Golf Babe

One on One 2023 Full HD 🌸🌸 Daddy, I Don t Need an Edumacation 🌸🌸 One on One 2023 Full HD

Flex they are worse than my mama man that’s a diddy condo association with their rules and regulations man where do we live in Germany may I keep my waterra bed nine n n man that rule protects everybody especially you de I’ve seen you trying to get out of that water bed

Look like a roach that fell in a swimming pool they’re doing you wrong de thank you you know what else is wrong you not sitting in my chair so I could tighten you up no I don’t think so well last time I was in your chair my hairline was

As crooked as an Enron executive hey man that’s what you get when you win your barber license in a crap game hello everybody oh hey Mommy Briana I was at the library for the last 45 minutes and I realized something was missing you why are you here and not studying

For the PSAT because my nails are w e t Mommy and if you mess them up you got to pay me more m o n e y see Mommy a spelling game I am studying let’s go Nicole relax it’s not that serious the PSAT is a standardized

Test she can’t study for it it’s a test on what she already knows you don’t study for the test you study how to take the test Professor flat app you’re right Nicole baby when you take the test read the questions and darken the bubble with the right answer

Now study that I dream of weey you do this every time I say one thing and you have to say the opposite that’s not true tall short Left Right Michael Jackson right black white I don’t know sometimes in life you can feel all by yourself but I have a partner when I

Can’t TR no one else so isolate yourself when there’s nobody around oh yeah I’ll be to then what a true love we world living one on one one on one can’t no break this one now Fun Banna taking the PSATs is very important I come from a long line of women that didn’t go to college I started the tradition of Higher Learning and she is going to continue it you also come from a long line of women who started the tradition of drinking Kool-Aid out of jelly

Jars go ahead make jokes Flex I wouldn’t expect you to understand you were getting into college regardless you had basketball all my babies got are her brains and I’m scared this is what the establishment wants us to do argue amongst ourselves that’s why they made that test culturally biased I mean check

It what’s the first thing they tell you bring a number two pencil why cuz the number one pencil is too dark too strong too dominant over that white paper okay okay fine even if a portion of the test is culturally biased math is universal there is no excuse for not

Doing well in that section but Mom I’m going to be an actress if math is ever in a movie it’s going to go straight to video oh I underestimate math see now I use it every day for example if my bookie is heading to my house at 40 mph

And I left town 30 minutes ago in which state would he be breaking my legs anyone anybody Texas wow you know I got a perfect score on my PSATs no oh yeah oh yeah and my life has been downhill ever since you want to know why because everyone expects you to

Be a genius so I know the chemical composition to a cancer vaccine but that don’t get you women now use cars that get you women yeah you used women I ain’t picky girl look the child is only 16 I want her to enjoy her life I don’t want her under so

Much pressure and I don’t want her to be 34 stressed out and bitter like you you’re right that’s why in addition to some study books I brought along something to inspire her you see it’s a book about a woman that was trapped in a shotgun marriage and she was able to

Escape because she got an education but mommy this is your wedding album exactly Banna to the library okay students it’s time for the PSATs take your seats ooh o pencils are for writing not for stabbing so Brian you think you’re ready look that Christmas Kiss was a big mistake I wish

We Oh you mean the test yeah boy I got this Spirit what about you well ooh I wasn’t prepared for that question ooh I’m going to fail hey don’t stress I mean everybody’s a little nervous especially you when you’re around me you look tense oh please you and your

Corny Ooh Girl he’s struming my pain with his Finger how can you two fool around at a time like this this is the most important moment of Our Lives girl if it was that important all the banks would be closed besides I’ve got dreams and my talent can’t be determined by some multip choice questions it’s more true

Or false Briana is talented true Briana cares about this test false all right students it’s time to begin and if I catch any of you cheating you’ll be taking it up with the Board of [Laughter] Education just a little PSAT joke don’t tell your mommies and daddies okay begin with your social

Security number and your name what’s my name what’s my Name [Laughter] And pencils down thank you so Spirit how’d you do Spirit that’s my name Oh it’s you for a second I thought that chubby red Eminem was on the loose man why do you always have to be joking about my weight don’t you think I try donut ooh don’t mind if I do what’s with the paint man see Red Door symbolizes good luck

Funu breaking the uniformity rule the condo board is going to funu you to the curve the point is flex according to this rule book in of aesthetic alterations the condo board will only intervene if a complaint is lodged and I talk to everybody in the building and

They are all forward so uh who the man I the man okay looks like you’ve uh beaten the system twinky you know you shouldn’t temp me Flex all right man fry it up and I’ll be in there in 10 minutes all right all right I go sign a

Scene man I’ve never seen parent teacher night this crap well they’re also giving out the PSAT results which means college is just around the corner oh which reminds me um you need to come up with $150,000 so she can go to Harvard oh sure I’ll just reach in my

Wallet and pull up my million doll bill I hope it had change and what are you going to pay for I was in labor for 17 hours my debt is paid man look at all the people here reminds me when my dad used to drag me to those parent teach

Nice y just like that but Flex isn’t that call suy from high school I haven’t seen him in years yeah he was pretty popular back in the day yeah he still looks good yeah if you like a guy with his name on his pocket man who would have thought he’d

Become a janitor well should we speak to him do you want to feel incredibly uncomfortable oh what time uh you guys they’re ready for us oh that was quick oh yeah I told her mommy couldn’t be on her feet too long bad C of the G good girl welcome welcome welcome I’m

Missell you must be bana’s parents now let’s talk about briana’s future yes yes let’s talk about Harvard oh no no let’s talk about the University of Maryland go turs no she’s going to Harvard go smarty pants go smarty pants and you have a p h d they just give him away don’t

They divorced parents huh yeah I suggest we get this thing going before he mentions her toes okay uh let’s pull your file uhhuh here it is oh my Briana could you go get us some cookies oh I see you want to have a private conversation with my parents

Look I’ve never said this before but if they start talking about each other’s Mas duck cookie line isn’t long so we need to talk fast according to her PSAT results we’ll be lucky if she can find her way back so what are you saying well she’s a

Good student but with test scores like these I’m afraid she’s just not College material what do you mean she’s not College material take a look at these let me see I can’t take her no I’m so sorry so we could get you a tutor and some flash cards that way you can look

At them on the bus and in between classes and then you could put them under your pillow at night so they can sink into your head while you sleep Mom I’m not going to college I don’t want to go to college oh jeez baby go to your room you’re killing

Your mother oh oh Flex we we got to fix this what are we going to do if she skins her knee we kiss it and make it better if she gets into a fender bender we take the car to the repair shop if you get these we buy her a helmet and

Pad her room I’m sorry to say Nicole but the girl’s not going to college what do you mean she’s not going to college that’s what we always planned it’s the one thing we agreed on hey that was before we saw her test scores have you seen

These numbers oh I mean 60 out of 240 you get 20 points just for knowing your name where did I go wrong when I was pregnant with her I ate right I didn’t smoke I didn’t drink I even put the Walkman headphones on my belly and play

Classical music for her my w except for that night that you slipped in that fat boy CD me it’s your fault all those 7eleven burritos while you were pregnant you were B up to a microwave almost every night you probably fried her fetal brain look Flex blaming each other is

Not going to do her any good okay you’re right we got to think about Brianna right we have to consider her future and and start to make plans so she’ll be well taken care of flex what are you saying God forbid something happens to us Nicole our baby could end

Up in a group hole oh come on man do do you really think it’s that bad numbers don’t lie where you going to deide to pick up a catalog you aiming too high The come on man get up let me have that get up old man all right Walt this is your lucky day so don’t jack me up man I got you all right frankly I’m insulted that you would insinuate I ain’t the master Barber now how do I work these hair cuty

Thingies you know what I’m playing man look well I don’t have time for your jokes dog all right so focus and cut my hair Flex hey he don’t look at me patches look we just call it a birth mark come on I’m glad I saw you Flex man we going

To have to call the exterminators for our building cuz it looks like we have some rats somebody anonymously complained about my fun man I hate that building I’ve been betrayed and Vengeance shall be mine bro I said Vengeance shall be mine man I don’t say that every day yes you

Do yeah I do all right anyway dog I got some things on my mind we just got Brianna’s PSAT results it turns out she’s not as bright as we all thought how slow we talking you know how long it takes my dad to pay y’all that slow oh what’s up everybody not her

IQ hey Daddy came to get some gas money so I can go to the mall oh the mall now you know that’s uh clear across town you know a lot of lights and stop signs and it’s not mention those left hand turns uhhuh yeah FX you don’t think that might

Be a little complicated what complicated baby as in um difficult a hard to do not easy yes I know what the word complicated means o see that thank God my baby know the complicated means oh you’ll get there baby you know they have a your bus that can pick up girls like

You okay I don’t know what’s going on here but why is everybody acting like I’m stupid oh no no no nobody’s saying you’re stupid no look after seeing the results on the PSAT test I’m a little concerned that means he cares about you baby oh wait wa wait hold up you still

Tripping about that test you can’t take that test seriously Lord knows I didn’t what are you talking about well I could could have done better on the test but I just didn’t care wait a minute you didn’t even try to do well on that test no I don’t need it I’ve decided I’m

Going to embrace my acting Talent the only education I need is the classroom of life and a dialect coach good day Governor but Brianna you need a backup plan but that’s what soap opers are for I’ll see you later Daddy uh-huh I have a soap oper for her as the belt turns

Nicole we need to fix this oh so now we’ve got some fixing to do what happened to she has to find herself and I don’t want her to be under so much pressure oh come on we both know what was going on I was just saying the

Opposite of what you were saying no you weren’t yes I was would you stop that look what are we going to do about our brilliant yet manipulative child well one thing’s for sure we got to make her understand that she needs a backup plan and she’s going to the College of

My choice you’re right no don’t argue with me I’m you you agree with me huh was it as good for you as it was for me hurry up Hoy how long do you have to wear that thing don’t worry girl I’ll be back chasing you in 30 days stop

It girl why are you so dressed up because the college recruiters are coming today yeah but you’re only a sophomore yes a sophomore who scored a 200 out of 240 on her PSATs which means I’m on the fast track to one of the better from colleges well if you got a 200 and

You’re on the fast track and I got a 215 what track am I on a trct to a boring life punching in and punching out 2.5 kids a white picking fan supporting a wife who can’t cook blah blah blah hey you know what you can be my

Accountant cuz I’m on my way to Hollywood or should I say Banna wood Soul needs I’m holding you I’m holding you who’s that when the well comes down I look around yes I do I try to find the way to keep my feet on the ground holding

You Carl you can say uh-uh scratch that you can sing how’ you end up scrubbing toilets no offense n taken besides I don’t really scrub them I just make sure the water stays Blue wait a minute I know that song that was holding you by physical Edge that’s

Right I was a lead singer I formed that group right out of high school holding you was number one till coling me bad knocked me off the charts but you can sing you can cut another album I cut four of them then they cut off my lights mhm better get to

Class man thanks Carl I hope this makes ban realize that she has to have a backup plan yeah I’m sorry things didn’t work out for you in music and all are you kidding me I own a custodial service I got the contract for the whole Baltimore School District then what are

You doing here I’m only filling in for one of my workers who’s on vacation plus it keeps me off the golf course and out of Thea you know gives me a chance to keep it real you know what I’m saying flood up You Know Carl is looking better and better to

Me where the world get and body get I’m holding on I hold it oh yeah dadd Nicole what are you doing here well actually Flex um I was having fantasies about us getting back together again so I come over here every afternoon and I hug your pillows and I smell your

Shirts and I pray to Gody you take me back that was good no seriously the results of Rihanna’s makeup PSA teas are in okay I’m ready for you this time go come on stop okay Rihanna okay guys I just want you to know that you were right I should

Have a backup plan that’s good now now open it up and no matter what these numbers say I did my best so please don’t be mad at me oh we’re not going to be mad at you just open it up and I just want to say you just open the

Envelope I got a 220 she did a baby an idiot okay okay I did good but I’m still not going to college oh stop killing your mother hey D what are you doing somebody snitched on me again I’m telling you man I’m starting to feel like someone is

Prejudice against me it’s straight up dway ISM uh daddy Mr Cross from the condo association is on the phone he wanted to let you know that they resolved some Red Door issue you complained about I got to go mention sh say again pop there your eyes are

Like two arrows and my heart is your Bullseye oh you like my Robin in the hood oh look at that you are two people what do you want orz well for one to be able to walk down this Hall without losing my lunch oh speaking of uptu where’s

Ginger I don’t know I’m My Own man try it on sometime and Brianna aren’t you supposed to be a cheerleading practice I’m going I’m going I’ll miss you I’ll miss you more get that out of here hey wait um uh EXC excuse me where y’all going we supposed to have practice

We did Captain no show where have you been this is the third time this week I’ve had the feeling for you as Captain I can’t keep it up the seniors can smell the fear on me I’m sorry girl I was just hanging out with Josh you know what you two spend

Way too much time together no we don’t you just said what I said J you me a kiss you don’t oh please sometimes in the you can feel all by yourself but I have a partner when I can’t TR no one so don’t isolate yourself when there’s nobody around yeah I’ll one one one nobody break this one One no brother no no all right you’re the fool all right because even Moses had a taxes why you think you left Egypt I can think of 10 good reasons why all I’m saying is Uncle Sam ain’t no kin to me my uncle is a black man and a much better

Dresser hey man the only way a free Society runs is if we all pay our taxes what do you guys complaining about I pay more taxes than you guys bring home all again hey man I I got an alarm system thanks for coming we appreciate your business thank you all right hey

Flex nice of you to watch the child for your dad while he took your mom away for their anniversary what can I say I’m a good son mhm forget to get them a gift and that oh black man I think it’s sweet that your pops are taking your mom away

From a nice little romantic getaway but he’s a lucky man your mom has a remarkable lack of cellulite for a mature woman you better take that back oh my bad dog your uh Mama’s thigh look like she sat in gravel thank you thanks for coming Mr Parson have a good weekend okay all

Right Mr Parson it’s good to see you come back you here bye guys all right now take care why’ you let that free load leave without paying your dad let some slide cuz he’s on a fixed income that’s no way to run a business you got to be tough like Martha

Stewart and she may be a criminal but that woman worked hard to turn a profit so what would you know about working hard Mr Uptown what’s that supposed to mean well I mean I’m just saying you may know how to apply your blush for the camera but

This is a real business not show business business ain’t no uh Q cards up in here where’s my line where’s my line see I can run this business I went to college oh he went to college make him the president don’t worry about it Flex I

Got you back you know I’ll make you look good and funny your dad but as senior Barbara I’ll really be running things you do I have to remind you that this place used to be called Richard and Sons not Richard and some brother named Malik all right so let me get this straight

You’re going to drive your fancy car down here you know we don’t have ballet right and and you’re going to get your hands dirty doing some real work yo FX I don’t think you know how hard it is to do what we do I miss you so much NY I missed you too

Pumpkin Spirit what are you doing here uh we were supposed to work on Cheers you do remember cheerleading right you know the short skirts tight sweaters female objectification go team okay you know there is such a thing as too much practice right oh well then your lips must be ready to turn

Pro oh Briana my lips are cold ah Spirit hey didn’t know we were expecting you oh well I didn’t know we were expecting you but if you hook us this up with a slice and somebody s didy soda we’ll be cool again okay well maybe you should get

Yourself a plate so you don’t get your hands greasy on the way home cut it out oh you put all the pepperoni into the shape of a heart oh and I burnt my finger on each one you you you know I’m losing my appetite but okay well I’mma just take a piece to

Go by bye okay and that too okay right three car five five two five six look at him college boy came count you know what this is It’s a conspiracy against the black man white man always trying to keep us down uh Malik he’s uh he’s black

Man that’s we’ve been led to believe but who’s to say it’s not just a very sophisticated hologram they came up with a lot of stuff in Desert Storm you have trip right off the edge of crazy now Flex has always been fair and I will stand by him to the end I

Don’t believe this this cash register is as empty as your heads ah the end is near can anybody tell me how we managed to pay rent around here when we’ve only cleared $200 today $200 oh it’s Mill time okay oh hey everybody hey you guys

Know that sub shop that used to be the video store before it used to be the police station well it’s a barber shop now slow fade they take your time so you can look fine you hear that people now we need to step up our game o I’m saying

You need to jump up your game they even got a guy who just opens the door for you I walk by three times just to mess with them you know what we need to stand up to slow fade quickly we need to show them who controls Baltimore’s hair now come on who’s with

Me all right let me restate that who wants to keep their job so they can pay their rent and not live in bum town where we’re with you I can’t hear you what you say with that’s what I’m talking about now we’re a team a team that’s going to

Take fat heads into the 22nd century of course we have to make a few changes what kind of changes little itty bitty ones rule number one you must wear the uniforms love them no more baggy clothes and no more jeans no more self-respect either rule number two no fraternizing with the customers

You are here to cut and snip not chat and chit which means no more conspiracy theories no OJ updates and above all leave poor Michael Jackson alone his nose or lack there of is his business come on Flex mixing it up with the customers is the found at a barber

Shop this is no longer a barber shop this is no longer Fatheads this is sh fat a style Chalet say it with me sh fat a style Chalet excuse my ignorance Mr Boss Man but uh what exactly is a style Chalet uh it’s a vision I had while eating french

Fries a place where you can go for a hair cut and feel like you’re going on vacation hey Mr Parson which leads us to rule number three no more free haircuts now why’ you go and do that we can’t have unsaving types up in here it might alienate our clientele Mr Parson

Is not unsavory Flex you can’t keep doing this you want to put us out of business no I want to put us in business yeah I think the idea is a whack and so would your father Richard may be a lot of things but he’d never have us looking like team boy ID

Look it’s very simple Malik I make all the decisions around here is that so oh that’s very so and if you don’t like it it’s my way or the highway are you firing me call it what you like Miss Malik but just get to driveing sa

Blue anybody else want to get in the car pool L with Malik shows how much he know Malik don’t have car oh I miss you boo where are you but that’s two whole hallways away okay hurry up o knock people down if you have to okay do you even hear yourself anymore

Ernest don’t be jealous green is not a good color on you it makes you look jealous first off I’m not jealous I have a girlfriend but I still make the time to run with my boys yeah run with your boys who are you DMX who are you you’re ignoring

Everybody these days it’s like you’re in a cult like Josh antology look who’s talking you’re a treky live long and get lost G bad news oh no Matt Damon called he wants his everything back my dad just called my grandma broke her hip open in a jar of

Pickles we got to go to Pittsburgh to help her wait you’re leaving for how long for 2 days but I promise I’ll call you every 5 minutes every four on nights and weekends anyways my dad’s out front I’ll miss you me too you look like you could use a

Shoulder to cry on uh tough I got to say young lady with that new D of yours Hal Berry better move her narrow behind over because there’s a new Bond Girl in Town oh why thank you flat ass another satisfied customer pretty soon slow fade going to just fade away

I’m a genius you’re genius you’ve got toilet paper on your shoe college boy Flex this is starting to get dangerous a few minutes ago a bitter wind kicked up and I was Airborne for half a block and when I landed three guys tried to beat me

Up I don’t think I want to wear the Beret anymore it’s Trey bad Flex people don’t like The Fringe but with all the money we’re making I’ll buy you a helmet well Flex it’s not about the Beret bangers man it’s about the barber shop I I miss it

We all miss it yeah we really do I mean Sil silence you fools we’re doing good business we rang up almost $1,000 in one day that feels good doesn’t it candy candy oh I didn’t know I was allowed to talk man this place used to

Be fun now it’s like a old folks home without the faint smell of cabbage fun you know what’s fun huh think what fun is fun is proving all of you who thought I couldn’t run this business wrong but I’m a big enough man

Not to rub it in your face I rub it in mine you right FX oh Regina doesn’t just think she owns the world she thinks she’s the one spinning it right on the tip of her daylow acrylic hey y’all who y talking about don’t worry about it you haven’t met her

Yet oh oh french fry anyway so told me that Jasmine told her that Frank said it’s infected I told her not to get that belly button ring okay so why does crystal have Ricky’s name tattooed on her ankle once they break up that girls in boots for Life

MH wait wait who’s crystal um the new girl transferred from South High threw up a stand’s party over over so um stand had a party yeah last week J Rule came by and signed autographs Check It Out ooh Brandon you haven’t bathed in a week none of us have see yeah Stan

Throws great parties wait who’s St hey y’all hey M look who’s here to back for his job back man I do not need your job I am working at slow fade where they treat the barber as an artist and if I had a car I’d have my own parking

Space what do you want Malik I’ll just stop by to pick up my final check oh well look what I have here oh what’s this laundry feet that’s right you think towels and smoks just wash themselves a disposal feet you think head just throws itself away a termination fee people just don’t fire

Themselves flexx your pops will never treat like this is that so yeah you know what this is whack Malik they hiding over at slow fade yeah are they I don’t know but I can put in good word for y’all candy let’s go let’s go let’s roll

Fine you can roll you can rock you can hip you can hop I don’t care what you do just leave I don’t need y’all so uh what you going to do now Flex hair doesn’t just cut itself Hey Brianna got you a bucket too huh

Your day must have been as tough as mine what’s wrong nothing baby you got four biscuits it must have been tough no one likes me anymore you know what what’s the name of my imaginary friend when I was a kid I need to give her a

Call what do you mean no one likes you anymore all my friends are gone they all abandoned me even Spirit they even ate all the french fries sweetie Daddy’ll get you some more fries it’s not just that it’s I’ve lost touch I’m so out of the loop I used to

Be the loop come on now did your friends abandon you or did you abandon your friends okay so I spend a little time with Josh missed a couple of social events and I’m the only one who’s bathed Daddy what am I going to do well keep

Bathing sweetie let me tell you a little story uh once upon a time there was a young boy about your age who was madly head over heels in love with the neighborhood girl named Nicole let me guess Daddy was that little boy you very good honey I’m lonely not

Dumb anyway I was so in love with your mom that my best friend Dwayne wanted to go to to the roller rink and I couldn’t go cuz I was too busy taking your mother to the movies and then when he broke his arm and was in the hospital I didn’t go

See him cuz I was with your mom getting matching Jerry curls and after all this time your mother not divorced and Dwayne is still in my life do you see where I’m trying to go with this no matter how badly you treat Dwayne you can’t shake them well there’s that but more

Importantly sweetie boyfriends and girlfriends they come and go but good friends good friends are forever Daddy I didn’t mean to diss them I guess I didn’t realize how much I needed them till they were gone I guess I have some apologizing to do you know what so do I

Are you sure you bathed D Lex we need to talk I think you should turn the shop back I’m way ahead of you d a grease lightning Flex you stole my thunder man what are you talking about well I was going to tell you that you need to

Change it back had a whole big speech planned and everything was it about how foolish I was and how I didn’t appre appreciate the friendships I had here and and the importance that The Barbers shop had to the community well there you go again man did you take a peek at my

Laptop nah D hey Mr Parsons come on in well I’m glad to see things are starting to get back to normal now what you need to do you need to hire back candy no money oh man you did look at my laptop tell anybody about my Britney

Spears screen saver I’m going to kill you Flex I was telling them in the back flat taxes across the board that’s the way it should be done y’all like I said taking 177% from a millionaire is not the same as taking 17% from my salary like that’s

Just not fair what you need to do W is declare yourself an illegal alien something exotic like your Cuban Chinese Malik that’s just stupid candy why I got to be stupid stupid Who you calling stupid trying to tell me I like this sound man the sound of the barers shop I

Was going to say that I need to change my pen number cuz all Spirit wait I need to talk to you oh can I wait till tomorrow me and some of the girls are going to go to the mall well were you going to ask me to go oh

Josh must still be out of town come on let’s go Spirit wait look I think that you were right maybe I do spend a little too much time with Josh you don’t say come on girl I’m trying to apologize here my relationship with Josh has not only caused me to lose focus and

Cheerleading but as a friend of you too so I’m sorry I understand you’re my girl I knew You’ come back let’s go get an orange Julie cool Rana I’ve been looking for you hey I’m back and it’s ladies night at the bolama ladies Bowl free and I got my mom’s

Wig oh it sounds like so much fun wait but maybe some other time look Josh I know this is going to be hard and please don’t take this the wrong way but tonight I’m going to the mall with my girls okay wait that was a little too easy I’m

About to go have a talk with him after them all what voicemail AR this turn on your phone Daddy has been a whole week and on has still hasn’t called and I’m pretty sure he knows how to use his phone because I showed him again before we

Left oh baby I’m sure he’s fine we would heard something by now I mean that’s what the 11:00 news is for daddy look baby you just need to get your mind off him and why don’t you come to work with me again they’re unveiling a new flex file set I know why you’ve

Been dragging me down to work all week I promised you I won’t run away to New York again oh that’s right you did run away there didn’t you oh I forgot all about that oh really so is that why you nailed my window shut uh baby that was because of the West n

Virus you coming with me is is about us spending time together mhm come on Daddy I thought we talked about this you can trust me I won’t run away and make you cry again hey I never said I cried it was more like a mist remember if we have a problem we agree

We should talk about it I’m going to be 18 soon an adult and you have to treat me like one I don’t have to but but I’m going to now where’s my rent money I I promise uh I I I’m going to be calm I’m going to be rational and and I

Trust you you can call me Zen Daddy and Zen Daddy’s okay with you not coming with him to work MH all right so I’ll see you when I get um sometimes in this you can feel all by yourself but I have a partner when I can’t when there’s around oh yeah I’ll no Good afternoon all good afternoon all today is a big day and not just for me well mainly for me but for all of us yes for all of us today the flex files will forever become a part of that vast world that we call syndication just call me Oprah light

Oh and here he is the man responsible for making all our dreams come true well mainly mine the King of Queens World syndication Matt Johnson everybody give it up for him he may be short but he’s Rich come on y’all and it’s for you flex two words yard

Sale your show’s not happening what what are you talking about what about syndication what about Oprah light Holly’s out she had a terrible accident acent too much collagen injected into her lips look at that oh man look like two hotlinks on her face Matt see you may see someone as

Horribly disfigured but I see someone as the person reaching out to the ugly audiencex ugly people don’t buy things nothing looks good on them I’m sorry but there is no show without Holly okay you can’t do this to me Matt like I I’ve worked for years to get the flex file syndicated I’ve

Sacrificed everything relationships family even my political aspirations Flex for president gone listen buddy boy I got a hundred television stations expecting a new show starring you and a beautiful girl I’m sorry that’s a wrap everybody thank you for your help I’ve got some UPS job applications if anyone’s

Interested don’t give up on me all right give me a chance I can come up with something you know I like you Flex normally tall black men scare me but you’ll get your extra time as it happens mat alicious has a hot date tonight so you have 24 hours if I get

Lucky you get lucky fresh hot popcorn and maybe that’s my new show I cook I do Sports I’ll call it hoops in soups how about a sports makeover show each week you can give some football player a makeover at least that way people would have a reason to watch the Show Daddy go watch the game at Dwayne’s game ain’t no game on look I know this is father daughter Spirit time but go be with your friends we can’t run away our nails are wet girl move out the way sweetie I want to make sure we spend

Enough time together I mean we both know what happens when I get too busy we get better snacks I sorry ever since we were Starving Artists in New York I see the value of food and we’re not going back so just go okay but I’m not going

Because I love football more than you I love both of you equally oh my phone is ringing I bet you was on this B it’s you oh yeah I was sitting on my phone boy can’t kick see if they had Ricky Williams they’d be going for it

Instead of trying to kick a field goal what happened to coaches who take chances they get fired I mean how can Ricky just walk away and quit the NFL at 27 he didn’t want to run on grass anymore he want to smoke it what are you going to do about the

Show not at Holly’s house I don’t know man it’s been racking my brain and I keep coming back to the same thing me wasn’t that what the show was before exactly and who bought that show well you sure I cranky when you have no future and no

Neck I’m wondering what keeps your head up where turtle boy has a point you need to come up with something different I mean I know I I don’t want some dumb sidekick again you know if they’re going to give me somebody why can’t it be somebody who

Knows Sports know like you guys you know the four of us just ripping talking about the weak Sports topics wait a minute H I know what you’re thinking yeah you’re thinking if we use a coupon we can get an extra pieza and no one will notice that I ain’t kick it

In no D I’m talking about this this man this is my show you see everyone else uses celebrities see with you guys I can reach the Common Man the average Joe the loser that no one cares about I can spend records he Ace man it’s a sport show man

It’s no records no but I’m good I mean like no no no no cut him Flex cut him he’s being difficult he’s rued our show and I need this man I beg you Flex I haven’t been able to find a job I’m running out of money cut him just let him go cut

Him IND what about some Indian food can we get some Indian food Ares loves Curry Ares doesn’t even know what Curry is he thinks Curry is the guy running for president I never thought I would miss arz this much I really blew it didn’t I Pizza did you say

Pizza look I didn’t want to get involved with him because I didn’t want to lose him as a friend but now I’ve lost him anyway he’s gone it’s not too late maybe you can call him and tell him how you feel and while you do that I’mma call a

Pizza man and tell him him how I feel you know what you’re right it’s about time I told arnes that I love him oh my God I love him what his phone is still off oh I can’t stand him why didn’t I say something when I had the chance I’ll

Never Love anyone again now I have to grow all with you nuh-uh I’m getting a man girl thank God I have you come on we can go get something to eat how about some pizza did somebody say Pizza oh our n we so happy to see you go miss you too so nice seeing your face you smell like bread and I’m starving why if I get something to eat so you’re back what happened well when you run out of money and have to give

Blood 5 days in a row just for orange juice and cookies it’s time to go home yeah I have to admit things haven’t been much fun Around Here Without You Brianna and I were just talking about that weren’t we Briana yes I was just saying that I never realized how annoying Spirit was

Without you being around but the important thing is that you’re back thanks hey you guys going to eat this bacon grease I’m not putting up with any more of this Brianna arz drama you need to tell them how you feel or I’m walking out that door

Okay look we both know I ain’t got nowhere to go MH but you said If You Ever Had the Chance you’d say something and here’s your chance okay you win I’m going to do this um Ares I have something that I want to say okay okay it it’s like

This you and me we’ve been going back my syndication dreams Aren’t Dead my new show has me arz arz what are you doing here Spirit lock the door relax I’m not going anywhere you’re not going to hurt me are you cuz I’m frail I’m weak and my blood doesn’t clot

Anymore daddy remember you’re my zen daddy you’re right you’re right that was the flex this is Zen Flex arz my home is your home you know it’s funny youed should say that your home being my home cuz when we were in New York you said if I ever need

Anything to let you know mhm well I need something a place to crash until I figure things out like going to school and where I’m going to stay that’s funny you ask me last week I said what Over My Dead Body but this is the new flex man of

Course you can crash on my couch man come on man he some bread so our NE is staying here in our house yep because I trust you and because then Daddy wouldn’t say no Wy hey you guys ready yeah oh my God my lines I forgot my lines Dwayne there

Aren’t any lines man it’s all improv that’s the hook man improv are you mad I’m not Wayne Brady though I can’t dance okay now I got my show down I’m going to check on my baby all right Hey Brianna hey sweetie where’s our is no I thought you brought him

Up well so since you did what’s he doing so put him on yeah yeah arz yeah uh I’ll be home after my tawad do class what the Lex like you to meet my new girlfriend ra renko pleasure to meet you the pleasures are yours isn’t she hot I met her on my

Croatian Bachelor tour Bachelor tour yeah it’s when Eastern black women like me who live on potatoes and beets are marched into a room filled with Filthy Rich American men and I mean it was love at for well long as it’s true love I’m sure she’s uh very sweet I’m glad you like

Her Flex because she’s your new car co-host oh co-host mat I thought you were going to give me a chance to come up with my own show well what about them say holla holla the homeless guys Security will take care of them oh man those are my boys that’s

That’s the show you there regular guys talking about sports damn baby I cannot work with B Be def Fat Matt Darling you fix this and I will be over there trying those hoos I heard so much about for $300 in a carton of maros you could have her

Sister Matt buddy look I’m trying to make a living here and you’re pairing me up with this Eastern Black Barbie wake up and smell of vodka man she’s using you look I know this looks bad but look at me now Look at her now look at me again now her

Again God I love this power I have but what about my idea it appeals to the common man he’s Flex people love the hot couple thing I mean they want another JLo and Denzel and JLo is not with Denzel give her time now come on Flex a smart guy like

You knows the Croatian Market is untapped but what about my guys man I can’t fire them jez don’t worry about it I’ll take care of them hey flex’s friends you’re fired what except you big guy we’ll find something for you to do AA been record records oh that’s perfect for a sports

Well I’m not just saying that because I’m scared of you look guys I’m I’m sorry I don’t know what to say but I Fought For You Flex We were right here hey it’s no hard feelings I mean it’s show business we got beat out by boobs hers and

His why why don’t you guys go over to the food table and grab as much as you can and uh you know at least I can do sweetheart you look beautiful all right uh Flex let’s do a dry run hello and welcome to the end of my

Dreams I mean the flex files so what does my co-host want to talk about today squirrel and moose I would like to talk about Terell lowens and how he’s going to lead the Eagles to this Super Bowl oh yeah well it’s still a tough division with Joe Gibbs returning to Washington

As I know Andy L Manning going to the Giants but I still like the eagles Javon kiry he’s a monster they lost Troy Vincent they got the Jones they lost Carlos Eman he’s damaged goods 71 solo tackles last year he broke his leg he’ll be B he’s

Done oh I love this it’s like the cold war all over again only you’re Reagan and you’re gorbachov and it’s like with cleavage and a clear forehead so arest slept all day yep lazy boy with no goals no direction and nobody fat God I love

Him oh here’s an idea I had just a hundred times tell them Spirit you don’t understand I can’t my dad would never let me live with my boyfriend and I love having him here he always has his shirt off hello stop being so logical and selfish

At the very least do it for me for the romantic and me who never gets to Sav her life’s true treasure love now go you’re right I should do it you know it wouldn’t kill you to say don’t worry Spirit you’ll find love not right now hey arnes how’s your sandwich

Arest can we go somewhere and talk somewhere private like the roof oh okay unless should put on a warmer shirt so you brought me up here to talk about Spirit right we need to find her a man how about the guy around the corner who collects cans this is about me and you

Look Ares I should have said this a long time ago I know I told you that I just wanted to be friends but while you were gone all I could do is think about you and how much I wanted to do This man look at them little sneak I’mma kill him wa hold on Zen daddy think about it right if you overreact now you might push her away maybe for good you don’t want that do you just man those kids can hold a breath that’s I’m going to

Kill this is killing me man I’ll be an enlightened parent but I’m not going to be a stupid parent he has to go hey come on Flex man where’s your compassion I mean the boy’s practically an orphan man he’s got no place to go man you’re right

Man I got to help him that’s I’m Saying nice to see you too ba why don’t you go ahead and start dinner huh just go ahead uh arz are you’re going to be living with Dwayne now huh huh oh Dwayne look change m and this look Blen is falling on some hard times look now he lost his job he

Lost his girlfriend lost another job today uh and he can really use the companionship and the rent money I can’t afford rent Mr Washington I take care of the rent see I can’t give it to him directly Dwayne’s got too much pride Dwayne oh you can’t tell but he’s very embarrassed right

Now I don’t know Mr Washington it just sounds like a lot of work you know what I forgot to tell you though you don’t have no choice hey uh Dwayne man thanks for taking our NZ in man Flex if this is about you being afraid that I need the

Money and that I’m lonely well you right thanks dog oh oh what’s going on here uh has it been that long since candy left you Dwayne you got got me he got Me Brianna could you come help Zen daddy run his new lines for his new show promos oh arz I didn’t even realize you were here Z who’s funny Now I really appreciate your help but the moving men will get all these boxes uh I need the extra exercise I mean don’t let this lean build full you I put the sin in sin and I’ll let the moving man put these pillows in the bedroom well you must be the new tenant

Dwayne Odell Knox 6C right above you so just knocks three times on the ceiling if you need me he’s been waiting for two years for a woman to move in that apartment so he can say that let me show you guys where I want

That see you D bye Flex bye bye fle huh yeah huh yeahuh come on you know I don’t mess with the women in this building well what about the women in 3A 4B 6D I meant I don’t mess with the women on the fifth floor of this building anyway what are

You doing here man I thought you were hanging out with your room YZ n man he and Banna went to grocery store man we’re out of food when he’s not in his room with ban all that boy does is eat Dwayne you let them hang out in AR’s

Room Flex Flex Flex don’t worry the door is always open unless they’re doing homework and by the way they’ve been hitting the books I think we can expect some a this year Dwayne I thought we agreed that if Ares came to live with you you’d be like

His dad man it’s your responsibility to teach him discipline and respect and how to keep his hands off my daughter well maybe if your daughter didn’t wear such provocative clothing my son wouldn’t be so provocated now I see where your son gets his dumb Jean I Can’t when there’s around oh yeah I’ll Break Mr Washington oh that’s why we keep her around heyz wow it’s a beautiful day outside I mean you should be doing something like I don’t know looking for a job it’s a good one Mr Washington but the only job I need is loving your daughter oh yeah you about to be

Fired um my boo deserves a promotion see what what is this arest gave it to me isn’t it beautiful it’s a friendship braing oh well let me see the friendship ring in arz gave Spirit oh he didn’t what no ring for Spirit arz Spirit your friend yes but well I think Spirit

Should have a ring don’t you think you should have a ring Spirit no then of course you should have a ring why should brand be the only friend with a ring Daddy please AR why don’t you go get Spirit of ring right now okay you’re getting too serious Dwayne

Man this is all your fault for having arz move in with you you you’re a bad fake daddy man I’ll admit that I’m new with this but it was your idea to have Ares live here man you’re a bad fake daddy maker Dwayne he bought her a ring well

That might have been my fault I sold it to him what what he said he was good for the money you don’t have to worry because the ring is cursed it’s the same ring I bought for candy and right after I bought it for I lost my job and Candy coincidence or

Curse idiot or invisble what am I supposed to do man just sit back and relax and wait for them to turn a stone ah it’s cursed not hex who’s idiot now uh still you Dwayne you know the means man marriage just around the corner man they’re just teenagers I know they grow

Up so fast don’t you remember Dwayne I was a married teenager I couldn’t even go to the bar and order a panut colada but I had a wife and kids so I needed a panut colada what you needed was a lot of conduct this is my own fault man for

Being so strict on bran about dating I should have encouraged her by now she could have gone out with hundreds of guys but that didn’t sound right look Flex I think you’re overreacting now we raised B better than that don’t you think you owe her a little more credit I what have I

Done I mean I keep telling her that I trust her but then I explode over the smallest thing I’m must seem so awful you know I need to talk to her you know where she is no I got no idea I mean she just grabbed a laundry basket full of

Clothes and some detergent and took off somewhere you either have a really big family or you’re addicted to shopping as much as I am hello my name is Danielle and I’m a shopaholic oh so you must be the one who just moved in this morning oh that

Explains why my dad was doing push-ups before he went to go check the mail so your flex’s daughter yeah Brianna oo what a lovely ring is that a gift from your dad no from my boyfriend dares why are we Whispering because I’ve never called him that out loud before

No it’s just weird my dad’s tripping because I got this ring he thinks I’m getting too serious really and how does that make you feel you sound like a shrink well then it looks like my student loans were worth it here you are oh hey Danielle oh I I thought you said you

Live by yourself Flex I don’t think we know each other well enough for you to be judging my dirty laundry yeah well if there’s one thing my dad can do with this judge you know what Daniel you should come by and visit us he’s installing an electric chair in our

Kitchen I know that you’re mad at me so can we can we please talk if it has anything to do with my ring there’s nothing to say maybe I should leave you too alone oh no no Danielle you can stay daddy did you know Danielle’s a shrink I mean a

Therapist maybe she should hear what you have to say Brianna I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to get involved besides I’m very expensive don’t let all this old Folia no it’s okay Daniel I want you to stay then you can tell Brianna that there’s nothing wrong with the father

Being concerned about his daughter flx concerned you’re obsessed ever since arz became my boyfriend oh that felt good you’ve been crazier than usual don’t get me wrong I like arnes but there are plenty other fish in the sea how do you know aress is the best fish

If you haven’t played the field Daddy what kind of fish live in a field Rihanna I think these must belong to you or you no no those aren’t my underwear oh these are areses what what are Arne’s underwear doing in your laundry well I figured since I was doing

My laundry I might as well do his I’m just trying to help him out you know he’s been going through a lot well you never do my laundry and I go through stuff all the time and Dwayne goes through more stuff than anybody uh Dwayne’s underwear here where his draug

Where I don’t see his dra where his dra I don’t see his dra what else am I going to find his and her towels what you get it rain all of a sudden you’re supposed to play house not on my watch you’re out of here now go to

Spirits and take spirit with you hey watch my hair you better okay all right you break it you buy it oh so you’re just not going to speak to me again is that it fine I can live with that I like the quiet cute cute cute but just so you

Know this is not about you washing on this’s fruity underwear it’s about what it represents like that ring oh I’m sorry do you mind if I wash the dishes or does that represent something too breath Flex breathe she’s young she’s angry and you don’t have an

Alibi hi you guys never came back so I brought up your laundry oh great but that that’s not our laundry okay you got me my cable’s not hooked up yet and I’ve got to see Amish in the city uh well we’ve got angry in the city

Right here well I am a therapist I’d like to help if you’re open to it well I’m open to it but Brianna needs to understand that I’m just trying to keep her from ruining her life oh oh well I’m open to it too because my daddy

Is ruining my life well as long as you’re both Open I don’t care what your daddy says I waited for you so long he can move me to 10 Buck two I still find you all need is a map and some skis maybe you should find me I’d find you anywhere boo I don’t know what’s more pathetic

You two or me watching you two least I look good doing it though this is so dangerous and so romantic I feel like we’re Romeo and Julie get hiding out with our Forbidden Love and spirit Romeo was a boy and I’m a man living on

My own yeah in my house and I’ll stay up to your dad or anyone else who tries to come between us hey Brian your dad is coming oh peace out Brianna come on it’s time for our therapy session with Danielle Brianna what am I supposed to do while you’re in

Therapy Spirit what do you do when you’re at home without Brianna I don’t know lately I just been sitting around listening our ass talk about Brianna good idea aress yes Mr Washington take Spirit home and don’t come back until tomorrow okay Mr washingon what time tomorrow 6:00 at a.m. or

P.m. all this for him really oh have mercy okay so maybe I wasn’t totally honest about my feelings for arnes when my dad said he can live with us but my dad doesn’t handle the truth very well oh I can handle the truth give me some truth right now lay it on

Me you wear too much cologne H I do not that’s Peach body wash now let me tell you what I’m here Brianna it’s apparent that your father loves you very much he’s just profoundly invested in the choices that you make in your life as Lex it’s equally apparent that

Brianna is frustrated by by your lack of faith in her to make independent responsible decisions for herself mine is better though right at least mine had love in it it’s not a question of better Flex it’s a question of you and Brianna learning to communicate in a more

Constructive way Brianna why don’t you try just telling your father how you really feel okay um this is going to be kind of hard for me to say but sometimes I feel like you wish I never came to live with you what how can you say that Brianna these

Have been the best four years of my life yeah well you could afford me all you ever do is complain about me and and what I do and where I go and who I’m hanging out with well excuse me for loving you and doing my job boohoo call the child

Police it’s just that before I came you were free you had your friends your dates your fun and sometimes I think you think I ruined all that that I wouldn’t say ruined yes you altered it you hemmed it tapered it pretty much sewed it

Shut I mean what man at the top of his game needs all that freedom fun and hot dating not me Flex we’ll cover Denial in the next session continue Brianna you’re doing great anyway daddy you were a player and I think the real reason you’re tripping

About me and our Naz is you think he’s going to treat me the same way that you treated women Flex do you think there’s anything to what Brianna’s saying no it’s just that I I know how 18-year old boys fake and and and we’re thinking what’s the easiest and and the quickest

Way to to you know and and that that’s not happening to my baby that’s not happening no it’s not Daddy arnes and I were friends first that’s what I love is based on not do you know that AR there just smoother than I thought yeah got you all caught up in

The let’s be friends game course Sweet Child don’t you know that men and women can’t really be friends do you really believe that yes especially if they’re both attractive wow so you’ve never had a female friend I suppose I mean I’ve been friendly after we’ve broken up I that’s

That’s because I’m nice I mean look at me it takes time to get over all this but we finished Dwayne can I talk to you for a minute is it about ores did he call you is he okay did he take his asthma medicine he doesn’t have asthma but I do and he

Takes after me Dwayne he’s not your son man you give it and you take it away what do you want wait do you think men and women could be just friends well of course I mean I have lots of women friends I mean I enjoy the company of women I mean

They’re they’re open they talk about their feelings I mean I can be myself without all that Macho bravado it’s refreshing I thought you would just be in friends with women because they wouldn’t sleep with you well that too I never tried just being friends with a woman they never came up I always

Want more or or they always want more man of course they do I mean you were a star basketball player in high school you played in the NBA and now you’re on on television now why would someone like you have to endure I mean enjoy the beauty of a purely platonic

Relationship purely platonic huh you mean like going to dinner and to the movies and hanging out without ever closing the deal exactly see I like to think of my friendships with women as looking into the mirrors of my soul H you hear that Flex mirrrors of my soul

That’s beautiful huh why W to sleep with me Hey hey yeah I’m going have to cut back on your allowance girl you got too many clothes really funny daddy wait you just kidding right look baby I’m I’m glad we went to therapy it made me think about what life might be like if you hadn’t come to live

With me and I know you don’t believe it but I wouldn’t change it not for the world I wouldn’t either thanks Daddy living with you has really given me a chance to get to know you and I think because of me you’re a better man and as far as me never having a

Female friend do you count hey hey Daniel how you doing oh shoot it’s 7 o’cl Ares and I want to go see a movie go ahead have a good time bye daddy well it looks like our session did some good yeah uh about that um I’m just going to come right out and

Say it okay uh you’re a very beautiful woman and and and I was wondering um Flex I have to stop you uh I think you’re a great guy but now you’re my clients and it’s unethical for therapists to date their clients I wasn’t going to ask you

Out oh my God oh my God no Daniel look Daniel don’t don’t be embarrassed before today I I was going to push up on you push up on me thank God I mean really yeah really but then I got to thinking after our session that Brian has learned what not to do in

Relationships from me so I want to show her what to do so Danielle would you be my friend or is that une too no there no ethics to say we can’t be friends cool all right so uh friends friends all right all all right yeah so um I’ll talk to

You later I’ll see you later all right so uh can I uh call you Danny for sure oh yeah that work works for me yourself watch yourself Thanks for having this manto man talk with me Mr Washington sure so uh where’s the other man what do you want boy uh look as long as Brian and I are um I just think that you and should be um because we um I just think that let me help you

Out all right look I’m I’m I’m cool with you and you being Brianna’s boyfriend cuz I know you care about her and you respect her because you’re her friend but um if you ever heard her I’ll kill you dead so why don’t you go ahead be my daughter’s boyfriend and enjoy yourself

Have a good time thank you Mr Washington you’re welcome man you’re welcome all right all right so long man have a good time all right and remember I ke you dead man I look good in camel of course I look good in any animal yeah camel’s a pretty color but

Girl say she loves camel man she’s a lot like a camel she can hold water for days uh dog if your girl hadn’t called you has changed her phone number and her address she might not be your girl Lana is wearing a fierce mohair jacket with a

Pair of to die for Gucci Shades can you say bling bling bling and bling no and no all right all right forget everything else I just have to have this purse this is the product everybody has ooh man why by pra when you go down to the bus station and get

Fraud but but but I gr do you think my parents bought me an expensive purse like that when I was your age I hope not you know why they did because I had to learn a little something called discipline that’s right see I took a part-time job worked really hard and

Then after saving my pennies I was able to buy nice things but Daddy That’ll take forever this person is on sale now Rihanna if you use your head and be resourceful one day you’ll be easing on down the road to Financial Freedom you see that Dior shirt over there I’m going

To buy two of them you know why because I’m free money makes you mean oh girl move out the way your dad dropped the nickel hey hold up you might have to start calling me Dorothy cuz it looks like I’m about to EAS on down the road to Financial

Freedom sometimes you can feel all byself but I have a partner when I can’t one so don’t isolate yourself when there’s nobody around yeah I’ll be think then what AR you like Where living one one one one can nobody break This stop come on Flex we have to go get our costumes for the party tomorrow night I love Halloween it’s a night where you could just get wild and Howl at the Moon yeah oh well we can get wild up in here we can play chambermaid and Lord of the

Mana M well now that I look at those legs you would look kind of cute in an apron and a feather duster oh I’m so sorry I broke Sur please don’t spank me my well I don’t have time to discipline you but go get your jacket Fifi oo if

You was going to get physical we should go I Cana oh hi Miss Clark Hey Brianna listen your father and I are going to a Halloween party tomorrow night oh you guys are going out tomorrow night that’s huge I’m so happy for you okay I didn’t know you

Were so big on Halloween no it’s your 30-day anniversary usually for daddy that’s doomsday not date day what are you talking about well all I’m saying is usually on day 30 he calls with some lame story like he has to enter the witness protection program o on my

Personal favorite he’s FR for a crime he did not commit don’t wait for me baby you got to be free for the both of us I knew it I knew he was working too hard for something I mean shedding a tear when we were watching Billy Elliott

Talking about all the child Wants To Do Is Dance thanks for the warning Brianna no no it wasn’t a warning it was just a uh I got to go I I got I got stuff hi Daddy bu all right let’s go get those costumes change of plans let’s go

As ourselves you could be the 30-day man and I’ll be his byebye wait a minute I just left the room for 2 minutes what changed Briana is it true that you don’t date anyone for more than 30 days well yes or no flex technically yes because you know

February shortest month of the year you know I you know I’m out of here I’m saying Natalie come on I used to be like that but this time with us things are going to be different how so I don’t know it just is look Flex I don’t have

Time to play games if you can’t be in a real relationship then we should just end this right now oh so some other brother can get the jewel that I dropped I think KN you’re lucky I like corny yeah I know you do Yeah okay spirit is it me or is Arn’s girlfriend’s butt getting bigger you know what we should dress up as it for Halloween I got dibs on the right cheek oh cuz I don’t even know what he seeing that girl Lord NOS he can’t see

Pastor oh wait I’m losing you I must be going through a tunnel he you ma’am oh my credit card finally came oh isn’t it beautiful girl I think I’m going to cry come on girl let’s shop till we drop and if anything’s on the floor we going to buy that

Too Wayne come on dog give up on Stacy she gone Flex did you ever see that movie not without my daughter well not without my Stacy I must find her hey um um hey what’s up um um hey what’s up with you nothing what you just put in

Your pocket nothing Brianna show me what you put in your pocket Daddy I told you I didn’t put nothing see all right my bad but I’m watching you how you doing that girl I got a hole in my pocket that means we got to buy some new pants too

H no I mean I can’t believe we bought all this stuff I thought we was just going down there to get you that purse well that’s all I really wanted until I saw the shoes that matched and if you buy the shoes you got to buy the belt

Okay the belt I understand did you have to buy the Gucci scuba gear I mean what you going to do with that I don’t know I can’t swim but I’m so going to look good drowning though oh oh here Amar thanks for the ride and put little something some under

For yourself Cas no it’s credit it’s like cash but better in taxi business cash always better I’ll be right back oh man it’s like Christmas up in here except this Halloween can’t wait to put on my costume I appreciate all the gifts but how you going to pay for all

This well not that I plan on giving anything back you guys I got this whole credit card thing figured out all I have to do is intercept the bilage month and pay the minimum balance it’s the American way now y going to have to help me hire

Some of this stuff for my daddy cuz it’s the Briana Way kids kids spoiled American children okay fine a little something something for Akmad yo yo it’s [Applause] black right that’s a fine elf costume you got on man I’m Robin Hood prince of Thieves have you ever seen an elf with a bow and arrow uh yeah tonight yeah you know what you know I’m not going to let you dog out my mood

Because all my efforts to find Stacy have finally paid off look she wrote me a postcard why are you so happy man can’t you read it says she’s loving me forever DG it says she’s leaving you forever but man that doesn’t make any sense look see look it says try to find

Me move your thumb oh don’t try to find me a man I’m hurting dog I should just throw myself in one of my arrows man no no hey hey hey hey come on man we got a party to go to and nobody likes a suicidal elf ooo holy made Marion what’s that oh

This is my uh 30-day anniversary gift for Natalie 30 days is the aluminum anniversary man women like gifts that come with a receipt something they can return hey man Lord Natalie’s not like that Natalie’s special and she’s an artist she loves this kind of junk it’s

Creative it’s cute oh good lord and it might killer let’s hit them all yeah girl I got three of them you can never have too many hey hey Daddy what you doing home are those crocodile boots is that a parot on your shoulder I Get Saucy little one where’d

You get the boots oh no these aren’t real are BR from Spirit they’re part of my Halloween costume I’m a supermodel so I can’t be seen with a pirate and an elf I’m Robin Hood hiie barely oh yo d uh could you get my wallet I left on the shelf by the Door hi I like to order the meat pizza Supreme no no no we’ll be paying by charge Excuse me while I fetch my PIRA wait wait wait hold on I can’t find my card okay which one of you guys took my credit card no bo took your card yeah we

Haven’t seen it since A I don’t think I like it on the elf but I like it from my baby if the pixie is done playing dress up I’ll wrap it for you hey man do you think if I bought Stacy some jewelry she’d still be around well I think if you hadn’t introduced

Her to your mechanic Evan she might still be around when he said your girl needs a tuneup I thought he was talking about the car not Stacy I’m sorry sir there’s a problem with your card and unfortunately we don’t accept deons very funny just run it through

Again it’s probably been you know I had been having a good year well you’re about to have 10 to 20 bad ones see this card has been reported stolen and I have been ordered to destroy it stolen what there must be some mistake cut cut hey man are you crazy dude you can’t

Just go cutting people stuff up what if I cut up your stuff huh like like this right here uhuh cut cut sir how dare you security oh security oh oh don’t make me come back there you saying man who you think I am let me handle this all right excuse me

Son what’s your name Evan Evan I hate Evan they steal my women come [Applause] here Lex was on the way to see his G to prove he was more than a 30-day P when he left to give her gift oh the wings of changed it T the fly of flex and dway

Roam in the dungeon on Hall shut up shut up man the only reason I’m stuck in here not with Natalie is because of you and your elfing temper for the last time that’s an elf I’m Robin Hood and you’re a thief I didn’t steal a credit card all

Right there’s obviously been some kind of mixup oh yeah man prisons are filled with Innocent men I’m innocent oh yeah [Applause] there a problem here uh uh yeah yeah there’s a problem I’m in jail see uh I have a big date with my girlfriend right today’s our 30-day anniversary and uh

There’s been a terrible mistake I’m innocent prisons are filled with innocent people that’s what I said I I mean don’t I look familiar to you huh WX Sports Anchor wait wait wait flat hey hey I don’t go for that nasty talk yo green M I want my phone call I know I

Get a phone call who are you calling rest of the Village People hey hey hey I want my phone call too following behind him is what got you in this mess in the first place think about that slim uh slim huh you’re too pretty to be in prison

You got delicate features Robin Hood see you get me you uh don’t be careful and you might turn Robin Hood into a married man hey baby Flex you’re 2 hours late uh you are not going to believe what happened to me uh I I’m in jail oh let

Me guess for a crime you didn’t commit well guess what baby I ain’t waiting for you but I just but nothing go walk the plank 30-day man I’m not a 30-day man anymore I know you have it akma you were the last person that had it I just want you

To know that I reported stolen and I hope you get arrested shame on you akma shame wait wait wait hold on hello I’m in jail I was buying a gift for Natalie and I got arrested they think I stole a credit card a credit card I need you to post

Bail hey I said one phone called Blue Beard call Grandma I’m in the best relationship I’ve been in for the past five years and and I’m not going to lose Natalie because of some stupid misunderstanding okay Kim Spencer Russo you made bail oh hey hey I uh I wrote that sexy Garden

Note you mind proof reading it for Me Check and mate why does he get to be free oh I’m not free I’m a prisoner of love when I get free I’m going to find a sharp toothbrush and shank you hi I’m here to post bail for Daddy God you here Bri don’t worry I’m going get you out right

Now uh hi I’m Brianna Barnes I’m here to post bill for Flex Washington Barnes oh I see your name right here the credit card your father Stole was yours What uh you know what Daddy we going to laugh about this someday how did you get a credit card well I filled out the application you said to be resourceful Brianna why did you tell me well you didn’t say nothing about telling you Daddy I just had to have that

Product purse I’m a slave to Fashion but hey look I sold some of the stuff to raise your bell money see cashier’s downstairs okay don’t worry I’ll have you and Dwayne out of here in 10 minutes make it five cuz you’re a dead girl walking all right Mr Washington you are

Free to go all right daddyy let’s go home daddy’s going home but you’re going up the river Pop-Tart what you have the right to remain silent what’s going on here huh why are you arresting my child because sir she sold goods bought on credit without a uh retail license that’s right retail

License we make a good team Daddy please help me don’t leave me up in here Daddy be strong baby I’m going to get you the best lawyer money can buy no Daddy please I will never do it again I was just trying to find my own road to Financial Freedom I don’t want to go to jail I don’t want to go to jail Daddy I’m so Sorry what was that which part Daddy I said I’m sorry please help me Brianna credit cards can get you in a lot of trouble but Daddy I was going to pay off the balance at the simple minimum rate of $20 a month or at 2% of the balance or whichever is

Less Rihanna you going to be paying for your little weekend shopping spree for the next 20 years credit card debt is not the road to Financial Freedom you know what it is no Daddy I’ll tell you what it is it’s a ticket to the bank uhhuh the bank

Rupsy wow heyy uh offic of Justice You Can Let It Go it’s midnight I got to get to n before I turn into a pumpkin and prove to her that I’m not a 30-day man oh I can’t believe I have a record how cool am I

Hey go on I got this dog all right I don’t think she’s learned her lesson get back in there girl come on Now Natalie is flex Natalie I know you’re in there okay I saw you watching me from the window and I saw that hand yesterday too now that you’re saying I’m number one I’m offended I’m sorry little boy I gave all my treats away to the other

Children but really I was in jail see here’s my mug shot you’re incredible Flex what did you do spend three hours in Kinko doing that b Boe did I hurt you no all then stick your finger back in Natalie look it’s after midnight it’s day 31 not day 30 day 31 I

Mean doesn’t the fact that I’m here prove that I’m not running away from this relationship what were you in for credit card mixup see I was getting you an anniversary present you would get me a present yeah because the when I made you you made me something I guess Dwayne was [Applause]

Right guess Dwayne was wrong I’m sorry that I R your Halloween I remember just got out of jail haven’t seen a woman for a While Nothing like cool in the gang to bring you out of a funk baby I’m telling you oh here’s another one uh Prince 1999 featuring Little R Corvette baby you love too fast why are you guys so crazy about these things I use them to sweep up the

Trash no no no no sweetie these right here are Classics see you may look and you listen that you are never to touch you may be my child but these are my babies he’s serious I caught him trying to nurse them one time hello okay uh daddy is Gabriel Pride oo

The March 1999 centerold Gabriel Pride whose hobbies include reading long walks in the rain and bouncing naked on a pogo stick oh I bounced naked on a pogo stick before really no but it’s not too funny when your daughter does it huh get your you playing all the

Time hey girl have her bring a friend uh can’t won’t try me next month peace bab I’m free baby I’m free man you just turn down Gabriel Pride Dwayne I have sworn off women bro you know between Nicole thinking she was pregnant and Tanya with all her drama

And women who just want a piece of the flat at man you know I have I feel of the opposite sex it’s time for Flex Washington to find out what it’s like to be single and unattached yeah f look at me dog this is what it looks like not pretty is

It feel all by yourself but I have a partner when I can’t TR no one when’s around what a True now so I asked Shaq what did you use as a cast on that big toe a trash can this is flex Washington signing off flat and we’re clear flat at back at you I just landed you an exclusive with roelle Harvey the queen of the WNBA I thought she hated

The Press what you got some kind of voodoo going on if I did your head would be the size of a raisin Flex this is her first interview in a year and she requested you so you should start figuring out now how you going to thank me how about this uh thank

You that’s it no cheesy come on no sexual innuendos no instead of a thinking how about a spanking Stacy Stacy I’m sorry but I put myself on a female diet like the great Bob Mar let Say No Woman No Cry Flex Washington has sworn off women that’s like Bill Clinton swearing off

Cigars do you care to put your money where your potty mouth is oh Flex $500 says you won’t even last three days oh it’s all oh um Flex have you met our new makeup artist Dominique from France bour I’ll be uh touching you up today all right byebye all right go on

Girl come on go on care well there’s plenty more that came from I don’t know girl I’m feeling kind of strong you know that French accent used to be one of my biggest turn on but today it just sounded like two cats dancing on the [Laughter] dumpster nothing

This is how we always ride hit them hard hit them often put them in a Le like coffin so let’s work on the moves Janet or Britney girl Janet anybody who can make it out of that family is all right by me AR take that off my dad will kill me

If he knows you listen to his record relax Bri let we live the 80s going to be a stone cold Groove [Applause] yeah you Home um Dwayne you you not going to tell my daddy that we scratched his record are you oh the tears of a child and yet I feel nothing please godfa protect me from his wrath my daddy is such an angry man I will do you this one

Favor but I must ask for something in return it is spring cleaning time in my basement wait wa wait you want us to clean a basement I happen to live down there I’m sorry but we will not do that I think we just going to take our

Chances with my my dad yeah whatever oh hey Flex dog what’s up man hey how’d you like to spend the evening listening to some old school jams you know commodor earthwind and fire RI James cool and the Gang you buy the pizza and I’ll get my prince jeans with the butt cut

Out you know what you know what on the other hand you know these songs are just tired Let’s uh let’s watch Gladiator and coun the beheadings oh shoot man I love that line in the openend the movie people should know when they are conquered oh I think they Do miss your Flex get your stepping Dominique girl I tried all right Stacy you can call off your hired hoochie because I’m about to make you $500 lighter ah you still got two more days Flex there’s no way you’re keeping that horse in the stable your metaphor and stop

Looking is way off the mark because I female free and more focused than ever see all of in here Focus oh Melle hi Stacy Morgan did I give you the wrong date for the interview no I was next door shooting a commercial so I came by to meet the fly D Man

Hey well that’s me half fly half D well I’ll leave you two alone seeing as you’ve broken the ice by the way cash only TS and 20s since you’re here already how about we go over a few questions for tomorrow’s interview uh actually I got

To get back to the shoot but I’ll be available tonight in my hotel room uh sure I’ll call you there later oh don’t call me be there I don’t want to hear hear your breath over the phone I want to feel it blowing in my face feel so

Cheap Welcome to My Little Piece of Heaven where Dwayne Odell knox’s dreams of a better world well I hope your better world is stocked with Odor Eaters cuz this place smell like feet I think it’s cool kind of reminds you of my room of course I’m

15 way you I hear voices are you entertaining a lady friend uh no mama just some day laborers I picked up outside a Home Depot uh so what do you want us to do Dwayne clean disinfect call the health department no we’re giving these walls a little makeover goodbye rustic paneling hello purple

Rain did by Dwayne and hello bus 17 back home yeah I only paint my nails and my eyes well uh based on what I’ve seen of your work we’re going to put you on Cleanup Detail oh man we’re out of here right come on girls you can’t play us like

This ah good point good point I can’t play you just like Flex can’t play his records Stacy I’d like to give this Rochelle interview to another reporter I just can’t interview extremely talk women I I I believe it’s in my contract you are so transparent I can see your heart just beating and

Lying this is a wynx exclusive Flex you have to do this interview she wants you that’s exactly my point she doesn’t want Flex the reporter she wants Flex the mattress mumo can I know what this is about this is about the $500 isn’t it no flex occasionally the lead anchor has to put

His butt on the line I did and they got pinched you saying you have no self-control no I’m saying she doesn’t and she’s bigger than me Flex look I think you’re selling yourself short I think you can go over to that hotel get the scoop and leave with your dignity and your draws

On you really think I can pull that off who cares either either way I win so oh Spirit spir hey Spirit girl come on now paint that corner like you paint your lips three to five coats AR ass boy quit looking at Brianna’s butt and start painting and ban start moving your butts

Getting a little droopy how do you fit all that evil into such a Stompy little body R bring that bird up I want a boil of bones for some gravy you just had to play that record didn’t you oh relax Bri we going to relive the80s it’s going to be a stone cold

Groove I wasn’t the one who scratched the record miss you know priz oh no you didn’t oh I did uh-huh girl yeah he did well yeah I did yes I did yes did well yes I did now look what y’all done did y’all know y’all look stupid

My hey hey hey hey hey look like Barnie the dinosaur threw up in here they’re best not be on this horse plate when you’re painting upstairs what mama like the color so much she wants you to paint the whole house I’ve never been so exhausted in my short increasingly unhappy

Life I got to take my grandma’s Stones pills for my back I close my eyes no I see it’s purple now I know how my dad F in the 70s I know there’s a story behind all this but I’m dealing with a tough interview right now so remind me to

Punish you for whatever you did later Daddy what are you doing I need a song to pull me out of this fun celebrate Good Time come on we need a distraction right right something that’ll really thr I love you AR take me oh look at them over Oh [Applause] Pregant Daddy about the scratch um girl I know I was upset with Wayne for years for scratching This Record up Dwayne yes Dwayne scratched it up at his bar mitv that’s why I have to put the quarter on top of the needle okay everybody bow your heads cuz little man going to [Applause] Die okay Flex you a reporter with a job to do do the job not the woman do the job not the woman all right hello there well look at you all of you are you going to come in or you just going to stand out there looking all

Pretty Mo what uh no thank you those little bubbles always go right to my head oh those lucky bubbles I got a whole bunch of questions hundreds so many questions so little time so uh how’s about we get started good idea fire away okay um so we’ll talk about your

Shooting style your release is uh quicker than any other player out there well what can I say I’m good with my hand bow bowow you want to play strip basketball uh actually it’s a little chilly in here oh I know how to get the blood flowing oh God bless

You Stacy told me you had a weakness for the language of love bless oh please I’m just a man oh you got that right Daddy I thought that we might talk about the Olympics and oh you bit me don’t fight it Flex go for the gold

Oh I know you’re the first woman to dunk but I’m about to slam you [Applause] baby I came here to put a story together a story story that I thought you finally wanted to tell the world through me no I just heard a rumor around the league

That you’re easy so I decided to come on down and give me a helping easy who who said I’m easy everybody the word around the league if you’re ever in Baltimore and you need a little temporary relief call for Lex hey now you women talk like that

Worse I’m just dumbing it down for you but you know what I’m not a little play thing for you and your big- handed sisters oh goodness relx stop it put those things away going kill you what what are you guys doing here your day laborers it’s night we found

Out you the one who scratched the record ooh yeah uh you know all look beautiful why don’t you uh take this 50 bucks and buy yourself some pudding pops or something go on now good job who are you talking to cookie toes sty your dad’s

Boss you know what this it’s not what it looks like um see Stacy just came over to uh you know borrow a cup of sugar yeah a big old cup of brown sugar yeah cookie Toes Bri Bri sweet little girl you’re not going to tell your your father about this are you yeah cuz he might have a problem with his best friend and his boss hooking up you know so many secrets so much betrayal so many ways it can backfire on them all right all right

Let’s cut to the chase demon child what do you want let’s just say the [Laughter] world what do you mean you lost the interview this is too huge to lose you know you’ve gotten a lot more naked for a lot less in the past oh ho ho ho how’d

You know that you went me got some sort of newsletter actually it’s a hotline 1 800 Easy Flex now listen I wanted the interview too but my self-respect is more important in my career Now give me my money I had such high hopes for you yeah

Well so uh how was your night what what do you mean why what do you know nothing I was just trying to be friendly yeah well I have enough friends just keep it business Buster roelle Lex I think I owe you an apology uh forget it I don’t think that bik Mark

Is going to leave a scar look my fiance broke up with me last week and I guess I was on the rebound plus you are pretty hard to resist girl I know I look in the mirror every day anyway if you still want the interview I’m ready to pour out my

Soul well let’s get to pouring why don’t you head down the hall and make up and I and I’ll meet up with you of why too sweet I got my money I prove that I’m strong says thank you ever so much for taking us to the mall driver my pleasure Miss

Bana and what might be our next destination we like to go to the Piggly Wiggly very good Miss Brianna the Piggly Wiggly it is what exactly is the Piggly Wiggly I don’t rightly know but we’re going to go there and sit a spell I said I should hope they have Fried Green

Tomatoes cuz I have a feel for Hunger Miss Briana if it makes you know never mind may I pull over to the side of the road and make water will hold your water and keep your eyes on the road very good Miss bran no making water looking back on it that white lady

Was a whole lot Nicer and since WX implemented its minority hiving program in 1995 we’ve seen a steady rise in our audience and sales and an increase in our Marketplace value not to mention the value of those luscious legs girl it’s so fine it make me jealous of your panty

Hose Flex now we have two days to prepare for the Eastern broadcaster’s Conference now if we nail this it will open the door for extra funding so keep your eyes off the prize Dwayne has my pillow wronged you in some way no you I’m just just fluffing it for

You dog in the fluff fluff fluff what was that it wasn’t the window in your room you told me not to open because it’s painted sh y’all Excuse me while I check on Brianna and my supply of almond massage oil you’re not allergic to nuts are you

Girl that’s it either you’re going to have the ug yourself up or I’m going to gouge his eyes out you have to tell him about us but Dwayne flirting is part of our professional relationship he flirts I resist don’t worry my heart belongs to you Cookie toes

Oh let me give you papa some sugar oh well well come out for a butter knife and get a little taste of the spice Channel Brianna you promis not to tell your father oh don’t worry my lips will remain sealed oh and by the way there’s a little bwa concert next month and

Front row Center will be divine you an evil little girl oh I get my license next year you ain’t seen nothing yet car man sometimes in life you can feel all by yourself but I have a partner when I can’t no one so don’t isolate your when there’s

Nobody around oh yeah I’ll be back then but a you We Nobody Now all right now let’s go over the rules for the weekend while I’m up at the broadcasts conference come on Daddy I’m 15 if we were in cat M do I would have a husband and five kids by now Brianna the rules quickly home by eight doors bolted windows locked no boys

Parties or any type of social Gatherings and what’s the most important rule no getting pregnant right Dad will be as saintly as Heathen come the apocalypse I told you going to Sunday school with payoff you know the thing about heathens is they always lie way What is all this Aloha my little mahi mahi a honey Chi make a honey Chi he so crazy baby this so sweet of you well remember how a couple months ago we talked about flying to Hawaii and then you reminded of that violent reaction you have to sunlight what’s

What’s that called again chronic polymorphic light dermatosis that’s it at first I thought you were lying but then I remembered we’ve never been out together in the daylight so we’re going native right here under the safe soothing rays of my fluorescent lights you D this what is it with that

Man he’s like the sex Terminator oh Dwayne you D did you hook up with the Samoan girl with the prosthetic leg uh uh yeah she’s uh in the bathroom right now making sure her uh her Knees line up all right cool I just came to get my

Suitcase borrowed and I will get out of your little Polynesian pickup joint all right so was uh everything set to knock their socks off at the conference oh I’m all set to knock off something man ever since me and Stacy been working together on this thing I’m telling you dog we’ve

Been clicking like your mama’s false teeth I know about this Flex I mean office romances are always bad news you know what they say never fish off the company Pier Dwayne we are two professionals who respect each other’s intelligence and nakedness no I’m counting the minutes until you get back for your grandma’s

Natasha no I miss you more yes I do yes I do yes I do are you as disgusted as I am yes I am yes I am yes I am all right now let’s go over this one more time all right it’s a knock at the door homeless man with an axe standing

There naked what do you do give him a sandwich and a blanket that’s right because the only thing he’s trying to kill is his hunger pain now there’s a guy with a bat and a shank at the fire escape start running but if he catches up trip

Spirit that’s my girl and he needs to get out of here cuz I don’t trust him Mah m m I take that back he’s no longer a threat all right okay you got the guest list I got the refreshments now all we need is music girl your love is a gasing that

Ignites the Pistons of my soul get off the phone yes them the haters boopy whoopy loves you too spoy wogie bro it’s like he’s possessed how long is this little crush on Natasha going to last girl you know our NZ Falls quickly he fell for you at First Sight well

That’s me I got that kind of power so what you can’t come to the party your little brother has a recital oh I don’t have to go to the party I’m sure she can find another DJ what girl watch me use my power um Ares sweetie I need to talk to

You about being the DJ at my party uh Rihanna I’m not finished yet peace out spoy Woogie now you finished what’s her problem power failure o Flex we kicked butt yeah and when you told those station managers to step foot into the 21st century I was at the Mountaintop yeah well when you told him to take those steps with some brown feet be besides them you had them speaking in tongues oh man look the point is you really came through for the station Flex We are bound to get that funding now oh that would be the

Bubbly wow champagne and chocolate covered strawberries looks like you’re bringing out the big guns oh uh you’ll know when I bring out the big guns in 10 minutes we going to have a stream of hotties up in here and everybody’s going to want an audience with the girl

Who made the cocktail weenies go ahead okay uh somebody’s here early weenie girl oh no never mind just a jumbo shrimp Dwayne what are you doing here uh your daddy asked me to stop by and check in on you and your adolescent Shenanigans but we not doing anything oh

Is that so no oh see some sodas oh see some napkins see some pumpkin seeds either you’re planning a party or an AA meeting dway please don’t ruin this for me I’m not going to ruin anything for you I’m just going to sit here kick off my shoes sit back and soak

In the festivities you know Dwayne only a trusted man could leave my daddy alone with Stacy in a romantic hotel for a whole long long moonlit night a long sultry beckoning night I know what you’re doing not going to work nothing would make me ignore my godfather duties I trust Stacy

Okay why y’all hear something no in fact my daddy’s been so busy he hasn’t even checked in with me yet and the only time my Daddy doesn’t check in with me is when he’s o no stop stop it stop it stop it nothing’s going to happen Stacy

Promised me nothing would I don’t know I saw him packing two bottles of his good cologne the Burberry not the Burberry what time is it Spirit time to get our party Out oh there he is there’s aret with the music right now Louis what are you doing here I don’t remember you oh you did Dutch told me to come you know Dutch right the GU to knocked me out last week lost the to want to see weenie oh you know weenie are on

Amalgamation of pork products with a hint of rat hair o arnest I am so glad you’re here oh so are we we yeah hey everybody oh what happened to little Bobby’s recital who cares he’s only a half brother he can’t Soothe My Soul like my man I’m here for him all

Evening the lady knows what she wants come on she’s a maniac maniac on the floor and she dancing like she never danced before wet me [Applause] Flex come on baby yeah um Lex I can’t what’s wrong with having fun the mood is right I like you we both like

Me okay Flex look I’m seeing somebody all right technically I’m seeing somebody and right now I’m seeing him tied up and being tickled with a fell I’m I’m serious flex and he happens to be a very sweet and loving man okay we’ve had Christmas parties office picnics and an annual bull roast

And I haven’t met this guy why are you hiding him is he wanted by the law is he a victim of a chemical accident or is he just a loser he’s an international businessman oh really business huh what kind quickly uh uh import export textiles Commodities pork bellies onshore drilling offshore drilling horse

With okay so he doesn’t have a great job like you or I do so he makes 10 cents more than minimum wage in the Philippines understand he’s a super loser okay TI I just finished making sure everybody has punched now I’m going to keep on ask company wait wait wait

Girl um Can Can you do me another favor can you take all the red dots out of the olives they can be a little disturbing girl you know can’t you get somebody else to do that I haven’t spent any time with aress oh but but girl no one’s as good as you

So get to pitting thank you Natasha thank you girl girl girl you working her like a overseer come harst I have to as long as she has arnest wrapped around her little finger he is of no use to me and I will not be ignored okay

Wouldn’t it be a whole lot easier if you just tell Ares that you have feelings for him okay um are you eating those weenies or smoking them I don’t have any feelings for arnes all right thanks man keep this all right no hint to Burberry waywayne Odell Knox what are

You doing she said you’re special and she would never cheat on you Flex Washington you the man I’m just trying to help out of Damsel in Distress well if you were just trying to help why is you take me back down to the bar we have the second bottle of

Champagne huh cuz you know it makes me Randy I I was hoping that it would make you naked oh Flex you dirty dirty boy let me speack your booty who made this bed it’s really hard on the floor oh she’s a hussy I should killed them both no no who said

That that can’t be comfortable let me get you in bed yeah take me to bed big boy too bad for you I’m a nice guy oh okay where we going give me strength oh ohy F got an answer in my purse hello tell him to put you down

Right now oh my God he’s in my head is that is that your super loser take your hands off my woman Dwayne yeah you’re super loser wait a minute you and you well yeah Stacey and I have been seeing each other ever since that big storm last

Christmas remember when we uh helped out at the station we’re in love go on tell them cornbread tell them about a little Hawaiian Adventure you can’t can you my mama was right you are ashamed of me arest uh Louis did you see where arz went I think he and Natasha just ducked

Into your bed wow Rihanna’s bedroom this is cool never been allowed in here before yes Alone by ourselves the two of us hey she kept that piece of origami I gave her she called it oragi your lips are so soft M your Brian [Applause] Brian [Laughter]

Um I couldn’t find him you must have taken off you know this is all your fault I never thought that a woman would come between me and Dwayne don’t blame me Flex you’re the one that called him a super loser you take that back all right my friend Dwayne is not a super

Loser you don’t know anything about him I know a lot about him I know that nothing because if you did you never would have been ashamed of him and you know why because he knows how to be a real friend when I was away at college and

Nicole was pregnant he checked on her every single day and when I was in the NBA on a road he would put on still and stand around Brianna’s crib just so she can see a tall person and think Daddy was home put it simply I love that man and you don’t deserve

It man I heard every word dog I love you too come here that Berber is kind of nice man I never would have gone after your girl if I had known it was your girl I know man and I never would have called you loser if I known you were the loser in

Question but why did you guys keep this a secret Flex if I had told you that I was in love with Dwayne what would you have done there you see but then I would have told you you couldn’t have picked a better guy than my best friend my dog

Thanks man that Burberry is nice if you two will excuse me I think I saw two flight attendants at the bar and they look like they might want to fly Air Flex Dwayne I’m sorry and if you take me back you’ll never regret it I I don’t know cornbread I mean you

Hurt me you hurt me deep man Dwayne I’m all messed up I’ve been chasing a good career instead of a good man I only hope I haven’t lost a good one in you I love you Cookie toes and I’m ready to tell the world that’s not good enough sugar nose

Okay what are they doing in there what what what the only way to find out is to open the door and go in that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of now move out the way so I can open the door and go in what was that Brianna there’s something wrong

With the window in your dad’s room and I think somebody might have just lost a big toe oh what are people doing in my daddy’s room come on I’m sorry Natasha don’t you mean Briana Hey where’s Rihanna I have to tell her I’m leaving she’s in Flex bedroom with Lou Louis Natasha Natasha

Wait spirit Spirit what happened my bedroom door is open Where’s Natasha and ourz girl they did what they had to do and they just left Hey Daddy hey Bri you up early yeah I couldn’t sleep the place looks nice you vacuumed you mopped you dusted is that Pine I smell yeah well I know you like a clean house you’re punished why no teenag uses Pine saw unless they trying to hide something you can tell all that from

Pine saw that and Dwayne told Me ever since arz became the finest thing on two legs it’s been hard to talk to him maybe he worked a root on me I see growing up did you love your father Yes but I’m developing hostility issues toward my best friend Rihanna we’re role playing I’m Dr

Melie you’re Tony Soprano so if you’re holding back forget about it I’m here oh my God oh my God AR is here what do I do what do I do remember if you feel uncomfortable just go to your safe place oh my God you’re going to get a man

So you want to see me yeah iest I I I feel the same way too I just need to hear you say it I like you ornest no I love you I love you too Brian Brianna Brian okay I think I’m going to go to my safe

Place sometimes you can feel all by yourself but I have a partner when I can’t no one elate yourself when there’s nobody around oh yeah I’ll be back then what A Now the pancakes almost ready hi the eggs coming sunny side up just like Mom you know such a different side of her than I do I don’t care what you say I’m glad mommy’s in town cuz I got six new outfits and none of them are from tar pop hey

Bri mommy’s here with the real breakfast so you can put away the Twizzlers and the Kool-Aid prepare to have your face cracked Nicole Wolf gangang Flex is working it out in the kitchen H lazy oh wow you two have a whole routine worked out Banna and I used to have a

Routine oh no no no not like us come on all five 6 S 8 1 [Applause] [Laughter] 2 well you taught her how to dance Too how cute all I did was let them slice my stomach open to give her life and on that note breakfast is served come on momm right here so uh how’s everything going with your little charity event fish

Aid well if you’re talking about the City Aquarium celebrity Basketball Jam it’s going great largely because they chose a local girl me who made good to organize oh that’s good you’ve earned it Cole not many sisters can ride the backs of killer [Laughter] whales I’m sorry Mom but that was a good one

Ye so uh Dad you’re a celebrity why aren’t you playing in the game I’m not wasting my skills playing against al Roa and Danny bonuchi excuse me I’ll have you know the Darius miles and Quinton Richardson of the the Clippers have just confirmed oh yeah did I say uh Bill Walton’s going to

Coach Bill Walton as in Shaq’s taking a break already how old was that guy oh Count Me In you know I’m down like two flat tires so are your knees oh see you were always jealous of my love for basketball that’s only because you loved her more than you loved me her

Well see basketball was his mistress sweetie when I was pregnant with you he tried to dribble my stomach I can’t wait to show those young NBA boys how the game is really played do you really think you can run behind Quinton and Darius come on Flex they just stopped being teenagers you my

Friend are on a roller coaster ride to middle age I’m sorry Dad but that was a good one [Applause] too and then Tiffany fell off the top of the pyramid and sprained her ankle so they asked me if I wanted to be Captain I like baby what’s your cup size

Mama well I’m sorry I just don’t remember you being so pillowy what else have I been missing actually mom I am having a problem with the boy oh my God you’re pregnant oh God the cycle continues no no no no no no it’s it’s about arz I think I’m in like with

Him baby I thought you and arnes were just friends we were until he started dating this girl Natasha she’s a junior who thinks arnes smells like Peaches I know that smell then Dad went out of town and I had a little party with my friends and I

Thought arz was making out with Natasha in my room and ares thought I was making out with Louis but I wasn’t so you were alone in the house with the boys oh Lord I think I said too much we a wild party while you left her alone in

The house what kind of parent are you the kind of parent that already punished her for that we worked it out now I trust her even though she’s 50% you Flex when I left Banna here a year ago you promised you would take good

Care of her maybe you are not up to the job after a great job with Banna I me she’s inches away from the honor roll she’s only been to detention twice and she’s not wearing hair weave the way I see it I’m raising the perfect little princess so tell me how

She’s she’s gone up a cup size well that depends uh if you’re talking uh mesh underwire or seamless you’re going to kick some NBA but tomorrow you’re looking as good as you used to all well throw me the rock dog I show you some more moves got good pass shorty does Mrs

Butterworth know you have a scar okay I I see see what happened was I was going to add you to myself but see I I see it takes two of y’all to do that Rich D miles of the LA Clippers I know who y’all are man all that I

Know 10 sports cast and former baller flat app flat app we don’t bang list you talking about banging bullets it’s on you oh oh he call the brother out man man you ain’t break a hip or nothing did you nah see the rim was low and hit my chin so I I

Holler Flex yeah Flex Washington Oh Land Goan it’s Bill Walle who said that I remember you you’re smooth You’ve Really Got Game you remember my game not really but you’re on my team and I want to win hang in there kid my butt tells me I should quit but

An NBA har of F and tells me I should hang in there and believe me he knows more than my butt man sometimes my butt toss me too it’s like a seashell put your ear up to it you can hear the wind whistling off the patomic All right Spike Lisa let’s do this trust me when you spill your guts on this video tape and AR Nez sees it he’s going to be silly putty in your hands now here’s your motivation you’re longing for the man you love who doesn’t love you in

Action yo Ares I just want you to know that I’m feeling you and I want you to be my shorty cut cut cut cut H okay can I have a little more hle less Jada okay you know what you’re fired I’m doing this video my way pick up your check on the way

Out fine actors so always it’s about [Applause] them hey arest um I just want to let you know that I like you as much as you like me now scratch that I love you [Laughter] Boo oh you did it t done oh I look looks like I’ve been kissing the jolly green Giants I [Applause] got goodness gracious McDonald’s fou out who’s my go-to guy now I’m ready to go in coach please pick me coach I’m going to go in come on Coach sit down and shut up I’m the coach around here Harry get in there and do something once in your

Life come on let’s go when are they going to put your dad in the game forget about him I got to get that tape back before AR sees me with a big hunk of spinach in my teeth what is he do here your mom gave

Me an extra ticket so I invited her you happy hey want Shar sure Peaches I mean on is see that guy right there he’s got jalapeno stuck in his teeth people like that are just dirty well I guess all you’re going to end up being is the best looking guy on

The team picture huh H yeah especially if you’re in it everything is a joke to you isn’t it you know that’s why our daughter isn’t on the honor rooll she’s throwing wild sex parties now if she were with me she would be on the honor roll living a very

Serious jokel life you don’t have to remind me I was married to you oh you were never married to me you were married to that orange ball and she divorced you just like I did oh yeah we getting back together and we’re going to

Be happy you don’t know how to be I know how to be you know how to be are not hey a man with this much Spirit absolutely has to be in this game now Jimmy Walker just found out Flex you’re in it’s on you oh see I’m in in your face [Applause] MO oh that’s [Applause] yeah boy boy [Applause] That’s my boy when I tell you D huh man I think that P daddy you were so right out there shave your head get a few tattoos and you look like any black NBA player oh wow f as much as I hate to

Admit it you look pretty good out there good for an old man no good enough to help us raise $50,000 so why don’t we all go to veranos and celebrate with pizza my I love two mom but me and spirit are about to go deep cover all right just make

Sure your clothes stay on for God’s Sak I’m not interested in sex what kind of a world did you two grow up in wow I guess she doesn’t have time for my parents huh yeah I just grab my moments with her whenever I can that’s great game even with all that time off

As a civilian you haven’t lost a thing congratulations well you know how it is Bill the great ones never lose it so true flex I don’t know if you knew it or not but I Scout part-time for the Clippers they could really use a veteran

Like you here why don’t you take my car give me a call and I’ll hook you up for a trial but please please promise me one thing f stay black go that W did you hear that Phil W thinks I’m ready to play in the NBA yeah I heard him FX loud and

Clear come on let’s go get that pizza you treat me to half pepperoni half Crome okay spirit aress is not pH he’s at his guitar Lon to make sure no one sneaks up on me okay don’t worry if anybody comes I hit him over the head with the fire extinguisher then take him

To the Chop Shop by the Boom by the B no more Sopranos for you okay let’s just see if the video’s been delivered oh girl I see it right there all I got to do is stick my arm in unlock the door and we’ll have it uh-oh what my arm is stuck oh

Oh my God he’s home girl you got a problem I’m ghost Brianna what are you doing here uh volunteer work why because I’m proud to be an American good day sir my life is such a mess I almost got caught at AR’s house trying to steal the

Tape that I made for him to tell him that I love him but I had spinach in my teeth so I didn’t want him to see it youve turned into a thief I blame your father no no no no blame arz for making me fall in love with him I hate

Him I hate him I hate him but I still blame your [Laughter] father but you know what they say that absence makes the heart grow fun and I think a summer up in Nova Scotia with your mommy might be just what the doctor ordered well there’s lots of fun stuff

To do there there’s there’s ice fishing and then there’s a great moose migration oh and let’s not forget the summer annual blubber cookoffs blubber uh no offense mom but but you’re a nerd excuse me that’s Dr nerd [Applause] good news Brianna I just got off the phone with Bill Walton I’ve been invited

To a try with the Clippers next week in Los Angeles my is going to be in the NBA oh I’m happy again who needs arest when I can get Co um sweetie you don’t want to live with your father while he’s in the NBA what do you mean mommy yeah what do

You mean mommy me well Briana doesn’t know what that NBA life is like you’ll be on the road all the time uh excuse me half the time with the training camp a m seven months out of the Year ah but then when he’s home he’ll be too exhausted to spend any

Time with you oh and then there’s those cheap airport trinkets he’ll bring home to make up for all the Lost anniversaries hey you told me you love those uh International back scratchers Flex all I’m saying is Briana needs a stable environment back in Nova

Scoa with me but Mom my life is here in Baltimore now my school my friends and possibly my man baby you can find a really great boy in Nova Scotia yeah and he’ll have blubber breath Mommy I don’t want to go to Nova Scotia all what’s really going on here

Nicole I can do the NBA thing and still make it work with Brianna I I’ve made a really good life for myself up in Nova Scotia and I want to share that with my daughter and I’ve made a really good life for her here and

I want to keep sharing it with her all right Flex let’s be honest I miss my daughter she’s changing every day see this will be good for the both of us you’ll get your dream and I’ll get mine wait a minute I thought your dream was to go to Nova Scotia and free

Willie Flex I’ll let you talk me into letting Banna stay with you for a year and that year is up are you trying to tell me that you’re taking Brianna away from me all I’m saying is the year is up oh if we don’t get that tape back I’mma

Have to move to Nova Scotia with my mama so new plan Molotov cocktail through our nez’s neighbor’s window curtains will catch on fire and when everyone evacuates we dress as firemen grab the tape and if anybody sees us we lay low on the old country till the heat blows

Off okay one more word out of you and I’m turning you into the feds cies oh you in The Sopranos thing you are not Italian look in the mirror uh hi Brianna about this Tape hey look at him blocking the way to our building hey fonie uh don’t you want to take that across the street oh sorry about that it wasn’t bothering me it was bothering her no it wasn’t so much that I was bothered I was concerned now Briana are you

Okay I’m Josh and I’m fine yes he is I’ll just fix this tomorrow my mom will trip from late for dinner oh is she making something special reservations if I’m lucky So um do you live here yeah part time with my mom my parents are divorced oh my parents are divorced too oh well my parents never got married maybe I’ll block your way again tomorrow Briana and and spirit yeah Spirit oh girl did you see him checking

Me out I think he like me you know what we had a deal the next time we both saw a cute guy together he was going to be mine no but see that law was superseded by the location Clause if he lives in my building he’s all mine girl didn’t you

Get a copy of that no wait AR is in my building that’s right girl and he’s all yours sometimes you can feel all by yourself but I have a partner when I can’t no one uh- so don’t isolate yourself when there’s nobody around oh yeah I’ll be then what a you love

We against the world living one One one One oh hey dog uh I believe this belongs to you my new L how’d you get it well they delivered it last week last week yeah well I’ve been busy and it’s been dark hey why is the door unlocked any lunatica just walks right in here hey

You’re right so why don’t you w right back out I will I just wanted to give Brianna the geography book she left in my place and uh I want to ask you a question who is the worst sports reporter in all of Baltimore I don’t know who word is it’s you check it

Out oh great another Howard McIntyre column trashing me man that guy has it out for me just because I get the interviews he can’t get wait a minute Flex listen to this even with Q cards and the teleprompter the only thing more derivative and cliche than Flex Washington’s reporting style is flex

Washington that’s all right see he’s a hater he doesn’t like the pro athlete term broadcaster thing you know he says we’re nothing but jocks with mics but I’ve done plenty of hard hitting expose I can handle his criticism I hope so dog cuz it says right here how can Washington objectively investigate

Athletes for Point shaving or taking performance enhancers when he’s out partying with him I say it’s impossible Washington isn’t no journalist he’s an athletic supporter he called you a jock Str poor guy you know who he is he’s that kid at the playground who always got picked last after the girls and the

Kid with the special shoe hey I can out kick anyone well good morning everyone oo girl are you going to school or a rumble okay new look lip gloss new leather jacket with the tag still hanging on his sleeve what’s his name josa he so cute and I think I love

Him what happened to AR he so cute and I think I love him daddy Josh is the kindest most sensitive amazing wonderful sweetest guy I’ve ever met I think I can spend the rest of my life with him oh baby tell me more so what’s Josh’s last name how

Would I know I just met him go to school we’ll talk later okay okay byebye Josh I mean Mommy you got to see this man he is killing you Dwayne I don’t care he can’t kill me and do you want to know why because I’m Flex Washington and words mean nothing to me funny cuz that’s exactly what he says right here you hold the record for most assist and

Most goals three years running and you deny the use of any performance enhancing drugs it’s my asthma medicine not likely story Amber and there it is folks another hard-hitting expose on the flex file mommy yeah go tell your mother and I’ll be back with my closing comments and we’re out

Woo yeah hey how you like that man bring them on who’s next I’m ready to Take On The World Flex Washington isn’t pulling any punches baby well let’s see oh there’s a senior Olympic synchronized swim team yeah due to Advanced aging chlorine most of them are deaf already

So you’ll have to yell your insults hey bring them on man I hear they using Viagra as a performance enhancer drug supposedly it helps keep the men afloat you know what Flex you just gave McIntyre more fod for his column tomorrow as your producer and as your friend it may is your

Producer I encourage you to take the high road and you’re right the high road like a mature adult and we’re back in five 4 3 I’d like to close out today’s Flex files with a few words for Howard McIntyre of the Baltimore examiner I’m rubber you’re glue everything you right

Bounces off me and sticks to you good night Baltimore and we’re out way to take that high road Flex oh a a package for a flex Washington oh yeah I’m Flex Washington perfect timing I was just about to go into my place all right you have a good day now flat

App ooh Pottery Barn hope it’s a salad bowl hey DNE what have you got there nothing I get packages too you know anyway girl I saw Josh coming in the building how do I look like a man H keeping all a man for yourself oink oink

Okay spirit I promise the next guy who comes along is all yours what’s up y’all uhuh I don’t want him he’s used so aress what brings you by for a brief visit I got problems oh everybody does things will get better it’s always a cloud with the Silver Lining It’s always

Darkest before the dawn have a nice day thanks for coming bye try get R of Me no bye hey come with me Ares and tell spirit all about I mean somebody’s life has got to be more pathetic than mine oh hi Josh who’s joshh cute hat you look like you’re ready to

Go riding okay I didn’t mean with me well neither did I just plenty of bikes in this town got you just kidding so was I who’s Josh uh just a new neighbor Brianna with bad tasting women so what’s this about a problem it’s Ginger she always wants to be with me she Smothers

Me I didn’t know it was going to be like this you know what your problem is you got with ginger because you were mad at Briana that is not true all right I like ginger just are calling me 20 times a day I can’t stand at least Brianna left

A little mystery with ginger you always know who done it so when did you get the bike ah two Christmases ago at my dad’s it was a big guilt year he was uh thinking about moving in with this girlfriend oh I know exactly what you mean these earrings I

Walked in on my dad and his date they were just holding hands but if I came in 10 minutes later these’ be real diamonds well I better get going my mom mom’s microwaving a burrito for me and you know what that means what breakfast at the

Hospital well you know if you want a homecook meal I can always whip something up for you you can cook of course I can cook you can call me Chef boy ARB oh thank you for helping me with dinner Mommy helping you I fixed the whole meal what are you

Oh hi I’m sorry I’m such a mess but I’ve been in the kitchen cooking all [Laughter] day smells great what are we having we’re having look love chicken we having the chicken is French nice to meet you Josh I’m Brianna’s mother Nicole I’ve heard a lot about you oh so you’ve been talking

About me that’s a good sign I don’t believe this I’m getting it twice a day in the morning and at night Flex okay enough about your love life the children present Nicole this is not a good time I’m at war with Howard McIntyre as if the newspapers weren’t enough now he’s

Attacking me on the internet you didn’t tell me your dad was Flex Washington oh by the way my daddy’s Flex Washington I’m off the high road I’m taking a low road throw away all the soap I’m getting down and dirty are you finished because this is banna’s friend Josh

Okay hi hey yeah I’ve heard so much about you uh I’m Flex Washington Brianna’s father nice to meet you Mr Washington I’m a big fan of the flex files hey thanks man I like this kid hi I’m Howard McIntyre Josh’s father his mother said he was down here McIntyre Washington dad M

Flex dad oh my bad go with your daddy dad you can’t slam the door on the first second third love of my life I cannot believe you get back oh gosh I’m so sorry Josh Howard I’m briana’s mother Nicole um why don’t you guys come in for a few minutes maybe

It would help if we got to know one another forget it Nicole he’s the hater I can feel breathing on my calves when I’m trying to do an interview with an athlete in the locker room big talk for a two-time NBA loser with nothing but a pretty smile and a q card with

Complicated words like fadap Dad you’re messing up everything Banna I’ll see you tomorrow oh no no no you won’t my daughter is not going to associate with the son of the slanderer who’s trying to take the food off of our table the roof from over our

Heads and the DK and white off your back son you are not dating the daughter of the poster child of America’s short attention span a Washington by any other name would be just as foul come on we’re leaving Oh Oh no you’re not leaving I’m kicking you out George Jefferson style get

Out dad you’re ruining my life baby hold you your tongue your life be not yours to your 18 oh my gosh Jos why Josh hello what are you doing out there I got you something you know since we never got to have dinner together oh you are so sweet look

I’m sorry about my dad he’s such a dork oh I’m sorry about mine too he’s a bigger dork I can’t stop thinking about you Brianna oh well you know if my dork finds out he’s going to kill you oh this is so romantic that was so close yeah I better go try

Not to dream about me too much you didn’t see that ow ow I thought you said you were taking me out to breakfast are we not out is this not breakfast what is this another McIntyre article man listen to this fate Smiled On Me yesterday when I was given the opportunity to visit

Flex Washington’s home it’s decorated in early Fred Fred Flintstone Fred Sanford Freddy Krueger pick a Fred oh hey if you’re Fred Flintstone does that make me Mr Slate I killed him in the coffee room hey my daughter hates me and is probably going to run off with the son of the man

Who’s making me the laughing stock of Baltimore not mine was funnier what I don’t understand is what’s this guy’s beef with me oh it’s simple flexi since the Donna man or what I like to call the early 80s there’s been this battle between print journalists and broadcast

Journalists tell us more media man you see your print journalists are generally smarter but not the most attractive folk bordering on car AR like a little bagery of circus freaks if you will well there’s only one way to deal with a little circus freak I’m

Going to go over to that news room and pound that little freaking to a a little of freak that’s what I’m going to do hold on flexia hold on you can’t go around beating up little people or bowling him or offering them $50 to sing ding-dong the witch is dead at your divorce

Hearing you know what you can do and show him what it’s like to dance your dance really challenge him to a sports duel if you will oh I get it I get it invite McIntyre to join me on the flex files and I can show him how it’s done

Yeah this way we’ll go head to head or in his case head to knee no mine was funny Yeah get the door go get the door how did they accidentally deliver Mr Washington’s coffee table to your apartment how’d you accidentally back into the door frame what pour get in there okay Dwayne so what’s going on yeah how did all those different stores get the wrong

Address okay I have a confession to make no well see I had a big date my first one since Stacy and I broke up so I’ve been borrowing fl’s things so uh we can just keep this our little secret huh sure for 50 bucks each y’all can forget

That welcome to a very special edition of the flex vies ooh this is a big Showdown BR was telling us about with me today is noted Baltimore Sports journalist Howard McIntyre or as I like to call him behind his back little MC I’ve invited him on this special

Edition of the flex files so he can teach me how to do my job how thank you Flex it’s a pleasure to be here and here and now I’ll turn things over to our station manager hey Hampton who will set the stage for tonight’s sports challenge take it away Hank thank

You flex but the challenge is quite simple I’ve selected two clips from the Super Bowl between the New York Giants and our beloved Baltimore Ravens our two newsmen here Mr McIntyre and Washington will do a highlight commentary Mr Washington you want the toss backstage you go first thanks Hank all right sports fans

Dord with a three-step drop looks off to safety like he’s flirting with the guy this man is sick he hits stokeley who’s more open and Shannon Sharp’s mouth then it takes it to the his house a 38 yd touchdown pass that has the people of Baltimore forgetting all about the

Dreadful day when the Mayflower trucks HED the coats out of town flat out it’s all yours Howard okay okay the ball is snapped D for drops back oh wait I I think that’s Banks and and it looks like he’s making an early deposit or is it a

Withdrawal uh uh wait can you rewind that uh never mind um and it it it looks like it it it looks like the guy caught it like the flu a che God bless you no no no that’s my flat app a Cheo oh we’re

Out oh my God I suck it’s so much easier when I do it in my bab what is it now Ginger I miss you wish you tozy [Laughter] woozy okay bye okay that’s it all right I’ve had it it’s not how it’s supposed to be I need someone who’s going to give

Me some space someone who’s independent someone who’s not named after a spice if it’s so funny I’d like to see you do what I do look man I respect what you do I didn’t make fun of you until you started making fun of me why you

Make it look so easy and I I hate that FL app thing just like I hate Kevin cner I don’t know why I just do look man it it’s not as easy being me as it looks for example see I have to watch my weight you on the other hand can let

Yourself go even more listen up guys um the kids have something to say Daddy and Mr McIntyre we could disobey you guys and sneak around and see each other but we need our allowances and I really like Rihanna a lot hey man we need to bury the

Hatchet for the kids sake you’re taking all the fun out of it Washington but I’m going to be the bigger guy for the kids’s sake Howard you could never be the bigger guy spirit I bear my mind I want Brianna back she’s a girlf from Me that was so close we’re getting good at this I hope you’re good at Running you better to watch yourself Romeo

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