Golf Babe

Apocalyptic Survival: Unraveling the Zombie Mystery in ‘Happiness’ (2021)

Warmly remind you that the video content from the film content, if the video content is on your discomfort, please watch with caution. Please do not imitate the dangerous behavior in the video content.

In the dead of night, a man’s loud crashing noises disturb his neighbors. Filled with resentment, the building manager goes to warn him but is dragged into the room, and screams of agony echo through the apartment. When the police arrive, they find the manager covered in blood.

Jung-Kook, pointing to a torn body, suggests the manager might have been attacked by an animal. But in the city, where would such a beast come from? Confused, Yi-Hyun meticulously searches the crime scene. Under the bed, Yi-Hyun discovers a bloodied face. With no place to hide, a man crawls out.

He frantically explains to Yi-Hyun that he only remembers being incredibly thirsty, and then nothing else. Yi-Hyun inquires if the man has recently been scratched by an animal or taken any medication. The man recalls he’s a pharmaceutical salesman who just tried a new pneumonia treatment his company produced. This revelation raises Yi-Hyun’s suspicions.

He further questions the man about who he sold the medicine to. The man answers that he recently sold it to a special forces member named Jong-Tae. The towel is now stained red with the blood from the man’s face.

Yi-Hyun pries open the man’s mouth and is confronted with a terrifying sight: evidence that he had cannibalized the building manager. Just then, more infected individuals appear. How will they handle this unfolding crisis? Sae-Bom and Seung-Young, hearing the commotion, arrive just in time to witness a horrifying scene.

Sae-Bom, initially moving to intervene, is shocked into stillness. Without hesitation, Sae-Bom shoots Jong-Tae in the knee, but it doesn’t stop his frenzied attack. Jong-Tae hissed like a wild animal and even though Sae-Bom tried his best, he could only suppress him temporarily. Jong-Tae, trapped behind a door, furiously headbutts it, terrifying everyone.

Sae-Bom asked Seung-Young to go first with his injured companion. Suddenly, Jong-Tae calms down. To understand what’s happening, Sae-Bom cautiously approaches the door, bewildered by the chaotic scene. As she’s unsure what to do, she hears a cry for help from inside. Without hesitation, Sae-Bom looks inside to find Jong-Tae has regained his senses.

Her teammates arrive to help carry Jong-Tae out, bringing a moment of relief. However, while cleaning the blood, Sae-Bom notices scratch marks on her palm. Recalling the fight with Jong-Tae, she shivers, realizing the wound came from their scuffle. Meanwhile, an armed force arrives, intending to take away everyone who had contact with Jong-Tae.

Sae-Bom, unafraid, doesn’t realize a disaster is unfolding. She is then taken to a strange building where Lieutenant Ji-Soo conducts a series of checks on her and assigns her a room. With nothing to do, Sae-Bom, looking in the mirror, notices the wall has been patched.

Driven by curiosity, she tears off the wallpaper, revealing a bloodstain. Then, a piercing scream comes from next door. Confused, Sae-Bom moves to the window. At that moment, a man is surveilling everything happening inside the building. Who is he, and what caused this mutation?

A zombie virus outbreak causes chaos throughout the city, and even the military’s efforts to contain it are futile. The virus sporadically causes its hosts to lose their minds, but interestingly, after these episodes of madness, their wounds heal rapidly. The origin of this widespread virus remains a mystery.

Yi-Hyun, seeking answers, goes to the pharmaceutical salesman’s house to find the mentioned drug. After a thorough search, he discovers a pill. Knowing Sae-Bom is quarantined, Yi-Hyun, concerned for her safety, urgently seeks information about the drug. Yi-Hyun asked his friends to help him investigate the drug’s manufacturer was the military.

The drug, known to cause thirst and dizziness, had been discontinued, but somehow it was stolen and sold. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Yi-Hyun rushes to the quarantine zone to inform Tae Seok of his findings. Tae Seok, seemingly already aware of these details, remains noncommittal.

Meanwhile, Sae-Bom undergoes various tests and jokingly interacts with Ji-Soo. Just when Sae-Bom was going back to her room, she saw Jong-Tae who scratched her. Driven by a need to understand what might become of her, Sae-Bom, ignoring Ji-Soo’s objections, forcefully enters the area. Jong-Tae has regained her senses, but he keeps saying he’s thirsty.

Sae-Bom was concerned and went to check on Jong-Tae but a horrible scene happened. Luckily, the rescue team came in time to save Sae-Bom. Tae Seok then gives Sae-Bom an access card, explaining that her body might possess the virus’s antibodies and she needs bi-weekly check-ups.

An excited Sae-Bom finds Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom tries to scare him but scares Ji-Soo. Just when it seems the virus spread is under control, a riot breaks out in the quarantine zone, and all infected individuals escape. As the situation escalates, the question arises: how will they face this growing crisis?

As the terrifying zombie virus rapidly spreads throughout the city, creating panic, Sae-Bom’s unique situation brings a glimmer of hope. Sae-Bom, despite being scratched by a zombie, not only avoids mutation but also develops antibodies against the virus. Knowing this, Sae-Bom made a deal with Tae Seok.

In exchange for her cooperation in vaccine development, she requests an apartment from the military, to which Tae Seok agrees with a smile. However, there are two conditions: Sae-Bom must provide blood samples weekly for vaccine research, and the apartment application requires a married status, a tempting offer for the long-homeless Sae-Bom.

Upon her release from the hospital, Sae-Bom proposes this idea to Yi-Hyun, who is taken aback by this sudden happiness and agrees to her proposal. In fact, Yi-Hyun had a crush on Sae-Bom for a long time, but he didn’t get a response from Sae-Bom.

Back when they were in high school, Yi-Hyun, facing setbacks in his sports career, just wanted some solitude on the rooftop. However, his presence there unexpectedly drew a crowd of onlookers. Sae-Bom wakes up in her classroom to the sound of a siren, and she thinks it’s Yi-Hyun who’s interrupting her beauty sleep.

The police officer is dumbfounded as Sae-Bom walks next to Yi-Hyun. Through Sae-Bom’s persuasion, Yi-Hyun agreed to go down with Sae-Bom. Unexpectedly, in front of everyone, Sae-Bom pushes Yi-Hyun off the rooftop. This push made this bad girl live in Yi-Hyun’s heart forever.

Excitedly, Sae-Bom shares the news with her friend Seung-Young, who reacts unusually, only offering perfunctory congratulations. Seung-Young questions Sae-Bom about the virus, noting her unique survival despite being scratched. Sae-Bom doesn’t care about it.

Seung-Young asks Sae-Bom if any journalists have approached her, offering a large sum of money in exchange for information about the virus. Sae-Bom confirms that she has been approached by reporters, but mentions that they have signed a confidentiality agreement, preventing her from speaking carelessly about the matter.

Seung-Young nodded his head with a worried look on his face to indicate that this was indeed the case. Alone, Seung-Young reveals two dark scars on his neck, suggesting a hidden infection. When and how he contracted the virus remains a mystery.

Desperate for money, Seung-Young ventures into a horde of zombies to leak exclusive information in exchange for cash. So why did he risk his life? He knows he’s already infected with the virus and, facing imminent death, wants to leave some money for his wife and child.

Seung-Young cut his wrist with a knife and asked Sae-Bom for help. Sae-Bom, learning of her friend’s infection, drops everything to take Seung-Young to quarantine. On the way, she continuously comforts and encourages him, asking if he feels extremely thirsty, a known precursor to mutation. So Sae-Bom took Seung-Young to the quarantine centre.

At the quarantine center, Ji-Soo is skeptical about Seung-Young’s wound but doesn’t probe further after Seung-Young insists it’s a scratch. Then Ji-Soo took Sae-Bom to the vaccine room. Realizing her friend might be infected, Sae-Bom inquires about the virus.

Ji-Soo told Sae-Bom that in case of being bitten, he will definitely be infected and his condition will get worse and his normal time will be less and less. The infected individuals unpredictably experience intense thirst and attack humans, and currently, there is no known treatment for this condition.

Ji-Soo told Sae-Bom you’re the luckiest of all Sae-Bom returns to the testing room after having her blood drawn, and she’s just about to ask Seung-Young to join her for dinner when she realises that he’s long gone. Through a phone call, Sae-Bom learnt the purpose of Seung-Young’s visit.

Sae-Bom quickly informs Ji-Soo about the situation, understanding the urgency to find Seung-Young. Meanwhile, Seung-Young, dressed as a staff member, stealthily enters a highly dangerous area. He is stunned by what he sees, and just then, hears the door being locked behind him. He immediately rushed to the door, but it was too late.

Trapped among the zombies, Seung-Young makes a call to a journalist. Resolved to secure money for his family even in death, he courageously picks up his phone and slowly approaches the zombie crowd. Sae-Bom receives Seung-Young’s final call. By the time they find him, it’s too late.

Amidst numerous growls, Sae-Bom witnesses her once-friend, now turned into a zombie. As the terrifying virus continues to spread, the critical question remains: how will they deal with this escalating crisis? Tae Seok and Yi-Hyun came here to find out who’s been stealing and selling the medicine.

But under Tae Seok’s coercion, it’s clear they don’t know where the drugs come from. Then when did Tae Seok and Yi-Hyun form an alliance? The alliance between Tae Seok and Yi-Hyun formed when Tae Seok, having heard of Yi-Hyun’s reputation as a famous detective, approached him with a bag of money,

Seeking his help in the drug investigation. Yi-Hyun, on a marriage leave with Sae-Bom and with time to spare, agreed to take on the task, choosing not to involve Sae-Bom to avoid dampening her spirits. The contracted couple slept in the same room and did nothing.

The next day, Sae-Bom, with her freshly prepared rice cakes in hand, decided to visit her neighbors. A little girl, with a friendly smile, opened the door for Sae-Bom. After politely accepting the gift, Seo-Yoon wanted to accompany Sae-Bom to deliver the gift. However, a closed door blocked their path.

Seo-Yoon suggested they should take the elevator instead, but Sae-Bom, undeterred, kicked the door open with a few strong kicks, showcasing her formidable strength. Meanwhile, Sae-Bom has gained a little fan girl. After knocking on the door, the owner of the house is a lawyer, and he’s very cautious because of his profession.

Hae-Sung throws away the rice cake that Sae-Bom gave him, fearing that Sae-Bom was sent by his enemy to assassinate him. Later, Sae-Bom came to the neighbor’s door upstairs After several unanswered knocks, she was about to give up when she heard a noise inside. Curiosity drove her to press her ear to the door

The sudden appearance of the woman startles Sae-Bom. Woman accepts Sae-Bom’s gift very unkindly When she opens the door, there’s really someone inside. The complicated relationship makes you think twice. As Sae-Bom was descending the stairs, she encountered a young man.

Embarrassed, she accepted a mask he offered and, unable to refuse his request, promised to get him a special forces T-shirt. After a busy day, where all her neighbors, except Seo-Yoon, seemed strange and eccentric, Sae-Bom didn’t ponder much and went straight to sleep.

The thumping and banging upstairs at night made Sae-Bom dream of the moment Jong-Tae went crazy. Sae-Bom, who was woken up by the banging, vaguely felt that something was wrong. Yi-Hyun tries to go up to check but Sae-Bom stops her. What direction will the story take next? Who is secretly selling the medicine?

And can the zombie virus be controlled?” In a certain country, a zombie virus outbreak occurs, and those bitten or scratched by the infected become zombies themselves. However, there’s a unique twist: those turned into zombies occasionally regain human consciousness. Amidst the dense zombie horde, Sae-Bom’s friend Seung-Young is trapped.

Desperate for money, he risks his life to secretly film news about the zombies. Seung-Young, who has a wife and child, has a strong will to survive. Unable to bear the sight, Sae-Bom rushes in to help. Single-handedly, she pushes the zombies back and attempts to rescue Seung-Young.

But as they try to escape, they find the doors locked from outside. In this critical moment, Yi-Hyun arrives just in time. Sae-Bom reassures Seung-Young that everything will be okay. Guilt-ridden, Seung-Young apologizes to Sae-Bom, explaining that his actions were to leave more money for his family in case of his death.

Meanwhile, the nation is shocked and horrified as Seung-Young’s secretly filmed footage airs on TV, causing public outrage and criticism towards the incompetent management. Unbeknownst to them, Tae Seok, who has been tirelessly working to control the virus, has also had his family infected. Tae Seok, after closing the door, removes his tie.

Now that the public is aware of the situation, he is unburdened by concerns and ready to take bold and decisive actions. He heads to the drug dealer, taking both the medicine and the dealer. Tae Seok needs to find out who else the dealer sold the drugs to. However, the dealer remains stubbornly silent.

To deal with such a tough nut, Tae Seok locks him in with the zombies, giving him a taste of true despair. Meanwhile, Sae-Bom is having a sweet video chat with her mother at home when they hear a loud noise from upstairs.

Yi-Hyun gets up to confront the noisy upstairs neighbor, leaving one to wonder what’s really happening in that neighbor’s apartment. The incessant noise from the neighbor’s apartment draws Yi-Hyun’s attention, leading him to confront the upstairs neighbor.

Joo-Hyeong, who opens the door, hurriedly explains that the noise is caused by his wife, Min-Ji, who suffers from a mental illness and has been throwing and smashing things at home. Standing beside Joo-Hyeong is Sang-Hee, visibly panicked; She’s the woman hiding under Joo-Hyeong’s bed.

Sang-Hee’s panicked look made Yi-Hyun see that something was wrong, but he couldn’t ask too many questions without evidence. The next day, Yi-Hyun encounters Sang-Hee again. Before he can ask much, a frightened Sang-Hee confesses everything.

Joo-Hyeong’s affair with Sang-Hee was caught by Min-Ji, his off-duty wife, and Joo-Hyeong beat Min-Ji to death with a golf club. Shockingly, Min-Ji resurrects as a zombie. Hearing this, a chill runs down Yi-Hyun’s spine, and he immediately calls Sae-Bom, knowing her impulsive nature could lead her to confront the noisy neighbor.

The call connects, but it’s too late. Sae-Bom has already been pushed into the bathroom by Joo-Hyeong. Sae-Bom seems to understand the zombie’s intentions – it just wants to leave and has no desire to harm her.

Meanwhile, Joo-Hyeong, now frantically calling for help, plans to use the zombie Min-Ji to eliminate anyone aware of his crime. Unexpectedly for Joo-Hyeong, the zombie Min-Ji, furious and unrelenting, starts advancing towards him. In panic, Joo-Hyeong flees without even putting on his shoes.

Seo-Yoon, witnessing Joo-Hyeong’s hasty escape, is about to warn him of the dead-end ahead when she sees the zombie approaching her. At this critical moment, Sae-Bom rushes in to save Seo-Yoon, fighting off the zombie. Just as the zombie is about to bite Sae-Bom, Yi-Hyun arrives in the nick of time.

The zombie is eventually taken away by the epidemic control team. Yi-Hyun approaches Min-Ji, informing her that he has evidence of her husband’s crime and promises to bring Joo-Hyeong to justice. Yi-Hyun then returned to the flat and took Joo-Hyeong away.

Just as Yi-Hyun was escorting Joo-Hyeong, Sae-Bom rushed over in a panic and hugged Yi-Hyun. What could have happened next? As the sections of flap came down, it meant that the whole neighbourhood was fenced off like a steel barrel.

The military’s stern readiness terrifies the residents, who are clueless about what’s happening, only aware that their area is under quarantine. During this isolation, the supply of essentials becomes paramount. At this critical juncture, Tae Seok finds Sae-Bom and explains the situation. Tae Seok caught a drug dealer selling the Zombies virus.

Initially uncooperative, the dealer confesses everything after being locked up with zombies and scared senseless. He had been collaborating with the local gym, deceiving residents into taking a drug under the pretense of weight loss, which also induced euphoria. The drug gained widespread acceptance in the community.

With too many people potentially infected and at risk of turning into zombies, there was no choice but to quarantine the neighborhood to prevent the virus from spreading. Hearing this, Sae-Bom is outraged. She’s just moved in and this is happening to her.

She’d had a hard time getting her own house, and she’d been locked up for doing nothing. She resolves to protect her new home at all costs. Tae Seok, initially intending to evacuate Sae-Bom because she possesses antibodies to the zombie virus, reluctantly accepts her firm decision to stay.

Sae-Bom calls Yi-Hyun to say goodbye and advise him not to return to the flat. However, to her surprise, they unexpectedly meet in the elevator. Yi-Hyun is, of course, bewildered.

Faced with the risk that any of their fellow residents could turn into zombies, Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom sit quietly on a chair, contemplating their next move in this precarious situation. In a certain country, a miraculous drug is developed that can resurrect the dead, but with a catch: they return as zombies.

Joo-Hyeong, in a daring move, decides to test the drug’s effects. Joo-Hyeong kills his wife and Min-Ji turns into zombies and chases Joo-Hyeong for revenge. During his frantic escape, Joo-Hyeong heartlessly uses innocent elderly people and children as human shields to buy himself time.

At the critical moment when Seo-Yoon is about to fall victim, Sae-Bom intervenes just in time to stop the zombie, and soon after, Yi-Hyun arrives to subdue it. Yi-Hyun meticulously gathers evidence of Joo-Hyeong’s crime of murdering his wife. While escorting Joo-Hyeong, Yi-Hyun briefly loses focus, allowing Joo-Hyeong to escape.

What Joo-Hyeong doesn’t know is that the whole neighbourhood is now quarantined. Dense troops surrounded the neighbourhood like an iron barrel. Yi-Hyun had no trouble finding Joo-Hyeong in the neighbourhood. No one could get out of the neighbourhood, so Yi-Hyun had to bring Joo-Hyeong back.

At that moment, an announcement was made to tell everyone to go to the conference room for a meeting. Yi-Hyun, who had no time to spare, handcuffed Joo-Hyeong, while Sang-Hee volunteered to watch Joo-Hyeong. Yi-Hyun threw a bottle to Joo-Hyeong and went to the meeting room. At that moment, Sung-Sil complained to Hak-Je.

Though Hak-Je initially seems indifferent, he is relieved to see that Sung-Sil only has a bruised wrist and smiles in relief. At this time, Dong-Hyun, who had nothing to do at home, came out and not only did he not say a word of concern, but also complained.

Hak-Je pushed open the door of Dong-Hyun’s room and looked at the room’s furnishings and then closed the door angrily. Dong-Hyun rushed out of the room, cursing and making a phone call. Dong-Hyun never dreamed that he wouldn’t be able to get out of the basement.

Sung-Sil secretly examines a real injury in the bathroom – a wound inflicted by a zombie. Soon, news of the neighborhood’s lockdown spreads rapidly through various channels. As everyone listens to the official report on TV, Yi-Hyun provides additional details about the infected, heightening the tension among the residents.

Faced with a diverse group of neighbors, Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom start investigating who else might have taken the zombie-transforming drug. And what happens next? The neighbourhood is tightly quarantined Seo-Yoon anxiously awaits a call from her mother, Eun-Ji, who is stuck working outside the quarantined area.

When Seo-Yoon finally receives the call, she excitedly tells her mother that she’s doing well at Sae-Bom’s house. Eun-Ji, unable to enter the neighborhood, entrusts Sae-Bom with her daughter’s care, a conversation overheard by Seo-Yoon from behind the door. Seo-Yoon knows that her mother has to work several jobs a day for her sake.

Seo-Yoon touches her face when she hears Sae-Bom open the door. Sae-Bom hands Seo-Yoon a mobile phone and with a forced smile, she pretends she didn’t hear anything and picks up the phone. But after hearing her mother’s concern, Seo-Yoon couldn’t help but cry.

Sae-Bom couldn’t bear to see mother and son separated and called Tae Seok. Upon meeting Tae Seok, Sae-Bom directly asks him why children must also be placed among the dangerously quarantined population.

Tae Seok responds indifferently to Sae-Bom’s question, stating that Seo-Yoon is safest under her care, especially since Seo-Yoon’s father has also taken the drug that turns people into zombies. He points out that danger is present both inside and outside the quarantined neighborhood. Hearing this, Sae-Bom falls silent.

That night, the small one-room flat welcomed two guests Jung-Kook takes a comforting photo to reassure his wife. The group, lost in thought, struggles to fall asleep. The next day, everyone, except for the spirited Sae-Bom, is visibly drained. Sae-Bom’s energy inspires the others to persevere.

However, when they go downstairs to pick up boxed meals, they are locked in by neighbors from another building, who look down on them because they live in Building 1, considered a building for commoners. Angered by this prejudice, Sae-Bom grabs Jung-Kook’s gun and confronts them.

Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun discover that the source of the virus spread in the neighborhood is the gym. They interrogate Seung-beom, the trainer, but he won’t tell them anything, and Seung-beom just keeps drinking water as if it’s a sign of an attack. Alert Sae-Bom opened the blinds and saw a man.

The mysterious man’s eyes are only exposed, and he seems to be watching Sae-Bom. The man, Andrew, a janitor, is described by his colleagues as a bit simple but kind-hearted. He has been self-conscious and reclusive due to a facial scar from a childhood injury.

Recently, he started working more confidently because wearing a mask became common. Yi-Hyun almost falls for the woman’s fabricated story about Andrew, but becomes suspicious after seeing Andrew’s deliberately defaced ID. Despite these concerns, their immediate priority is to control the spread of the virus. They lock Seung-beom up for everyone’s safety.

To their surprise, the next day when they bring Seung-beom his food, they find the office empty – Seung-beom has escaped. The question arises: Where could Seung-beom be, and could he turn into a zombie? Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun followed the trail of Seung-beom’s escape. In the lift room Sae-Bom found a pool of blood stains

As the elevator approaches their floor, they hear a growling sound from inside and quickly realize the danger, fleeing as fast as they can. During the escape, Sae-Bom spots Seung-beom hiding in a car and signals him to run with them before it’s too late.

The group of people hiding behind the glass door are gasping for breath. Deok-soon and Seung-beom looked at them with a confused look on their faces. They don’t know what’s going on. And the danger is approaching them step by step.

With the bloody handprints on the glass door, it means that the residents of the neighbourhood are starting to mutate into zombies. Meanwhile, Andrew stands on the rooftop, witnessing the horrific scene of people turning into zombies. He seems calm, as if he had anticipated this development.

Back in Building 1, Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun are busy sealing all exits. The others, still not fully grasping the situation, are perplexed by their actions. The scene in front of them made them realise how dangerous it was outside the building.

Sae-Bom receives a call from Tae Seok, who reminds her, “Now you should understand why I did what I did.” Tae Seok, watching the monitors, informs her that except for their building, all others have fallen to the zombies. They’re on their own now.

Hearing this, Sae-Bom panics and looks at the stairs leading to the basement, there’s no door that can be closed. Unsure how to face the zombies swarming the neighborhood, she knows she must stay strong for those she must protect. Tae Seok arrives at a secret base.

The chairman in front of his is the one who produces the zombies virus drug. The chairman, the first to turn into a zombie, had bitten and killed Tae Seok’s pregnant wife.

Tae Seok accuses the chairman of releasing the stored drugs, feeding them to unsuspecting people to increase the number of infected and speed up the development of a cure.

Confronted with the truth, the chairman brazenly taunts Tae Seok, claiming he enjoyed the taste of Tae Seok’s wife’s blood and curiously wondering whether their unborn child was a boy or girl. Tae Seok, frowning, remarks, “You must be quite thirsty now.” Ji-Soo questions why Tae Seok hasn’t quarantined and monitored the chairman.

Tae Seok said that the Chairman is too high ranking for Tae Seok to move just because he wants to. He tells Ji-Soo he will provide a list of everyone the chairman has contacted, urging her to find every single one without fail.

As the neighborhood’s turmoil continues and external matters escalate, the critical question remains: How will they confront this rising tide of zombies? A zombie virus outbreak occurs in a certain country, with the infected bloodthirsty and relentlessly pursuing those uninfected. Without enforced quarantine zones, the entire country would fall within three days.

The higher-ups question Tae Seok about the possibility of developing an effective drug to control the virus. Not wanting to abandon the infected population, Tae Seok deceives the authorities, claiming a cure could be developed within a month. This convinced them to cancel their plan to cut off electricity and water to the quarantine zone.

Tae Seok stares blankly at Sae-Bom’s file, realizing that Sae-Bom, who carries antibodies, is key to controlling the virus. Meanwhile, Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun are busy sealing off all passages in Building 1. Some neighbors, who have never seen zombies, resist and make noise about wanting to go outside for fresh air.

However, when the door is opened, everyone hesitates to step out. At this moment, a pair of eyes outside the door stealthily observes them. To prevent further incidents of leaving the building, Yi-Hyun thinks it’s necessary to reiterate the dangers outside. But there are always people who want to make things worse.

Joo-Hyeong, who hides money in his fridge and has killed his wife, now tempts others with cash to take the risk and venture outside. Initially, nobody pays much attention, but when Joo-Hyeong raises the offer to 300,000 Korean won, people start taking the risk for money. As more hands go up in agreement,

Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom reluctantly join the group for three reasons: to protect those venturing outside, to assess the quarantine situation in the neighborhood, and to gather food for future needs. Armed, the group reaches the quarantine boundary of the neighborhood only to encounter a man turned zombie.

The man, momentarily regaining his sanity, bluffs with nonsensical talk, unaware that everyone has already seen his zombie transformation. Taking advantage of the moment while the infected man is still rational, the group quickly slips away. Upon reaching the supermarket, they begin frantically gathering supplies.

In a corner, Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun find Bo-ram, a cashier, shivering in fear. Meanwhile, in the supermarket’s storage area, a horde of zombies is closing in on them. Will they manage to escape safely? They had just picked up some supplies when they were chased by zombies that appeared.

Fortunately, Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun manage to block the zombies outside. The frightened group rushes back to Building 1 but finds themselves locked out. Yeon-ok refuses to let them in. An hour earlier, she had encountered a man in the basement seeking help, a man who wasn’t a resident of Building 1.

Yeon-ok almost opened the door for him, deceived by his plea, but then noticed blood on his fingers. The man revealed his true nature under Yeon-ok’s probing, startling her. Hence, Yeon-ok blocks the door, refusing their entry. At this moment, Joo-Hyeong, with a sly smile, plays zombie howls on his phone.

The zombies in the neighborhood seem to resonate with the sound, filling the area with a terrifying atmosphere. Faced with the prospect of confronting all the neighborhood’s zombies, an angry Sae-Bom draws a handgun, signaling Yeon-ok to open the door or face a forced entry.

Amidst this tense standoff, Jung-Kook and Seo-Yoon arrive, unlocking the door just in time. A chaotic scuffle ensues until Yi-Hyun smashes the phone playing zombie sounds, halting the fight. Joo-Hyeong attempts to flee but is apprehended by Yi-Hyun. Ironically, Joo-Hyeong, who treated others’ lives as a joke, is terrified of being infected.

Unable to swallow this insult, Joo-Hyeong contacts Hae-Sung in the building, intending to legally accuse Yi-Hyun. Hae-Sung never expected to find an unexpected gain within this locked-down neighborhood. They were naive enough to think they’d be out of the neighbourhood soon. Meanwhile, Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun continue to check for hidden dangers in Building 1.

They confront Seung-beom about the drugs, but he’s unusually agitated and clearly hiding something, stubbornly refusing to speak. With no other choice, Yi-Hyun locks up Seung-beom. Joo-Hyeong learns from his conversation with Sang-Hee that the drug that turned his wife into a zombie was bought from Seung-beom.

Joo-Hyeong, deep in thought, pressures Seung-beom about the remaining drugs. An enraged Seung-beom mutates and grabs Joo-Hyeong’s leg, but Yi-Hyun arrives in time to save him. Ungrateful Joo-Hyeong slowly reaches for a weapon to attack Yi-Hyun, who teaches him a lesson.

Joo-Hyeong’s attempt at trickery is met with a beating from Sae-Bom, who arrives shortly after. Yet, Joo-Hyeong doesn’t learn his lesson and sneaks into Seung-beom’s car, finding the zombie-transforming drug hidden there. What could Joo-Hyeong be planning?

At this point, it was clear that the other occupants of Building 1 had not realised how dangerous it was outside. The profit-driven Hae-Sung, not heeding Yi-Hyun’s warnings, secretly opens the door to meet a client. Fortunately, Hae-Sung’s wife actively seeks out Sae-Bom and informs her of Hae-Sung’s whereabouts.

Armed with a stick, Sae-Bom rushes over without a moment’s delay. In the nick of time, Sae-Bom arrives and relocks the door. Hae-Sung, knocked to the ground, is baffled and unaware that Sae-Bom just saved his life. Annoyed, Hae-Sung complains about Sae-Bom’s rudeness, but his tune changes when he sees Seung-beom transformed into a zombie.

Hae-Sung realises the existence of zombies and urges everyone to vote on whether or not to evict Seung-Bum, who is carrying the zombie virus, from Building 1 for his own safety. However, Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun oppose this action. They argue that Seung-beom is still a human and could be saved if a cure is developed.

Thanks to Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom’s efforts, the vote results in Seung-beom not being expelled from Building 1. A guilt-ridden Seung-beom reveals to Yi-Hyun that Se-hoon from Building 15 bought drugs from him. Meanwhile, Sae-Bom is with Se-hoon. Hearing this news, Yi-Hyun rushes to Se-hoon’s home. Will Sae-Bom face danger?

On the other side, Dong-Hyun convinces Bo-ram with money to go outside in search of his lost phone. Lured by the money, Bo-ram went out slowly, and when she saw the mobile phone, she thought that she would get the money easily. However, they unwittingly open Pandora’s box.

Instantly, Building 1 is filled with the moans of the infected and unceasing screams. Outside, more and more protesters gather, chanting slogans to eradicate the zombies. Under pressure, the government agrees to cut off water, electricity, and food to all sealed-off neighborhoods in three days.

What fate awaits Sae-Bom and the others in the days to come? In a certain country, a chaebol develops a miraculous drug that makes those who take it bloodthirsty. At this time, Sae-Bom is with the person who bought the drug.

When Yi-Hyun found out, he threatened Se-Hoon that if he touched Sae-Bom, he’d show him what he’s made of. Fortunately, it turns out to be a false alarm. However, unbeknownst to them, the building is already infested with the infected. At home, Seo-Yoon hears a knock on the door.

An alert Seo-Yoon cautiously goes to the door to check the A blood-covered man outside, with a sinister smile, falsely claims to be a friend of Seo-Yoon’s mother. Seo-Yoon, having heard stories of the big bad wolf and the little white rabbit from her mother, doesn’t believe him.

Terrified by the man’s eerie demeanor, Seo-Yoon quickly shuts the door. As the man persistently tries to harm Seo-Yoon, Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun arrive. They are baffled by the man’s presence and question how he got in and why he’s covered in blood. Yi-Hyun confronts the man sternly. The man, realizing he’s at a disadvantage, flees.

Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom immediately sense something is wrong after their encounter with the man. They rushed downstairs to the gym, where the man who was guarding Seung-beom was nowhere to be found. A phone left on the ground suggests they might have met with misfortune.

The infected entered the building and they were attacked without knowing it. Seeing Soo-Min bitten by an infected, Hyun-Kyung panics and runs back to the gym. However, too kind-hearted to resist Seung-beom’s desperate pleas, Hyun-Kyung throws the handcuff keys to him. Seung-beom rushed out and scared Hyun-Kyung. Seung-beom kept saying that he was thirsty.

Of course, Hyun-Kyung knew that this was a sign before the onset of the infection and she ran away in a hurry. A black shadow flashes and stops Hyun-Kyung from running away. At the same time, Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun find Seung-beom, who has drunk two large barrels of water.

Yi-Hyun slowly approaches him with handcuffs, but Seung-beom mutates at that moment. Suddenly, Tae Seok appears and resolves the crisis. Sae-Bom questions Tae Seok’s purpose for being there. Tae Seok falsely claims he came for Seo-Yoon. However, his conversation with Seo-Yoon revolves around inquiring about Sae-Bom.

Knowing Seo-Yoon’s mother is infected, Tae Seok’s true purpose for coming to this perilous place remains a mystery. Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom pointed their guns at Tae Seok. Why did a group of people who were supposed to be in peace create such a chaotic situation?

Suspicion had arisen in Yi-Hyun the moment Tae Seok unexpectedly arrived at Building 1. Yi-Hyun interrogates Tae Seok about the time frame for developing a virus vaccine and inquires why Sae-Bom’s wound is not healing – wondering if she too has been infected. Tae Seok smiles and starts to talk nonsense in a serious manner.

He assures Yi-Hyun that four individuals have already developed antibodies against the virus and that a vaccine will soon be available to the public. He also assures that as long as Sae-Bom’s wound doesn’t turn black, she hasn’t been infected. This relieves Yi-Hyun.

Tae Seok instructs Yi-Hyun to gather all residents of Building 1, promising them that if they hold on a little longer, the government will soon control the virus. Just then, an alarm sounds. The neighborhood lockdown escalates to a city-wide lockdown, contradicting Tae Seok’s earlier statements.

The situation grows increasingly dire, filling everyone with complaints, panic, and fear. But they have no choice but to follow the arrangements. Yi-Hyun starts patrolling the building to ensure no other infected individuals are present, feeling uneasy and anxious. After careful thought, Yi-Hyun realizes that Tae Seok’s true purpose is Sae-Bom.

Meanwhile, Sae-Bom hands a letter Seo-Yoon wrote to her mother to Tae Seok. Tae Seok finally reveals his objective to Sae-Bom: she alone possesses the antibodies against the virus. If necessary, Tae Seok suggests letting an infected person bite Sae-Bom again to fight the virus and save humanity.

Yi-Hyun, sensing something amiss and seeing the elevator numbers changing, instructs Jung-Kook to guard the elevator and block Tae Seok, while he takes the stairs to find Sae-Bom on the 15th floor. However, Tae Seok has a gun, and Jung-Kook quickly capitulates.

Just as Tae Seok is about to take Sae-Bom away, Yi-Hyun arrives in time, leading to the standoff at the beginning. Not wanting any harm to come to Sae-Bom, who is a living vaccine, Tae Seok halts his actions. Sae-Bom cooperatively completes her examination and returns to Building 1 with Yi-Hyun.

As night falls, lights go out in building after building, with the expected power and water cut-offs beginning. Meanwhile, in Building 1, some residents’ hearts are turning dark. At that moment, Joo-Hyeong injected the drug he found in Seung-beom’s car into the water. What exactly is he planning to do?

Yi-Hyun had obtained evidence of Joo-Hyeong killing his wife, but due to the virus, he couldn’t bring Joo-Hyeong to justice immediately. This delay gave Joo-Hyeong an opportunity to plot. During a gathering in the building, a box filled with various drinks was placed before everyone.

It was already the fourth day of the water and power outage, and without much thought, the thirsty residents began to drink. Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom, sensing something amiss, didn’t drink the water from the box. They went to the neighborhood’s entrance, wondering why the quarantine hadn’t been lifted yet.

Suddenly, an alarm blared throughout the city, and the broadcast plunged everyone into despair once more, revealing the severity of the situation. The residents frantically sought ways to survive. Inside the building, Yeon-ok obviously knew what Joo-Hyeong was planning, and she told Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bang about it.

To eliminate all threats, Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun visited Joo-Hyeong’s apartment. The sinister Joo-Hyeong hands them drinks, and Yi-Hyun, of course, doesn’t believe him Joo-Hyeong, who had drunk the beverage, vomited violently, as if he had ingested something filthy.

Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun, overhearing this from the doorway, confronted Joo-Hyeong, asking if he had added something to the water. With a sinister smile, Joo-Hyeong no longer hid his actions, revealing that everyone in Building 1 had consumed the water laced with the zombie virus drug.

He told Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun that now everyone should just quietly wait at home for a vaccine to control the virus as the apocalypse approached. Yi-Hyun, the astute detective, had already swapped the drugs hidden by Seung-beom. Hearing this, Joo-Hyeong was in disbelief. Meanwhile, progress was made with the antibodies extracted from Sae-Bom’s blood.

The infected began to regain consciousness, even Tae Seok’s wife showed signs of improvement. Could the zombie virus truly be controlled, and would happiness finally arrive? Constantly walking by the shore, one cannot avoid getting wet shoes.

Yi-Hyun slowly opens his shirt collar, revealing a dark scar on his body, a sign that he has been infected by the zombie virus. When was he infected? After the neighborhood was indefinitely sealed off, horror and despair spread throughout the area.

People not only faced the difficulties of water and power outages and lack of food but also the risk of their neighbors turning into zombies. In their anxiety, they began to suspect each other, and the situation even affected Sae-Bom.

Jung-Kook, misled by Yeon-ok, suspected Sae-Bom would turn into a zombie and forced her to stay indoors at gunpoint. Sae-Bom didn’t want to confront Jung-Kook. Sae-Bom thought he could rest at home for a few days, but Andrew’s sudden visit makes Sae-Bom furious.

Andrew told Sae-Bom that everyone had decided to expel her from building 1. Unable to bear it anymore, Sae-Bom rushed upstairs to argue with the neighbors. Yi-Hyun, who arrived later, naturally protected Sae-Bom. Facing everyone’s scepticism, Yi-Hyun even cuts his palm to attract those infected with the zombie virus.

The sudden incident scared everyone, causing them to flee back to their homes. Yi-Hyun’s blood spilled on the floor of Yeon-ok’s house. When Woo-Chang got home, a terrible scene unfolded. Realizing Woo-Chang would also turn into a zombie, Yeon-ok panicked. Seeing that her husband is still conscious, Yeon-ok begs Woo-Chang not to hurt her.

Woo-Chang, remembering their marital bond, obediently left to harm other neighbors. The moment Woo-Chang transformed, he encountered Joo-Hyeong. Who could withstand a zombie attack? Hearing the commotion, Sae-Bom arrived in time to struggle with Woo-Chang. But Woo-Chang, a strong man, soon overpowered her. Just at this critical moment, Yi-Hyun arrived in time.

Although Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom together subdued the zombie, Yi-Hyun was truly infected this time. Afraid of worrying Sae-Bom and even more afraid of harming her after turning, he thought of hiding. What will happen next? Will Yi-Hyun transform and attack Sae-Bom?

This woman is pregnant, but because of the zombie virus, she doesn’t know if her child will be infected as well. She desperately begs her husband not to worry about her but to save their child at all costs. Tae Seok, at a loss, nods in agreement.

He is willing to sacrifice his own life to save his wife’s child if it means stopping the virus. As the zombie virus spreads more intensely, Sae-Bom’s arrival brings a glimmer of hope for a cure. They extract antibodies against the zombie virus from Sae-Bom’s blood.

But some powerful people sent their men to steal the precious research for their own interests. Tae Seok fights for his wife and child. As his wife’s heart rate gradually decreases, it proves the vaccine can indeed treat the zombie virus, and Tae Seok finally breathes a sigh of relief.

He quickly realizes that Sae-Bom, with her zombie virus antibodies, is the hope for saving the world. Tae Seok contacts Yi-Hyun via walkie-talkie, using the excuse of a little girl to take Sae-Bom away from the neighborhood. Meanwhile, Yi-Hyun, already aware of his own zombie virus infection, fears he might attack Sae-Bom.

So, Yi-Hyun and Tae Seok plan to sneak Sae-Bom out of building 1. Yi-Hyun knows that this farewell to Sae-Bom might be their last. Happy memories with Sae-Bom flash through Yi-Hyun’s mind. Reluctantly, Yi-Hyun cherishes every moment with Sae-Bom. While they were doing their rounds, they discovered a note left by Se-hoon.

The note confessed a grave mistake he had made. To rectify his error, he had already left the neighborhood, leaving the food and water in his house for the neighbors to freely distribute. Se-hoon, who always believed the end of the world was near, had stocked up supplies equivalent to a supermarket.

Once this news spread, everyone in building 1 was in an uproar, rushing to grab the supplies. Only Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun found this situation suspicious. Could Se-hoon really have found a way to leave the sealed-off neighborhood? While the zombie problem remained unresolved, people in building 1 started disappearing one after the other.

Yi-Hyun, sensing something amiss, informed Tae Seok of the situation. Concerned for Sae-Bom’s safety, Tae Seok and Yi-Hyun accelerated their plans to move her. But what they feared happened. During a round of checks, Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun found Deok-soon’s body, dead for some time judging by the level of decay. But who killed Deok-soon?

The neighbors were in constant arguments. With the building surrounded by infected zombies and now a murderer among them, panic escalated. Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom are determined to find the murderer in order to calm them down. Following the clues, they first went to Se-hoon’s apartment. After Se-hoon’s disappearance, Andrew had moved in with everyone’s agreement.

But when Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun arrived, Andrew was not there. Yi-Hyun suspected Andrew was connected to the murders. He told Sae-Bom to lock the door and wait for Andrew’s return while he went downstairs to search. But as soon as Yi-Hyun left, Sae-Bom received disturbing news from outside.

It turned out that Andrew’s identity was not as he had claimed. The person on his ID had been murdered at home long ago. Because of the zombie virus, incidents like murder had been overlooked, so the information had only just come through. Hearing this, Sae-Bom panicked.

She opened Andrew’s backpack, and the contents shocked her. Clearly, Andrew had kept items to prove the identities of those he had killed. Meanwhile, Yi-Hyun, in the eerie staircase, found Se-hoon’s body. Realizing Sae-Bom was in danger, he rushed back to meet her. At that moment, there was a frantic knock on Sae-Bom’s door.

As Jung-Kook opened it, Andrew attacked. Hearing the gunshot, Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun hurried back home. The neighbors’ eyes were filled with malice. Jung-Kook lay on the ground. Seo-Yoon trembled with fear. Andrew’s hands were covered in blood. Who really is Andrew, and what will happen next?

The zombie problem unresolved, building 1 now faced multiple homicides. Andrew, once he took off his mask, was instantly recognized by Yi-Hyun as the serial killer ‘s’. ‘s’ no longer concealed his crimes committed in building 1.

From a young age, ‘s’ believed he had magical powers to control everything, and the apocalyptic scenario only intensified his delusions. ‘s’ used a gun to force Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom to go to the underground parking garage to turn on the backup power supply.

Starting the power would generate a lot of noise, drawing all the infected zombies in the neighborhood towards them. The ugly neighbours didn’t give Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun a single weapon, which is definitely sending them to their deaths. They had no choice but to take a desperate gamble.

The moment they stepped out, Dong-Hyun, who had his own plans, followed them. Dong-Hyun, he wants to drive out of the neighbourhood. After getting Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom’s consent, they split up. At the end of the basement, Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun found the power distribution room.

The moment they started the power, the roaring noise agitated all the infected in the neighborhood. Seeing this, Yi-Hyun quickly grabbed Sae-Bom and ran. They were intercepted by zombies along the way, but fortunately, they evaded all the attacks.

Sae-Bom wanted to return the same way, but the alert Yi-Hyun signaled her to take another door to circle back home. As Yi-Hyun expected, ‘s’ had no intention of letting go of Sae-Bom, who had antibodies against the zombie virus. Se-Kyu, whose conscience awakened, tried to resist but to no avail.

The murderous S waited for this hellish scene. Yet, he wouldn’t allow Sae-Bom to save everyone infected with the zombie virus. Armed with a gun, ‘s’ waited at the exit. Will Sae-Bom be attacked by S? As the apocalypse loomed, people no longer hid their inner ugliness.

Indifferent to Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom’s fate, they rushed to loot the supplies from Sae-Bom’s home. When Yeon-ok was stuffing her bag full, she was caught by Yi-Hyun, who had just returned. Jung-Kook’s injuries were getting worse, and if not taken to a hospital, his life would be in danger.

Meanwhile, Sae-Bom followed clues to Hae-Sung’s house, knowing Seo-Yoon was taken in by Moon-Hee. Moon-Hee, having seen through her husband’s evil face, decided to abandon everything and flee the neighborhood with Sae-Bom. After gathering in the elevator, they reached the rooftop. Kind-hearted Sae-Bom even invited Bo-ram, who had turned into a zombie, into their group.

Just when they thought they could safely leave, the serial killer ‘s’ suddenly appeared. Yi-Hyun quickly threw a smoke bomb. During their escape, Yi-Hyun was shot by ‘s’. Yi-Hyun, his clothes soaked in blood, ignored his pain and urged Sae-Bom to lead the others to safety while he stayed behind to confront ‘s’.

In a moment when Sae-Bom wasn’t looking, Yi-Hyun locked them inside the room. Sae-Bom, of course, was unwilling. But in the critical situation, there was no choice for Sae-Bom but to bid a reluctant farewell to Yi-Hyun. Yi-Hyun had already put life and death aside and would do anything for Sae-Bom.

Moreover, infected with the zombie virus, he had already received the answer he had longed for in the elevator. Yi-Hyun threw the only key that could open the handcuffs far away. He told ‘s’ to do whatever he wanted, successfully enraging him. Just as ‘s’ was about to attack Yi-Hyun, a horrific scene unfolded.

Yi-Hyun, transformed into a zombie, devoured the serial killer ‘s’. Will Yi-Hyun, infected with the zombie virus, receive treatment?” A group of people, under Yi-Hyun’s cover, staggered into the garage, fortunately not encountering any zombies. Sae-Bom, without hesitation, drove straight out of there.

Unsuspecting Sae-Bom meets Tae Seok without any problems, the first thing she does is to ask him for a gun, she wants to go back and save Yi-Hyun! Tae Seok immediately injected Sae-Bom with a sedative. Drowsy from the drug, Sae-Bom watched as some people in the car were taken away, others locked up.

She panicked, unsure if the Tae Seok before her was still the person she once knew. Seeing Sae-Bom not fully sedated, Tae Seok injected her again. In her unconscious state, Sae-Bom saw the lively scenes on the streets and realized something. When she awoke, Sae-Bom understood the truth.

She asked Tae Seok, ‘The outbreak of the zombie virus was always concentrated in our neighborhood, wasn’t it? And I was deliberately placed there by you. The reason I could leave is because I developed resistance to the virus.’ Tae Seok said nothing but took Sae-Bom to his wife.

He told her, ‘Your serum saved my wife. To fully recover, she needs another dose of your serum. I won’t hide it from you anymore; the government will take over and bring you to a level 4 virus research institute.’

Hearing this, Sae-Bom told Tae Seok, ‘If you don’t help me save Yi-Hyun, I’ll die right here and let you never solve this zombie virus.’ Meanwhile, in the neighborhood, the few remaining people fought for their selfish interests. Joo-Hyeong, finding Sae-Bom’s house empty, successfully found the drug that could turn people into zombies.

As Joo-Hyeong joyfully headed home, he discovered Sang-Hee attempting to transfer money to her account. Sang-Hee, seeing her plan exposed, showed her evil face. Hae-Sung also came to help crack Joo-Hyeong’s account password. The first thing Joo-Hyeong does when he wakes up is shove zombie medicine in his mouth. What awaits their respective fates?

Eun-Ji, infected with the zombie virus, desperately begged Sae-Bom to look after her daughter. Eun-Ji did her best to suppress the virus, not wanting to mutate in front of her child. Seo-Yoon obediently listened to every word her mother said, fighting back tears as she promised to cooperate with the surgery and follow Sae-Bom’s instructions.

This scene deeply touched Sae-Bom. Watching a video recorded by Yi-Hyun, Sae-Bom was determined to do something. She found Tae Seok, and to her surprise, he had already prepared everything for her. Sae-Bom’s caring actions towards the patients had moved Tae Seok.

Of the last two virus treatment serums, one was given to Sae-Bom, and Tae Seok administered the other to his wife, ready to face all consequences. Meanwhile, Sae-Bom, dressed in the civilian clothes Tae Seok prepared, finally made it to the exit after dodging detection.

Sae-Bom, eager to return to Yi-Hyun, hesitated as she held the serum. The pitiful image of Seo-Yoon kept flashing in her mind. The sensible girl shouldn’t be left without her mother. She turns back to where Eun-Ji is and, without any hesitation, injects the serum into Eun-Ji. At that moment, Ji-Soo arrived.

Ji-Soo asked Sae-Bom if she had used the only serum that could cure the zombie virus, wondering if she had given up on saving Yi-Hyun. Sae-Bom told Ji-Soo that no matter what Yi-Hyun became, she would stay by his side. Her kindness won over those around her once again.

Sae-Bom, now disguised in Ji-Soo’s clothes, secretly escaped. She drove towards Yi-Hyun’s location. Meanwhile, the commander was furious with Tae Seok. The commander couldn’t understand why Tae Seok, a soldier, would defy orders for a woman.

Just then Ji-Soo, who had a bruise on her face, also came to the commander, and she spouted nonsense in a serious manner But she couldn’t fool the commander. As the commander was about to reprimand Tae Seok and Ji-Soo, Tae Seok finally spoke up.

He purposely lets Sae-Bom escape back to his flat because he knows that someone there has produced new antibodies to the virus. Upon hearing this, the commander immediately orders that the person must be brought in safely. What will happen next in the story?

Yeon-ok walked out of her room and, holding a baseball bat, went up to the rooftop. But the scene before her left her stunned. The zombie-transformed Yi-Hyun was consuming the blood of the serial killer ‘s’. Yeon-ok looked on in terror.

After Yi-Hyun left, Yeon-ok rushed to ‘s’, aiming to snatch the gun from his hands. But ‘s’, still alive, suddenly grabbed her. Without hesitation, Yeon-ok hit ‘s’ several times with the bat. Meanwhile, the awakened Joo-Hyeong, seizing the opportunity while Sang-Hee and Hae-Sung were cracking the password, took a few more pills.

Disguising himself as a mutated zombie, Joo-Hyeong terrified Sang-Hee and Hae-Sung, who hid themselves away in fear. The noise outside woke up Yi-Hyun, who realized he couldn’t ignore the dangerous ‘s’. But when Yi-Hyun reached the rooftop, he found no trace of ‘s” body.

The extremely dangerous ‘s’, now infected with the zombie virus, posed an even greater threat. Yi-Hyun hurried downstairs to search for ‘s’ and ran into Yeon-ok in the elevator lobby. He asked her if she had seen ‘s’. Hearing this, Yeon-ok panicked.

Fearing ‘s”s revenge and the possibility of a lucid Yi-Hyun accusing her of murder, Yeon-ok sought Joo-Hyeong’s help. Joo-Hyeong, hostile towards Yi-Hyun, instantly agreed. They planned to eliminate Yi-Hyun. A cry for help lured Yi-Hyun out. Joo-Hyeong, holding Sang-Hee hostage, had sinister intentions. The sight of Sang-Hee’s blood made it difficult for Yi-Hyun to resist.

Fearing he might attack innocent people in his zombie state, Yi-Hyun rushed back home and barricaded himself. At that moment, Joo-Hyeong was still standing at the door, shouting and banging on the door. Just when Yi-Hyun couldn’t hold it down, Sae-Bom arrived in time to stop Joo-Hyeong.

Seeing her beloved transformed into a zombie to protect her, Sae-Bom gently touched Yi-Hyun with heartache. Would Yi-Hyun attack Sae-Bom? With Sae-Bom’s companionship, Yi-Hyun’s condition had improved a lot. While they were patrolling, a gun was suddenly held to Yi-Hyun’s forehead. The gunman was the serial killer ‘s’.

‘s’ still believed Sae-Bom was a stumbling block in his path of life. To protect Sae-Bom, Yi-Hyun struggled with ‘s’. A gunshot rang out, and Sae-Bom instantly sensed something was wrong. Already scarred and wounded, Yi-Hyun was now shot again. Yi-Hyun lay curled up on the ground, immobile.

‘s’ threatened Sae-Bom to drop her gun, or he would kill Yi-Hyun right away. Sae-Bom used blood to lure ‘s’ into transforming into a zombie. ‘s’ lunged straight at Sae-Bom. Yi-Hyun, unable to bear seeing Sae-Bom harmed, immediately picked up the gun from the ground and dealt a fatal blow to ‘s’.

As ‘s’ fell, an armed force led by Tae Seok arrived. They broke down the door and took away all the residents of the neighbourhood. Some rejoiced at having survived, while others wept over lost fortunes. For some, their schemes amounted to nothing, while others’ survival gave hope in the fight against the zombie virus.

In the end, those with evil hearts faced public judgment, paying for their selfishness. Time passed, and the neighborhood regained its peace. Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom embarked on their journey towards happiness.


  1. hmmm i will explain:

    so if real zombie happend the entire country will get the anti zombie to un infect the people also
    govermeant is shuting down all eltric due into the zombies and all the resident will turn into zombies scienctist try their best to find the ashma and then the resoure of the country will run out quickly because all people are trying to buy some food for their survive rate and if a country with a big population like india and china this willl spread alot then japan because the population is so big then the enire world and next 8-9 days some building are fill with zombies is because they have been infected this will spread and the bunkers are not safe due into the infection of somthing else.
    the real weakness of zombie is head because when they got infect the infect will spread the body then act like armor so they had to shoot the head because it has some weakness alost the weapon will use by theif or bad resident also its impossible to get infected over a country and some zombie are like tanky,fast,boss or any thing so thats it.


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