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GINGERMAS 2023 AWARDS SHOW // The Ginger Runner


Join us for our LIVE Gingermas Awards Show where we’re giving away tons of prizes from some of our favorite running brands and races! Big thanks to Gary Robbins ‘Claus’ for his traditional return to the holiday show!

#GingerRunner #Gingermas23 #MerryChristmas

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Train Hard. Race Harder. Party Hardest.
FTC DISCLAIMER: All products for review are provided by Running Warehouse unless otherwise stated. All opinions are 100% my own and I do NOT accept financial compensation from any brand for any product mentions or reviews. No one has to approve my reviews before I upload. I say what I want about what I want how I want. Always have, always will!

TW was the final night of Ginger Miss and out on the trail the Finish Line awaited with local Craft Ale the Rd was Sleepless in the crisp autumn air in hopes the lead pack soon would be there the mid Packers were scattered all along the course while the elites sped along

As quick as a horse and my pacer with his choros and I with my garment were hours behind coach Ian charman long ago I had bonked and my face lost its smile barely half done with the 100 miles food rations were low just a handful of pretzels as the light slowly faded from

The bulb in my petzel I felt so laded I had nothing left I was ready to drop my first dnf we wandered forever and could not find the PATH I’d never make the cut off I did the math I sat silently on a stump because all hope was lost I just

Wanted to quit never mind mind the cost when in the woods behind me there arose a loud rustle I sprang to my feet and prepared for a tussle the moon on the breast of the fresh fallen leaves gave a luster of midday to the ground between

The trees when what to my much addled mind should appear but a red-headed Runner with a case full of beer he wore a GRL cap and his legs were so limber I knew in a moment it must be the ginger I’m hallucinating I thought I must need

More rest when inran his posy of co-hosts and guests swifter than gazel his friends they all came he clapped and he shouted and introduced them by name it’s yine Walter ring and Casey liai even Bowman to Walter and gerbon say hi last but not least in came mile long

Legs sipping local craft beer not that crap from a keg we found our new crew my pacer said with a chuckle and right then I knew I’d earn that silver belt buckle then out into the clearing the ginger he ran trotted right up beside me and stuck

Out his hand what is up everybody the ginger Runner here but we’re not airing this live so nobody fear on his feet he wore Ultras heel toe drop was zero and wielded in one hand a black goat Pro Hero a drop bag of supplies he flung on

His back and looked like a pedler just opening his pack take these he told me calories you can use and offered a bag full of spring energy and goo here’s your own gr wrap the ginger said with a grin and he took a long Swig from his

Flask of tail wind his friends shared with us there Brew some dark IPA while the bulbs from their headlamps turned night into day now I’ve oft heard it said a ginger has no soul but I knew at once that was folklore of Old Bright and multihued was the cap on his head while

The beard on his chin was like a flame Blazing Red he wore a dark long sleeved shirt sweat wicking not flannel its breast for the logo of his own YouTube channel he gave us fresh doublea batteries from out of his pocket then led us on course and told us go rocket

His demeanor reminded me not to be a quitter so I promised I’d follow on Instagram and X he zipped up his pack and to his team gave a Yelp then I thanked him profusely for all of his help Ginger claw started running off into the the night but I heard him

Exclaim a he ran out of sight until next year log those miles and run the farthest marry Ginger Miss to all train hard race harder party Hardest Ginger Runner Mar Mary Ginger everybody a huge round of applause for our incredible guest Gary Robins Claus at the top of the show reading the traditional TW the night before Ginger thank you Gary we’ll uh introduce him to the show here in just a second but welcome everyone to our Ginger Miss

Awards show hello Kim hi how are you feeling festive a little festive feeling like this is our 10th year of doing this which is crazy when I wrote that I kind of panicked because that means I’m 10 years old or no years old I’m 10 I’m 10 yeah that’s the

Wesy uh welcome everyone to the ginger Miss award show uh before we even like kick things off Kim and I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who participated this year we had a record number of registrations a record number of people who actually submitted uh results

I don’t know how we managed to sort through it over the last 48 hours but we did we tallied the points uh there were some I don’t know if they’re record with points because last a couple years ago we did do some yeah we’ve had some crazy

Records in the past but like Point accumulation things but like big miles were run big Point totals were gathered uh and we’re very very excited to give away a ton of stuff tonight so Ginger Miss started 10 years ago as a way for Kim and I to give back to you the

Wonderful viewers in the community who have supported us throughout this year it continues to be that tradition if you want to continue to support us uh Run Ginger Miss every year consider jumping into tigerclaw which is our inperson 50k and Ascent race you can get hats and

Wraps to support us or join the gr crew on patreon there’s lots of different ways that you can contribute to help make this thing happen year after year but Ginger Miss will always remain free to enter and we just love to give back some of our favorite uh Brands and gear

And stuff like that at the end of the year uh a little bit of business of course we have some incredible sponsors this year let me pull up the sponsor graphic uh I realized the sponsor graphic this year oh there it is I was gonna say right in front of Gary but if

I turn off the uh background I can make Gary appear there he is there’s Gary Gary’s behind our sponsors uh and I’ll make him disappear three two and he’s gone uh our sponsors are here that had amazing prizes we have the Northface rabbit scratch Labs Camelback runner in

Gingi arav via running uh running Warehouse tigerclaw that sounds familiar Coast Mountain trail series and Squamish 50 and wallet trails in addition to uh John litson photography fine art photography Chrissy Ma has some books that she’s going to be giving away uh lots of fun stuff and we are so excited

To have those items to give away yes and then I think before we get into the actual giving away we are giving away some items tonight live Gary has a bunch of trivia questions once we introduce him we’ll like get right into it but uh he’s got trivia questions we’re going to

Take the first correct answer in the chat rooms and then if you are one of the winners of one of our uh uh uh categories that we have whether it’s creativity or uh eggnog award or any of that kind of stuff uh we will contact

You we will get a hold of you to get you those prizes probably first month or so like January like within the next four weeks because some companies are on holiday we’ll get a hold of you within the next 48 hours but to receive your prizes it generally takes a little while

Because of the holidays but if you are a winner for one of our live questions that Gary asks tonight we will ask you to email us and we’ll give you all those details here in just a second without further Ado I think it’s time to bring

On our guest shall we we you’ve already seen him and he’s he’s just glorious in all of his Christmas uh uh festivities over here without further Ado Gary claw hello friend welcome back hello friends good to see you both thanks for having me back it’s uh it’s been too

Long since I’ve seen your beautiful faces it’s good to see you guys again you too man and is the gray on your beard now real very very real yes 100% real yes we know that the last year has been fun uh but we are so excited to have you here during the holidays

Rocking the Wham sweatshirt as usual um you’re giving some stuff away tonight right am I no no maybe not end of the show sorry what what what we yes yes we are giving away a bunch of free entries to a bunch of our races Coast Mountain trail running that will include a

Squamish 50 Race entry to any distance which is worth up to 400 Canadian dollars and tax for a 5050 entry uh the race sold out in record time we have 1,800 individuals registered from 15 different countries coming to Squamish in August so literally the only way into

The race now now is if you win this prize here on GRL tonight and uh and we also have entries for our multisport race in chillak in my hometown called conquer the better that is the option of doing Solo or relay team of three we have a paddling stage a biking stage and

A running stage we have a private beachfront Campground that we hosted all out of at the end of May and we’re we’ve added a trail run only option to that this year so we’re really excited about that one and I think the other one was

Just uh any of the other races that we have which include uh run Ridge Run Diaz Vista um uh survival of the fittest these are tough questions and buck and hell as our other races um as I said that I realized Diaz Vista also sold out in record time

Um and the only way into that race would be if you claimed an entry from tonight so we can we can make that happen here as well tonight I don’t even know if I included that in the email you gave us three uh to give away I believe it was

Squamish uh Buck andell or di Vista and then conquer the better so we’ll we’ll give the second question the person who wins that will have the choice between buck and hell and D fista that’s cool there you go um but Gary I mean obviously you’ve had an incredible year

Your races are selling out in record time you’re wearing the Wham sweatshirt without getting into too much behind the scenes I feel like you might have something in the works are you able to talk about anything that might be happening next year around the same time as an unnamable race that

Sucks uh yeah there was uh it’s been an interesting couple of months to say the least uh I definitely got taken off guard by some announcements uh but there has been nothing but uh Silver Linings and positivity that’s come out of that for us and our group and our community

And our people and uh the outpouring of support was uh very much unexpected and um and just almost brought us to tears quite literally so we are working on hopefully uh launching a relatively large event in September of next year I won’t uh get into any of the exact

Details because it’s still in the works um thus far we’ve had some really positive initial dialogue we should know a bit more in the coming days as to the probability of this happening in short order um but I will say that if it does all come together so this is it this is

Breaking news I haven’t made this public anywhere else have been really hesitant and reluctant to put too much out there um but again this is all unknown as of today on January 15th we’ve promised we’ll make an announcement one way or the other with an update as to if this

Race is happening in September of 2024 um if it comes together and today it looks promising uh there will be a 100 mile distance that we are planning to launch with uh 9500 meters 31,000 ft in beautiful mountains with some off Trail terrain um along with a host of

Other distances coming in underneath that so go beg or go home right yeah we are excited to find out what that is and to let Ginger Miss award show kind of be where that’s first talked about we appreciate you Gary I do want to say before we get into it we have last

Year’s winner of the Squamish entry in the chat Shaggy Runner is here and Shaggy says I won Squamish uh last year won the entry last year and so amazing thank you Gary we love uh good stuff yeah it’s super tough but we’re you know we obviously have a very close

Connection to Squamish and we’re very appreciative for all of the races that Gary host and puts on we know because of experience and because we know Gary they are the best races put on by the best people in some of the best locations on Earth so Gary we applaud you and your

Whole team for putting up with everything you guys had to put up with and we can’t wait to see what you unveil in January getting into the Christmas spirit Gary you’re big into Christmas and my right oh yeah absolutely Yeah Christmas is my uh my scene baby we’re we’re big

In all the holidays we go all in on Halloween as well but yeah uh definitely Christmas is is uh since I first watched National Lampoon I always dreamt of the day that I would be a homeowner and could attempt to do something similar and uh we’ve been a we’ve been in our

Home for four and a half years now so I have an annual budget that I’ve Set uh for myself on spending on Christmas decorations um that budget rarely getss met normally it gets doubled but I do my best to stay on budget and I definitely have a long-term Vision with how I want

To continue to grow my light show well you’ve shared with me uh an Incredible video that we’re going to play here can you walk us through what we’re looking at here because I believe this is one of the best displays uh I’ve ever seen an ultr Runner

Happen I was actually out doing some maintenance this afternoon I had to replace three strands of lights that are in there that uh died on me unexpectedly it just happened to be the roof lights um but I’ve got lots of spare so I put

45 minutes into to fix it all up and um uh and then projector on the uh the trailer cover in the driveway there and then as we we go across there’s a bunch of stuff on Facebook Marketplace and as it finishes by panning across the front

Of the home there’s a garage door cover here that uh showed up uh three weeks later than they said it would but made it in time for Christmas so that was good they didn’t get any hate mail from me whatsoever on that one it’s impressive man uh as as

Someone who also is obsessed with a national cryst vacation yeah I too have the dream and I think Gary and I have have gotten into the weeds talking about bulb sizes and best use case for certain cords but replacing the bulbs and oh yeah we could out we could ner out well

I I will say this so my entire setup is a total of just uh under 450 Watts so everything is high efficiency LED um and I’ve gone out of my way to invest in higher end lights that don’t Cop Out annually year after year so it’s kind of

A long-term investment knowing the stuff I’m buying is going to last 10 plus years um and that’s yeah so the entire energy consumption for all of that is just over 400 watts it’s impressive you’re impressive your beard is impressive but I’m wondering do you approve of the lights that I did

Today that is yes magnificent I am very impressed with the the dedication you have to decorating very low efficiency C9 bulb bulbs around so the color was more pleasing to the eye you did you customized the color order someone out there’s going to go you have too many

Blues next to Greens I know it actually that’s not true you don’t have any I fixed it you did fix it looks great let’s get into the giveaways Gary we’re gonna start with you because we have five live giveaways and I figure this is going to be the best way to like kick

Things off is have you give away maybe the conquer the veter entry maybe we’ll start with that okay so the rules with winning any of the entries into my events is that you are not allowed to sell them to anyone else and once they’ve been claimed you can’t pass it on you can’t

Defer it to someone else so if you win we’d love to see you if you can’t yourself make it then please gift it to someone else who can make it to the race and we’ll love to see you at the races throughout the calendar year here but no selling no repurchasing no deferrals

Once it’s been claimed okay fantastic we’re good all right perfect the first question is in the classic Christmas movie National Landon’s Christmas Vacation instead of a Christmas bonus what did Clark BR iswald receive from his company as a gift remember this is for any of you who are watching live

Give your answer in the chat room the first correct answer that we see wins this entry into conquer the veter one of Gary’s races uh I already see is that I already see it yep that is the correct answer and this one comes to us from Dan

Booker jelly of the month that is the correct answer jelly of the month well done Dan Booker nice job good stuff Dan so that is uh is worth up to 375 plus tax for a relay team of three we hope to see you and your friends and if not we

Hope that uh friends of yours will claim the entry and will meet them in at the end of May up in chillak well done and just a reminder if you win a live prize you’re not eligible to win a second third or fourth live prize yes we’ve

We’ve had to establish that you let him know afterwards yeah sorry Dan if you’ve won if you win a live live prize you can’t win another live prize just to keep it fair so don’t even enter again Dan hang out watch he can enter he can enter uh Dan congratulations so again

Dan email us and we will get in touch with you you can email the gingerginger that’s again the gingerginger and just give us your info and we’ll be able to contact you and get you all that all right all right Kim shall we dive into this thing let’s dive

In all right so we have an incredible number of prizes to give away tonight we’re going to try to crank through some of these blocks as quickly as possible we do have some cool videos to share and and highlights and stuff like that to give uh meanwhile I might just even show

You this little slideshow some of the wonderful things that were happening over the course of the weekend again record number of participants record number of uh registrations we’re so so thankful for this amazing Community um Kim where do you want to start do you want to start with like random most vert

Eggn let’s hit up most vert and then maybe we can get to a couple random creativity love it so we do give uh a prize to the person who accumulated the most vert and what’s kind of fun is that Dan Booker in the chat we wanted to

Recognize Dan Booker why I want to come to most vert next it’s perfect Dan Booker did get the most vert uh over the course of his entry into Ginger Mist with 3373 ft during a race but unfortunately Dan needed to collect two items to be eligible for the prize so we

Move down to the next person Kim who is it so the winner of the most vert this year is Abby McCarthy and Abby ran 20769 feet and Abby for winning uh the most vert prize you win a runner gift box ining gift box and a scratch variety

Pack of the Energy Chews awesome prize from runner in Gingy and scratch congratulations to you Abby you kick butt uh let’s give a creativity award so uh we wanted to recognize members of the community or people who participated who just got really creative got into that

Ginger spirit and kind of took things up a notch uh I think maybe this one let’s give this one way first uh so this award goes to the individual who got a lot of other members of the community involved and not just in person members virtual members virtually bringing together

Runners from around the country to sing A Christmas Carol on Zoom congratulations Michael hilard you win one of our creativity Awards tonight we’re giving away a bunch of creativity Awards because lots of people got super creative what does he win Kim uh Michael you are the proud winner of $100 running

Warehouse gift card congratulations Michael Hillyard and maybe let’s do this cre it award this individual also got into the Christmas spirit but maybe more the grinchmas spirit and I don’t I don’t know how else to tip my hat or pull my ear or twiddle the nose at giving this

Person credit for what they did but when you go full makeup as the Grinch I gasped I you did gasp when I was going through the photos uh basically went out and did their Ginger Miss run hunt an entirely uh Grinch outfit John stasulli congratulations you also win a $100 gift

Card to running Warehouse I also don’t think I can stress this enough it wasn’t just like a grinch outfit it was like full theatrical Grinch face I don’t know if I don’t know if they work in movies or something but it felt it was next LEL

Crazy yeah Shaggy in the chat room says the Grinch was so good it was so good it was so good so we’re very very appreciative of that go ahead um so part of Ginger Mist we always stress this you don’t have to run the most miles or do

The most vert um you don’t have to be you know have the time to edit a film or anything like that we do like just giving away a handful of random prizes so we always throw everybody’s name into random number generator based on when you registered your results y um so I

Think we can give a couple of those away now yeah let’s give away maybe three of them sure all right so these were randomly chosen people this is why we say if you run or sign up for gingeras just do the the little bit of amount and then submit because just getting your

Name in the Hat you’re eligible for prizes all right so the first random winner chosen was Kate Woodard congratulations Kate Woodard you win one of Chrissy Ma’s uh training for Ultra books signed by Chrissy mail and the new edition the new edition we have it you

Can’t see it but it’s on a shelf behind my hand there trust me another random winner uh we’re going down the list here yeah might as well uh so this prize is pretty cool um I don’t think we have an image of it to show but you can always

Go check out John’s website so gr crew member John lauritson is an amazing photographer and sells uh limited edition prints they’re beautiful they’re gorgeous and the winner of that print is Bob deloso Bob congratulations Bob congratulations you win a John lson uh fine photography print uh you might even

See John John’s outside is his name in the chat room often and maybe let’s do this one and the third random winner and we’ll get to maybe another Live question with Gary okay uh this individual will win a scratch variety hydration mix it’s basically a nice box full of all the

Scratch hydration mixes this is what Kim and I use regularly uh the winner is Geo dein doin geod D Domenico Geo D Domenico Domenico congratulations Gio D Domenico you are the winner of the scratch variety hydration mix well done are you saying well done for my pronunciation

Well done ktim you know what you also win hot coco you’ll get hot coco later Mr garyo would you like to do another trivia question I would love to do another trivia question let’s do um yeah what do you want to do which what do you

Want to give away I’m just going oh we want to give away uh we can do either the uh Diaz Vista uh Buck andell or Vista or buck and Hell ultra distance race entry fantastic remember correct 26th year sold out in a couple hours uh a few weeks ago and bucking hell happens

In so that’s in uh in April April 13th at the end of July July 27th in North Vancouver is are hell races that is the hardest technical race mile for mile that we produce period um so two very good options question is you saw do you still have the relay for bucking

Hell yes twers 50k relay 25 a piece one of the best uh ways Bry far yeah one of the best ways to like dip your toe into an ultra distance is to watch other people do it while you get to run a much shorter distance and get to like kind of

Hang out and eat the food and stuff uh cannot recommend hell enough it is fantastic okay sorry go ahead G perfect okay question is in the classic Christmas movie Die Hard the nakatomi plaza is held hostage by a criminal mastermind named Hans Gruber true or false No Name That actor name the

Actor sometimes I can’t read you Gary Gary the chat’s now full of just true true true true true my brain went oh poor Gary you read the question wrong people are just saying true uh but I do see a correct answer here is that what you’re saying I yep that’s the one that

I’m seeing sha be congratulations Shan bear that is the first correct answer to Gary’s trick question uh Alan Rickman the incredible famous rest in peace Mr Alan Rickman uh one of my favorite actors and of course die hard it’s a Christmas movie uh so Alan Rickman you

Will want to email the ginger what you just ask Alan Rickman to email did I ask Alan Rickman Alan Rickman can you please just drop me an email I’m just waiting uh sorry Sean bar if you wouldn’t mind emailing the ginger just so I have your email and

We can get in touch with you get you in touch with uh uh the race team over there in Gary’s department and we’ll get you a race entry to Buck and Hell or D fista your choice true or false get out of here die hard as a Christmas movie true true or

False first correct answer there there you go that would that would have lit the interwebs on fire uh all right let’s rage through some of these Kim what do you think you choose your choice uh let’s get some uh creativity away what do you think about

That uh yeah or maybe some eggnog let’s do eggnog and then we can lead into creativity yes eggnog so we have some as per annual tradition we do have the eggnog chug segment of Ginger Miss I delegate I do most of like the going through the results but I do delegate

This one to you because I have a hard time listening yeah it’s not so much the watching for you it’s the hearing people chug eggnog the noises there’s something else their next next level um so every year we do have this additional bonus point where you get to chug a pint of

Eggnog people tend to take it upon themselves to do more than a pint we don’t want this to turn into a contest of who can drink the most eggnog because it turned into that a little bit this year this is the last year that that can be a

Thing uh it’s usually we usually what we end up doing is taking the names of the people who participated in the eggnog contest and draw them randomly everyone sort of equally um given a chance if they drink the eggnog however the last couple of years people have done double

Pints uh gotten really costumed out there’s been like some things are like oh my God clearly a winner yeah this year we got a little bit of everything the fastest the mostest um here’s a little compilation to show you what I’m talking about okay we have our pints of

Eggnog here we go I’m also Adding you pepper peppermint schn N Berry Ginger M 2023 Harry Ginger 20 23 Mary tus marying 20123 from sh running club I would like to apologize to you and to everyone to have to endure the amount of chugging that you all just saw I mean there is some Fanfare about this compilation in the chat room I I hate to

Say it but this might been the best year yet because we had everything there’s a lot of like mistakes were made yeah many mistakes were made but we do have to give away some prizes so this one was difficult we do want to recognize some individuals uh but I I’m going to pref

We have a runner up and we have a winner and I’m going to preface this by saying our our our previous Champion standing might have to give up their belt because we had some individuals knock it out of the park this year and I know that our reigning Champion is in

The chat probably waiting but don’t leave Joe Joe Hoover our reigning Champion uh because we do have something for you in a little bit but I would like to recognize our runner up uh first and foremost because this individual drank more than two pints I actually did the math you counted in the

Video and I’ll briefly show the video they drank more than two pints and I think also it’s like the kind of the bartender flare of having all the shots laid out yeah let’s see if I else yeah we can we can show it there uh so this

Is their video that they submitted got the the Christmas music playing love to see it love to hear it and then we’re not going to show you the whole thing because it is just a lot of chugging but they have a full Pint on the far left on the table then they have

Like four to 5 O cups next to that and then a shot glass in the middle which would be 1.25 o and then they just start chugging what I’m guessing is 2 to 3 oasses great job Stellar job so that is our runner up this year and that is Ryan

Randolph yeah go ahead oh I’m gonna yep yeah and Ryan you are winning a Camelback Eddie 32 oun insulated steel bottle as well as a Camelback Ultra BS but someone drank more and someone drank and it wasn’t just that it was more it was that it was

Al it was also a flight there was a flight of nondairy nog for this year’s Ginger Miss nog chug I decided to do a taste test edition of non-dairy nog so it’s three very elegant pints have here we Go I want show the whole video because it’s just a lot of chugging uh but let’s give some major credit to me Chapel for winning this year’s egg not congratulations me Chapel M you are winning a bag of the scratch cookie mix which looks awesome by the way uh $100

Running Warehouse gift card a camel back multi Bev 22 o 16 ounce bottle so the two uh uh the runnerup and the first place in the eggnog challenge get these really cool bottles from camel back uh Meg you get one that it screws apart you

Have a 22 ounce thing to keep it cold and then a 16 ooun Cup on top just fill it with nog you can nog it away um amazing amazing amazing time and I do want to also gave a little credit to Meg leech who in the video chugged the

Fastest in less than 3 seconds chugged a full pip got her into the compilation if you want to go back and watch that you can watch them chug it down amazing it was fast it was fast it was quite fast also want to give Gretchen a shout out

Too Gretchen couldn’t I believe could not find non-dairy nog and so opted to go with a non-dairy pumpkin spice is that what it was yeah like some booze in it as well threw in like erer which I think is mint schnaps because those go together uh Senor Gary

Would you like to uh help us give away another live race entry perhaps this one tigerclaw yeah let’s get let’s give away a tigerclaw entry tigerclaw all right I love it okay going back to the questions here it is in the classic Christmas movie reindeer games protagonist Rudy

Duncan played brilliantly by Ben afflac has a pen pal relationship with a woman named Ashley true or false true name the actress that plays Ashley name the actress who plays Ashley who plays Ashley first correct answer in the chat will win an entry into tiger clot

Which is M and Kim’s uh uh Infamous if you will PR Infamous because it’s tough It’s hard I think I got it do you see it too yep it looks like Dana s Dana s with the correct answer chariss thoron is the correct answer and Gary you mentioned

That uh play beautifully by Ben Affleck you Big Ben Affleck fan yeah SEC Crush Yeah well yeah I mean honestly the Christmas tree is blocking the poster we have on the wall right behind me here but this is yeah I I didn’t think you’d bring it up but since you did

Let’s get into it gingerman Show is all about Ben Affleck now congratulations Dana remember to email the gingerginger so we can get in touch with you and get you that race entry into tigerclaw and all these race entries are transferable but as Gary said our race entries are transferable correct uh you

Cannot sell them you so you can’t like you can give them to someone else but uh once they’re in that’s it all right Kim let us keep this ball rolling so I think we should go to yeah you tell me uh let’s do this one creativity perfect since it kind of

Dovetails off of the eggnog situation I’m all in on that yeah so we did want to recognize last year’s eggnog Champion Joe Hoover tends to go above and beyond in all of their uh eggnog submission videos and we did want to recognize Joe for always being super creative so Joe

Has chugged two pints of eggnog like every year now for the eggnog chugging contest um but he also made like an eggnog belt egog champ belt eggnog champ belt the wrestling robe the full-on calling out of everything the entrance music all of that so Joe Hoover you get

A creativity award tonight Kim what does Joe Hoover get Joe you are winning a Camelback octane 12 hydration pack congratulations congratulations Joe we’ll get in touch with you and we’ll get that out to you as well yeah Joe Hoover in the chat says it’s an arms

Race uh we like we did have to call out that it doesn’t need to be listen I don’t want anyone like I don’t want someone drink someone getting sick yeah we don’t we don’t need any of that that’s not going to make the the final

The final thing here um shall we do this one uh yeah you do that before the end no let’s let’s do it okay another thing that Kim and I really really like are the people put in just the right amount of effort to get an entry just enough

Big fans of that uh so we call it our minimal effort award and this usually goes to the person who earns the least amount of points ran the least amount of miles and did the least because honestly that is like in like the theme of Ginger

We always say you don’t have to do a ton just do the minimal amount to get your entry in um so this year’s a minimal effort award goes to Kelly Graves and Kelly got three points so Kelly got did the one mile and got the minimum two items three points congratulations Kelly

You you did the least but we know that’s the the holiday season and we also are in the spirit of giving so we’re going to give you the most we’re going to give you a tigerclaw entry so you have uh uh you can race tigerclaw you got plenty of

Time to train between now and May 10th or 11th whichever race you choose and we’re going to give you an iny gift box so you can cozy up those toes and your feet with the uh amazing and Gingy socks so congratulations Kelly on doing the minimalist minimalist amount the minimal

Amount this is really just kicking right on here uh let’s do some random some random winners all right uh so these were again people who were chosen at random based off of just entering uh and this next person is going to win we just created brand new

Ginger Runner wraps we have two brand new wrap designs in our store now and a brand new hat that we uh collaborated with runner on so we’re big fans of the brand Runner out of California uh they make amazing running hats really good people and uh we have a new hat and new

Wraps and we’re going to give away two wraps and a hat we call it our combo so you get one of the brand new Ginger Runner hats and two wraps and this person is Kim uh the winner of the hat and wraps combo is Bridget do congratulations Bridget uh you get the

Gr hat and wrap and then the other random winner I mean this is kind of this is a good one this a pretty good PR really good price I mean all really good prizes but this is like a really good prize this is a really good prize we are

Big fans of the North Face shoes what happened something did you just delete something I did I remember the name though can you undo I will undo it’s fine you guys it’s fine everything’s fine okay as long as you remember the name I do we can’t we we have to that

Number that’s stuck we’ve already chosen it’s stuck okay Len we’re big fans of the North Face shoes here yeah everything’s recorded uh we love Northface shoes the endurus are some of my favorite shoes to date uh Northface was super kind and giving us some shoes to give away including a pair

Of the Northface endurus effective endurus shoes Kim who is the winner of the Northface vective endurus shoes uh the winner of the Northface shoes is Lester burus congratulations Lester burus those are some damn good trail running shoes you’re going to love them uh and see like that’s what you get for just

Putting your entry that’s all you got to do just submit your entry that’s all you got to do uh speaking of Ginger Runner hats and wraps Gary perhaps you would like to help us give away a set of wraps and a ginger Runner hat with another trivia question would be fantastic all

Right the next trivy question is name the voice actor that portrayed the narrator and the Grinch in the 1966’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas o name the voice actor name the voice actor and we’ll wait for the first correct answer in the chat uh oh wow that was really quick way

Quicker than I thought there David Boyce with the correct answer Boris carof congratulations David Boyce uh David if you could email the gingerginger we’ll get in touch with you and get you the ginger oner hat and wrap combo that was really fast that was super fast I was thinking that would

Would take a little bit longer because these trivia questions kind of get a little bit harder I think Gary’s saving the most difficult one maybe for maybe like a big Grinch fan could be could be big gr fan could be um but there are a lot of people answering

Ben Affleck which I think is great is it just Gary with all like Gary are you in the chat did anyone answer true a couple TRS we did get a couple truths yeah great that’s who it’s for thank you I appreciate you very very much all right so we have a couple more

Let’s see uh we did the creativity should we do filmmaker uh yeah let’s do filmmaker okay so every year we also ask people to put some videos together and they can do it however they want they can post it to Instagram reels anything like that um we’re just really really happy the

Winners this year because it also takes a lot of effort to film during Ginger Miss and edit something and get it submitted on time it’s a lot it’s a lot to do in a weekend and we tend to have a good handful of people that that do that

That edit together a video uh we’re very very happy with the winners this year who put together another video year after year they they do a fantastic job bringing Ginger Miss into their family and their family has grown year after year and this year is no different there’s even like a surprise

Announcement in the video they really bring out all the stops let’s be honest uh I’m just going to show you a little teaser you can find it on YouTube but but these are our winners veryy Ginger Miss 2023 we waited all year for this we are at aquan

Historic district in Virginia fifth year in a row we are so excited let’s get started we’ve got a special announcement for you today as Well congratulations to the Quinones family again for winning the filmmaker award I cut it right there because they do make a secret announcement go watch the video and you can see what that announcement is but we are very very happy for them congratulations to the Quinones family

Uh and as it grows surprise uh they have continued to bring us into their family over the holidays just love following their videos every and I know they mentioned that they love and look forward to doing Ginger Miss every year but we also in turn look forward and

Hope that they’re submitting a video every year because we’ve been able to watch their family grow and it’s super beautiful and their family is just adorable and there they are in the chat Q Runners congratulations uh and a and a huge congratulations on uh the announcement spoilers uh congratulations

On on the new on the newcomer um and what do they win Kim uh so you guys are going to be winning a $100 running Warehouse gift card uh one of Chrissy Ma’s books as well as a Camelback shoot mag 25 oce bottle congratulations y’all and we can’t wait to get you those

Prizes um let’s do this one mhm you want to set this one up um you don’t have to I can do you want to drink the rest of my beer your beer doesn’t have alcohol I keep forgetting I keep forgetting you can’t keep pretending like like are you sure

Though it’s like my SP my sparkling water is just crazy tonight yeah Gary Koozie Kim has the Kraken Koozie and then Ethan has the Seattle Koozie I gotta say athletic Brewing they sponsor my races not me personally the upside Dawn is a gluten-free non-alcoholic beer and it has made beer

Fun for me again I didn’t know it was gluten-free couple years ago yeah yeah so this is my new favorite uh favorite beverage at the end of the day here I’ve been enjoying the Rattler the right Pursuit um by the way they don’t sponsor us but they are welcome

To Tiger CLA they have sponsored Tiger Claw in the past yeah we we actually had their Brew at the finish line of our race as well Darren in the chat says well I gotta go Oilers merch spotted bye uh oh so uh this next award we like to call

The Gus award we just like to look for something that has a little heart something a little special uh and this year um um this particular person usually does ginger Miss with her daughter every year usually like team up and go out and hunt all the lights and

All that good stuff and this year was their first year apart I believe her daughter has moved away to go to school um so this year’s winner is Deb hamberlin and Deb actually printed out a photo of her daughter so Deb had a print out of our daughter and a print out of

Gus and was running around town to get all her points so we thought that was super cute uh there’s no better person to to win the Gus award the the the true spearmint spe spearmint that athletic is just you the true Spirit of Ginger Miss uh is bringing people together even when you

Are aart so congratulations Deb you win a scratch hydration mix big bag of that and an entry into a Walla Trail Race So any of Gretchen’s races even if that race is sold out including the hamster races any distance uh the the entry is transferable so if you cannot make it

Yourself you’re welcome to transfer it to somebody else creativity award this one’s always really fun this is a good one this is a good one and this is also a tradition so this year we had to recogniz oh my God I have to turn this on and off there we go

We had to recognize this individual because again one thing that Kim and I really believe about the holidays is that it is about tradition it’s sort of about doing the things or even starting New Traditions but doing the things that you do uh each year to bring people

Together to just have fun to kind of get that spirit and I know the holidays aren’t that for everybody and that’s that’s totally okay but this individual every year has brought a smile to our faces and a smile to those who participate in ginger Miss uh we love

Her to death She’s fantastic she’s also an educator and helps teach the Youth of the world how to be better people um so this last creativity award goes to the wonderful Heather Reed and her entire class because Heather got her class involved she got her whole class

Involved not sure how legal it is but congratulations Heather wi to show a little bit of her video all right welcome class and welcome to gingeras 101 today we are going to learn the art of chugging so did everybody bring their Red Solo Cup all right once you have your Red

Solo Cup you’re going to take your eggnog and you’re going to fill it up about a pint worth oh my gosh all righty Miss Reed don’t people usually chug beer well yes yes they do no no no they do not chug beer they are always chugging eggnog please keep that in mind

Okay now the secret to a good chug is well there really isn’t a good secret you just try to get this crap down your throat as fast as you can so kind of like this we don’t need any more chugging but you get the idea Heather does do a damn

Good job of chugging that eggnog the thing that I can’t get over is the extension cord plugging in the lights to her sweater just dangling down just dangling down off her arm every year Heather manages to like crank it up a little bit Heather thank you so much for

Your participation year after year and for getting people involved and just kind of getting that Spirit going we appreciate you you win the creativity award and Kim what does she win Heather you uh win a $100 running Warehouse gift card don’t spend it all in one place

Well do because actually you have to running Warehouse okay we have a couple more prizes to give away let’s do these two let’s do them yeah because we we kind of had a t is we definitely had a tie okay we had a tie it was a tie it was a

Tie uh for the most miles we had two individuals run parts of it together and maybe you ran more miles than this and this isn’t your name maybe you’ll hear your name in a second yeah if you if you don’t hear your name and you ran more

Miles than this you got something else yeah don’t worry you’re coming uh these two individuals ran 40 miles which equates to 40 points uh they got pretty much everything on the list uh including bonus points they did an incredible job they teamed up at one point during their

Run and actually ran some of this together yeah here’s what they win they both win one of the new rabbit fleeces which are cozy and they’re Dynamite love them scratch recovery drink so a big bag of the scratch recovery an ARA Viper race entry up to 50 miles of their

Choice as well so they uh you guys are both winning that gift pack back you both get that not you don’t have to share it no sharing get no sharing no sharing the winners Aaron zachie and Stacy bacon congratulations Aaron and Stacy running 40 miles just on just a casual just

Dropping a casual 40 and collecting all of the Run hunt items no big deal incredible and Stacy’s in the chat and Stacy says about 20 miles they shared together which is super cool the fact that you ran 20 miles together and then also ran 20 miles each on your own Stout

Very very Stout so congratulations to both of you uh you’re going to love those prizes and of course we’d like to recognize our grand prize winner when it comes to points this is the person who pretty much earned all the points ran all the miles did all the things this

Individual also made a video which would have easily won the filmmakers award if that’s all they had done but they did all the most so they got all the points so they did all the things I think we can officially say that this individual won Ginger Mist this year they did it

All they win a pair of the Northface vective Pro Shoes I just dropped a review of those those are $250 shoes spicy price some of the best shoes a Camelback Quick Grip chill handheld a runner gift box so Runner the hat company that we work with a Camelback Zephyr Pro vest

And an entry into tigerclaw because we want to see this person come back to tigerclaw and just absolutely crush it when you’re running 50 miles 50 miles I think you can come crush tiger clown and won’t make it uh it won’t even be a blip on your radar Kim with 129 points the

Winner is Sky skyfield congratulations Sky congratulations for making the video as well I it’s so much work I can’t stress how much work it it is to actually throw together a video even if you just like throw it together yeah but then when you’re also running 50 miles and

Collecting everything it’s crazy it’s crazy we have a lot of uh uh he also goes by Shaggy Runner uh you’ll find him on Instagram as Shaggy Runner but uh we have a lot of Shaggy Runner fans and stuff like that in the chat congratulations Sky we really appreciate

You because he’s also participated in ginger Miss for like multiple multiple years always super fun gets the family involved this time ran 50 miles around his you look at the drava and he just he just ran like all over his town he basically ran literally all around his

Town uh so congratulations Sky we appreciate you and all that you do but we’re not done yet we have one more prize to give away oh and it’s a good one it’s a good one this one’s pretty coveted would you say Gary I believe so yes I think 1,00 people would

Agree you’ve sold out almost every year that you’ve been in charge of this race but this year you had like a record like quickness and sellouts or something your English is so smooth and good with all that non-alcoholic beer coursing through your veins my friends appreciate the thoughts that deliver

From your mouth to my ears uh yes Squamish 50 is sold out every year um and this was the fastest we’ve ever sold out with the current numbers that we accept uh last year the 50 mile race lingered for I think the better part of eight weeks kind of thing

But the 50k sold out in I don’t know the exact time so don’t quote me on any of this but I want to say it was it was under an hour and the 23k and a handful of hours and the 5050 by the end of the

24 hours and the 50 mile by the end of the week I think so um but big numbers for all of that when you’re talking about 1,00 Runners over two days um and the 5050 Runners are technically two starters if they make it so it’s 1900

Starters uh for the races and yeah just feel incredibly fortunate to have been doing this for 12 years now going into our 12th year and to have built up um a small local race race into something that’s relatively internationally attended and renowned and um just yeah it’s it’s it’s a we’re we’re really

Proud of our little race that we’ve we’ve built up over a decade here um so we’re going to give away an entry to that right now as mentioned this is the only way that you can get into the race uh but you’re not allowed to sell it you

Could make some money off of this one I am certain for sure okay so the we already have some answers Gary uh Deb wants to know is the answer the Oilers Allison is guessing both true and false Alison not there none of those oh I would I I would vote for Allison but

Here we go I have to follow the rules sorry Allison uh question is what actor can be seen in these two Christmas movies both elf and A Christmas Story what actor can be seen in both A Christmas Story and the more recent beloved Christmas classic elf whoever

Knows this will be gifted an entry to Squamish I’m pretty proud of this question oh we got it we do have it that again that was the fourth fourth person to answer I can’t believe it uh let me make sure I click the right one here there it is Julia Crocker is correct

Peter Billingsley it is Peter Billingsley who played Ralphie in A Christmas Story plays one of the lead elves in elf congratulations Julia Crocker you wion an entrance into the Squamish 50 email the gingerginger we’ll get your contact info we’ll get you in touch with the race

Team up there in Canada uh you’re going to freaking love Squamish it is an incredible incredible race I’m impressed by we plan on it yeah we got to figure something out sorry I cut you off Kim I’m impressed too these questions were not easy Ethan

Threw these at me and I was like oh yeah this is is going to take a little bit of uh of knowledge and searching here but uh it was nice to mix it up and and do uh different uh different questions than we’ve done the last couple of years yeah

We usually do like trivia around the races themselves winners fkt stuff like that and uh I I think previously it was a test of how rapidly you could Google you could get or you could get online and find the the answer that we had posed from a lot of the race results and

Stuff yeah this was good because it actually did favor people who might uh be a bit more um uh experienced or knowledgeable about Christmas movie history yeah less quick fingers on the internet and more like oh maybe I just know there you go the answer um Gary we

Are so thankful for your time tonight and can you just remind people where they can one follow uh skish 50 on social networks as well as like where they can register for future races through Coast mountain and stuff like that yeah you can find us uh at Ben aacan profiles and everything that you need to find I wonder if that’s an actual website the problem is Gary you might have just sent people to a website that is just going to get them on some list a little devious yeah don’t type

That in but I do want to know what it if someone does if someone’s courage that’s right uh Squamish 50 DS Vista Coast Mountain trail running trail uh we miss Gary’s family and and all that they are and who they are and what my family hi Mom is your mom

Watching did your mom win can’t just say that you miss scary but you don’t miss my mom she’s on the couch with Linda and Reed right now is your she would actually have a great time with you guys honestly she would uh Gary thank you so

Much from the bottom of our hearts uh having Gary Claus Robbins here year after year is the tradition that Kim and I love the most and uh we can’t wait to see in person my friend and everyone who participated in the ginger Mist this year thank you

We appreciate you and we hope you have a fantastic holiday uh this is sort of our last broadcast of the year we are going to be doing daily Brew of course for a couple days for GR crew um we will be doing a couple more daily Brews we’ll be

Back probably tomorrow and for the rest of this week before we take Christmas break so if you want to be a part of that join the crew very easy all you have to do is head on over to thee Ginger Runner uh all tiers get access to some really fun

Perks and it does help support everything that we do here we appreciate you all we hope you have a fantastic holiday give love to all of those around you that you want to give love to and uh we hope you get out there to those who

You don’t want to get love to screw them uh and get outside get out there train hard race harder and part of the hardest we’ll see you guys next year thanks everyone go Kraken go Kraken Bye Ginger Runner


  1. Let the Christmas season begin!! Best reading by Gary this year. I have missed GRL sooooo much! Seeing you 2 made me so happy! Hope you had a good year. Thanks for all you do.

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