Tiger Woods to leave Nike!? Rick Shiels reacts

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All right guys welcome back to a end of year special R Golf Show podcast officially episode 25 um hi guy how are you I’m I’m good but I’ve got a little bit Deja Vu and the reason we’ve got Deja Vu you’re not a chipper right now you coming across

Like you are we’ve just recorded for 25 minutes of absolute pure podcast gold and the SD card apparently corrupt what does that mean in layman’s terms Rick it’s all gone to yeah it’s G down the swan so we’ve got to do all that stuff again

Now pretend it’s all new so okay hi Rick I am okay thank you how are you today let’s get the script back out uh no we we wanted to do a last end of year podcast for you hardcore podcast fans it’s not been quite as regular upload schedule recently because of trips away

A few guests Etc but we want to get one more nice little cheeky episode in before the Christmas break let me just elaborate on that for a second because there’s been a few people in the podcast Facebook group asking about the podcast and I don’t mind that at all I love it

Because it means those people are missing it and they want it we do the podcast we love doing the podcast however and this is going to be obvious to people listening and watching the main Channel content has to come first right and these last couple of weeks

You’ve been away in America then we were in Dubai then we’ve had lot of filming through so many Club releases around the corner we’ve been filming lots of content I’d like to say now the start of 2024 in my opinion is the most excited ever been for our content well right now

Right at this moment in time orbe it that SD card just corrupt which hopefully it’s not any other footage on right now we’ve got 27 videos filmed in the can it’s insane we’ve never we’ve never had that many videos filmed ready to go into a brand new year absolutely

Not so because of that the podcast is somewhat taking a bat seat only slightly and I think you’ve got a family holiday book which you very much deserve early Jan so I would add hand on heart I think probably by middle to back end of Jan we’ll be back on the Tuesday every

Single week upload so if you do wonder where we’ve gone do not worry do not worry we’ll still be active in the group if you want to have a chat to us come in to the Facebook group Rick Shields Golf Show podcast we’ll be chatting in there

Uh I will be anyway will you be chatting in there obviously of course you will and I I’m I’m pretty confident in the next two three weeks nothing major in the world of golf’s going to happen I’m sure nobody’s going to leave a clothing brand that they’ve been attached to for

The last 30 odd years I’m sure that no other players are going to join a John Ram live team pretty sure that um no big equipment changes from any players to be honest equipment changes from players seems like the smallest amount of news these days oh yeah like it’s much bigger

Than that now um but yeah it’s all been a crazy crazy year there’s been a drama left right and Center I not quite sure where the World of Golf is right at this present moment in time but I’ll tell you one thing right now the golf media the

Golf world brings a lot of headlines I love it that are very clickable and very watchable and very talkable about so um yeah it’s an exciting time we have uh just been on a massive trip like you mentioned I’ve been in America filming with Bryson D Shambo uh I was over there

For a week or so filmed with Bryson did a 10 shot challenge with him the video is out now if you’ve not checked it out do check it out uh very good match I threw a few shots away at the end but also finished it with an incredible

Final hole so check that out um also we filmed another 10 Shop Challenge that’ll be coming out in January with another player huge that that might be February that probably might be February January will be January then after America we flew over to Dubai I

Met You in Dubai did uh we filmed loads of killer content in Dubai we had our match we had our big big match huge match we won’t spoil the result obviously um it lived up to expectations it was dramatic in every sense of the word I honestly believe that our great

Grandchildren will talk about that I think so there’ll be enemies they’ll hate it each other because of it but they’ll talk about it so that that’s all to come out we also had the pleasure and I mean this from the bottom of our hearts had the pleasure um of spending a

Full day with Tommy Fleetwood and Tommy is one of the nicest people in the world we got to do a 10 shot challenge with him uh which is also a great video uh he also um unlocked allowed us into his brain around how he plays some incredible

Short game shots also talks about the golf clubs currently has in the bag and we did a very very in-depth detailed long podcast which actually might be the first podcast we released in 2024 yeah Tommy is you know we’ve been fortunate and you’ve even more so but fortunate to

Spend so much time with some of these amazing golfers and I’m always in a of them because of how well they play the game of golf obviously they hit the ball a long way clearly they hit the ball so close to the flag they hold PS the

Bunker game Etc however once you’ve seen that enough time you’re still in a of it but it’s kind of what you expect however with Tommy what you don’t get over genuinely genuinely is how nice the guy is he’s got obviously you know without being crude all the money in the world

All the success he’s played on the rider cup he’s hit the winning shot he has had an amazing career so far and yet he’s just a normal guy he was just so nice so sound his wife was with us as well she was lovely um yeah what a great guy and

I actually want to spend as much time as we can to make content cuz he’s just awesome yeah he’s really really good so those videos are coming out soon um also this week um I’ve been a very good boy recently you have been a good boy thanks hopefully hopefully on the

Good list you on Santa’s good list list um I have been last nine weeks grinding I’ve not been have not dropped dropped I’ve not dropped a single drink of alcohol have not sipped a single drop of ALC have dropped pounds many many pounds around my waist um so I’ve been working

Hard in the gym eating better not drinking however that so that’s all good I’m going to continue that into 2024 however we had a little bit of a blowout at the start this week because we had our staff Christmas due oh she Ricky was

At was Ricky there or not it was mid it was Ricky with an ie not Ricky with a Y I think I think it was I think it was it wasn’t Richard it was it wasn’t what I’d normally be so I’ve not drunk for nine

Weeks we went and played we went to the braon belfrey wonderful Resort love it the full team uh the team here um it is I think it surprises people how big the team is um every single person in the team does an incredible job they really

Do and um they’ve been amazing this year they really have but we’ve we went over to the belfrey we had a full day on the brabers and golf course braon was in great condition BR for the time of year we’re lucky we play some amazing golf courses typically this time of year

You’d have to go to the coast to get a good quality golf course I was very impressed by the Robinson greens were slick so after nine holes no no alcohol had been consumed and then it got to the turn and I had a crack open a can of AR

Strella yeah and I had two Jack Daniels and Coes he was back and I was ready I was hammered yeah he was yeah you were you said hugging you’re so sound you mate that was what give it away no it was good we had um we had a mixture of

Golfers and N golfers in the team you on golfer I was goer and it was it was very very good we had a nice lovely meal we play a bit of poker after we did you were a dark course in the Poke I don’t

Want to talk the PO there was 11 of us playing I’m not a big poker guy but I took the winnings easy it’s like taking candy from a baby with his sun glasses over there and his do not talk to me no you played well I did play thanks so

Yeah you managed to take the spores of the poker which was good in fact I have actually got you a little Christmas present I I was going to give it you the stuff do this is what I’m going to win for poker okay I’m expecting big ear

Let’s see what we’ve got you might people might watching um might notice we’re rocking a little bit new headware the new uh RS merch and The Brak 75 merch but also got your little present okay I’m excited for this what is it what could it be

So as a gift for being such a fantastic host I’ve got you a brand new RS wow butter Malik wow okay let me take a closer look at this that is for you tell us about the quality guy let me me a head around it first okay so the

Good the good news is Rick you give me a mallet head cover putter putter head cover I have a mallet putter I’m well known for us using a spider that’s people think about me when they think a guy CH think spider straight away don’t you this would this will fit my spider

The quality is very nice he’s got it all here but my put a head cover here got the white RS on I love that magnetic I like magnetic for two reasons Rick firstly doesn’t lose its doesn’t lose its magnetic ISM over time mag secondly when you take your putter cover

Off the putter you then magnet it onto your iron so he doesn’t get dirty the only qual I’ve got with this head cover Rick is black and white fits Mel schema golf bag perfectly on the back side it’s got the be phenomenal one of your catchphrases

Which I like don’t get me wrong however I would much rather be a clubhouse guy well if only there was one it’s funny you say that because available now at Rick is the full collection of the IRS merch including malet putter covers the clubhouse exclusively for Clubhouse

Members only limited edition may I add there is also driver head covers available some fantastic ones there’s no black everything there’s what this one where it’s business on the front party on the back with the shot tracers there’s the SP paint splatter head cover with rip it on the top which encourages

You to hit those bombed long drives and once you get on the greens another matching head cover that says hold it um the head the merchandise also uh bleeds in into smaller accessories such as ball markers this reversible RS black and red one pitchforks tegs hats beanies

T-shirts hoodies um whatever you want is available now to buy Rick if you want a last is also towels as well a catchphrase towel all my catchphrases on and also a cool black be phenomenal towel if you are a little bit too late to order pre- Christmas do not threat

You can order a gift card for your loved ones so you can give them something on Christmas day so they can spend in the shop at Rick you could but forget that order stuff for yourself correct Christmas is not a time for giving to other people it’s a time for

Giving yourself a new head cover I think this might be my favorite piece I like that I do but as a as again as a malet guy and as a as a OG as a Founder CEO head doorman of the clubhouse I have to stay loyal to the clubhouse so I have

Basically got this one I have got it but I’ve got the clubhouse version and I will use that till the day I die till the day you die you contracted or till the next MO drop comes out um this is the tiger stripe one the RS tiger stripe

So yeah there’s loads of cool stuff guys thanks for your support the quality of this stuff is absolutely incredible I wouldn’t put my name on it if it wasn’t phenomenal uh so thanks to the guys at prg have made some incredible product they make all the Ridder cup merch and

Open merch and now they make the RS merch as well um check it out Rick it gets ordered to UK and US currently we are working on the new year of shipping it globally to every four corners of the glob I think you know Jokes Aside that is the big thing that

For for me you know obviously I’m very close to this stuff but genuinely now if if you look at a lot of the big Brands and and there you know I don’t want to kind of call out the brands but there’s drivers these days are looking at five

Even 600 Quid and obviously a lot of R&D goes into those drivers Etc but then you look at the head covers that come on them and they often are very thin very flimsy the quality of this stuff you if you touch it if you feel it I’m sure

Some of you watch and listening have got got some or you know have friends who’ve now bought some of this stuff as well have a look at it have a feeling I would hand on heart I would um what’s the word I’m looking for I would be hard

You’d be hard pressed to find someone that is not genuinely impressed by this quality of head cover the feedback has been really really positive so thank you everybody supporting the channel also want to take thank this opportunity to thank every single body that listens watches comments subscribes interacts

With the Facebook group you guys that make this so important for us that we can continue to do the podcast your support has been amazing and if you want to pick up some merch feel free fre to do so at Rick and everybody that I see rocking the merch will get a

Big handshake and maybe even a hug maybe even you might reimburse the purchase as well so if you spend A1 pound on merch go up to Rick and you wear the head covers like oven M Ricky Ricky Ricky Ricky Ricky Ricky shieldy you’ll then reimburse them so it’s actually make

Profit really if anything so yeah check all that out and who knows with this with all the rumors going around at the moment with uh Mr Tiger Woods potentially potentially it’s the last time we’re ever going to see him in Nike gear yeah maybe the rumor is he might be

Rocking RS gear next year well I will make you a deal now live on earth if Tiger Woods is ever seen even with a meter of RS merch but we in RS merch in particular I will eat my brick 75 hat how’s that sound with a knife and fork

Done but who knows maybe Charlie Woods is the way in Charlie well Charlie will rock it I’ll send him a little care package yes um yeah tiger might not be wi Nike yeah this is a strange one so I’m sure we’re not the first on to this but the people watching listening will

Know some might not know but obviously Tiger has been wearing Nike since he turned Pro in 96 um he is arguably I would say even well I think you’ve got tiger you’ve got Michael Jordan and you probably got Ronaldo Cristiano Ronaldo who are and Serena Williams maybe who

Are they are Nike through and through aren’t they the rumors are that tiger is is parting ways with Nike can’t remember where these rumors initially came from however he was asked in a press conference at the PNC twice in a row about his relationship with Nike and his

Answer was something along the lines of I’m we’re in their product right now which I think we can you know we don’t want to start too many rumors and and and and and egg them on but we can say that that probably says enough you would

Say more if you were carrying on with Nike I think from what I understand as well he he was on a 10-year deal from 2013 obviously that’s coming to an end um where he’s going to go what he’s going to be wearing who who knows but the positive thing is we never thought

We’d see the day where tiger seems like he’s back again like how many times can we actually say that um he’s been out obviously having treatment through after was it it was the Masters this year we saw the last of him yes we’ve not seen him at all until the hero Championship

About three weeks ago where he played very nicely played in the PNC with Charlie Woods who’s just an unbelievable character I’d love to get Charlie on the channel one day um I think it’d be amazing if we could um but Charlie was there just ripping it up every single

Year he seems he seems like he’s getting better and better um and then he’s now committed or said that he wants to try and play in a tournament every month so we are going to see him at the Masters in April we are going to see him at the

Open at roll true next year we are going to see him at the US PGA we might not see him at the US Open because apparently his exemption is has expired I think I think he’ll be at the US Open I think what for me I’m actually wearing a Tiger Woods jumper so

Obviously it goes out saying I’m sure people listening and watching who listen and watch a lot know this we’re huge tiger fans obviously I think he looks like you said fit he he’s hitting some great golf shots he looks fast he looks absolutely jacked and and also as well

One thing you didn’t mention them but I think also is great to show his Fitness not only has he played at the PNC and the hero he’s been cading a lot for Charlie it’s been those kind of images leaked and stuff which you think if he’s walking around carrying a golf bag for

18 holes caddying he must be feeling like relatively fresh I and and Fit I just hope that if he does plays once a month he is competitive because I think for me when you think of Tiger Woods yes you think of lots of things but ultimately I think of being an absolute

Dominant force and I suppose it’s like football when players retire at the right time or sometimes they don’t and they carry on and they’re not you know they’re not the same as they were and it can sometimes harness it can damage a career I don’t think tiger ever would

Carry on playing if he doesn’t think he can win I think he said that at the hero that he thinks he can win he they can win I hope he is up there I hope he’s making cuts and he’s in those top 10 and and winning winning Majors maybe I I’d

Love to see it but I I just hope he is I don’t want to be kind of let down but who knows know he might be lifting another major uh trophy another major tournament not rocking a Nike swush which would be very bizarre silly question then but would he be a huge

Loss for Nike now my initial answer is that would be yes of course he would but when you think about it on a more kind of deeper level think about what why Brands pay athletes no matter what sport to to use their product it’s for for two

Reasons really it’s first just to sell more product obviously as well secondly it’s to almost legitimize a brand so even though you know that an athlete is getting paid a lot of money to use something or promote something you also then or I do any you think well they

Must also still trust it to use that so you know whether it be John Ram with Callaway he’s getting paid made an absolute Fortune to use Callaway but equally you think well he he must also like it he wouldn’t want to use it for his career I think what what tiger did

You know with Nike Nike was in golf before tiger SE well steros used to wear it a long long time ago but he really brought Nike into golf didn’t he and and he made golf cool has he done his bit almost you know they’ve still obviously got Rory um

They’ve obviously got Brook capka there’s obviously several guys there there’s Nelly cord as well Etc W it on on the women tours does it matter now if they lose tiger what will be interesting though is it’s not about maybe losing tiger it’s whoever Tiger goes to is he the first

Nike athlete to go there like who who could maybe go next will it be aurar who goes and joins him will it be you know Brooks K goes and joins him potentially like is is he the first Domino to fall potentially well and other thing as well

And we are looking quite deep at this it’s only again it’s only clothes and shoes but if you know it surely tiger is obviously worth a lot of money tonight he has to be he might be looking at purely financially and thinking right they’re willing to pay me these are numbers made

From thinner $10 million a year right over 10 years that’s $100 million however if I go and launch my own company or get shares in a existing company I can get $20 million a year over 10 years that’s double the money it’s better but is it that or is it that Nike

You’re thinking you know what we can pay tiger 10 million a year but it’s not worth it for us you know we we don’t think golf’s that important anymore you know we want to focus on football soccer whatever we want to focus on tennis we

Want to focus on now they do a lot in the gym we and stuff is it that they’re not looking at golf being that attractive that profitable maybe if that’s the case a big if if that’s the case is that a bad thing for golf that you know ultimately Nike are the biggest

Sports brand in the world and they’re not carrying on their relationship with the best known golfer of all time does that say something bad about the sport would that ever happen with Ronaldo you know Adidas with David Beckham he’s retired long since but he’s still going

To be a lifetime athlete yeah I think I think again going back to why they even pulled out of making equipment obviously you worked for Nike at the time and I I was kind of not long after I was I was uh wearing Nike clothing as well is that

I think that a lot of their decisions is is based on on business yeah it’s not emotional sometimes it’s like well these numbers just don’t add up if we’re spending x amount on tiger Rory Brooks Nelly Jason day all these other players well doesn’t we’re not we’re not

Balancing the books over here we we’re paying them 50 million we’re only making 30 million well this is this isn’t adding up anymore do you get what I mean it might just be as simple as that really well yeah but you think of you look at obviously all these new purses

Now obviously the PJ tour trying to fund and you know they’re going to have to get more eyeballs on golf to justify it if the players are getting paid so much money now that money has to come from somewhere it comes from investment it comes from

Sponsors for me it’s not a great thing if Nike are coming away from Tiger because it makes me feel like they mustn’t see a return invest and is that bad for the World of Golf I don’t know I don’t know we can we can go on all day

About it but it will be weird only way we can find out is if tiger comes on the podcast correct tiger if you want to email us at podcast rck and if you want to come on the podcast I’m sure we if you can fly into Manchester

Airport yeah economy fine comfortable I we’ll cover your economy flights yeah we’ll get you an Uber and we’ll get you an Uber here to the studio and then you can come and spend maybe an hour here an maybe two hours we we’ll treat you to a burgerism a burgerism okay F treat into

A burgerism as well and then get you an Uber home back to the uh back to the premier in you can say the premier in and then flight the next day yep so thanks for that and and then you can really tell us the reason why maybe

You’re not wearing Nike next year I wonder if someone actually listen said to Tiger listen to this podcast what his reaction would actually be would he would he would he raise a half smile would he say what absolute idiots would he just who were these kids yeah kids

Kids would he say kids don’t think he would anyway um on tiger potentially coming on the podcast next year is there anybody that you would love to have on the podcast next year okay good question clearly Tiger’s a Holy Grail I I would love to also have um I’d love to have

Rory on and and I think for me now with obviously what’s going on with Liv and and Rory’s kind of um his kind of position I know he’s come off the tboard thing but feel like’s only a little bit older than me a year or so older than me

It feels like he’s a real kind of what’s the word I’m looking for like Figure Head of golf doesn’t he and I think spokes spokesperson for golf and he really is one of the few golfs I would say certainly in the UK he was a household name like if you went to a

Random person who doesn’t even have much interest in sport and you said name a golfer they’d probably say Tiger Woods and Rory maroy I actually wouldn’t want to speak to him as much about his golf in terms of his performances but just more about about Golf and his F the

Future of golf and things that were doing right things we’re doing wrong I think that would be interesting um and then get him on a 10 shot Challenge and then a 10 shot challenge would be phenomenal maybe a 20 shot challenge i’ I’d love to get obviously John Ram yeah

There’s obviously moving on to live now would I’d like to I’d like to ask him genuinely the questions around come on John this these are the things you said and these are things you now say yeah explain money well that’s fine as long as he explained it um I’d also genuinely

Really like to get someone like Scotty Cameron on yeah yes like the guy who actually makes Incredible Putters yeah like that’ be a mad one as well um and just interesting guest I mean we’ve had some phenomenal guests on this year again who’s who’s been who’s been your

Kind of standout favorite guest that we’ve had on this year wow good question go first go on then you go you got one lined up hit me genu my favorite one this this year has been Robert Rock good shout I thought Robert Rock after the

Career he’s had on the on the tour was phenomenal he actually text me a couple of days ago saying as well um was trying to do something with a junior golf event next year which I’m excited about but he said there’s more people come up to him and spoke to him about

The podcast than people who came up to him when he beat tiger oh my gosh there’s more people saying oh listen to your podcast that was amazing you did great then when when he actually beat tiger Wards more people that good thing for him or a bad thing I don’t know but

He he really appreciated it so that’s good um one who’s yours it is a good question we’ve had a lot I’m trying to actually look now at who we’ve had on we’ve had a an array of guests I think one thing just on the guest and what

We’re committed to for next year without biging our own podcast up we like have this kind of diversity of somebody that like a Brighton who is literally a huge name in the world of golf or Tommy who is I think currently the 13th best player in the world and and the top of

His game and a ride cup Legend and then he someone like a Robert Rock who’s a bit more under the radar I think for me though one of one of my favorites this year probably because I didn’t expect it to be to be honest with you but like

When you go for a meal if you go for a filet steak expect to be amazing and it’s and it’s great that’s good when you go some you’re not as sure about and you come out and that was fantastic it’s always better I think for me the one

That felt that was was Dave Samson so the guy from European Golf designs who who designed the rider rider Cup course this year Marco Simone you know I’m not hiding anything I’m not a huge golf architect both it doesn’t massively get me super excited when I play a golf court I don’t really

Look at it and think that’s a well-placed bunker however when we had Dave on and he spoke about how you know his process of of Designing golf courses and what they have to go through and certainly with a Ridder Cup golf course which is very different to a a a normal 18 whole

Golf course you know that that one I found really insightful and really enjoyed and again that’s something for this year just said this but we really committed to doing having this mixture of guests on I love how you know again without biging it up too much our own

Podcast but one week it might be us CH nonsense next week it could be someone as big as Bryson then it could be someone that people haven’t heard of who’s owns a small Pro Shop but got a great story I think that is I think yeah

For me it’s a variety isn’t it it’s that and also something I’ve really loved doing with with with the videos podcasts is is giving people either new people to follow and and almost fall in love with or give people a new a new perception on somebody so yesterday actually after our

Works du I went to the driving range near me I went to Clark’s Golf Center I was whacking some balls and as was walking out a lady stopped me actually um and she was Lov name was Nicola we got chat in she was a member at two golf

Coures that are really good she was a member at Southport and a Dale and sth right and we chat about the videos and she was Ching about the Bryson video with you and she loved it and she actually said that it really changed the perception on Bryson and I saw a lot of

Comments saying that as well and we had a similar thing with I want want to kind of name every but a few golfs with film with people said you know what Ian poter was a big pter was a big one um you know certainly after the whole live stuff

People came into it thinking oh I’m not sure on on that person for whatever reason and watched it and saw that more human side of of the person and really enjoyed it I think that’s the thing for me if we can do that with videos and we

Can you know we can showcase guests who don’t always have that big of a platform and so like Robert Rock I mean he’s been there he’s done it he’s he’s beaten tiger World in a huge event but doesn’t really I would say get the kind of credit he maybe deserves or the

Recognition so to get and and it’s I don’t know sound condescending that we’re giving them that but to put them on a a fairly big platform and let them tell their story I do enjoy that yeah no it’s really really good and and like I said we’re going to get some Banger more

Banger guests next year um just a bit of housekeeping uh I think we mentioned at the start of this podcast that we’ll probably have a little bit of time off now for the podcast uh probably be start of Jan not quite sure when date we’ve got the Tommy Fleetwood podcast

Recorded yes that might be the first one that goes out the start of Jan and then you’re on holiday so we have a bit of a delay I think back end of Jan is when it gets back up and running every single Tuesday wherever you listen to your

Podcast or watch your podcast on YouTube Feel Free of course um good I’ve got just a few questions Rick super quick questions because um we have been asking our favorite people um in fact actually there might be new hierarchy so you are you would class people who listen to the podcast and

Listen to every episode of the podcast and are in the Facebook group like family wouldn’t you you’d say they’re like your family they’re in the Facebook group too yeah yeah yeah however what people that have done all that and bought merch yeah that’s different level know what I mean it’s like a brother

Brother or a sister um however we have asked for questions in that group and we’ll go through a few before we wrap this up okay Tim Morris Rick what is the best and worst golf related ex presents you’ve ever received oh my God uh the worst Christmas presents I’ve ever

Received was like um I was quite young back in the day but like a a counter shot you need it didn’t go high enough um so that was that was the worst one and then probably the best one what’s the best present I’ve had as

A as a golf gift I’ve actually got mine in my head and it might surprise you no I don’t think I’ve ever had an amazing golf gift present well there you go there’s a clubhouse golf that’s my best that’s my best present I’ve ever had the

Worst one I’ve ever had and it’s only a few years ago for my wife I think I mentioned this a couple years ago on here was those golf pens it’s like a golf club I me little Golf Club you take the head off and or the grip off and a

Pen comes out and was it in a little tiny bag correct they’re not great um the best I’ve actually got two and they’re very very contrasting these are when I was very very young one year I was very lucky I got a power caddy and I

Was a member of a very very very hilly Golf Club so although I was a young Junior power CAD was almost essentially if want to try and play decent golf because the hills you to kill you and before I got this power caddy I had had like a fake one basically from from

Macro it’s like Costco and it was garbage he kept breaking and I eventually got a genuine power caddy that was brilliant but on the complete flip side because that was obvious a very expensive gift one year this sounds really geeky I got a diary I about 10

Like an actual diary but it was a bespoke golf diary and I don’t know what it was a diary or a calendar an actual diary now I would never put stuff in it as such but it was like it probably had in I only remember it a little bit but I

Would have had like the dates of the Mages let’s just say and inside would have had like a handicap chart and like oh three quarters of 28s whatever and for whatever reason I absolutely loved it that that’s up there for me um but it’s not always how much we spend Rick

And that’s why I love the Rick shs merch because you can go cheaper you can go ball marker you can go for something more elaborate Go Fancy head cover Rick Kevin Nash what what are our goals for 2024 let’s go just purely on the golf side of things what’s your goal for

2024 um I’ve got two I’ve been thinking about these recently I’m actually genuinely thinking what you I just I just want interested what you say I’m genuinely thinking of keeping my handicap oh okay like for every almost every round of goal for every break 75 and everything almost trying to keep an

Actual handicap throughout the year my other one and this is more of a Vain One but I think it would it’s weird cuz it’s probably not the part of my game I need to be working on but I do think it’ll make a difference I want more Club head

Speed I want more b ball speed and Club speed and distance so I want 150 m per hour Club speed over 170 m per hour ball speed and I want to be bombing it over 300 yards again again I used to back in the day when I was when I was young and

Fit yeah no that yeah I think you know what for me I don’t really have something play enough but I just actually enjoy playing golf and also playing I don’t play very well very often I don’t think most most of us do but playing well enough to enjoy and I

Think for me OB that’s everyone’s got different perception on that but when we’re you know we obviously played a lot of golf in Dubai I was very fortunate to do so I don’t want to or expect to play amazing golf but just to play a level

Where I’m hitting some good t- shots not losing loads of balls just enjoying the course there nothing worse than going to a golf course you never played before which is actually what I do a lot as as probably you well you’ve been a lots

Them but you do to a degree as well and just spraying everywhere it’s just not fun yeah I like I say I’m think about trying to maintain a handicap of like plus trying to get in the plus handicaps F from Kieran scary quite a a strange

Name but fed how does Rick feel about playing golf in the UK in the winter is it better just saving money and spending time at the driving range and waiting waiting until spring rather than battling courses often in challenging and wet muddy conditions it is hard is

It I can’t really speak I’ve just been on I’ve just been in the americ Dubai for two weeks trying to H trying to run away from it all but it is hard it is challenging um obviously it’s time to put a bit more work on you on your golf

Swing at a driving range or getting lessons um and then if you can find nice Links golf courses that don’t cost too much when we when we went up to dunb uh castle that was like 20 OD quid and you could play really solid golf course and

I don’t think that’d be too W it was quite linkx it Links Golf is where you need to be going going to I think someone that wants to improve which I’m guessing Kieran does that’s a very good question because is it really worthwhile but the way I’d flipped that is that

Everyone knows winter golf certainly parts of the UK if it’s not a links call it’s not as much fun it’s wet it’s soggy the ball gets covered in mud however going back to the word fun I think you just got to try and make it fun so

Rather than thinking oh it’s wet or I’m not going to hit as far as normally would have more battles with your friends have more like uh for or scrambles or just do different things or even just match play against each other because then you you you both playing

The same golf course and then the other thing as well actually again in in Dubai we played every round on a boogie which is the kind of thing you do over it’s so warm but yesterday day before day before yesterday when we played the belfree we actually walked 18 holes and I carried

My bag used obviously a trolley which is not too dissimilar but I carried my bag and on my woot band all my fitness calories whatever I think it was like one and a half thousand calories walking like four or five miles with quite a heavy golf bag plenty of golf balls in

There cuz I need them and I thought afterwards no matter how I played okay no matter how I played that’s like doing a lot of running you know think about me going to do that would be probably a 15K run if not more so i’ say as that that

If you go and playing on a Saturday even if the course is horrendous condition and you don’t massively enjoy it see the exercise you got out in the fresh air you spoke to your pals you’ve had a bit of a had a bit of a fun time and if you

Get wet so what you’ll dry and if you get muddy so what you can clean it it’s not nothing not the end of the world but yeah if you can uh if you can find somewhere dry you’ll have more fun um guy thanks for a great 2023 thank you

For a great 2023 let’s uh let’s continue to smash it in 2024 I’m not sure what camera is that’s camera um thanks for the wonderful team here thanks for everyone listening watching Etc have a great Christmas everybody and a Happy New Year and we shall see you in 2024

What would I buy a friend quickly for Christmas there’s only one thing to buy tiger stripe head cover perfect while it’s still available the stock is very low of that check it out at Rick thanks everybody love you lots love you lot see you soon


  1. Are we all going to ignore the fact that Tiger has come back and is huge!!! When will they start testing in golf, its mental!! Maybe enforce testing before rolling the ball back.

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