What’s In My Golf Bag? (Elite Golfer Version)

My bag is a TARDIS apparently…

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All right welcome back to the channel welcome back to the follow through today we’re doing what’s in the bag here’s my bag I’m going to tell you what’s in it we’re going to start with the clubs and keep this honest I haven’t seen into some of these pockets for quite a while

So there could be some surprising items inside so let’s see what we can find now before you start kicking off in the comments like I know a lot of you want to do I do know that the putter should go here technically by design my putter is actually over here that triggers you

I’m really sorry so start with a big dog shall we driver not the most technically minded when it comes to clubs yeah that’s the head cover PSI 3 on it it’s 9.0 de it’s an absolute weapon and the shaft is blue and I like blue what do

You want me to do at Rhymes got the alignment sticks in here they help with alignment and they also double up as chopsticks for Giants M on to the 3-wood probably the least trustworthy Club in my bag passing St Andrew’s head cover on it be gone another blue sha 6.5x 65 G

You don’t need me to tell you what that means 13.5 de it says Titleist 917 F3 so that is a thing that is written on my golf club so the two is actually becoming quite rapidly my favorite Club in the bag Hal made stealth two ir and

It looks just sexy as you like Bullseye Target kind of sniper scope design with a red circle you know I like blue but I’ll make an exception for this 18° quite fun to hit off the tea shaft on this one I don’t know it’s black it says Mitsubishi chemical which is quite

Alarming actually don’t know what that means and fun fact about this club is that actually this isn’t the original head I actually broke the first one managed to crack the top of the Club head but it’s back right moving on to the irons got four irons pitch and wedge

Mauno 223s the last set of ir I had I had between 2008 and 2022 but I was using TI ap2s I just wanted something that was as similar and gave me good numbers and apparently that’s the Muno 223s moving on to wedges tius vys I actually go through them individually

Because they’re all set up slightly different 50° here in my hand 12° bounce f54 got again 12° of Bounce D grind first one’s an F this one’s a d beautiful same grips as my irons and my driver consistent throughout the bag and then we got 58 which which mainly use

Around the greenen but it’s got 10° B this one’s an S grind so yeah finally out the club got putter ping g5i Piper love this bad boy need to get a new grip on it but I use it quite a lot obviously I’ve been using this putter fun fact

Basically my whole life well this is a little story story time with Freddy always had this putter it actually got stolen at one point this is a carbon copy that we found on eBay the other one got suspiciously stolen at my old golf club shout out Golf Club it got stolen

There out on the golf course pretty good idea of who did it as well comment below if you want to know who did that yeah know luckily managed to find an exact copy on eBay got that and used it ever since and I just love it it works it

Works for me those are the fting club let’s move on to Pockets shall we so firstly as we look at the bag you might notice a few things you might notice this red 26 which is from open qualify you’ll also notice that there’s a big white tail here I actually won this tail

At the dumani caddy outing you would have already known I’d won this tail if you had subscribed to my patreon shout out to Zack bford Brian Gavin lamb Dicky Daniel you’re all over there on my patreon getting some cool behind the scenes bit the links Down

Below in the description if you want a piece of that action but yeah one this tow it’s actually beautiful it’s so shiny white on the other side that I am scared to use it right now hence it’s stuffed in my bag and not in action like

My other tail a blue tail because I like the color blue I don’t know if we’ve established that yet but it’s got the new Golf Club St Andrews logo on it um on the thee and the new Golf Club St Andrews while we’re talking about the

Bag the zip is actually broken in this bottom pocket so that tail just plugs the Gap especially if it’s raining although this bag is waterproof ping bag shout out ping please sponsor me actually you know what Muno Tor made you can all sponsor me please yeah so the

Zip on this one broke I’ve had it for a few years to be fair I need to plug that Gap and I do it successfully with the towel and M this willly hat that rhymes a lot of gloves 1 2 three bag’s falling four five those are weather gloves 6 7

Eight we don’t need any more gloves but we’ve got eight there got a little bag here says SRE links trophy on it so that’s cool got brand new SLE Prov that have not yet been touched and we got a lot of golf balls in here oh there’s another glove that’s nine oh there’s

Another glove that’s 10 1 2 three 4 five 6 7 eight golf BS and then the observant amongst you will have noticed that I have this pouch my bag is still trying to fall trollies are beautiful and versatile thing shout out the iart one yes we have this little pouch have a

Couple of Sharpie pens b line Creator thing oh oh god that actually hurts and we have a couple of books in here we actually have a Cary stroke saver we actually have two Cary stroke savers guide for R bro and pin sheets notepad B for raw burdale more pin sheet and

Probably the most valuable thing that’s in my golf bag it’s my notebook all the lessons and notes I’ve ever made at the driving range for the last and the last dat in this going back to April 2018 over 5 and 1/2 years worth of notes things where if I start swinging it

Badly I will find the answer in here that this is probably the most valuable thing in my bag now that I think about it should definitely not put it in the pocket that is open and subject to the weather condition all of this is just in

The outside pocket just wait till we get to the the inside pocket starting with the other side I actually don’t know what’s in here oh Sun cream it’s November Sun cream okay this is fun I separate out teap pegs in my bag so I’ve got small tegs and big intact tegs this

Is the pocket with all my cast offs starts off with batteries amazingly fresh four pack of AAA batteries and then I just have endless amount of small broken teabags it just doesn’t stop there could be thousands in here I don’t know if I’m ever going to get to the end

Of this video got a wrapper for some old Duracell batteries and I’ve got a Rules book that came to AFF January 2019 transformative this is where all my food and drink goes very important today we’ve got big bottle 2 L bottle of water got a protein brownie oh bag’s gone

Again there you that’s perfectly balanced now got my laser ab bushnel ab Bushell tour V4 else do I have in here I have another water bottle the AIG Women’s Open I have wrappers and that is the entirety of everything that’s in the left side of my

Golf bag right I think that stays by itself now as we come to the right side of my bag now this is where the important stuff live all the stuff that I have in my pocket during the round of golf is in here maybe not the tape Measure got a golf ball from our last round all the big teap pegs we actually have my main ball markers that I would use Kings bars here Barney from the open at Royal Liverpool and actually this one was a gift for me from someone like Cy

For this year shouts out to Carol she’s a member at the Olympic Club over in San Francisco we’ve got a whole bunch of P smart repairs this one’s from cril these are from Regional open qualifying from Glenn Eagles apparently Kings bars this has just become me shouting out names of

Places that I’ve been to apparently but they’re all in there you know I don’t even know what’s in here what’s in here yeah we got a shoe spike thing and a plastic bag of spikes for golf shoes but shout out to Sketchers my most recent shoe purchase uh they’re spikeless so I

Guess these are here for a rainy day now actually I’ve got some change down here I’ve got more bull markers down here I’ve got one that says Freddy I one from Kings bars got a coin € 10 cent couple more Euros this one has HSBC on it shout

Out the world’s local bank oh and this one is called macious rupe and then as we go to the big pocket I’ve got waterproof top for the golf bag I’ve got a small tripod shout out content I’ve got a little bag from Kings bars I’ve

Got all of their merch in here I’ve got a chalk line when I do putting drills everything I need is in this little bag so I’ve got a chalk line and a bunch of TEEG a spirit level yeah that’s kind of everything interesting that’s in that

Pouch got a putting mirror a thing that makes the hole smaller see that see you get it oh that’s desperate some things that can make a putting gate and here’s the actual gate that go like that the ball go through it obviously not like that but you get the idea another

Putting mirror oh God right the wrapper for some crisps scorecard from dumani yeah this is all miscellaneous Goods at this point so there’s another gol in here apparently these are special gol BS that the radar technology of the track Man actually is able to pick up and get

The spin rates way more accurate than any other golf ball any those are golf balls fresh tegs for when I need them this is a thing that I haven’t used in ages T Square s like like a te who would have thought it all yeah so that was the T Square which I

Don’t really use anymore so let’s ignore that and we have one pocket left in the golf bag it’s the main Center pocket a whole stack of books and papers an old Course St Andrews yardage book holder thing course guide for London Links bunch of scorec cards oh 20 quid

Apparently old caddy yardage book for the Jubilee course it has fallen apart but it is laminated paper book version of the Jubilee course a yardage book for Royal abine and a course guide for D Barney lyx arcad don’t know if I’ve mentioned that we have some old uh pin

Sheets these ones are from s links trophy in 2022 by the looks of it hand sanitizers to sanitize your hands a single Duracell lithium battery that is probably out of juice I’d imagine if it’s on its own and not in a packet so this is actually worthless some Lip

Therapy Vaseline aloe vera flavor finally I have a pencil from Lock glowman Golf Club I reckon that’s about as much name dropping as I can do in one session and that’s it thanks for watching that is what’s in my bag if you had enough of me talking there’s a video

There there’s a video there if you want to watch me hit some golf balls and if you want to subscribe which you definitely should to see other golfing content subscribe down here somewhere thank you and goodbye why you still here okay bye

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