Top Coach Reveals FASTEST Way To Improve Your Golf Swing

In this video, Jack Nicklaus’ and Phil Mickelson’s former coach, Rick Smith…
Talks with Forbes-featured instructor Eric Cogorno…
About the most important part of the golf swing.
Then gives 3 tips designed for AMATEUR players that guarantee you make solid consistent contact.

Get Instant Access To Rick Smith’s Perfect Impact Protocols. Inside, you’ll discover the “Y To Y” Technique Rick Smith learned from Jack Nicklaus… that fixes amateur impact issues and permanently eliminates mis-hits:

Fix Your Contact with Martin Chuck and the Simple Strike Sequence:

Cure Your Slice Once and For All with Hank Haney and the One Shot Slice Fix:

Flush it with Rocco Mediate and the Brand NEW Straight Stick:

Download the Performance Golf AI Swing Fix from the App Store for Immediate Golf Swing Analysis and Coaching:…

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#ricksmithgolf #performancegolf #ericcogornogolf #ericcogorno #golfswing #golfswingdrills #golfswingfix

Hey guys Eric agoro here with performance Golf and I’m out here today with one of the top golf coaches in the world Mr Rick Smith Rick thanks for being out here man appreciate you if you don’t know Rick by now Rick has been all over the world he’s been coaching on

Tour for literally over 40 years work with some of the best golfers ever we’re talking Jack Nicholas Phil Mickelson Roco media Lee Janson list is long or else I would name them all out here but phenomenal coach and in today’s video we’re going to go over and reveal what’s

Really most important about the golf swing and what makes makes the biggest difference about solid consistent contact there’s three biggies that we see pop up all the time and one thing that’s going to fix all three of them so Rick as I sort of tea up here sure I

Heard Rick make a statement that 20% of the Swing right 20% of the Swing leads to what 80% of the results is that how it works absolutely everybody’s working backwards and so when you think of it that way it’s really taking the greatest players that ever live and how similar

They look from here to here and that’s what this is all about well let’s guide us through it baby so Rick we’ve got a drill and a thing sort of theme here called the Y to Y which controls that well it starts off like this right I

Mean if I start with a club here and I make my first move off the ball and then I would to go to here that’s a second y there’s a y here there’s a y here and then things get messed up on the other 80% it disrupts that so our whole

Objective is to here’s our objective and then it starts to make sense because we know there’s three things that happen right there’s a really poor mismatch here here here I mean there’s really poor they’re poor from here to here totally there’s nothing matching up and the second thing is we know we see

This uncocking of the rist this early release syndrome right it’s awful I mean it’s like an epidemic right and everybody’s trying to get in all these places at impact it’s impossible to do that so we got to fix that and then the other thing is people are looking at

Perfection and it’s like of a swing that’s pretty looking that’s not effective so it’s like it’s really important that we understand the first part though right we’re here and we’re here and we’re understanding how do I get that we’re get we’re teasing some people here yeah I like that Rick and

Even just at the most basic level like what is the why is it the arms in the club like we we’re looking at when we say the Y to Y this is sort of this shape you’re cre with the arms and the shaft there and then as we go to post

Impact the second why is here that every great player is doing if you’re slicing it you may want to turn the shaft down a little bit the point is it works with different grips I mean you can have a strong grip as long as we go I could be

Like this and if my first Y is good here with a face opening up and I go to the second y here doesn’t matter how you’re holding on to the club at that point so the point is it’s versatile if you look at good golfers right what the best

Golfers do from hip high to hip high and you guys have seen this they’re very similar from that hip high hip high through the ball they may get there a lot of different ways right but Rick is saying they’re all basically the same through the ball and that’s the 20% of

The swing that really controls 80% of what matters so instead of focusing on the rest of the stuff let’s focus on that Rick if if I was to hop in there let’s flip for one absolutely and someone gets that concept right they say hey Rick let’s say they sort of they

Understand conceptually what but how the heck do I feel it you’ve got this really cool drill right with the club and the belt and and what’s great about this it’s going to indicate a better y back and a better y through and then we’re going to hit some punch shots feeling

That so let’s go ahead and put that on your belt choke down choke down so that you’ve got a great triangle here with the arms hanging down to the shaft and now you’re just going to make a little baby pivot back you’ll feel arms there’s

Your first Y and then from there you can break off a little up and then we’re going to hit some punch shots we go ahead and go through weight moves left there’s your second wide notice the wide that beautiful and you can even go to

Here if you want go show me a a good post impact that shows me that baby y forward and we don’t see this with with poor players we see this with great players there notice the handle still to your middle of your body chest is pointing down to the forward ball you

Got a beautiful y created look at where your weight is where is it yeah All the Way Forward yeah so you’re basically getting a sense now how do we take that and hit a shot we hit a baby punt shot and I’m talking 60 70 yard shot getting

That sense and feel let me ask you one or two feels based on this then I’ll hit one Rick sure so if I was doing this for the first time I actually am glad you said that I really like adding that little Ford ball in for reference of

Where to get to so when you guys are practicing this I’ve got an eight iron here you short iron to start with yeah absolutely so I I’m going to put this in my eight iron n iron yeah something short I’ll put this in my belt loop add

The ball in add the ball in front I like that visual a lot and I’m gripped down here sort of at the end of the grip and I’m going to make a little motion here Rick and when I do the motion it feels like I I sort of stop here where I don’t

Know the club’s on a 45° angle is and then you’re saying okay I can let it disconnect to get into a club parallel to the ground absolutely and then when I get back through impact is the sensation almost like hey the club head’s over that ball and the grip the grip almost

Is back at me absolutely it’s not all this forward lean and it’s not scoop so it’s not behind exactly and that’s what most people do okay I like that so I’m here I’m disconnected and then by the time you get back to the ball the club

That’s cool so the club is over the ball for my visual and you’ve killed like eight things here look at your body’s rotated left you’re starting to put pressure inward on the foot pushing left you’ve got your arms extended which we never see post impact with the average

Player I mean Scoopy rubber arm Linguini right so that first wise key the second wise key but don’t hit giant shots like this let’s start off because in this spot does that remind you of one of the greatest players that and is the greatest player that ever lived Jack

Nicholas picked out that spot yeah huh yeah I mean it was there for a reason and I think it’s a cool visual for you guys when you’re practicing to have an awareness of where you’re trying to go to right go through the ball go through impact into that it’s definitely not at

The ball it’s through the ball and that’s the key so if I feel the same Sensations if I took that in my belt loops absolutely as I’m doing the hit what I feel is it almost feels like as the grip moves my belt buckle moving what I’m feeling core there’s a little

Bit of width into here and then I really like Rick me getting into a spot post impact where the club is over the ball and this is sort of at my maybe left hip or at the middle of my body okay I like that a lot you know what that is it’s

Magic yeah it’s magic we don’t hit these little shots either and people typically are poor chippers so it’s the same feeling really but you’re hitting a baby punt shot go ahead and hit one and just feel that yeah I’m going to feel and again the distance is maybe 80 yards max

So make it small and and clean see and that’s typically what’ll happen that thing went 120 yards and you’re trying to hit it 80 cuz you hit it really solid come on let’s wait for you is that any good I like that little at cuz conceptually I think people can

Wrap their mind around that fairly quickly and they their short game’s awful because they don’t do the wi to Y and their full swing’s not good their iron game’s bad their drivers bad yeah and I I think when we say to them Hey listen good players are good from hip high to

Hip high you likely struggle there like okay check mark I get that ER cool how do I fix it what do I need to feel and doing this with those feels with the combination of the club in your in the belt buckles your body has mooved with

It and that visual pass impact I think that’s a great way to combine those the whole concept of the 20% of your swing I don’t know if I’m I’m butchering the way you said it but basically the 20% of your swing covering everything else yeah

That’s such a big concept A lot of the things like this I think as with life you have to get the basic stuff correct first and it’s going to make it easier for the rest of the swing I have great players do that I have the best players

In the world doing these minis cuz they’re getting because they get off there too they slide too far they arms get messed up at impact they they get too much lean they may they you know it depends it’s on who it is but the cool

Part is you can have any grip and really achieve that face to path and hit solid shots I think it’s funny you say that ironically I think the best players do more basic stuff more often less fancy stuff that’s another little bomb to take home there so for Rick Smith like I

Mentioned Rick has been coaching some of the best players in the world for a long period of time you get drills like this that last 40 years okay that’s not by accident 20% of the Swing controls 80% of the stuff there that’s so good if you

Like this and you want more on this cuz that’s just a little tidbit right there’s obviously more to it than that more drills more FS Rick actually went through and put together the perfect IMPACT program it’s 50 videos on all this stuff that you can get for under

$50 let me say that again so you heard it correctly 50 videos that you can get for under $50 with Rick Smith who’s been coaching some of the best players in the world for 40 years and not only do you get that program to guide you through

Your own swing you also get 30 days of online swing feedback with Rick and his team absolutely free of charge I mean what an unbelievable deal if they want to get better at golf if you’re interested in improving your game don’t wait anymore you got to do something

Different I’m telling you guys are going to love this program we’ll put that link in the first um we’ll put that link in the description down below it be the first one down there if you guys have any questions always leave a comment down below we can help people with their

Progress that’s what’s never been done before ever to see their swing on video the way I do it with tour players FaceTiming me and sending me videos for the first time ever people are going to be able to we’re going to monitor their progress and grade them as they go very

Cool that you’re doing that thank you guys for watching that is cool [Applause] Thanks


  1. Could you comment a little more on the trail wrist position on the follow through? It seems that Rick Smith are condoning a full release of the wrist about one or two feet past impact when the majority of pro golfers still have their trailing wrists bent at this point.
    Disclaimer: I'm not a pro golfer, but it seems that all golf instruction is geared toward making us amateurs look like one.

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