European Court of Justice rule UEFA, FIFA acted against competition law when blocking Super League

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FIFA and UEFA rules on prior approval of competitions such as the European Super League are contrary to EU law, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Justice has said.

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Welcome to Good Morning sports fans and we’re bringing you the big breaking news that is likely to have a huge impact on the future of football in the last few minutes the European court of justice has ruled that FIFA and uefa’s rules on interclub football competitions such as

The Super League are contrary to EU law yeah now this may reopen the door to a breakaway League initially announced in 2021 six English clubs Manchester City Manchester United Liverpool Arsenal Chelsea and Tottenham plus AC Milan Atletico Madrid Barcelona Inter Milan Juventus and Real Madrid all announced their involvement with this European

Super League before they were blocked by domestic leagues and UEFA now the court has said that this ruling does not mean that the Super League project must be approved but it has also said that UEFA and FIFA are abusing a dominant position yes a22 which is the company backing the

Super League have reacted their CEO burn Reichard says we have won the right to compete the UEFA Monopoly is over football is free clubs are now free from the threat of sanction and free to determine their own Futures omore is coming out from court all the time we’ll

Bring it to you as we get it this morning but that is a huge piece of news this morning in terms of the future of football


  1. UEFA and FIFA is exploiting their members with a new format, replace the formate we love all these days, and many controvesial decisions make by them (everton for example). The monopoly they play its just for the money, and the money they get is just 2-12% given to their members for winning a competition (UCL, UEL, UECL, and domestic league), and 5-20% for football infrastucture, thats is unfair cause uefa take 40-80% the money they get. So i think we might support Super League?

  2. UEFA and FIFA are the most corporate organisation I’ve ever seen in my life time and in this century.They are destroying our football and the love of our game,the amount of matches which the players have to play,it’s ridiculous to do that.Why is a super league so important?.Why do we have to play so many matches?. I don’t understand this.

  3. European courts get to tell us what’s ok this is why I voted out of Europe I won’t watch it ever. Dog💩💩💩💩💩yankee way. Oh I want to invest in a business but that business can’t fail. 💩💩💩💩💩💩

  4. Super league is bad and greedy but so is uefa and fifa. We have seen how injuries have increased 10 fold and it will keep on increasing with new champions league format. A match every 3 days with travel accross Europe is stupid. Its already bad for the players.

  5. No one actually wants this league. More games, more traveling, more injuries. This is stupid greed at its finest. And it ruins the game

  6. Just our f**king luck
    Villa could actually get in the the champions league and it's a closed shop , every ones f**ked off and we're not invited

  7. We need a European Hybrid League system.

    Qualify for your European league division based on your domestic league finishing place, same as now with European comps, top teams playing each other, middle placed teams play each other, bottom teams and newly promoted play each other.

    Play half your domestic leagues games v domestic opponents and the other half against teams in your division but playing for domestic points e.g. Real Madrid Vs Man City, winner takes 3 points for their individual domestic league, so if Madrid win they get 3 points in La Liga, similarly City get the three points in the Premier League if they win.

    Simple system, gives every top tier team European football and gives us the best games between the best teams.

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