UNBOXING European’s First Premium Disc Golf Bag | European Birdies FRID II Disc Golf Bag

I can’t wait to use the Frid II. It is European’s first premium disc golf bag and I’m looking forward to how this golf bag will perform on the course. I hope you all enjoy the unboxing and have a Happy New Year!

All right guys this is he with vus how’s it going got another video for you today hope everyone’s having a great holiday and uh we’re going to kick off 2024 with with a really good one here so a while back I put out a video that says top five disc golf BS of

2023 one comment stood out in that video I mean first of all I appreciate all of you guys who’ve been commenting on my videos and interacting with with me um basically the last probably four or so months four or five months so I appreciate that it really motivates me

To continue making videos um but one of the comments was why was um one specific bag not part of the list and my response was that I don’t add golf bags to a list that I make unless I’ve tried them well the bag that was in question was the um

A European Bird’s disc golf bag and I believe it’s pronounced Fred uh freed 2 is is what the commenter specifically said and so I thought to myself yes um I don’t talk about bags that I don’t use or tested and I thought I’m going to look this bag up because I really

Haven’t heard of it um I saw freed one or the Prototype um a while back but I’d never revisit it until um this Comon so when and I youtubed uh went on to YouTube and Googled it um these are the videos I found I found one video of um

Eric Oakley this was nine months ago talking about the freed uh by European birdies birdies he did a review on it uh from his standpoint because I guess he works with them the other videos I found were from European B birdies and it was just um commercial advertisement and

Talk about the kickstarter and then an unboxing by doth savic um unboxing the Prototype and that was um a year ago almost 2 years now and then a review by a uh Swedish disc goer which um the whole entire review is in Swedish and I had to

Like kind of like try and decipher what he was saying but he was mostly talking then actually showcasing the bag and then um another video was talking about the origins of the freed uh with Joseph Burke who is the founder of European birdies and so that’s one two three four

Five six videos and only two of which were actual reviews and one of which was a long live stream um unboxing by doth savic so there is not a review of a United States um disc offer user um and I said I’m going to buy the bag with my

Own money and I’m going to do the review myself so we have an unboxing of the European birdies freed 2 and and um everything that’s in the content of this bag right here the lore is going to get transferred to this bag and I’m going to

Use it um and then review it and then if I like it I get to keep it as my personal back if I don’t like it I’ll sell it or donate it so let’s get going all right got the box close up closeup here I

Am I think this is my first time owning a back that’s not made by a us company um meaning a company out of the US you know obviously bags made out of the you know outsourced from outside the US plenty of those bags but an actual American company so I’m pretty stoked

About this bag this is my first bag that is from Europe and um let’s go ahead get Kraken right now while I’m doing this I will tell you I have used a lot of European gear in terms of hiking and motorcycling but not in this golf so

Super stoked about this all right um I don’t know if it has a bag in here underneath it so I’m going to go very careful here and not okay so so far we have I don’t know why I’m nervous about this oh my goodness I was told that them um in

Their promotional videos there might be assembly required but this is a big box for a b that needs to be assembled so let’s go ahead and look into it oh man it’s got paper in here so we’ll go ahead and put that to the side more

Paper oh that color looks sweet I went with the te Atlantis color I do like green if you notice my logo on my channel is green but I tend not to buy green as much because some of the bags I do resell them but um I went ahead and

Just got the teal green cuz it just looked looks so good in the photos so I purchased this from 1010 discs out of Florida and um they have this bag on sale right now for $3.99 it used to be $4.99 and um it’s on sale for $100 off I

Don’t know if it’s a Christmas sale and then I had another coupon that I used that took another $40 off so the bag would end up being 360 it’s kind of expensive I’m a sucker for premium bags and um this is my first time using a European bag so I’m excited and stok

To see what this bag is made of it looks like it’s already assembled even though I was told or at least the promo video said that assembly might be required but it looks like it’s already assembled and it reminds me of like getting a pound bag um no plastic

Bags no nothing it’s already assembled and that’s the color so far this bag feels absolutely premium and it’s it’s got some weight to to it so far all right let’s go ahead and move this box out of the way so you guys can see what’s going on here okay there we

Go okay so all that’s out of the way back in the box and there is the bag okay so my first impression so far it reminds me of opening a my first pound bag ever um it’s it’s the quality the materials super nice the um so far the craftsmanship and the

Stitching is superb and these zippers are like Aqua waterproof so that is phenomenal right there these are no slouch of zip zippers I believe these are YKK and they are waterproof or water resistant of some sort but my gosh excuse me I don’t even know where to start it

It looks it looks slim and it looks plain in the front but I think this bag is meant to just be functional it’s not really meant to um to a please people but I think it looks really good for what it is um so okay so let’s start with the

Putter pouch at the top here let’s go ahead and and all these zippers look like they got this Aqua guard on it and they’re not as smooth as this um Laura bag here the Squatch bag but they’re thicker they feel thicker than the the squatches um zipper right here they feel

Thicker and heavier Duty oh that is so cool with the interior color I love that color reminds me of mint ice cream so opening that up we got a little extra fabric right here all these right here it looks like it’s the same material that you see on

Webbing that goes on the shoulder straps that’s what it seems like to me and it looks really good I mean this stitching is really good I haven’t seen a single stitch out of place or not trimmed properly so that’s the um interior now I don’t know what is with European

Bags the pure bag is the same way they have a laptop or an um a tablet pocket here and when I put my finger here it’s I felt like it was an animal fur it’s so soft it’s lined with some soft material right here oh my goodness that is the

Coolest thing I felt in this golf bag ever so yeah it’s lined with soft felt that you same material you would find in a fleece fleece um warm like a winter fleece layer that’s how it feels in here and it runs the whole entire bag

Oh that is so cool so that’s the laptop sleeve um I don’t think you should put a water bladder in here cuz it’s if the water BL leaks it would be really difficult to dry this out because this fleece material would probably absorb all of it it’s got two snap buttons in

Here I think those snap buttons are meant for these so I’m going to go ahead and put that down there right now God this bag is like so fcking cool so far like I’m going to pull that down just a tad bit there just a tad bit there and and

You kind of have to like fold this done a little bit to get the buttons to line up there you go yeah so you got to fold this flap down a little bit just to get the buttons to line up it’s not like I feel like anytime the Europeans do

Something it’s like all like fitted nothing baggy about their stuff in including their cloes so and then now including the disc golf bag so we got an elasticated pocket here which I assume is for Putters um my understanding is that it’s got one pocket here two pocket

Here three pocket here and this pocket like it feels like it’s it’s got a little springloaded action to it like when you do this it comes back and I think it’s built like that to kind of keep things in place and this side feels like it’s a bit more open I don’t know

If that’s how it’s supposed to be but there’s three compartments here this is for the putter these two you can put your mini oh there you go see it opens up so yeah if you go to the bottom of the pocket here and push that in it like spring loads and stays in

Place and stays flat so you can carry more Putters out here or more stuff but you can use it where you use two Putters here you put two Putters there then you put some other extra towels or jacket or rainfly there and then you use this side for mini

Rangefinder whale sack you know birdie bags whatever on the side if you don’t carry that many Putters but if you carry like five Putters like me I would push these in and put all the putters here but that’s kind of what the pockets for I mean that’s a really

Cool that’s really cool and this material is not it does not feel like 200 nyline it feels like something magical and special this this liner feels like way more like durable than the 200 D nylon that’s normally in the americanmade golf bags okay so that’s the putter there’s no mini pocket

Here but I think it’s meant to be stuffed in here um we got the Malay system which is this these straps right here these malet Loops here then we have a velcro that runs across the whole thing so that’s kind of similar to some of the grip bags but the grip bags don’t

Have the Molly system here I was um from their from my understanding from doth unboxing video um European birdies was supposed to be planning and making some modular pieces that hooks into these moles so um I don’t know when that’s coming and then again we got the same material

That was up here with these little um web looping here just wraps around to keep the stitching nice and neat and clean again I cannot find like any stitching that’s sticking out at all at least not yet anyways but they got the same webbing here to keep

The stitching knad again except it’s the same color as the rest of the bag which is just all black so that’s a nice touch the zipper pulls are the same color as the bag um and these zippers are really like it feels high quality and feels durable

Here and then we lift that up and there’s the interior same material it’s like this cloth doesn’t feel like that it feels like this cloth material got the big velcro that vro vcro piece meets mates with this velcro here underneath the putter packet oh we have a a tag it

Says designed by yoseph Buck produced by Saki and uh it says made in China so this free two is made in China so there we go so that’s an outsourc bag from the Swedish company there um so what does it say it says produced by saki but why does it say

Made in China not really sure um we got we can feel the piece of padding right here and then so we have the side velro piece this is where one of the heart pieces go and then we got the same on this side the heart pieces go there and

Um yeah I think it’s already pre-installed for me and at the bottom I don’t know if you guys can see this but there’s a a rail right here a foam rail it’s like a square that sits up it’s a square like this this and it sits up like this and it

Runs all the way along the bottom towards the back of the bag um so that’s pretty cool I believe this bottom is 1,000 D cordora and um it’s lined with just one layer of the Thousand D cordora we got more mly Loops here again that same webbing wrapped all the way

Around there um soft bottom but you can feel that foam that runs across here right here this is where it sits so that’s how far it is towards the back of the bag cuz this is the front of the bag and that’s where the foam sits right

Here so that’s how it sits so it’s going to be interesting to see how the discs will sit down so far I I’ve only talked about the putter moving down and there’s already so many things to talk about this is so cool really cool got Mal all the way the

Tiny Mal all the way around the whole entire bag at the top here um then we got the same thing on the bottom front the side pockets doesn’t run all the way up it does run all the way to the bottom so it’s it stops here but then it goes

All the way to the bottom of the bag which I think makes it look better than a grip bag cuz the grip the side pockets just kind of like ends like right here and then starts right up here so it’s looks goofy but this makes it look a

Little bit better doing it this way I think moving on we got that same material on the inside yeah see it’s got a coating right here but then it’s got like a fabric on top um oh wow we have a this same color this is a whole sleeve for the umbrella or a

Um retriever we got this neoprene soft neoprene elasticated pocket here and we got another little pocket here which I’m assuming is for little pencils or um markers and then the rest of it is just one deep pocket with really nice stitching on the inside and then from there we got

Another cool looking zipper um let’s see which where does it open oh it opens like that another cool Aqua zipper it’s got this gusset right here that gusset helps open that up a little bit and it’s just one patch velcro patch across there wow so we got some stitching that wasn’t

Snpp in here but it’s not bad it’s not hanging off by like a mile oh we got this right here so there’s a stitching that I don’t care for right there I’m going to have to snip that off cuz that’s going to bother me it’s not going

To cause any function in the back cuz it’s just holding on to the patch but that definitely is a quality issue right there and then in then we got the I call this a hall pocket cuz that’s what pound calls it so I’m used of that but I I

Don’t know this is the side pocket it’s got foam thick foam on the side here and it’s not zippered it’s not closed and um it’s pretty big it’s got this elastic band in here this elastic band has a snap button and the snap button you can snap it off and if you

Snap it off you can hide it so that this whole thing will hold the disc or if you use it for water bottle you can just leave it like that that is a cool I think that’s a neat feature I’ll go into details once I use this later and then

We got more Mali here we got the freed two logo um on the other side this pocket’s the same but it’s got the European birdies white logo we got the patch here uh we got the same smaller pocket here and the stitching I don’t know if this

Is normal but apparently it’s got the same thing with the patch so maybe that’s just how they sew it but either way I’m going to zip that up and then you open this pocket it’s got this neoprene I wonder if it fits my phone there we go it

Does all right it’s kind of tall I think it was probably meant for an older iPhone but it works not sure if that that’s where I’m going to put my phone cuz it looks like it’s a little bit tricky to get it out so anyways um and the rest of the pocket is

Just one big pocket oh it also has this little pocket in the inside too here’s a little pocket in the inside here if that was the same on the other side oh the other side had that little pocket too it just looks so nice with this web wrap right

Here yeah the zipper the zippers are really nice um they’re not as smooth as the the Squatch the black ones but they they feel very nice and premium for sure um yeah I can’t wait to get this back out let’s go ahead and load it up

And uh put it on and give you my first impressions of how this bag hangs on my body but before we do that I’m going to go ahead and take the weight of this cuz I’m curious now oh gosh this Hall Loop is thick wow it’s so thick

I don’t even know what they did here they have the accent uh teal Stitch that matches the inside oh and these snap buttons are like not your cheap snap buns these are gnarly they’re nice and like IOD eyes or something or nickel plated or something but this

Hall Loop is thick thick thick oh my goodness they must they must have taken like it feels like safety seat belt material from Automobiles and they just like wrapped it like a million times on itself and then Stitch it down cuz this thing is so it’s so thick and it feels so sturdy

It’s it’s super gnarly all right let’s go ahead and weigh this thing really quick here so the scale says uh 4.4 lbs on my little scale here so it’s not the lightest and it’s not the heaviest I think it’s just just right in between for midsize premium disc golf bag let’s load it

Up all right um I got the back loaded I got the straps adjusted um these straps are really wide at the top and they kind of like Contour a little bit um and this is like a huge cross stitching right here burn store stitching but they’re using like a whole

Entire seat belt that runs across here and they got the barn St stitching and they got three different extra stitching on each strap here they’re not removable they do have the load lifter which I’ve deployed them and uh I’ve cinched these down it’s really a weird bag because this webbing material feels

Really high quality except it’s really hard to work work with as of right now maybe it’ll break in when I put it on I can’t adjust it while it’s on me whereas other bags I’ve used I can adjust it while it’s on me meaning cinching it up bringing the back

Up but as far as like cinch like un cinching it to let the back loose I I can do that but I can’t do it where I pull the back up and pull it tight to my body while it’s on and I don’t know it’s because these These webbings are so new

That it doesn’t feel that way and it didn’t come with any tags which is like even though it’s made in China just weird all right so first impression so far I have it like cinched down like furthest as possible and this sternum strap feels a little short like if you have

Wide broad chest this is where it ends I don’t know if the sternum strap work with you guys for those who are much wider than me um but that’s how it looks so far and I don’t really know how it feels putting it on just yet um honestly it it

Hugs to my body that’s what it feels like so far I don’t know if it’s comfortable I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing it’s just different I think I’m going to have to use it on the course and see how how this would um

Would work out in terms of comfort um right now it just feels like like you know you’re not having like a huge giant pillow cushion like I do with the um with the pound bags but I feel more like there’s something hugging me in the

Front and hug from behind so I feel like the bag is doing this and I don’t feel that with a pound so it must be something to do with the shape of these straps here cuz I feel like the bag is hugging me from behind the way these

Straps are shaped it’s got like this big shape and it curves down to the side and that’s what it feels like to me and so it’s comfort in its own way where it just feels like a a shell wrapping around the body um but yeah I don’t feel

The weight once it’s on just like the other high quality premium bags but yeah I can’t wait to get this on the course all right guys that’s the unboxing of the European birdies Freight 2 um I’m going to do a review and um this is the

My start of 2024 I’ll see you guys in the next video and I hope you guys have a wonderful New Year’s bye


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