I just hit the world’s loudest golf ball! Did you notice the spark when i made contact!?! Order yours today!

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What is going on guys welcome back to the channel in today’s video we are going to try something I’m kind of nervous to do in this box I have the world’s loudest golf ball or so they claim and we’re here at this driving range by my house and as you could

See there is nobody else here so this is the perfect time to test this ball out now the way we’re going to test it out is I’ve got my iPad I’m going to set it up it’s got a decel meter on it and what we’re going to do is hit regular Range

Golf balls and see how they compare uh to these shocked golf balls I found these guys on Tik Tok and uh I had to order a sleeve of these things it comes in a pack of three um let’s crack these open I want to show you guys what they look like and how

They kind of work and let’s test these things things out and uh see how loud they are all right guys so here they are they’re called Shock golf balls again let’s open these up and I’m going to show you how they look so up close it looks like a regular

Ball but when you really look at it it’s got a button right here and that’s the part of the ball that you got to hit and this thing is supposed to sound like a absolute gunshot um so like I said said we’ve got a bunch of range balls here

We’re going to warm up once we’re nice and warm we’re going to tee this thing up and see what this thing sounds like I’m going to set up the iPad so we get a accurate deciel reading on this thing so stay tuned let’s see how loud these

Shock gol balls are so I’ve got my iPad right here and as you can see it’s got the deciel app going boom every time you hear something loud obviously it goes louder and it captures the max sound so I’m going to reset this thing right now

It’s at 101.4 we’re going to hit a bunch of these balls see what this thing gives us as a reading then we’re going to tee up one of these shot gol balls hit it as far as we can that way and see what this thing sounds

Like all right so I’m not messing around I’m starting off straight fivewood and uh let’s get a couple practice swings all right here we go I’m going to tell you guys what the deciel reader says as well once I hit my first shot here okay so still still nothing over

101.4 let me reset it all right so it’s at zero right now so max is 31 here we go 57.3 on that excuse me yeah is it open or uh it’s open you just got to use the uh machine here dispense the balls yeah yep oh so

That’s how it is yeah yeah when nobody’s here you just use the machine sorry let me get this out of your way oh they don’t have The so I feel bad a dad and daughter came in here they’re trying to Mini but this place the cool thing about this place is when nobody’s here no employees they’ve got a ball dispenser you just go in there pay five bucks you get a bucket

Of balls and yeah so so let’s go ahead and hit a couple of these couple more with the fivewood and we’ll bust out the big dog driver I’m actually smoking it with this thing for not really warming up all right last one with the fivewood and

Then I’m going to bust out the driver I’m planning on hitting the shot golf ball with the driver because again I don’t really care where it goes I just want to hear how loud this thing sounds compared to these balls um now obviously you guys know what a regular golf ball

Sounds like it’s not too loud but the videos I’ve seen on these balls people like jump like people that are standing around watching the person hit like absolutely jump they think it’s like a gunshot so let’s go ahead and uh couple more shots with this thing then I’m

Going to break out the driver we’re going to whack a couple with the driver and then hit a shot golf ball so stay tuned guys all right now let’s take one more look at this thing before we tee it up and say goodbye to it so it’s right

There shocked and as you can see it’s got that little trigger button right there so that’s how I’m going to set it up on the te like that and just destroy this button and see how loud this thing sounds um I think these are a oneand

Done type of thing so you hit it and you don’t see it again I think it’s supposed to be like a prank or a joke that you play with your friends um so we’re going to go ahead and te this thing up and absolutely smoke it and see how loud it

Sounds all right guys so it’s time for the big dog I’m going to go ahead and hit a couple with the driver get nice and warmed up with this thing and then we’re going to tea off with a shot golf ball so let’s see if we can break the

Record of 85.7 let’s see what these things sound like 85.7 okay so still not super loud even with the driver sounds like a regular degular hit that hooked way right I’m just trying to crush these getting ready to smoke this shock off while let’s see all right last one almost hit a goose

There that felt good I think I’m going to do one more and then we’re going to te off The Shot Golf wall all right I feel nice and warm I think it’s time to uh set up this shot golf ball and see how this thing sounds again we haven’t been over

85.7 um so yeah let’s see what this thing does I hope it translates over the video I will definitely let you guys know if it’s louder than a regular golf ball let’s go ahead and te it up and see what this thing sounds like all right guys here we go we’re

Teing off the shock golf ball so let’s see what this thing can do oh yeah that thing is set up nice all right got my decel reader going the number to beat is 85.7 so here we go oh my goodness dude 109.2 yo all right so that thing is absolutely

No joke that literally sounded like a firework just went off here way louder than the regular golf balls that’s kind of scary I definitely don’t recommend using it with older people that was super loud guys and it went pretty far it went right over that little uh wooden thing down

There wow I’m like speechless right now guys that thing was super loud I hope nobody shows up and I get kicked out of here we got a bunch of golf balls let’s hit a couple more of these um but overall this thing is super

Loud if you guys want to pull a prank on somebody I’ll leave a link down below dang that thing was loud wow dude it kind of smoked too like it smelled like a firework kind of weird um but yeah let’s go a and hit the rest of these

Golf balls shot golf balls are a great gift stocking stuff or whatever for your golf uh people in your life um thank you guys so much for watching thank you for the support on these golf videos um this is the last video we’re doing here in the Chicagoland area we’re off to uh

Beautiful warm Scottsdale Arizona in the next video so make sure you guys stay tuned for that we’re playing a really beautiful course out there um but yeah let’s go ahead and hit these golf balls thank you guys so much for watching I’ll see you in the next video for for for for

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