ALIGNMENT EXPLAINED! “Where Is My Target Relative To My Set Up Position?”

Alignment in the swing I teach is quite simple but you must understand this before you can calibrate for alignment!

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Received a question recently what is my target relative to my setup position and that’s an intelligent way to ask about how does alignment work in the swing so to understand alignment you first have to understand the geometry of the anatomy you see the system that I teach

Is based upon the geometry of the anatomy meaning this what I ask you to do is exactly what your skeleton your joints your tendons your muscles are already pre-equipped to do now what do they do well you have a lead arm and you have a trail arm the trail

Arm the shoulder socket naturally Works relative to golf in a steep and over-the-top swing path an outside in swing path now this is not good for hitting golf shots so if you’re going to use your Trail arm you have to make manipulations in order to try to make

The trail armarm produce something of value those manipulations make it very difficult to have a consistent and repeatable skill now the lead arm lead arm naturally works on an inside out swing path an inside out swing path is what is wanted from any swing style an

Inside out swing path is a shallow swing path so it’s just the natural positioning of my lead arm that creates this Inside Out swing path now because of that and because an inside out and a shallow swing path is good for golf this is why I position my students and me the

Way I do in my setup position what I’m doing is I’m catering to my natural anatomical truth that my lead arm wants to swing on an inside out swing path now if you think about it in golf the glove has always been worn on the lead hand

There’s a reason for that good players understand that the swing comes out of the lead side well once you isolate the swing into the lead side then all you have to do is pay attention to how the club swings when you use your lead arm

So when I set my students or I set myself in this closed position what I’m doing is I’m isolating my lead arm I’m positioning my lead shoulder socket so it can have the greatest range of motion and when that happens the club is going to swing on an inside out swing path the

Important thing is because it’s anatomically sound it’s going to do it every time when you can have something that works every time now you have something that’s useful for golf if golf was one hole sure you can get lucky and take a whack at it but you got to be

Good all day long in order to be good all day long you have to be consistent in order to be consistent you have to use your Anatomy efficiently so this is why we choose to use the lead arm the lead arm already knows how to swing on a

Shallow swing path so I set you in this position to gain access to your lead arm now when I do that the lead arm swings as the lead arm swings my my arm can’t change what it naturally does this is all anatomical here well look where the

Club swings to it swings to slightly right of 12 o’clock for a right-handed golfer and that’s based upon this Paradigm of this being 12:00 and me starting in neutral here so I start in neutral to where my toes are parallel with 12:00 and I pivot closed once I

Pivot closed I’ve now gained access to my lead arm when I gain access to my lead arm the lead arm can do what the lead arm does now the key to this is understanding that I’ve given the lead shoulder socket the greatest range of motion I’ve also put my trail shoulder

Socket in a position where it has the least range of motion so not only am I empowering one side I am sticking the trail arm in a supportive position if you know anything about golf the trail arm has been the culprit of so many swings since the beginning of golf

Instruction so when I position you like this not only am I positioning you so you can use your lead arm which naturally swings on a shallow swing path but I’m also reducing the opportunity for your Trail arm to get involved in the swing I’m pacifying it through the

Setup position well then it’s at that point where you’re going to create a consistent and repeatable swing path that swing path is going to travel if you look at any time I hit off of my mats I’m always starting the ball slightly right of Dead Ahead slightly

Right of 12:00 the ball exits right over this point not over here off the right corner where it looks like my body is pointed to instead it’s right here and that’s because of this my lead arm doesn’t work where I can continue to head out in that direction in order for

Me to do that I’d have to move my Center instead the lead arm has a shoulder socket and that shoulder socket rotates and as it continues through it doesn’t run off in this direction it goes in this direction here so when you’re setting close it does not mean that

You’re set to hit the ball in a 45 degree angle you’re set to use your lead arm once you’re set to use your lead arm now the lead arm can do what the lead arm does and the lead arm swings for a right-handed golfer slightly right of 12:00 for a left-handed golfer slightly

Left of 12:00 and that’s it and because I’m swinging on this inside out swing path the ball’s always going to draw the stock shot will always draw I can do manipulations to create Fades or change how I want to work the ball but the stock shot the very simplest version of

What you do is a solid powerful tight draw now draws are important because they have less spin than Fades so we don’t choose the draw just because it looks prettier I choose the draw because it has less spin less spin means more power and more control control for you

When I set clothes like this I’m set to use my lead arm my lead arm is going to swing on a slightly Inside Out swing path once you do this 20 times it’s not hard to quickly calibrate and say okay when I set like this the ball’s always

Starting right here and it has a tight little draw well then at that point it’s not hard to just shift the machine shift your unit around to send the ball in a different direction so here I could start the ball slightly left of 12:00 by setting my body like this all I’ve done

Is I picked up the machine like I’m on a lazy Susan and I’ve spun it come back to here now the ball’s going to start right through here it doesn’t take you long to start to calibrate alignment so that once you get set up and you Peak your

Left shoulder you can’t help but anticipate the swing path so you can’t help but anticipate that the ball’s going to start right up this line here and that’s how I calibrate Alignment


  1. Hi Jim – That's quite some sun tan you have. I hope you're using plenty of sun screen. 🙂 I've just dropped another shot and am now down to 4 handicap, not bad for a 72 year old. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 🎅🎅🎅

  2. All of this sounds very rational. But then wouldn't it make sense for a right handed golfer to play from the other side, so that his stronger/dominant arm is now the lead arm? I'm right handed and when I'm playing tennis, am very comfortable hitting one handed backhands . I doubt I would hit a backhand with the same power if I played left handed.

  3. I watched one of your videos a few years ago on this. I went from a 20 handicap to damn near scratch in 2 years. People always comment how it looks like I’m aiming 10 miles to the right (it took time to get comfortable with that) but its me always taking their money at the end of the round 😉

    But seriously this system might not look like Rory but it’s damn effective and efficient for our level.

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