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Trev Alberts AD Show, Mike Schaefer on Sports Nightly: Tuesday, December 19th, 2023

Sports Nightly, presented by the NDOT Highway Safety Office with Greg Sharpe & Jessica Coody, live from our ✨brand new✨ studio in East Memorial Stadium. 6-8pm CT, M-F!

Live from the Acres Broadcast Center inside East Stadium. This is the Husker athletic Director show with Trev Alberts, Lawrence on the other end plays it up. Shot blocked by Williams into the hands of Lawrence. The baseball pass and the jam. The jam. Lola by Gary on the other end. She reset

With 12 on the shot clock. Wants the screen. Gets it from Markowski to the right elbow. Back out top. Markowski will shoot a three. You betcha. Ties the game a three pointer by Markowski off the assist from Lawrence with the ball. Cross court midcourt to Tominaga shoots up a 30 footer. Got it.

Bang bang a rang. Tominaga with a three goes off the bounce, goes behind her back. Works the line. Pots for three. Top of the key. You betcha. Natalie puts the Big Ten Freshman of the week with a triple. Huskers ball high right side mass shoots up another three. Got

It. He’s three for three. Rico Mast here is your host Greg Sharp on the Huskers radio network. And it’s time for us to have our monthly sit down with Nebraska athletic director Trev Alberts. We’ll talk all things Husker athletics if you want to be a part of the

Program. 402 413 2400 with a call or a text. Good to see you. Happy holidays. And it’s kind of quiet around the stadium today. All the students are gone. Yeah, it’s a little bit different, isn’t it? You know, it, uh, and time just flies here. We we’re sitting, getting ready to celebrate

Christmas and the holiday season, which will be fantastic. Get a chance to be with our family again. But, uh, I’ve been a lot going on this fall. And I will say, you know what a fantastic fall to be a Husker fan to get to work in an athletic department, to see how

Our coaches and student athletes have competed. Pretty amazing, pretty remarkable and amazing. You just got back from Tampa. You were down there for that amazing run that did not end the way any of us wanted it to, but I hope it doesn’t take away from people’s enjoyment of that. A wonderful journey that

Team took us on. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, you know, in the heat of the moment, in the disappointment of, quote, not winning, but I just hope that everybody gets a chance eventually and we will to really reflect on how special of a season this was.

And you know, as I sat down and I looked around that stadium to see all the red, the commitment of our fans and, you know, it’s just really remarkable. I think this year in volleyball, over 250,000 people came to support our volleyball program. It’s the highest total attendance and support of any women’s

Athletics program in Cornhusker history. So I’m just so grateful to all of our fans. I’m grateful to Coach Cook. I mean, I obviously wasn’t here during his whole journey as a head coach, Greg, but this has to be among his best coaching jobs he’s ever done. I mean, he

Was the national coach of the year for a reason. But you look at that team and the culture. He built a young team. Um, what an amazing season to start the year. You know, volleyball day in Nebraska to end it down in Tampa. Uh, I won’t soon forget

This season. It was really fun Amazing year for them. And you were down there a lot of like you said, a lot of red, including one of Nebraska football’s greatest names and Dharma. And Sue was sitting right behind you. You get a chance to talk to the big

Fella. I did. Yeah. You know, Ndamukong and I, we’ve connected a little bit. And you know he’s got a lot of different things going on. He’s getting to the point I’m not sure yet when it will be. But as he’s thinking about life post playing in the national football League and what that

Looks like, he’s got some ideas. He’s got some things I think he’s going to be involved some way, somehow in Husker athletics. I want to get people like him and Sue. You know, I’ve thought about Will shields. I mean, there’s former players that have so much to

Give. And we got to think about how we can better engage with them to help. And uh, so he’s got some ideas in the nil space and some of those emerging things that perhaps can help some of our student athletes. But it was great to see, you know, endemic. And soon there

Were other former players there. Kenny Bell, Fabian Washington showed up. We had we just lots of people that wanted to be a part of something really special and have it be one of our women’s programs, as I thought was, uh, you know, sort of the icing on the cake.

So, yeah, didn’t didn’t end the way that we wanted it to. Uh, but I’ll tell you what, you got to be really proud of, of those young ladies. Fantastic, fantastic season for all of that. And that question came from one of our our viewers in our chat room wanted to ask you

About it. Ndamukong Sue being down there. It’s been a tomorrow is a huge day. Tomorrow is National Signing Day part one because they still have the one in February. But this has become the big one. Now your staff has really been beating the bushes. They’ve been all over this country for

The last couple of weeks. I know you’re proud of their efforts. Yeah. I just can’t say enough about what Coach Rule and his staff have done. Remember? You know, first of all, I was just thinking, aren’t we glad we have the early signing date now? I mean, remember, there was a lot of

Consternation about, well, do we really need another? I can’t imagine if right now we were waiting till February. Right. So it’s great to get the early signing date done. And again, I you know, we talked about this when we hired Coach Rhule. Right. We were really looking for a leader who had the

Understanding and the ability to create the apparatus around football. So you know, obviously the full time assistant coaches are really, really important. But just like our staff, there’s all kinds of people associated with football names that probably many Husker fans have no idea who they are, but just their organizational

Structure, their work. These things don’t just happen, right? Like you don’t get some of the players that are coming to Nebraska that just show up. It just doesn’t happen, especially when you look at what’s happened in the last seven years and how long it’s been. We’ve been to a bowl

Game, and so to have the kind of success they’ve had, I think it just starts with number one, just good old fashioned hard work. Um, they have worked extraordinary hard. And then to have a strategic vision around how they were going to approach it, I thought was really, really good. So I’m really

Excited for him. I’m excited for our football program. And I think there’s just you can sort of feel a little bit of energy and tangible momentum. Obviously it’s got to be a little bit careful. I mean, we don’t need to put a bunch of pressure on young people that

Have never had a chance to be at this level. But, boy, I’ll tell you what. Um, you know, acquisition and retention of talent are really, really important in athletics and especially in college football. I’ll tell you also was just extraordinarily impressed with, you know, as you think about

The transfer portal and all of the chaos as our chaos has been pretty limited. And I really think that speaks to the culture that Coach Rhule and his coaches have built. Young men want to be a part of our football program and that’s pretty cool. You mentioned you

Like your fan of the early signing period. This has become a very busy time now in college football. The portal, the signing period, and next year we’re adding the playoff into it. And so are you concerned that we’re putting too much in a short period of time? Do we

Need to look at moving some things around? What what are your thoughts on that? It’s a really good question. And yeah, I’m concerned about a lot of things. In fact, you know, we so I’m on the Football Oversight Committee and there’s now two there’s an FBS football oversight committee and an FCS

One. And it sort of came up in our last meeting. It’s time for us to take a holistic vision of our game and review, like as you think about I watch some of our coaches, right. Like I watch Coach Rhule. And you know what? We’re asking some of our

Coaches and nobody feels sorry for the coaches because they’ll read about certain things. But the reality is what we’re asking them to do. The pace at which they’re going really is, is not sustainable. So we’re going to take a holistic look at at our game. And that’s got to include everything like you

Know, how we approach things is so different from conference to conference as you look at even small things like uniforms and the way some people, how are our games officiated, how quickly do we place the ball there? I think it’s a good chance to take a step back, look at the recruiting calendar

Where, you know, we’ve made some tweaks and changes to that. But but how does that interface, you know, in the totality of how our game is presented? Right Like even things like in fan experience in our games, you know, as you think about the disruption in terms of timeouts and the

Length between them, how do we make sure that that our game is presented in the best possible way? That’s as clean, as efficient, and most importantly , that’s consistent, consistent , applied? How are we looking at, you know, replay and review and how are those applied from conference to conference. And,

And how do we look at, you know, so I think the more that we can bring consistency to our game, um, and eliminate some of the, you know, different approaches and I don’t we certainly don’t want to present a picture that our game is broken. I mean, college football has never been more

Popular. So in spite of, you know, significant angst around how all this stuff works and oh my goodness, um, our game is strong, but I think we have a chance to really look at it and really enhance it even further. So it’ll be interesting to see. And that’s, you know, that

That’s a feeling that’s shared by a lot of my colleagues is that, you know, is there a way that we can make it even better? So to your point, I do I think it’s a I think it’s a fair point that we need to take a step back and look at

Everything. Well, with the playoff expanding to 12 next year, we might be a part of it. No no no I’m not making predictions. But to be trying to get prepared, a team to play in a playoff game and yet had to be recruiting, that’s a lot to ask. I don’t know how you

Humanly there’s not enough hours in the day. Well you know, I, I totally agree with you. And yet, um, you know, you find a way and so I think some, some of the silver lining you could ask yourself, well, you know, we didn’t make a bowl game again this year as you

Were trying to build the program. And Coach Rhule, I’m, I mean, I think having the time and the total focus on recruiting, could we have had some benefit from extra practices? Of course. Yeah But I think having the full focus on making sure this 24 class is, is fantastic. I think kind

Of works out for us in the long run. Very good. Uh, ticket renewals for football. We’re already starting to look at the 24 season coming up. Talk about that pricing. What’s what’s going to be different, maybe saves the same. What’s what’s all that. Yeah > So the pricing won’t change. Obviously last

Year we reduced it by $100 because. So it’ll go back to the normal pricing and I just want to be, you know clear there isn’t going to be any disruption in the 24 season relative to stadium modernization plan. But but I do encourage fans, those that are in South Stadium, I mean,

We do have the seat yourself. There’s some options in other parts of the stadium. If there’s some concern there in terms of eventually when we have some of that disruption, uh, but we’re really looking forward. Obviously we’re excited. We’ve announced the spring game, we’ve got recruiting tomorrow. Um, uh,

Just, just excited about the future of Husker football. And so we’ll do everything we can to make sure that we’re as, uh, cognizant of what we ask our fans to do as we possibly can. Very good. Last weekend was the end of the fall semester. You had some graduations, and there

Were, I think, 30, some 33 graduates from Husker and that’s what it’s about, right? Get these students in, get them that diploma at the end of their college days. You know, it’s one of the things, Greg, that I, I’m really glad that you always bring this up and you ask me about these

Questions because it is important that, you know, obviously we’re trying to win. But at the end of the day, as Dennis LeBlanc reminded the executive staff again this morning, is we have a responsible to deliver on graduate. These are young people that, of course, we’re trying to win championships and

We talk about Tampa and volleyball. They need an education. This is about this is a life’s decision, not this window of 3 to 5 years. And so, you know, one of the things that we do that I really, I really enjoy is after graduation, all the student athletes and their parents

Would go over to West Stadium. We have a little celebration. And Keith and Dennis and their teams and everybody’s presented with a ring and they get a pad folio, and part of our commitment to them is it doesn’t end just when you graduate here. It’s, you know, we’ve got the $7,500 post

Graduate scholarship. I mean, there’s a commitment to Husker student athletes far beyond when they’re done. But then we always have 1 or 2 student athletes that that speak. And Eleanor Dale, it was a powerful speech. Um, got up and spoke about her experience. And this is an international student

Athlete who came during Covid, who knew nothing about Nebraska, right? Comes to a foreign land, gets stuck in a hotel with no one. And her experience and what she experienced and the exposure to, um, to so many different things, it’s transformational to her life, you know? And so

It was just so cool to hear her talk about the support of student athletes. And I once again want to salute again. You can’t say all the names, but so many people in Husker athletics have worked so hard on behalf of these student athletes that nobody knows about. I’m just

Grateful to all of them. We had a 94% graduation success rate. Again, we’re in the top four in the Big Ten, including if you add the four schools coming in from the West Coast. So I think it’s five straight years, 94% are higher. So we’re delivering on the promise of student

Athletes. We’re delivering on the fact that if you come here, you can be elite in your sport in terms of competition. And yet on the back end, we’re going to make sure that we have enough support. You’re getting a great education. You understand community. And when you leave here, um, you’ve got

The tools necessary to be really successful in the next phase of your life. That’s great. Eleanor Dale, by the way, is still one of the three finalists for the national player of the year in college soccer. Amazing year, that team. It’s clear to me she ought to win it led the country

In scoring. I don’t know how she doesn’t win it, but you never know how these things work. Yeah, a little political sometimes, right? As most things are. Treves with us for the hour. 402413 2400 I see some texts have come in. I’ll get to some of those in the

Next segment. We have more to talk about. Obviously, the basketball season is off to a good start. Wrestling is underway. A lot of things to talk about with Trev during the coming, uh, minutes of this. Our Dorothy Lynch Homestyle light and lean dressing, endless flavor abilities. We’ll have more coming up next. Hey,

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Michelob Ultra Light Beer, Saint Louis, Missouri we’re back inside our Huskers Radio Network broadcast center sponsored by Acres, the Midwest premiere John Deere dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance agriculture and much more. Acres solutions for every field. It’s our athletic director show for the month of December. Trev Alberts

With us 402413 2400 on our text line. Dale in Hastings. Trev I have a question. I’m still confused on the rules of the transfer portal specifically with the recent court ruling allowing multiple transfers and allowing the athlete to play immediately. Can you help me figure this out, Dale? I’d have

To be totally honest with you and tell you that I share the same confusion that you have. Um, essentially, a court ruled that the NCAA could not enforce the two transfer. There was a 14 day and then I believe that the NCAA just settled with attorney generals on, I don’t

Know, all the details in the exact I don’t want I have a general idea, but but I really don’t want to communicate too many of the specifics because I may get quite a bit of it wrong. So what what I what I can do is try to get a little

Bit of a detail from our compliance department somehow get that communicated. I apologize, but it’s it. In all honesty, Dale, it’s indicative of the challenge that we have right? Every time the national organization tries to create rules, a court strikes that down and that it’s impermissible and so it’s been

Very challenging for athletic department’s coaching staffs. It just adds to the chaos that you’ve talked about previously. Greg. Yeah Daniel, be in our YouTube chat room. Can the Devaney Center be expanded for more seats in volleyball? It can, um, you know, our team has actually, um, done some preliminary analysis, and I

Think we think we can get another 4 to 600 seats. Obviously we don’t want to impact the standing room only. And so we are looking into that. Um, I think there is possibly an opportunity for do that. I don’t want to commit to doing any of that at the point

At this point, Greg, only because we need we need to do some additional analysis. But we’re looking at it and we’re hopeful we can get that done. It’s a great environment and it’s a terrific place to go watch an event. Oh, it’s, um, you know, I love watching, especially in the NCAA

Tournament, the teams that qualified and, you know, we’re playing here and there are teams that probably normally play in front of 500 to maybe 1000 fans to watch their faces when they walk in to see all the crowd. Um, sometimes I wish that we could do our normal Nebraska presentation at the

NCAA because I think it’s better. Better, frankly, more exciting. Um, but I yeah, I don’t know that you can match that environment. Uh across the country. Brian in Bellevue says, Trev, can you comment on the Big Ten looking at going to a jungle division where all teams get lumped into a ranking

One through 18? Seems like the 4 to 5 premiere powerhouse programs are going to get the prime spots, and the rest become also rans. You heard anything about this? I haven’t not heard anything about that. No, I don’t that that’s not been part of any of the conversations that I’m that

That I’m aware of. And we’ve got the schedule for the next four years, right. For football has come out. Yeah. Um last night this came up with Fred on his show has how close is the Big Ten into determining basketball scheduling moving forward. And as it maybe even relates to a conference

Tournament, would everybody go to a conference tournament moving forward? Uh, I just actually submitted Nebraska vote today on some things relative to number of games formats and those types of things. So we’d rather not, um, you know, divulge your vote about it here because ultimately, at the end of the

Day, it’ll come down to a vote of the members of the Big Ten Conference. But there are some changes that are coming. I don’t think they’re going to be drastic based on what I’m hearing. Um, but you know, there will be likely some change, especially when you have, you know, four

Additional, um, members, 18 teams, a lot for a tournament. And that’s just the reality. It is when you’re trying to get it done in a short amount of time. And so speaking of basketball, both teams nine and two, men and women, they play both tomorrow night. The women are

Down in Lawrence to play Kansas. The men will be back home. Take on North Dakota. Pretty good start to this season. Yeah I you know, I, um, first of all, I’m you know, Amy continues, just steady as she goes continues to have a really solid team, fundamentally sound great shooting team. Um, like

Their tenacity. You know, I give Fred a lot of credit, you know, I mean, he took a risk after that. Minnesota game and Creighton game when he basically challenged his team publicly and said, at some point you have to decide that it’s not okay to keep getting punked by the other team. And,

You know, that can go one of two ways. And to his credit, based on the culture that that assistant coaching staff and him have built, the team responded and I’ll tell you, you know, those are two really impressive wins. Uh, maybe, you know, there might be some people who say, well, Michigan

State’s not quite the team they had. They got a Hall of Fame coach for a reason. Right. They’ve won a lot of games at Michigan State and uh, and then to see what they did in the second half at Kansas State got a lot of respect for that Kansas State program. They’ve

Won a lot of games there. Um, that’s a that’s a team that’s starting to create a little belief in themselves TVs and some mental toughness. Um, you know, I you don’t want to get too excited, but both of those teams have a real chance to make a difference in the Big

Ten Conference. The transfer portal is certainly it’s always influenced basketball. I think more football is catching up to that, that it’s becoming more. But I think they’ve identified guys that they want to bring in the rank master Josiah, Alex, that it fit what they want to do. And it’s they’ve really

Done it in back to back years. What they put that group together. Well I would say a couple of things. And obviously Fred deserves all the credit. He’s the head coach. But he made some tough decisions relative to his coaching staff. And I really believe that Adam

And Nate and the rest of, you know, there’s more than just the actual coaches too. There’s support staff on the on on the basketball program as well. But I think they have great unity. I think they have a clear plan and vision. And I think Amy does too. I mean, she made some

Staff changes as well. I think the most important thing as a coach is, is to have a very clear understanding and vision about who you want and what you’re going to stand for. And to your point, then then with the transfer portal, it allows you the opportunity to then

Find pieces that fit within your culture. Because because there’s lots of good players, there’s lots of good talent. But that doesn’t mean they’re a good cultural fit. Based on the type of team you want to have. And so I think they’ve really grown in that area to your point of understanding what

They want, how they want it to operate. And the team clearly they have great cultures because they’ve bought in and it’s fun to watch them be a team, play hard. We mentioned that the semester ended last Friday and it’s a long time before the students get back, but there’s a lot of basketball

Games you need the people to come out and buy those seats, and I guess there’s some good seats available, there’s great seats available, and really encourage our fans to take a look at all those games, get out and support our women’s program, get out and support Fred. Um, like you said,

There’s opportunities, you know, if you’ve got family in town and you’re wondering what to do, what better thing to do than head down the Haymarket and watch a great college basketball game? Uh with two teams that are really competing at a high level right now, packed PBA is the Indiana game

Coming up on January the 7th. I know you’d love to have a huge turnout for that. They’re going to retire Jordan Hooper’s number at that game. She was a fantastic player for the Cornhuskers. So with the students gone, folks, here’s a chance for you to get in there

And get some good seats and support. These two teams that are off to a good starts. It’s always fun to do those type of sell out games, you know, and I know Amy and the team are really passionate about that. Obviously Indiana is a great program, so we’d love to have

People come out. But to your point, um, students gone. Great opportunity. See lots of wonderful seats right next to the action. Come down, support the Huskers and have a great time. Yeah good stuff right there. 402 413 2400. The number to be a part of the program tonight. The NCAA president uh,

Baker who was here for volleyball day in Nebraska, made a visit to Lincoln, Nebraska, for that, um, made some, uh, raise some eyebrows week or so ago with some comments about some things that you’ve alluded to in the past is about trying to get some more money in the pockets of

Student athletes. Yeah. And and, uh, really appreciate President Baker was actually down in Tampa as well. Oh, he was and, uh, went down to the championship. So kind of that bookends, you know, here for volleyball day in Nebraska. And um, you know, I mean, he’s got a monumental task in front of

Him. And I think sometimes times you forget and you think about just Division one 350, some schools and you think about the pendulum and, and here we are, this little sliver way on the right, which is the Big Ten and the SEC and maybe a few others, but but just the

Disparate difference between all these schools and that’s not even Division two and Division three, right. So you have all of this membership that you’re trying to manage through. And there’s a few of us that have very significant challenges relative to in terms of resources and fusion. Um,

And so I, you know, I mean, I applauded him doing what he did and there were there obviously are people that are frustrated about, my goodness, what is this going to do? And how could you throw the grenade into the middle of the room and walk out the reality is this, you know,

What we’ve been doing isn’t working, Greg. Like, there isn’t a court ruling that the NCAA. And by the way, before we pile on the NCAA, that’s us. We are the NCAA. It’s a membership organization that the University of Nebraska happens to be a part of. So we’re not winning what we’re currently

Doing is not working. So I appreciated him. Him at least having a conversation. And what I took out of this is that every thing must be on the table, no matter how radical of an idea that you can think of or hear of. I think now is the time to examine everything.

Everything must be on the table for college athletics and, uh, Nebraska is going to be a strong proponent and participating in that because we have a sincere and vested interest. But there’s going to be a lot of things, you know, we’re, uh, the convention in January is going to be very

Interesting, right? Like, I’m I’m a part of a, you know, a committee on nil that Jean Smith is chairing. We’re just one of three different components of nil. And there’s going to be emergency legislation that’s put through, uh, in in January that ultimately the membership will vote on and essentially what it

You know, will do is allow, with the exception of the institution themselves, physically. But it’s an effort for the NCAA to say, is it time for us to expand benefits to student athletes, including economic benefits? That’s really what we’re talking about. And so it’ll be interesting to see what how the

Membership responds to that. And then I think the response after that will be really important to a few schools, because, you know, we’re in challenging times and we’ve got to think differently. We’ve got to be more nimble and we’ve got to adapt and change and, uh, the status quo is not working.

And so I applaud it. I’m glad he did it. Uh, you could have argued about the sequencing a little bit, given, you know, the, the, um, the challenge and trying to look at settling some of the litigation that we’re currently engaged in. But um, you know, this is a fascinating

Time. I would just encourage our fans to be patient and recognize the next six months to a year, um, could be could be transformed to college athletics. You’ve had some big time coaches. Jim Harbaugh at Michigan, Chip Kelly at UCLA. Both have used their platforms in recent weeks to talk about

We need to get we need to funnel more money to the student athletes that are raising all this revenue through ticket sales and television numbers. So you’ve got some big players in college football standing up and making some noise. Well, you do, and that’s part of the challenge,

Right, is because when a couple folks say that, the rest of college athletics who don’t have the resources that some are saying, wait. And by the way, Greg, there are schools in the Big Ten that are saying, wait, we can’t do that either. And so there are you can’t imagine the conversations that

Are happening. People are talking about private equity getting involved in college athletics. There are conversations that are happening that we’ve never contemplated before. I’m not saying that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I’m just saying, um, these are these are changing times and I’m really confident in the University of Nebraska,

The, the Board of Regents, our donors, there’s a real and sincere interest to help Nebraska navigate through these . I’m not doing this alone. Our executive staff’s not doing this alone. Um, but we’re we’re working as hard as we can to make sure that that our student athletes and I will say this,

Too, and then I’ll stop. I’m sorry. We will fight to try to retain the connection to the academic side, you know, while while more and more, you know, sort of benefits may go to student athletes, I believe that’s a wonderful thing. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with them having it

Advanced, you know, sort of economic benefits. If you will. I, you know, I think the employee status is problematic for a number of reasons. But I think at the end of the day, being tethered to academics, it has to still matter. We have to serve student athletes. A college degree is really,

Really important to them. Long Terme, and we can’t lose sight of that. Very good. You mentioned Will shields earlier. He’s on that playoff committee. He is. That’s good for him. Great for Will to be a part of that. That’s exactly the type of things that Will shields needs to be involved in. Right?

I mean nobody has more football knowledge than will. He’s an a great human being. He’s a great ambassador to Nebraska. And, uh, really, really intelligent. And I, I don’t like him for, you know, the, uh, pulling, you know, the G plays that he pulled around and had to knock

Out the outside linebacker back in the day. And he knocked me on the ground a few times. But just a class human being sure is all right. You need to take a break. 402 413 2400 Loring Elm Creek. We’ll get to your call on the other side. Keep those texts flowing in our

Woodhouse auto family hotline. They are your trusted auto partner. 20 brands, 20 convenient sales and service locations. We’re making car buying. On your terms, visit us online at Woodhouse Dot com. Or with Trev coming up next, a few drinks at home after work, a couple of hits at a party with

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Agriculture, and much more. Acres solutions for every field . Have you winterized your John Deere tractor? You know, I was just I just told my wife about that. We got to get acres back because I got a John Deere. They come they’ve got a little mobile thing. They don’t. You

Don’t even come and service your thing. Do it right there at the house. And where did this come from? Well, you got to pay for it. It’s not free. And they, you know, they sharpen your blade, they’ll change the oil. That’s tremendous. I mean, a real a real man would change the oil

Himself. Nope. I don’t know how to do that. I don’t know, I don’t either. I don’t know how to do it. We let the experts, Greg. That’s a pretty good service acres. That’s cool. They have a great service. And it’s. Well done. And this time I’m. They don’t know this yet,

But I got a little lawn boy handheld, and I got to get that, um, sharpened as well. So I’m going to try to slide a blade in while you’re here. While you’re here, can you just sharpen this one too? Why would I don’t know if they will or

Not, but I’m going to try. But they will. 402 413 2400. Let’s go to Elm Creek. Lori, you’re up next with Trev. Good evening. Good evening. Hi, Lori. I had high I had, um, my daughter in 1994. In October, and the nurses were doing a survey. Because there was excess babies being born

Because they thought everybody was happy, because. Because Nebraska won the national championship. Is that about right? Yeah. 94. Yeah absolutely. Okay Do you know what the number one baby boy name was? Tommie Frazier. No, I don’t know Trev. How about that . Well they were off by a year

Then you were done in 93. Yeah Yeah. Well we played it was the 94 Orange Bowl. It’s a little confusing because like January 1st or whatever. But yeah, I actually just had a had a great meeting yesterday. Um, the new superintendents of, of LPs schools and his wife came and

Introduced and their son is named Trevor. And uh, so it’s been great over the time, you know, I’ve had a chance maybe at games there’d be some folks that’ll come up and introduce themselves. Their name’s Trev. And uh, kind of cool. Yeah. I didn’t know that. That would

Have been. They’d be like 28 years old now. That’s right. About that. Yeah. Lori Thank thank you Lori. Merry Christmas . You’re welcome. Appreciate you calling from out in Elm Creek. Let’s stay in Lincoln Gus, you’re up next with Trev. Hi, Gus. Hello Yes, sir. Um

Okay, so I’ll get right to it. Um, wonder if you would have any way of influencing a volleyball match in LA with either UCLA or USC? The same weekend that we are taking on USC in football? Wow Wow. Gus, that’s a that’s a great call and a great question. You know,

It’s one of the things that that topic has kind of come up a little bit with, um, scheduling for all of our sports with the Big Ten is to think about and, you know, it just kind of makes some sense. It’s harder with TV now because stuff gets moved around. But if

You can really if you can, you know, if you if a fan base is going to be playing a team in football, well, you know, is there a way you can look at instead of just looking at schedules in a vacuum of this is our football schedule, how

Do you look at in totality of all of your schedules to do like what Gus is saying? Can you find a way, you know, would make a lot of sense? Right? You play a football game here and whether it’s the next day or that day or that night or

Earlier on, you get a chance, like a two for one to see the Huskers compete. You know, so it’s a great idea logistically. It’s a little bit challenging. But but it is a topic that has come up in our meetings at the Big Ten about and about trying

To find, you know, it actually extended further. And I’m not sure this would impact us, but is because you’re looking at cutting. Remember, we have 18 schools now as we’re looking at cutting costs. And how do we find ways to transport student athletes is you know, is there multiple student athletes and

Teams that could travel somehow together to cut down costs, create some efficiencies? So those conversation lines may be a little bit different than what Gus is suggesting, but those have actually I don’t know exactly what’ll happen with it, but they have come up as part of the conversation.

Thank you. Gus Yeah, absolutely . I just really hope we can do that because it would. I think you’d just get such a outpouring of fan support to attend both matches. The both the match and the game, just as kind of a no brainer, either UCLA or USC. Yeah, either one

Of those two volleyball teams. Great thought. Thank you guys. Absolutely right. Thank you Gus. Yeah great. Really good thought there. And I never thought of that. So it’s good uh for Trev. This is uh Gail in Omaha. Uh, what do you think of the volleyball final Four being

Played in a arena where they had the court on top of ice? That hockey rink. Can’t the NCAA do better for their athletes? It was according to Jessica who was down there, pretty chilly in that arena. Yeah, I you know, they they’re hard things in a sense. You

Know, I, um, I know what the NCAA is trying to do is, is they’re trying to give multiple communities an opportunity, you know, let’s let’s spread our. I’ve always just this is my personal opinion. I love a static championship. I love the fact that the college World Series, College World Series in

Omaha, and every team is starting. I mean, people have, you know, top baseball programs in their facilities, have pictures of Omaha. And this is where we’re all trying to get I love you know, I think having some consistency in your championship, that’s just the way the NCAA does championships. They issue RFPs

And ultimately communities get to bid on those. And that’s the only and fairest way that they’ve come up with doing it. And obviously Tampa won the bid. The NCAA, I mean people, you know, they are are in essence, you know, they run a business where that revenues that are generated helps to

Fund the NCAA and those types of things. But but I understand the concern. I actually sat in a row that was right behind where the where the glass is. Yeah. So the people that sat in front of me were in folding chairs. That actually was, you know, the bench for the hockey

Players. And then you have the infill for where they go in. Those were also filled in. So we had to do that a little bit at Baxter Arena. When I was back in Omaha at Uno, um, when we would transition Baxter Arena from a hockey facility into something else. So it’s

Real. It’s definitely colder. You do the best that you can in, um, but those are RFPs that the NCAA puts out. And it sounded like Tampa did a good job of hosting. Oh, they did a great job. I mean, I that was the thing too. You know, I, I

Saw some of it on social media, but you can’t imagine just how important it is to the University of Nebraska and the strength of our brand. You know, just to have Nebraska the end plastered all over Tampa and the number of people and, and, um, it really is important. And by the way,

There’s lots of people in Florida who are Husker fans or might be alums who had a chance to come over. And you know, as part of the reason why Ndamukong and his family and his younger sister were able to join us for both games. Um so, um, I, I understand the point.

Um, but I, I’m not sure how much influence that I could have or even the Big Ten on where those locations exist next year. It’s in Louisville, and I don’t think they play hockey in that building. So that’s where it’s going to be in the fall. Not that we’re

Writing ourselves to think, to be there, but I like our chances. Well, you know, that’s that’s the problem with success, right? Is now John’s created an expectation for what a disappointment. You didn’t make the Final Four, right. That’s why I said we cannot take for granted. Don’t take for granted this team. Um,

Don’t take for granted. Coach cook and our coaching staff because we’re not guaranteed success in the future. Another sport that’s underway. And off to a really good start. The wrestling squad. Mark Manning’s teams really doing well. They had a home duel with South Dakota State last Saturday and they’ve got some really good

Wrestlers. It’s a great program. You know, Mark has just so consistently continued to build that program. And he and I’ve talked about that about South Dakota State was 15 ranked wrestling team in the country. I mean, you got to give them a lot of credit. They had a great a great team as

Well. And so just continuing to grow that wrestling program, Pat and Rob, some just I mean, Ridge love it. Another you know they’re they’re not just they’re not just winning but they’re fun to watch because they’re aggressive. You know wrestlers that are um, there’s just constant action and, and

Uh, I’m really looking forward to seeing how our wrestling program finishes because they’ve just been incrementally inching up in a, I mean, think about the Big Ten, Iowa, Penn State, you’re looking at Ohio State, Wisconsin win. I mean, some of the top wrestling programs in America, they’re

All in the Big Ten. And we should be really proud of our wrestling program here. A lot of big duals coming up for them in January. And in February, we’re back with our final segment with Trev. 402413 2400. We’re back to wrap it up next. Love is all around during the

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Toyota dealers Corwen Toyota of Bellevue, Village Point Toyota of Omaha, Baxter Toyota of Lavista or Baxter Toyota of Lincoln. Woodhouse auto family They are your trusted auto partner 20 brands, 20 convenient sales and service locations. We’re making car buying on your terms. Visit us online at Woodhouse. Com Trev

Alberts with us for a few more minutes. Our December show will be back in late January for his next appearance. Texts from a Guy gray in Gardner, Kansas. I’m a proud dad of a 2023 Husker graduate, lifelong Husker fan. Trev, if you have time, I’m curious what your

View is regarding how to try to get some guardrails around the current state of unfettered free agency where tampering is allowed. Yeah, it’s been a really it’s really a challenge for our coaches. Right Like, I mean, there’s nothing stopping negative recruiting. There’s nothing. And that’s why I try

To hint at it. It’s not just Coach Rule. You look at the rest of our programs. I mean, you’re going to have some natural attrition. You’re going to have people entering the portal that make sense. But I think culture building and the value of culture is more important than ever before. And

So that’s part of what we’re trying to do at the NCAA level. Institutional involvement is to just to, you know, I’m grateful for 1890, uh, that, that they’ve stepped in the gap for us. I mean, the reality is this, right, like you think about where we are today from

When a long time ago, when the first collective started popping up around college athletics. Right? I mean, we couldn’t even we had zero interaction. And little by little, you know, the goalposts have moved a little bit. We’ve been able to have more involvement. But, you know, at some point having institutional

Involvement, guardrails, you know, is an old line. But but but at the end of the day, just having some involvement would be really, really important. But we’ll see where all this goes. I’ve always believed in the end, eventually, institutionally, whether it’s through collective bargaining or however it gets there, the institutional involvement in

This space will be real. But in the meantime, if we didn’t have 1890, we’ve been talking about all this recruiting success. We’ve been talking about how hard our coaches are working. 1890 has been a really critical component, and piece to help our student athletes monetize their name, image and likeness

Kind of a difference finger of this whole thing is there’s stories about when teams converge in the middle of the field to shake hands after games. The coaches are approaching guys and going, hey , you want to look around? We would listen to you. Well, not only you know, it works both

Ways. Not only is that happening, but people are leveraging players to ask other players. And so it’s like, hey, we’ve got a great team here. Have you ever thought about coming here? You know, I think you can really do a great job in the Nil space. And so it is

A really it is a really challenging time. And not only are you recruiting, you know, future student athletes, you got to rerecruit all your own. And then I’ll say on the other side, so let’s let’s give some balance to this conversation. Greg. So people are frustrated about the transfer portal and

Players. I will also say there are coaches telling players go in the transfer portal, right? So that does happen as well. Yeah. And so you know, again I you know I really appreciate what Coach Rhule’s approach and our football program I believe that they they honor their word

And we do the very best we can to honor and support and grow and develop our own internally. And then we’ll always be looking to add additions of talent to help us get over the hump. Just over a minute left in the program, let’s go out to Kearney and Chris. Good evening

Chris, you’re up with Trev. Hey Trev. Hi, Chris. How are you? Hey, you are just a best athletic director. Just appreciate your, uh, leadership of our of our program. And quick question for you. I know Coach Osborne had talked years ago about having a Hall of Fame like facility or like a

Building dedicated to just honoring your athletics. Have you thought about that future plans in years to come? You know, it’s a great question, Chris. And it we have and as part of the stadium, you know I we tell all prospective donors and others, you know, that the reality is the go big project

Is the catalyst to everything we get to think about in terms of backfill at the stadium. And so we’ve kind of thought about the stadium in a couple of different ways. Obviously, the north side of the stadium, you’ve got the athletics piece and we’re thinking about some other opportunities there, the

East Stadium, you think about academics. We already have some academic programing South Stadium, the new South Stadium, student engagement, those types of things. Well, West Stadium, as you think about the training table and the existing stuff that will move over to go big, I think it gives it gives us an

Opportunity to really rethink how we can do some of that. How do we tell our story? Not just in football, but the rest of our student athletes and really engage our fans? That’s an opportunity, Chris, to do exactly what coach talked about. Good way to end it. Merry Christmas to you. Have a

Merry Christmas if you’re traveling. But if you do travel safe we are going to travel and go see my dad down in Florida. Fantastic. Good to see you. Thank you. And we got another hour of sports on on the other side. So don’t go away. Come on

Back. Hit us up on the text line. Text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts. Welcome to Sue’s Frame shop. Yes. Can you frame these, please? Um, these are Nebraska Lottery holiday classic scratch tickets. I know, isn’t the classic Christmas artwork on them just charming? Now be sure

Not to smudge it when you frame them. If you scratch them and enter non-winning tickets online, you could win up to $20,000. Give me those. Here’s a quarter. Let’s start scratching. Promotion ends January 3rd, 2024. Top prize odds vary by game. Woodhouse Chrysler. Dodge. Jeep Ram is bringing you more this holiday

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Teachers who make our communities great. That’s why Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska is proud to sponsor touchdowns for teachers, and ask Husker fans to nominate outstanding educators who help Nebraska students reach their potential. If there’s a teacher you want to recognize for the impact they’ve made in your

Community, find a nomination form at Huskers .com/ touchdowns for teachers . Good evening I’m Camden Cohn and our sports ticker is brought to you by the 1890 initiative. Earlier today Husker wrestler Peyton Rob was named Big Ten Wrestler of the week. Rob defeated Kale Swenson, the 16th ranked

Wrestler in the 157 pound weight class. Last weekend, 6 to 0, in the duel against South Dakota State to increase his winning streak to 13 two. Nebraska volleyball players entered the transfer portal today Kaden Kubik and Caroline Jurevicius are the newest members to the portal. Kubik played in nine matches this

Season and will have two seasons of eligibility remaining. While Jurevicius redshirted this past season and will have four years of eligibility remaining with her new team for Husker football. Players were named to the College Sport Communicators Academic All-District team. Isaac Gifford, Malcolm Hartzog, Marco Ortiz and Brian Buschini

Were all named to the team to be eligible, the players had to maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher. And finally, tune in tomorrow morning from 7 to 10 Central Time for live coverage of National Signing Day, featuring interviews with Coach Rhule, other members of the coaching staff and some of

The signees. You can watch coverage on Facebook and YouTube. Our Sports Ticker is sponsored by the 1890 initiative. Do you want to support Husker student athletes through name, image and likeness? If so, visit 1890 Nebraska. Com now get ready for hour two of sports nightly right here on the Huskers Radio

Network. Coming to you live from Memorial Stadium. It’s sports nightly. All the Huskers , all the time. Sports nightly is presented to you by the n d o t highway Safety office. Who remind you to buckle up and put the phone down. Lawrence, on the other end lays it up. Shot

Blocked by Williams into the hands of Lawrence. The baseball pass and the jam. The jam will lie by Gary on the other end. She will reset with 12 on the shot clock. Wants the screen. Gets it from Markowski to the right elbow. Back out top. Markowski will shoot a three.

You betcha. Ties the game a three pointer by Markowski off the assist from Lawrence with the ball. Cross court midcourt to Tominaga shoots up a 30 footer. Got it. Bang bang. Ring . Tominaga with a three goes off the bounce, goes behind her back. Works foul line. Potts

For three. Top of the key. You betcha. Natalie Potts the Big Ten Freshman of the week with a triple. Huskers ball high right side. Marshall up another three. Got it. He’s three for three Rico massed here are your hosts Greg Sharp and Jessica Cootie on the Huskers radio network. Thank you. Welcome

Back. Our number two sports island here on a Tuesday night we’ll have basketball tomorrow night. So no show for us. Both the men and women are in action. Women will be down in Lawrence, take on the Jayhawks. That is their final nonconference game. The men will be hosting North Dakota.

Jessica will have the call on BTN. Plus tomorrow night. What did you think of the ad last hour? It was great. A lot of covered, a lot of stuff and some stuff that’s going on here news, but then also some kind of some questions that are big in overall in collegiate

Athletics right now. I like his again we say this a lot. But his transparency to answer any and all questions that are that are thrown at him, well, we learned that they are looking at adding some seats to Devaney , which I think they’ll sell them. Yeah. Right. Right. Oh

Yeah. They’ll they’ll get rid of. I think they’ll have a problem with that walk. Cameron. Cameron. That’s the name he gets when he’s in trouble. Uh, and also I do think that college football, we’re on the night or the, the eve of National signing day tomorrow, I they got to work

This out because the season ends. You’re getting ready for bowl games next year. 12 teams will be getting ready for playoff appearances. And you got the transfer portal going on. You’re trying to sign kids. You’re trying to fly over the country and go visit people. I don’t know how that is humanly

Possible. I think they gotta make some changes to that. And I don’t have the answer. I don’t know what it is. And then also too, it’s just the time of year when you see a lot of coaching changes too. So it’s just and but it is it is nice

To have a lot of it done. And to be able to get some of those guys that are on campus as early enrollees. I think it’s there’s some good things about it, but it’s also really challenging time to be able to put together a recruiting class. Can you imagine basketball teams having a

Signing day like March 15th? Yeah. Like what? Wait, March Madness is going on? Well, that’s what we kind of do in football. And I agree, the semester is the problem because you’re trying to get them here and you got classes starting in a few weeks, but I don’t have

The answer. It’s not like we didn’t have early enrollees before they changed the signing date. Good point. But they just showed up and then signed their letter later. I remember when it happened, when they first made that December signing day, I remember the I was at Oklahoma at the time, the coach

Eight years ago, eight years ago. I can’t even been. But the coaching staff at Oklahoma was really excited about it. Like they were thankful about it. And I don’t know if you know some of the coaches feel differently now or if it’s, you know, still something that they’re they’re they’re glad

About getting those guys locked in. So you don’t have to continue to recruit through two more months. But you know, there’s certainly some positives to it. But there are some negatives. There’s no doubt about it. When would be the ideal date I don’t know. Could you do an August signing

Period? That’s what I was about to say. The problem is in kids, some kids develop a lot their senior year or they get hurt and you’re going, I don’t know that I want to take some of this now. Hurt. Yeah > And again, things change. So much between August and December

With programs. How many kids across the country Decommit recommit. There’s changes in the coaching staff. I mean, it’s just a lot of and that’s the other point you got. But, you know, basketball does have an early signing period in November where you don’t know if that coach is still going to

Be there. But the NCAA does let you out if that happens, if there is a coaching change, you are released from that scholarship. Schools have to release you to go again. I don’t have all the answers. I just, I don’t know I don’t know how they’re going to do it, you

Know, and I hope this is a problem next year. I hope Nebraska is one of the final 12 and we’re in the playoff. And Matt Rolls got to figure out who do I. Game plan tonight or do I fly to Ainsworth and go see a recruit? I mean it’s

Tough I think that’s to where maybe some of the tweaks to some of the rules and recruiting and who can be on the road, who can recruit, who can coach, be on the field coaching. So when you talk about having those bowl practices and maybe you’ve got

A position coach that is on the road recruiting and then you’re one of your analysts or gas can be on the field coaching. And if they know what needs to be implemented, it would help you know, if you’re going to keep it where it is. I think you

Need to allow some changes to some of the what’s allowed in terms of coaching and also recruiting, so that maybe it alleviates some of that off of the plates of some of the staff . Should be a fun day. We start coverage at 7 a.m, so 12 hours

From now, less than 12 hours. Now we’ll be on the YouTube channel. Tomorrow, Jessica and I will we’ll have coverage. We’ll be hearing from the coaches. We’ll hear from some of the now Cornhuskers was what they will be once they sign their national letters of intent tomorrow. Tomorrow’s the

Kind of day that you as a coach and all coaches, they don’t want surprises, right? They don’t want to get wake up and go where’s where’s Cole Hartman’s letter? Wait. It’s not come in yet. What has happened to Cole Hartman? Did he did he flip on us? You don’t

Want that happening tomorrow. No, I think though, too, again, with the relationships they’ve built, there’s very little all of that probably with this staff. I think they feel pretty good about the guys. They’ve got locked in. I just think maybe there’s some other surprises for some guys that

Might not be committed here. You know, I think the guys that are committed here seem to be pretty locked in. It’s more so maybe some of those late minute additions that you can get that maybe you didn’t know if you were going to get, but it seems like this stuff, you know, I’ve

Talked to a few of them already. This this class class is really, really bought in. I mean, I do this every year and this is one of the most bought in groups that I’ve ever talked to. That that really, really believe that are hungry that are just really, um, in love

With the things that are going on here. And they they’re a tight group too. They’ve, they’ve communicated. So I like this class and, you know, I think you’ve talked to a few of the coaches. It could be really instrumental in terms of where this program is going. You know

You talk about that first senior class, but this is their first actual signing class because that staff came in later last year. And some of the guys that were committed before. But this is their first class that they recruited from start to finish. And it’s going to be a really big class, a

Really, um, monumental class in terms of taking the program, continuing to take the program where they want it to go. So, um, it’s an important class, and I’m excited to get to talk about them all day tomorrow. Gonna be fun. There were five that were here over the weekend, including Dylan

Raiola, who didn’t committed yesterday to Nebraska. So I’m anxious to see the other four. Do we get any all of that that group that was here on the final weekend. That’s always kind of curious to me. If you had a couple that were committed to other schools that

Still could be in play in all this, so we’ll be monitoring all that as the day gets going tomorrow. But 7 a.m. YouTube channel. Those of you who watch us nightly on sports Saturday, same thing. That’s where you’ll be able to find us tomorrow morning will be 7 to 10 ish.

Tomorrow uh, expecting the head coach to make an appearance with us before we sign off tomorrow as well. But looking forward to a fun day of the for the National Signing Day. Mike Schaefer, 24 seven sports will join us here in just a little bit. Kind of give us his

Thoughts about this class, which is really interesting because you’ve got a lot of legacy kids that are committed to Nebraska. You got Caleb Benning, Damien Damon, son Keelan Smith, Neil Smith’s son. You’ve got, uh, Clark out in Montana, Ken Clark’s kid, uh, who is committed to Nebraska. So he got some legacy Huskers

That could be a part of this saying for tomorrow. Well right after we signed off last night and we talked about the wrap up of the volleyball season, remember, they they have a portal system in the sport of volleyball as well. We learned last night Camden had it in the

Ticker that Caroline Jurevicius and Hayden Kubik have both put their name into the transfer portal on the surprise meter. It’s not very high for me. I you know, you hate to see anybody opt to leave the program, but Hayden had very limited playing time. Caroline redshirted this past year. I

Think she’s got a big time upside. I think they love the Husker coaches. I know loved her talent and ability, but she did redshirt at all that those two go in the portal. I’m not surprised that there are portal additions as I’m not because they’re was with everybody coming back. You’ve got a

Couple of signees coming in potentially an opening for if there’s a transfer portal, get like look how big merit Beason was. The thing about this, this group and how close knit they were and the chemistry you have to be pretty cognizant of what you bring in to add to that

Group. And how they fit chemistry wise. If you do go to the portal, but with so many people, with everybody coming back and there’s just a limited number of scholarships and you can only carry so many players. So you had a feeling that you would have some, some turnover

Just to make room for those additions. But I don’t know if I’m as surprised by Kubik, but I am a little by Caroline Jurevicius because she was, you know, I got a chance to chat with her last summer. She’s really, really impressive. And really love this program. And

And had a really had believed in it for a long time. It was her dream to come here and yeah, has a tremendous upside. But I do think just look at the outside kids and the depth that’s there and how, you know, I mean, even Ally Batenhorst, who was the number one recruit

Out of Texas and the national Gatorade National Player of the year, might not have played very much this season had Lindsay Crouse not been hurt. You know, it might have been a more limited role for her. It’s just it’s hard to get playing time and all of those outsides coming back. Maybe Caroline

Sees a path elsewhere where she can really go in and make a bigger impact. But you know, wish them the best and, uh, you know, this this team is that’s just kind of what you get when you have that much talent where you’re going to have some turnover with some players that

Could be starters and be big, big, big time players at other programs that are, you know, just limited roles, just because of the amount of talent that that this program has. Just to remind everybody, Nebraska signed two in November. That was the signing period for every sport minus

Football all. And it was Olivia mock who was from Bennington. I think her last name is pronounced mock. If I’m mispronouncing that, I apologize. She’s a libero. And so you bring in a libero next year. Lexi is a senior, will be a senior next year, so that makes sense to get another

Libero on the roster. And then you have Skyler Pierce, who’s an outside hitter from the Kansas City area for uh, so she comes in. So you add a libero and an outside hitter and so you have two. You were at the scholarship limit this year, so you felt like, well, two and

With no seniors on the roster, just do the math. You had to you had to take two off. And so here are two that go. And I we may there may be somebody else I I’m not I don’t know anything I don’t know anything. So but if there is you know, there’s

Going to be a lot of people in that portal as Jessica mentioned, that obviously would love to be a part of Husker Magic, be a part of this whole thing. But Nebraska did sign two, so you knew that they needed to make room for two, and these at least would this

Would two and two equals four, right. Two minus two equals zero. Maybe that’s what I need to do. Two minus two zero. Yeah Be net zero. Yeah. There you go. You know me and math I don’t know if we should start talking about math on on this program. So what. We’ll keep

Monitoring that. It was funny because we had a text right when we were leaving the air last night about, do you imagine, do you see you see any roster movement? Well, yes, you had to because you signed two. You’d been over the top, which you and I have chatted about on

Air, off air. Because going back to the signing day in November, you knew something was going to have to give, right? You know, you’ve just have 12 scholarships and you just you can’t add two extra. So you had to something had to give there in terms of if you

If you’ve signed those players there coming in, you got to make room for them somehow. So not surprised that there are some additions, um, just maybe a little bit surprised on on who they are at this point. Right So we’ll we’ll continue to monitor that. That portal period is just like it lines

Up. Just I think with football. So it’s they’ve got about another 20 some days left in the portal time. Uh gay from Omaha wrote in during Trev show about the volleyball final four being on a hockey rink and she she did write back and she said that her bigger point was who

Advocates for the athletes of these four teams? Trev is a huge advocate for athletes. Hope the playing surface can at least be high priority for the NCAA selection of host. I don’t think the playing surface was any problem. It was cool in there and I think Lauren talked about the coolness does affect

The volleyball a little bit, but I don’t think the athletes were in any danger. Were they in this thing? I don’t think they were in danger. I think maybe some of the players on the sideline were a little chilly, and even Coach Cook was a little chilly. I know the

Coaching staff, it was cold in there. I mean, I was cold, but I don’t know if like once you start moving around and you had more of the bodies fill in, if it it felt as drastic. But, you know, you and I have talked to Lauren multiple times and I

Remember going back a couple years ago and she was talking about some of the courts and the surfaces and how that can affect the play. And she said the court itself was was great, was good, and it was just the fact that it was cold underneath and how it changed,

Urged the affected the how the ball moved. But like you said, every every team had to do it. Every team had to deal with it. It wasn’t like it affected one team more than the other. And I don’t, you know, if it wasn’t safe for the athletes, if it

Was, if it wasn’t, you know, conducive to what they need, then the NCAA wouldn’t have allowed it to happen. And if there were issues with players that will be something that teams will pass along. All four teams. If there were issues with that, we’ll pass along to

The NCAA and say, hey, we can’t play in a hockey arena anymore. So if it was an issue, it will be addressed and changed. But I hadn’t really heard much other than it was a little cold and the ball moved a little bit differently. But if it was bad

For the athlete, there’s no way they would have done it. And if there were some issues, it will be addressed. There’s I just I think with as big as volleyball is now and as big a voice as John Cook has, if it if it was an issue, he will address that.

He will make sure that, hey, next time let’s try to figure out a way around a hockey arena camp is a hard place and say no to an and gave and says that she realizes it’s a bidding process. These communities put in bids to host these tournaments, and they put in a

Dollar figure because they feel they can recoup it. And their merchants and their vendors and all those can recoup it on the other end. And they’re trying to get hotel rooms filled up, restaurants full and that was mission accomplished by the turnout, particularly by Nebraska fans down in Tampa.

Yeah. And it was there’s a lot that are around the arena that you don’t have to Uber everywhere. You can walk. Um, you can get food. They had a great fan fest before. There’s a lot of bars. I know there was a Husker alumni event that was just massive right there. That

Was walking distance from the arena. So that that also goes into it too, is. But I do like what Trev said about finding softball. Does it in Oklahoma City permanent? You know, like and baseball in Omaha. It would be cool if you could start maybe figuring that out where I

Mean, Omaha would be great, but , you know, if you could find a place where it was stationary and everybody congregated there every single year, and it grew in that way because I think both places now have fans that go just because of the event, as opposed to following their

Teams there, whereas right now I think you’re just getting fans that are following their teams as opposed to, oh, let’s make this an event that we go to every year, no matter who’s playing. Right. Devil’s advocate is you expose the sport to different parts of the country. That’s the other part

Of it. And NCAA basketball has done that for years. You got them up in Buffalo or Seattle or Spokane or wherever. They put those things. Has that helped College basketball? Probably has. Yeah. But the thing about the college basketball tournament is it’s, you know, with volleyball you have different sites that are

Usually home sites with basketball, you’re going to different arenas across the country every year. So it’s not like you’re going to home schools or home sites where teams play Louisville next year . And you’ve been in that arena. Yes Have I? No, no. You do. Husker women played. Oh

Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Well the at the University of Louisville. Yes Yum. Center. Yeah the KFC yum center. That’s it. Yeah yeah. Yum. Center. That’s where the Final Four is. Next year for volleyball. You could have Louisville there. You might have a home team which a lot of people say that’s what happens

In Omaha for Nebraska. All right. Uh, Cole tells me to tell you to contact 8112 days before you dig to protect your underground utilities and yourself. It’s free. It’s easy. It’s the law. When we come back, we’ll talk to shave. Mike Schaefer going to join us from 24 seven sports. We’ll get his

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Are the Midwest premiere John Deere dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance agriculture and much more. Acres solutions for every field. National Signing Day is now just hours away from happening, and none better to break it all down for us. And Mike Schaefer of 24 over seven sports Shaef. How you doing?

You’ve been a little busy. I’m sure the last couple of weeks I have I have been, uh, quite busy looking forward to like Thursday just kind of, you know, enjoying a nice day where I don’t feel like apprehension that something could happen around every corner. Uh, so

That that’ll be good. But I got to be honest, I, in this business, you’d always rather be busy than sort of just like waiting. And so I’ve. I have appreciated this, uh, this month for sure, because it has flown by with tracking everything going on. And then, of course, the, the big

Announcement yesterday kind of made everything worth it. And so that’ll be a lot of fun. You’ve covered this beat for the Huskers for a number of years now. How big of an earthquake type move is Dylan’s announcement yesterday? Yeah I mean, he’s a single highest rated commit that I have ever

Covered. Nebraska uh, receiving. And then on top of it, I mean, he’s about as high of a rated guy as, you know, internet recruiting history suggests Nebraska has signed. So it’s currently the number two player in the country by 24 over seven sports. Uh we’ll see if he’s able to stay there by

The end of the of the rankings. I don’t look for him to move too far. One way or the other. He obviously doesn’t have a whole lot to go to be number one. And uh, would be just if he were to move down. I think he’s just a handful of people

That that would move in front of him. But it’s a huge, huge pickup for Nebraska. And then of course, it’s at the, uh, the games premier position on top of it. And then then you throw in the legacy aspect. And Dominic real Riley’s involvement back in, uh, with

This program and there’s just a lot of, uh, reason to be excited about what this means for Mattrillionhule and his staff as they try to build and build off of, you know, good momentum last year, but they’re looking for better results. What do you think swung it to

Nebraska? Do you think it was kind of because of his dad? Do you think his heart was kind of here? What do you think made the difference in the end? Honestly, I think Nebraska’s un uh, you know, they basically had a very clear path to playing time at quarterback. I

Mean, there’s just unresolved issues for them in the quarterback room. Uh, no incumbent starter that you necessarily would just look at, uh, whether it be Heinrich Haarberg or Chubba Purdy and just assume that guy has a job. And I think Dylan Raiola was looking for somewhere to be

Able to go play and to play potentially, uh, right away. And I think Nebraska affords him that opportunity to come in this spring, compete for playing time with with whomever Nebraska has in that room, whether it is Heinrich, whether it is Chubba, whether it is a transfer quarterback that the

Huskers go out and get, I think that Dylan and his dad looked at Nebraska’s situation, and they looked at Georgia’s situation and they just felt we’d be able to play. We’re very comfortable with that place. I mean, you think about it, he has been here more than almost any other recruit that

Doesn’t just live in the state. And so he just knows everything there is to know about Nebraska football. And here’s a job opportunity and I think they really like Mattrillionhule. It all just kind of lined up perfectly for Nebraska. But the single the single biggest factor to me is the clear path

That there was to potentially playing and potentially starting as a true freshman quarterback. You mentioned in-state guys. Daniel Kalin is an in-state guy. He he waffled a bit last week when news was leaking out that this might happen, ended up canceling the visit to Michigan State. Have you had any contact with Daniel

In the last couple of days? No, I have kind of just let him have his space. Uh a little bit. I mean, I it’s a big deal. Uh, when this all sort of went down. I mean, you think about these two quarterbacks have sort of been linked together,

Going all the way back to 2021 to wherever it felt like there was some momentum where Daniel would be the quarterback in Nebraska class, then sort of Dylan would reemerge. And we saw that last December. And, you know, there’s no other way to put this. You had to see

What was going to happen with Dylan Raiola before you made a decision about Daniel Kellen. That’s what Nebraska did in the spring. And then when Dylan became an option again, Daniel had to consider if he wanted to stick with his commitment to Nebraska. And ultimately he did. And I think the coaching

Staff did a nice job expressing interest. I mean, I haven’t had direct contact with him, but I have checked with other people and it does seem like Nebraska certainly did a nice job of making him feel like he was still wanted, that he still has a lot of value to the future of

This program, and I think we don’t know what the future holds. And you have two elite 11 quarterbacks. You know, you can’t just say that Daniel Kellen will never have a chance at Nebraska. And so I think after thinking it over and just how little time there is left

In this cycle is an early enrollee. The best option for him was to push his cards forward with Nebraska and see where things go. Busy with Mike Schaefer of 24 seven sports here on sports night. All right. She put the quarterbacks aside where do you see strength in this class? What positions

Have your attention on. Well I think they’ve done a nice job with the offensive line. I mean whether it’s Grant Brix uh who they pulled in here at the end of November at the very end of the season, pulling away from Oklahoma and Kansas State, whether it was going out in the

Summer and getting Preston Ta’amu, who was, uh, basically locked up by Oregon and the visit that he had with Nebraska just completely blew him away. And his experience with that staff made him really excited. Whether it was having Jake Peters and Camp putting him up against your best defensive

Lineman in camp and then deciding, let’s go ahead and make an offer to this guy over in Iowa that could be a center of the future for Nebraska. Landon Davidson same thing out of Colorado. Gibson Pyle is going to be playing in the Army All-American Bowl down in San

Antonio. Uh, later this month along with, um you know, Grant Brix and several other guys in this class. So I think on the offensive line and then Zander Ruggiero, who they are effectively putting on an nil scholarship, uh, to be part of this class as well from Bishop

Gorman. I just feel like they have several guys on the offensive line that are intriguing developmental types. They have guys like Grant Brix where they feel like have really, really high upside. And Preston Toomua and we know so much of what they were able to accomplish in their first cycle

Was done on the defensive side of the line. This will be great for the trenches to bring in this many bodies. And I think some guys that could play pretty early in their career as you sort of see the Bryce Banhart’s and Ben Scotts and those guys start to move on and

You want to be able to replace them and get these guys in the system and get them up to speed . So when they start competing for jobs in 2025 and 2026, they’re ready to go. We mentioned Dylan, a legacy player. There are a lot of legacy guys in this class

Right? I mean, yeah, and they’re and they’re legit. All of them seem to be legit guys to be putting in your program. Yeah Well I mean it’s just, you know, Nebraska has a storied history of college football players that have come through here and had a lot of success.

And, you know, they’re just at that age now where they’re they’re sons are starting to, uh, you know, finish their high school careers or in the portal or what have you, and are looking for opportunities and, you know, whether it’s a guy like Caleb Benning who we know

Of because he’s local and he’s won a couple state titles here with Omaha, Westside and his great performances in those state title games, whether it’s, uh, Camden Cook, who’s going to come in with an opportunity to try to, you know , really elevate Nebraska’s special teams, play from the

Punting game, uh, behind Brian Buschini. And when he gets his chance to sort of step into the limelight and help Nebraska move forward with their special teams or even a Keelan Smith, you know, the son of Neil Smith, uh, outstanding season for him over in, uh, Liberty, a

Suburb of Kansas City. I mean, I, I don’t know that he will get enough credit for how well he has played, uh, this year. I think he’s one of those guys who maybe falls between the cracks for some recruiting evaluators. But he has NFL family lineage and he absolutely lit up high school

Football down in Missouri. I think this is a guy that fans could be really, really excited about in Keelan Smith. And so there’s a like I said, a whole host of different types of players and different legacies, all at different positions, and a lot of them playing different positions in their father. So

That’s kind of fun on top of it, too. Yeah. Not following your guide. Not not following. Right. Exactly. In your footsteps. That’s really interesting to go down that avenue. Okay. A couple of areas. Only one defensive lineman in his class and no running backs. Now this is signing day one. There’s

Another one still in February. I know not many people do that. Do you think Nebraska still tries to find a body or two for those two spots? We will. We’ll see kind of how it plays out at running back. It might be a thing where they look into the

Portal more than they would look for a high school running back. I know they like Emmett Johnson a lot. They like what? Uh, Quentin Ives could potentially be. He’s going to be in the mix here this spring more than he was in the fall. Uh, now that he finished up a

Redshirt freshman year. And then, of course, you have Gabe Irvin and Ramir Johnson coming back from injury. So I, I would look for them to probably look for a veteran running back if they could out of the portal. That’ll be something that you know, the thing with the portal

Guys is there’s no signing day for them. I mean if they if they come to an agreement with a running back on Christmas Day , uh, he can go ahead and announce and then just enroll in January and that’s that. So the high school end of things. I don’t really know what to

Expect, Greg. I just think there’s a finite amount of spots even available. And I would imagine that those that are still available are going to be utilized by transfer portal players more than the high school guys. I mean, they’re going to take, uh, a large number of high school

Recruits here this cycle, and they have to make it all work inside their scholarship limit of 85. And you know, I mentioned there’s going to be some guys that are on Nil scholarships, but I just don’t think there’s going to be a lot of spot or spaces left for

People that want to make decision fans in January and then sign in February, I think Nebraska is just going to be moving on to the portal and moving on to 2025, visiting with Mike Schaefer, 24 seven sports, signing Day tomorrow. Full coverage here on our YouTube channel beginning at 7

A.m. Chief they went to South Florida a bunch in this class. What do you make of that? And how about that batch they’re bringing up from from the Miami area? Yeah Look, I mean, every coaching staff that I’ve covered has had a strong affinity in their heart to try

To go down into Florida and find players with that sort of dynamic Florida speed and bring them up to Lincoln and, and see how it goes. And you’ve had some success. Right. Like DiCaprio Bootle multi year starter. You’ve had some other guys that have been pretty good players for you from from

Florida and from South Florida. But a lot of times, you know, it’s difficult. Scott Frost had that hall, you know, right before Covid hit. And those guys got here and their whole world blew up just like everyone else’s did in 2020. And it, you know, when you’re a freshman and you’re that far

Away from home. And the culture shock of Florida to Nebraska, it’s always a little bit difficult. But the thing that this staff has has going for them, um, is a number of guys from South Florida and then someone like Phillip Simpson, who was a former high school coach down there who’s, uh, on

Staff, you know, in like a quality control type role, uh, for the Huskers. He’s a guy that I think has a lot of connections down in Florida. And you throw in players like Willis McGahee, the fourth and Jacory Barney, and they just have a lot of clout down there.

And so you see some of these other defensive backs, you know in Amari Sanders is making a decision tomorrow. Larry Tarver is making a decision tomorrow. And we’ll uh Vincent Shavers is making a decision tomorrow. So Nebraska could end up if they just get all of those guys,

They could end up with five players from Miami alone or the Miami area. And I think some of that has to do with what Willis McGahee and Jacory Barney have been saying about the staff and like I said, Philip Simpson is a name to know, uh, Nebraska is certainly going to utilize the

Fact that he was a pretty successful high school coach down there. Uh, even if he’s not able to get on the road, he’s pretty well connected to a number of recruits in the area Good stuff. All right. Um, we. Where does 24 seven have Nebraska’s class? I know it’s

Been top 25, but with Raiola coming on board, can they finish in the top 20? Uh, I don’t know. So there’s obviously 24 seven sports has two sets of rankings. They have their own rankings in 24 seven sports rankings. I think it’d be pretty hard for Nebraska to

Get into the top 20 there. Now, the composite rankings, which takes in the rankings from all the recruiting services, I believe last check Nebraska is at 19. So they are just inside the top 20. There I think if they were to add those above players that I mentioned, they’re going to finish right

Around 2122, depending on how everyone else does. But another nice class, you know, and that’s just what I think Nebraska has the capability to recruit in the top 25 year in and year out. What I’m looking to see is if there is a staff that is able to put things

Together, where you can get a top 15 class and then, dare I say it, Greg, if you could ever put together a top ten class, things could be really interesting around here. From a talent perspective, but getting Dylan Raiola was a big start and I think it’s going to help

Jump kick things a little bit for 2025, where Nebraska already has four commitments. Good stuff Shane, we appreciate it. Uh, take care and everybody follow Shafe. He’s a great follow on on social media. And that site does a wonderful job of covering Husker athletics. We appreciate it. Happy

Holidays. You as well. Thanks for having me on and enjoy signing day. Here’s Mike Schaefer 24 seven sports. Joining us here on Sports Island. He joined us on our Woodhouse Auto Family hotline. What else your auto is your auto trusted partner 20 brands 20 convenient sales and service locations. We’re making car

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For every field. Greg Sharp, Jessica Cootie with you here on a Tuesday night on the eve of national signing Day tomorrow for college football players across the country. Exciting time. Um, you know, in our colleague Damon, Benny and his son Caleb is going to be signing tomorrow. I hope they

Enjoy the heck out of the day. Yeah. And I think it’s a huge relief to in this day gets here and to be able to get to celebrate, you know even though they’ve been committed they a lot of them have been posting about they’re going to have signing day ceremonies in front

Of their schools. And it’s, you know, just a special day to really, um, celebrate the hard work that’s gone into being able to sign this letter of intent with the power five football program. A lot of them, their lifelong dream to be a Husker. There are so many Nebraska kids and legacies that

Have ties to this program that it means a great deal for them to get to where they end. And so it’s a special day, but it’s also kind of the end of a long journey that it to get here. And for a lot of them, they’re going to be coming in January.

So it’s just kind of the culmination of a high school career. So yeah, it’s a special day and I know, um, you know, for a lot of families it’s a really, really important big special day to get to, to celebrate together should be a wonderful day in the life of

These, these young men. 7 a.m. our coverage on our YouTube channel will have, uh, video show of these incoming players. We’ll hear from a couple of them. We’ll hear from the coaches about these players. So looking for a great coverage tomorrow. Starting at 7 a.m. Brett in Columbus on our text

Line. I was just wondering if you guys heard anything about Casey Thompson coming back to play for Nebraska next year. There seems to be some smoke out there. I think Casey was in town a week or so ago. There was a picture of him in town. I don’t know, I’ve not heard

Anything. I would be surprised. I mean, he I know he got hurt early this season at for you. He could probably apply for a hardship kind of what Marcus Washington is doing. But I guess I never should never say never. And I do know that he wants to coach. And so that

Might play into a decision. He he’s got a lot of great relationships with a lot of guys that are that he was teammates with. I chatted with Emmett Johnson and he he said that he’s still really close with him, still communicates with him Gabe Gabe Irvin as

Well. So I think he’s got some teammates here. Casey loved Lincoln, so maybe he was coming back to visit. You never know. Um, so there’s maybe a lot that that goes into that and why he was here. And I know that, you know, having a veteran quarterback like that, whether

He’s playing or just kind of in the room, if he is going to be a student who knows, I don’t know. I don’t know. I’ve reached out. We’ll see. But I’m not I just I don’t know what the eligibility is. I don’t know what that process looks

Like. And maybe it was just as simple as he was visiting to come up here to see some of his buddies that he played with, and to spend some time in Lincoln. I was around some of the coaches today. They said nothing about that. That doesn’t mean necessarily everything. But again, we’ll

We’ll put our head. So Brett, you’re not the only one that’s been hearing that. Uh, Tim and Norfolk says does the volleyball team get to a certain percentage over the scholarship limit, like football? If not, why? Well, everybody gets the 5890 pay above your scholarship. You get that? That’s a given. Every

Athlete gets that. Even walk ons get the 5890. That’s something Trev put into play a couple of years ago. So they all get the same thing now. Nil deals are different and I will tell you our volleyball team I think does pretty well with Nil. I think they’re they’re

Probably the most uh propped up group in the country in that sport. Yeah. And for probably an entire team of women’s sports, like there probably are very few women’s teams from top to bottom, that have as much nil support as Caitlyn Clark would be at a different. Yeah,

But as far as like an entire roster of a team at Iowa, I don’t know how that can. I doubt it compares even LSU probably has some money in behind it. And yeah, probably has quite a bit of nil support. But I don’t know if there’s very many women I know. OU

Softball has a ton of Nil support, so there are a handful of programs, maybe ten. Yes. Women’s teams that have the kind of support Nebraska volleyball is in that a really across all women’s sports. And Lexie’s got that Panini. Panini deal that she’s part of. It’s a clothing line or something.

She’s part of that. Nicklin had it a year ago. Nicole was was was it Adidas with Nicole? Yeah. She she was part of the Adidas deal right. And now Lexi’s got this panini deal that has been renewed for her. So she’s probably a step above some of her teammates. But all

Athletes here get the same for scholarship. And then the 5890 on top of that. So hopefully that uh, Tim hopefully that answers your question there. 402 413 2400. We’re back to a wrap up Tonight Show next high This is Husker national champion and Super Bowl champ Tony Veland through out my

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Break I go, gosh, I had one and I couldn’t I didn’t write it down. I couldn’t remember it. So I went down a different path. I meant to say Mickey Joseph. Mickey’s been named the new head football coach at Granville University, a very prestigious, uh, college down in the state of Louisiana which

Mickey’s very, very familiar with. I think he’ll be fantastic there. I’m really happy for Mickey. Yeah. Good for him. And, you know, you saw how guys bought in to playing for him. And I know Coach Rhule gave him a lot of praise for how they they fought at the end

And so you know he’s he’s great motivator great recruiter. Obviously he’s been proven and great developer of talent as we’ve also seen putting guys in the NFL. So uh great for Grambling. And I can’t wait to see how how that unfolds there at Grambling for Mickey Joseph. Good for Mickey. So

Congratulations to Mickey Joseph. Also, Eric Chinander elevated to defensive coordinator at Boise State. They went through a coaching change. They made a change mid-season. The interim guy led them to the Mountain West Championship. They got beat the other night by UCLA in the bowl game. And then they have

Promoted the interim guy to the head coaching job he got. So he interim to the full time guy and chins is now his new DC loved Eric Chinander. I wish nothing but the best for him as well. He was such a kind person, was so gracious. Um and you know, Jeremiah thought the

World of him too. And I think everybody did around here. Yeah he really is. Come in such a great human being. So happy for him and his family to get that opportunity. So a couple good little positive notes there. No show tomorrow. Basketball. We got it all over the place

Tomorrow with the men and women play. The women will be down in Lawrence at uh Allen Fieldhouse to take on the Jayhawks final non-conference game for Amy Williams team. They are nine and two on the year. The men are also nine and two. They’ll play North Dakota. You are on

The call on BTN plus tomorrow night against the Hawks. You got a busy day tomorrow. Yeah it’s been busy two weeks. It has. But Tampa was fun, right? Tampa was fun to be a part of that. I know it was crushing Sunday. That was cool. Yeah. No it was fun. I’m not

Complaining. I’m just saying it’s been this crossover season has still continued for us here at Hrn. And so, you know, adding signing day even though football’s the season was over, this is a huge day. It’s a big day for the program. It’s a really important class to the staff. And so getting to

Welcome in that class we’re going to get to do a lot of fun things. It’s going to be a great show, so make sure you tune in. We’ve got you talked to coaches breaking down a lot of these guys. Um I will be talking to a lot of the recruits there. Great. Uh,

Husker fans are going to love them. So it’s going to be a fun day, a fun show. And so we’ll do football in the morning and we’ll do hoops tomorrow night. Big, big game for both Amy Williams and Fred Hoiberg’s Huskers, Huskers travel down to Lawrence earlier today. They’re

Down there Matt Coating and Jeff Greece will have that on some of these Husker affiliates. And then the men’s game with Kent and Jake tomorrow night from PBA. I’m going to go I’m going to go sit in the stands, get a popcorn, might have me a lemonade and

Enjoy the game. Nice. Good for you. It’s a fun atmosphere. Do they serve lemonade? I think so, Camden. Do they serve lemonade at PBA? They probably have different types of lemonade. You can explore, but it’s a fun. It’s been. I went the other day with Creighton as a fan. It’s a fun atmosphere,

You know, and this this fan base has got behind this team and both teams really. So it’s fun to go to PBA. Both nine and two. Cam thanks for hanging with us tonight. Thanks to all of you for being a part of the program tonight. We’ll be back

With you on Thursday. Enjoy the basketball tomorrow night. Our coverage of National Signing Day on our YouTube channel hit us up on the text line text 402413 2400 with your Husker thoughts. Hey Husker fans, it’s Matt Davison with the 1890 initiative. As we get ready to celebrate 1891 year

Anniversary, I’m proud to say the 1890 initiative now represents 150 Husker student athletes in nine sports and with your help, we can keep 1890 going strong, helping student athletes get the most from their name, image and likeness, and preparing them for life after college. Visit 1890 to learn more

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