Eagles get upset by Seahawks on Monday Night Football | Brandon Mason Show

Jalen Hurts and Eagles get upset by Seahawks in on Monday Night Football in a close game in Seattle. Brandon Mason and co-host Brent Chapman talk about the Philadelphia Eagles and concerns for their playoff picture. #nfl #eagles #seahawks

Yeah But it’s like he’s trying to run a Onan B out behind his seat and leave a comment below this is a make a Break Season he’s got to make Impact hey guys welcome back to the show happy Tuesday December 9th I hope you guys are having a great holiday season so far I’m going to introduce you guys again to our co-host before I do that let me just tell you the Eagles got upset by the Seahawks a lot of people

Are pissed off including myself because NFC is in shambles even Dallas Cowboys are getting abused as well but let’s bring our co-host to the show the guy that looks like Seth Rogen from super bad we don’t know if he’s 18 or 40 and we just found out that people think he

Has a face for radio let that sink in guys welcome back to the show Brent CH I think it was voice voice for radio a face for radio is got to be the best the best thing I’ve heard in a long time these commenters are freaking brutal to

Me hey you can’t say anything nowadays on social media and if you say anything about a team that someone doesn’t like they are coming through your head period and uh Brent what are you doing for Christmas right now you guys decorating anything I just left jingle bell jingle

Bell rock at a concert on a golf cart to get back to my studio to jump in here because I want to support the kids first and get back on here of course we got the school Christmas plays coming up and all that and uh have decorated the house

And we’re excited Christmas is uh six days away so looking forward to spending time with family but always enjoy time with my Brandon Mason show Family Guys if you’re first time watching obviously hit the like button subscribe because we got live shows going every day to: clock and also we

Have interviews coming on with guests athletes celebrities you’re going to see coming up in a Callin segment at the end so guys let’s Dive Right into this Brent the Eagles they’re pissing a lot of people off Philly fans the organization Jaylen herdz having almost like no

Emotion I want you to go on what you see here obviously as I pull the clip Up of the game-winning drive for the Seahawks I mean goo Smith wasn’t in the game 10 plays 92 yards this is what we’re talking about yeah what 10 plays

92 yards with 10 minutes left by Drew by Drew lock Drew okay okay so Drew freaking lock guys before we can do that we want to say this welcome to the show okay okay listen here’s all I gotta say right now I want to know something are the Eagles like falling apart like

The Cowboys because here’s the concern that I have more than anything right now the Cowboys were so good people loved them we talked about this Dak Prescott they love them falling apart crumbling as they get to the playoffs and I heard this yesterday and Stephen A said this

Okay I don’t know if you know this the Cowboys have won only one playoff game on the road in 30 years now I don’t know if I heard that that’s out of control one road playoff game in 30 years yeah that’s right so the Cowboys better win right now because

They’re going to be on the road but you know that that’s what I see right now with the Eagles now Cowboys falling off Eagles falling off the 49ers are coming up but they got beat by Drew lock it’s is he that good Drew lock for Seattle or the key the Eagles falling

Apart yeah so when you go 10 plays 92 yards in the last couple minutes of the game by Drew lock uh it tells me you weren’t ready when it was most important to stop somebody like this wasn’t even Gino Smith right this wasn’t Patrick Mahomes this was Drew freaking lock now Seattle

Did have one unfair advant manag they have DK medca this man is a beast in fact I’m pretty sure he’s not even human is he like an AI machine there’s no like from Westworld or something did you see the freaking catches of so Brandon have you ever played with anyone as

Physically imposing is that man there’s you know a lot of people don’t understand this that they haven’t played football if you’re watching right now thanks for joining us here feel free to comment what we’re talking about are you an Eagles fan comment are you an Eagles fan there right now we’re talking about

The Eagles and Seahawks yes or no like the eagles hate the Eagles that’s how it really is to answer your question metf is built like a machine and we’re not talking a guy that’s just tall a guy that’s just muscular this guy is built like a tight end like a shredded tight

End and runs like a Speedy receiver and it’s it’s extremely difficult to cover and he showed that at the end of the game and listen it’s been a little silent for Seahawks I Russell Wilson leaves go to the Broncos Gino Smith shows up we’ve been talking about that have

Quarterbacks change teams and they start to build their career after they get their second or third contract because they have to learn a little bit he’s down Drew lock steps in and meaf was a receiver that people want at tight end on their team a very hard to cover

Extremely hard to cover but what I want to talk about Brent and this is this is truthful right now Jaylen Herz to me is looking like an AI I mean he’s looking like a lot of people talk about Joe Biden and say oh this is a fake Joe

Biden walking around this looks like a fake Jaylen Herz walking around he’s got no emotion I mean the guy scores a touchdown he’s got no emotion I said this before blank face throws a pick blank face gets to an interview after the game and he’s like you know we got

To play better we you’re one of the best quarterbacks in football as we thought you were and Philly is behind you they love you they support you they want you to win everyone is excited this season the Eagles are going to win the Super Bowl they’re in to bed right now

Brent and there and NFC the NFC is the bread right now Brandon you are very irritated about Jaylen herz’s lack of emotion I think this is maybe the third time this week where you’ve been like you are this has got to be something that just explain that to us

Because I think it’s important uh for people watching to understand why that irritates you so much and I suspect I suspect it’s because having been in the locker room you want to F an emotional leader that looks like he cares when he throws a touchdown and when he throws an

Interception let me sit my Cofe because oh here we go he has let me tell you why right now why this p is me off that Jaylen Herz has no emotion if people don’t understand when you’re watching this right now the amount of effort it takes during this season when

You’re younger is a lot as you get older and you get to high school you get to college and you get to the pro level like jayen Herz it’s all year round it’s offseason it’s on SE it doesn’t matter where you are in the year you’re in the

Training room it’s what you eat it’s how you train it’s your camaraderie it’s the locker room it’s the timing of your routes it’s working on play action it’s your ability to be physically and mentally strong in a National Football League when you put all that together

And you win a football game and let me back up when you just complete a pass on the right timing against the best corners in the league it is exciting it’s exciting for the team it’s exciting for the quarterback it’s exciting for the fans and the organization is like first down

First down when you get those passes and you love football and you’re getting paid millions of dollars I’m excited if I’m a quarterback I’m jumping up I’m get my teammate to know let’s do it yeah you need composure I know that you throw a pick let’s come

Back again and regroup but here’s what I got to say you need emotion he’s becoming Trevor Lawrence he’s becoming emotionless uh we know no motivating you whatever Trevor Lawrence and actually Trevor Lawrence is stepping up past him cuz he had injury and he bounced back in

And took it like a man that’s where I’m going with that Brent and I think that’s a great explanation to why you’re so irritated about it but talk about things that are irritating people let’s move into the brotherly shove otherwise known as the tush push and let me tell you us now

Brandon Mason the reason why I got so fired about this is because I like Jaylen Herz I’m from the Northeast he’s a role model player doesn’t get in trouble he doesn’t have any issues he’s a great guy he’s a good quarterback he’s a great story from Alabama to Oklahoma

He’s got the full P the whole full picture of what’s going on he can be a superstar hero for people he’s got to have more emotion but let’s move on tush push BR here’s a video for you to watch tell me what you see here I’ve seen it

Bro they just basically I saw that the Eagles have figured out how to get it to Third and to to three Downs eight and a half yards they basically just have to get eight and a half yards and three downs and this is because it’s a free

Yard and a half the way that they push forward but here’s the problem when you invent new things like this right other people figure them out and do them better and I think arguably you’ve seen some other teams that can do this even better uh I don’t want to point it out

But the bills can do the tush push no B bills onag the Eagles are so damn good at the tush push that they’re trying to eliminate the T tush push which I think right now the people are starting to say hey maybe we should keep it a lot of

People now are saying maybe we should keep it and speaking of the tush push you know I don’t know if you guys have seen this segment yet or seen us live yet we’re going to have a lot of people coming on here it’s going to expand but

In the background I want to know what does Howard think of the tush push I haven’t seen him in there yet I tried to tune him in I don’t know if he’s live on the other segment not in the broadcast in the compound it just pressed the

Button I did not see him there so we’re GNA pull up and oh wait a second we might have him Howard do we have you there are you live yes or no yeah I’m I’m here man oh my God okay yeah Howard is there do you see anything with the

Tush push are you like you really don’t give a damn or what do you think about the quarterback sneak you just saw well as somebody who doesn’t know anything about this sport I don’t anything wrong with it so you know there you go even Howard even Howard is watching it going

Dude it’s like rugby just run the damn B I don’t he doesn’t get a damn I mean he’s in the background of the show producing it for us thanks Howard but he understands let the Eagles keep their damn play and they’re getting beat anyway yeah I I actually agree with

Howard here’s the deal uh I hate it in life when people when somebody comes up with something creative to take advantage of the rules to their advantage right like they they they figure out a way to do something better and somebody says that’s not fair you

Can’t do that you’re beating us no it’s within the rules it’s a great idea in like everything else in the evolution of football somebody will figure out how to stop it do you remember the first time the Dolphins ran the uh the the Wildcat offense oh this isn’t fair you can’t

Stop it dude it lasted like two weeks and it was completely shut down so you’re say so you do you believe honestly that someone in the National Football League with some kind of power is saying wait a second this play we cannot stop we have to stop you think

There’s an issue I don’t know if that’s coming from the National Football League or if that’s just fans and and people talking about it saying this shouldn’t be a legal play it should be a legal play you shouldn’t change it because somebody came up with something creative

That works guess what’s going to happen I guarantee you by next season that will be stopped 90% of the time you even saw it last night there was a linebacker can’t remember the guy’s name line he run outside Zone but then he runs outside Zone the linebacker hold on

Brandon did you see the linebacker that took a running Head Start and dived over the pile at and hit and hit Jaylen Herz when he got the ball like they didn’t stop it but they’re already starting best ways to stop it if teams in a National Football League have to put

Together a defense in which they have to get a running start to stop the tush push and dive across that is just not systematic that is not a system in which you can have a defense your defensive coordinator is like yeah here is the tush push special it’s no different than

The wild cat you have to scheme for the wild cat you have to prepare for the wild cat it’s fine it’s part of the game dude Brandon 70 year 70 years ago all they did was run the ball and then one day some guy said hey I’m goingon to

Throw it oh it’s not fair you can throw the ball no you can throw it you got to figure out how to stop it and when you do speaking of running the ball Brent speaking of running the ball Christian mcaffrey people have been talking about the MVP conversation including

Yourself I think it’s always going to go to a quarterback because it’s just the way that football is and what they have to handle and we talked about this the amount of opportunities you have as a quarterback to pass play action scramble make plays run your offense game manager

Game Changer call what you want they usually get this MVP but listen let’s take a look at Christian mcaffry I’m going to tell you something when I’m watching Christian mcaffrey yeah you get a running back but you get a guy that can catch the ball at the backfield what

They call that guys if you’re watching it’s called a scatback if you’re deep into football you’ll know a scatback is a player that yeah you can run the ball but you can also toss it to him you can pass it to him this is the kind of you

Know running back that could jump out the backi and make plays and when I’m watching Christian mcaffrey do this this is the kind of running back Brent that is extremely valuable and that is why you saw the 49ers jump on him the minute you know he was like hey let’s make a

Deal the Panthers wanted to make a deal and now you see how the Panthers are looking this season and last I mean they really need Christian McCaffrey they need another version of him and the 49ers have utilized him very well and it’s only going get better and he’s

Helping Brock p and that’s why they’re rising to the top what do you see in Christian mcaffrey and also before you give me that I want well after you give me what you seen him I want you to explain something I’ll recover uh recap on this too they’re trying to eliminate

The running game a lot of teams in the NFL they all want to pass the ball so give me Christian mcaffrey and then what you think about the running backs in the NFL right now before that I’m going to give you the Carolina Panthers who traded Christian mcaffrey and it was not

That long ago but I forgotten that they did that because of how dumb of a decision that made and you want to know what else was a pretty bad decision by the Carolina Panthers they’re the worst team in the NFL and they’re going to have the first overall pick in the draft

That’s like the prize no they’re not because they traded that to the Bears you know what the Bears had the first pick of the that is so bad but anyways about Christian mcaffrey scored three touchdowns had a season High 187 yards from scrimmage um his burst

The way he plays The Cutting I mean Brandon said it best it’s scatback but it’s more than that like he’s not just a little demicky back he’s a great running back and he can he can run it up the middle he can get it outside he can

Catch he can do everything he caught touchdowns two of his three touchdowns were in the air I mean he’s just he he’s awesome and that’s why my argument yesterday was about he should be considered in the MVP race maybe co-mvp with Brock birie because with both of

Those guys the trophy get dominant team in the league they they the 49ers have an opportunity this season to get a lot of trophies and we’re talking MVP we’re talking Pro Bowl things we’re talking Super Bowl opportunities listen the NFC you know Championship I mean they have a lot of

Opportunities right now and I what what makes sense to me is players like Christian mcaffrey little stronger can’t just be thin running around right build like Christian mcaffrey strong built for impact can run the ball can break tackles can catch the ball he’s got speed this is what the NFL should look

Like you have millions of people every year playing football you have then buckle down the college your top 25 30 schools even division two and three schools have players that are phenomenal every single NFL football team should be searching for their Christian mcaffrey I don’t care if you’re white you’re black

You’re Samoan you’re span I don’t care what you are this is the ideal running back I played running back I was 6’2 6’3 in college I was one of the tallest running backs in college football and biggest and here’s the thing everybody can see you I hate to break it to you

Eddie George is one of the guys I used to watch everybody can see you running around Christian mcaffrey shorter fast strong he gets hit in the offensive line the guys are like 63 to 69 you can’t even find them that’s the guy you want in the NFL but listen

Moving on from kishan mcaffrey Brent you better move you better tread lightly with the Steelers because you know all the Steelers fans when we upload this clip today highlights from the show and this live show Steelers fans we already know they take shots at BR he had on a

Utah shirt they were getting on his Utah shirt they said you don’t know anything people do not like Brent and probably anybody to talk bad about their Steelers but here’s the truth right now Mitch Tris like we were saying during that video last week the fans

Were booing him and like no no you know we want to do it listen m jisy is no longer starting for the Steelers Brent and Mason Rudolph okay is now named the starter for the Steelers and you’re saying oh it’s okay calm down you told all the Steelers fans to relax right

Yeah and now they’re in the playoffs right and who’s their quarterback so actually they’re not in the playoffs right now was so they were in the playoffs they were in when they were getting all upset that’s just correct so so I’m GNA make this really simple for you Brandon and and I I

Thought I was being very nice to Steelers fans last time we were talking about the Steelers hey your team’s pretty good relax we’re running a little little long today so I’m going to make this really short dear Steeler fan you’re not making the playoffs this year

Your team is not good you don’t you have three quarterbacks which means you have zero even if Mr picket comes back he’s still a work in progress uh start thinking about your draft pick for next year because you ain’t playing in the playoffs wow bring on the comments bro well listen br

The the people the people that are going to watch this especially the Steelers fans are going have a lot to say and I apologize yeah they were in the playoffs and you said Relax bro you’ll get in the play you know you could get in tomlin’s not going anywhere now it’s a different

Conversation we have moved on from the fact that the Steelers are in the playoffs we’ve moved on from the fact that jisy can ride him through until Kenny picket comes back we’ve moved on from all the Steelers fans booing their quarterback who seems to be extremely interchangeable interchangeable now here’s what I

Think I understand Mike tomlin’s seat is quote unquote safe I understand the Steelers organization does not remove their coaches at will all the time and they ride that seat like a foreign King prime minister whatever you want to call it but here’s the reality right now like

You just said the Steelers fans and organization and locker room is seeing quarterback one quarterback two quarterback three and it seems like it’s going to be quarterback draft four because at this point or or or a veteran because here’s what I think I like Kenny pick it you said this threw for over

5,000 yards whatever he did broke records scored scored touchdowns he had the fake slide he had all these cool accolades he was up I think was he on the podium for the he bit award all these people up there I here here’s the thing I don’t think that they believe in

Him either I don’t think that Steelers fans love Kenny picket I think they love he was a pig guy I’m not telling you what they actually are what they believe but I’m saying what I think I don’t think they love Kenny picket I don’t think they love anybody in the

Quarterback you know position right now they need to get a veteran or a draft pick or the Steelers are going to have another concern and they’re just going to ride with Mason Rudolph just to make fans feel good they’re making some changes Mike Tomlin as I said this Mike

Tomlin better be careful because it’s going to be hey do you want to get fired or do you want to retire kind of like I think no I M Mike tomlin’s not going anywhere I’m not going to repeat that but you know I think that what the Ste

Seat is safe in your mind the Steelers the Steelers need to do at this point is post Bren rothberger they tried the draft a replacement right let’s go Mason Rudolph oh he wasn’t very good let’s go with our hometown guy can he pick it that’s not looking trending the right

Way what I would recommend uh for the Steelers is to try to find that free agent quarterback that is out there and once every couple years a really top guy like an Aaron Rodgers or you know somebody like that comes available Russell Wilson you may have to trade for

Him but you’re gonna have a pretty good draft pick this year well but but but I would say I would almost say go get that Russell Wilson or that Aaron Rodgers or that guy that some other team is kind of done with hey garoo garoo I

Don’t think I don’t I don’t think that’s the solution and I can’t think he’s not he’s not but I’m just saying yeah he’s somebody that could go this is what I think they have tons of quarterbacks in college football tons of quarterbacks let me be clear Steelers fans before you

Jump on here and start throwing shade this is what I’m saying I went to pit so I’m very familiar I I loved it it was fun great yada yada yada right now you need a you need a player that can step in that’s not going to cost your

Organization all kinds of money so you can continue to shop around and get other players so if you jump on a player like Jimmy garoo just saying maybe he can be some sort of a savior with no injuries I’m not saying he’s a great quarterback I’m

Just saying he isn’t Terri if you ask me with the Patriots he was good with the 49ers he was okay the injuries hurt him and then now in Las Vegas but they did that they did that strategy they went and got Tris who was a former first round Tris

Tris as good as trisi was the number two overall pick in the draft and was human and was the human Victory Cigar for the bills for a couple of years so they went and said we’re going to bring in Tris and we’re going to draft a guy that’s

The strategy they took look they need to do that strategy again but what I’m saying is don’t get a middling garoo or treski go get freaking Aaron roders or a Russell Wilson say get a veteran MVP former MVP candidate go one of those guys you’re not saying get a draft they

Can’t get a they can’t get the first second third pick in the draft and get their main quarterback so like you said a veteran you’re Aaron roders you’re whoever but here’s the thing with that Brent that’s all great and I think that’s the number one thing to do but

Here’s the issue those quarterbacks cost so much money well guess what the Steelers need to make some other things happen here they have players but they need to get they need to look around and make some changes outside the quarterback position so all I’m saying is and I’m being clear it’s not that

They need Garoppolo but they need to get somebody that might not cost them a fortune that can run their offense smoother than Tu bitsky and Mason Rudolph how about we stop talking about a team that’s not going to be in the playoffs and talk about is with the ram

Okay okay fair enough fair enough fair enough let’s talk about the Rams and I want to know what you think about the Rams will pull the clip up if I have one here for you okay what do you think about this pitcher uh so here’s what I think the

Rams are in the NFC they’re what the bills are getting credit for in the AFC they’re a team that’s on The Fringe of actual making the playoffs and may not but teams don’t want to play them if they get in I think right now you’re looking at Ravens and bills is two of

The top teams in the AFC and I’m going to go ahead and say 49ers and Rams is the two best teams in the NFC right now because I think the Rams Are Climbing and I’m going to explain why sha mcvey’s offense and the way that he dominated the past few years they’ve struggled

Right the last couple years but watch what’s happening okay Stafford’s back in healthy Cooper cup is back in healthy and dude they’re starting to dominate again why was Thea McVey offense so good not because of the passing but because of the multi-dimensional ability to run ability to throw guess what’s happening

Tyron Williams a second-year running back is now dominating he has already over almost a thousand yards he is had 100 plus yards again this week right they’re starting to show what they showed with Todd Gurley and those teams a couple years ago that were in the Super Bowl Todd Gurley was phenomenal he

Was phenomenal what I’m think I I thinking what you’re seeing is uh the the pattern of a team and I’ve said this Brandon a thousand times on this show it’s not what you do the first 13 or 14 weeks of the season it’s what you do the

Last four or five and I think what you’re seeing is a team that started poorly that’s ramping up like the Rams and like the bills and those are the teams you have to watch out for come playoff time you know what and I’m going to pull I’m going to pull this picture

Up again because here’s here’s the thing that I see I’m going explain this picture to you this is the number one relationship in football ain’t about the owner it’s not about anybody else it’s this coach and his quarterback that relationship is so important and here’s what I like about

Mcvet I love the fact that he’s younger and he’s Rel to his quarterback he’s been there they’re in the system and I like what you said they have a running back now who’s stepping up getting it done Todd Gurley was amazing he’s gone and I we haven’t really talked about him

That much people aren’t even he’s kind of whatever in another conversation but the Rams are now stepping up I do see the change of pace and if it wasn’t for the fact that the AFC and NFC have a lot of terrible record teams at this point

And I like to see I like to see a kind of a whole mixture of teams in the instead of seeing the same teams in the Super Bowl the same teams dominating so I like to see this the Rams are making a comeback can they be that strong to get

Into the playoffs and start winning playoff football I think the answer to that is possibly yes because they are now winning later toward the end of the season and that is what good teams do like you said it’s easy to win early on it’s easy in the first 10 games as you

Get closer and closer cl to the playoffs good teams flourish and good coaches get in that room whatever you want to call it the War Room your office your circle table whatever you want to call it and they make changes and that’s what we’re seeing now let’s move on um to the

Titans and this is a big thing okay this is a big deal because right now the Titans have a running back Brent right who looks like he could possibly be retiring and this is what you’re going to remember Derrick Henry had plays like this right where it was like okay you

Had to pick a bills clip you had to pick a bills clip didn’t you like you know what at the end of the day this is the clip that everybody’s going to remember he ran people over and all that but look at this stiff arm this is what running

Backs did back in the day yeah well that’s not what he was doing on Sunday before BR look before we even talk about Derek Henry I want to know I want to know something Howard did you see that freaking stiff arm bro like what’s go

I mean pretty brutal it was it was tough I I mean that isn’t that what we like to see from football though it you know you want to see people doing stuff like that at least I do as somebody who doesn’t watch constantly it’s kind of fun to see

Big dudes knock each other around when they have to I know you know maybe it’s not the best healthwise but Hey listen Howard listen Howard if you running out there and you got stiff arm like that a dude I’m getting crushed bro I’m not a big dude hey Howard would listen Derek

Hen people don’t understand how strong this man is but running backs used to be tough like that and I’m not saying they’re not tough now they’re tough now not saying that I’m just saying they want to get rid of the running back position a lot of teams and throw the

Ball around the field like because you can’t hit the quarterback you got more time to throw be careful of the quarterback opens up the pass game but I love watching I love watching The Run game Brent and Derrick Henry for years has been unbelievable and at this point

If he walks away from the game they’re the Titans are going to miss him and the NFL is going to miss him for sure yeah so the Titans were up the whole game and gave up a lead in the last three minutes and are such eliminated from the

Playoffs right and Derrick Henry said after the game that he had a career worse day and is contemplating retirement right it was sad to watch Derrik Henry he had like six yards on 17 carries or something like I watched that game and I’m like all right they’re

Going to give the ball to Derrik Henry and he just gets stopped for a three- yard loss and I’m like dude this is this is sad this isn’t Derk Henry because over the course of time people don’t get it you’re I mean when you’re in the game

When you’re in game play whatever injury you have during that play unless it’s crazy severe when that play starts you’re zoned in that pain is virtually gone but when that plays over and you’re going back to the Huddle kicks in I bet Derrick Henry has tons of histories

From headaches to concussions to ankle injuries to leg injuries to whatever you want to call it he’s got issues but listen let’s move on to another champion another player Brent who a lot of people now with the Warriors are starting to say what’s going on with the Warriors

People are going to be heartbroken if you if you see Steph Curry leave the game but what was the stat BR tell us the stat what just happened while we watch this Al burs it from the start wigs again here’s Curry for the record it’s good there it is Stephen Curry

The alltime three-point King in the NBA three-pointer number 2974 this guy has over Al BS 500 starting him from the start wigs again here’s Curry for the record it’s good there it is Stephen Curry to bring the all time three-point King in the NBA his career I don’t know but

I’m going to enjoy watching every game I get of Steph Curry because it is amazing what that guy can do shooting the ball and by the way as somebody who’s involved in Youth Sports this guy has changed youth basketball forever because you got kids in middle school that think

They’re freaking Steph Curry throwing out bombs five yards beyond the three-point line listen people are still I wrote this in the chat right now if you’re answer is Steph Curry the best shooter of all time for me the answer is yes obviously but here’s the thing I want to say about Steph

Curry people that have started watch him later on probably don’t understand this if you’ve been watching him from the beginning and watching how basketball has evolved this is what has happened and you just said this a little bit Brent Stephen Curry shows up on the court he can shoot from anywhere this is

A player where your whole defense has to change you have to guard him full court the man could shoot the ball anywhere he pulls up to half court like it’s a regular three-point shot the three-point line is like a foul shot so you have to guard him I mean nonstop Around the

Clock kids in high school kids in middle school people you know in college people in the NBA are working on their halfcourt shot their deep three-point shot if you want to call it because Stephen Curry is making those shots year after after year after year he is the

Greatest shooter of all time people started to even compare him to one of the greatest players of all time which one of the greatest players of all time is an easy you know dive into but greatest players of all time people always have Michael Jordan then they

Have LeBron James or they have their select few because Steph Curry cannot play center and forward unlike people like LeBron James could probably jump in and play center if he hasu for a couple games but Steph Curry has changed the game and I will be one of many Brent

That is very upset when Steph Curry walks away from basketball and I think he’s got you know I don’t want to count his clock but he’s still you know he’s got time he’s got he’s fairly young I mean he’s it’s look he’s not in his 20s he’s not running around like a college

Graduate I mean he’s been playing for a long time but he just looks he has this look like he’s still like a rookie on the court his D he looks like he could be somewhere between 18 and 40 does that sound familiar he looks almost like my

Co-host you just don’t know you know with with the exception to I never see a picture where the man even looks like he’s in his third it just you know I love what Steph Curry brings to the game great player great mentor uh you know great teammate you don’t see any

Problems he plays hard you always see the the the main picture of him is him biting on his mouthpiece right that’s gonna be Stephen Curry to the end hitting three-pointers but before we move on from Steph Curry BR a lot of people including Stephen A again thought that Steph Curry should be

Stepping in to mediate Draymond Green as a professional I disagree because yeah as a teammate there’s five of you on the court you have a small Collective team of 10 to 15 people there’s not a lot of people on a basketball team like there is in football where you have like 65 or

There’s 100 at first and they cut them down to like you know 50 Band Whatever roster it’s completely different basketball has a very tightnit team yes I’m sure Steph Curry has talk to Draymond Green but in my opinion it is not Steph Curry’s job or Klay Thompson’s job anybody’s job to go and

Try to tell Draymond Green how he has to get better Draymond Green is a professional athlete he’s making millions of dollars he’s not a rookie he’s punched his own teammate he’s getting craziness on the court and I think Steph Curry has been the greatest player for the Warriors including with

Klay Thompson in tandem but Steph Curry is the best I don’t think it’s his job to go and fix Draymond Green’s problems yeah uh it’s tough to say you know where players should get involved you should support your teammates right and they my guess is they probably have

And he’s now sort of past the point where he’s he’s kind of past where they can kind of step in it help but I’m this is not like this did not just happen this has been going on so you know Steph Curry I’m sure is a great teammate he’s

A great leader and he’s probably tried to help his friend Draymond Green and it’s getting to the point where Draymond needs to help Draymond right and I think that’s where we’re kind of at that situation look I before going Howard I know you’re watching this jaymond K’s

Been in so many fights in the compound Howard jond green after fighting so much should he line up and get in the ring and start fighting some kind of otherton should Draymond Green everybody should fight Kobe cumington Kobe comington Brent he’s bringing back Kobe Covington from yesterday who by the way

Howard in the compound had a lot to say about UFC and Kobe cumington and Le like that whole fight Howard is a big time if you haven’t watched this yet Howard’s again in the compound right now the production on the show he had a lot to

Say and was silent he should have muted the whole damn show and gave his input but Brent listen moving on stephh Curry is one of the best players ever play the game we’re going to hate to see him go and we’re not trying to put that in the air

Just saying first game where he didn’t hit a three-pointer and the Warriors are on a decline and lost Draymond Green but let’s move on this is the part of the show well hopefully by the end of this week as we’re Transforming Our show we’ll have sponsors and we’ll have a

Section to call in and talk crap to Brent as we’ve been talking about you can call in talk C to BR any given time talk all the smack you want about how he looks like Seth RM super bad how he says all the wrong things and I say all the

Right things that’s why it’s called the Brandon Mason show but outside of that Brent wanted to show you guys cuz he believes that women’s sports should get all the notoriety as well and I do agree but let’s pull this up Brent what happened here Texas won another championship in volleyball what’s what’s

The deal here two shoutouts today the first is for the University of Texas Women’s Volleyball Team let’s can we get the Applause on that how to get that Applause they won their second consecutive National Championship now here’s what’s an interesting note about this the MVP Madison Skinner won her third consecutive National Championship

That’s right that’s important she was at Kentucky when they won then transferred to Texas and won two now isn’t that pretty sweet Brandon listen here’s what I got to say you know I’d be lying if I was studying all the women’s Sports all day because my day is very busy and I love

Love women sports I don’t care what sport it is I’m watching you know I have a daughter if she were to go to high school and college I’d watch every game I’m just so busy in my life that I haven’t dived into enough which I’m going to because Brent has been saying

This and I agree women sports need more notoriety especially in the game a little bit more fans would help out but this is a part of the show you can call in and talk smack and let it go we want to give a shout out to Texas volleyball

Team for winning um it’s great to see them as well and Brandon I also have a second shout out which is more personal I’d like to wish a happy birthday to my little sister merid happy birthday meryth happy birthday Applause that’s right we love you very much Meredith and I’m and I’m

Considering as a birthday present how would you like maybe a birthday cake with brand Mason jumps out of oh my God imagine that that’s a birthday Hey listen this is the part like I said next week hopefully this week you’ll be able to call in we’re just working on these

Other fundamentals here but you’ll be able to call in and do this and give all our shout outs to all the sponsors and people that are starting the call we have tons of people calling in thank you thanks for everybody watching Brent so good to have you today and we’ll see you

Tomorrow at 10 o’clock thank you Brandon guys thanks for tuning in to the Brandon Mason show we love to have you every day 10:00 to 10:30 is and again we will slowly expand into 11: we are so happy to have you I hope all of you have

Safe travels as you guys are all commuting and leaving for laal remember to to watch every day Monday through Friday 10: a.m.

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