Nuno Espirito Santo appointed head coach of Nottingham Forest

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Nottingham Forest have appointed former Wolves and Tottenham boss Nuno Espirito Santo as their new head coach.

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Right we’ve got some breaking news on Sky Sports News you can see it at the bottom of your screen and that is that naam Forest have confirmed the appointment of Nuno espiro Santo as first team head coach we have been talking about this haven’t they who was

Going to replace Steve Cooper after he was sacked yesterday well it is no no he has joined the club on a two and a halfe contract and will take charge of his first match on Saturday when Forest face Bournemouth at the city ground he arrives of course with a wealth of

Experience having managed over 460 games in his career including in the Premier League La Liga the champions league and Europa League as well yeah and of course the forest fans will be hoping he can do what he did at wolves that really was the Pinnacle of his coaching career in

The Premier League what was it two Seventh Place finishes in successive Seasons with Wolves he then uh lost his job there or left wolv wolves went to Spurs didn’t quite work out at Spurs did it it was uh five wins five losses he then was sacked by Tottenham hotb he

Went to alahad in Saudi Arabia actually won uh the club’s first league title in 14 years with Al itah had obviously different level to the Premier League but um he then lost his job on the 8th of November uh of this year so not too long ago actually he’s not been out of

Job for for too long has he about 6 weeks or so and he is now the new Nottingham Forest manager so we expect him to be in charge of the team at Bournemouth sorry against Bournemouth rather at the city ground this Saturday let’s get back out to Kirsty Edwards who

Is there at the training ground for us uh waiting to give us some more information on all this we spoke to you just recently kirsy and you felt it was imminent well it really was we managed to get it in before 10: a.m. absolutely yeah a nice rainy start for

Nuno spirito Santo here at Nottingham Forest and uh yeah you were you were asking earlier how quickly do we expect this appointment it happened even even sooner than we expected and all very quickly we did actually see Steve Cooper leaving the training ground earlier this morning I’d say that was just after 9:00

This morning um before that all the players had G in so clearly he had said his goodbyes to them they’d shown so much uh support to him had they over the last couple of weeks publicly speaking uh in support of him and uh talking about their love for him so um yeah he

Leaves here with a lot of love from the fans and a lot of love from the the players so he left and then just minutes later a blacked out people carrier arrived uh and in the back was uh new spirito Santo we saw him enter uh the building the training ground building

Behind me and uh and now we have this news this official confirmation from the club that he is indeed the man that will take over from Steve Cooper so it looks very likely that he will be taking training uh this morning as I say all the players have already arrived earlier

This morning so he looks like he’ll be out on the training pitch with them uh and it I think that’s really what the owner wanted to get his man in as quickly as possible uh to have enough time to get to know all his players he

Will know some of them of course the likes of Morgan GBS white Willie B were both at Wars when uh he spent over four years there didn’t he so they’ll know plenty about him I’m sure they’ll be telling their teammates all about his methods on the training pitch and

They’ll get to find that out probably this morning by the looks of it as they prepare for the for this game against Bournemouth and uh try and turn this run of form around only one win in their last 13 that’s the task at hand for Nuno spirito Santa after signing this two and

A halfe contract with Nottingham Forest to try and turn this recent form around and move further away from that relegation Zone currently Five Points above that relegation Zone although Luton just below them do have that game in hand so a big job on his hands we’ll

Get to see him in the Dugout for Nottingham Forest on Saturday at the city grounds against Bournemouth uh just a quick one to to finish Kirsty if I may do you think we’re going to hear from Nuno today is he going to speak to the media well be interesting won’t it um

Yeah we yet to find that out I will get on as soon as I’ve finished speaking to you try and get hold of the the the Press team here at noan Forest who are always very helpful so we’ll see what they have to say and whether they will

Be putting him up straight away um due actually later on today to I know some of the players are due at the at the hospital and and seeing some children there so um they’ve got that on their hands this afternoon but what uh what

Nuno decides to do uh he may wait to to kind of get his feet under the table um to before he speaks to us I really don’t know the answer to that one but as soon as we find out we will be there I’m sure ready to to hear from him whether

That’s today tomorrow Friday let’s wait to to see but what we do know for absolute certain is that he is the new man in charge and uh he will be in The Dugout on Saturday


  1. Using videos of Tottenham fans shouting at him “what are you doing” fills me with dread, cooper was our man I’d rather him relegate us then some soulless mug, our fat Greek owner has no clue the amount of abuse he’s gonna get on Saturday.

  2. Look how supposed elite managers did at Chelsea having a hoard of random players thrown at them. The same thing happened to Cooper 2 years in a row and he did a miraculous job considering the difference in class between Chelsea's squad and Forests.

  3. Really hoping fans give him a chance and get behind him. Cooper era has been great but hoping Nuno can move us on a bit over next 2 years.

  4. My respect 🫡 to Steve Cooper he played his part, sorry that he had to leave I hope he can bounce back very soon.

  5. Ridiculous appointment same as the transfer policy though, out with young up and coming stars in with the old en masse, what a mess of a club you are. Youve lost tge best thing that happened to gou in deacdes, whos wanted by bigger teams than you, for an old low block man, whos failed just now with benzema and co in Saudi, burnely spent more cant buy a win not sacking all anoutbthe future, your owners a gambler , playing fm , your going down

  6. Anybody an upgrade on premier league overrated cooper 😂😂😂😂😂😂. Premier league managers are sooooooo overrated lol. Fergie afterbirths wannabes
    True story

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