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I Befriended A Mean Girl To Bring Her Bad Luck / My Story Animated Compilation – [4K Videos]

I Befriended A Mean Girl To Bring Her Bad Luck / My Story Animated Compilation – [4K Videos]

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Get ready to dive into a world of captivating stories, heartfelt emotions, and unforgettable experiences. Welcome to My Story Animated, where we bring your favorite tales to life through amazing animation.

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Susan hurry up or we’ll be late to see the house of Gucci hang on where was Susan I looked around to see my friend standing on the spot um Lola isn’t that your car I looked in the direction Susan was pointing and saw my beloved car resting

On the back of a tow truck great our only mode of Transport was being impounded for illegal parking so much for a movie trip well let’s call it a day my line of thought just ended when oops something fell on my shirt ah those stupid birds unbelievable this was my brand new tea

And now it was covered in bird droppings oh yeah welcome to a normal day in the life of Lola the Jinx yes I’ve been called that since I was a little kid all of my relatives except for my parents have always been extra wary of me then when I was 12

During a boring family gathering I overheard a heated conversation between my uncle and my parents stop living in denial that girl’s bad luck send her off to boarding school anywhere as long as she’s away from this family you’re being ridiculous it’s my daughter you’re talking about the fact that you lost

Your job has nothing to do with her she’s just a kid that’s right this isn’t Lola’s fault you need to stop blaming her for everything because of some silly words it turned out that the silly words in question were told by a propheus on

The day of my birth so my family owned a famous furniture manufacturing business in the area but unfortunately on the day I was born there was a fire in the workshop and they lost everything on that same day a prophetess passed by my house and dropped a sentence that made

Everyone in the family Panic that newborn is a jinx who will bring Misfortune to the entire family so that’s why relatives ignore me don’t invite me to parties and Whisper about me behind my back I don’t want to believe the prophecy but with all the

Bad luck I’ve had so far it’s hard not to have you ever carried an umbrella around with you for 6 days straight only for it to be sunny then the one day you forget to bring it it pours down or have you ever been able to lick a

Delicious looking ice cream when you tripped and splashed the whole ice cream on the poor person standing opposite you well not only was I unlucky in my own right but my ill Fortune also affected the people around me it’s no wonder I’m a shy girl who struggles to make friends

Besides my parents I only have one friend Susan hey Lola have you ever thought about breaking your bad luck there’s a very famous fortune teller in town Breaking Bad Luck well that sounds like a good idea I’ve had enough of being Lola the Jinx the next day following

Susan’s instructions I went to a small house on the outskirts of town as I knocked on the door I was nervous and excited I hoped this would finally be the end to my run of bad luck a woman in Veil let me in I couldn’t wait any

Longer so I blurted out hi I’m here since I heard you could help me get rid of my bad luck right please help whatever it takes the fortune teller sat still for a moment then a smile lit up through her veil you’re Lola daughter of the Gonzalez family right I was

Stunned whoa she was good at her job I mean I hadn’t even introduced myself yet of course I already knew that you’d come here but it would be difficult for me to eliminate your Misfortune there’s only only one person in the world who can undo your Jinx they will bear all the

Bad luck for you and even bring you good luck at the same time is that so but who Could That Be in this whole wide world I blurred it out the fortune teller smiled and said that if I wanted further clues that would cost me a few more bucks oh

Well I’ve already come this far so it’s worth spending the rest of my monthly allowance to know who my mystery savior was right then she pulled out this drawring bag and shook it she told me to draw an item oh it was a small tile with a single

Letter on it a well well well interesting a person whose name starts with an a fear not Lola the universe will signal you to find that very person I then went home and couldn’t stop searching my mind for people I know with a names um let’s see

The most potential person was Ariel a classmate of mine who was super Lucky in everything that’s right no one else but her she was born wealthy and fortunate she didn’t even study and she always got good grades actually she just won the school raffle her prize was a year

Supply of donuts and a bowling trip obviously she was the complete opposite of me with her inherent luck surely a little bit of my Jinx seasoning wouldn’t make her too miserable right but honestly I’m not fond of Ariel she’s sour scornful and a showoff still dear Lola anything was possible if you wanted

To end your bad luck so I was determined that from tomorrow I would make her my best friend together we would have the perfect balance between bad luck and good fortune but easier said than done being friends with Ariel meant I had to continuously compliment her on everything her new shoes high grades

Choice of lipstick color she also made me go and queue up to get her lunch someone like me struggled to carry my own lunch without tripping let alone too but the weird thing was I didn’t fall over actually ever since I started hanging out with Ariel I couldn’t recall anything bad

Happening with my newfound luck I started opening up to some of my other classmates and you won’t believe it an unlucky girl like me even won two tickets to the opening of a new water park so I decided to share one with Ariel to be fair it was her luck that

Got me those tickets right but uh-oh hang on was that Ariel tottering out of the changing rooms in her stiletto heels what an idiot and right after that just as you might have guessed she slipped over but to my horror she also so frantically grabbed onto my arm to take

Me down with her but wait why didn’t I feel any pain oh was I dreaming did this handsome guy just save me as for Princess Ariel she broke a tiny fingernail so she just stormed off sulking never mind as I had a new companion my super cute hero

Anthony since then Anthony and I talk to each other every day and just like that we officially became a couple honestly who would have imagined that Lola the Jinx would one day have a very wonderful boyfriend like Anthony maybe my luck had finally changed yay so the prophecy was

Fulfilled Ariel was the one who brought me luck H but actually thinking about it Ariel didn’t seem to be having any bad luck at all in the meantime well apart from the fingernail incident but in that instance she was lucky she didn’t sprain her ankle or anything H perhaps we were

All riding on the good luck train for once but there’s still one thing I can’t understand honey why were you so late today sorry babe on the way here I got a flat tire twice yeah you see my boyfriend sure had been having a lot of bad luck lately but

Wait Anthony also has a name that began with the letter a could it be that it was Anthony Who Bore my bad luck not Ariel oh no this couldn’t be happening then over the next few weeks my suspicions were confirmed Anthony lost his phone he misplaced his assignment

Picked up the wrong dog from the vets and even managed to walk into his mom’s brand new expensive vs smash I could continue to be a jinx but I didn’t want any of my loved ones to endure this fatigue for me instead I needed to find

A way to help Anthony get out of this for good H maybe he could befriend someone Super Lucky then this would reverse his bad luck with this plan in mind I planned a picnic for us both then invited the luckiest person I knew along too Ariel at first it seemed to be going

Really well it wasn’t raining and there weren’t ants in our sandwiches but then I noticed Ariel Giggle and twizzle with her hair as she looked at Anthony oh no Ariel had a crush on my boyfriend the problem was the more I saw them together happy and bad luck free

The more I concluded that Anthony was better off without me so I started ignoring his calls and messages and purposely avoided the places I knew he would be all was going well until he showed up outside my school oh Lola why are you ignoring me what did I

Do wrong I pretended not to hear anything and kept walking but he ran after and caught me by my wrist so I yelled at him nothing you’re perfect that’s why I stopped talking to you I’m a jinx and you deserve better he gave me a confused look so I explained all about

How bad luck had a way of following me and the people I was closest to and that’s why I had said up a date for him and Ariel you’re such a fool Are you seriously ready to throw away what we have because of some stupid prophecy

Plus I’m not an object for you to just give away to whoever you want then he stormed off this was awful now I’d gone and lost my amazing sweet caring boyfriend and I only had myself to blame later that night mom walked into the living room and saw me slumped on the

Couch crying she asked me what was wrong and I blubbered out all about my bad luck the fortune teller and how I lost my boyfriend because of it I think it’s time I visited this fortune teller it might be the prophetess from the day you

Were born I didn’t see her back then as I was in the hospital with you if it really is her I’m longing to know why she decided to put so much stress on our family with her ludicrous words the next day Mom and I went to the fortune

Teller’s Place Mommy yanked the veil off her face and stared at her in shock turns out they went to school together and back then this woman was jealous of my mom’s luck a jealousy she never got past so she tried to sabotage her by telling those ridiculous prophecies to

Not only me but the rest of our family thinking about it throughout my childhood my relatives treated me like a bad luck charm so that’s how I acted I alienated myself acted insecure and had no confidence maybe it was my negative energy that was making me unlucky not some dumb

Prophecy so what happened next well mom made sure the whole town found out about what a fraud the fortune teller is she wrote a public apology to us and paid us compensation as for me I decided it was time to make my own luck so I went

Around to anon’s and handed him two tickets for the water park and I apologized for all my superstitious nonsense he seemed to appreciate the gesture and he forgave me so we’re back together yay from now on it’s only positive vibes happy thoughts and grasping life’s opportunities the most

Important thing I’ve learned is that if you see life as beautiful it’ll always be beautiful to you in return I stand here before you looking looking back fondly on the four years of Legacy we’ve all made together do you see her the girl in the graduation gown

Giving that awesome speech well that was me Taylor Flores take a look at my parents they looked so proud of me oh but I will never forget this face this is Jonas my Arch Enemy we were the top two students in our school and had been competing against each other since

Forever but too bad Jonas you lost the final battle because I was the one asked to give the graduation speech not you it’s safe to say that I had it all figured out after high school first I would move to New York to attend the most prestigious College in the city

Majoring in English of course then when I graduated from college I’d write my first novel then publish it to acclamation and Glory now that’s what I call a perfect plan just wait for it you will see my face on thousands of book covers Taylor flores’s time has come I want those

Pages by the end of Friday El be prepared for a pay cut this month I hate deadlines as you can see my life didn’t exactly turn out as I planned what went wrong you ask well after I graduated from college I pursued my writing dream but every agent and publisher I sent my

Novel to rejected it I kept pushing myself to write more but then I ended up having writer block I couldn’t create stories anymore so I decided to switch to writing for newspapers I used to think that if I had to write for a newspaper then it would at least be a

Famous one but life is not a fairy tale on the contrary it’s actually cruel and unfair well at least it was to me because my preferred newspaper rejected me a bunch of times so now I ended up here working for this unknown News website with an alltime grumpy

Manager okay so back to what was happening at the office suddenly my phone buzzed through an email oh no it’s an invitation to my high school reunion no way I could go back to my hometown and see everyone they’d all see what a loser I’d become and I’d be the joke of

The party all the worst case scenarios were running through my mind until a call from Amelia it’s my bestie from high school she asked me if I was going and I told her never in a million years if you don’t go then everybody will assume that you

Failed in life and you’re too ashamed to go so the best thing you can do is to attend and keep your head up high man Amelia really had a point and was great at persuading other people no wonder she’s now a lawyer so here I was in front of the

Venue feeling so nervous that I thought I may throw up but it’s now or never right I just needed to put my game face on I entered the room to a load of unfamiliar faces huh was I in the wrong place I was about to leave when I

Suddenly bumped into somebody and fell on the floor ouch I looked up it was a chubby lady who was holding her baby in one arm and gripping a toddler’s hand with the other I instantly apologized I so sorry I hope I didn’t hurt the kids oh it’s fine you’re lucky my belly was

Big enough to block you she then paused and took a closer look at me is that you Taylor you look great let’s get inside the party just started wait she knew me but who was she I guess she did look familiar maybe I should wait for Amelia

And ask her as she had kept in touch with most of our classmates I looked around trying trying to find someone familiar to have a chat with but my gosh why was it so hard but then I saw a woman who had beautiful long blonde hair

And I instantly knew who it was Jessica the hottest and most popular girl in high school and the captain of the cheerleader team I walked over to her and we began to catch up we chatted a lot and she was so funny hm I don’t remember her being so

Hilarious my God you’re so funny Jess hey Jessica I heard Amelia shout I looked over at her and she was walking towards someone else it was the chubby lady from earlier so she’s Jessica oh my she definitely changed a lot but if that was Jessica then who was this thank God I

Didn’t say her name earlier I excused myself from this mystery person then whispered to Amelia asking who the lady was I was talking talking to Pats me why don’t we ask her directly she then did exactly just that the lady gave us a playful smile saying try guessing are you Ashley nope Natasha

Wrong Tiffany negative wait are you related to Jack Miller you kind of look like him almost correct oh my she wasn’t related to Jack Miller cuz she is Jack Miller well now she’s Jill Miller turns out she never felt comfortable being a boy so after high school she underwent transgender

Surgery wow that’s incredible I kind of felt overwhelmed so I went to the bathroom to freshen up on my way out I saw a familiar face it was Luke the most handsome guy in high school he was picking up trash and putting it in the

Garbage can a what a nice guy we talked for a bit and oh oh turns out he works here as the janitor he was the one who recommended organizing the reunion here and he was cleaning up as much as possible so later it wouldn’t take him

So much time for real who would have expected that I went back to the party and saw Amelia talking to a guy oh who is this handsome dude Amelia beckoned me over and introduced him to me I couldn’t believe my ears it was Jonas my Archen

Enemy the chubby dwarf Jonas with a face full of pimples now resembled an abomi and fish model Jonas just told me that he’s been promoted to a higher position in his company seemed like he still kept his bragging habit some things never changed suddenly Jonas asked me and what about

You Taylor how has it been going for you lately oh snap I couldn’t tell him that I was working for this awful news website that would be so hum humiliating so thinking fast I blurted out that I was a managing editor for this huge newspaper in New York Jonas and Amelia

Looked at me in shock in your face Jonas if I had a mic I would definitely drop it I asked Jonas what position he was promoted to and he replied oh I um got Chief technical officer huh nice try but it was no match for my

Amazing job I won that battle loser well in general the reunion went pretty well even though I had to lie about myself but whatever it’s not like I was going to see Jonas again right wrong a week later I received a Facebook friend request from him first I ignored it but

Then a few days later he texted me via messenger asking why I didn’t accept him on Facebook that was so annoying fine but first I had to readjust my P page I needed to hide photos statuses and tags that were related to my company done

Then Jonas began to text me it was nice seeing you the other day would you like dinner sometime um I’m sorry what was he asking me out on a date or was this a prank cuz I live in New York I told him that and oh my God he lives in New York

Too great but the thing is I told him last time that I’m an editing manager and that’s a busy job so during our date I asked Amelia to pretend to be my secretary and call me a bunch of times during dinner however before we could play our act

Jonas was the one who received a dozen calls and then had to leave early because of an incident at his company after that he texted me quite a lot but still feeling bitter from being ditched at dinner the other day I only replied to him after 30 minutes every

Time but on days when he didn’t text me I found myself staring at my phone longing to hear from him Jesus I was falling for him Jonas why Jonas I couldn’t understand myself anymore and was unable to stop my feelings so when he told me he liked me I said I liked

Him too and soon we became a couple it was great at first but then Jonas insisted that he drive me to work and and pick me up oh no I refused of course but he wouldn’t take no for an answer so when Jonas dropped me at the

Fake office I had to run no I had to Sprint five blocks to my real office to make it on time and then in the evening I had to leave 30 minutes earlier to run back to the other office and wait for him to pick me up the first three times

I could handle it but Jonas wanted to drive me to work every day that’s enough I needed a break from all this running eventually I came up with an excuse I bought a bike and told him that I wanted to ride to work as it would be good for

My health po I didn’t have time to run five blocks each day anymore cuz I had an important interview to prepare for oh yeah I was applying to my dream newspaper again if I did get in I don’t need to lie to Jonas anymore and luckily

My interview went pretty well I had a smile on my face as I walked over to the elevator first it was just me and then a bunch of employees went in the elevator was about to close when suddenly from the outside someone put his hand between

The doors please wait and that’s when I saw a familiar face Jonas our eyes met and we both looked shocked then one of the employees said to him hey boss I already finished the report and we’ll send it to you this evening what why did the guy say that to him

When the elevator reached the ground floor I quickly ran out of it Jonas ran after me held my hand and said wait let me explain what is there to explain we both lied to each other Jonas held me in his arms and tried to keep me calm then

He began telling me everything oh my God turns out he’s the actual editing manager of this newspaper uh well that explains a lot I should have known he didn’t work in technology as I once asked him to repair my laptop and he ended up locking himself out of

It hearing you say you had my job shocked me I didn’t want to embarrass you so I made up another position so he knew right from the beginning I was lying then why did you insist on driving me to work when you already knew I didn’t work

There I was just messing with you besides I was kind of curious to see how long you could keep the lie up for I’m sorry but the truth is I like you I have liked you since high school back then I was always competing with you cuz I wanted

You to notice me I thought I was about to throw a tantrum but thinking back it was all my fault if I hadn’t lied in the first place then Jonas wouldn’t have had to lie about himself right at that moment I received an email from Human

Resources oh God I got in they were so impressed by me that they had to email me right away I was so happy that I hugged Jonas as he said congratulations newbie now let’s get to work your first task is to go out on dinner with me yeah

So now Jonas and I work at the same place and he’s my boss I used to hate losing to him but now that he’s my boyfriend I feel fine actually I’m really proud of him this was my first ever day at high school and naturally I’m owning it I

Mean who wouldn’t want to befriend someone as beautiful and friendly as me by lunchtime I already had loads of new friends and everyone flocked around me to hear stories about my amazing life I soon became super popular at school I was the gorgeous enchanting blonde Beauty do you know what the best part

Was boys started noticing me too even the captain of the basketball team Mitch took a liking to me it makes sense I mean obviously the best looking boy in the school is going to be interested in the best looking girl and guess what he’s following me on my way home right

Now stalking me much huh just wait for it it seemed like my new life here in this school was going to be awesome well well Mandy that was not an easy question but you answered it perfectly great work see I’m not just a pretty face I’m also one of the smartest

Students in the school my admirers grew and grew it seemed like everyone wanted to spend time with someone as perfect as me here I was telling my new friends about how at first people sometimes misjudge me as I come from a well-educated and extremely successful family my parents are super wealthy

Individuals who encourage me to always be the best version of myself and strive hard to never let them down hey Mandy pardon me but how come you never wear designer clothes or use anything expensive she looked down at my Tatty looking sneakers I see why it might seem a

Little peculiar but you see I dress this way because my parents value the importance of being humble that’s also How I Live goodness is better than Beauty right then I pulled out my phone and showed them the grades from my last school everyone gasped at me for being

So excellent I was loved admired adored but of course being this amazing meant that there’s just got to be quite a few kids being jealous of me I mean I suppose I couldn’t blame them after all I dazzled like a diamond well they were just dull and

Ordinary one time after an exam as soon as the teacher left this girl called Lila stood up and said Mandy cheated I saw it with my own eyes I saw it too she checked her phone during the exam everyone was gasping in shock right at that moment the class president Marshall

Shouted hey hey quit it we all know M’s a great student there’s no way she cheated h huh that’s what I’m talking about Leila and Susan must be bursting with envy that their Petty plan to ruin me didn’t work in the class president hm he came out of nowhere to protect me he

Must be another one of my many admirers but sorry Marshall I’m way out of your league a girl like me needed a handsome Rich mature kind of guy these boys at school are cute but they’re just boys they’re beneath me one time I was in a rush and didn’t have

Time to search my locker so I accidentally took the wrong textbook with me to class seeing my mistake Leila and Susan immediately jumped in uh-oh what’s this we thought Miss Perfection here never messed anything up I didn’t even have a chance to say anything as

This Beth girl spoke up he cut it out who doesn’t make mistakes once in a while huh here you can share mine oh wow this girl was kind of nice it was good to have an ally to deal with Leila and Susan so at lunchtime I joined Beth’s

Table we started chatting and she was clearly fascinated by how amazing my life was great now I had a faithful sidekick Hey Beth help me do the homework for today okay uh again I have to attend a very important party with my parents tonight there will be politicians and plutocrats I have time

To do homework now I have to go home early to get dressed and do my makeup bye I didn’t need to turn around to see her funny bewildered face she looked like that every time I asked her to do my homework but it was worth it right

Beth she got to hang out with the hottest Prodigy in school me so a little bit of extra homework was a small price to pay for such a privilege you know to me that homework was nothing I just didn’t have time for it I had to admit that having Beth around was very

Convenient she made sure my grades stayed top of the class leaving me time to play polo go to the golf club and attend charity functions with my parents she also let me borrow her dresses bags makeup and this super cute pair of high heels my friends admired me

Strangers idolized me my teachers adored me and I had a wonderful loyal best friend life was perfect until one day as I was shimmying along the hallway I noticed something odd people weren’t giving me their usual looks of adoration instead they were turning their noses up at me huh what was

Happening Hey Beth do you know what’s going on people are acting really weird she just Shrugged I don’t know let’s see I tried to tell myself that it was no big deal but I couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was wrong then later that day my worst fears were

Confirmed as I entered the classroom Marshall came over to me and waved his phone in my face good game Miss Perfect turns out you’re just a big fat liar I looked at his phone and saw a long post with a lot of photos attached there’s a big title saying the truth about Mandy

The liar and each photo came with a caption Mandy’s house is actually very ordinary she lives with her grandparents there are no luxurious Mansions or wealthy parents when Mandy just came to the school she made friends with everyone bragging about her fame fortune and popularity I don’t know who she is so

What if we just shared the same path to the bus stop who said that I intend to get acquainted with her her transcript from her old school isn’t even hers she’s just photoshopped her name on it every time she stood up to answer a question or take a test she cheated so

She got a good grade God all this how did they know it felt like my heart had lodged in my throat and my mind was spinning my eyes blurred when I saw Lila and Susan approaching me I stared at them in shock Mandy honestly we don’t hate you

It’s just that we realized your stories were ridiculous so we decided to find out the truth that right but you sure did cover Your Tracks we couldn’t find a thing hang on so who found these pieces of evidence I did right at that moment my so-called best friend appeared followed

By The Home Room teacher Mandy I know you think I’m some desperate wannabe you can control but no I soon worked out that everything you said was a lie so I gathered evidence to prove it everyone was gopping at me with disappointment I I felt completely overwhelmed by the situation this

Couldn’t actually be happening I pinched my arm ouch it was as painful and as real as what was going down before my eyes right now Beth continued it’s not good for you to live a lie like this who even are you reality images started flooding into

My mind making my brain feel like it was going to explode I grabbed my head and ran out of the classroom when I opened my eyes I found myself in the hospital The Home Room teacher was sitting next to me and my grandparents were also there they all looked very disappointed Mandy the

Principal was very angry and was about to expel you but it was Beth and her friends who convinced him to let you stay what Beth but she was the one who exposed me noticing my surprise the teacher continued after seeing your reaction Beth realized that perhaps you had a psychological problem so she

Convinced us to help bring you to the hospital for diagnosis I looked up at my grandparents they were all in tears unexpectedly I burst out crying I longed so much to have a dream life full of Fame riches and admirers that I drew a vision for myself in

Another reality I was so absorbed in that ucer scenario that I forgot my own reality this was last month and I’m currently on medication for my delusions and I’m also seeing a therapist right now I’m on my way to see Beth Leila Susan and Marshall no I’m not making it

Up I really am meeting them oh gosh there they are this is scary but it’s something I’ve got to do so I took a deep breath then Tak my therapist’s advice I spoke from the heart hi guys thanks for coming firstly I want to apologize for lying the truth

Is I’ve lived the lie so much that I could no longer distinguish what was real and what wasn’t my therapist helped me see that this all began after I lost my parents part of my subconscious craved for this dream life so badly that I created a new one this way I didn’t

Have to accept the truth which is that my parents have passed away and I live with my dirt poor grandparents when I finished talking I looked at them half expecting them to shout at me or something but instead Beth smiled at me and said it took a lot of guts to come

Here and say that I’m sorry too I shouldn’t have outed you like that but I didn’t know you were ill same I’m proud of you me too me three now when are we going to order cake so what now well I’m still taking my medication and talking to my therapist I

Can now tell the difference between the make believe and reality also I’m back at school and my teachers and classmates have all been really welcoming better still I now have some awesome friends who like me for me and you know what it turns out that living in reality isn’t actually so bad after


1 Comment

  1. you keep on changing your channel's name and now "msa"? copying names and same stories published over and over again🥱

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