Golf Babe

Love at First Sight | Romance | Full Movie

In an attempt to save her family’s berry farm, a young woman, along with the help of her ex-boyfriend, organises a Christmas concert.

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I’ve always believed in the hope of Christmas no matter how hard life is no matter how much we’ve messed up what time is it Mama 9:30 or how broken our lives have become at Christmas good things can happen he’ll be here baby what oh brother good morning Smoky Mountains and

Happy December that’s 600 hours 3,600 minutes or 25 days until Christmas now the highs today are going to be in the mid-30s so hey put on your Grandmama’s sweater break out your aunt his fruit cake and pour yourself another cup of that eggnog latte whatever you do button

Up tight as you start your day today hi I’m DJ Bailey and we are wmtm 93.7 and this is your Tennessee Mountain Christmas station up next we’ve got a new Christmas song from Mason Wyatt to kick off our commercial free Christmas marathon it’s Mason Wyatt with Oh Come All Ye Faithful crooked

Ye joyful and Triant Oh Come to and behold born the king of angels oh come let us come let us come let us in Christ orders are ready SI are on the table H Blackberry crumb three in the bottom that’s SMS good Behold Him Bor the king of angels

Oh come let us adore him come let us adore him oh come let us adore in Christ the lord who died jimy wait hey good you look nice shook thank you you try not to burn this place down while I’m gone no promises good luck dear thank you Mama you’re

Welcome that’s right TR green it’s Mason Wyatt day down in Pine Valley why don’t you remind our listeners why today is so special well our very own country music Superstar Mason Wyatt will be dancing live on TV to raise money for the Nashville Children’s Home does it get

Any better than that people that’s right Trish now hey he’ll be dancing on the hit show dancing country so come on out everybody for a local viewing at Holly theater to support our local Legend the one the only Wyatt oh I cannot wait to see this

We’ll have gifts prizes and lots of fun folks so come on out everybody and support Mason Wyatt people trust me you don’t want to miss this Shelby hey good how’s life I am doing good mayor how are you I’m alive SW I’m spine Blackberry crumb I think we’ll put this one under the

Counter so uh you coming tonight well 50/50 50/50 okay thank you mhm this is for you thank you all right mared to s H marry December your little Fella’s falling asleep over there come on fella it’s Christmas but to stand on your own two feet come on

Shelby okay now you can’t tell anyone all right you don’t like try do you no you do you do I know you do is our secret okay okay what kind of pie do you like Cherry it’s your lucky day this is my favorite time of the year all

The cocoa the lights the trees all the present but let’s not forget why we celebrate this wonderful season and she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a Manger because there was no room for them in the end and there

We’re in the same country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night and lo the angel of the Lord Came Upon them and the glory of the Lord Shone round about them and they were so afraid and the angel said unto them fear not for behold I bring you

Good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people for unto you is Born This Day in the city of David a savior which is Christ the lord and this shall be a sign unto you you shall find the Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a

Manger and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the Heavenly Host praising God and saying Glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace Good Will toward men so what do you think thanks T how it goes so this would really allow us to do

Some things you know create twice the inventory generate some Revenue maybe create some jobs okay your silence is killing me Mr Robertson I don’t know what to say Shelby well say yes it’ll make us both feel better I thought this meeting was in reference to a letter you received

About bringing your accounts current not buying more land now loaning you additional money at this point would be impossible look I know we’re not breaking the bank lately but that letter we thought it was a notice just like all the others you have always worked with

Us in the past I’m sorry but no we’ve been generous in the past but with the Takeover our policies have changed that farm has been in my family for 40 years longer than this bank has been here I understand but now may be the time for

You to try to find a way to make sure that your house and land avoids foreclosure hold on certain interests are doing everything they can to convince the County Commission to allow unprecedented development in that area now your property in the adjoining land would finally make that happen

Ralph Baxter he has been trying to build that tourist trap for years it’s not going to happen the town’s not going to go for it it would change who we are look outside a lot has changed over the years well I’m not agreeing to it it’s our land it’s our crop and it’s

Certainly not his for now until the bank has to foreclose on you for non-payment then it goes to the highest bidder and we both know who that is all right all right folks everybody settle down just a little bit if you would again I’m DJ Bailey I’m your host

Tonight please listen to my radio show on WTN that’s 93.7 number one on the dial number one in your hearts if you would thank you for your support but look at here I have got the grand prize right here in my hand the big one it’s

Is a Mason Wyatt autograph CD and two tickets to see him over in Knoxville at the Knoxville Center for the Arts going to be a live concert get to see the boy in person are we ready get your tickets out who wants some of this right here huh yeah yeah all

Right here we go I’m going to Stir It Up good make sure it’s fair fair for everybody and there it is right there ready excited here it is 15 34 27 who we got oh Miss Donna Donna Clark come on up come on up Don hey hey expect I’m seeing your face

Here tonight yeah well that makes two of us I heard you on the radio sound like mini pearl I did so bad are you nervous I am not not the one dancing all right everyone if you would please take your places the show’s about to start all right now let’s head for

Dance in country the number one show in America it’s time for dance in country a one night only special to benefit children around the world tonight your favorite country music celebrities will dance the night away and all for a good cause tonight’s show features Charlie Wilkins Mel ryes Mason Wyatt and shy

Hunter let’s hear a little from our first dancer Mason W come on I’m not perfect you know I don’t claim to be um but I do hope my mistakes don’t Define me people give me another chance you know can you give me a sec uh

I’m doing this cuz I want to show people that I I haven’t forgotten where I came from I feel like I’m misunderstood you know more more than anything I don’t think uh the bad boy thing is that’s not me I’m a good man ready to go dance our

Faces off oh my gosh know small town boy small town values and I’m here to work where’s I work hard you know that’s what I do always I don’t do anything halfway I’m excited seriously be fun I hope are you done up first we have Mason white and

Lana Parker dancing for the Nashville children’s home oh where she going I don’t know what is that a chicken dance is better than that he looks like an idiot you used to date him no no no not the marar oh this couldn’t get any worse just this is so bad oh wow

Don’t do that to dula is that the C I think it’s a tit I believe the Young Folks call that the duy out there not to mention that good evening ladies it’s too late for coffee Daddy ah it’s never too late for coffee unlike your mama I can always go

To sleep and wake up whenever I need to what do y’all working on we’re in trouble Daddy yeah we’ve been there before we not like this we might lose the house yeah I’ve been there before too it’s winter I I don’t know what to do take a look at

That far as I know a child was born in that manger everything going to be all right you’re a strong woman Shelby B we raised you that way but there’s some things strong just don’t fix you need a good dose of Hope and you’re not going to get that

Rooting through them papers in the middle of the night now the sun will come up tomorrow I promise you just like it always does but what you need tonight that’s a good night sleep good night honey you too I’m going to start mine right now he’s right we’re Fighters we’ll make it for

Howy brother Bud nine letter word for a popular Christmas dessert fruit cake no no doesn’t fit try it h mince meat that’ll breach Mason Wyatt in the flesh Mr Haun good morning sir I thought my eyesight was failing me but my ears were shooting 2020 it seems like they are it’s good to

See you son good to see you um you watched it then I guess watch what you didn’t see it see what eight letter word for 70s icon travol bam that’ll work you didn’t see it huh thanks for that oh yeah we saw it we all saw it I wasn’t there

And it sure looked like you sounded like you scudded like a rooster like you I don’t know what I was thinking did the interview rounds this morning went looking for somewhere to Bear my head in the sand my Val seemed like the place so um I go ahead ask me get it over

With saw me coming from a mile away I before you ever came around the corner I wish she she Shelby still got that fire any chance she hates me any less after all these years yeah like I said she still sh me I can’t blame her she does I

Guess oh she’ll talk to you I doubt it’s what you want to hear but uh she got some things she want to say to you you I tried to reach out to that girl like a 100 times over the years and knock that first year burning all those photographs sure

Did keep the house warm great Lord we thank you for this food for the nourishment of our bodies and for you provision it for us and please Lord make sure we take the time to think of you and your life during this holiday season in Jesus name we pray amen Amen to that

Okay the gun case locked oh that’s why oh no reason hey Selby Bell it’s good to see you hey don’t call me that um let the man in well yeah he’s he he’s going to freeze to death out there daddy will you explain to me why you’re not surprised

That Mason Wyatt is at our front door because I asked him to dinner hey stop that Shelby the world is going to keep spinning around let the man in before he freezes to death thank youall again for inviting me tonight it’s been a long time since I

Sat down for a homecooked meal so everything looks incredible man thank you you’re welcome I run information over buds I figured well wouldn’t be a bad idea for us to catch up over some sweet tea yes sir yes sir I was just I was running around just getting some

Stuff together it’s good to see you well for your sake I hope you run better than you dance I kind of teed that one up for you this is delicious I’m glad you like it how long you going to be hanging around town son you know I’m not really

Sure yeah Mason why are you here I mean I’m sure there’s some selfish reason but I for one would really like to know why Mason Wyatt has decided to Grace our little town with his presence while you’re at it you can stop with all the sappy oky doie yes s and yes

Ma’ams oh did you want me to give you an answer you just going to keep taking shots at me I was telling your dad earlier I lost touch and I know that and I was thinking I was hoping that spending some time here back in town would help draw my

Memory maybe even help me write some new songs that would show who I really am so you’re right Shelby I am back in time for selfish reasons I’m told him that we had plenty of room out here Daddy hey what do you keep doing that for not in my house

You want honesty Mason do you well honestly we are about to lose everything this house the farm everything that we have spent decades working for do you know how that feels build something with your hands have somebody come in and take it from you we need money and we need it quick so

Yeah you can stay here for a price I’m thinking $4,000 a month but it’s Christmas so I’m going to charge you five cat got your tongue I can do that cash in advance fine great you can sleep in the barn if you’ll excuse me well that was about how I thought it

Would there’s usually some method to your daddy’s Madness I know Mama it’s going to be some Christmas for sure w Daddy I want to be Santa okay right after we get our drink what’s wrong with you you really haven’t heard heard what Mason is back in town Mason Mason

Ma’am Mason Wyatt Mason Wyatt ma’am so have you seen him yeah you could say that he slept in our barn last night ma’am girl you were stop by lying to me I wish I was he sat down for dinner and everything on that wall I want to see Santa how they

Look I didn’t notice oh pleas ma’am all right ladies look at this one this is all yours yay it’s my best one bye ladies Merry Christmas Merry Christmas oh you didn’t notice uhuh I don’t believe that any longer it took you to say it cuz Mason Wyatts a lot of things

But all hard to look at Ain one of them your head must be a mess it already was Mason limping back into town is the last thing I need it’s December 3rd and a Brisk morning out there 22 more sleeps until Christmas in honor of that let’s give away 22

Christmas sprinkle Donuts from JoJo’s donut factory that’s just too shy of two dozen folks and tell you what do the first caller who can call in and tell me the name of Rudolph’s girlfriend is going to win themselves some donuts caller number one you’re on the air is

It CL looks like we’ve got ourselves a Rudolph fan you just won what probably blocking the road up ahead I mean you know what happened just last week you know I got to say this is this has got to be my lucky day I mean running into you way out of here like

This how’s that well it it’s funny you should ask um you see I got this personal matter I’d like to discuss with you I mean if you got a minute well apparently I do well that’s just great here let me get all righty you see I heard about your problems and it’s

A terrible shame such beautiful property have you heard that my company is purchasing all the nearby land around you y m well I’d like to help you out as well hey good Farm deed I’d like to make an offer yeah you want to become a farmer do you no no heck

No I just want the land you want to develop it yes as a matter of fact I do I think it’d help out the town a lot it’s not for sale not yet you have a nice day knock knock don’t worry I come in peace with

Cash your dad told me all about the bank stuff and times are a little tight for me too but I hope this helps I’ll count it later I’m sure you will you won’t even I’m here that ship is sailed Mason okay good talk okay you have the strawberry there you

Go thank you so much a good day right satisfied I’m a buyer for Harrison Supermarket exactly but we come up here every year to grab our tree and on our way to grab breakfast we ran into this place well great we are here every Saturday that’s what I heard I’m

Guessing today is my lucky day more okay um look I’d love to take several of these back to the home office just to see what the response is I mean we’re always looking for good product okay all right well that’s that’s great um just so you know these

Are fresh baked every morning really wonderful um well give me like two of each you ready for this yeah thank you thank you you know what let me give you a for sure too you can check on our farm we’ll be in touch really thank you thank you nice meeting you take

Care you always work this early you always sleep this late sometimes sometimes sometimes you always sleep this late you know what I mean you’ve expanded what not not you the farm you’ve expanded the farm you look good you look great Shelby give me a tour sure yeah this is our farm

Over here is where we grow the blackberries the blueberries and then up there’s the strawberries then in that house up there is where we make all our jams and our jellies and our pies and it’s also the place where a scared 17-year-old version of me cried herself to sleep on

Christmas Eve and every other night for about 6 months waiting for her boyfriend to call or come home or write like he promised and I would try to explain that to you Mason I really would but I just don’t think that dog will hunt so finally

The end of our property out there that is where I’m about to go hey Mason that over there that’s the barn that’s where all the animals sleep backer unanimous consent the commission has approved the plan to limit left turns on Wilson Road between the hours

Of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. so that the crossing guards made do their job all right last order of business uh the town will here from uh Mr Ralph Baxter good afternoon um just a little clarification Mr Baxter uh nothing you’re presenting here today has officially been submitted Beyond here

Correct that is correct all right let’s hear it thank you now most if not all of you know about our plan to build a visitor center restaurant and business park on Highway 49 near the ha good Farm the benefits will be many and they have been detailed in the plan that I have

Submitted through the proper channels however I think it’s important to know that we may only get the one opportunity to take our case to the people who can make things happen so I cannot stress to you enough the importance of having the full support of this great

Town I think I think that we can all agree that Revenue sharing on this excuse me I’m sorry but I I don’t agree with Mr Baxter not one little bit it Shelby I don’t think we’re ready to discuss this from the floor I can’t sit

Here and listen to this no no Mr Mayor uh I welcome Miss ha Good’s constructive criticism after all our goal is to provide a service to this town so you go right ahead little lady go right ahead all right Shelby what you got we have always preserved our way of life our

Mountains develop in that kind of land bringing in these kind of stores it’s going to change who we are and there is something so special about living off the beaten path about a simple life well said well said but let me just say you may refuse

To evolve Miss ha good but that doesn’t mean the rest of us us have to grow stagnant with you I think everybody here knows that the significant portion of your business is down the mountain while the rest of us live and work here in this town and this plan provides more Revenue

More jobs and that is something this town solely needs that farm that is the only home I have ever known and I am not going to sit quietly and let him take it so that’s what this is all about huh H that’s what this is about she doesn’t care about the

Well-being of people in this town she only cares about what’s best for the a good family no no I care more about this town and these people than you could ever pretend to I’m sure of course you do Mr Mayor if I may I’d like to submit the full

Proposal and with the town support of this proposal I would then be submitting it to the proper authorities well the town accepts the submission of Mr Baxter’s proposal we’ll plan to put it to a vote as soon as those who wish to have had a chance to review the materials thank you Mr

Mayor we are not quitting Merry Christmas can you wear that turtleneck tonight the red one how much how much do we owe is someone with you sorry Darla it’s only take a minute Shelby is that you yes Darla honey I’m going to have to call you back oh Shelby

Darling please please erase this from your memory I will thanks Merry Christmas Merry Christmas and Glenn honey you better call me when she’ll be need $ 41,5 to bring your line of credit current 22,4 to bring your second mortgage current that is $3,649 um both are duing 60 days

About halfast 10 the cracked Bell of the small Church began to ring and presently the people began to gather for the morning sermon the Sunday school children distributed themselves about the house and occupied pews with their parents so as to be under supervision andt Polly came and Tom and

Sid and Mary sat with her Tom being placed next next the aisle in order that he might be as far away from the open window and the seductive outside summer scenes as possible hey h well I told the bank we’re keeping the land that sound about right you think so

Yep well now we just got to figure out a way to do that and we will he’s not here that’s good I don’t care keep saying it you might get an echo mhm can I ask you a question after all these years the hate that you feel for that

Fell that hadn’t even Abed a little bit he he made a mistake years ago and he he’s been trying to make up for it off and on ever since but uh would you tell me what has this hate gotten you you know it ain’t baggage if you don’t carry it

Around I remember seeing the two of you together and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you happier we just want you to be happy I’m happy was Farm makes me happy this way of life I’m happy where were we well Tom we’re sitting on the aisle away from the

Wind I’m sorry was that too loud no sounds nice you H her once when you left and I didn’t know if she would get over it now you’re back and I know she won’t if it happens again I’m asking you not to do that no please just hear my words you have my

Word okay good go on the over the hills and everywhere Go Tell It On m well I I don’t understand cuz this says that we’re pre-approved yes yes sir mhm so we’re pre-qualified but not pre-approved I I I understand completely you can you can stop talking now yes yes

Ma’am I I know what debt to income ratio is thank you for your time thank you okay I understand thank you thank you thank you for your time morning sir morning son sleep well yeah sure Boer yeah older I get the more I dislike that creature I do miss these mountains though

Mhm how long’s it been since your folks passed 12 years for Daddy and nine for Mama yeah I think that’s the last time we saw you had a girl on each arm as I remember yes sir I expect that picture’s burned into Shelby’s mind your folks good people

Mason they proud of you proud of your success may want some help always step right up all right all right thank you it’s been a while so don’t judge me on this alone little out of practice aren’t you set it up again best decision I ever made overhead

Is higher but profits have nearly doubled tell you pick your own as the way to go we got a petting zoo over there goats sheep rabbits horseback riding all day long Chuck Wagon rides in the evening year round store for the produce I tell you it’s been great don’t you go find your

Mom but uh you obviously didn’t come here to talk about that well no sir you know the 50 acres we have out back sure it’s good land yeah we think so it’s always produced a great crop for us I was wondering if you thought about expanding you know we could lease it to

You for a season or two well I really considered a subas you said yourself it’s good land know you wouldn’t have to put much time into it be a lot more inventory for your store tell you what you bring me a proposal I’ll think about it and give you a quick decision

All right thank you sir sure it’s start y I feel good it’s peaceful here just what I need to recalibrate actually ready to go back out see if you find some giges great all right well make some calls I want to start as soon as possible thanks man morning

Morning this place looks good on your SH Bell Shelby mhm you I missed it here miss the people that’s the culture yeah well that’s kind of funny cuz you’ve been here what 5 days a week spent your whole time on this Farm looking your wounds getting in my way

I haven’t been out in town and being a man of the people but you always wear all hat no catle Mason so whatever flips your pancake okay listen I saw the note inside from the bank about how much I’ll owe I can’t do much but I thought maybe at least I

Could make a few phone calls no no no s yourself wow hi yep I called Joe su’s Corner in Mount Olive biggest order in years job that’s Mason Wyatt it’s him it’s really him how you doing hi how many just a one hey misson come here we’re just telling the

Lies and chewing the fat good to see everybody you know may Bud there of course the puzzle man good to see and this is coach Bullock the meanest man in town and all some tightest Nick’s hat B coach I had you for Jim and Junior High actually yeah I remember you never

Could climb the Rope yeah I still can’t climb the road you remember Bailey he’s on the radio as we speak 17 minute commercial free and as a matter of fact Perry Como has 2 minutes and 28 seconds left boys I’ve enjoyed it got to go good to see

You hey I’d love to have you on the radio sometime son come and see me we’ll do it see you later Bailey and this your cousin Larry over here we call him chipper because he’s such a big fan of the Braves oh yeah me too I got to sing

The national anthem at Turner Field one time yeah any he slip up no but I wrote the lyrics on my hand so well grab a seat get some grub in you yep it’s him all right wow okay well um let me get you a menu no no no that’s all right what’s

Good oh we’re stuck with the old meal and fruit cup but uh if I was you I’d just uh live a little I’d go for the Smoky Mountain breakfast with a side of Pancakes you can’t lose all right smok your Mountain breakfast with a side of Pancakes please um any fruit on the

Pancakes we can do blueberries blackberries peaches strawberries raspberries elderberries Boon berries you name it blueberries and how would you like your eggs fried medium so that the the yolk is running and nothing else got it ham baking her sausage breaking little of all three so we can all have a

Whiff biscuits and gravy are grid grits well that’s fancy thank you um could I also get some black coffee if you don’t mind oh yes sir yes I think you made her day no more like her year I don’t think I’ve ever made that many decisions about food in my entire life

My mama says you dance like a chicken but I think you did real good thank you sweet girl blind is a bat but a sweet girl I’ll see you fellas on Friday all right got your guitar with you always good let’s go where we going I need your help on a little

Something that Shelby Cooks up every Christmas all right there is a rumor there is MHM mhm what is it there’s a rumor that Santa is on his way here he is he is he is wait wa wait I I think I think here hear that I heard it too did you

Guys hear I think I heard his righte here Merry Christmas ho ho ho Santa Claus and we got Mrs Claus Merry Christmas everyone merry Christmas well has everyone been a good little boy or girl this is one of my favorite days of the year seeing all smiles on these kids

Faces you so good at it that little Sparkle in your eyes you look at him same as you always have yeah well that’s spk burn me once I’m not going to let it burn me again yes ma’am are you Mason Wyatt I am Mason Wyatt yeah showby says

You sing really pretty but you dance I know she says I dance like a chicken nope she says you dance like a one nugget goat yeah well she also says you’re kind of cute really well I tell you what can you tell Miss Shelby that the one like a

Goat says thank you okay I will okay you guys want to sing some more yeah are you ready I need you to clap can you clap here what morning Shelby where where is everybody I had to lay them all off till till spring the bank called in my line

Yesterday and it took all the cash we had just to keep this place from foreclosure I just hope we can start back up when the new season begins listen I’m sorry we won’t be in any position to expand anytime soon I understand hey yes sir the reports are generating

Now I’ll have them to you by end of business okay yes sir okay sorry uh how can I help you Shelby I just left the Miller Farm is it true that y’all called in their note I’m not at Liberty to discuss that but we have had to make some tough decisions since this

Quarter what about us sorry you should be receiving your letter today what does that mean if you can’t bring your account current we’ll have to begin foreclosure proceedings by when January 2nd I’m sorry Shelby and I just want to let you know that Pine Valley Savings alone appreciate your business been a pleasure

Working only years you know if you’re going to do business with him you’re going to want to keep both hands on your wallet uh like I said we appreciate your business we’ll get that paperwork out less than 3 weeks what are we going to do you talk the grocery woman

Mhm she said she can’t do anything until after the holidays I’ve got an idea what Mason Mason no he doesn’t have that kind of money and if he did we wouldn’t take it from him no no no I’m not talking about that I’ve got another idea it’ll work you Daddy I can’t no

It’s a good idea absolutely not no no everything okay we got the final notice on the house we have until January 2nd okay my father has some hairbrain idea all right that’s it he thinks that we should have a concert benefit concert here on Christmas Eve and I mean I cannot

Believe I’m getting ready to ask you this Mason would you play here on Christmas Eve that’s it please no I mean is that all you need yeah of course so we have be happy to help all right so this is a business deal and we’ll split the proceeds okay

What about merchandise I don’t know what about it well how do we split that think it’s whatever standard okay standardly I get to keep it all oh okay I’m just messing with you whatever you want so I’ll be honestly I’m I really am happy to help great so we got a deal

Pleas are doing business with you this place hasn’t changed much no how were you when you first came through here 16 no yeah I just played my first show at July 4th okay guys here we go in three 2 okay that was David boy and being

Crosby with Little Drummer Boy one of my favorites mine too really yeah I love the mix of the old and the new with David Boe and B Crosby good good hey if uh some of you listeners out there think you might recognize that voice then you are probably correct joining us today in

Studio is our special guest Mr Mason Wyatt welcome good to be here oh it’s good to have you good to have you and joining him as well is Miss Shelby hey good a local business owner good to have you uh he hey y’all I know uh I know you all have U

Have come up today to talk about an exciting event that’s uh about to take place but uh I can’t resist talking a little music first if that’s okay that sounds good good we just found out of course that you’re a being Crosby fan what about uh what about some of your

Other Christmas songs you like I love all Christmas music be honest with you I’m a big fan in general but uh Johnny matthysse yeah Perry Como Andy Williams Dolly Parton amen darling love please come on for Christmas there you go uh John lenon happy Christmas uh John

Melon Camp I Saw Mama Kissing Santa Claus John Denver in The Muppets oh man yeah that’s the best uh yeah the boss of course Santa Claus is coming to town oh preach you brother yeah yeah but still my my favorite to this day is uh mat King Cole singing O Holy Night really

Yeah yeah my mom used to put that on every Christmas Eve she would break out the vinyl and put that record on and I still can’t listen to that song without breaking down to be honest which is why I’m so excited that we’re doing this concert to honor Christmas which my mom

Loves so much well I’m glad you brought that up Mason um why don’t we let our listeners in on what what’s going on with you guys so what’s what’s cooking Shelby what’s cooking well uh um on December 24th we’re we’re having a a concert at the

Farm I you remember when we used to do those downtown we would put on those Christmas concerts and those canas yeah yeah yeah Chad Atkins came to one of those Don Doc Watson as well exactly right well I I love those I miss those

And I think a lot of you guys do too and so I I wanted to do them again and I just kind of wanted to bring things back to the way they used to be uh with that in mind I thought one of the best things

We could do is to help out one of our own who’s in need this Christmas and so we’re putting on a benefit concert for the classic hey good Farm where things have stayed simple and we want to keep it that way so the event starts early

You guys will still be able to go to church later on that night and uh hang the stocking the way it’s supposed to be hung I think we open the doors at 10: a.m. and you’ve got all kinds of craziness plan why don’t you tell them

About that uh yeah we’ve got hay rids petting Dew uh food for everyone Santa’s Santa’s going to be there and and Mason’s going on in the afternoon and it’s a very fair price too I might say am I right oh we think so it’s it’s $15

A person and and kids under five are free we think it’s a great way to spend a very important day with the people that you care about I agree I agree let’s give our uh our listeners a chance to win some tickets now if you’ll be our ninth

Caller and can tell us one of your favorite Christmas songs then we will get you some tickets and we’re going to talk Mason into doing a live number for us now if you don’t don’t mind what you going to do Forest I’m going to do a come all your favor

Good Oh Come Oh Ye Faithful joyful and triumphant Oh Come Ye Oh Come me to beem come and behold it born the king of angels oh come let us adore him oh come let us adore him oh come let us adore in Christ the lord dep positive we can get those

Flights so it’s official all right give me 10 minutes I’ll call you back good morning son morning everybody good morning we were just uh recounting that church picnic we took down by Robert’s Creek do you remember that oh I remember oh you know please tell me you are not

Going around still telling that lie no I it’s the truth but I do tell the story every time I get a chance okay maybe it wasn’t a lie but it’s a drastic exaggeration my favorite kind I tell it like I saw it well you need to get your

Eyes checked then oh yeah I didn’t see you running out of the forest like some bear was chasing you it was a brisk walk I will give you that oh you come busting out of there Full Throttle run over that blanket that’s loaded down with tater sadd

Daddy yeah and I and I forget um Shelby was was that a bear stop now you you know it wasn’t so stop what was it can you help me it was the biggest bunny rabbit I’ve ever seen you were running for your life from a bunny so well

Listen I saw eyes and ears and it was coming at me and if I had to do it again I would it was a very big bunny I will give you that all right youall need to stop okay just stop hey can I talk to you up front for

A second yes please CL they look cute together no you right yeah what’s up uh I have an offer you have an offer yeah I have an offer to play in Seattle tomorrow night it’s a big deal uh so you’re leaving you’re not going to be here I’ll be here it’s I

Don’t know one of the headliners broke his leg skiing or something and the promot so me to come in and play tomorrow night and then pick it back up on the 27th so I’d fly out a few hours play the show and then come back first thing uh morning of the 24th

99 at the latest at the latest yeah I do this all the time all right look this is a good offer Shelby all right the one I’ve been waiting for you know I need the money and uh I need a fresh start Mason just stop you know we’ve been here

Before you leaving promising to come back this is different how’s it different this place means everything to me and you know that and you’re still choosing to leave I mean this is it this was this was our last hope I’ll be back you you have said that to me

Before I promise I’ll be here so stupid it’s stupid you know it’s like stupid for believing in you stupid for thinking that you’ve changed you know what Mas you do what you always do which is whatever’s best for Mason Wyatt and I’ll do what I do we just expect nothing for you you

Imagine that’s my head I turned him down so be never should have left you in the first place I don’t know why I didn’t come back why I waited so long to write call so many decisions that I made things that I’ve done honestly I don’t know why I’ve done

Them I wish to God I could take them back I can’t I’m here to stay I can do this on my own Mason I don’t need you yeah I know I need you always have always will uh so now I’m going to go slink back to my

Room cuz I have a concert to get right good morning Smoky Mountains and Merry Christmas Eve it’s a beautiful day in these mountains and it’s a beautiful day to be alive folks only one more day until Christmas morning and a big guy hops down the chimney we are live here today at the

Hay good farm for a Christmas Eve to remember we have quite the turnout today people people have come from well all up and down these Smoky Mountains to help one of their own today is truly a miracle that can only happen on Christmas Eve you can truly feel the

Spirit of Christmas out here folks and we’ve even got a Christmas raffle with a prize you don’t want to miss now if you aren’t here then uh you’re really missing out so come on over and give us a visit all the proceeds will go to saving the hey good farm and all those

Wonderful pies that you all love so much so what do you think about all this miss Shelby uh it’s amazing it is amazing isn’t it it is I mean it just it means so much to me and to my family I I love this town

And I love these people yeah and we love Christmas we do love Christmas we do so no matter what happens here today you know this is going to be this is going to be a day that we won’t ever forget so thank you oh you’re welcome H you’re

Very welcome no problem thank all of you and Now ladies and gentlemen Mr Mason Wyatt thank you guys so much it’s good to be back where it all began I want you guys to remember something there’s always hope you can always come home so with that in mind I thought we’d

Start off with a little seasonal music is that all right Joy to the World the Lord is come let Earth receive her King let every heart prep him room and heav let your sing and heav let shall sing and nature I’m sorry darling it’s okay what no nope thank you for

Everything it’s the Harrison woman what the grocery lady she’s right here hello yes ma’am yes we can do that yeah we we could we could do that thank you okay yes we can have an order out that soon absolutely thank you yes Merry Christmas to you too

Okay she she saw one of our flyers and then heard the concert on the radio and and and and she loves our story and Harrison’s loves our story she wants to help she’s going to put us in all her store she’s going to turn in a vo we’re

Going to get the money today after tomorrow thank you Lord let’s go celebrate inside it’s cold out here I want to change my Facebook am got so um I was wondering uh-oh not was one if you would dance with me I think dancing with you would be hazardous to my

House fair enough I I’m kidding I’d love to right always no matter how hard life is no matter how much we’ve messed up or how broken our lives have become at Christmas good things can happen so when it comes to it I believe a baby was born in that manger Merry Christmas sh

About Merry Christmas I believe in Christmas I Believe In Hope silent night holy night and all is called All is Bright round on mother and child ho so tender and sleeping heav sleep pleas he Oh Come All Ye Faithful joyful and Triant oh come come

To come and Behold Him born the king of Angels oh come let us adore him oh come let us adore him will come let us adore in Christ the lord come and Behold Him born the king of angels oh come let us adore him come let

Us adore him will come let us adore him Christ the lord


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    Movie Plot : In an attempt to save her family's berry farm, a young woman, along with the help of her ex-boyfriend, organises a Christmas concert.

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