Golf Babe


Me & the swede freak are back on 2K23 playing some ranked duos!
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I’m going to record this because this is going to be the most we’re going to get to our rank so we need to complete five matches we’re gonna get to our R okay CU we need to do five placement matches all right Alex let’s win this thing man if

We lose a match we’re never playing this this doubles again okay in the five place I’m good at this game just just so you know I’m good at it I mean you were about 5 years ago he was good at it guys but he has he’s played about

[ __ ] One Platinum round in the last 12 years and he he quit after nine hes I’ll do better than that I promise you I’ll do better than it’s on Pro so you you’d hopefully do better than that imagine you get a hold on one on the

Very first hole here though what are the odds 7 Jesus 165 maybe even lower long 154 yeah let’s do it come on hold on one your R went long go one less taking this one with nine iron go go go you know what I told you I won’t say

No to that I won’t Arrow straight swing plane yeah perfect Tempo uh-huh ah man that’s good I like that I I think we’re going to win this five and four yeah me too let’s just get the five matches done quickly yeah I want to see us in Condor pretty much

Immediately no it’s not I thought it was though it looked good I can’t be I can’t be carrying you around here after not playing for six months that’s fair that’s fair that’s on me that’s on me all right you know what I’m going to do Alex what I’m going to put one down

The Fairway for you the return of rank do you know what’s next now Alex after this no mini golf [Applause] no I I know a good one Alex yeah I guess I can imagine you do was the worst [ __ ] mini golf course of all time nice pure swing great stuff what’ you

Say no nothing no we’re not doing that this guy’s a bloody Viking who’s a bloody Viking me cuz yes if you mean Alex then [Applause] no shots coming in nicely I give you 10 I give you 10 I think it’s more like 10 yeah but you know what H A Touch fast

I’ll win it I’ll hold it I mean what a pot he’s actually too good at golf games yeah he’s not bad I have I have a feeling I’m coming back in Apex seven it’s seven it’s fine oh it’s seven this put’s tracking come on oh my goodness come

On he’s got a three-footer here I’ll be honest no I’ll be honest there’s something wrong there’s no way there’s no way that broke that much a come on we can’t call that the IPS that was 10 7 foot not two yeah know the green these greens are pretty quick though pains Valley quick

Greens I agree those were not easy puts what a [ __ ] drive this is oh my come on don’t kick left don’t kick left oh that’s silly give me a chip yes come on good I have a severe injury and you know who I’m going to call Dr chupinsky who you going to call

Ghostbusters go on then all right we still going to win the hole that’s a good [Applause] chip yes all right that’s all we needed this guy’s shirt’s kind of bothering me though I’ll be honest he’s kind of he’s kind of one uping you a little bit yeah it’s worse than mine I think

They will go one up for the match what happens why am I always getting the [ __ ] drives though what you mean you got two epic shot t- shots so far I’ve had two just normal drives and then I’ve had to putt every single time

And I’m going to have to put on this all as well cuz you’re not going to be able to reach I believe in you’re fighting 353 yards I’m going to be puty oh yeah you’re going to be puty you’re going to be putting yeah that makes that’s actually good for some reason

I you know who you remind me of Professor mle see what happens this is his second Professor [ __ ] mle they call him Alex mcle house Gryffindor look at this taking the driver off the turf cuz you’re going to be what you mean to me guess good shot Alex

Was that DOD or did you just say 3w do yeah there you go that’s left spin that’s fine it’s not good enough give me the distance what do you mean give me the distance the distance that I’m going to be away after the shot um maximum six

Yeah yeah yeah that’s more like two or three maybe I think that is the spark we needed now which just it’s not going to it’s not going to be a problem from here on in just needed to win a hole exactly just need to get off that’s right you

Know when a greyhound comes out of the bloody pen that’s all we needed two up now that’s game again it’s them again yeah it’s going to be them again after this put out two can’t miss that one no chance no chance Alex misses these he’s dead within six I put it to

Four well done son all right now I’m getting some approach shots cuz it’s what I want crowd in this game is very creepy compared to EA Sports PJ tour you ever notice it yeah if you could combine the best parts of each game be a phenomenal golf game yeah oh

My all right is anyone going to challenge us today even do you think I don’t think so yeah be good I’ll be back in 30 seconds okay that’s fine Alex is going off our Quicky real quick so um we’ll see twizzy That was a good shot from them to be fair you’re wild bro like that was actually not a good shot I thought it was going to be good from here it’s about going to slam well Alex is a quick man oh this could be good absolutely delightful sir delightful That Swing was actually

Perfect it was beautiful it was a thing of beauty you know when you feeling good all right he didn’t chip it in but that’s pretty close Alex it’s your shot tap it in baby boy is back we’re back we’re back we’re back was it good uh yeah we’re my left oh hell no

She left that’s how good that’s how that’s how good it was [ __ ] you and I’ll see you tomorrow she was like I’m done here that’s amazing all right three up baby that’s game oh yeah I’m I’m actually feeling really good about my swing right now Alex I gotta be completely honest with I

Like that I like that where’ she going on the gym no interview I interview job thought she had a job she does but she’s not very fond of it right now oh really that was one of the worst drives I’ve ever seen right there by the way yeah that wasn’t very

Good they’re not reaching now maybe they are no probably no he has that driver 50 foot up as well yeah I don’t think he well he can get it there with DOD but that’s going to be a tough one this might be game Alex this might

Be this might be our first win 150 straight up what you think yes maybe a little much bit of Loft on 150 straight up I can tell you right now it won’t be too much okay I trust you and they’ve chosen the pitching wedge oh it was just in the middle

Of the pin and the back stop you know I can tell you right now that is not too much if that would have been four yards further it would have gone back down but it wasn’t no it wasn’t it was true but it doesn’t matter no we’re winning

Anyway I haven’t got my Christmas shop yeah I’ve got most of it done I still need something for my dad I need something for my secret Santa and I need something for uh but you know what guys that’s game our first match in rank Duos of the

Season is what you call a [ __ ] w come on man ain’t nobody stopping us I reckon if we actually could play consistently we would be the best duo in this game shame that we can all right those guys were birdie too those guys were birdie Alex we’re going to be Condor off

The rip Alex is just all hyped up from his quickie that he ended up hitting it long yeah true yeah like you you know when you’re kind of you know the adrenaline yeah the adrenaline it’s very green isn’t it yeah it is bloody idea l i mean you couldn’t walk down there

And place it any better good close he’s a good man no it’s perfect 67 yard pitch you need to talk to me 67 yard pitch bro you need to talk to me before that is perfect man come on that’s Bryson the Shambo here did you see his video with the Rick

Sh no it’s good yeah I need to watch it it was that Rick started shot ahead yeah yeah I’ve seen those ones in the past his one with polter was was awesome yeah all right Alex put one oh oh all right we might have our first challenge here Alex I’m calling that one

Out he did not mean to do that this guy I also thought the same thing so if I have if I hit this 60 60 four and then just let it trickle down left and into the hole what you think about that yeah I’m down with it I’ll be

Honest I didn’t hear anything you said but I’m down with it yeah that’s good what’s up Elder great one how you doing man that’s too too short okay yeah I wouldn’t say it’s any better than okay it’s a bit of break in this isn’t it it’s fine it’s fine bang

Hold on it’s fine we’re good baby we ain’t going down to ACH we ain’t going down to a French man all right again might be two French guys oh no no no can’t allow this that’s fast get lucky yes it’s fine I asked her to listen sometimes you don’t ask if you don’t

Receive you know that it was the opposite of what I meant yeah sometimes you don’t ask if you don’t receive well I guess that’s technically true yeah some cases yeah that’s dick okay I’m allowed to be a bit [ __ ] you’re not second shot here okay I apologize to absolutely [ __ ]

Nobody all right these French guys are a problem Alex we need to hold this part come on this is simple little right right to left down the hill bang money kapow four that’s just not enough is it Alex simply in my head that was more downhill what and it was the

[ __ ] it’s fine it’s fine you’re lucky I know but it’s fine so far so good bang all right good I’m sorry well done good no we both did a bad one on that hole you know so it’s okay yeah and we still walked off for the

Half sounded a little bit a little bit off on that swing yeah that’s fine all right interested to see what he has that’s good that’s fine see I kind of wanted the angle you know you kind of have to run in there Alex you know of

Course you wanted me to hit AIT a low one why you just hit a little Runner yeah yeah he is French idiot that’s worse that’s a lot worse he’s definitely into enjoy that pal hide and seek going on here it’s not a bunk that’s not a bunker

That’s just a a little bit of mulch all right chicken dan just a little bit of mck oh he has a shocking lie Alex yeah he’s not getting we are so fine right now oh my God that’s shocking too oh no you called them out you called him out

And you know what they did they crumbled put this on the green you need 200 [ __ ] life you g me here 200 yards perfect hit the 200 yard Club Bang yeah put a bit of spin on it get the LIE better and we’re so golden actually think he might need more

Five iron no that’s fine that’s really good Alex well done son smart golf it is cuz you know with them in trouble here we don’t have to make a party probably like they’re not making part no there’s no chance they get this up and down is not putting this [Laughter]

Close why did you sound like you were sucking on multiple [ __ ] while trying to say the French French words for that was French right there it was French to be fair that is how they sound kind of yeah you say it then or real Lou that

Was thank you all right let’s see if we can uh make a little uh make a little putt here you know what I’m saying you would be massive if you made like as a human being I I’ll save it for a hole we need it yeah cuz we don’t need it on this

This man’s wearing the Ricky Fowler outfit in this game oh we needed it it’s okay be how are we not winning I don’t know you’re going to put this in the middle of the Fairway Alex when going to have a wedge in going to put it to 7

Foot and you’re going to make the putt okay it’s written in the stars A Million Miles Away first part done first part tick tricky Fowler [Applause] here oh no that’s terrible are you ready for let’s just go one up that would be I would feel a bit safe there we go

There’s our opportunity it’s knocking on the door this is the door of opportunity I’m going to walk right through it what job 95 yeah it’s perfect come left come left for me you little dirty girl yeah you’re making that Alex believe in yourself Believe In The

Shield yeah honey poot is good you know yeah no he’s good that’s okay honey pot there’s those Swedish meatballs I know and love wait I don’t know him that well it’s okay good shot you do you do hold this you want me to you’re not getting

Holding ones on any game right now no it’s true it’s time to get one it’s time isn’t it give me the shimmy to the left it’s good we’ll take that good job good job thank you honestly is pathetic how long it’s been since I’ve got a ho

In one it was March March was the last time I got a ho in one it was a 326 yard hole with Matthew [ __ ] Fitzpatrick on this game you can’t let it go a year I can’t no I need to get one before the end of the year realistically and I

Still have never got one on EA Sports PGA Tour never except for that you should just do um a stream where you play part three qu into G one that that still haunts my dreams at night that part three lip out one the Top of the Rock no

Oh it’s close Alex it’s close I should have made that I should have made that it’s okay though they missed theirs too all good we one up you just need to stay that way all right I believe that we will win I believe that we will win are we going

5-0 y/n that Top of the Rock lip out was hilarious it was disgusting crash okay it was travesty and then Alex won by just an absolute no you know what he’s my teammate today I’m going not even going to bring it up Homer what’s up man Enigma I like that I like that

Positivity man great shot Alex that’s what I like to see thank you kman and nigma they both believe that we’re going to win every match Alex does that give you a bit of self-belief it does it does it does oh honey pots a shocker yeah might

Not be very good I don’t think he’s reaching P I gotta be completely honest with you I don’t think he’s reaching that oh no he’s not they’re hitting like these big slows rough to rough all right Alex come on let’s let’s go it’s time to

Go to up isn’t it yeah I think so you’re not hitting a punch are you no no now spin now spin like I know you want to not enough it’s good it’s good it’s good yeah home Homer it kind of like it gets to a point where like you you feel

Like you’ve just had enough right good shot by Honey poot there I think is it going to hold it no it’s a good shot though all right maybe they are going to get up and down so hold up PO Alex we need to go to up it’s it’s enough [ __ ] around now

Yeah Alexander I like the way you move we ain’t losing ever again I’ll drive this [ __ ] no I can’t drive the green but I’m just going to drive up here I’m sorry I don’t know what gu look at that though that’s a banger though look at that might be too [Applause]

Close oh yeah good job all right two good shots seven hell okay I didn’t realize we were that deep into this match right we just need know if we win this hole we win Alex y probably not going to win the hole though so let’s just focus on

Getting a half and being dormy too that’s good and I like it thank you dormy too for the boys in blue rolling with four iron here you took it on too much Alex it would have been perfect if you were a little left and it’s slow slow okay okay I’m okay

It’s not an easy pin this oh we’re fine we’re we’re so fine for right I’m going to get to put the pressure on him with the bunker shot first as well not easy bunker shot actually at all but you know what I I feel like I can do no hit a good one

Anyway very that’s game over yeah that is game that’s game set in match baby see you later or say hyt in French no that’s not even close that’s [ __ ] German bro honey pot we honey pot okay it’s fine that’s enough okay all right let’s go Alex we’ve won it we’ve won it

Son come on baby let’s go two wins zero es we’re never losing a game here son team baby those guys were were par so not as good as the first guys but that’s okay we’re playing the same guys again no way y it is me first

Time what is Alex even talking about God knows while I was gone girls are the best in France all other sucks oh that’s in the water no way we’re playing the same guys again that’s me messed up what the hell were you guys talking about while I was gone

I was talking about France I don’t what crib man’s on about all right I’m going to go piss all right stop yeah TM we went to can no can probably we went to n we went to anti we went to Monaco over the day so good might be a

Long ah didn’t spin good Alex see let’s let’s win this five and four yeah I I just said that when you’re away I said a new goal win before the E hole this time I want to win before the seven okay yeah we’re one up so yeah

Well there you go oh yeah those Germans are different gravy tml I think we might be I think we might go one up here Al I’m going to be honest with you I think these guys have pretty much already given upine they know they know that we’re the

Big bad dogs in this [ __ ] Division and nobody’s going to come close to beating us now you know what I feel um a little Rage Quit in coming I I was literally just thinking the same thing dude I was Lally just thinking there’s no way these guys are going through this

Whole match again no knowing that we’re going to demolish them cuz we didn’t even play that well last match no I know and we beat them easily if we play start to play well they’ll quit 100% so let’s do it Alex three wins on the

Bounce we need to get five done I want to see our rank yeah it’s very specific Omer but I respect it honey pot Scandinavia has a lot of every type of hot chick all right tell you that much right now for free you’re good Homer you’re good should I hold it

Yeah I might I might Alex I might good shot good shot all right two up chadis horning today they always are sometimes they just got an Avenue to it out you know it’s disturbing # for free what do you [Applause] mean come on now it’s a beauty good shot

Good shot thank you look at that perfect I couldn’t hit it any better put that so close it’s the gift of this YouTube channel or twitch whatever you’re watching on I don’t know that’s a lucky Drive oh my God what a balance man come on all right

Alex you’re still going to put it closer this is a part five by the way that’s a golf shot Alex sit taing eagle and this is starting to become close to the rage quid territory I imagine here’s Their that could be that need to sit right down there’s no way they go more than five Halls Alex Stacy can’t you see you’re just not the girl for me I know it might be wrong but I’m in love with Stacy’s mom uh three up through three the boys are

Getting close to quitting there’s no doubt about that is it time for one I’ll just do it come on just do it for the people for the millions watching around the world and the thousands in attendance oh that sounds good Alex and that looks Good’s going it’s long wow

Good shot though it’s good shot that’s weird what six six miles hour took away like two all right we’re both lock okay Alex this is to go four up through four should I yeah [Applause] good effort good effort all right good okay that’s on me that’s on me that’s on

Me a British rapper all of a sudden that’s on me that’s on me what’s up Vandy man how you doing [Applause] man oh yeah oh swing plane feels good Alex feels good man oh baby can’t you see cute Drive oh yeah cute is the word I’d use it’s a bomb Oh My Oh

My we haven’t got our rank yet LJ this is only our third match and this might get rough that’s a shot all right Alex put one close here Alex Alex Alex that’s what I like to see Apex are you and Alex still planning a golf trip

And doing IRL content for next summer so what I want to happen right I want Alex to come to Ireland and we’ll record maybe a golf Vlog somewhere here in Ireland I’d love to do old old head what a putt what a putt but that might not happen because

Old head is kind of exclusive but we’ll definitely play some golf in Ireland and then I want to go on a trip yeah I want to go maybe Scotland or something could be dope good so far four up what do you think Alex I think we

Should go on a trip as well though like Scotland or something yeah play play one of those cool courses over there carti St Andrews ah good sometimes we got to get Saucy K especially with some of the new cameras I have trip to Florida for some golf maybe

At some point in my life is Alex playing TGC not anymore got an email the other day then I about to get what’s it called not verified anymore on YouTube or I can’t get oh monetized that’s what happens should I put this close Al please

Do you know what we call that where I come from ball game that’s clutch that’s clutch right there have you been to America before Apex I yes couple times all right that’s game set in match if you hold this put Alex we’re three and no and it feels good to be alive and

Well come on baby let’s go32 one rier Alex this is my club right here watch this you want see a golf shot did you hear me yeah I heard you I respect it watch this golf shot though no no watch watch you see what I’m talking about [Laughter] [Applause] Alex [ __ ] enough [Laughter]

That is how it’s done right here man what a shot 135 left in or five I will let’s go anigma how how long do you have in Alex did it say 135 let see 135 this is power five by the way yep yeah matchmaking is crossplay we want the a challenge Lads

Come on first round knockout come on Al just make the eagle oh that’s shocker that is a stinker of the highest caliber you know what I’m saying very slow very slow I would class that as not good enough no it isn’t and I know that and I’ll work

On myself be a better human being in a better POS I think we’ll be fine though but I will do I have a feeling that we might be okay all right I think we have two parts good luck here love to see a sync this one it’s it’s a

Big John said it’s a bigum come on I wanted the E I wanted it that’s on me man it’s on me that’s on me Manet to go it’s on you it’s on you oh my God okay I I think we might win this match if I’m being honest it might be close

But I think we’re going to win this one will go oh Lord and this’s going to put him one [Applause] up this should work perfect thank you perfect son nowhere hold on hold on the placement matches like we’re playing against people that they just expect yeah you

Know this is their three iron that is aw the approach is heading a bit to the right all right should I put it [Applause] close no I agree yeah you’ll be I think we should get it over I can see I I can see that I

Think we should get it done with quickly what a shot come on you guys are going to get into Condor without even losing a single match we might honestly if we can find enough matches to get there that is all right Alex tap it in two up let’s go Saucy

Indeed should I go for this C path yeah just for the crack yeah that’s bad just [Laughter] uh if you weren’t ranked in doubles for a while expect to get ranked in par yeah I haven’t been ranked since [ __ ] probably season one I don’t know haven’t

Been doubles in a long time so that would suck if we get ranked in par though cuz we’ve been playing par players here and they suck can you get this there Alex you think 176 is enough yeah I I think so down the hill it’s going to be on the

Limit it needs to be though here’s their seven iron that’s a silly golf shot that is Alex that’s a silly one come on back down a taking this one with the oh disappointed when of disappoint voice oh this guy’s mutton chops are upsetting me it’s getting there [ __ ] hell really

Oh could this be the comeback of the oh oh oh no these guys stink dude there we go oh bro the pizza I had on Sunday oh on Saturday I mean I had a pizza it was just Golden man there was honey drizzle on top they had like put honey on top of

That’s so good it was magic it was a Pity the service was absolute dog [ __ ] in the restaurant but other than that the food was really really good and my food yesterday [ __ ] everyone else at the table I went out for dinner with my cousins right and I ordered the

Chicken for you yeah I saw that yeah I made the mistake of ordering the chicken fajita everyone else I swear I tried a bit of everyone else it was all amazing and mine [ __ ] it was so bad it was like burnt chicken with no sauce completely

Plain like I I was so got it cuz everyone else’s food was so nice and mine was [ __ ] but I also had these the side halumi fries oh oh nice they were so good dude I swear they were magic all right let’s win this match Alex got the Christmas jumper on

Christmas jumper with Hawaii shorts that’s one of the worst shots I’ve seen all right let’s let’s go one up through one here Alex Oh yes slide yes slide it’s okay it’s okay I was hoping my teammate would be good he might be who knows that’s gone good Night Irene son it’s one up

That’s one option I was 28 and one in singles with both of us here hey no chiping is this ticket chipping on the green oh my God we’ve got a scumbag in our game that’s your that’s your teammate tml that’s your teammate pal I don’t even know what to say about

That heading towards the hole except for night night night just drive the green Alex I don’t [ __ ] drive it no do it I don’t want to hear I can’t I want to hear yes we can I’m going to go for no I can’t get

Up there no yes we I want to hear yes we can can’t though yes we can shut up [Applause] all right it’s fine he’s hitting Three Wood yep I just told him off tml texted [Laughter] him should I use the back stop yes or no whatever you feel comfortable

Comfortable you know what I feel comfortable doing I would do using the back no okay do it cuz sometimes I like to just [Applause] get no no no why didn’t you use the back up though I did it didn’t come back why didn’t I come back at all that’s is

Crazy LJ for [ __ ] sake all right Alex you need to make this now to win the hle I need to go a bit further up I think all right all good Alex you’ve got big Swedish meatballs and I know you do no oh good effort though good

Effort looking pretty good we we ain’t missing the one back though we ain’t missing that one all good the worst we do on holes is half honestly yeah certainly haven’t lost a match I’ll tell you that much now we’re making Eagle two up tml says [ __ ] this [ __ ] Rage

Quit look at that drive Alex I just I think sooner or later the world’s going to find out people are going to realize that nobody’s going to be able to beat us could do a couple of these this way you want to yeah let’s do it why

Not want to know what this is going no water water left yeah left dead it oh there was one that’s what I was saying it was over to the left okay Alex 20 y out you’re going to have to put a little bit of a

Loft High Loft on this to get this to stop at that front pin it’s impossible really but yes I I would say 12 foot past the pin really good shot so let’s see that okay okay here is their core iron it’s one of the great shots of all

Time sit what did I say 12 foot past the pin very good shot and he does just that that’s the kind of man he is a nice well-mannered young Swedish man [Applause] all right guys type one if you think me and Alex will never ever ever ever ever ever lose a rank doubles

Match going towards that hole type two if you’re a dumb idiot Eagle Eagle hold on one oh Alex I think you have the club for this this all right listen I need you to stop making those noises but I I need you to I you got here sit sit sit that’s fine that’s

Perfectly reasonable it’s perfectly reasonable I if I would have I hit it perfect you would have been don’t worry about it I’m going to hold up you know what I mean yeah no I know what you mean but it’s all good tonight’s going to be a good night he’s

Going to give me the line oh he’s going to give me the line I’ve known some silly people in my time but Alex is up there as one of the silliest give me a line you’re give me the line tml you’re giving me the line pal and you’ve given it to me perfectly

Perfectly looking really good a just break by the hole tough put that one two up five to play Hello Sagi set up now twooter all right guys Eagle number two let’s do it kick kick kick kick no come on man all right how you going to tell me that go in there Bab

Oh you just sent another one okay nice thank you s guys make sure you follow me on all my socials as well all right cuz you stay up to date with me and we’re about to see Alex still put this on the green not quite but that’s

Good follow my Tik Tok guys I have two Tik toks all right the Hound gaming and Apex on 55 check them both out doing a GTA 4 Series now GTA 4 is pretty lit so far all right let’s see this Buddy’s should I chip this in another I

Think you could you know I think I can it’s it’s very appealing to my eyes it’s very appealing to my eyes Alex keep going you Saucy little [Applause] [ __ ] come on that’s another one we’re three off we’re winning the five matches it’s done and dusted come on I’ve never

Seen like how close it was perfectly rolled in satisfying [ __ ] guys three up four to play we’re winning the first five placement matches in ranked tml good effort but it’s no cigar close but no cigar I swear you’ll never see anything like this ever again baby you kidding meing good off the

Great shot Alex doctor barely made it into work that person he had to do CPR last second save the life of the person and just rolls into the hole beautifully done beautifully done indeed Aiden messed with my heart tml that’s slow Alex that could be the end it’s the beginning of the end

That’s for sure but it close end this that’s in the hole this is looking decent to some oh Alex Oh Alex look what he’s doing look what this little scumbags doing I know I love I love beating people like this beat you into the ground son true Stig is done

Yeah that’s [ __ ] as well could have put it that closer no I would have put it that closer 100% tap it in Alex it’s done come on now five wins in a row to start ranked let’s see where we rank let’s see what rank we get here boys

Power two pathetic oh come on I have to play more [ __ ] teams like that plus seven 9 points we got for that win though that’s insane 569 all right


  1. I got a funny video idea. U vs alex both playing with trent ryan legend true sim 2.5x difficulty on hardest courses in the game predator, central park, highlands etc etc… 😂

  2. Can we get a new set of videos where we just get Alex to read aloud messages in French?? I think it’s a sure fire hit!! 😂

  3. No England has the hottest girls even america has the hottest too just don't pay attention to the plastic women even latina girls are hot too especially Becky g and cassie 😍

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