go with the surprise the only thing I would change out of that would be maybe ever at guard but or he zida I think he zida is really doing good I just I see him more of his tackle what about Caleb schaer no I don’t think so I don’t think

So either I don’t think he starts I mean I I personally want to see Josh Bates because I think that’s your Center to quarterback snap next year so I’d like to see it now hey Williams dybala Jason actually said this uh we talked about this uh as the day that Kaden green left

And it looks like trap also says that is now we don’t know that this is true but obviously the uh tackle position specifically the left tackle position in the NFL is always a higher paid offensive lineman because you’re protecting The Blind Side of franchise players we don’t know if that was in

Conver in conversation but there could have been something to that yeah but I just the more I think about it the more I think Bill be him next year would probably put him at tackle left tackle yeah I I agree Jay I mean I mean he may be stubborn I

Don’t think he’s that stubborn to lose the guy and for the dad to just go off the way he did that seems a little bit a little bit much to me what what do you think about Missouri with this Eli drink wits I mean what what is what has made them so

So good right now in the portal and recruiting is it pure money bags yes for the most obviously they had a good season though that helped always helps Jay Chuck’s worried about me thanks Chuck I could use another hug hey uh not that I’ve gotten

One yet but uh I I’m done I’m sick of the portal I think it’s ridiculous don’t make me go off here I’m gonna be so mad go off because I know you want till you’ve been holding it in there’s got to be a punishment for these

Guys I I say you can transfer one time one time but I still think you have to sit out a year sitting out a year solves everything and here here’s the here’s where the problem is it’s causing the ones that recruit that that that commit to these schools you can basically

Commit and sign and if you make a mistake and don’t like that school you can leave exactly you’re not you’re not really making a true commitment for a career I mean for us four years you’re basically saying hey I’ll give it a shot if I don’t like it I’ll leave what’s a free

Trial any school you go to is a free trial yeah Missouri does have Walton money that I’ve heard a lot of that too and which is so crazy that Arkansas cannot get get better at nil it’s crazy to me Mike I would say Bravo you’re absolutely

Right put rof as an analyst and bring in odm why would you get yelled at Mike I think most people would agree with you on that about what moving roof to an analyst position I think roof’s about done after another year probably I I maybe this

Year J after the bowl yeah six Walton billionaires why is Arkansas not using the Walmart money it’s in the hometown of the college yeah F bill is bville it’s right there why are they not using the money I don’t understand the difference it’s going elsewhere Jay and you got vender

City in Bentonville I mean you got Tyson you got all the big big places yeah one word contract but I I I get that but contracts don’t really uh mean that much hey let me bring something up let me bring something up did you see uh a lot of coaches apparently are

Upset at Matt rule why because of the quarterback how much it cost to get these players PE coaches are not happy with him throwing the number out there well I guess you can’t argue that he’s he’s being transparent at least hey Spencer Brown went from the dirtiest

Player in college football in my mind to a player with tons of passion and excitement for the game what’s that in regard to on the dirtiest player I mean I think I’m missing I think there was a game where maybe I’m I I’ve bought into the Spencer

Brown hype I will say that yeah Mark you’re not wrong there Jerry Jones should be paying something to Arkansas I mean that it’s silly that he’s not but that’s what it takes is it takes the guy laying down oh that’s right that’s right that’s right BB likes the nasty

Streak BB likes that nasty streak Boys Hey Jay my whole thing again on the portal I think if you ask Brent venables he hates the portal I don’t think so I do I think you he uses it SP he doesn’t use it like other schools I

Don’t think I don’t think a lot of coaches would be fans at except for one that you heard Dion he loves it Jay do germ again that was pretty good what’ he do I don’t know what he what Chuck’s saying maybe you acted like me Jay who me yeah

Uh now I I do agree with what about Ricky’s question here or maybe it’s a statement that he thinks Oklahoma offered green more than Missouri look the rumor the the stuff that came out was U offered green what he wanted they met the number they met it and daddy said

Uhuh hey Ricky I I don’t know money details on this but I hate to burst the bubble but I think it was a lot more than 400k so yeah that’s just a guess it for me I think it was more than that don’t you yeah and Jay brings up a

Good point they work harder longer think about this Jay you have to almost have a recruiting staff for the portal only because that’s a whole lot of tape you gotta watch yeah but you gotta keep more importantly you gotta keep your players dude agreed I mean you got to keep your

Players first and foremost and I just think that the message it’s sending to young people is you don’t have to be if you don’t like young people young they are young people they’re 18 even younger Jay hey what are you talking about was the Twitter space hosted by Chad Smith

Hey uh you don’t have to if you’re not happy go elsewhere that’s not good for marriage that’s not good for uh school that’s not good for anything the culture’s been trending that way for the last 10 years J and it’s bad I agree but what are you gonna do

About it what are you gonna do about it s they have to sit out a year that that’s the only thing you can do really to to to fix it I think Malachi Nelson going to OU I here just kidding yeah I heard that too Kim

There’s no way that’s $400,000 okay uh I don’t know where the 400,000 came from it I think that’s ABS the Twitter Space Twitter space earlier do you believe everything you he on the Twitter absolutely not especially if Cap’s on there I believe cap is capping I promise you uh yeah I

Mean coaches leave midseason look the gener Ean is saying himself Ean is saying the generation is so soft hey I know why you’re laughing because Cap’s also the one that said last night or yesterday everyone got on this people got on here saying things like oh uh uh

Well mck mto’s leaving that’s because of what cap said then today you had to come out in public apologize or something come on Chief appreciate the super as always you’re always great at that we really do drop the name Jay who do you think say I told you earlier I don’t

Have a specific name I’m telling you I think somebody’s flipping to OU tomorrow who I think there’s going to be a surprise oh you said you knew the surprise was I didn’t say that when did I say that early I said I think there will be a surprise listen I’ll throw three names

Out okay three give us three Jay three names it who knows maybe Happ and then I want to get to Mark’s comment here Terry buy mckenley dominant McKinley go ahead and sign tomorrow that could be H that could happen probably not I’m just saying it could be a surprise the other

One would be dare I say it Williams ler what wow okay you’re wrong from Missouri none of those will happen hey Evan Stewart de bammer Texas hey uh that quote from Mark I think is a Denzel Washington quote and I love it absolutely love it Jay

Dawn I told you guys I this is all just say I’m not stating it’s G to happen did did I say it’s GNA happen I said I feel like there could be a surprise that’s all I said don’t send the chat to the frenzy Hunter you know me and I haven’t

Mentioned Williams moner’s name in two three months so the Hub does seem the The Hub it you’re right the money is Extreme I think it’s too it’s ridiculous and the thing is you know I just wonder what’s going through guys like this Hershel Walker Bo Jackson uh guys who were Elite athletes that

Never got a chance to even get paid at all it’s ridiculous times Chang dude get over agree Jay get over it dude I’m over it nil’s not going anywhere you don’t think the players should make any money I didn’t say that that’s kind of what you said hersel Walker both do I

Think a college education is worth a lot absolutely I do it’s been downgraded it’s like who cares all I gets in education will come off it you’re getting free education sorry I’m with you on the free education it’s just ridiculous the numbers that these guys are getting Jay

It’s gonna create Strife it’s got to create a rift between uh and players in programs hey Hunter I’m not disagreeing with Jeremy but what I’m saying is it was going this way there was no way around not having nil money players were getting so pissed they college game may

Win away I mean players T bird says if one of those guys does it Jay everyone should drop $20 INR show and you would be the next Dion Warwick we would put Dion Warwick is your name not Jason Dion why are you going I’m not a girl Deon Warwick reads Minds apparently

Remember psychic she’s a she’s a woman I know I’m not hey look listen I’m not saying people haven’t been slid money under the table for years it’s been happening for 10 years probably it’s just out in your face now and it’s ridiculous some of and

This is it who who put that oh Hunter 100% name image likeness that’s what it should be it should not be I’m gonna pay this guy to come to my school it should be they got to earn it a little bit that that I agree what they that’s got to be

The thing that’s got to be the heart behind the Danny studman of the world who who have created and and done a great job with their Pro profile with their uh of who they are those guys are the ones that should be selling their jerseys getting more money unfortunately

It’s oh you’re 65 320 uh you’re gonna get paid more than this other guy I don’t know yeah I but here’s the thing nil has been only around for what two years now two years three look how much it’s changed in a year oh yeah Spencer

Rattler was one of the first ones and it was about it was more about name image likeness and I also think I also think If Alabama wins it all S’s I’m s’s gonna be like I’m done with this he don’t want to deal with this anymore riding off

Into the sunset hey we gotta get second trivia get it second trivia this a football trivia oh you football here we go Bill Bebo guys all I want to know is in college who was his head coach in college you didn’t know this one Jeremy

I did not know this hey Jay what did you think about what Chip Kelly said did you like it loved it hey do you even know where he went to school college who Bill beo I think I know boom AIC got it I think it was uh Jay I think it was

Kentucky Iowa wesland how mummy how mummy and you know who the OC was Mike Leech look at that what would what would the great late Mike Lee say about NJ well you heard what he said about the whole playoff situation I I mean absolutely good

Job that on sooner fan bro J I don’t think Nick savin’s out doing a whole lot I think they bring guys in he doesn’t have to his name already already recruits yeah I West yeah leech was his OC it’s a great question and that’s I mean he comes from that tree coach wise

Too so it’s it’s cool I am super stoked for tomorrow night’s game again we’re going to be on here right after the game so it probably won’t start till 10 o’clock to live tomorrow but super stoked about this game tomorrow night Providence beats Marquette top uh top 10

Team in Marquette by 15 U destroyed Providence and O marquette’s ranked like top five so if U wins they’re gonna be top five I’m not saying Nick Sabin doesn’t recruit I’m talking about the portal I think there’s I think there’s two different recruiting you got the portal

Uh evaluators and you got the recruiting evaluators a lot of these schools you almost need two totally separate do here’s the very first thing that has to be fixed on all this the calendar it’s bad you cannot have entering the portal before bowl games because they have to get on a team for

Next year they got to fix they have to fix the calendar it’s fix bad you got do something about it it’s ridiculous how can we not fix it like Chip Kelly says get a commissioner it’s not that hard get a commissioner it’s time you got nil now you can’t have NCA running this

Thing there is no solution as Hunter says Fred where does DD Westbrook Rank and the receivers all time let’s rank them right now Jay top five receivers top five OU receivers go top five uh in any order or can I just say five let’s just say five I’m going broal

Clayton uh Shephard CID land uh maybe Westbrook would that be the five I know I’m missing somebody I’m going Kenny Stills no way ow you receiver yes I am top five Kenny Stills let me talk uh d Westbrook I miss Hollywood Hollywood yeah can’t get them all lamb steals

Westbrook I don’t have BRS in my top five what steals uh Westbrook Malcolm Kelly no I’m I don’t I’m Kelly there what do you mean scorching hot take this is a good take Hunter Jay is Drake stops on that list no okay yeah no bro is absolutely I’m gonna

Tell you why Hunter tell us why he was all he was was a screen receiver that’s it no oh my gosh that may be the dumbest thing you’ve ever said in your entire life you need to take that back you ow bro’s an apology talk about Owen DG in

You bro’s apology wow tell NFL that that’s weak Jeremy Kei Jackson not really considered a receiver but I guess back in his a day maybe I mean yeah I mean they’ve had a lot of great ones Mark Clayton was great too and look boals was a lead you can’t argue the

Stats hey so let’s he was amazing let’s get back he also amazing at real estate Marvin Ms ah not that five too many drops hey uh let’s get back on it portal uh I think tomorrow’s going to be a very very quiet day in the portal with Signing Day don’t you all

Around yeah and hey tomorrow guys it’s probably going to start here in about seven hours when Daniel aen koui drops his signature in and then the more that will start coming in at 7 AM hey great question Jackson appreciate you being on here tonight it’s a great

Question the main four receivers in the rotation next season I’ll say I’ll say Nick Anderson Jaden Gibson um Dion Burks Anthony you got Jalil fro and Andrew Anthony how do you who’s the four man that’s a tough one you already know my opinion on this you would not put

Farooq in your four correct I think faroo gets left out do you think Farooq leaves yes I think he’s gone after the portal I mean after the bowl game yes that’s my opinion I I don’t know anything on that I know what he said he’s most likely

Saying I’ve said this before or yeah Brenan Thompson pway I mean we could go on and on they got dudes everywhere is Ricky right here give a percentage of of it how right he is on this give me a percentage on Ricky’s what he said someone’s leaving what percentage do you think someone

Leaving 100% 100% wow one of the receivers is leaving Jay they have to they don’t have to 30% is is is absurd Hunter you’re you’re absurd because you always get on Hunter and everybody about uh you say you can’t do absolute absolute you’re saying 100% that’s an absolute Jason no

Don’t you don’t need to say my name answer the question why are you saying there is zero percent chance that no one no receiver leaves you cannot say there’s zero percent chance I I just did bunk how can how can you L out of other people for doing that and you doing it

Because this one’s obvious Jay they’re not GNA go there to sit they’re not gonna sit there to sit thank you Chief TD Chief t- bird brings the super and he’s bringing it right now he’s bringing it right now they know someone’s leaving and guess who they think it is or know

It isy Jeremy I’m not saying nobody’s leaving but to say it’s 100% gonna happen is wrong you can’t say that I just did oh you can’t say that you are ridiculous dude so you think do you think Shelton Bunkley Shelton’s going to just sit there for two more years Jeremy

I think there’s a high probability somebody leaves I would say 89 90% chance maybe I cannot say 100% dude Jay I I if you can say 90% just like in hitch I’ll go the extra 10 and say a 100 how about that hey Mark says after the spring

Game I think that’s when you’ll see somebody I agree mark because you’re gonna know that’s still leaving Jay what that’s still leaving okay but I’m I’m just saying you can’t say 100% you don’t know it it was an ACL injury and MCO I believe hey I’m not Jay

I can say what I want to say and I didn’t say it’s automatically gonna be someone that’s that’s playing enough but I mean any of the chief T-bird we stick together on this BR we that’s fine that’s fine you can and you can say whatever you want I just don’t I have a

Problem with you saying other people can’t say AB Chuck where have you seen it where have you seen the best chemistry with Arnold the one game they played Jeremy he did catch two balls I agree though Jeremy agree with that game if Faro moves to the slot he’s gonna tear it up next

Year okay and if you move him to slot that means guys like pedway and others will not be playing Adam says maybe maybe they drop a turd off turd leaves I don’t know what who that isn’t even going to be Jay do you not find that weird though

When frook was asked about stayy says I’m most likely gonna stay that’s I agree if you know you’re staying you say I’m staying I’m staying here here’s how I would here’s how I would take that quote if I were to say I’m most likely that means the thought is in my head

That I could leave that’s all that means hey can someone go give me a barf bag why Grant sherfield couldn’t hold J and callums jockstrap okay Grant sherfield was pitiful compared to jvon McCollum he wasn’t pitiful but compared to McCollum not even mccollum’s mccullum’s a stud he’s unbelievable if you want to

Compare uh Grant sherfield to a John AES maybe hey hey sooner fan I actually brought this up in the sooner Serge group chat what two yesterday when it happened I I think the plan is for DG to start starting more to sit but here’s what I’ll say if Moore is really good who

Knows with Dan Landing he might start him I don’t know yeah I don’t know enough about Dante Moore they want DG to be the guy but if Dante Moore just out shows it I don’t know it’s just like a DG would have came to OU I mean if Jackson Arnold would

Have been there that first year with DJ and DJ not had that year his belt Arnold may have beat him out uh the now I agree with you Mr Chaz that the team around jav McCollum isn’t comparable either the Groves brothers were pathetic as far as athletic ability

Uh but I’m taking jvon McCullen 10 days and every day that ends in why because uh everything I’ve seen from him shooting uh uh handles uh assist defensively he’s just better in my opinion I agree all around he’s better and it’s he’s got a he’s got a he can

Drive he can make midrange and he’s better off pulling it from three um sooner fan I’ll say this about DG I think the whole plan is for DG to start and I think DG as long as he plays well DG’s probably gonna play the whole

Season it’s if and here’s what I do not nobody knows this about DG nobody can say they know this how’s he going to perform in a different offense he’s always been with Le I mean he’s been under Levy so much I think he’s going to struggle J said I won’t that’s the

Biggest that’s the biggest thing I think DG’s gonna have to figure out but I think also that is why he didn’t go with leby because not only money at Oregon but he can go make it kind of a name for himself and stand out for NFL because

His NFL grade wasn’t that good so now maybe get out from under lby not be a system quarterback and do really well and he could really proove his stock Allan Woody the newest sooner surge unlimited member uh says DJ can’t make it through his season uninjured and he

He didn’t even make it through this season because of the half he didn’t play but uh yeah I don’t know how much running he’ll do uh so we we’ll see but Jay guys you heard Jay you heard it uh he gave you three names busy uh McKinley

Maybe it’s a different name I don’t I don’t think there’s a chance that it’s any of those three but here’s what I do know tomorrow’s early Signing Day we’re actually a few hours away from Daniel aoui probably signing uh it’s going to be an exciting day make sure you are

Subscribed to our Channel because we will have a video for every hey and listen even the pwo ace Hodges uh uh Jobe Johnson Jake all those guys we uh did jaob John I just said jacobe sorry Jacob Jordan yeah I don’t even know what I’m saying uh

Every pwo we we we’ll also have a video for because we don’t discriminate here every player do deserves recognition for coming in to being part of the University of Oklahoma so make sure you’re subscribed uh appreciate everyone on here tonight Chief t- bird thanks for dropping that super for us uh we really

Appreciate it uh wait before I get off here I gotta talk to Chuck Carney real quick put some respect on Whose name I think he’s talking about DG I respect DG hey Chuck you’re make me mad right here before I get off but it’s go time on this listen right now DG had

A heck of a year the best year of his life it’ll never happen again he won’t ever be able to out outperform this year I give him all the props I think Jeff lebby was a major reason why I think Jeff Levy’s offensive scheme was a big

Reason why do I think Dyan Gabriel can play absolutely he can play he’s good he’s not great he won’t win you a championship never did never will it’s nothing I’m not against the guy I’m just telling you like it is he throws a ball that’s soft he’s got too much arc on it

No arm speed what else you want me to say but I do give him Kudos great game manager was a good leader for U got us to 10 wins I appreciate DG so much thank you DG I appreciate you I appreciate all you did for the program stepping in at a

Time when bent Brent venal needed a guy you were the man you did it we appreciate you best of luck at Oregon Jackson Arnold is the quarterback here Boomer till next time Boomer


  1. Harder to catch the Lives with the kids outta school and not meeting their 9PM bed time! Still watching though, Boomer!

    I think if they instituted some sort of "redshirt" rule for the Portal, it would help. Like if you are a backup not able to get on the field at a Georgia, and have pkayed less than 4 games, they can Portal out and play next year. But if you are guy who played significantly at one school, and just decided that you wanted to leave for some "greener pastures", then maybe you should have to sit a year. Unless yer a Grad transfer.

  2. Whatever BV has planned it better happen in 2024- after next season we are going to lose a majority of our top players.

    Daniel Akinkunmi will be a BEAST

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