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CM Punk And Jim Cornette EXPOSED AEW And Tony Khan..

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Now in the most hilarious and ironic news of the day week maybe even a year CM Punk and Jim cornette have the same lawyer now before I get into this I am trying to hit 3,600 Subs before the end of the week need about 70 more people to

Do so hit that subscribe button for your boy I definitely appreciate it and you would appreciate it too because if you don’t hit that subscribe button I’m going be under your bed so hit that subscribe Button Man or I’m going to be under your bet now CM Punk CM Punk and a

Steel both have Steph P new now if you watch Jim cornette if you caught the latter end of his videos you might get a you might get a advertisement out of nowhere you know what I’m saying they very good at them transitions into advertisement advertising

So that you would know who Stephen p is so CM Punk and a steel it turns out that they have the same lawyer and when they say and you know there’s a lot that you can take from this when you think about now if you look at it from aw’s

Perspective you might be looking at it with the fishy like all right you know that’s kind of suspicious you know you got the same lawyer somebody who really dislikes us and really likes you and they just knew all this accurate information about the backstage stuff that was going on and they have your

Side you know what I’m saying so you know what’s really going on but if you look at it I mean me I’m going just look at it from my perspective these are two people I probably admire the most in wrestling right now given the fact that you know and honorable mentioned Bray

Wyatt of course but he you know unfortunately he’s no longer with us so these two are the most people like I when I think about wrestling I think about these two people right now Jim cornette and CM Punk and I would love for one day to just have CM Punk on Jim

Cornet’s podcast or something but you know unfortunately there are ndas and it turns out the only person who can actually talk about what happened in aew with brawl out is a Still’s wife and I’m sure they’ll make a book out of it and make some money off of it and they

Should and wish they should but I would love CM Punk to be on Jim cornett’s podcast it would be amazing I would pay good money to see that I would probably sell my channel to somebody if they could do that probably not but I think

Man I I don’t know if I’m being honest you know it just I don’t I’m not a believer in stuff when it’s like too coincidental like you know again looking at it from aw’s perspective like bro like maybe our biggest hater and somebody we fired just so happen to have

The same lawyer I don’t know man I I don’t know man who knows I know Steve St P has done some big cases and stuff like that but out of all the lawyers you got that lawyer now again I’m someone who’s never had to hire a lawyer so I don’t

Know how necessarily it works I don’t know how you go about finding a lawyer I’m not sure how you go about hiring a lawyer but this is hilarious to me and I think it’s I think it’s funny that you know they all got over on them and I

Think they all escaped the Asylum Jim cornette seen seen the forest from the trees before it even started if you don’t know Tony Khan really wanted Jim cornette involved with aw from the jump and this if you also don’t know Jim uh Tony KH wanted to CM

Punk involved with aw from the jump and you know both obviously didn’t work out but on one end Jim cornette was like no I’m good cuz it wasn’t just the like it wasn’t just the business side of it that he didn’t like he didn’t like like Tony

Khan the way he talked he didn’t like the way that the elite were going to have a a a huge part in being EVPs and if you don’t know who the elite is the Young Bucks Kenny Omega etc etc so he didn’t like that I’m not sure how he

Feels about Cody rhods but he didn’t like that he didn’t like how they had such prominent roles in the you know as higher ups in the aw and he saw the forest from the trees he didn’t know how long like he didn’t know that they last as long but like Jim cornette says

Hundreds of millions of dollars will get you a long way and it’ll put off the in inevitable for a very long time and I think you know it took CM Punk although you can blame CM Punk for a lot of things I think he definitely exposed a lot about

Aw he showed the like okay like he went there with good intentions he went there thinking that what he saw that they did for Brody Lee and what they did a lot you know a lot of what they did could be replicated and he can add on to that but the whole dirt

Sheet stuff that they did to Jim cornette too and they did the Cody Rod the whole spreading of you know stuff to the dirt sheets like they did to you know other people they did to him and CM Punk is not somebody who like you know what I’m saying like luckily like unfort

Like Jim cornette either isn’t either like Jim cornette isn’t somebody to bite his tongue either but he had an NDA CM Punk didn’t have a NDA the brawlout or the the media scrum that when CM Punk went Scorch Earth that’s Jim cornette if Jim cornette didn’t have a NDA Jim Jim corette

Already goes scorched Earth and he don’t even have and he has an NDA so imagine if he didn’t so now that CM Punk does have an NDA he can’t necessarily go about the way like he can’t necessarily talk about it I like do I I’m not sure

How people are forced to sign ndas or something like that man I feel like ndas shouldn’t even be legal like to be honest with you but that’s like the one great thing that Tony Khan has done making these people sign ndas because that’s the last thing he really wants

Because Tony KH is obsessed with Twitter he’s obsessed with people’s perception of him and I wish Stephen P could have negotiated them ndas away but you know it is what it is everybody’s happy everybody’s away from each other everybody’s doing what they want to do uh Tony Khan isn’t selling

Tickets but he’s putting on you know he’s putting on wrestling shows so I’m sure he’s happy maybe I hope he is I hope he’s okay he doesn’t necessarily seem like it Jim cornette from what I could hear in his voice because never see his face he seemed like he’s happy

Seems like he’s making a lot of money just talking about something he loves and it’s great and he again he saw the forest from the trees and he’ll be okay he’ll be okay and uh I’m sorry I just keep thinking about the fact that Jim cetta CM Punk teamed up to

Take down aew um but CM Punk he looks happy as ever he looks healthy as ever and I can’t wait for his next run and I can’t wait for him honestly I’m looking more forward to what he does in NXT than his main roster run to be honest with

You but we’ll get there when we get there and I’mma just enjoy what he’s doing now but yeah I it it’s it’s sad that aw is in the state that is in especially given two years ago where it was just it couldn’t missed but it is what it is you reap what you

Sow and uh it sucks it sucks but let me know what you guys think about this in the comments again I am trying to hit 3,600 Subs before the end of the week if you like my scattered brain thoughts hit that subscribe button please uh like comment share and subscribe all that

YouTube nonsense happy holidays from you to you and yours I appreciate you guys so much it’s been an amazing year let’s make 2024 a better one sub to act peace I’ll be forgetting my outro


  1. If I was Punk, i'd be PUSHING for an eventual match against Roman with Paul Heyman in his corner at Summerslam, then get Jim Cornette to show up for a one-off appearance to help even things out by smashing Heyman with his tennis racket when he tries to interfere.

    Honestly, that would be fucking hilarious

  2. He was more aces’s lawyer. Punk already had a legal team . But I’m sure it helped both of them because Stephen understands the business.

  3. Good luck with your channel, but a little bit constructive criticism. Write down a script, atleast for now. You could've easily condense this vid down to 2-3 min. Or offer more info what Ace said etc. It was a lot of repetition/rambling like Tony Khan's media scrums.

    You'll get there eventually.

  4. Page went off script [fans: quiet]
    Punk went off script [fans: he's going into business for himself]
    Bucks & friends went into Punk's locker room by force [fans: 'we don't know what he did']
    Punk and Ace fought back [fans: they're dangerous and unprofessional]
    Punk was involved with backstage fights [fans: he's a cancer]
    Punk left but the problems are still happening [fans: nothing]

  5. Damn right, Punk and Cornette make it worth it. Especially for a fan whose been watching since 96.

  6. Jim called all of this 5 years ago. The second Jim found out that TK was going to book the show himself and go into business with The Elite, he stopped returning Tony’s calls. This was back in 2018.

  7. Tony Kahn is ridiculous. Honestly I had a lot of hope for AEW even they started was excited for a new alternative. But I read a comment before that said Tony acts like a child playing with his wrestling toys and I didnt think nothing of it at first but the track record shows this guy really dont have a clue and it's sad. Makes me wonder who will be next to say screw it. Not taking anything away from the talent but like Punk said, it's a shame he had to come to work with children.

  8. If an old, savvy, southern white dude tells you about a lawyer and say he's the best, believe them.

  9. CM Punk signed with AEW because he wanted to have fun. He signed with the WWE to prove he was right.

  10. I don't think there was any 'collusion' here between Cornette and Punk.

    I feel that a lot of people think that outside forces are piling on AEW, because that's the narrative of the vocal minority and the wrestling bubble, like the industry, is built on paranoia. But the fact of the matter is that AEW and Tony are scoring so many own-goals that people just behaving with normal motives seems like an anti-AEW stance. WWE, Punk, and others are just picking up their dropped balls, so to speak, and people are calling foul on that, which to me is ridiculous.

    I'm glad that more and more people are seeing the sad future ramifications of Tony's sad failure. No one is going to try and challenge WWE seriously going forward, because if a guy with 12 billion dollars and all that talent and knowledge can't do it, why should they try? And that is terrible because WWE needs to be challenged, or else they'll fall back into being boring again.

    The vicious cycle that has been created between AEW fans who made an emotional investment in Tony as a saviour, and Tony embracing that role, is something that I called out three years ago, and the whole time I've been told I'm a hater. Some of those people have changed their minds and seen the truth, most of them are just staying quiet now.

    11 more days, and then MJF will make a decision. And I have predicted that decision for a long time now. That will likely be all she wrote for AEW being taken even the least bit seriously as a major player. I hope for the sake of the talent that Tony will continue to fund it, and they will get some TV exposure somewhere, but it ain't looking good.

  11. Two people i would never want to go at verbally would be Cornette and Punk.
    Just like Waltman said….Cornette will verbally carve you up.

  12. It's almost hilarious that people thought Punk was the problem in AEW calling him the locker room cancer and yet, once he's out of the company, things seem to have gotten worse. Not saying that Punk's 100% innocent but did these people ever stop to think that the atmosphere there probably brought out some of the bad energy he had there (like him going off in that scrum)?

  13. I’m about 1000% certain Jim referred both Punk and Steel to Steve. I also want to add about your last comment that it really matters who you do business with and their intentions. Bucks just wanted to get themselves more over and that’s it. Now even the most hardcore AEW fan hates the Bucks. Took them way too long to figure it out but they finally got there…

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