The magic move you need in your golf swing, commonly known as the EUREKA move.

Alot of different views on this but in my opinion there is no right or wrong way to transition in your golf swing, and in fact it is about finding the transition that suits your pattern!

Whether you are someon you swings over the top and need that fade transition I have you covered.

Or are you a golfer who swings from the inside and plays a draw?

Both ways works just fine and it is about finding the pattern that suits you as a golfer!

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Eureka Eureka yeah baby hello and welcome back to Josh aie YouTube today we’re going to be talking about the transition from the top of the golf swing so you might be someone that gets to the top in a beautiful position but you just don’t know how to transition it

I’ve seen a lot of videos on YouTube recently about the Eureka move and this is all about the transition so we’re going to be covering that today okay so first to mention is that the transition is something that’s very unique to you as a player there’s different transitions that match up with

Different patterns and we’re going to be covering a couple today that are probably in my eyes the most popular transitions so hopefully there’s one that suits you in here okay so transition number one is going to be someone that’s on the strong side someone with a stronger grip so your

Transition from here is going to be a lot more steeper and a lot more more over the top than someone that’s a weak grip that needs to get a bit of rotation and a bit of release through impact so someone that’s got that strong grip you

Go up to the top and you got a nice maybe bowed wrist as well now from here we are holding onto the angles this is very important to mention as that strong grip and strong Club face is already set so when that’s already set you haven’t

Got to do a hell of a lot more when you get to impact here someone that’s quite weak is maybe quite open here so they’ve got to release that club head back to square at impact so the first one is going to be for the strong grip we get

Into the nice position here you are going to hold on to them angles all the way down so from here at the top I’d almost just feel like a rotation um you know someone that’s quite strong probably normally is a little bit laid off so I would feel from here you just

Turn down and try and feel like you’re turning the arms in the top half isn’t just turning first it’s all as a body in motion um what I see a lot from these kind of players is the right shoulder comes up and out the chicken wing arm

Goes over this way don’t feel that you want to feel like the body just turns as a whole the hips the top half are all moving and you keep on holding that angle all the way to impact bang release through and you should be good now the

Second release pattern this is where it gets a little bit different to that first one so you’re a little bit weaker the wrist is a little bit more in um extension here so the club face is more open from here this is the one that I

Personally do myself um and I feel like I’ve had the most consistency from so when I get to the top in this position I almost feel like this club goes that way first goes away from me literally like I’m casting a fish rod that’s the move

Um obviously at speed it just looks like that but at slowmo I’m literally feeling like I’m going like this yeah so that is the move for someone that’s in a little bit weaker and we’re throwing the club here this is just going to allow it to get behind us good position here and

Then we release through to impact okay so let’s try the strong grip one first this one is where we just turn the body we’re going to get to the top we’re in a beautiful position here we’re just going to turn as a hole and that club face is

Set already so we’re just holding on to all the angles so nice strong Club face here get to the top and we’re just going to turn as a whole don’t let this right arm or right shoulder that is the most popular one is this right shoulder goes

Over this way and that’s where that over the top and nasty slice comes from so it’s fine to be strong grip you’ve just got to m it with that release pattern and that one’s nice there little drawer not a bad golf shot at all so that’s the first release pattern um and

The first move for someone that is in a bit of a stronger grip um not to say that it’s wrong but for me that one just doesn’t work we’re going to go through the weak grip one which I do right now so now we’re a lot weaker we’re going to

Go to the top and my first move from the top now is going to be like I cast the club out that’s my feeling from the top just allowing me to get a little bit underneath that plane see this one just starts out to the right beautiful high

Draw and that is my shot shape so sorry to burst everyone’s bubble there’s not one Eureka move there’s loads of different transitions but there’s two that is hopefully across the board the most popular but it’s not to say that one will work for Bill and one doesn’t

Work for Ben you know there’s loads of different patterns loads of different transitions um there’s not one perfect move so for me there’s going to be that obviously that strong grip one you’re at the top and a little bit of flexion with the wrist and you’re holding on to them

Angles make sure you just turn the body and the top half and the bottom half everything’s turning you’re holding on them angles and you should be good the other one is where the wrist is in extension I feel like I cast it out that’s my move that works for me I feel

Like I cast it that way this allows the club to get a little bit more underneath me and I can turn and release that through so there’s two moves hopefully that covers it and if you did enjoy that video you learn anything new please be sure to like And subscribe it’s free and

It really helps me out thank you very much for the support and we’ll see you all for the next one


  1. You know, this is an example of what makes it hard to learn the best stroke from Youtube. Some Youtube pro golfer will swear up and down that casting is a big nono, yet it works perfectly fine for you!

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