Christmas FORFEIT challenge! | Ben Foster v Theo Baker

It’s Christmas time on the Golfing GK Channel! This time, Theo Baker returns to the channel with a unique video for you today at The Grove!

As me and Theo’s handicaps are very different, we have decided to play a game of Bingo Bango Bongo! This game is a point system style and there are three points up for grabs on each hole. The first point is awarded to the first person to get the ball onto the green, the second point is won for whoever is closest to the hole when both balls are on the green and the final point is for whoever gets the ball in the hole first!

The most important point is that it doesn’t matter about how many shots you take!

There is a forfeit at the end of each hole though… our lovely camera man Luke has brought in some Ferrero Rocher’s but has disguised some as brussel sprouts, and when we tell you they’re bad, we really mean it! 🤣

Thank you to the Grove for sorting us out with some goodies for the day and letting us film, make sure to check out their course below! 👇🏼

Check out Theo’s new Golfing channel down below! 👇🏼

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That’s a disgrace to the sport golf that is he’s angry I can see it crumbled I’m absolutely crumbled by the way oh my God I got hole in one what on Earth am I saying here where’s that come from that’s the best shot I’ve ever se you Play welcome to the Christmas forfeit challenge me and Theo Baker we’re on the back here at the Grove Golf Course is absolutely beautiful now the rules to this game are bonkers the score does not matter it is completely completely irrelevant all that matters is that there’s three points available for each

Hole one point goes to whoever gets it on the green first yeah the second Point once both balls are on the green goes to the person who is closest to the pin and then finally the third Point goes to the person who gets the ball in the hole

First now normal golf rules apply where if you’re behind me you play first so you have have to think tactically whoever loses each hole the forfeit is this so potentially it might benefit me having a weaker Drive exactly that it’s tactics you got to think tactics right

4it time inside this box we have got 16 individually wrapped Ferrera rochet however inside eight of them it is not that beautiful chocolatey nutty goodness all right it maybe covered in that chocolatey nutty goodness but inside is a brussel sprout mate I’m going to be honest with you not even the biggest fan

Of a normal forever R let on a bruss brussel sprout one so you might struggle a little bit on this then so you got to think positively hope that you win every hole and then if I do lose then I just got to hope that I don’t pick a brussel

Sprout simple as that do you want to go first yes it’s a short power four you know this is what I’m talking about you got to think tactically it’s 340 yards power four dog leg left up to you baby boy yeah I’m going to hit my driver okay

Which has been slicing to the right uh so that’s not smart and also it’s quite a narrow Fairway um um so again not smart but hey hey ho here we are again score doesn’t matter you can score a 15 you could still get two or three points

On the hole as long as you get the majority of the points on the hole you win the hole it’s as simple as that oh mate Theo wow that’s the best Drive I’ve ever seen you do talk about dead straight as an arrow well I’ve got to think now I want

This to go to the right like up there yeah because you want to play first but because I want to play first and get on the green yeah that was incredible yeah I can’t lie that’s got me gassed like that just like that you’ve nailed it that’s exactly what I wanted

To do so you have the advantage here cuz you can get on the green first there you go but the thing is I could hit that shot and get it just to the side of the green yeah which means I’m not on the green which means you have a chance to

Get on the green first I love this game of golf man it’s all all over it right so listen to this yeah this is when it comes down to tactics right you’re what you’re 20 yards in front of me here right I don’t have to go straight for

The green I can just chip it out just behind your ball and still go next and still go next but also that would that would be that’ be boring it would be boring would be smart no yeah do you know what that would be boring and we

Don’t do that we go straight for it all right I’ve got my 99 in all right and I’m going straight for it oh it’s pulled left hasn’t it massively you know what you should have done there mate just chipped up behind yours his oh I’ve nailed it now did you do

That on purpose I did do that on purpose actually you’re a scumbag Baker is a scumbag don’t know where my Beav is gone we [Laughter] just did not do that on purpose oh my God how’s that how’s that benefiting me by the way right so this

Is where the tactic is coming so there is there’s a bit of pressure attached to this because if you don’t get this on the green yeah you know that I’m going to be going next and I probably will be getting it on the green unless you’re in the bunker of

Course oh he’s played a good one oh it’s off the no you’re still on the green so you’ve got a point locked in my next shot if my goes in inside of yours you get then I get a point okay it’s a bad start I would like to think I

Can get this inside your ball here okay yeah I should be come on if you do mess it up you want to mess it up awfully awfully that it doesn’t come out like there would be nice yeah there we go really good mate that’s

A point to you that is really good is it one point each so how do you get the next point it’s the first one to get it into the hole I don’t think I don’t think Fe is going to play the game properly I think he’s just going to go I

I have to go for it you have to go for it yeah because your distance is my downhill wow okay that’s not bad you know that’s not bad at all that’s so this is to win this hole 2-1 okay yeah so you’re going next is it me to go

First I think so yeah can’t believe that oh my God you Jammy buger that is that is I promise you I didn’t do that on purpose yeah I promise you this all right how how have you won that hole how have you won that hole I don’t get it I

Don’t get it brussel sprout time Big Boy come on please get a Brussels sprout please get a Brussels Sprout I’m not going to look I’m just going to pick one for you is that a deal got itad yeah I’m not like actually you can do that you can pick don’t look then you got to go for it either way that feels light that feels really

Light I can see a bit of green just take a bite in a half oh that’s rank that is so rank I would just get that one one go if I was I got eat the whole thing yes the whole thing yes Brussel chocolate scrap look at it man

Does the chocolate at least add something oh my [Laughter] God cook eat them raw no they’re raw you can eat them raw yes they’re Veg it’s fine is it I can smell it it stinks I can’t I’m going to throw up but that was actually foul don’t do

You like brussel sprouts cooked ones yeah in a bit of gravy and stuff oh gosh you’re funny choc crap wow mate that’s munched but it’s a par five this you know this is a long one this is a 480 y power five that’s good but I’m going to be

Probably hitting again next yeah I’d say so and again and again but that is Criminal by the way what you you you’ve made in that kitchen of yours he’s angry I can see it there It Is Well I tell you it’s in another Fairway that’s on the

Green the other green he that bruss scat living R free in my head it’s just oh I got cabbage whatever it is BR cabbage my teeth as you can see balls landed on the uh the driving range don’t really know where the hole is I actually have no idea where the

Hole is oh actually my my line is that tree right I’m coming over hopefully it works oh God I’m going to kill him hope not all right just get it over back on lovely no screams we’re play F talk to me about your uh Christmas Day dinner what we

Having well I grew up in a vegetarian household did you until I was the age of 17 yeah oh man I know I know what can you say but um yes I don’t really like my Christmas is poor what would that be like a nut roast you would have the’re nut roast

Yeah but because as kids we didn’t actually like a nut roast we just get like a cheesy corn thing it was quite nice but now I’d have um chicken potatoes bangers and mash not bangers and mash pigs and blankets yeah man I’m telling you I don’t I just I

Just eat what I’m giving on Christmas Day I don’t I’m not you don’t cck it no no I I I don’t really know Christmas dinner as well um all right sweet um if if if somebody put a York pudding on your plate all over that yeah you all

Over there over there with grav they’re my favorite things all right sweet isn’t it I take that I love honey roasted carrots oh yeah me too they are nice actually I do not like brussel sprouts honey mustard carrots or honey roasted honey okay I like it sounds all right

Sounds fine I won’t be coming around yours but it sounds fine right this is where it gets a bit tactical and Technical and like this is this is difficult right cuz I’ve got a foure and you we’re 100 nearly 200 yard from the pin you’re about 10 yards in front of me

There but like I say I’d like to think that we’d both if we get the chance we’d just go for it all right yeah I’m just trying to hide the cloud that I’ve got but you wouldn’t you wouldn’t have like a pitching wed or an iron would you

No right well I’ve got a four iron right and I am absolutely going for it okay that’s pathetic that’s a five a six six oh that’s disgustingly bad do you know what it’s actually all right cuz I’ll have about 100 yards in there and actually my 9 could go further than that

Did he’s playing tactically he’s playing tactically I’m going to go for the green now Ben I would like to think so mate 115 yards yeah yeah I need that extra four yards I did oh mate that short that is short that’s short which gives me a chance

Which gives me a chance to get on the green first yeah you’re living the dream here mate I’ve absolutely bullied this hole oh sorry got bullied by this hole might be a bit too much you know is that on the green it’s on the green right right so I’m on the green

One point to me yeah you just got to get it inside that I don’t know what I’m doing oh that’s so bad that’s just you’re you’re a scumbag I didn’t mean to do that you’re you’re a scumbag TR to drop it on the hole right well the first hole went

Great for me this hole much I really should putt this you know a nine either way you just got to get it inside mine tell me let inside yeah a point to you that’s the most least deserving point I have ever seen you know what I can’t argue with it disgusting in fact

Right so it’s me to go first okay yeah all I think is sink it sink it and then we’re cooking it’s got to turn a bit more than that I tell you it’s good weight it was a horrific putt close M I got big putt here oh so

Hard who goes first here I’ll let you go first if you want or do you want me to go first you can decide oh cuz if I let you go first you you’re going to do my for me you know what I got confidence in myself I love

That I love that all you got to think is if you get this in the hole you’ve won the point I’m going to try a different grip okay oh my God he’s got it he’s absolutely drained it God’s sake why did you go first then that triple bogey for me that was lovely

Mate you know what I’ll take I don’t mind that that was a great put oh it was a great put you know what Ben the fact that I’ve won that hole on points disgrace to golf is what it is is bad Absolut disgrace to golf that’s a

Disgrace to the sport of golf that is I love this Game right four time hold hold on you picked yours last time yeah you have this one I got a good feeling that’s a real one I got a good feeling for you well it’s not is it not oh it’s not sorry I actually thought it was a

Real rco Santa Cruz there that’s not even got any that that’s foul mate that is right that’s so bad it’s so bad isn’t it that’s not good it does taste horrific I can’t lie unless you like unless you like that sort of thing no oh come on it’s so

Thick see I don’t like the actual Taste of brussel sprout where I thought the chocolate was all right it’s just like that it’s like a cabbagey just grimness isn’t it oh yeah it’s bad it that’s wor yeah it doesn’t stop either it’s quite hard to swallow as well it’s just not ideal as

It that’s well stay left and that’s money good I like that cart path cart path maybe maybe but it’s yeah I’ll take that it’s gone a fair distance M bloody hell oh that’s creamed but come down yes it came out I saw it land did you see it came out

Yeah it’s absolutely fine get it back on The Fairway F oh go out mate hit the C pu hit the C pu it did oh good shot I hope that I’m behind you so I can go the green first yeah unfortunately Ben rules are the rules

That’s your driver this my third shot my uh driver is hit off a car path and gone nearly 300 yards by the way um you I would say you have to hit the green here by the way cuz my I am definitely hitting the green yeah I okay I

Know how you what Theo Baker got reach it is that is that technically the green that’s without doubt the green that’s fantastic how have I got the first point in this hole well no well if you you you said you’re going to hit the green well

I need to get it closer I need to get it closer yeah that’s a lovely shot mate did you know that yeah thank you right I’ve got 140 yards so I’m going to hit a 99 does my breath stink by the way cuz I can just I can I can taste it smell

It that’s disgusting what the heck was that been oh no it’s fine cuz I’m not on the green but if I put this to Within 3T of the flag no I’m not on the green yet so once I get on the green I just have to

Get inside yours don’t I but if oh you’re still further away yeah I’m still it doesn’t matter if I’m further away I’m not on the green yet okay or make it over you’re not on the green I’m not on the green which is fine cuz then you get to pop are you

Serious you did that on purpose I know you did you play a an extra special shot there that’s really bad put how far has that gone wa you I’ve almost won that for closest to the pin it’s a point each it’s a shambles honestly it’s a shambles we’re one point

Each okay yeah that’s so bad come around who’s further right who’s inside who think you I’m further aren’t I yeah oh Theo you silly goose no that’s that’s ridiculous because that’s leaving it close oh my God if I win this hole again the standard of this go pole is awful hold on

Mate this is the disgrace to the Spot of Golf oh I’m all for it I’m all for it if I swear I can’t eat another brussel sprout I can’t eat another brussel sprout Lads I can’t do It right scores into the doors Foo somehow you’re 54 up right I can’t get another I cannot get another what’s it called uh raro brussel sprout that looks good doesn’t it oh you know you might have smashed that a you smashed it mate you know what you you actually didn’t deserve another

Brussel sprout you didn’t deserve another brussel sprout chocolatey goodness yeah you lucky Burger hazelnut in case in a is that good yeah oh really good is it we got a power three 180 yards downhill your honors let’s go I’ll tell you what if you get a hole in one I’ll

Give you all three points yeah deal Seven’s not reaching this oh my God I got hold in one what on Earth am I seeing here how where where where has that come from you know in my head I visualized it wow I’ve got to get inside

That that’s the best shot I’ve ever seen you play that is phenomenal mate that was so clean wasn’t it I felt so good oh I might tee this up you know oh my goodness me hey well that is good as well you know you might have done

That oh it’s short oh but that is tight it’s tight it is tight hold on a minute how does this work we’re both on the green on in regul he got on first yeah but he he got he went first the game that’s ridiculous I won the

Previous hole so I went first as rules are the rules so if you’re closer than me there then you should have then you should have won the last hole [Laughter] yeah like Theo just said he has uh he’s just won the first two points on this

Hole one because he got to go first two because he got closer I can’t let him take a clean sweep so Ben I think I’m I’m using one of your Prov ones that’s what it is so what is it 74 to F how is Fe

What a part that is you know what the problem is though that if he leaves it just outside that and gets it in then he’s got the point this game is flawed all right whoever came up with the rules is a great part that mate thank you hold

On I’m just outside you here yeah we agree on that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so I’ve got this for a point okay yeah just outside it is isn’t it so I’ve got this for a point okay don’t miss this come on I needed that I needed that badly 21 to Theo 75

Overall we’re Cooking I’m not looking I’m going to go second layer I’m going to go second layer it’s going deep please please don’t do this to me good I think you’ve got a good I think I’ve got a good one I know I’ve got a good in in fact so

Lucky so lucky there was no cheating I went second layer all right okay slight rule change okay we’re on the fifth hole now because light is fading just a little bit too fast for my liking what we’re going to do is we’re going to take the best Drive okay so if absolutely

Spunks one over there or I put one over there we only go off the best ball just to speed it up a little bit but the real scoring is When We R the greens that’s all that matters really yeah boo get us under way baby that’s not bad you know it’s fading

Right a little bit again oh it’s in the bunker is that yeah it was a good strike at least did almost take a Dr that Stinger it is a bit of a stinger absolutely flown man that’s gone miles we’ll take it I think we’ll use that one yeah

Yeah that’s sliced through the air sliced yeah this kind of this new format then favors me a little bit because I’m I would like to think a bit of a better driver than you just a bit just a bit so if it’s me that gets to go first Every

Time tough shot this is a tough shot this isn’t it hit the trees I ain’t hitting the trees no chance me I’m getting this on the green ski you know what i h the green the truth here’s what I’m going to do play the rules right play the rules mate play the

Rules play the rules I’m just getting myself a better position play the rules God sake Ben that was a warm-up shot right did you get this on the green now then mate oh what are you doing here play the rules that is disgraceful from you I cannot believe you’re going to chip out

There that is what some of the word he was going to do that then weren’t he as well I caught him red-handed he was literally about to do it look at this I I don’t know but it was a nice shot it might be on the green if it’s on

The green I’m a little bit heartbroken I won’t lie oh that’s no good bunker go bunker oh you might be on the green I think you’re on the green I think you’re actually on the green I think I’m on the green too please don’t be on the green I

Beg you please don’t let Theo’s ball be on the green right Theo you just have to get it on the green mate and you get yourself a nice Point all right come on fa that’s a good shot mate that’s a good shot it is I don’t mind that yes well

Done mate I need to get I need to get I got to get this inside now as well that’s outrageous oh my goodness me it’s an outrageous it’s an outrageous jop right so we’re a point each okay yeah we’re a point each it’s down to the puting again

Yeah smidge out to the right a smidge it’s a good word smidge it’s a really good word I think I’ve read this correctly but we shall see eh okay okay oh I was trying to lay up I was trying to lay up I was trying to lay up and I put it too

Close so much pressure on this I was literally trying to lay up I thought I’d just dink it down and keep it a little bit further away from you know what I deserve that I deserve nothing Else I think it’s only fair right yeah if we do um let’s let’s do like make a a crew M eat one or something yeah should we do that just just cuz it’s Christmas and everybody should be included you got in mind Jamie I’ll I’ll pick it yeah I’ll

Pick I’ll pick it right yeah Jamie I don’t know what this is okay what is no I don’t know what that is random do you like brussel sprouts yeah I like brussel sprout oh well there you go I think it’s a brussel sprout course it is of course

A sprout just have a little go on that mate see how you get on oh God look at that how bad it is oh my God how how thick is it yeah look at the eyes it’s not too bad only Jamie only you would ever say that I know that another [Laughter]

One you don’t want that one though you you didn’t mind that now right it’s quite swall you’re a boy you are just a bit right right he’s special I told you mate power four 370 Ys drill it down there mate think I teed it up a little bit too

High I te it up a little too high I’m still getting I I don’t know where to actually place these new te that didn’t make any sound whatsoever Stinger Royale that is get over that bunker there yeah that’s pretty gnarly I can’t lie that was a good Stinger wasen

It less said the better about mine oh I don’t know what to do I’m going to take a seven I’m going to take an eight iron then could be eight territory right if I stick this close here this is massive that’s unreal got to go got to go

You’re on the green that’s it mate you are in with you’re about 4ot from the hole that’s insane fair play yeah fair play that’s kind of that’s really good wow that is exactly what I needed wow that was exactly what we needed oh yeah you did we are back

Baby a so bad yeah but you know what it’s fine cuz you you got a chance to get that inside mine from there it’s going to be a some shot though have you seen how good your shot is yeah I know but I’m going to take all three points

On this hole if I take all three points am I back level I am I think it’s fair to say that’s probably shot of the day so far cuz I won’t live front like we made another video with Theo this morning on the front nine and I played

Really well like really really well and then in this round i’ been horrific but that’s golf isn’t it Theo is just laying up again it’s right mate fine it’s don’t make no difference you can just lay up right unless Theo sticks this inside mine this is a great start all it’ll be

Two point start cuz I’m first on the green and I’m closest that again so this is what I’m talking about he’s laying up he’s laying up this is ridiculous this is why this format is flawed look at Jamie laughing even Jamie knows are you putting this

Again I kind of have to aren’t I really we have any chance it’s not looking good for chief over here right get in the hole go out the way right a a good start it’s two points yeah so you sure yeah so I’m defo inside so that takes it to 98 you inside

98 I’m definitely inside yeah you are I got to hold this then um well not necessarily come on for you when it matters most a you stupid man stupid stupid stupid man right I’ve got this for a three point Clean Sweep all right oh that looks good well

Played oh well done thank you damn it that was a nice birdy that weren’t it I was over the moon oh wow mate would you believe it e all square nine points all it’s the first time we’ve had a clean sweep three points on one hole it was a birdie

Though what do you expect I’ve crumbled I’m absolutely crumbled by the way Crumina Right it’s 4fe time and I caught you rumaging a minute ago yeah no such thing don’t stop right reach around do the reach around just have a little reach around all right it’s a bit dodgy there yeah that one I think you’ve got a good one you

Have got a good one you scumbag I don’t even like for Roches I don’t think are you sure that’s a good one yeah it is a good one isn’t it good one yeah it taste like oh they’re beautiful mate it’s a big hole hazelnut encased in hazelnut

Chocolate and oh it’s just lovely yeah oh wow I know great is’t they that really good have you never had a Pereira R I always thought I didn’t like them oh wow what yeah and you’ve never tried them but you just assumed yeah um okay par three time and it’s

Time eventually that I get a little bit of luck right because I get to go first so if I hit the green first I get a point it’s as simple as that oh it’s not going to go on the green please go on the green that was so long how you done that

That was so long B eight iron yeah I’m about to use a s iron oh you mother flipping flip money cash money [Laughter] billionaire oh Theo that’s with you I think it’s exactly what it did exactly the same as mine it just disappeared yeah this going to be interesting s iron

This is going to be interesting I hate this kind of shot I absolutely hate it downhill but you you get to go first so you’re cooking so just get it on the green and you’re laughing but I don’t know how to play this cuz it’s down here I don’t I legit

Have no clue you got to I think you you’re supposed to sort of play the slope right yeah no is it uphill no not that yeah down you need to chunk down on it basically right well this could go anywhere boys that’s massive that is that is

Massive Theo right so I just need to get this do you know what I’m going to get it near the pin why wouldn’t you are you that’s disgusting is what it is do you know what I’ve got away with it a little bit because it just kept going

But it’s still disgusting right it’s a point and I’ve taken the lead [Laughter] 109 it’s a classic Baker crumble that has come off the corner of your CL and G so look at Theo’s Theo’s over here I am here sad you know all you cannot let me

Win six out of six I cannot win six points out of six it’s never been seen before that’s motoring that is motoring sit thanks Lads thank you it’s a it’s a sixo swing two holes six points if I put this no I’m already in the hole can I get too late one

Handed let give me a point yeah and close your eyes one handed with my eyes shut yeah oh I tell you what I tell you bloody what right right I’ve gone from 96 down to being 129 ahead and we’ve got two holes left through my head man you’re

Living rent free right now rent free what a swing that is some power rescue that by the Way right mate forfeit time but before we do quick question okay Christmas coming up you can have three people sit around that Christmas table with you all right one of them has to be a sidan one of them has to be a YouTuber and one of

Them has to be a sports star who you picking oh such a good question it’s such a good question so you want you want fun at Christmas yes you want fun at Christmas siden I’ll go Harry yep YouTuber I’ll go I’ll go I go Cal frezy I like it I go

Cal frezy and sports star I’ll go John Stones oh Stones he that sounds like a world CL that sounds like a video I reckon he’s got good crack 100% that sounds like a world I want to see you like having Christmas Day Christmas Day dinner mukbang with FIA Baker Johnny

Stones Cal freezy and what that sounds incredible right stop trying to distract from the fact that you still have to pick one of these so I see you eyeing it up so come on reach your around time baby you can’t feel it you can’t feel oh

Oh that’s not good that’s not good I don’t think forer R is supposed to be that color you don’t think be that color M do you know what as well I was well excited for another one cuz I thought they really nice not one of these

Ones just down the edge it’s all it’s got to do it’s actually so Grim though it’s double Grim I can I just did a burp a minute ago and I went o that’s close I don’t I won’t need dinner will I [Laughter] oh oh min oh my

God I don’t mind if you want to spit it out mate I don’t honestly all it’s so rank isn’t [Laughter] it money cash money yeah it’s good that over the hill and far away that is that lovely in fact wen’t it little bit of draw on it as

Well go mate well it’s a freebie for you at least anyway so I’m three points behind am I I need two to win yeah three points behind um I need two points and I am Champion come on mate just rip one just for the front of it

Yeah oh it’s gone right oh it weren’t bad though it was a good rip we maybe should have shouted four right there but yeah four right right fa I know we mentioned it in the other video we did but just talk to me about the new Golf Channel that you and Harry

Are doing Harry and Theo go golfing obviously yeah yeah don’t know how we come out that name but we’re known as the go golfers I like it pesky ones as well the pesky go golfers remaining undefeated across the channel I love that videos as a pair so so at a minute

Hold on your both your handicaps are in the 20s right say in a year’s time genuinely right genuinely in a year’s time where would you like to see your handicap down to yeah that’ be nice was it I just want to be able to get around

The golf course in like 90 cuz I I’ve never broken 100 oh really yeah never broken 100 so I need to break 100 well there you go set your Milestone at 100 then once you’ve done that 95 90 boom well I’ve hit 100 quite a few times

Think I get my own maybe you’ll get there though it’s fine yeah um make sure you go follow by the way they’re the boys simple as that it’s the boys right have a look at this we’ve got we’ve got 230 yards mate Long Way um I’m going to

Go for this I’m going to go for this if I get this on the green it’s um trouble yeah M it’s big big trouble you need two points to win all right that a such a pure strike as well oh the mate I thought that was a

Good what’s that called it’s to the right hand side of the green which means it’s massive advantage to you so if you just get it in the Fairway that’s what I want to do get your next shot on the green get it in the Fairway that was so

Pure as well get it in the Fairway Theo Fairway finder don’t chunk it it’s it you chunked it and you’re in the Fairway so it’s fine everyone’s a winner oh it’s just going downhill now a it really comeing here on the green oh my God I’m going I want

To I’m not meaning to do this you’re in the middle of the Fairway again at least I’m making a mockery of The Grove that’s the most embarrassed walk I’ve ever seen a hit hurts Soul’s broken like a broken man was it the last two holes Lovely by the way haven’t I

Birdie par some of my putting honestly lad putting is the biggest Improvement isn’t it in the last in my golf lately 100 thanks mate thank you I do appreciate it now when your Soul’s been broken broken on the green get a point make it it’s not even going to make it is

It not on the green is it no oh mate everyone’s been there as a golfer golf can be a cruel mistress sometimes he’s at the front of the green it’s my turn to play if I get this on and I get the first point if I get it

Really close I’ll get the second point and oh that’s nice go on go go go go go go that’s supposed to go a lot more than that yeah it’s not bad mate it’s not the end of the world is it we got yeah it’s all right we’ll take it J so that’s one

Point we need one more point done ah it’s not bad mate yeah it’s good it’s good you can have that so point a point each so far yeah you know what though you stopped the r you stopped the R I wanted it closer though yeah it’s true I did want

It closer right so I’ve got this for the win you know yeah you drain this goes into the last hole and I need all three points for a tie yeah right just get it in the hole where your pting going mate that’s really bad that’s one of the

Worst a chance got a chance oh that’s so bad oh he blown the charts right for the championship yeah good game M well done appreciate that really enjoyed it as well unless ah what’s this A YouTube Special Rule coming into play All or Nothing on the final hole All or Nothing on the

Final hole I’ll do that I don’t Mind okay 4it time um quickly favorite Christmas film is do you like the holiday I like the holiday I do like the holiday Jude Law yeah Cameron Diaz heck yes yeah you’re just like a big softy you are AR you what can I say um I think

Mine is it’s a tossup between home alone and elf oh no elf is a great shout yeah I think yeah elf’s a tight number two for me I do like elf a lot solid films either way right come on pick one please be AO please AO AO come on come on a raro

Rash no all give it here let me do it I’ll do it no this is what I’ll do it’s foul oh foul watch me I’m going to pick one like this and still be a freaking Brussel won’t it no that’s a good one how are you just

Munching that down oh it’s got power through I need did oh put a good one in oh M absolutely munched mate yep that is gone gold that’s gold is it oh why does it keep coming right do you know what though it’s a lovely strike is

It h the tree yeah it hit the tree do you know what it’s a good strike and that’s all that matters it but it’s not it is it is so we use our own ball the fun hole to make it fair then if you

Want to yeah yeah I I I want to yeah I feel I feel bad for saying it winner take all no we’re here for a nice time all right that’s all that matters talk about lucky lies we’ve still got a mile to go so it’s all right as long as you

Just get it actually bounce right here for me I mean it’s so lucky isn’t it a that’s your shot of the day that well not sh the day but it’s lovely beautiful strike mate you know what it is when I use an eight iron it goes right just play the whole

Course with an eight iron I reckon if you played the whole course of an 8on I reckon you could break a 100 I actually think I probably would I reckon you could seriously yeah cuz it just eliminates all the trouble yeah comes down to this the 150 yards if I stick it

Like I did on the what three holes ago you win yeah oh wow got to go wow I tell you what you want to talk about a way to end the video that right there is golden golden but but three points available on this hole true there

Is but I’ve got one of them already locked yeah yeah and that is that’s about I I’d say that’s 15t still right mate I’ve just been up and looked at my ball I’m about 20t away yeah so I’ve got that point in the bag but you if you get

It inside that which you can it’s game on a Theo bakeron little bit to the right though oh it’s good though mate it’s pin high at least though I’m almost certain that’s good you know it’s pin high so it’s good I’m sure of it sure yeah that’s a little Ridge there so

You’ll be it’ll be inside mine but we’ll both be a similar distance I bet you I think you might have done it you know I think I don’t know hold on is this inside of my in there I don’t know you Know 35 in a bit um it’s absolutely fine that he’s walking straight down my line though honestly f 25 in a bit 26 27 28 29 just like if you could dig your heels in a bit harder on my line yeah done mine as well we’re even oh that’s good pathetic it’s

Pathetic not bad mate oh it is be great for me oh my gosh that’s such a good put Theo honestly that is such a good putt yeah but I’ve also cucked myself a little bit yeah you have yeah cuz you you sink this every day of the week hey as go sink it

It so this is for the win yeah for the win this is for the dub I haven’t seen you miss one of these all day see look at that you are money man on the Golf Channel mate he Baker you’re so lovely you know that I do I like you

So much you’re the nicest man and even though you stood over my line all over it I don’t care all right I made it fair um happy Christmas everybody I hope you enjoyed the video um I didn’t enjoy that one little bit cuz they tasted like dog genuine dog how

Do you know what that tastes like dog how you know That


  1. Stop with the instant replays please, we do have the ability to skip back as the viewer if we want to you know?

  2. I think it should still be turn by turn. Still have farthest go first, but even if the farthest doesn’t then hit it closer then the other person, the other person goes regardless.

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