49ers are in the drivers seat for the #1 seed in the NFC

#49ers #Niners

Steph and Jay discuss of course, the Eagles losing to the Seahawks and why it means the 49ers are in the driver’s seat for the #1 seed in the NFC going forward.

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We are back with another live episode of the bullyball podcast on the gold standard podcast Network I’m Jason Aponte joined as always by Steph Sanchez Steph a lot to talk about there’s a lot of things that we’re there’s a lot of takes we’re going to give um it’s a it’s

A good time to be a 49er fan right now as they are in the driver SE for the number one se but before we talk 49ers Eagles Cardinals Seahawks I have to tell you about our newest announc we’re announcing our new you to partner Community Tree Service tree trimming

Land clearing Hazard tree removal home fire hardening and debris removal from the central coast up to the Bay Area estimates are free call 831 736 2391 or email estimating at CTS 1831 now to schedule an appointment mention that you’re a 49ers fan and receive a $200 discount on your quote mention that

You’re a Seahawks Cowboys or Eagles fan and receive $200 put on your quote quote Community Tree Service is our new is our new uh sponsor all right I think that’s the best place to start so obviously right now the San Francisco 49 is at the number one seed and another win against

The Arizona Cardinals which I think is very impressive especially considering who was missing on defense and how well Brock pry played but I would be remiss in my duty if we didn’t start and talk about a fraudulent team that is now putting themselves in a spot where it’s less about our opinion and

More about what you’re seeing the Philadelphia Eagles are in deep trouble they’re in deep deep trouble right now Steph I I’m watching this game last night and literally what I was just telling Rob is I watched Jaylen Herz snap the ball and he has no he has no

Desire to go through progressions he just wants to roll outside the pocket and kind of just hang around and hope that someone gets open and and there’s broken plays all that stuff is gone and this Eagles offense and this Eagles team looks like a shell of themselves from

Last year what do you think yeah I mean I definitely think so and it was Nick Bosa who said you know hopefully other teams you know pick up this blueprint that the 49ers something to that fact that the 49ers pretty much gave other teams and stopping Jaylen Herz and it

Kind of seems like other teams have picked up on it and what’s crazy is that you know you’re seeing less talented teams be able to run the same you know defensive game plan and still be able to to stop the Eagles right that that should make them worry like and and I

Got to give credit to you Jay because you you’re always able to sus out the frauds way earlier than I think like other people like I remember last season you were talking about the Vikings being frauded way earlier in the season before anyone else before it really caught up

To them and this season you were kind of like hinting at the same thing uh and and I was like you know I no I don’t know like they’re still a good team I did the same thing with the Vikings last year and I’m like damn Jay was right

Like they kind of look like frauds right now and you know I got a lot of Eagles fans in my mentions like can you guys stop being so obsessed with us you’re obsessed now it’s us I love it when the shoes on the other foot it’s like it’s

Like when the bully when the bully gets bullied and and in Christmas story like the kid’s getting beat up and it’s like oh get him off of him now oh now get him off of him right when you guys wouldn’t let anything slide with anything 49er related boohoo keep crying right and and

By the way I mean if it’s the Eagles downfall like yeah I am obsessed with it um I’m like that LeBron James meme uh I wouldn’t miss it for the world but you should have seen it coming when you did all that um Let me let me try this out

When you did all that that talking and when your coach acted like he was hot yeah it it doesn’t feel so great now does it um and yeah I mean the 49ers gave the blueprint I remember Eagles fans scoffing at that idea but they just haven’t been the same since the 49ers

Beat the breaks off of them and remember Jaylen Herz was in the MVP conversation before playing the 49ers him and that defense have been in shambles since then shambles they got spack spanked by the ners they got spanked by the the Cowboys uh so bad that you have to make a change

At defensive coordinator Matt Patricia is your defensive coordinator now Matt dis scrambling dis scrambling yeah and and that’s a concern right like overreaction Central but I get it now I get it now because you just lost to Drew freaking lock in week 15 when quite frankly like they did have a decent

Chance of regaining the number one seed if they won that game uh but you know what it couldn’t be the ners couldn’t be Brock pie so don’t you ever mention that hurts man in the 2023 MVP conversation again and I tweeted this last night and

I’m G say it here again for those of you who don’t follow me let’s go don’t you guys mention that false starting tush pushing fraud ass team in the same sentence as a ners team because I am telling you right now those mother are not real

I love the meme reference um yeah look I think I think it boils down to a few things I think last year winning kind of mass everything but it also kind of showed you that Shane styken who was their offensive coordinator he might have been the secret sauce just a little

Bit too to to that team because Jaylen herz’s putting him in a position where RPO put the ball on the belly you got your first read get the ball out but when he has to go through progressions and Robbie Gold alluded to this after the Super Bowl and everybody doesn’t

Want to listen to Kickers but Robbie Gold said make him play quarterback from the pocket it’s all kind of showing itself right now it is showing itself right now and the reason that I was out on them in this league there’s no right or wrong way to win games right like

I’ve said it a million times this isn’t college football right like you don’t get points for putting up 60 on Northern Hawaii and then all of a sudden you go up like the the rankings right like a win’s a win is a win is a win in the NFL

But the way they were winning and the teams they were struggling with were concerning I mean for God’s sakes they struggled with the New England Patriots early on in the season those guys can’t even score points and they were struggling with them then you had that

Kansas City game where if mvs can catch the football they lose if you have that Buffalo Bills game where you know Gabe Davis turns in the right direction okay you’re talking about a lot of B like what ifs and what ab isms and what could have happened but it it just was showing

Me that this was nowhere near the dominant team that was there last year and I think the biggest thing is besides the offense is that defense is really really really poor it just is James Bradberry is getting picked on they have no semblance of a pass rush that they

Used to have it’s it’s not nothing about this team looks like the team that we saw last season and Shane Sten leaving I believe is a huge thing I mean look at how Indianapolis is playing right now so I think we underestimated that right but Jaylen Herz right now is a quarterback

Who does not want to go through reads he just wants to run around and get out of the pocket and just like float around and hope that AJ Browner is a coverage bust and then they can make a play there’s no explosives and it’s not in

The Run game um I don’t know if he’s injured and they don’t want to run him but this team is just a shell of themselves and until I see something and again this is a three- game stretch that they’ve lost right and we we kind of caped for the 49ers during that three-

Game stretch right Steph it’s it’s all little things that could be corrected I don’t know if there’s anything to correct here because Philadelphia is not missing anyone AJ Brown’s playing DeAndre Swift’s there Jaylen Herz is there their offensive line is there like if they were missing players on offense

I would say all right you know uh we have to wait to see what they they’re they’re fully healthy they’re fully healthy that’s another thing that is crazy to me is there’s no injury Devon Smith is there Dallas got it back um you know Lane Johnson left the game for a

Minute but there’s no secret like there’s no little like change that they need right at least with the 49ers we could say Well they’re missing dbo they’re missing Trent um and they they’re giving the ball away in the red zone that can be fixed I don’t know what

You fix with this team to make them look like the team that they were because I just don’t think they are so I mean look this is a 49ers podcast but the reason that we have to talk to Philadelphia Eagles is because this completely swung and now the 49ers are in the driver’s

Seat for the number one seed it’s not from oh we hope we can get the number one seed the 49ers could even lose on Sunday or Monday against the Baltimore Ravens and still be the number one seed that’s how far ahead now they’re getting right and then if you take care of

Business against other teams you don’t have to leave you don’t have to leave ever again the West Coast so you’ll have your divisional matchup you have your NFC championship and then you’ll go to Vegas which is a nice little drive from Santa Clara I think that is what’s really

Important yeah it is and and I’m excited to talk about a team that actually won their game this weekend the San Francisco 49ers as they have been six in a row um and yeah 88% chance now to you know Remain the number one seed and it

It’s a great feeling the 49ers did take care of business they had a losing streak of their own this season right but you know they they turned it around and they turned it around when it mattered most and a lot of things fell in their favor at the same time and

Here’s where they are and it’s hard to see another team knocking them off that spot based on the way they’re playing right now I mean I know this past weekend it was the Arizona Cardinals and you know bad record bad team whatever but still I’m I still come away

Impressed with this team and especially the offense the I think what we’re seeing from the offense is that they can carry this team and that was kind of what I was expecting out of this matchup because I was like you know the defense has a lot of injuries us you know the

Interior of the defensive line missing two guys there hardgrave and Armstead that’s nothing to sneeze at you know like that’s that’s a pretty big deal you know I figured with a a run first team like the Arizona Cardinals they were probably gonna have some success uh there and that kind of unfolded right

Like they they had a was it 29 Points um so yeah I mean credit to them uh but the offense just made that not even matter because they can score at will and again yes it is Arizona Cardinals but we’ve been seeing this against other teams against way better teams and that that’s

Just the way that this offense is operating right now it’s it’s really hard to stop all of these guys that they have it’s an embarrassment of riches yeah and that’s the thing right like going into this game and and to gamon’s point um thank you for the donation

Buddy what’s the percentage we win the Super Bowl don’t be bashful I would say right now it’s sitting at 35% easily right now um I mean the only thing that’s going to be in the 49ers way is health and I I just if we’re gonna keep kicking people while they’re down uh Dak

Prescott you are not in the MVP conversation either because my quarterback could never get blown out like that on the road right and and perform in that fashion right couldn’t be Brock py couldn’t be my MVP candidate cuz Dak you’re out now and the Cowboys

Are who they are no one ever is worried about them they are big frauds right but right now when you look at this team and you look at the way the defense was probably going to be missing people and Mooney Ward being uh being in the game

Was a little bit of a I guess it was like a little bit of a surprise because I had already kind of counted him out but for me you you look at this offense and they’re able to pick up the defense and I think that’s what’s important

Right like you have to pick up the defense and that’s what great offenses do right like in in years past 2019 right if the 4 his defense struggled you you would kind of hope that the offense could pick it up now I don’t think there’s ever a doubt that this offense

Is going to be able to do what they want so even if the the defense has an off game or something weird starts happening as long as everybody’s healthy and playing like this they’ll be able to pick up the slack and that’s complimentary football at at its finest

Right there so yeah it’s it’s really right now about with this team is we can win however you want to win you want to have you want to have a defensive game fine but you’re not going to stop this offense you’re not going to slow down

This offense at all I mean Deo Samuel right now looks like he’s he’s not even 2021 dbo Samuel he’s just 2023 Deo Samuel Christian mcaffry 22 touchdowns and shout out to rahee oer 22 touchdowns they’re tied for the league lead um it’s it’s anytime any one of these guys can

Get what they want George KD Brandon auk but it’s the engine behind it all right now and I I’ve got a hot take that I want to get off you know having an MVP vote I’ve been kind of caping for Tyreek Hill I watched what Miami just did without

Him Brock p is my MVP vote right now on December 19th if I had to vote right now if I had to vote right now Brock p is my MVP vote because you’re watching a guy lift this offense to a height that it’s never been you’re watching a guy operate

A Kyle Shanahan offense the only person that has is Matt Ryan and guess what Matt Ryan did when he did he won the MVP so I I’m I’m watching something right now that yes you can talk about Playmakers and by the way boohoo everybody needs Playmakers cuz poor

Patrick Mahomes he needs somebody now and oh it’s not working now that Travis Kelce isn’t that guy anymore right everybody needs Playmakers except for Brock pie but for me right now MVP flip-flopper 100% And that’s the best part about this right is you you can go certain amount of weeks right Tyreek

Hill was on on on his way to doing something historic right 2,000 receiving yards well you miss a game now you missed that other game that offense looks bad it kind of strengthened your case well then I watched Miami I watched Miami roll on the Jets and the Jets

Don’t have a bad defense at all I kind of saw them get around that with a week if Brock ever went down this team would be absolutely cooked yeah I mean it it is a week toe league and so even you know heading into week 16 there’s still some things that

Can change in that right Jay I know a lot of people are talking about this matchup 49ers Ravens like oh like if if Lamar let’s just say has a great game against the ners like that can you know catapult him into you know being in that conversation too Brock py on the other

Hand could also solidify being the MVP favorite right now I think he’s at like what um minus 190 or something like that right now for for MVP so yeah he’s the clear-cut favorite and he he deserves it right I mean I when we saw Sam darnold

Go in there and you know Al be it was a few snaps but he did let off a few throws there when when Brock fry had to exit the game and you just you saw it right away you saw it right away and it it was nice to see because everyone has

Been telling us 49er fans and and anybody can operate the yeah exactly I I can go out there and and score four touchdowns yeah no you can’t neither can Sam darnold uh and so yeah it’s just gratifying to to have that point made on the field you see it so it’s it’s so

Different it’s so different with Brock prie out there um I just feel so confident in this offense and in the quarterback play right now I think kle Shanahan feels the exact same way um I mean he has said as much as well um and it’s just awesome I mean even chrisan

Mcaffrey is is probably up there for MVP consideration too um and he deserves to be in that too now do you feel like both of those guys being in the MVP conversation kind of like hurts the other like I don’t know like is it is it

Fair to say that two teams can have one MVP it could absolutely it could AB it could absolutely like they could victimize each other with votes right because it depends on where you land on this right what Christian mcaffry is doing 22 touchdowns is is just insane and and it

Is look if BR py doesn’t win the MVP I don’t care because he’s he’s gonna be in a game in Vegas that matters and not the Pro Bowl right so win that mvp and I’ll take that right but as 49ers fans you know we’re not going to let anything

Slide and always there’s there’s going to be something to be upset about but yeah they they’re always they are going to cancel each other out because it depends on where you land on this or like this right here right because there is an argument to be made that when

Christian mcaffrey did join this offense even when it was being operated under Jimmy Garoppolo the offense went to another level and it did and that’s 100% true but what you’re doing now is something that I think Steph hit on a great point I have no worry about this

Offense right none and and I think that at anytime they can get whatever they want and I think that is something that we haven’t had confidence in and I’m going to say this since Steve Young was the quarterback and and that’s not to not Colin Kaepernick Jeff Garcia right

Like there’s something right now about this offense that has defenders in shambles and and it’s so funny because it’s just like well slow down this guy cool take one away take this guy away like everyone knows the ball’s going to Christian McCaffrey nothing you can do about it everybody knows that when deos

Got the ball nothing you can do about it that’s this offense right now is for the first time in K Shanahan’s era for the first time far ahead of the defense and the defense played very well at certain points in this game and that’s kind of

Crazy because in 20 2019 it was all about the defense right 2021 all about the defense right now the defense is kind of just there and the offense is the star of the show it’s just it’s crazy to me that that we’re living in a time like this and I just I can’t

Believe this is my life I can’t believe this is my life yeah um I mean you mentioned like teams literally game plan all week to stop Christian mcaffrey and you know yet he can score seven touchdowns on the season against one team the Arizona Cardinals right like that’s that’s pretty crazy

I’m starting to get the same or similar sense with Brock perie and how teams are game planning against him because what was it before it was like oh let’s Blitz him to death okay he he diced up the blitz a number of times okay well maybe

That’s not going to work okay with the Arizona Cardinals this past week said we’re just going to drop everyone into coverage that didn’t work either that did not work either and so I think even for Brock pie it’s kind of like how do you how do you really stop this guy how

Do you stop this guy how do you stop this offense um and so that’s another reason to feel super confident in this team because it just seems like the 49ers are going to figure away out of anything no like no matter what you show that maybe might be working okay let’s

Try this and then that’s that’s going to work right and so both of those guys had really great games Brock pie was his uh homecoming game you know four touchdowns 9.7 yards per attempt Under Pressure he was eight of 10 138 yards two tutes um I

Mean this is what we’ve been seeing from Brock like it just looks normal like now it looks automatic now and it it’s crazy I know a lot of people are like he looks like Drew Brees out there and it’s funny because like a lot of I guess Saints

Fans are like like how dare you disrespect Drew Brees like that it’s a compliment have you watched Brock pie play it’s a compliment like I mean Brock pie looks that efficient he looks that good and I I think I agree that I don’t really care if if uh Brock P isn’t voted

The MVP because he’s already in the conversation this late into the season I think that’s already a really good place to be in a really good honor and I think Brock pie is going to have way more uh chances at had an MVP you know as long

As he’s with this offense as long as uh you know he continues improving which we have seen improvements every week out of him I feel like I mean yeah like you said I can’t believe this is my life yeah what a time and uh gam Brown says let’s get to the hard-hitting questions

Do you drink eggnog how long after Christmas do you leave your decorations up well gamon SOA so we drink coito not eggnog um that so uh so essentially it’s the same idea it’s it’s almost like uh you know like like eggnog but it’s it’s spiked um you know so like you put bardi

In and everything you know I I know that there’s a certain person that makes it for me that that has that puts like Nutella in it it’s really good but yeah we we drink we drink we drink kokito in in Puerto Rican households um and Christmas Day Christmas day is not our

Day to celebrate no bu is um which is Christmas Eve Yeah Christmas day is for recovering but Christmas day is for football actually so what do you what do you think um yeah I saw Rob there had something to say about eggnog he said eggnog is trash now I I’m weird about

Eggnog to me eggnog tastes like bubblegum it doesn’t T it just tastes weird I’m sure like if it’s spiked you know that that’ll make it go down a little easier I think uh because I’ll feel good a little bit but yeah I’m not I’m not too big on eggnog honestly ly um

And as far as leaving my decorations up probably I don’t know mid mid January maybe you know I like to it takes a lot of work you know to put those things up so I I like to enjoy it for quite a bit the the correct answer is

July like it said the correct answer is July because you I don’t know like it’s just really hard to get all that stuff down and everything as well too so but yes we are talking about the 49ers I did want to kind of talk about the defense and money Ward let’s go that’s

Two interceptions one you take back to the house um Steph is there is there a case to be made for Mooney Ward at All Pro yes I mean I definitely think he’s a pro bowler yes yes the answer the short answer yes I mean I think I think he’s

Making the case right and I think it was cool and I know everyone’s been talking about this because he basically called his number like he was on the Eric Armstead podcast saying how like yeah got all these pass breakups he he led the league in them and if he could just get the

Interceptions you know people would respect him as like one of the top corners and he had two he had two in one game after having two in in uh all the season before coming into that game and I thought it was cool too that he mentioned he was catching balls from Sam

Darnold uh throughout the practice week to kind of like there’s a joke there’s a joke in there somewhere there’s a joke in there somewhere I’m sure I’m sure there is I’m sure there is if you want to learn if you want to learn how to catch interception Sam Don might be the guy

That you need to go to but I mean like in all seriousness like darnold throws some lasers so I think it helps to be just prepared for you know the the ball coming towards you and you a heater right like you never know you got to be prepared for any

Which way and some wobblers too uh in there so yeah he’s he’s going to be prepared for whatever and those two interceptions pretty much show for it and the pick six too I didn’t know he had that kind of speed I I didn’t know but yeah so

Hopefully this is something we we see out of Mooney Ward going forward I mean I don’t think we 49ers fans felt like he needed this necessarily for us to feel like he’s been doing a good job with this defense because yeah he like he’s been having a great season um but I mean

We wouldn’t complain about some interceptions right nope I mean that’s the thing is there’s so many things that my my whole take on statistics is they should back up what you see on the film right so somebody could have a ton of sacks but if you’re cleaning up a sack

And and you kind of had somebody run into you or you had a quarterback who’s holding the ball a little bit too long there is a little bit of context that goes with that people want to see from defensive backs interceptions and especially early on in the season when

Mooney was being targeted over and over and it felt like people were trying him and testing him it’s like coming out of the buy whatever the idea was to say hey just go follow the best receiver and we’ll figure everything else out on our on our back end it kind of gave Mooney

The confidence a little bit more to say all right yes they they still believe in me I am still that guy and and that’s why they brought me here right like that’s the idea of you bringing in Mooney Ward when you sign him from the Kansas City Chiefs you want to have like

That lock down corner right um no disrespect to Unk but un wasn’t you know Uncle Sherman wasn’t like a lock down guy right like it was more like within the system plays very smart understands exactly what he needs to do that whole traveling thing and playing manto man

And just being locked up one-on-one that’s something that’s kind of been formed from the 49ers for a long time and I’ll let you guys figure out who the last guy that really was that could lock down and it’s funny enough it’s from the 94 team is Deion Sanders so it’s it’s

Kind of the bi-week adjustment from not only the fact that the the pass rush has now caught up but the confidence that they’ve given Mooney ward in telling him go be our guy and we’re gonna figure out everything else on the backgound uh background has trickled down to Ambry

Has trickled down now to Lenor I mean this team right now they are playing at a level even if you look at the points and you want to say oh that’s a lot of points to give up to the Arizona Cardinal that game was over that game was over that’s garbage time points

Right like I’m not going to look at that number and say oh how could you give up that many that game was over so right now shout out to Mooney Ward shout out to Steve wils and his secondary I mean this this secondary is really rounded

Into what we thought they would be early on in the season and out of the bye adding in Embry Thomas has just strengthened strengthened it and it just it’s it’s crazy to think that you lost taleno hu funga who was an all pro and Jer Brown’s just stuck right in and he’s

Just like Hey we’re ready to go and and you don’t really lose too much just a testament to this defense yeah I agree and I want to give some flowers to dador Lenor too because I thought he had a great game he had nine tackles a tackle for loss uh past

Defended and I saw him in run plays as well pass plays of course um my concern now and like I guess this is where we shift the conversation to the injuries on the defensive side of the ball Lenor now dealing with the rib injury he is daytoday um uh concerning because the

49ers already had a fair share of injuries on the defensive side of the ball and it’s not 100% that Armstead and hardgrave are going to be back this week of course like that is the hope the team will be optimistic uh they have a chance is what Kyle Shanahan said but that’s no

Guarantee and you have Lamar Jackson and Company com into town and that’s going to be a big test where I feel like you’re going to need all hands on deck um on the defensive side of the ball and if they don’t I’m I’m gonna feel a

Little concerned in this one yeah and we kind of felt concerned with Kyler Murray being the quarterback right you don’t have hard grave and Armstead and we didn’t think Mooney was going to play so imagine let’s triple that because Lamar Jackson is really like that what I do

Want to say at least what some optimism is that there is an extra day the 49ers play on Monday night they do not play on Sunday so there is a possibility of that K Shanahan did say that Eric Armstead and hard grave are still dealing with it

They have a chance to play um I I don’t know what to take away from injury assessments from this coaching staff um some guys are fine and all of a sudden they’re out for the year some guys look like they’re out for the year like Mooney and then all of a sudden he’s

Playing well not out for the year but that injury looked like it was going to be at least a week or two right like it felt like it was going to be something like that but yeah they do have an extra day it would be a blow to lose Lenor

Because on the back end for the Ravens right now Odell Beckham’s kind of turning it on uh you know obviously Z flowers is probably one of Lamar Jackson’s best um weapons I think the most interesting matchup in this game is going to be how the 49ers match up with

Isaia likely um you know obviously this isn’t Greg Roman’s offense right this is um Todd monins offense which is a lot of vertical passing but isah likely is a baller and Lamar Jackson seems to be locked in on him so it is going to be something to watch who’s going to be

Able to cover him is it going to be Fred are you going to do a multitude of things are you going to try to Shadow somebody over the top I think that’s really important obviously they just lost Keat and Mitchell for the season um the Baltimore Ravens did so it’s just

Always the threat of Lamar just being able to make plays and move around but I do want to say this I actually feel much better about this game because of what the Los Angeles Rams were able to put on film and and do in that game sure they

Gave up a lot of points but they were in it and for a little while that offense was flaming and they couldn’t figure out how to beat certain things so I’m going to go back and watch that so I can like try to hone in at least a little bit

More but I do feel a lot better about it because Lamar Jackson and the Ravens are so good against first time meeting NFC opponents it’s the AFC opponents that tend to give him um trouble because they see him much more but the Los Angeles Rams gave them everything they can

Handle in Baltimore so I think that’s going to be interesting to go back and look and see what little things they did did they did they leave someone to spy were they were they playing a little bit more cover to Shell keeping everything in front of them and then and then

Rallying to the football so it’s going to be interesting to see that but I do think there’s a little bit to be taken away from the Los Angeles Rams um against what they did against them yeah I mean I haven’t watched a lot of r i mean Ravens games this season so

Actually watching them I think it was Sunday night right yeah against uh the Jags feel like I you know even that game I know that the Ravens won 23 to7 but even that game I was watching the Jags who you know at times strugg strle uh on

Offense I I felt encouraged by that even because they were they were making some plays or the plays were there there were just some like you know weird things that happened and situationally not sure what the Jags were doing in some spots but I I think the 49ers could definitely

Have their way against the Ravens defense Kyle Hamilton is a dog yes on their defense so he’s he’s maybe the the one guy you really got to game plan around and you mentioned Isaiah likele you know normally I feel really good about the 49ers going up against any

Tight end but this past week I mean we saw Trey McBride have 102 uh yards and on 10 receptions he’s been a huge part of you know the Cardinals offense as of late right and so kind of we’re seeing the same thing out of Isaiah likely he’s

He’s his role is growing each and every week so I was a little concerned to see that because I actually going into the game against the Cardinals I was like you know I think the 49ers are going to be able to limit Trey McBride because they’re so good against tight end you

Got Fred you got Greenlaw um but then lo and behold he kind of kind of went off and did his thing so the 49ers going to have to be careful to you know keep Isaiah likele under wraps and I think I want to segue this next uh talking point

Into Miss tackles because you mentioned Keaton Mitchell yeah he he’s out that’s a tough blow for them but they still have Gus Edwards and Gus Edwards is hard to bring down too Lamar Jackson is hard to bring down too and so I think if the 49ers are going to continue to struggle

With missed tackles and they had 16 Miss tackles against um the Cardinals this past week and that number has steadily increased for the past three weeks um it it’s a concern for me right so they got to get something together I I think they could do it right like they didn’t

Forget how to tackle um but you just know this is not the game to to mess around and think that you’re going to be able to miss 16 plus tackles or anything in that vicinity and feel good on on defense yeah that’s a hell of a point

And and it kind of went away for a little bit and again masking you know covers everything up you know it’s it’s just a time where you’re just like hey well whatever they missed a bunch of tackles but they you know won by 20 points whatever it is um this is

Absolutely not the week to start missing tackles this is absolutely the week to you know the thing that scares you the most about running quarterbacks is obviously the off schedu things and the things that they can hit downfield but it’s those backbreaking third down first down runs like that is the stuff that

Like keeps the drive going you do everything right on the back end you have coverage everywhere you even get close to Lamar Jackson I mean Aaron Donald had Lamar like two and three times ready to wrap him up and bring him down never got his sack right and that’s

Aaron Donald right and then you’re watching this team and you’re watching even Fred Warner Miss tackles it is concerning and this is not the week for this to happen um having said that I do like you know that they flashed um kp’s tweet up here I do like the idea of

Saying I don’t know what’s going on is it bad angles is it poor technique could be a multitude of those things could be one you know everything right could be all those things so I don’t know how you fix it right but again to step’s point

This is not the week to start messing around because Lamar will make you pay and not only Gus Edwards Justice Hill right like all these guys are not going to go down easily the running game is really important to the Ravens but Lamar man it it scares you because on third

Down when you have everything covered when you when he has nowhere to throw the football he can still keep the drive going with his legs and it’s just it’s it puts so much stress and pressure on this defense to get off the field because he can just do that with his

Legs and then by the way uh all you got to do is get it near the 50 yard line and then you’ve got a kicker who can kick it through the stadium so like the the Ravens have a lot of ways that they can beat you and keep themselves in

Games this this for me feels like a Super Bowl pre review this for me feels like you know getting our lick back for the hard ball Bowl right like for that one like it’s it does feel like the Baltimore Ravens are starting to separate themselves a little bit from

Everyone else as the team to beat because you know we’re talking about their offense but we’re not talking about their defense at all right and their defense they’ve got a bunch of studs I mean I don’t know who let them you know draft Patrick Queen I don’t

Know who let them trade for for roquan Smith it’s just like what are we doing here how much help does Lamar Jackson need so again it’s it’s going to be a lot of things but I do think this is going to be a Super Bowl preview and the

49ers don’t have to win this one because they still be in the first seed but it’s it’s not a must-win Steph I’m going to label it what I usually label it it’d be a lot cooler if you won game than a must-win yeah it isn’t a must-win and so

Like I am seeing a lot of people now since you know the Eagles lost uh last night a lot of people saying well now you definitely got to think long term and and rest those guys honestly I don’t think the 49ers would put guys who are hurt in Jeopardy anyway even for this

Game like I I don’t think they would have seen this as a must win game even if the Eagles won just because they they do have that advantage over the the Eagles um but yeah I mean it it is nice that yeah they could be a little more

Cautious with some of the guys dealing with injuries and you don’t have as much pressure but speaking of the Rams you I’m I’m looking at that like last week play the Rams and the RS are getting interesting going to be annoying yeah the Rams are getting interesting right

Now and that could be a must-win game for the Rams you don’t want it to be a must-win game for you two so um with that being said I do kind of still feel like this is a a must-win just not just not officially right you know right but

I I feel good about this team anyway because I feel like they have a way of elevating especially on defense you guys like Fred Warner guys like green law they elevate their game when they know they’re playing one of the best teams in the league right because they got a

Point to make so that’s why I feel a little bit good I know Fred kind of you know wasn’t his best game this past week uh but he talked about him being the standard and we have a standard for this defense for this team and it all starts

With him right so I think he’s kind of going to take it upon himself to kind of show a different Fred uh on Monday night night and it’s Christmas too and you’re wearing your red Throwbacks and it’s at home it’s prime time you know so for all

Those reasons you hope there’s going to be uh a different defense that we’re going to see out there the better version of them uh but yeah with the injuries definitely a concern I mean they’re getting pretty thin there uh even Kalia Davis is going to be out for

A few weeks now so as um you know we walked on the moon said we need to get that rotation back up front that is difficult when you’re dealing with so many injuries so that’s kind of the concern uh with them right now but the extra day and it being a night game

Helps I remember John Lynch saying when it’s a night game it feels like another day even because you get that entire day the entire morning to to rest two so that gives me some optimism about some of those guys dealing with injury potentially being available right and a

Name to throw out there and domic and Su I mean kle Shanahan was even asked about that because they did have interest in him last season that could be someone they said not not as of now but I think it’s because they’re evaluating their options there so and Domin Su could be a

Name that you bring in especially like hey uh sue you don’t really got to do anything we got a few more games let’s try to go get a ring and you know that probably sounds good to him because he hasn’t had to go to training camp anything like that so yeah we’re gonna

See how this rotation um you know plays out um I do want to give a shout out to Javon kinla um again um it just it just feels like this has been such a good season for him um he’s been afforded and opportunity and he’s been capitalizing

On it man it’s just it’s just really cool to see as well too so um for me right now this is a Super Bowl preview and I saw I I believe it was Scott bro’s um comment what if Buffalo stays hot yeah Buffalo looks like they figured

Some things out as well too and that’s what’s funny about this week toe League um Kansas City is always going to be in the back of people’s minds as the boogeyman because of Patrick Mahomes I just I have a tough time right now with them because he looks so frustrated

Right now that it it never looks this hard it never looks this hard for the Kansas City Chiefs and everything looks hard it looks like it’s a struggle right um Travis Kelce clearly isn’t the same guy Rashid rice is playing very good football right now actually he’s kind of

Stepped into that role but they everything kind of looks like it’s a slog and it’s a little bit different right and it’s a difficult and that’s something that we’re not used to seeing because we’re just used to seeing him do whatever he wants um but that’s AFC you

Would think about that down the line when you get to the Vegas Superbowl the Dallas Cowboys get blown out by the Buffalo Bills we already knew they were not like that and I don’t want to hear about Dak Prescott or that team anymore couldn’t be my team Philadelphia Eagles

Lose to Drew lock imagine Brock py losing to Drew to Drew lock they would they would they would have tarded him let yeah let yeah couldn’t be my quarterback and if I if look if I was a fan of a team I just wouldn’t allow them

To lose to Drew lock that’s just me though that’s just me like like that’s just what I would do um but I think Philadelphia fans uh it’s okay I think what you should do is you guys should huddle around the Rocky statue and like you know kind of just just pray because

I did hear this is like from inside sources did hear that the Rocky statue has a single tier coming down now and it’s it’s actually coming down now because you care more about a fictional character than an actual boxer I’m not letting that Rocky bboa think go who

Cares go over there put put whatever you want on it put a jersey put whatever you want you’re not gonna lose because of that you’re not gonna win because of that so shout out to Rocky baloa actually shout out to sesta Salone he’s the actor anyway yeah look right right

Now like with this team the 49ers are in the driver seat so they can lose this game possibly they could but they’d still be ahead they still have they still have the tiebreaker so they are in the driver’s seat and this this thing is completely flipped from well we hope

They can get that number one seed and well now it’s kind of right there in front of them and I think um Hindman says Jason do you like Rocky movies I do I do I think they’re great I think you know I I’ve I’ve liked all of them I

Just find it funny that a city would immortalize a fictional character when Joe Frasier is an actual boxer from Philadelphia and he beat Muhammad Ali yet let’s immortalize let’s immortalize a guy lost the first fight and he lost 23 fights uh so let’s just make sure we

We keep saying that as well too but it it is kind of cool to see the 49ers in the driver seat all they have to do is largely beat beat the health um issues and just keep winning football games and just keep doing what they’re doing stuff

So it’s like the season has kind of Gone In Waves five straight three straight six straight it’s it’s crazy to think that when this team is playing like this and they flip the switch regardless of the injuries and regardless of the opponent they’re always going to be

Favored even right now five and a half um Point home favorites over the Baltimore Ravens on Monday yeah that’s crazy and it but it’s deserved right like they they’ve been playing like it and when you pretty much smack the other good teams in the NFL that have similar

Records to you that’s a you know that’s the treatment they deserve to to be favorites in every single game right so it isn’t disrespect to the Ravens or anything it’s just people seeing with 49ers have been doing and finally like saying hey this team this team looks

Hard to beat and we’ve said that in the past but this year is different this year is different because it’s more balanced and we are seeing the offense carry in hey I mean I think the defense if they had to I don’t think they need

To but if they had to I think they could step up and they can carry to so however the 49ers want to win they could do it um and I’m just we’re just along for the ride man I’m I’m getting ready to go to Vegas that’s what I’m getting ready for

Yep right after the Senior Bowl straight to Vegas look at us and and on top of that the the draft content is going to be crazy you know out there being in Mobile because the 49ers have picks again um so everything’s kind of just lining up right now tackles we’re gonna

Be looking at tackles wide receiver we’re gonna be looking at we’re gonna be looking at Players like we’re not We’re not gonna be sitting in the stands at mobile like oh God how much longer in this practice the 49ers actually have picks um so yeah and then uh even Thomas

Said shoot even Bernard Hopkins is from Philly exactly Bernard Hopkins is a real boxer from Philly like make the statue of him my go um but yeah uh I think I think we’ve done enough cooking with the Eagles I think the media right now is

Right now kind of putting them in a in a box where they don’t believe either right now and there’s a lot of things going on with them as well too but the media is also looking around at the San Francisco 49ers and saying they’re the most complete team and when they’re on

And they’re healthy you can’t beat them and it’s just again I want to shout out to dbo Samuel my God man I that throw that throw from from Brock pie now we’re now we’re doing back shoulder Fades like we’re not like now we’re like oh what NE

What next right like I see Debo Samuel catching fly patterns now he’s just running routes and just catching the ball on the back like it’s a beautiful beautifully timed throw Debo like again it’s not 2021 Debo it’s 2023 Debo and he’s just he’s been incredible man it’s

Just this stretch right now if you hav him in your fantasy football team you you moved on to the you moved on into your next round of the playoffs because he’s just carrying your team right now probably at this point either him or Christian mcaffry but my God Debo is

Hooping man and I I just I’m amazed right now at what I’m watching from him yeah it it felt like light work right like 48 yards um but yeah two touchdowns so you definitely got to talk about him and yeah it’s just more of what we’ve

Been seeing from Debo I liked the I liked both touchdowns they were both really cool the back shoulder because it was an awesome throw from Brock but the one where he like just kind of jogged like he acted like he was gonna get he wasn’t G to get the ball and then he

Like takes off I really like that because uh that that was just you know K threw that in there is like you know just jog you know jog it out and then go um that was definitely by Design and I like it I like it yeah you know it’s

Funny I love JT Sullivan’s videos but he is always dogging dbo Samuel for how he runs R and everything the seven step drops it almost feels like kasan H is trolling by doing that and like telling Debo like yeah go ahead and then what do

You do you get points out of it I think it’s funny I think that’s just kind of where we are with conspiracy theories right now that K is sitting around like oh okay yeah you know JT San is talking crazy about 19 okay well let’s let’s uh

Let’s throw this at him and let’s add this touchdown in there as well too but uh shout out to JT you know secretly you know you know Kyle is a petty King like oh yes he’s not upfront about it but he’s definitely Kyle’s one of those guys and I like to

Try to pride myself on this but it ends up being opposite he doesn’t respond to it all but he sees it all not me you know what I’m saying I’m out here just yelling at everybody especially that that guy who’s that Eagles that Eagles guy Elliot something he’s like he’s got

By far the worst takes in the history of football and it’s like man you guys yell right like you guys yell at me sometimes for the things that I say but like this guy is bricking every take Miss after Miss after Miss after Miss he has to be

He has to be I think it’s bio what does it say um a bad take is worse than no take um and he’s living by that he’s living by that and dying by that all right hey this is a perfect place for us to end this guys make sure

You like this video subscribe to the the ghoster podcast Network Wherever You on YouTube wherever you get your audio podcast uh make sure you follow Steph on Twitter at step 49k make sure you follow me on Twitter at Jon 2103 I will not call it x no way it’s not going to

Happen check out our website go standard and man it’s so crazy how quickly the season goes and I guess time flies when you’re having fun um but I I was looking around and I’m like there’s like three games left I can’t believe like you wait

All this time in the offseason you wait all this time and then it flies by and it probably flies by because the 49ers have been winning and beating the breaks off of people so enjoy uh Christmas guys we will see you Tuesday um enjoy your time with your family drink your eggnog

Drink your Kito keep your Christmas tree up until July I applaud that I I I am all for that um and enjoy your time with your family and uh you know buy buy the kids some presents that’s my that’s my gonna that’s my thing is I’m only buying kids

Presents so uh for steper J we’re out of here peace

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