Golf Babe

AD Reacts – TPOT 9

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Okay and we’re live hello everybody it is I artificial Deluxe and welcome to 80 reacts today we will be reacting to teapot n oh my god I’ve tried my best to avoid spoilers because Jesus Christ you people on Twitter are cray cray and also it was 12 in the morning I’m not going

To watch okay well technically it was like 11:30 whatever uh at the time I was up I saw the episode I’m like no I’m not gonna watch it I’ll wait anyway um let’s talk about theories for the episode because I heard from a lot of people that it’s a really good episode

And okay my mic unplugged for some reason all right anyway um my theories are uh challenge judging by the episode is a zombie thingy or apocalypse I don’t know or they got to cure people or something and um for KI sake uh I forgot who was up for

Elimination oh okay for K’s sake uh I think uh hold up I gotta see who lost last time chat who lost last time I forgot I forgot hi anyway I forgot who lost last time uh trying to remember trying to remember oh uh uh are you okay and

Uh damn it come on ad it was are you okay and teammates okay thanks guys all right so teammates I think it’s a close vote I’m gonna be honest uh for teammates I think it’s needle or Cory or maybe P I don’t know because it was a really close

Like thing it was pretty close for are you okay I think it’s going to be I’d say TV maybe I don’t know but like the voting was pretty close last time up for elimination I think it’s going to be team uh what’s it called I think it might be death pack

Again because it might be interesting to see how that would go and also because of their Arc and maybe just not maybe I don’t know probably one of the two or maybe both I don’t know okay now without further Ado let’s get to the reaction

Video okay uh I have Twitter open okay I didn’t remember that all right right chat well if it gets laggy let me know and let’s get to the video yeah all right let’s do this Jesus what happened uh oh several minutes later after all right because of

Teardrop being all uh weird right yeah okay it could have been that we are working as hard as we can after Bar’s vomit poured out last episode being has caused her to be sicker than usual her barf molecules must be required for a healthy and happy

Bag with Rocky gon the only way to get vomit are the remains see I know that we’re going to do something with that unless no because there there was still cracks so it had to be something different left lava fight in the volcano or to Simply destroy bar bag and recover

Her that’s like the simplest option you can’t despawn her why listen a black hole all the dude does is just try to prevent death I mean that’s not a bad thing obviously but it’s just please lava vomit Stu first so we tried the lava infused vomit but something was immediately wrong different liquids

Seemed to influence barbag but this unhealthy mixture seemed no BR are you okay nap inside at least don’t do you everyone run for your lives get the cover and stay safe are you okay teammates get in here oh my God dear dropped you might be contaminated get to cover and avoid those

Possible okay yep wait I’m climbing through broken glass I am in yeah dudes BS or did you mean to say okay doing cake now the undead are trying to get inside in a serious R my song De right now is my spirits Jes you guys really could have

Let me finish that song wouldn’t that not do much because it’s like the nails are going through the glass but all right whatever fine also thank you for 41 people in chat I appreciate it Even though it’s the wrong time to do it of course we have an advertisement get out of here got Spanish guys what happened we need more well good thing you’re all assembled are you okay y your ceremony first today so does my audio work if like it just want to make sure these cakes are planks of wood and some Nails who did I vote for I voted for Penn

Because Penn is the goat and I voted oh yeah no I just voted for a pen whoopsies well if I had to vote someone on the other team then Uh Coy yeah CO’s a goat RAC I will say if Coy does get out which I hope not then he has to win bfda that or like J Ruby you’re Bo safe with 6,383 and 6,365 really wait no no I was I was thinking

TV was gonna get out I mean he’s a good character don’t get me wrong but it’s just damn we’re losing a BFDI A and BFDI or or BFDI I don’t know these Stakes should have Pen’s name carved right in because he got 6,336 votes give me that more windows

Covered the better mus TV mus next safe is tennis ball yes TV I kind of like the trio that was making of like tennis ball eraser and pen and TV I I like that little group it was nice wow these are close little wait

Hold on how close uh let me go back let me go back let me go back3 6365 a damn okay so they have a 20 22 vote difference V respectively 22 vot Stakes should have Pen’s name right in 6336 yikes wait 30 what was it okay so it’s

Like they have a 30ish damn so the votes were kind of close oh [ __ ] more windows cover the better much TV next safest tennis ball with 65 okay that’s really close to pens wow wow these are close no kidding in bottom oh so it’s going to be golf ball or puffball

You I think it’s one of us puff right after I understood your I know it’s just the lighting but puffball looks more blue no don’t cry guys you you probably you’ll probably reconnect eventually no puffball sorry guys no I’m so sorry puffball we’ll sort this out two who is

Save by a three vote different I’m calling it it’s golf ball I’m calling it it’s golf ballball is out with what 6,311 votes Dam you survived with 6,314 votes damn what so it’s a three vote difference God yeah you’re right it is a hold on cxx 425 you’re right it is the second

Time puff [ __ ] out Hur to give us our cakes we need to sort all right I guess for this team I’m I’m hoping it’s barf bag but I’m thinking it’s going to be NE Co in is that one of the roof guys ding those sick folks go to him already why

Only have one arm oh it’s anchor me so who wants to open that door oh my God wait let’s go back let’s go back that was funny who wants to open that door what happened to n’s face oh wait this is the um uh what’s it called This

Is the faces they had in bfb1 well when it was like so what is the prize or whatever maybe your wooden steak cake might change your mind donut gy anyone Brave since you’re both safe with 6, 5,686 Wow respectively got to learn to catch with your legs donut got it how about

Whichever one of us get what’s this oh a fun fact from Derpy doofus golf ball has been up for elimination eight times in her BFDI history she has been in the bottom two six bottom two six of those times but never once had the most votes that’s crazy GG for golf

Ball also thank you for 60 people in chat yay it’s you we always do so well we’ll be fine Coy hey wait a minute wait a minute fine isn’t that she said what teardrop or something no yeah yeah bfia episode four was or episode three I

Forgot what it was where she said that everyone loves you or something like that and B bag is safe I’ll send her some wood and some Nails no no wait no bar save that means it’s going to be one of the uh one of the three wo bunchers

What the hell why did you do that now she can smash the door down easier sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry fin wait wa that was funny why did you do that now she can smash the door down easier sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry Sor in his safe with

4, actually have my panger no wait so it’s going to be one a Needler or coiny no wait hold on I’m turning on my fan it’s hotest one okay good enough let’s continue 20 vote difference one of you is leaving the game and opening that door for anchor that contant is coin out

With 4,870 votes narrowly survives with 4,890 votes Point damn what dude coiny I swear to God Coy better win BFDIA Coy better win BFD what the fud yeah that’s right I didn’t swear this time but still what coiny he look so sad what the hell coiny no I I’m so sorry I’m god

Dude it’s fine I’m just letting anchor in it’ll be okay not the coin you’re out of the game and I’m sorry I wanted to go further with you how can I do this without you uhoh co no are you okay upstairs now we have to go I never realize how big

Two is God you two Dr last time oh my God that’s what the [ __ ] they brought back the B ofd Islands so them uh let’s go back I gota I gota appreciate that one no not you two Dr not after last time H they’re literally corny and fiery oh there’s the intro boom

Boom I just realized we’re only five minutes in Whoopsies such a very well-made intro need the perfect Sephora has no get out of here advertisement I’m the only I’m the only advertisement here sorry are spreading where’s everyone else I man teap Potters where are you all oh that’s so cool it’s like a virtual call oh Fanny still doesn’t have

Her mouth wait where is it then is it still on the um bleacher thingy the balance beam hello p m dude tree looks so traumatized oh it’s grassy oh it’s the it’s the it’s the teaser thingy yeah this the teaser shot is soaring through the sky yeah Welling might be

A oh is it because since uh snowballs made out of yo-yo metal those shs got to be at the Steak House pen and I love eating scraps in there but the reception sucks you guys what why why are you eating scraps unless you mean like food scraps but why are you eating

Scraps Yep they’re in near all right they’ve locked us out hello everyone for themselves here we’ll take the steak house and you’ll take some old steak why are you giving them steak dog sound fair steak yay yay going to fight for we’re in trouble too we can’t them on forever

God you all have to stay safe in fact that’s today’s challenge okay so I was close but not really simply survive the two teams to be completely wiped out first we’ll be up for aim I just realized this is kind of like p no I’m K if there are two teams go extinct

Whoever loses the most members will lose go that’s assuming there’s even a solution to this madness I hope there’s a solution get all of that wait say it one more time what today’s challenge completely WIP completely wipe our team that’s not no pillow pillow oh my God

Stop I’m pretty sure I should be immune to this stuff how can I become a sickly green that would make sense my way of thinking so let’s that wouldn’t make sense dude because like what’s it called yeah you’re green but they’re zombies so it’s like whatever just hun it down here and

Will two two no go back to normal we need you dude for power is probably strong enough to fix these guys yeah hopefully help you kitchen wait hold on kitchen bonding Retreat be back soon for kchen bonding Retreat be back soon wait can can we get

Yeah found anything yet clock know I did for play along please yay you caught me Day Ever yay yay I can’t hold the forever come on there’s a that door let’s go back to normal two’s in trouble go go I have to help to no we’re losing everybody what was that

Coiny guys we can still save him no Coy is not Coy right now you take me later hold on T no no those things are approaching just Le Us in you just daers okay I can tell you guys something but you have to keep it a secret Doodles I don’t know why that

Happens it’s my mic is weird all right anyway um apologies about that uh if that happens again please let me know okay thank you Chad all right let’s fix let’s uh let’s go back and bid oh yeah they fell w w those things are approaching just lead

Us in you just daughters okay tell you guys something but you have to keep it a secret uhoh Cloud’s collection this is where it’s been since he got out he’s very protective of it so please be as gentle as cloudy oh Jesus oh my God the collection’s huge

The Collection has grown so so large with I can tell should take ages for those guys to break in Time you guys so heavy yeah dude you don’t think it’s exist is pulling us down do you so non-exist is holding your string Bell is that what I’m is that what I’m hearing no you don’t think Undead nonexisty is pulling us down so nonexisty is holding your string

Huh I beg to dther it’s clearly YY ball down there so get him off before we all die you know as much as you’re rude now you’re not wrong rightall you might need to jump off and sorry what those freak whips are right behind us you’re metal dude I can’t even fight

You thank you snowball yeah I was going to say doesn’t okay yeah I figured your oil metal doesn’t really have a much effect to doesn’t have an effect to this so it’s fine see I knew they couldn’t do anything oh my God no spe uhoh Revenge I’m so sorry no

You’re not let’s be honest go go Jesus Christ like a crowd chasing Bell over there they’re coming this way black hole you must stop them now as in suck them up but they’re not dead they’re Undead oh my God they’re somewhat dead just suck them up and save

Tree please I don’t think I can you you can’t now huh buddy well I have a solution we simply he move tree why would you move tree though see how huge he is right now how are we possibly going to do that uhoh have a idea they’re on their way dig

Dig so fn’s just not given a choice anymore look the reception was bad but the the challenge can’t possibly be to kill each other yeah exactly plus there’s five of you so it makes it worse in a way so girl I don’t scare right now watching teapots

Oh my God there’s no way pillow assassinated everyone already but if that’s the case I’m get pissed guys hello we can talk about this B please live please hello what was that I saw that anyone there welcome to gelatin steak looking for my house made a steak it’s across the

Street I feel like that sign’s going to get involved again during BFDIA over here buddy the stress of all of this was just I like how n goes over here buddy he’s he’s a cool guy sorry got a little stuffy anyway I like yeah nickel and book being good

Friends makes somewhat sense because like you know they did compete in BF theia together too much for little old Nick Lou I figure we can just sleep through it I found this bed in the oh my God it’s a picture of jelatin in the background with the steak trash and I’m

All snug up with this blanket now all I need to make this complete would be aha I found a nice little pill dud she looks mad comy yay this is so confy wait pillow oh my God one down hello book use some of your glue for some nice armor pillow no please pillow

Pillow run oh wait I saw something in the background run oh yeah see look it’s TV oh TV blueprints all right so it’s like oh it’s like questioning how the hell does his legs go up and down like that I okay I guess I see how what happened to oh my

Fence his wave that was funny how what happened to oh my hello fence oh my God okay one more time one more time I’m stop how what happened to oh my fence God I’m coming wait but so if Gat is going after two will two get cured question mark T

We need the lab we need to think of something fast we’ll try to leave the undead elsewhere yeah Jesus D I meant to hit TD uhhuh if we stack up we can access the than up there for guys on my head warning coming uhoh grab my legs TV no TV please I mean

I know I wanted you to be eliminated but still TV come onv TV T I swear to God TD I swear to God TD I swear to God TD I swear to God oh thank God thank you TD we got this no oh my God there’s always a twist with these two Jesus Jesus Christ no eraser he was the

Goat he was the goat I thought he was going to live you guys got to hurry they’re on their way yeah dude yeah no but what if what if tree did get bitten and he just popped out of the ground that would just make things a lot worse but it would be

Cool it’d be like a tree Kaiju in a way protection where are they whoa so many goodies 15765 what what does the number mean wasn’t yeah wasn’t the number 10,000 what does 15762 mean what do they have uh oh silly don’t suck us up oh of course

Not a they’re still friends in a way need the stash I need to protect tree wait if you take the whole collection we are all going to die just take them tree is going to die why are they so adamantly coming to you guys anyway who knows these staks are getting

Cold so to you little cold steak I say goodbye are you gonna eat it they want the steak I’m taking the stash to save tree okay they’re just going to eat steak I guess are they chasing us may stop and up if you just go higher it’s it’s kind of funny seeing

Seeing how they’re just wobbling around and little silly Creatures got off oh my God oh my God he’s getting bigger oh my God you traitor working stupid not working stupid wait but if he he’s turning is he if he’s gonna turn back into his OG colored then will he still be a zombie

Or so yay 100 people thanks guys right now he’s getting bigger yeah a lot bigger wait but can’t Belle just like pull up or no the lava combined with the bar seems to have caused this mutation seems to spread when she bites people so if we can undo

The rotting Maybe by powering the bodies up somehow maybe we can get barbag and everyone else hello Gren guy yes Christmas indeed Merry Christmas that’s normal if only we knew what caused bar to get so strong last episode oh God two over here wait a minute if only we knew what caused

Barback to get so strong last episode that was TD so wait does that mean TD is the answer question mark two over two wait what two over here oh hell no that’s creepy as sugar honey SE two are you okay oh no no no no no G run G Run come

On uh dude that’s wild I’m sorry I’m a little freaked out who wouldn’t be inside two I is gat gonna like unick to or something or un zombify to by like speaking to him Got The Power of friendship I’m kidding I I think that’s GNA work right now

But come on oh my God it’s the chair that they sit with stop stop don’t do that you there if gti’s gonna go out like this come on don’t let gaty go out like this dude two is is that my are you okay oh hell no two are you okay what you doing

What I’m lost what happened to gaty what happened to gaty hey guys what should we do we start running low on what happed to maybe just yell warning or something what the [ __ ] happened to G I’m lost did she die or D’s elimination guys oh wait I’m lost what happened again

Warning warning she got eliminated warning we have one saky left oh wait does that mean we’re going to see um her POV of like where the contestants are hopefully team or if not they’re gonna be like no sorry we’re not g to show that and then just gaty comes back I

Need a big stash guys keep throwing didn’t you just say earlier hey so we’re not going to use the stash anymore or I can’t yeah you you were literally bullshitting earlier wait what what drawing what what the hell what is this what is what is this what oh you could zoom

In okay so it’s like there’s pin lightning Bell oh this is a draw oh this is bfca oh and then that’s how they escaped and then that’s the magnet that’s bony Woody cloudy your next no that that’s cloudy that’s cloudy that’s X that’s be oh wait wait if this is

BFDIA and how cloudy you know what did that to pin and this is the machine thingy or whatever then did they escape you know what I’m not even gonna get into it team I need a big stash guys keep throwing dude you’re gonna kill everybody we’re dude they’re coming we

Have one Stak left who is brave enough to head off with it and save us sh me oh come on guys haven’t hasn’t Ice Cube been through enough like she lost your legs and the Y face clearly isn’t going to give it back I hope he does

Because it’s weird seeing Ice Key was without legs but whatever icy no icy no Dam are you guys okay is that you what the sales catalog are you guys doing I thought you was going to go what the scallop there the US here where are you right now I’m hiding in

The back of the steak house did you guys know this used to be a shade house oh my God BFD all over again guys it’s literally bf8 those shades are handy some change colors and stuff should be good for looking for those dead guys and keeping everyone alive I hope so wait

Wait wa wa wait what some change colors and stuff should be good for looking for those dir guys and keeping everyone alive Donut oh my God wait a minute how does this make sense wouldn’t the zombie thing what you’re made out of paper you can’t survive water donut no uh oh puff B

Coming run run swim swim swim swim swim swim keeping everyone alive guys the challenge is to stay alive we don’t have to hurt each other you say like if everyone’s killing each other it’s just pillow doing it I think guys fine night vision huh should be handy oh

God oh my God oh my God pillow what is wrong with you dude what the hell is wrong with you pillow we need to stay alive don’t do this you’re crazy no barbecue sauce no oh he was dead the whole time wait couldn’t they just recover him please I

Hope he doesn’t deserve to be dead dude oh my God I get the joke he was going say offy was a tough good job no oh my God you’re still alive just die already kill your no that’s messed up it’s an OP whatever dude what is wrong with you stay dead Stay oh my God they’re gonna they’re gonna lose it’s over they’re gonna lose or if not P probably still alive but they’re going to lose now is not time for an ad experience more with a $300 travel credit get out Reserve oh my goodness gra Reserve from select dealers or oh my goodness

Gracious my God oh my God stop it thank God getting there we need more time black hole check this out stay back I don’t think that’s going to do anything look it’s working yeah know I figured that’s not going to do much they’re climbing dig marker dig No I I can’t believe this is our end and they got icy deed icy I wish I could have sold more from my factory I mean uh what muted by accident sorry about that guys all right anyway let’s continue yes got this oh my God no rer oh my

God bro TD’s screwed if TD dies right here then she’s eliminated oh my goding I can’t believe there something how going to regenerate bag bro so much is happening what it’s all your fault bag oh my god oh uh Hey guys where am I okay TD’s still

Alive somewhat bag you’re back to normal oh my gosh TD it was you your effects on bar bag’s lava barf somehow made it less degenerative but unlike bar bag most of the undead victims don’t have external inerts so it’s like the barf molecules plus tear drops liquid helps question

Mark uh I I don’t know this is weird we need to find another way to cure everyone else they’re going to have to ingest the barf somehow bar you are the only way we can save everyone we’re going to have to take your inners out once again uh I still don’t know what’s

Happening but if it helps everyone else let’s do it LOL let’s do it LOL there’s not there’s not enough in here I mean yeah barf bag’s kind of smallish so liquid tear drop can you hop back in but if wait no but if tear drop hops back in ABB she’ll die get eliminated

Oh she’s GNA do it she’s gonna do it oh my God thank dude does that mean teardrops eliminated what what does that mean tear drops what your sacrifice won’t be in dude I swear te bro tear drop’s going out as the goat let’s go t let’s feed this

To no to a damn it oh okay well that answers my question about snowball no we got to hide somewhere I’ll take us maybe they’ve sorted something out already oh my god oh okay they’re gone they’re safe we need to get out of here now Let’s Escape I think we’re doomed

There’s so many things happening at once oh my God have guys updat have you solv these guys yet I hope what is that he’s a snowball no needle I’m not too though it’s pie but you’re here where are we I was right Pierce sent us to the elimination space

A p has the that’s sweet what Dude what no I feel bad because P doesn’t know what’s going on now what I gotta process hold up because so much things happening why is everything T I just realized that oh so it doesn’t fall okay sorry I got a message CH to answer anyway back to the

Video instead of killing us like all of those other undead guys yeah even in Zombie form two’s pretty cool so yeah can I rejoin can I rejoin oh oh damn the thing oh my God face I swear don’t do anything stupid e why would you Dr V have

This oh my God they’re back to normal oh hey guys what’s up dude whoa that made him back to normal it works have you ever needed to get this I’m kind of scared there’s seven minutes left F to the other dead guys why not cook it into

Some St why not but how we get we’re still locked out yeah dude hello bomy should we do this I swear easy way easier way I’ll take you down on my turn yeah bomy how you doing it no no you’ll kill both of your so just not loses come on now

There’s no way anyone survives that explosion mainly pillow she’s already like her eyes gone there’s no way she’s surviving that Jesus and they on fire fire fire ouch black hole stop that snowball it nearly killed me you got it yeah dude Uhoh he murdered snowball he just killed snowball he killed someone that proves pillow’s Theory ha you killed someone how do you feel probably really bad I just realized it delted take it looks like a it looks like a Santa hat guys get in the kitchen you ever wanted to solve an

Apocalypse safe for now no more pulling tree bro pin’s gonna die because no death whatsoever dude you just killed snowball what do you mean no death whatsoever and no danger too you you you just killed someone no no no no no open up again why is it close no I feel bad for

Pin my roots are getting itchy probably because of all of our digging sorry could be that I think come on pin I can’t do it co I’m so sorry you got out I don’t even know if I can figure this out alone no needle was right right now you’re not

You but I can figure this out sorry that I wasent the door okay I did it I did it as you should pin you deserve that wi token what did did you kill Coy uh it’s not what it looks like dude I don’t want to hear from you you literally killed snowball L

Of oh my God two disappeared nowhere they’re back to normal what happened let’s go yay you guys you did it yeah I don’t know what’s with all the snow but the steakhouse looks nice let’s snap you all back P you all the snow but the so he’s still somewhat possessed

Is huh okay that’s weird steak house looks nice let’s stop you all back pin you also survived I’m so happy to see you gy it was honestly rough today seeing coiny like that yeah I feel bad I really feel bad for pin like her best friend just you know but at the

Same time she’s really grown into her own character like the character development for this episode with like pin golf ball Gat and a lot of people it’s really well done saw the same thing in two but I saw a good side of them as well yeah when they were like that two

Could have killed us but they didn’t yeah it’s just nice to hold on to that I really didn’t think I could play this game without po but you he kind of pushed me towards fighting for myself down there yeah yeah I think that’s a good way to look at it that’s

Great H me got a good bite too screamed and it hurt we were uh talking about the good qualities we saw in our friends even when zied me too classic pen always biting something hey yo that’s a little it’s a little fruity eraser I thought

You killed us too but we just W where pie was oh I sent you guys there whoops you weren’t meant to go there yet yet yet what does that mean I swear we better see the other contestants rooms oh well glad you’re save but let’s see

How many members you all have left okay seriously why does two only have one one arm sorry it’s kind of weird up first teardrop wait teardrop died exactly teardrop teardrop I’m sorry to say that you are eliminated no tear drop you were the goat TD was the goat

Why wait what what oh my God a you little troll you Hey uh TD I know we’ve had our ups and downs but I really I don’t know why IUN it’s because my wi is weird but anyway dude what I really thought that oh my God wait wait let’s go back Dude I really thought she was going to speak I’m not even lying what oh my God I was like wait what huh and then I said no I’m just kidding I’m just kidding you little troll TD you little troll TD I know we’ve had our ups and

Downs but I really appreciate you trying to save me back there honestly do you even need to win the power of two look at all the this season you played a great game TD and the best man won yeah dude get out of here dude TD why are you playing an ad

Now I don’t care by wait no no get out of here by tear drop dude don’t do this to me the way he said it too by tear drop oh my god oh tear drop plac 30th I think right did did she Place 30th I I don’t know whatever dude what

Oh my God you’re not off the hook just yet folks because two teams lose remember wait wait hold on but one two three four five yeah just not just yet folks two teams lose remember let’s see which of you guys either got completely wiped out or lost the most members again you still

Have all four members remaining the S you lost one member losing Ice Cube the strongest team on Earth you lost one member as snowball died mid challenge but is he dead though like we did kind of see him three members as pen eraser and T all died teammates you lost three

Members as BB donor and needle okay I was wrong so t t got 29 that’s still pretty good though out of uh 42 or 43 I don’t know passed away and just not none of you are even here because your whole got wiped out so just not your team is

Up for elimation figured is it just just I guess I’ll fill in for them no or whatever yeah viewers just not up for elimination you only get dude that was a great episode what and also I’m I’m sorry my vote goes for book because it’s going to be weird thing book out the

Game even though we have book bombing and nickel in BFDIA and you yeah that’s right you I hope you leave and if you don’t I swear to God viewers if you guys are watching all 159 of you please please please don’t like pillow like I’m getting tired

Of pillow pillow needs to go pillow literally needs to go that’s it like I cannot express it enough anyway get one vote total you know what yeah I’m G do it right now okay uh let’s see um uh what’s it called uhuh there we go hey and I really hope

Wait no I’m stupid I forgot it’s elimination whoopsies okay let me fix that okay let me double check on okay who should I vote for I don’t know I generally don’t know who to vote for you know what let’s let’s vote for nickel I feel like he had the worst

Death out of everyone because it’s like you’re getting smashed with wood on your face so nickel you’re the goat buddy wait what was his letter again uh his letter is D all right yeah we’re voting for d d for Nickel D don’t die like that ever again please and thank you

Also hello needs to go g why not at the G and if you guys see the comment I would appreciate if you like it because that would be really funny Boop all right there you go I voted for D yeah all right there’s still damn there’s still three minutes left

Okay I mean something big so vote for one of them to stay in the game make your one vote count I have a bubble oh my God the Bubble Plus wait I have I have that hold on hold on hold on hold on my my uh my

Hair’s kind of bad right now but I don’t care okay hold up there we go see I got the pin plush right here and I got the bubble plush so cool yeah yeah I covered my background so you guys don’t see the secret plush that I have that I will reveal in

January 1 any right let me put P back and also yeah face reveal hello you’re gonna end up seeing me again during the artificial directs yeah all right anyway um also I’ve seen my face before you guys seen it before okay um a thank you I appreciate

The likes that makes me happy that you guys like my face it’s weird sentence but you get what I mean all right anyway bubble pen bubble pen car what are you cooking you two I have Bubble the nickel plush I have that too bubble p uhhuh bubble pen gray bubble pin what

Are you cooking guy Pin bubble bubble pen if you like that musical performance which I you did then you can buy these plushies for Christmas on the store online because they’re still up there and thank you for watching this episode of teot 9 zombies and I’ll see you in

Chapot 10 oh also TW season 2 oh yeah I’m gonna be signing up for 12 season 2 guys um uh I don’t know when ad do you just have all the damn plushies um no Mew I do not the only plushies I don’t have is marker and then light bulb

Paintbrush and yinyang from II everyone else I basically have I’m the collector are open anyway um I will be posting my sign up thing later yeah I’m gonna make it for real right now join if you want to compete with me it would be nice yeah

Oh [ __ ] okay oh whoa whoa whoa okay see when we get something like that wait wait are we going to see the exiters again where let’s go we can see the exitor again and everyone go oh my God where relax buddy icker 80 a memory will click of you oh

God to go up there further into the forest into the forest we should go back to the school blah blah blah blah stop I’m just going to leave if you all keep fighting I like that what no like groups if we split up and find a way out we can

Regroup and that’s how they join teapot and I’m kidding why don’t you go do the waterfall with sty and uh match but but we have to like stick together matchie just come Cal down we can hang out all the I feel like pencil has been more distant with match since uh idfb BFDIA

Time we escape but those guys need you now go a new adventure awaits let’s go FY Jun head deep into the forest and take aall and I I feel like penzel just collaborating the most silliest groups that’s actually kind of funny with you that’s a goated group yes this is a

Goated group we got two ogs and then a uh fail debuter or I mean would bristly count as a fail debuter no whatever not really I think those classrooms are our way out let’s go let’s go wait but then you would just go back to four unless uh you plan to get robot

Back I hope what I think he’s upset we couldn’t save robot who would it be I mean we can check the classroom out the way might still be there I don’t think checking the classroom is a good idea what oh crap in here right now wait what’s this room oh where oh my

God wait oh my God huh yes they finally figure out the more numbers there are other numbers yes present day oh God the move cracking oh my God oh my God holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] wait oh my God yeah the Revival character let’s go what is back oh my God what it’s one dude wait three po oh my God three three poot yes it’s going to happen we’re going to see three as well I hope I don’t know anything about three but like

If three poot happens I’m calling it all right if you guys don’t know what three poot is it’s an old show but holy [ __ ] dude three poot is czy oh my god dude one finally made it after like years holy crap crap bro it’s about time damn

Dude wait why was one in the moon of all places now that I think about it huh but still Jesus Christ it’s one that’s awesome damn wow that’s crazy hey guys oh my God the voice actor did pretty good with this one line one be continued oh my God if this is present

Imagine another split to shows I mean that’d be really dumb because we’re like already in the 20 section but [ __ ] oh my God all right all right additional characters pretty good pretty cool we’ love to see it is that it okay that’s it no more oh my god

Dude what’s this the VA of one also said on Twitter that we’ll see them again next episode thankfully not like exit subplot being spaced out dude oh my God that’s crazy wait hold on three okay never mind um wow I have so many questions and theories also yeah I

Agree best episode by far like overall I would say maybe even better than episode like 14 15 of BFB but sh dude that was Peak we are so back oh my God okay Theory time uh I do believe that one could end up maybe being the co-host because you

Know we never really have a full co-host co-host or maybe another season that happens in the future dude Sam Cooked Sam cooked this episode Sam if you’re somehow watching this you did great I loved everything that happened in this episode teardrop leaving was so sad though like I didn’t expect TD to

Get out this like soon but TD played a great game and only lasted about eight to seven episodes or yeah around that area but like damn that’s crazy so much happened Sam yeah Sam anyway um wait I just realized hold up let’s go back a bit uh all right whatever the

Playing but damn um right when pencil David and um when pencil David and bracelety entered that one room so how do they it’s just damn it’s insane oh my God there’s just so much I got to process because so much happened in a short amount of time um [ __ ] God damn okay um

Great groups all yeah literally they pencil was just trying to make the best groups as silly as possible but like [ __ ] man okay so for Theory number one one anyway um for Theory one I believe that pencil Bracy and David they do find a way out but maybe interact

With the other numbers I’d like to see how that was a whole space for four when they were younger or maybe like the other Albans Maybe where it’s like um uh what’s it called the oldest number could have maybe taught them in preschool and it’s like that’s why

There’s other classrooms but at the same time it wouldn’t makes sense because remember how like you know this is all within four so like maybe this is just for somec Consciousness or maybe when he was trapped in the ground during BFDI I during bfbs finale area maybe he could

Have had that room to himself or maybe he went back in that room because otherwise wouldn’t some of the things in that room be outdated because clearly for didn’t go in that room for a specific reason uh he’s trying to avoid the numbers as he can but the only one he

Seems to trust the most is X but damn which I guess explains kind of why he doesn’t like to in a way but wow that’s insane I do what’s it called I will say I cannot wait for what they’re going to do with one that’s going to be insane

But huh what this something is one being two cus is something that I no doubt gonna happen um I would say it could be a possibility or one comes in with three and they make three pot just saying if that happens man oh man have I become the predictor

And also grey and and others anyway it has been an hour and uh I’m tired and hungry so I will be ending the reaction video here thank you guys so much for watching the reaction video make sure you to like comment subscribe blah blah blah and even share the video to others

That would be very appreciated all right and um I will be posting YouTube shorts daily from Monday to Friday on the artificial Deluxe YouTube channel as well as Tik Tok because people told me try Tik Tok so I’m going to do that but for Tik Tok I’m going to

Be uploading from Monday Wednesday and Fridays yay so anyway uh like comment subscribe and I’ll see you guys next time bye


  1. I don’t think pillow deserves to leave, sure, it can kinda get too much, but this episode took her murder in a WHOLE different level of WHY she’s so cold hearted, and I voted her because she basically Carrie’s Just not’s relevance. My second choice to stay would’ve been Bomby cause he peaked this episode.

    My one and only option for wanting to leave here is price tag since…yeah they’re getting good, I just don’t see much with them compared to Book and Nickel.

  2. 15,762 is the number that represented how many votes Winner got all the way back in the first episode of TPOT during the debut.

  3. dude watching this episode was insane, first TD’s elimination which sucked because i really believed she’d atleast make it to the final 15 and then the exitor’s scene was crazy its as four doesn’t want to enter that room because its a part of his past. AND ONE?! really insane can’t wait for tpot 10!

  4. Spoiler

    Why people not voting coiny to be safe. I saw on the live tpot 9 voting results ended is tv and barfbag eliminated, also teardrop will be missed

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