EAGLES DROP 3RD Straight Game! Philadelphia Overrated?!? | OutKick Hot Mic

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The Philadelphia Eagles are going through a tough time. They recently lost to the Seattle Seahawks, marking their third consecutive loss. This has led to a lot of introspection within the team, with Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts stating that the team isn’t “committed enough” to win games at the moment.


0:00 Intro
5:40 Eagles Drop A BIG Game On MNF
12:09 QB Carousel
21:41 Drew Lock Keeps Playoff Hopes Alive For Seahawks
22:48 NFL Overreaction
41:35 Jim Nagy Joins
41:52 QBs Attending Senior Bowl
44:50 Stars Opting Out Of Bowl Games
1:08:29 Kazee Suspended For Rest Of Season & Brady Responds
1:21:42 John McClain Joins
1:30:25 More Attractive Job: Chargers or Raiders?
1:34:28 No One Wants The Bills
1:42:09 DJ Moore Wants Justin Fields
1:45:25 On The Bus, Off The Bus
2:01:23 DeVito Pizzeria Appearance Fallout
2:22:44 Michael Bratton Joins
2:22:52 Ole Miss Is Crushing It

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Out of the gates and ready to go hot by with h with thr is underway on this Tuesday edition glad you’re with us across the network which includes streaming live right now on YouTube you can join Chad in the chat live throughout Today’s Show which is going

To be a fun one Jim naggie joins us executive director of the Reese’s Senior Bowl more commitments at quarterback for him and some big names that we’ll discuss from the college football ranks coming up later this hour we’ve got John mlan with all the NFL news and notes as

Teams are going one way or the other towards the playoffs or towards potentially Black Monday for some of these NFL coaches and SEC Mike Michael Bratton later in today’s program Chad good afternoon good afternoon hun you’re so much better with titles than I am but

When I see someone like Jim N I don’t even I just call him the head of the you know you know the executive director yeah no I just but no it’s not better you have the exact title I just say everyone if they’re in in charge I just

Say oh that’s the person that’s in charge of this or they’re the head of this even if their title is President CEO executive director anything else I’m just paying you a compliment saying you’re much better at getting the right title than I am I would just refer to

Jim naggie as uh you know bmoc in Mobile Alabama that’s that’s not bad either no I mean I we’ll run it by him and see which title he prefers yeah uh the bmoc of Mobile Alabama he Chad is the the balanc man Chad wiro uh so I’m already

Pissed off to start this show today um in the YouTube chat and I you know I’m it’s Tuesday right well I can be a little bit pissy on a Tuesday at times yes very early weekend right I’m sure a lot of people haven’t got their shopping

Done um you know what whatever may be ailing you this holiday season and I but I’m I’m still I’m going in with good faith when I get into the YouTube chat I’m thinking today’s the day we’re going to have positivity it’s going to be

Smooth no issues and I log in and I see Ace in our YouTube chat Ace that says wow Ace a Cabas okay I hope that’s not some sort of double on Tandra that I just read AA wow more talk about Eagles losing before the show starts then we

Talk cowboy lost entire yesterday’s show I think we spent maybe 3 to four minutes on the Cowboys on yesterday’s show I don’t recall spending the entire three hours we’re on talking to Cowboys so if you’re going to take a dig at us ace at least be correct with your information

We spent very little time on yesterday’s show talking about the Cowboys because the caption read something to draw in the eyes doesn’t mean we’re going to spend an entire show we’re on this show for 3 hours we’re not going to spend the entire show talking about the Eagles we

Are going to open talking about the Eagles why because it was the most watched thing on television last night that happened in sports it was Monday Night Football and it was a big loss for the Eagles and it was a big moment for Drew lock so I don’t want to start the

Show off on this negative foot Hutton but Ace has me pissed off for greatness already let’s let’s well Ace is not going to like this let’s just say this is now the fourth backup quarterback in the last seven Monday Night Football games to win for the underdog

Opponent and it’s going to be the backup quarterbacks that will either keep certain teams out of the playoffs or will keep certain teams from winning their division potentially not winning a number one overall seed in the postseason potentially that loss keeps Philadelphia from hosting Dallas at some point instead of

Having to travel to Dallas where the Cowboys win you’ll like that Ace let let’s also point this out Philadelphia has lost now three straight and Chad I see and hear the same reaction that we heard whenever San Francisco and the ners went through their three-game law Midway through the

Season reaction was hey Shanahan are you going to bench Brock pie do you need a quarterback change the answer at immediately no we’re sticking with our quarterback going into their bye Jaylen Herz has been banged up there are some that believe that Marcus Mariota should be playing while Herz gets

Healthy I like the fact that he’s pushing through because this team needs their leader and once again Jaylen Herz is leading in a same fashion that he did a year ago I’ve I’ve been thoroughly impressed with him from the start of last year where there are a lot of alpha mentalities on that

Roster for the most part he is calm cool and collected and he speaks up when he needs to and there is a clear leader of the offense and it’s not one of the star receivers it’s not in the backfield it’s not Kelce up front on the offensive line

It’s Herz and he says what needs to be said last year they were unbeaten for a long stretch and he kept saying it’s not about one win this really doesn’t factor into what we ultim want to do those sound cliche and they are but it was also paired with honesty

About what they did wrong in some winds and how they needed to be more consistent now it is about complacency and he’s discussing more of a a challenge with commitment with the Philadelphia Eagles this is what’s different than what we saw the three-game losing streak ultimately look like for San Francisco

Let me set it up by saying a part of this three-game losing streak they played three games in 13 days and then hosted San Francisco at home San Francisco was coming in off of 10 days rest they lose was a massacre blowout they follow that up by playing in Dallas the Cowboys

Win the Dallas Cowboys were also coming off of 10 days rest again that’s how the NFL Works no reason to pout about that Philadelphia’s good enough to win those games and last night I’m thinking to myself what’s really going on in Philly where in week 15 they’re changing the

Defensive coordinator and the play caller turning to Matt Patricia that is way late in the year to make that change and then you have after the loss 20 to 17 with Drew lock leading the way against said defense down the field 90 plus yards to win the game you have Herz

Go to the podium and question the eag eag commitment after three Lo three losses in a row and the quote being I’ve been talking about execution all year being on the same page we didn’t execute I don’t think we were committed enough you know just got to turn it around it’s

A challenge we have to embrace we just got to continue to see it through and then he was asked what he meant by that statement about commitment he says commitment I don’t know I don’t have a dictionary on me right now I don’t know how else to say it it’s a matter of

Being on the same page it takes everyone being all in in all aspects and it starts with me I love the tone and the tenor of what he’s saying because it resonates with everyone else and the collective group follows one guy and it’s Jaylen Herz they wouldn’t be doing that with Marcus

Mariota so while I say don’t hit the panic button just like I said that for Brock pie and an excellent team in San Francisco with an excellent coach I’m saying it here with Philly even though there’s more to this than what we saw the Niners go through because

They’re ad committing with the coaching change and the play caller change on defense something is just missing in that aspect and I think in sani’s case he’s pointing to his players and listening to them making the play call change defensively and he’s not making the change at quarterback because his

Quarterback’s banged up because that guy is the leader in the locker room and he’s one of the best doing it right now I trust Jaylen Herz to get it right and I’m trusting Brock pie to get it right and he did I say calm down hit

The P don’t hit the panic button however they need to host in the playoffs Dallas wins at home Philly does not need to go on the road and play that game they got to pick it up that was a bad loss last night for the Eagles it was bad and that

92 yard Drive they give up in the end to Drew lock and and kudos to Drew lock a really cool story with his bounce back in the post game interview and everything else but that’s a missed opportunity for that defense with Matt Patricia now calling defensive plays I’m

Curious I’m with you huton I’m not pressing the Panic Button as an observer of the Eagles but could you argue that Nick serani pressed the panic button would that move or is that just prudent at this point in the year I think when you look at changing defensive play

Calling responsibility in mid December that Prescott playing at home versus on the road and the results speak for themselves that’s crucial for Dallas crucial for Philly Chad uh a lot of teams are losing to backup quarterbacks you know that’s that’s playing a massive factor in the playoff push and in the

Transfer portal we’re seeing quarterbacks go to teams that may be willing to uh sit a year and and I’m stunned by this well there’s one so this is the reverse didn’t LSU just get a backup as well well they got AJ swan he’s going to compete for the starting

Job though I I don’t know that any of those other guys are going to going to beat him last year we saw what happened at Old Miss it’s just well let’s yeah let’s recap a little bit because this has been a constant argument of mine and complaint uh I look at certain

Quarterback situations and I think do they look at the the depth chart before committing to a school it’s a it’s an embarrassment of riches in certain spots with quarterbacks and guys who should be starting at the FBS level or at the power five level and you double up in in

The case of Old Miss a year ago with Jackson Dart and Spencer Sanders and the guy who came with Walker Howard from LSU they had too many why why is everyone going to Old Miss at once I understand challenging yourself and wanting to be the alpha in the room and feeling like I

Don’t care if those guys are there I’m going to go beat them out and take their job there’s also doing what is smart and going to a place where you know you’re going to be the starter you like the coaching staff you like the system they’re going to develop you for the

Next level or if you don’t have a next level and you’re not an NFL quarterback you can go somewhere and be developed and have a good college career that’s what most quarterbacks should do some don’t do that so when I saw Dante Moore five-star freshman at UCLA who started

Five games for Chip Kelly this year transfer to wait for it Oregon it was a head scratcher I’m thinking why on Earth would a five-star freshman quarterback go to a school that just a week and a half ago landed Dylan Gabriel who is a veteran guy who’s been

A star at Central Florida at Oklahoma and now will go on to be a star at Oregon and then I looked deeper into it and I found a guy that is admitting and is self-aware enough to know I need to be developed I’m I’m not ready Dante

Moore was not good enough to retain the job at UCLA Ethan garbers was better Chip Kelly was on Pat mcafe show today and said that he said he lost the job to another guy and we feel better about this situation now and he played well against USC to end the year and he

Played really well in their bowl game against boisey State hey not every five-star quarterback is created equally some guys need time some guys aren’t Stars right when they get to school so Dante Moore has made the decision Oregon finished second Dan Lanning did in Oregon in his recruitment he’s watched

What Oregon did with Bo Knicks and he said I’m going to go there I know I’m the backup to Dylan Gabriel I’ll sit for a year and then I’ll have a year or two to be the starter that’s my plan now I’m going to willingly how many guys would

Do this willingly go and sit to learn and develop I think that’s awesome good for Dante Moore there’s not enough quarterbacks that will do that yeah and uh how about what this says for will Stein at Oregon yeah you know a young offensive coordinator who has Dante Moore joined him and potentially red

Shirt I mean that’s also on the table for one year but will Stein may end up being a head coach sooner rather than later as well um but I I think that’s also someone to to look at and watch moving forward as a coach because the

Moore is from Detroit went to UCLA yeah and now Oregon um and we look around college football there are quarterback rooms I mean Dion Dion’s looking for a veteran quarterback to go and help back one from Vanderbilt uh a freshman quarterback that’s coming in to transfer

To backup shador but I just normally I would say why are you doing this look at a depth chart go somewhere and start and Dante Moore could have done that he could have gone to a number of places and been the starter day one but he said

I like Oregon I like Dan Lanning I should have gone there out of high school I didn’t here’s my second chance I’m going to go there and back up a better quarterback and learn from him that takes Moxy that takes foresight and I applaud Dante Mo for that move now

He’s coached by Stein who was a quarterback in college as well so that Louisville coming up on the bus off the bus we’ll discuss NFL MVP and more Straight Ahead here on hot Mike uh now she is coming out and saying that playing for the United States is the quote worst job in the world and she’s saying this because of the criticism she garnered which obviously she brought on herself by doing all of the horrible things that she did over

The course of her career uh one being uh that she felt super compelled to kneel for the national anthem and not show her Pride for the United States uh despite having the platform and representing the country in a way that very few people on Earth get the ability to do uh listen

She’s a leftist we all know this uh she is fully on board with biological Men playing in women’s sports uh that’s another thing that she was getting criticism for which again she should because as a woman she should realize that if she did allow biological men to

Play in soccer let’s just say uh her success probably wouldn’t have been even close to what it ended up being uh because as we know I’m going to say it time and time again men they’re bigger they’re stronger they’re faster women as great of athletes as they can possibly

Be they just do not add up to what men are capable of uh but obviously as a Democrat uh as an elite leftist Megan rapino feels the need to play the victim card as they all do uh I just can’t get behind this playing for the United

States is the worst job in the world so let’s just lay this out Megan rapino is a professional athlete probably the coolest job in the world you get paid to live out your passion literally the thing that you started doing when you were a child the

Thing that you would go out to recess to do right you are now getting to do throughout your life and now getting paid a ton of money to do it okay that doesn’t sound like work to me that sounds like you just get to get paid to

Fulfill your hobby uh you get to stay in shape you get to meet the coolest people in the world you get to travel all around the world you have access to the greatest resources that all of us could even dream of having access to uh yet

You’re calling this the worst job in the world because you have to represent the United States which by the way is the most to tolerant country on Earth uh we have the most freedoms we have the most Liberties any immigrant that would come over to this country would be very

Thankful to be in the position that they’re now in uh versus living uh where they fled so so you know vastly from it’s just none of this adds up to me but but for Megan rapino to say this does not really confuse me uh all she likes to do

Is whine and complain and I feel like she’s teaching a horrible lesson to young girls uh not that she already hasn’t been doing that by saying B biological men belong in women’s sports uh but obviously to be in this position of power to have this influence and use

It uh for for really nothing uh to not have the proper influence that you would want I I just can’t get behind this um I hope this is the last time that I have to talk about Megan rapino and maybe maybe now that she’s out of

Her soccer job maybe she should try to go fulfill another job maybe she should go work as a janitor somewhere where she has to clean up after everybody and that’s what she Spencer days is doing I mean thank goodness for the janitors out there uh we wouldn’t be able to get by

Without them but I’m just saying Glad you’re with us Sixth and PB here location with eha beer and Old Smoky Moonshine hot M with hun with rolls on here on the outkick network starting of January 3rd the only place to catch Al kck’s original and fearless shows live it’s going to be on our website just click on the watch tab there uh you’ll be able to catch up on YouTube on demand but for all of the live content head over to the watch tab at slatch your OneStop shop for all things outkick Chad one thing about last night’s game

Other than Philly losing is Seattle’s win now gets them to seven and seven after a losing streak with Drew lock and their playoff hopes are remain alive in the NFC with um an opportunity this coming weekend as they travel to Nashville to face the Titans Doo Smith was active but

It wasn’t no one was really sure how they would go at quarterback with lock now playing well at least in in this case that final drive was excellent um in the conditions and leaving time on the clock really uh after the touchdown pass to Jackson Smith and

Jiga I’m curious how they roll moving forward I think it’ll be Gino Smith but the fact he was active and not just the emergency quarterback was interesting if there going with lock last night well it saved their season for now it with with that win it was uh it was

Incredible it is time for NFL overreaction dve Hudson joins us guys it’s uh been a fun last several weeks watching Monday Night Football a lot of games come down to the wire obviously the underdog has been Victorious uh more often than not recently and you know

Good to see Drew lock come out and have that drive I I don’t know if you guys caught his postgame presser but he was just discussing like I I don’t know if still had it like this was one of those things like I just want I was I was

Happy I was able to go out and and prove that I could still play at this level and so my first comment for today Seattle should start Drew lock again this week I’m gonna say yes I think there’s some Mojo there with Drew lock don’t go away from it they just beat the

Philadelphia Eagles who’s still one of the best teams NFL and they did so on a 92 yard touchdown drive to win the game I’m letting that carry over and I’m giving Drew lock another opportunity so yeah I don’t think that’s overreaction he he should be the starter right now

For Seattle and if it goes south for him you go back to Gino Smith I I think they they start Gino Smith if he’s healthy he’s got the coming off the groin injury he suffered against the 49ers uh limited practices whatever it might be we saw

What Gino Smith meant to Seattle a year ago and that locker room certainly did as well I’m riding with the guy that you just signed into an extension this off season one that you have an out clause with after this season but one that has shown you a lot more in his recent

Recent play in Seattle compared to what we saw from from Drew Drew lock who beat him they competed in Camp a year and a half ago I’m riding back with Gino Smith he gives you the best chance to reach the postseason and we also see Chad the

The the flurry the quick glimpse of the backups that come in and then defensive coordinators and head coaches adjust to that on tape yeah I I would I would let them see if they adjust first and then go back to Gino I’m I’m riding the hot

Hand until he’s no longer the hot hand and then going back my option is very clear if it goes south I’m going quickly back to Gino Smith as the starter but let’s see if there’s a little bit of magic left uh in or you know I guess

Magic for the first time for Drew lock as NFL quarterback if he can keep this thing going stay in there real quick did I think Hut did you have Seattle as your pick yesterday on that’s my quarterback as far as time to probably go in a New Direction new Direction in the offseason

Yes um but if you want to if you want to stay on the direction of postseason I’m I’m playing Gino Smith um given the time and the effort spent with the starting receivers and the weapons that he has I’m doing and the mobility I’m using that to my advantage if I’m Seattle

Especially on the road I agree with you on that one staying with that game last night Jaylen Herz lost the MVP yes yep he did that’s not an overreaction uh it’s it’s similar though to what we saw last year except he’s playing through some things instead of trying to get the

Shoulder ready for the postseason like he did a year ago Chad it’s it’s unfortunate because he’s playing well but they haven’t had that same that same spark that we’ve seen from the past Philly offense of 2022 yeah no he he lost it uh and it I

I’m with Hutton the same deal as last year except he’s just playing through the injury this year but the time with the injury is going to cost him the MVP time with the injury last year is because he didn’t play and that’s why he didn’t win the MVP this year he’s

Playing through it so yeah he he lost it last night and I’ll say I mean the the 49ers have already wrapped up their spot in the NFC their division you’ve got uh on the other side of things Baltimore they’ll face each other this week Lamar Jackson can play his way into that role

And that that award I should say um and if the quarterbacks end up canceling themselves out Christian mcaffry is going to win MVP it’s not going to be Jaylen Herz oh or we should also mention Dak Prescott who did not play well on the road against Buffalo guys we’ve been talking that

Race for the number one overall pick and the New England Patriots will be drafting number one overall Carolina still has a draft pick right no well they do goes to Chicago um Chicago’s getting it I Carolina’s the worst team in the league I’m trying to figure out a way to say

This I I don’t know all the implications of who gets what pick but Carolina with two wins right now they’re one game clear of New England with three wins that that’s why that was such a damning loss for Arthur Smith and that’s why he benched Desmond Ritter and he’s going

With Taylor hinei now because that’s an embarrassment to lose to that Panthers team you’re right and the Patriots just beat the Steelers that’s something the Panthers have nothing it’s whoever’s got the Panthers picked the Chicago Bears will be drafting number one overall yeah I I still think the Bears have the

Number one overall pick because the Panthers will host Green Bay they’ve got to have a win that’s uh Christmas Eve they then will travel to Jacksonville that’s going to be doing everything possible in the division kned up right now with Houston uh and then they finish the season against Tampa and it could

Come down to the final week for Tampa if they want to lock up the division so I I don’t see Carolina winning another game even though they had no business beating Atlanta even though Atlanta sucks too what’s interesting is right now both teams they have the exact same strength

Of schedule and for if it were to be a tie the team with the easier schedule would get the number one overall pick and so I I anticipate New England losing out and if Carolina just gets one more win which I I I could see it coming against the Buccaneers I mean we’ve

Watched this NFC South All Season they’ve not been very consistent to say the least and so that’s one of those games too where it’s Carolina’s they don’t care about getting that draft pick and I know the teams don’t necessarily go to the tanking route but if if you’re

The Bears in in that situation they’re not the one like playing for their own pick in this case yeah that’s right yeah but like so the Patriots have the Broncos the bills both of those are on the road then they’ll host the Jets to finish the season and the Panthers have Packers

In Jacksonville bucks yeah Panthers aren’t winning another game same for New England yeah I me I don’t think either team’s going to win another game but it’s it’s going to be the bears picking first okay guys well moving right along going back into the playoff conversation

The AFC North will get three teams into the playoffs I think we’ve been there done that and I don’t see it happening I don’t either I think I’m going to say overreaction I think it’s two I think it’s Baltimore and Cleveland I think it’s going to be Joe Flo and Cleveland

That’s going to find a way in there that’s that’s shocking to say that when deshun Watson went down that they were going to be maybe better off in some weird alternate universe but I think those are the two teams that go so in and steers have dropped down a bit now

At what seven and seven their record yeah three straight um it’s funny you mention that because two of those games are to the Cardinals and the Patriots Yeah I’m eliminating the Steelers from this competition I know mathematically they’re not but the way they’ve played lately they’re they’re out well in my

Mind and the teams that are ahead of them Buffalo’s winning and they’re playing very well currently the Texans are going to get straal back from concussion protocol and then you have uh the Colts who for whatever reason continue to win uh they’re sitting there at 8 and six I uh Bengals Browns from

The AFC North it should oh and then well you’ve got I think the the bills are going to work their way in Dad I think that it comes down to Colts Texans and both of those teams continue to play well and then it goes into the final week of the season

Because you’ve got Baltimore Baltimore’s going to lock that up it’s Bengals or Browns one of them’s going to fall out there’s not a lot to get excited about in terms of deep possible deep playoff run at the bottom of the AFC playoffs outside of Buffalo

So okay the at all those other teams and I view them very similarly that they’re one and done except for the bills who is a nightmare if you have to host the bills in that early playoff game if they find a way to stay hot and work their way back into the

Playoffs am I wrong there are you worried about anyone else in that group Cleveland Cincinnati with Jake Browning Texans Colts I’m worried about Cleveland’s defense that travels everywhere yeah that’s they’re a wrecking crew I I the trend has been though the backups that have had that

Spark that spark kind of goes away kind of burns out a little bit there’s still some smoke but not much fire after three or four weeks can Jake brownen continue to provide that for Cincinnati I would doubt that given the trend and how typically defenses tend to figure you out from a coaching

Perspective guys there’s still two games back as you look at the Wild Card race um or sorry two spots back not two games back but the Buffalo Bills will definitely make the playoffs I think they’re going to going to win their way in uh this also just comes down to Josh

Allen protecting the football he can he can turn the football over Chad he can’t have the three or four turnover games no and he’s done that whenever they’ve really faltered uh through the first half three quarters of the Season Chargers win that’s this the remaining schedule hosting the Patriots win may

Come down to Buffalo in Miami the final week of the season but I think this team’s gonna they going to work their way into the playoffs that they’re not losing the next two weeks and um well and there’s a way they can win the division there’s a way mathematically

They doph schedule is very tough to end the season then they got to host Buffalo so they could win the division with that game week 18 could come down to Winter takes the division which is fascinating considering where where Buffalo was very just very average up and down they’d

Fall back to 500 win two lose two and now they’re currently playing the best football right now across the league in terms of just winning streaks and how great they’ve looked in some of these wins guys I’m going rogue right now but Shane styken should be the coach of the year

No no he’s not coach of the year uh it we there’s too many too many storylines and no one’s mentioning Indianapolis IN anything there’s no buzz around Indie yeah I mean I I get the argument Dave if if it’s um you know demo Ryan is the one that everyone

Presumed was going to be the coach of the year with what he did with the Texans now they’re tied Colts and Texans so why not the team that you know is playing with a backup quarterback and not the rookie they’ve had CJ strad longer in Houston I understand the

Argument I don’t think he’s winning coach of the year though um K Shanahan’s gonna win it demo Ryan’s Kyle Shanahan I I think that he’s probably third or fourth down the list I mean I’ll throw another one out there if they make their way to the playoffs Kevin

Stefansky stefans is a great one with Cleveland I mean I just think that they’re going to get more love than Indianapolis whether that’s right or wrong they’re going to that’s more of a story up until their recent losses uh what they’ve they’ve dropped a couple now they’ve got Detroit they just lost

To Detroit but um Shawn pyton starting one and five to get them back into playoff contention uh they’re not going to reach the playoffs but had they he’s coach of the year and another guy that’s kind of just falling under the I I get it’s the Lions

But I mean Dan Campbell and what he’s been able to do they they got back on track they did in a big way against Denver but but they have they have not looked the part I feel like they they they reached a level to where it’s almost like number one

Seed they got to get for him to win coach of the year cuz there were big expectations for them well I I thought he was right there to win it Chad until Thanksgiving yeah and then since then they haven’t looked the same but they did look great this past weekend uh guys

That will not be in the running for coach of the year but Mike Vel Robert Salah Todd BS and Dennis Allen will all return to their respective coaching positions in 2024 this is an overreaction absolutely not I’m going to go ahead and say right now two of the

Four are likely out Dennis Allen Todd BS I think half of them will be out I think Sol’s back as long as Aaron Rogers wants him back it’s going to be Rogers decision on that one and Mike vel’s going to be back I I agree I and I think

Allan or BS will potentially be back that they’re I mean there are going to be so many openings tell me how many new coaches are going to get these jobs BS or Allen will be able especially Todd BS uh with Baker Mayfield in the way they’re playing it’s going to be hard to

Tell BS to you know get out leave if they end up wouldn’t need a bad division but also with Baker Mayfield playing the way he currently is which is really good it’s also a quiet storyline I would be nervous if I’m a buck fan about them being close to giving Baker a long-term

Deal I just we’ve seen that before where a quarterback will come in for a year he’s been really good he himself yeah I I’m with you Davey that you don’t know that he’s going to continue that but he’s earned a little more time at least with with them he’s he was great

This past weekend Mike Evans won’t be back he will be losing him another thousand yard receiver what nine straight now Jim Nei knows something about a thousand yard receivers he does he joins us Next I feel like it depends on certain things but I feel like now it’s like a teammate like that should be your partner your teammate like I’m not cleaning all the house all the time cuz I’m not your mom I agree we’re dink double income no kids so I really like a

Partnership but I don’t want to take the trash out so he’s going to have to do that she takes the kids I provide very traditional okay do you think that more young people should do that yes very much so what is it about like a motherly quality that you like it’s worked for

Thousands of years and it still works today I like being girly I’m a girl and I like being girly so I like traditional to girls okay well according to the seven hermetic principles one of those being the law of gender what say gender manifest on all levels mental physical

Spiritual emotional all level throughout the cosmos there’s gender I don’t know it’s a lie it’s a book I read called the Supreme way of of of men or women or something like that and it spoke on how whether it’s two women or two men there still has to

Be someone who’s masculine someone who’s feminine what would you spend on an engagement ring I’m not I’m not an engagement ring type of person I’m like but if she wanted a ring I probably spend like 20 on it 20 what th 20,000 that’s a lot of money

Don’t get a real answer no for real ain’t it how much you make though price I didn’t really care size absolutely um had to had to be big enough it could be seen and I didn’t want like a basic ring I wanted like eclectic like vintage

Looking so we did a custom order to do my ring I didn’t have a preference I just had a gold PR preference and he kind of took it from there and you trusted him did he crush it oh yeah he crushed it I’ve been spoiled thus far

And so I don’t think I could ever go back from what I received last time okay so high standards that’s good what are the standards okay it was it was five carrots okay and it was um beautiful mine was way too expensive what’s way too expensive like

$45,000 you probably went with a real diamond very much so yeah do you think that that’s kind of a flex for the guy like is the engagement ring yeah is the guy is the engagement ring only for the girl or do you get to watch other people

Look at your girl’s ring solely for the girl solely for the girl you don’t get any enjoyment couldn’t care less red flags and dating cuz obviously you found each other did you have any I that you overlooked or is he perfect no he’s perfect we had a nice night out at the

Bar fought over a toy shark that’s how it all got got started what don’t you like red flags uh cheating lying stuff like that yeah yeah what are you looking for in a woman honesty respect uh and love for herself some green flags are uh loyalty and trustworthy um red flags are seeking

Attention from other women uh jealousy probably biggest thing especially being around other girls all the time and having other girlfriends that would be the number one thing is jealousy red flag is they’re on their phone too much um green flag is they’re on their phone a lot with you well what I looking

For loyalty uh that’s it I’m 24 so it’s hard to come across that like when you’re young so that’s really all I look for really honestly what were deal breakers uh if she was broke I know that sound crazy but for real she was broke cuz like it’s

Like yeah like I don’t like I don’t want to take care of a mother like I want to Equal Sixth and P location with ehha beer and Old Smokey Moonshine glad you’re with us hot M with hot and Withrow rolls on here on the outkick network the new and improved outkick store is finally live you can stock up on golf polos t-shirts hats and more shop. is where

You can go for that shop. outkick . Jim naggie joins us the executive director of the Reese’s Senior Bowl joins us weekly as we Scout college football and we may piek ahead some to the the NFL and the play that is on the field former NFL scout joins us Jim good

To see you man yeah good to see you guys uh I I know you’re you’re on the trail trying to find more commitments for quarterback positions and um well you may be able to uh Enlighten us on that or maybe not but I’m I’m eager to know

You’re you’re swinging for the fences on this right with the top quarterbacks across college football and this typically what you end up doing you haven’t been turned down that often no no we’re going after the big guns we have to uh you know last year broke our

Streak we had seven straight years with a first round quarterback last year it just didn’t work out that way will Levis uh right there in your backyard was the one guy we had a shot at then will we had a foot injury that kind of forced

Him out of out of our game so uh you know we had we had a bunch of you know jakay Kaner and Clayton ton and jiren Hall and Tyson bent uh you know it was it was just uh that was last year’s class now this year’s this year’s class

Is different you’ve got the three guys that were in New York for the high’s been there a couple weeks ago last week um Jaden Daniels B Knicks and Michael pennick and we’ve got commitments already from Spencer Rattler uh from South Carolina Joe Milton from Tennessee

And Michael Pratt who I just got off the phone with from Tain he’s actually in Nashville right now I drove up there with his girlfriend they were just hunting in Arkansas together uh doing some deer hunting so he’s he’s somewhere around you guys right now tell him s by

Tell him swing by Old Smoky but we but yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna be taking swings at Drake may as well uh from North Carolina and again Caleb Williams I’m not sure like he doesn’t Caleb from what I understand isn’t isn’t going the representation route he’s not going to get an agent so

It’s gonna be I don’t have any way to get a hold of him if he doesn’t uh if he doesn’t have an agent get with his dad his dad loves to talk can text his dad he may he may answer for him that’s what I’ve heard Jim so when the a are the

Agents trying to say like hey how much is he going to play in the game like how concerned are the agents on their end about playing time versus potential injury again spitballing here what’s the typical conversation like yeah it it depends that that really hasn’t come up

It’s come up with a couple other positions outside of quarterback um where guys are you know I actually with a couple of running backs want to know like do we you know how how much contact and and like for the running backs for example we don’t tackle to the ground

During our during our inside run periods we just have the guys thought up and wrap up um and stop progress and then we whistle it so not going to the ground yeah for practice um and then so the most F the most most physicality in practice is actually you know the pass

Protection drills the the one-on-one pass Pro with the linebackers but yeah in the game obviously we’re tackling yeah full tackle to the ground but uh but no it hasn’t come up with the quarterback you know there’s a lot of rules in place no blitzing really vanilla coverages um no wide nine

Techniques where you’ve got guys screaming off the edge like there’s there’s things we do within the rules that that help protect those quarterbacks so I’m old school gy and that I like players to play in as you know many games as they can if they’re if they’re physically able to do it but

We having more and more opt outs in bowl games not non-playoff games how do most n teams view those decisions is it Case by case is there kind of a blanket understanding that they’re not going to let that bother them if someone opts out from the NFL perspective how is that normally viewed

It’s changed quite a bit that’s a really good question all all I can go back is to Christian mcaffrey when he when he was the first player to opt out of a Bull game uh I was working with the Seahawks and the reaction in the room

Amongst our staff was like what is this kid doing you know like we couldn’t believe it that you’d be you know turning your back on your team that’s kind of how it’s perceived it’s amazing how far away from that we are right now with where the NFL stance is on these

Guys that opt out of bowl games I I think the league understands it is a it’s a business decision for these for these players um and and I could cite a lot of different examples over the years of guys that opted to play in the bowl

Game and then got hurt with which then kept them out of the entire draft process and for for the fans that don’t understand it because I’m with you like I’m I’m a tradition as well um I’ve got great memories of of just laying around New Year’s day with

My family and watching bow games as a kid with my my dad who was a high school coach so um I’m with you on that um but we’re just the money is so great compared to what it was then there there’s so many things that play um that

I think the league is really taking a different stance I think I think where the league is you know where they might look at it a little differently is if if a player opted out of the college football playoff when they were really playing for playing for playing for

Something you know when they’re playing for a championship playing for a title and you opt out of that I think that would raise some eyebrows around the league but right now opt out of the bowl games not so much and what I what I like to you know tell people that are really

Harsh against these players is the difference between the bowl game and the Senior Bowl because I see that a lot on social media How could a guy how could a guy opt out of our bowl game and then go play in the Senior Bowl well you know

The bowl game is just whatever it is this 55th 56th college football game for them school and and there’s barely any scouts at those games you you talk about a weeklong event with every key decision maker in the NFL head coaches GMS coordinators that are really going to be

Determining the fate of this young man’s professional career and you’re not only on the field in front of those guys with them on the practice field with you standing 10 feet from you um you’re also spending you know a lot of time in meeting rooms in interviews uh where you

Can really impress these guys and make those connections which matter when we get to April so again I always try to put it in the context of how would you feel if it was your son or your brother or your nephew and then then then tell

Me what you would think you know like if your son was about to make life-changing money would you be expecting him to go out and play in a bll game no I don’t think you would so I think it’s just the lens we all see things through I’m glad

You brought that up Jim because you mentioned Joe Milton a little bit earlier Joe Milton’s a guy who’s committed to playing the Senior Bowl he’s not yet declared his intention whether or not he’s going to play in the Citrus Bowl against Iowa or not do you

Feel like the agents are on the Senior Bowl side on this with their clients where hey it’s better for you to play in this game and be there for this week as opposed to playing in the bowl game if you decide to do both great but if

You’re going to do one pick your game is that where agents are sighing 100% 100% I mean I I think as a rule that’s what it is and again I don’t I don’t think many agents try to dissuade players from playing in the ball game but if it is like an either or

Proposition I think they you know and again it’s the rest Factor too like right now we’re working through this with a couple players that they’re banged up you know it’s a 12 13 game season a lot of these guys aren’t feeling great physically um so now it’s

Do I shut myself do I shut myself down on December first and give myself eight full weeks till senior bow time to get my body healthy or do I keep practicing and then playing another game in January and then only have three or four weeks

To get myself ready so I think that that that plays a lot of it but I do think the agents would much rather if there’s the choice go to mobile get in front of all these guys that are going to be making the picks in April because the

Difference is and maybe I’ve said this on the show with you guys before um like it’s different when a scout like me goes into a draft room and is pounding the table and saying what he saw on a campus or saw at a game it’s an entirely

Different thing when you’ve got a head coach and a GM and a coordinator that also was around this player in Mobile for a week then then they get that personal investment in it right like they’re now they’ve bought in they’ve seen it themselves they’ve felt it themselves they’ve heard it themselves

It’s not secondhand information for them so it’s just it’s an easier buying factor and I think the agent Community knows that Jim NE Our Guest the Senior Bowl coming up on February the 4th um as far as uh the the offensive linemen are concerned going into the draft I’m sure

The scouts across the league gym have a good understanding about these guys because there’s several of them last year that maybe surprised some by going back to college for an extra year and that means the top 75 picks or so it will be stacked with offensive linemen

And many of them are going to your bowl yeah it’s it’s a really good first of all I’ll say it’s a deep class it’s a talented class and maybe it’s because of what you said I think a couple of these guys went back for an extra year which

Beeps it up also I think the other compounding factor in this is the offensive line play across the NFL right now isn’t very good point blank I mean we we all sit around on Sundays and Monday nights and watch what’s going on um and quarterbacks are get are getting

Killed and I know you guys talked about in your show about just the state of the NFL and every week it it regard it seems like every game you turn on at least one of the two quarterbacks is the backup um and that’s not a great place to be as a

League so um I do think you’ll see some teams maybe maybe push the linemen up and draft for need a little bit um but it is a very talented class so I I think right now we went over the board a couple days ago I think there’s seven or

Eight linemen in the game right now um that could be first round draft picks when we get to April and that’s that’s a lot we had five my first year here at the Senior Bowl back in 2019 we had five first round offensive linemen um and I

Think we could we could better that this year I actually be surprised if we didn’t better that this year you surprised that Carson Beck ends back at Georgia for another year did you expect to see him in the draft well we were hearing a lot of different things so we

We’ve taken his card off the board we’ve put it back on literally the other day I I grabbed it off out of a drawer that we had that we’ taken it off I threw it back on the board and 10 minutes later someone yells out the hallway that

Carson Beck’s going back to school so uh I don’t know maybe we Jinx that but it wouldn’t have surprised me either way I think I think if Carson came out this year he would have gone somewhere on day two um I think it’s going to serve him

Well his development well by going back and playing another year in the SEC again there’s always the injury risk of going back and playing 12 games you know at the college level but I think developmentally he’ll be a better quarterback a year from now than he

Would be if he came out this year and this is a deep class we’ve talked about it we mentioned some of the names earlier I don’t think next year will be quite as deep and that probably that probably works in uh Carson’s favor as well couple of under the radar prospects

That will be drafted in the first three rounds uh from the the group of five let’s just look at the Mac for instance Toledo quarterback quinan Mitchell is one that you certainly have your eye on from the Senior Bowl perspective and one that a lot of teams

Will yeah I don’t know how much Ma and you guys talk here on the show um not a ton not a ton we get into the max in a little bit Yeah quinan Mitchell is the name uh for all the listeners that’s a guy that you

Need to know about if you’re if you’re one of these draft draft Geeks like me uh you know first he’s in a lot of these mock first round drafts already big Long Tall corner from Toledo very productive very physical aggressive player and then another guy from the mech is Marshon

Neand a defensive end from Western Michigan who he kind of flirted with the portal and he was going to go to Colorado and be with Coach Prime this year and he end up staying in Kalamazoo Michigan U but he’s a guy that on our calls with NFL teams a lot of teams

Already have him in the third round um you know and then one of his former teammates from Western Michigan who did go in the portal uh Braden fisky is at Florida State another guy we have in the Senior Bowl who was at Western Michigan last year so just just some names just

Some small school names I know we’re we’re about three months out from the draft but those are some names that are probably flying under Radars that uh the people that really love the nitty-gritty draft stuff those are a couple names to keep in mind hey how how soon or how

Long does it take for for players prospects to get the grade back overall the range of round they could be selected given the feedback of the when did they know that and that’s what they’re all waiting on right now that’s a great question that’s a lot of those

Guys are waiting on that right now and because the juniors are eligible for us right now we’re in limbo because they’re waiting on that grade um they usually petition that first week in December and it and it usually takes a couple weeks to get back so I’m sure a lot of guys

Will be heing this week before the holidays I know the league I know when I scouted I would get a list from the Seahawks hey Jim watch these guys yeah because I just got off the phone with a junior um who we got committed to the

Game about a half hour ago I can’t say who it is for a few more weeks um but he’s going back for the holidays with his family um mean you want to get this information to the kids so they can go home and mull it over with the people

They trust and they love so I know that’s the goal of the league so hopefully we’ll start figuring some of that stuff out too when they know what they’re going to do then we can figure out who’s on our roster or not so uh hopefully some of this stuff will get

Cleared up in the next couple weeks Jim naggie has been our guest hey uh Happy Holidays to you uh thanks so much for joining us weekly we look for to this again next week yeah guys Merry Christmas happy holidays appreciate you having me on and uh enjoy the family

Time yeah Merry Christmas Jim naggie executive director of the Reese’s Senior Bowl great title No Doubt love that title No Doubt headman in charge bmoc Alabama the guy for the Reese’s Senior Bowl coming up top headlines including a a Steelers player on defense that’s been suspended and the Goat at quarterback

Coming to his defense straight ahead hot with h with rolls on across the alick network what you’re experiencing as the Bold Taste of a southern Legend Old Smoky Moonshine and whiskey authentic Tennessee Mountain style Spirits we believe in crafting flavors that were born from tradition but defy expectation

And pioneering a new experience with every s because if it done do this it ain’t this old spoky moonshine in Welcome into outkick the show I am clay Travis your fearless leader I am going to continue to argue that Sports is one of the great unifying forces in all of American Life ESPN is a sinking ship Democrats are now the party of the white woke college graduate we live in a Land of

Participation trophies you got to lean into the turns you really got to lean into the turns when Leah thas walked in that first day it got silent and every girl was uncomfortable very difficult to go backto back years in the NFL with the number one overall pick is it fair for

People to be upset with Barbie I’ve been out of La long enough to have forgotten that Libs no matter how ridiculous a scenario are going to live another week of inflation another week with Biden with Co and another set of losers to Crown people don’t watch the

WNBA on TV in person on a plane on a train on a bus or on purpose I mean what have you seen firsthand of how this has affected you in the plant and your fellow employees under Joe Biden the Taliban has retaken Afghanistan Putin has has invaded Ukraine so if there was

Ever a time for freaking aliens to inhabit and Conquer Earth now would be that time we’ve seen coaches throw water bottles we’ve seen coaches act like idiots we’ve seen coaches slap other coaches but I think if you’re involved in carjacking you’re inherently a rotten human being the level of stupid uh that

Sometimes gets on our YouTube chat just gives me a headache you’re born a male play with males you’re born a female play with females don’t at me about it the American people people are being cheated we ladies and gentlemen are being cheated I made the call to end the me

Too movement and today I’m going to continue making that case that’s just a way to further taunt these women to make them feel less than to make them realize that this this has just become a big joke Dion Sanders is the Donald Trump of football we were directly impacted by

The whole Leo Thomas thing and we were able to see you guys on the ground with your signs supporting that was huge they were saying oh it’s only one or two that’s rubbish and we all know that’s rubish once those trans identifying males were able to succeed it just encouraged Others Old Smoky Moonshine and whist old Taste of The Just like that second hour is here Tuesday edition hot by with with rolls on across the outkick network holiday we cutting uh my kids are out for a Christmas Vacation a little bit different around the house not having to get up at you know 6:00 a.m. to take him

To school it’s great that’s nice 6:30 instead different it’s always different when other people are on Christmas vacation but you’re not you know it’s that feeling that well I mean being in college was the best when you got like a it feel like a month and a half you’d

Have off for Christmas essentially when Thanksgiving gets there in college pretty much spring semester yeah uh you come back home for then then you go back for like eight days Christmas break in high school was also lengthy it’s like two and a half weeks it felt like I feel

Like I had the one school system that experimented with everything that was awful for me like the I told you about the day that Christmas would fall on also I feel like we got off on like December 22nd was the day that we’d get out really a very short Christmas break

We always had a week before a week like all the way through New Year’s to me it was the college one that was I mean you had to readjust to going back to school like it felt like a mini summer back in yeah you’re like man I got to really get

Used to my class schedule again should I go out I don’t know where this building is anymore it’s been so long since I’ve been in this place this campus I forgot I enrolled in a 8:30 volleyball course this group for the speech is going to meet in the library I don’t know where

The library is anymore I need to find that speaking of this is pre Google why why is a a 1 hour one credit class like volleyball a pre wreck why do you have to have that is it a prere yeah it was for me I

Had to take volleyball I did it the last year well not prere I had to have one hour of oh you just got to go get one hour so I think that’s just part of your like um like it’s not Humanities but it’s part of your credit system to get

Hours couple things number one no one has ever asked me to see hey please present your degree no one number two no one ever asked me hey did you get that last credit did you take that volleyball course because you dropped out of the 8 am. golf credit freshman year I took a

Class called history of rock and roll for one hour credit so yeah no one it was a lot of fun and I I probably remember more from that class but I’m think than any other class Inge is there more of a money grab than that yeah that that requirement that also well straight

College too for that matter I am asked so little about my actual degree and I do have a degree from college I know that shocks many people including some in the chat right now that I’ll get to momentarily but I feel like I I I don’t

Even say the name of my major correctly at times you you I think that I had a double major but when I really look back on it I’m going to have to go see my degree to see what it is because I know that I majored in sport management and

Business administration if you have can’t remember about a double major or the business administration was the minor if you have your doctor if you have your m whatever like you’re going to Pres but no one’s ever asked point being I’ve told people but I it’s not

Like an employer ask what my major was just did you graduate college right college is one who do you know ising who do you know yeah well not only that all they want to know is employers can you show up at a certain place at a certain time and uh satisfy these qualifications

To get a number of hours in to where they can hand you a piece of paper if you can do that that’s a you know could be three could be four year process they want to see that you were able to accomplish those goals and complete each

Checkpoint along the way that’s all that what you majored in I really think doesn’t matter yeah Clay never asked us yeah unless you’re going to go into a specialized you’re an engineer you’re a doctor you’re a lawy even lawyer you’re you’re what you major in for the before

You go to law school does not matter imagine right now we were see like Chad’s actually a veterinarian but he chose to do this I would love to come on other outkick shows and an answer veterinarian questions that anyone may have happy to answer all vet questions

On any show Chad your degree would be a major in Recreation and Sport management then the business administration would be the minor and I know that because I have the exact same thing okay that’s it there you go but I look I churched it up

Davey this is like when I told the girls in high school my name was actually Chadwick thinking they’d like that more than Chad I tell people double major so I’ve been a liar All These Years cuz they asked that well I actually double majored in sport management and and business administration but Davey’s

Right it’s I had to ask the question cuz I’m pretty sure it was a minor in Business Administration he spot on if only we had a shorter time frame from you know the Christmas and New Year’s break dve took the same degree that I got from Tennesse and went to law school

With it and graduated law school but did not become a lawyer so this again is more evidence it doesn’t matter what you Maj you’re in right in your undergrad as to what you’re going to do after that Chad what are they saying in the chat

Oh I don’t know you said you get to that in a moment I I I told I’m telling the chat I’ll get back to them in a moment you only have a certain amount of time to do that oh no David just said oh oh

Uh Chad about to go off on another chat member I’m not I I I had no big issue I might as well I mean that was just me calling my shot that I’m going to go back to for limited time you might as well Chad oh I’m saying that someone’s

Going to have some smartass response about me oh you graduated college shocking can’t believe it you can read Chad can read I can read no no one no one that’s another question no one’s ever asked me are you are you literate no one’s ever asked me that question that is something that my

Grandfather rest in peace was pretty close to illiterate and he grew up in a time where I think he only went to fourth grade he had to help out on his family farm yeah um but he had very important jobs where he was like the basically the head contractor on sheet

Metal jobs yeah he could build anything I’ve told the story he built my college bunk bed and it was steel steel beams bunk bed it was really hard to move into the dorm but he built on his own he just did it I think we did

Probably just like burn it like melt it down smelted it um but the guy could I mean he he was not I I don’t think he could read you would hand him something he couldn’t just read from but yeah he had big jobs because he was so good with

His hands and so good at building things things and he had a fourth or fifth grade education and I he wouldn’t s he couldn’t sit down and read a book or an entire newspaper article or anything but I don’t think a single person ever asked him the question hey before we give you

This job in sheet metal well can you read this they didn’t ever hang on piece of paper said please read this aloud well it’s like the South Park episode where uh Randy has to bring his kids in because he’s pissed off that they’re sitting around and like hey don’t you

Know that this oven door it needs to you need to be able to fix this oven door yeah you know get your mind right and he goes here’s how you do it you pull out your cell phone and you call a repair man that’s what we do now that is what

We do it’s kind of sad I I wish I was better at I always feel a true sense of accomplishment when I learn something that I didn’t know before and it’s some sort of actual practical skill yeah like if I’ve repaired something in my house or I’ve built something in my backyard

There’s a true sense of accomplishment but yeah I mean I’m not going to mess with things like Plumbing um HVAC units like things that I really need to work I’m going to go to a professional I’m not going to try to learn those things on my own I’d much

Rather have someone pay someone to come out and tell me that it’s fixed I can destroy a wall trying to hang a photo in a frame I can destroy a wall but you do it yeah then I cover up the hole that I made yeah I

I as I develop in life I would like to learn how to do more things I’ve learned a lot in my adulthood but I could always learn more but there is something to be said for you know it goes right back to Christmas break during college we didn’t

Have Google Maps back then so if you forgot about your college campus when you got back You’ find have the gar that’s true that I feel like the first Garmin I received though I was probably 24 or 25 so it may have been even after

I was in college uh Chad no gift for de KZ of the Steelers defensive back suspended for the remainder of the Season by the NFL uh for forcibly uh hitting the defensive player’s head or neck area with the helmet face mask forarm shoulder uh the the list goes on

And on here but it’s uh suspended for the final three games of the regular season without pay for what the NFL says is repeated violation of rules meant to protect the health and safety of the player uh this news came down yesterday um second quarter is when this took place against the Colts

And staying right on point and on message as Adam shefer announced this suspension on social media Tom Brady responds in the same manner that he has earlier this year and two years ago where he’s with Tampa Bay and he’s sitting there with grun cowsky doing something for the bucks website here’s

What he said nobody likes seeing players get hurt but hard hits happen quarterbacks should not be throwing the ball in areas where they are exposing their own teammates to these types of hits coaches need to coach better quarterbacks need to read coverages and throw the ball to the right places and

Defenders should aim for the right hitting areas to put the blame on the defense player on the defensive player at all all the time is just flat out wrong need better quarterback play it’s not okay quarterbacks to get your receivers hit because of your bad decisions that from Tom Brady in a

Response to just Sher posting the quick news that the NFL had released he’s been on point with this I don’t hear many quarterbacks saying this even after retirement and he’s calling out uh in this case muu for putting uh his Michael Pitman Jr into what concussion protocol going into

The final stretch of the season I mean I look I I he definitely believes this he’s been very consistent with this stance and this take on this I also think we went back into Tom Brady’s career I bet he’s lobbied for uh some sort of late hit or penalty on on

Another player in a defense that hit one of his guys and helped to knock them out of the game but certain rules and fines were not into effect in based on I’m also willing to bet that he has thrown the ball In Harm’s Way before sure where

His guys’s gotten hit hard I I just don’t I don’t think there’s a way to completely avoid it the way Brady makes it sound but but you can’t be 100% on that where I I’m never going to lead my guy into a situation where he’s going to

Get hit hard and jeopardize his future in that game playing it I don’t there’s no way to completely avoid that unless you just go total check down Charlie and you’re throwing a ton of incompletions quickly um so he’s a little bit hardcore on this point but but so is the NFL the

Opposite end it is 100% on the defensive player and in Brady’s era up until the very end Tampa era that was a hospital ball that’s how you referred to it it was emphasis on the quarterback that did that and put his receiver In Harm’s Way and then it was oh the receiver flinched

Because he felt the pressure now there’s not even an expectation that you’re going to going to get lit up across the middle now that was a terrible looking hit uh in in the the Pittsburgh Indianapolis game that led to the season rest of season earlier in the year yeah

And it was it was more than just that hit um look I don’t know that he should have been suspended for the remainder of the season but it looked bad I mean we can go back in the history of football and I think we’d have watched a hit like

That in the 80s man that looks really bad whether it would have been a penalty then or not probably wouldn’t have been to Tom Brady’s point but it wasn’t good I don’t know that it’s the remainder of the Season suspension worthy but definitely wasn’t good but guys will get

Fine now Chad for you know they’re trying to go low and the receiver ends up going low and it’s still helmet to helmet we see it in college where you get penalized for the helmet to helmet hit right the targeting hit um you don’t see the suspensions necessarily it

Doesn’t have to be a certain category I think with with replay now I mean everything is not having to be it’s it’s a fast game and it’s tough to make the calls in full speed right when it’s happening but now with the ability to throw the flag or then go back and

Review it and watch it I think we can tell intent pretty clearly I know people think that may be crazy I don’t you can tell hon when someone like you’re saying is trying to go low then the guy goes lower and they hit heads but it was

Clear he wasn’t trying to go for the head on the plate and you can tell when someone has made up their mind I’m going to knock this guy’s block off before it happens and they’re trying to hit someone high I think with slow motion replay we can now tell intent on things

I just think officials need to do a good job of making sure and the league also when they go back of looking at it frame by frame and you can see what the player was trying to do or trying not to do on a play and then rule it out based on

That pretty simple to me well and I think that’s why some of the officials some of the the white hats the referees bounced last year several of them did um chose either go to Media or back to their day job or retirement because of the so many rules and regulations now

That they have to pinpoint in real time cuz the NFL also wants you to speed this process up they want the game over in 3 hours and 7 minutes and for the most part it’s over at about 3 305 to 315 um and I think they try to do that

More after the game after the penal has already been assessed and the fine that could be headed your way but there is no onus anymore on what’s going on on the offense I like Brady’s take on that because I don’t he’s not saying he’s also including in what he’s saying that

The defense also is responsible the defensive player but by and large the defensive players tackling you know got to lead you can’t lead with your head you can’t have your head down all these different things you can’t helmet to helmet all the for the most part Chad I

Think they’ve adapted pretty well given the fact of how they were coached in high school and college to now in the NFL with the rules against them and it’s still against them even the pocketbook I think Brady’s overall point is well made and he’s made it a number of times and I

Agree with that overall point about it’s also a lack of good quarterback play that’s leading to some of this I totally agree with that I think using that logic to apply to this play I don’t think computes the same way because I think this was a dirty hit and I think it was

A dirty attempt when you go back and slow it down and watch it I I don’t think it was a guy trying to hit clean that you know it the circumstance of the play led to them with a nasty hit I think he was he’s done it before and I

Think he was trying to level a dirty hit and he got popped for it and the thing too is NFL finds the defensive player especially linebacker and secondary they’re getting popped and find a lot more than what you’re seeing on the offensive side of the football hey quick uh news breaking

Right now um speaking of DK metf played at Old Miss Old Miss has their football coach through 2028 Lane kein has signed a contract extension that will take him through 2028 As Old Miss football coach what does that really mean in the grand scheme of things Hutton

I I don’t think a lot right this is just great to show symbolically that you’re lined up for a long time at a school but as we know with college football coaches they control everything in the sport so if Lan kein gets an offer next year he’s

Going to use that as leverage with Old Miss even with this contract extension so he signed last year 9 million per year in 2023 and then next year 2024 so I wonder if they get a bump next year by amending this contract I’m sure prior to

This season he was making a little over seven they bumped him up to nine now it’s going higher I don’t think he’s taking a pay cut I’ll say that so he’s he’s making some Mone he’s not leaving should be headed to the college football playoff next year based on the schedule

As well coming up John mlan joins Us who gives a rat’s ass whether Stephen A Smith is happy or not Stephen A Smith is not happy about the leadership of Steph Curry now I want you to think about this for a second Stephen A Smith until ESPN got all woke and decided we need an African-American face

Had been fired from every job I remember driving into my show and when he replaced oh man my man I forget his name out of DC I love the guy I’m like this is awful and then eventually Stephen A Smith got fired from that job and I’m

Like thank God we can get somebody in here well Stephen A Smith because ESPN decided oh my God diversity hire they hire Stephen A Smith and to Stephen A Smith’s credit he is taken off and ran with it good for him he’s done a great job he’s easy to work with by all

Accounts his producer ran a porn store that’s true uh had a porn company but I digress I don’t know if she still is the producer but one night when everybody got snowed in I was just having a drink with a couple of guys and she was sitting there and they started talking

About her porn company and I was intrigued anyway the true story next thing you know Stephen A Smith played at Winston Salem he averaged no points Smokey gains legendary head coach had to kick him off because he was such a pain in the ass but yet somehow someway Stephen A Smith can

Attack that’s right he can attack Steph Curry now look uh I’m not mad at the premise I’m not mad at the premise of look Golden State Warriors why don’t you do something with Draymond Green but I am not happy with Stephen A Smith being the guy here’s what Smith said where’s

The leadership where’s he at what kind of impact is having that is Stephen is he having that’s Stephen A Smith on Steph Curry well see this is what you don’t do you don’t respond back if you’re Steve Curry because that is what Stephen A Smith is dying to have I told

You to story Eastern Conference Finals Pacers and the Heat I think you what he’s walking around trying to look important and guys are laughing at him because they know he doesn’t know jack [ __ ] about basketball so Steph uh Steve cerr jumps back has anyone for anyone to question

Steph Curry’s leadership for is actually kind of sickening saw some of that yesterday disgusting we’re talking about one of the finest human beings that have ever been around but that’s the climate we live in we’re going to question Steve Curry’s leadership really you’re G to do that think about that think about that

And Kerr’s not wrong look Stephen A Smith is a gutless Wonder Stephen A Smith doesn’t have nothing I mean he don’t have nothing he’s got no basketball chops you hear him talking basketball on TV he doesn’t know nothing I mean he may know something compared to

Chimmy O whatever the hell her name is or whatever the hell Doris Burke they may know something compared to those two but he don’t know nothing when it comes to real basketball he’s a fraud he’s a talker he doesn’t know a d damn thing but anyway Steve C jumped right into it

And that ain’t good we’re asking Steve Kerr said or excuse me according to Stephen A Smith Steve Kerr didn’t mention me by name I’ll mention Steve Kerr by name disgusted with him oh good be disgusted no one is questioning Steph Curry as a leader what we said was

If that was LeBron James we would have said Where Are You Stephen A Smith’s response no he wouldn’t Glad you’re with us H by with and with rolls on across the outkick network you can uh catch us on YouTube now but starting January 3rd the only place to catch out kck’s original and fearless shows live it’s going to be on our website just click on the

Watch tab at starting January 3rd not going to miss a beat your One-Stop shop for all things outkick slatch John mlan joins us NFL playoffs just around the corner plenty to discuss with the man who uh has covered the league for nearly five decades plus is a

Pro football hall of fame selector John good to see you Merry Christmas to you and the family guys I’m doing great merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and all your viewers and listeners same to you John John how do you feel about the three-game losing streak for

Philadelphia right now given the fact that they changed play cers on defense in week 15 which is very unusual for a 10- win team and the fact that Jaylen Herz is saying I just don’t see the same commitment our commitment needs to be better and he didn’t with a chance to

Rephrase he said I I mean what I said I don’t have a dictionary at it’s the the only way I can explain it he didn’t know what the word commitment meant huh I assume they taught him better when he was growing up in Houston in his English classes um

They’re struggling they’ve got that disease that affects all Super Bowl losers other than New England you can’t find a Super Bowl loser that went back to the Super Bowl the next season since the 90s other than the Patriots one year so I’m not sure what it is you would

Think that Super Bowl loser be the hungriest team in the league and they look to be that and then now they’ve been stinking in that big Z they’re doing everything they can to let the Cowboys win the division and that’s huge Chad because of the HomeField advantage

That Dallas they want because they win when they’re at Jerry’s world yeah not not great right now for the Eagles um great great win for the Texans John considering they didn’t have their starting quarterback um and they had starting didn’t they have starting quarterback didn’t they have Will Anderson junor best linebacker Blake

Casman right tackle George Fant lost their safety Jimmy Ward in the first quarter and it was a gutsy effort the thing that impressed me the most wasn’t case k k or Devon single it was the run defense on Derk Henry who had averaged 23.6 yards and 7.1 a carry in the

Previous five games four of which were more than 200 yards they had the second most tackles for lost in team history well and it seems like it was all Henry and I feel bad for him because I saw that stat yeah where he’s been hitting the backfield 50% of his carries which

Is on the offensive line but it was a clutch performance by the Texans who are tied for first place and in the middle of a playoff race and nobody nobody would have envisioned it back when the season started when we thought they’d be terrible again John you are a resident

NFL historian and you are a resident houstonian um that win meant a lot more than just playoff seating and playoff positioning for the Houston Texans the Titans going with the Oilers jerseys at home the troll job the attempt you’ve got Mike Vel walking in with the bum Phillips

Cowboy hat on and to win on a walk-off as the overtime clock expires on a 54 yard field goal in Nashville with all those things going on just how big of a of a deal is that in Houston you’re right Chad like people here they were infuriated at all the Columbia Blue

They know it was coming but you had to still see it the Derek on Midfield the uniforms the endzones and set oil there’s a lot of fans wearing the Colombia blue and uh and then people were so insulted when Vel came out wearing his statson and I said well he’s

Trying to pay tribute to B Phillips but people didn’t take it that way they thought it was all done just you know give it give this to Houston yeah and so in that situation all you can do is win a game and I suspect when the Titans

Come here in two weeks they’re going to get booze like we’ve never heard in this Stadium we get a lot of booze a lot and in the past recent years they booed the home team a lot but that see and blue just made everybody turn red and that

Why it’s made that viig Victory considering how short-handed they were and of course the Titans were short-handed too but to pull it like that oh pull it out like that overcome a 13-0 deficit and I admit when it was 130 and case Kum threw that pick six I

Thought okay it’s going to be like the Jets game 30 to6 and they’re going to not win another game and then they pulled it out now they play Cleveland here Titans here and at Indie and my goodness I still have a hard time believing the Texans are in a playoff

Race in Deo Ryan’s first season but I’ve never known this city to have a more what would say rewarding or delicious victory that wasn’t a playoff clenching or a playoff Victory John this would have been a crazy question even a month ago more likely to get three teams in

The AFC playoffs AFC North or AFC South well if you look at the AFC North Pittsburgh’s terrible the offense is awful the Browns if they beat the Texans their odds are 99% they’re in the Ravens are are going to win they’re going to be in and then of course Cincinnati’s been

An incredible success story with Jake Browning so I’m gonna say it’s more likely the AFC North than the AFC South Bengals and Steelers this week Bengals also have the a road game against Kansas City and then they’ll host Cleveland in in week 18 and you mentioned the Colts

And Texans will play as well that’s uh it’s quite the the week 18 just for the possibility of getting three teams in versus not and the fact that the AFC South has that possibility is stunning and I remember last year Texans played the last game in Indianapolis as

They do this year and last year uh Davis Mills threw a touchdown pass and Lovey Smith went for two and he threw the two-point conversion and the Texans beat the Colts and everybody was Furious because they cost them Bry young they could have had the first pick and gotten

Bryce young they were so mad at Lovey Smith of course he got fired after one season but they were so mad that they won that game and now they’re like oh God thank you so much for for Davis mills’s touchdown pass a two-point conversion now this game could be really

Really big just for opposite reason absolutely John mlan with us uh just for the the quarterback perspective CJ stra remains in concussion protocol but they’ll work through the week as they prepare for Cleveland meanwhile Trevor Lawrence is also there and that’s a huge Factor not just for making the playoffs

Across the division but who could ultimately win the division with all three teams we’re discussing Colts Texans Jags at 8 and six Jaguars have the advantage on the tie Breakers they swept the Colts they split with the Texans but they’ve lost three in a row the Colts like the Texans are hot Texans

Are 5-2 over the last seven the Colts are five- one and I said this at the start of the Year told you guys a bunch and I’ll say it again if Anthony Richardson had played they wouldn’t have been in this situation cuz he had 13

Starts at Florida he could in and out of the lineup he would have struggled as a rookie the Gardner menu was with Shane Sten in h Philly knew his system he fit in perfectly we’ve seen him as a multi-year starter with the Jaguars as well that was something that was

Unfortunate for Richardson but fortunate for the Colts because they got a chance to go to the playoffs and right now the winner of that last game could be Coach of the Year could be Shane Sten or demo Ryan the executive year could be Nick cerio or or Chris balard so there’s

There’s a lot at stake I can’t wait to see Sunday because it’ll be Joe Flo turns 39 next month great success story and Case Keenum who’s won three games in four years he was two with the Browns two years ago now one0 over the Titans

So you’re going to have 38 and 35 year olds soon to be 39 and 36 and both of them are having the time of their lives John we talk a lot about and compare jobs in college when when coaching jobs come open we don’t do it as much NFL because the perception is

You get one of those 32 jobs it’s a big deal right and you don’t you don’t nitpick between them a lot of times if you have that opportunity I want to nitpick a little bit right now because there’s two jobs open in the same division we know what happened when the

Raiders play the Chargers on Thursday Night Football right blowout for the Raiders but when you look at both jobs everything considered Market fan base ownership quarterback everything involved with both jobs which one is more desirable Chargers or Raiders with both those being open right now Chargers because you have Justin Herbert as a

Quarterback he’s signed going to have him a long time and as you guys know you get that franchise quarterback you can build around him and they play at SOI Stadium they’re always going to be the poor old stepchildren there but it’s in La uh families love it there they’ve got

Talent on defense they got some Talent on offense at skill positions where the Raiders with Mark Davis you know you never know what’s up his sleeve and how he comes to his decisions he h Josh McDaniels then zegler and then fired both of them there was toy wanted to

Bring back John Jordan that’s not happening and they don’t maybe a oon oconnell is their quarterback I don’t know I’m guessing he’s not but they got a lot more questions they don’t have the talent that the Chargers do Brandon Staley just done a terrible job as a

Head coach because defense was his baby and defense has been his problem and he did an injustice to Justin Herbert and that’s why he’s gone so I would think if those two jobs give me the Chargers what’s up with the speculation and just the Peter King’s not writing this unless

He’s hearing this John that Mike Tomlin is being evaluated after this season based on what their recent collapse after 16 seasons and the fact we’ve never seen a losing season from him all of a sudden he’s on the hot seat according to what is being discussed behind the scenes well he played that

Really way down when he just threw it out there I think it’s because uh their offense is terrible yes and they’re wasting their defense they’re they’re blowing big games they’ve been boy they’ve been beat up by the AFC South and uh so I would imagine tomlin’s going

To be right there but he’s going to have sweeping changes on his offense and I can’t imagine you know they got a lot of confidence in Kenny pickings they’re just good enough every year not to get a franchise quarterback Big Ben kept falling and falling and falling and fell

Right into their s and they weren’t looking for quarterback that’s how they got him but they need somehow to to just have a totally different philosophy on offense they got play players like George Pickins who was a problem at Georgia and that gu so selfish guys that

Dogg it they need to get rid of some players too we’ll get a couple of thoughts from you on some big games this weekend uh Christmas Eve Cowboys in Miami your thoughts on on Dallas on the road after what we just saw in Buffalo well how can we pick the Cowboys

To win a big game against a good team on the road I’m not going to start now Buffalo manhandled them embarrassed them did it with the running game the Dolphins have a great running game they also have an even better passing game I’m going with Miami Ravens and 49ers fascinating from the quarterback

Perspective in the MVP race and this is in San Francisco this is Christmas night on Monday Night Football your thoughts there well I’m sticking with the 49ers they’re the best team in football I watched the Ravens the other night and uh they’re exciting they can run the

Ball and uh they they throw it even though Lamar Jackson’s not having a great season statistically he’s making big plays their defense has been fantastic but so are the 49ers 49ers have more Playmakers I’m going with the 49ers and what could be a Super Bowl

Preview what do you make of the the the turnaround by Buffalo joshh Allen and and Company and now they’ve made it through this difficult stretch the home stretch seems to be relatively favorable we’ve also seen bad teams beat good teams and and ruin some hopes and dreams

But I right now would would want to be playing Buffalo nobody wants to play the bills and they’re coming off that big high of just humiliating the Cowboys they’re poised for a let down and the best thing about that big tra the Cowboys Josh Allen didn’t throw for 100 yards and

They did a great job running with James Cook who also was a great Receiver right now Buffalo’s behind Houston Houston’s the first Wild Card looking into the playoff picture and Buffalo’s behind them so it’s a great race it’s a great race in both conferences and even though

The best teams at the top well I San Francisco is the best team Baltimore’s number two of course I want Baltimore to win since I picked him before the season but I think this I think the AFC has better teams top bottom in the playoffs than NFC but

They’re both great races I love crunch time of December and the AFC East is still up for grabs and that’s a big game with Dallas on the road against Miami as Buffalo continues to play very well John mlan always great to have you on the show Merry Christmas to you and uh look

Forward to next week Jonathan and chadillac Merry Christmas to you guys and your family as well and to all your listeners and all your viewers thank you Merry Christmas John same to is where you can read all of his great work and watch all of the the

Great content listen to podcast and more I love having him on you can follow him on social mlan onore NFL uh coming up we have on the bus off the bus we’ll see where we’re going across the country chat quarterback discussion MVP discussion and a lot more plenty to get

Into here uh some good selections that we’re going to possibly jumping off the bus more than jumping on on some of these probably that’s straight ahead hot with with Wolves across the out kick netw what would you spend on an engagement ring I’m not I’m not an

Engagement ring type of person I’m like but if she wanted a ring I probably spend like 20 on it 20 what, 20,000 that’s a lot of money you don’t get up made a real hand no for real ain’t it how much you make though price I didn’t really care size

Absolutely um had to had to be big enough it could be seen and I didn’t want like a basic ring I wanted like eclectic like vintage looking so we did a custom order to do my ring I didn’t have a preference I just had a gold

Preference and he kind of took it from there and you trust him did he crush it oh yeah he crushed it I’ve been spoiled thus far and so I don’t think I could ever go back from what I received last time okay so high standards that’s good

What are the standards okay it was it was five carats okay and it was um beautiful mine was way too expensive what’s way too expensive like $445,000 you probably went with a real diamond very much so yeah do you think that that’s kind of a FL

For the guy like is the engagement ring yeah is the guy is the engagement ring only for the girl or do you get to watch other people look at your girl’s ring solely for the girl solely for the girl you don’t get any enjoyment couldn’t

Care less do we think gender roles are a thing of the past or we should bring them back um I feel like it depends on certain things but I feel like now it’s like a teammate like that should be your partner your teammate like I’m not

Cleaning all the house all the time cuz I’m not your mom I agree we’re dink double income no kids so I really like a partnership but I don’t want to take the trash out so he’s going to have to do that she takes the kids I provide very

Traditional okay do you think that more young people should do that yes very much so what is it about like a motherly quality that you like worked for thousands of years and it still works today I like being girly I’m a girl and I like being girly so I like traditional

GS okay well according to the seven hermetic principles one of those being the law of gender what you say gender manifest on all levels mental physical spiritual emotional all ofel throughout the cosmos there’s gender I don’t know it’s a lie it’s a book I read called the Supreme

Way of of men or women or something like that and it spoke on how whether it’s two women or two men there still has to be someone who’s masculine someone who’s feminine my friend do you know what Riz means uh yeah Riz is like it’s like game

You know what game is like when you’re trying I don’t have any but I know what it is it’s like the new word for game so meaning like you you’re able to speak well and and get you know a date kind of I do not do you have any guess I could

Guess what do you think is like I don’t know rasle tassle I don’t know kind of actually you’re not too far off Charisma you know Riz Charisma I’ve been able to talk someone up did you read that online or did you already know what that meant

I’m on Tik Tok way too much okay another word that has become very popular this year do you know what ment b means I don’t know any of this stuff I’m not on social media yeah I don’t know any of it what about menty be do people use the

Word menty be in real life what is that you don’t know menty B I’ve never heard of menty a mental breakdown what menty b a mental breakdown you have a every but I like that I didn’t know that but I like that m b is that like that chocolate B

Thing what does menty B mean I have no idea I I don’t know what that m b you heard you don’t know menty B I’ve never heard menty B never in my Life Six the PE body are location with eha beard Old Smoky Moonshine hot M with and with rolls on check out the new and improved outkick store is live right now at head over there stock up on golf off polos t-shirts hats and more shop. see I’m going to buy U Matt

McLoy that toxic masculinity is hot shirt Y at some point well going away gift for m m I don’t know if he would like it because he already has one that’s true you know he had to go schmedium on that shirt yeah yeah like we’ve offered Chad will personally fold

The shirt for you he’ll wash it and dry it and make it a medium no one’s taken me up on it yet um I’m I’m here look I I am here to serve okay that was my Mantra when I worked at Polo Ralph luren and

It’ll be my Mantra now I’m here to serve I will fold that shirt for you DJ Moore is serving the best interest of Justin Fields he’s on board with you know what don’t draft a quarterback bring back Gustin Fields over whatever Prospect the Bears may be looking at it the potential number one

Overall pick they have Carolina selection they also have their own in the first round I mean what is heed supposed to say though well I see this and I think is he really he could also say nothing but if he no comments is someone is he answering a question I read the

Quote where he says broh are you watching what’s going on there and Fields is playing well also DJ Moore is not getting enough touches no I I agree with that they’re not feeding him the football enough he’s very good here’s the other thing DJ Moore doesn’t want a

Rookie quarterback in there because he’s wasting another year uh getting the rookie up to speed and then you’re going into year two with higher expectations you’re pushing everything this next year should be a a year where everything is in place it should have been this year

Should have been last year I mean just start looking around they have done a disservice to the offense based on what they’ve done trading for Chase Claypool no longer there uh trade for DJ Moore who has been good when again it’s as if Arthur Smith’s calling plays because

Arthur Smith doesn’t want to get the ball in the best hand oh his offense the best players fourth overall pick and two eighth overall picks and for whatever reason they’re combining for like 30 yards this past Sunday 70 yards excuse me averaging 30 each I don’t have the question that was

Asked but it was something about rookie quarterbacks coming into the league Hutton and the exact quote was bro where are y’all seeing this like what makes him not the quarterback for the Bears right now I get y’all got everybody coming out what it’s like two of them I

Don’t think they’re better than Justin um if he said anything other than something along those lines that would be really dumb of him to say I guess you could just not say anything at all but by not saying anything at all you’re giving your answer but endorsing it is something

That we haven’t heard the Bears say no but his teammates I mean sure look it would be a huge story if DJ Moore said you know who looks good that Drake makid I really like him for the Bears quarterback i’ be catching passes from him right now than this stiff out here

Justin fields that would be newsworthy I just don’t see this as if he said anything other than an endorsement of his quarterback which Hutton you’re right has played better as of late it would be crazy for him to say anything other than that even I mean even last

Season when they sucked Fields kept them in close ball games for what that’s worth uh they still I’m not sold on the guy but I really like him I really like him uh look he’s got to cut down on some of the picks but he’s thrown eight picks

16 16 touchdowns I believe and you know they’re early in the year they weren’t even running him forcing to be the pocket passer I the getsy move I I just don’t understand what’s going on there there’s be a new head coach there the general manager didn’t draft him I get

That uh I’m also on board with What DJ Moore is saying well this leads us perfectly into on the bus off the bus with our first disc Point yeah it’s just crazy how that happens how we start the conversation in Chicago and then the first locations in ch look at

That amazing and then also crazy that Davey looks like a member of The Blues Brothers a big time Chicago blues band when he comes on with us the black and then the the black glasses looks good Dan arroy H okay guys uh let’s see arroy old Danny Justin Fields is the be

Starting quarterback next season yeah I think he is I I’m not I do not love Justin fields to the level that Hutton does but I do think that he has shown enough that he is going to be back and be the starter for the Bears does

That make me overly confident as a Bears fan does that get me really excited it does not if I’m a Bears fan but I think he’s the better option right now I think they’re going to give him another look I I do think that the organization has

Failed him for the most part yes uh there’s going to be a new head coach there we all believe um here’s the other thing too what’s the contract status of Justin fields and are you wanting to Pony up with Justin fields or are you wanting to get another

Rookie on a rookie deal and how you build your team with two first round picks I you trade down if you have the number one0 pick again and you end up getting more first round picks again I I stick with Justin Fields I don’t know what they’re going

To end up doing because again the contract’s going to play a factor in all of this right now his contract expires after next season but now he’s eligible for that contract extension and if he’s your guy they’re going to end up having to pay him the same way we saw other

Quarterbacks get paid I’m looking at like a Kyler Murray type contract which hasn’t worked out for Arizona I think that plays a factor in what they end up doing but what I wouldn’t do I mean what we’re really talking about Chad do you want Justin fields or

Caleb Williams I want Justin fields oh between the two I want Justin Fields now you ask me do I want Drake May or Justin Fields what do we think the Bears will take a little bit tougher of a decision they’re going to take Justin Fields no

Or Cale I’m saying if they’re number one pick they would end up taking Caleb Williams yeah I think so too yeah I’d be interested to see if they could get another young playmaker like they did whenever they traded with Carolina was able to get DJ Moore as a part of that

Hey and the other Factor real quick what’s Jim bar what’s does Jim Harbaugh want he’s ultimately going to make that call for the Bears yeah he’s the next head coach of the shagle be I think he’s going to be the Patriots head coach well guys uh you know another location where

There is some conversations about the hot seat for the coach we’re going to head on over to Pittsburgh and the Steelers will lose their final three games of the Season off the bus on this they should based on the way they’re playing and the way these three teams

Have played as of late and what we’ve seen from both of them they’re going to find a way I’m a Believer in Mike Tomlin has not looked good as of late I think they rally probably beat since Cincinnati at home this weekend they’re going to win at least one of these three

Games so I believe in Mike Tomlin enough that this he’s going to get this team to Rally to win at least one more out of three tough games I uh I am on the bus with this idea Davey because of the quarterback change they just made they’re now going to their third string

Guy Mason Rudolph not a Believer well to me could he start for the Bears next year sure a lot of backups to start for the Bears next year I’m looking at from this perspective right now they’re like picking 16th or 17th that’s too low to go get a

Quarterback so do you want they’re already losing well you didn’t have to change quarterbacks to continue to do that uh the spark you’re playing you’re going to Seattle Seattle’s going to be in a a playoff race they’re playing Baltimore that could be battling for the number one overall SE that may already

Be locked up Cincinnati is still in the playoff mix as well Pittsburgh’s not I don’t see a great matchup given the fact that they’re already kicking aside what we’ve seen from trabis and they’re moving on to Rudolph I think they lose out okay kind of in line with you they’re

Averaging 15 points per game too can’t beat the two worst teams in the NFL I don’t know what you’re going to be able to do with all three they big anti Mike Tomlin guy wants them out he should have been out seven years ago no not seven

Years ago but I I do think there’s something staying staying at a program for too longer a franchise too long sometimes you just need to what was the old remember Kevin O’Neal the old basketball coach the five and dive was his his Mantra like he never stayed

Anywhere past five years that that’s the most you can be somewhere then you got to move on and go somewhere else to start a new yeah except except in Pittsburgh words it’s yeah they they like to keep their guys for a while I get it I I have I commend the ownership

For doing that but at a certain point they haven’t they’ve had three head coaches since 1969 now if it does happen that is one one hell of an intriguing hire whoever is next for Pittsburgh based on that longevity considering you know null cower tomin and then are you gonna have

Someone else for close to 20 years after that it’s just going to be interesting yeah for me it’s just hard to rationalize having a coach not win a playoff game for eight years and continue to be the head coach at a NFL franchise he’s 169 10 and2 in his career

In Pittsburgh Chuck null was 193 148 And1 um someone brought this up yesterday he’s won 63% of his games and they said well they Buffalo fired Marv Levy anyone can be fired like Marv Levy won 55% of his games as a head coach this guy over 16 years has won

63% of his games hey but but things this to me is just a crack in the the the armor uh because we saw that with Jeff fiser at towards the end it was question of who’s going to is the GM going to win is the there’s something going on

There there’s not necessarily something that’s happening this offseason I am not arguing that everything is perfect at all there’s something up and when I watch George pickin’s effort that’s the thing that gives me more concern than anything that they can’t lose that identity under him so I’m I’m with you

On that get Bruce arens to call your plays again guys we’re going to head on down to Atlanta we’re going to stay in the conversation of uh coaching hires fires but the Falcons are bringing Arthur smick back for next season I’m off the bus on this barring total collapse it’s happening they lost

To Carolina they’re the worst team in the NFL by far I don’t know they’re going to win another game and if that happens he’s gone that’s total collapse right yes that’s a total collapse also a collapse is for I can’t figure out why he doesn’t want to get the ball in the

Hands and force feed uh Robinson Drake London and Kyle Pitts yeah they combined for 75 yards from scrimmage this past week against Carolina 75 yards combined for those three guys that is the fourth loss for Atlanta when they have led in the fourth quarter since November that’s collapsed and this offense with those

Three playmakers that they’ve invested in they average 18 points per game that’s near the bottom of the NFL and what is a bad bad year for NFL offense all that to say yeah I I could see him being out and I don’t understand it because we saw

Him force feed AJ Brown as the offensive coordinator of the Tennessee Titans as well as have a 2,000 yard rusher and Derrick Henry as well as have a 500 yard tight end receiving uh group and and jnu Smith ends up getting a massive contract off of it he found his Playmakers as the

Play caller and now he’s switching to the backup quarterback again in Taylor hinek and it may be too little too late but the switch is coming because Desmond Ritter is not the guy and hinei has been known for being a guy that has created a spark in Washington and this is a season

Where backups are all of a sudden all the rage and all the talk hein’s got to be much better than Desmond riter and Arthur Smith’s got to be better at getting the football to these guys if he wants to keep his job he’s a Fantasy Football manager’s worst nightmare it’s

Well said by Hutton let’s head on down to Jacksonville guys and the Jaguars that’s something I never want to do is head on down Jacksonville the worst city in the NFL is Jacksonville Florida but let’s go there anyway right now the Jags have the tiebreaker for the AFC South

And winning that division I’m here to say the Jaguars do not win the AFC South I’m off the bus I still think they find a way to win it and this is more not being a believer in what the Texans are right now uh what the Colts are I

Mean if I had to pick one that’s going to win it other than Jacksonville it may be Indianapolis with Gardner muu but I think Jacksonville finds a way to rally and win the division of the other two teams you just mentioned which one’s going three and 0 because I’m here to

Tell you Jacksonville is winning the AFC South because two of their three games the final two of the season are against Carolina and against the Tennessee Titans there you go Jacksonville is winning the AFC South meanwhile the Colts and Texans have to match up face to head-to-head Jags have the Buccaneers

This week probably without Trevor Lawrence and that’ll be his first start missed correct I don’t think he’s missed a start no he hasn’t I shocked when he didn’t take the cart and he walked off the or got carried off the field and played the next week but yeah but I’m

Saying like uh from high school college ever except for about covid games maybe all right guys and finally we’re going to go out to Las Vegas do you like Las Vegas better than Jacksonville Chad much better okay much better option well we’ll end there and I mean the last time

We saw this team take the field they managed to get a coach fired the Raiders will promote Antonio Pierce as the next head coach Jacksonville is known as the Vegas of North Florida Antonio Pierce is going to be the head coach of the Raiders on the bus they’re going to keep

Them off the bus off the bus they’re going to keep them they’re got smoking cigars they’re going to go big could spend way too much money on the next head coach out in Las Vegas just the previous two times bring him on Kirby Smart to the Raiders heard it here

First what you’re experiencing is the Bold Taste of a southern Legend Old Smoky Moonshine and whiskey authentic Tennessee Mountain style Spirits we believe in crafting flavor that were born from tradition but defy expectation and pioneering a new experience with every sin because if it done do this it ain’t this Old Smoky Moonshine And welcome into outkick the show I am Kay Travis your fearless leader I am going to continue to argue that Sports is one of the great unifying forces in all of American Life ESPN is a sinking ship Democrats are now the party of the white woke college

Graduate we live in a Land of participation trophies you got to lean into the turns you really got to lean into the turns when Leah Thomas walked in that first day it got silent and every girl was uncomfortable very difficult to go backto back years in the NFL with the

Number one overall pick is it fair for people to be upset with Barbie I’ve been out of La long enough to have forgotten that Libs no matter how ridiculous a scenario are going to live another week of inflation another week with Biden with Co and another set

Of losers to Crown people don’t watch the WNBA on TV in person on a plane on a train on a bus or on purpose I mean what have you seen firsthand of how this has affected you in the plant and your fellow employees under Joe Biden the Taliban has retaken Afghanistan Putin

Has invaded Ukraine so if there was ever a time for freaking aliens to inhabit and Conquer Earth now would be that time we’ve seen coaches throw water bottles we’ve seen coaches act like idiots we’ve seen coaches slap other coaches but I think if you’re involved in carjacking you’re inherently a rotten

Human being the level of stupid uh that sometimes gets on our YouTube chat just gives me a headache you’re born a male play with males you’re born a female play with females don’t at me about it the American people are being cheated we ladies and gentlemen are being

Cheated I made the call to end the me too movement and today I’m going to continue making that case that’s just a way to further taunt these women to make them feel less they and to make them realize that this this has just become a big joke Dion Sanders is the Donald

Trump of football we were directly impacted by the whole Leo Thomas thing and we were able to see you guys on the ground with your signs supporting that was huge they were saying oh it’s only one or two that’s rubbish and we all know that’s rubbish once those trans identifying

Males were able to succeed it just encouraged others Old Smoky Moonshine and whis old Taste of The Oh Just like that final hours here on the Tuesday edition hot M with h and with across the AL kick Network coming up SEC Mike will join us a lot of discussion about Mike in studio today or is he zoom zoom on Zoom yeah he’ll be in his uh

Podcast Studio I thought about asking that during the break and then forgot about it to ask it on air but he’s always good whether he’s on Zoom or in studio absolutely uh transfer portal Old Miss is crushing it somehow you’re going to see a lot of helmets behind them

That’s what I know about front of it’s all in front that’s right that’s right uh pageantry can’t wait for that pageantry it’s all about pageantry it’s like the the CBS college football theme personified yes is SEC Mike except it’s not going to the big 10 he’s not big 10

Mike I give you permission to use that as the new title of your podcast yeah the theme song personified is me the visual theme song SEC Mike if you if you heard the the visual version of that audio is watching Mike sit s sitting behind a throne of every SEC helmet

That’s what it is the new and improved outkick store finally live you can stock up on golf polos t-shirts hats and more shop. that’s shop. Tommy DeVito how about this Tom cutlets uh there’s a a pizzeria it sounds delicious by the way there Pizzeria uh his his appearance feed is

Not so the name of this Pizzeria just has me excited for pizza I’m want back and forth here is amazing so he was set to appear at this Pizzeria but they they the pizzeria canceled the event because of the cost because as they say and they have provided

Screenshots uh of said text messages K kigo oldfashioned pizzer real that you’re right it does sound uh delici does that not make you hungry just hearing that so they’ve canceled his appearance Chad because he doubled or his agent uh Sean stellato doubled the appearance fee from $10,000 for two hours to $220,000 and

The the pet said he couldn’t afford to host Tommy DeVito at that price so they canceled the event um to which Stato his agent said well we nothing was in writing nothing was in writing and then they show the screenshot sent to Darren rll of said text to uh from stellato to

The pizzeria where he says okay please modify the agreement I think the 30 minutes over is something that I’m going to have to run past Tommy at 640 split might work good on the 2 hours 10K 250 250 meaning 250 autographs uh doubling the appearance fee based on

The victory over Monday Night Football which by the way is where the agent also became well known is that’s steep Stato the agent also I don’t know if you’ve seen this circulating he was a wide receiver at meist college and there’s photos of him in 1998 with frosted tips as a receiver

At Maris that are have circulated from him from his playing days which is hilarious there is and I want to know who posted it on X but someone had the perfect post where it was a picture of Shan stellato with the phone and the Fedora yeah on the sideline and the only

Caption the quote was the price just went up on that when he was on the phone with someone and I’m thinking this is perfect because the price actually went up on Coniglio oldfashioned Pizzeria after that win he may have actually been upping the price on this one how about

Coniglio who uh post this New York Giants update only posted this because I had a few people ask me at the farmers market today and I’m receiving DMS about it so here we go no Tommy Deo will not be at Coniglio this Tuesday is originally planned after last week’s win

We received word from his agent that his appearance fee would be doubling so good we are a small family run business inside of $20,000 was a bit steep for two hours apologies to anyone who had already purchased a ticket anywh who as I have never been to one been one to cry

Over spilt milk let’s instead be positive and throw back to a couple of years ago where Nino taught the incredible Eli Manning how to make pizza sorry about that Lo PS sorry about that loss today great photo of Eli Manning with the family owning the pizzeria sorry about that loss today

Giants fans but we’re Italian too and don’t like when someone says one thing and does another well said very well said and then sending in the confirmation that came from the agent about changing the priz I don’t know I’m not going to hold this sign anything I

Will not hold this against Tommy DeVito because this was an agent decision Tommy DeVito gets drugged through the mud for this because his agent is uh quite frankly being a little bit of a prick about everything right um and it’s his right he’s trying to get as much money

As he can for himself he’s looking like he does in the photo the phone the price just went up that that’s that’s what he’s telling everybody y on on Tommy DeVito The Stereotype um this makes me want to go this Pizzeria even more there’s the photo of

Shan Stato at meis look at the barb wire um Goldberg like tattoo on the bicep the upper bicep with the frosted tips is terrific and then as you can see on the bottom that is the caption of price just went up you think that was the temporary

Tattoo or oh no I think WWE sold back day or WCW did rather I think that’s the real deal that is not a h tattoo at all uh this makes me want to go to kig Leo’s oldfashioned Pizza even more I feel like flying to New York and then hopping in a

Rening a car and driving out to this place to have pizza after this whole story they handled it beautifully and I love the as Italians we don’t like when people say one thing and they do another well uh his uh Stato the agent was inducted into uh a Hall of Fame recently

And he then he wore his jacket his Hall of Fame jacket to the next game for the Giants he was inducted into the national Italian American Sports Hall of Fame and what was described as a lavish ceremony in Chicago alongside Priscilla Presley and Pittsburgh Steelers great Franco Harris how

Why his play at Marist uh his work as an agent I I guess I’m confused as to why he was recently honored by the Boston Italian consulate where he’s wearing a vest with a turtleneck a white turtleneck black slacks and orange hats if you donate enough money to the Hall

Of Fame you get in maybe is that the deal I don’t know I don’t know if I mean I don’t know I mean he’s making a hell of a lot of money off pizzerias familyowned all over the Northeast so that money could go back to a Hall of Fame to get

Inducted yeah I mean it’s a he joins a Hall of Fame list that includes Vince Lombardi Mario and Drey Joe dagio and Dan Marino now Sean stellato do you think that his bust at the hall of fame is just him on the phone in the Fedora I mean do they

Change it to that talking about overnight sensation man either way I want kig Leo’s oldfashioned Pizzeria that’s what I want right now after hearing this story incredible and it’s Tommy DeVito that uh guarders all the attention he’s represented a handful of other NFL players but I mean at the time

You would consider them more wellknown than Tommy DeVito we have people we have people we work with that live in Jersey I now want to get a full analysis of this place and how good it is oh I bet they’ve I bet some have tried it or

Heard of it by the way I just that um Tommy DeVito’s agent is going to be on with Dan dockage tomorrow on don’t at me at 8:40 there you go so I would implore Dan to ask about this Pizzeria what will he be wearing Chad I want him to wear a

Ve like a knitted vest with the Italian flag on it this is what I’d like to see like something that his grandmother knitted for him but it’s just one giant Italian FL look at this pizza is this the place this is the place kegos wow

King of pies I would say so this looks like the size of a pizza that you would be challenged to finish and if you do you get your name on the wall yeah man versus food style yeah Chad could do it there are some of those challenges that

I look at and I think this is imminently doable on that show and other ones I I see and I’m thinking no human could do this because when it’s the time if there’s a long period of time you could do it then you can pull it off but some

Of these when it’s like finish all this in 15 minutes I’m thinking no way no way can anyone pull this off no I certainly could not I could help you a slice or two no Hutton would take the the lettuce the seed excuse me I would like to know

About your seed challenge by the way this uh this do you have a kin quinoa challenge over here or no yeah the the size of the P like the so what are you getting for $20,000 250 autographs he’s going to be there how many piz are you selling for that I

Mean you’re you’re taking a loss just to say just to get the photo up and have the night with Tommy deito you’re going to take two hours 250 you want the photos the videos for they’re selling the tickets too it sounds like you’re also you’re basically buying the

Advertisement right of him being there and taking photos everyone that works there and doing all that Ally looked it up prilla Presley was awarded the Tommy Lort humanitarian award okay by the national Itali in Sports Hall of Fame she said I was too confused by that to

Not Google it as to why Priscilla Presley was American well the Franco Harris we can understand but Priscilla Presley I was confused on that one but like I mean again like the list I’m sure they’re always making these uh they’re making the exceptions right there are

People making oh it’s a green jacket by the way it’s like a a hunter green jacket uh which he had matching uh slacks for of course on the sideline this past weekend you know what I did the other day when I had kidney stones what you talking about the other day

That morning it was about a three and a half 4 Hour Touch and Go process where I was in a ton of pain hoping to pass themy coming to the show I’m in the nefrology Hall of Fame after the way I pass this kidney stone like damn

Champion is what I did with that KY Stone but you know what I watch the whole time because it just happened to me I rarely do this where I don’t put on anything streaming I just turn it to a channel yeah happened to be flipping through the channels or going to the God

And HBO had a rocky marathon on so I I feel like I’m well versed in Italian culture now I watch the last half of Rocky pretty much all of Rocky 2 while passing a kidney stone in pain and huton I saw I I’m very well versed in Rocky 3

And Rocky four Clubber Lang th thunder lips and Rocky 3 played by Hulk Hogan Rocky four Theon Drago we all know about Tommy Gun and Rocky 5 I’ve only seen Rocky Balboa maybe twice which is Rocky 6 which I believe was in 2005 or 2006 I recorded it and I’m going back and

Watching that now that was on later in the day that was like during our show or that night but I saw the marathon so now you’re invested again I record on Rocky baloa and now after learning about kigos oldfashioned I want to go and watch

Rocky bboa that’s what I want to do you think they have an oldfashioned N that they I don’t want to pass another Kenn no you don’t I don’t want to recreate that but I will watch Rocky b b apparently it helps you do that if you a

Slice of good pie helps you do that if you watch Rocky well I remember like the worst time the worst moments of the kidney stone passing and what time it was during the Rocky 2 that I was watching him was right around the time

Where was it a very good part or no it was right around the time where Gazo was trying to recruit him back to be a thumb breaker for the Italian oh so you remember Gazo was a big he was a big help to Rocky when he was really down on

His luck Hutton then he tried to bring him back to break thumbs again for him and Rocky trying to start a family with Adrian didn’t want to do that can youe that Kitty Stone you were down you were down and out I was down and out too I

Understand what Rocky you know or other things finances can be a problem much like in Rocky Balboa’s life and Rocky at the end of Rocky won he said look there’s not going to be a rematch that’s both him and Apollo Creed said to each other because they beat the hell out of

Each other so much and that’s how he felt that’s how I felt when the keny stone was passing but you know what what happened they had a rematch that’s the way I felt an hour later when it had passed I was ready to go now I T it all

In and then ends up at at work the same now it all makes sense what doesn’t make sense is the back and forth with Zack Wilson this past week he’s pulled from the game this was leading up to the press conference with solah Chad where it’s uh

Does he want to play did he not want to and he’s like no if if Zach Wilson didn’t want to play we wouldn’t be playing him he wouldn’t be starting um so then he apparently leaves the game for hydration purposes not out there to begin the the third quarter

But his mom is now saying well well and he’s in concussion protocol he’s pulled in a 30 when game was 30 nothing his mom’s now saying that he was hiding concussion symptoms during all of this and now he’s going through and fighting through concussion protocol so this

Whole thing has been odd yeah maybe the pr person heard that he was saying he was dehydrated and that’s how could be he could also be getting an IV that’s that’s that’s understand if he’s hiding the concussion symptoms he could also be getting the IV uh saying feels dizzy or whatever but

Hiding that is first off there are more and more players now that are reporting symptoms but just knowing how the whole week went The Saga of that that’s it’s strange that it started with him not wanting to play and then he’s hiding concussion symptoms to play hypothetically and then he’s pulled when

It’s 30 nothing it feels like an overcorrection in that they know about that report report that came out that he didn’t even want to play or he was considering not playing that remember the Jets and others had to come out and say not true but he got hit in the head

Again and he he had blurred vision and that’s when he reported his symptoms you see what I’m saying that could have been really bad yeah it’s a weird story it feels like an over corre correction from the family of this is how much this guy cares right he’s fighting through

Concussion symptoms and he was lying about it may be true but it feels like an over correction are you I think Aaron Rogers has played a key factor in him sticking with this the way by the way Aaron Rogers came out today and said

Playing uh on on MAV I don’t know if you saw this H this was about an hour ago but he said I’m not playing because I’m not 100% he says being clear to play is not the same as being 100% if I were 100% I’d play but I’m not that’s that

Was his clarification well not anything to do with the playoff positioning he’s well or lack thereof that that’s certain that’s a fact Factor though yeah that’s that’s the factor he would play if he’s 80% I believe that he would play at 80% if they’re right in the doing yeah he

Would want to get in there no doubt and he shouldn’t play if they’re out of the playoffs he should not step foot on the field should not be active no no he knows that and he’s got the deadline coming up so yeah I mean he knows that

The team knows that we’ve all known I think it’s another it’s another attempt by him to say I’m not just opting out because the season’s not going well I’m not trying to be that guy about it I’m just not 100% so it’s one thing to get back to where you’re medically he said

Something along the lines of it’s one thing to get back to be medically clear to play yeah it’s another to be 100% ready to play and this would be the fastest ever let that happen I can’t wait for the offseason discussion with uh Aaron Rogers again oh and the Jet

Absolutely also I’d like to know with the Zach Wilson story what did Zach Wilson’s mom’s friends have to say about this knowing Zach Wilson and his history they are that is the question administering hydration and IV I’d love to get their comments on the mom’s morning side of this yeah The Hangover

IVs and things helps you helps you get back on the field too think about it coming up SDC Mike joins us transfer portal bowl games playoff matchups and more I feel like it depends on certain things but I feel like now it’s like a teammate like that should be your partner your

Teammate like I’m not cleaning all the house all the time cuz I’m not your mom I agree we’re dink double income no kids so I really like a partnership but I don’t want to take the trash out so he’s going to have to do that she takes the

Kids I provide very traditional yes okay do you think that more young people should do that yes very much so what is it about like a motherly quality that you like it’s worked for thousands of years and it still works today I like being girly I’m a girl and I like being

Girly so I like traditional g girls okay well according to the seven hermetic principles one of those being the law of gender what say gender manifest on all levels mental physical spiritual emotional all level throughout the cosmos there’s gender I don’t know it’s a lie it’s a book I read called the

Supreme way of of of men or women or something like that and it spoke on how whether it’s two women or two men there still has to be someone who’s masculine someone who’s feminine what would you spend on an engagement ring I’m not I’m not an engagement ring type of person

I’m like but if she wanted a ring I probably spend like 20 on it 20 what, 20,000 that’s a lot of money get that a real no for real ain’t it how much you make though price I didn’t really care size absolutely um had to

Had to be big enough it could be seen and I didn’t want like a basic ring I wanted like eclectic like vintage looking so we did a custom order to do my ring I didn’t have a preference I just had a gold preference and he kind

Of took it from there and you trusted him did he crush it oh yeah he crushed it I’ve been spoiled thus far and so I don’t think I could ever go back from what I received last time okay so high standards that’s good what are the standards okay it was it was five

Carrots okay and it was um beautiful mine was way too expensive what’s way too expensive like $45,000 you probably went with a real diamond very much so yeah do you think that that’s kind of a flex for the guy like is the engagement ring yeah is the

Guy is the engagement ring only for the girl or do you get to watch other people look at your girl’s ring solely for the girl solely for the girl you don’t get any enjoyment couldn’t care less red flags and dating cuz obviously you found each other did you have any Xs that you

Overlooked or is he perfect no he’s perfect we had a nice night out at the bar fought over a toy shark and that’s how it all got started what don’t you like red flags uh cheating lying stuff like that yeah yeah what are you looking for in a woman honesty

Respect uh and love for herself some green flags are uh loyalty and trustworthy um red flags are seeking attention from other women uh jealousy probably biggest thing especially being around other girls all the time and having other girlfriends that would be the number one thing is jealousy red flag is they’re on

Their phone too much um green flag is they’re on their phone a lot with you well well look for loyalty uh that’s it I’m 24 so it’s hard to come come across that like when you’re young so that’s really all I look for really honestly what were deal

Breakers uh if she was broke I know that sound crazy but for real she was broke cuz like it’s like yeah like I don’t like I don’t want to take care of her mother like I want to Equal six the PE B location yea beer whole Smoky Moonshine H with with RS on across the out kick Network we’ll hopefully be joined soon by Michael Bratton SEC Mike momentarily uh ol Miss extending Lane kein through did you say 2029 2028 2028 yeah he was originally his contract expired after the 2026

Season where he was going to be making that year a flat 9 million they gave him the raay this past off season uh as they continue to bump up the years of course signing day coming up and maybe you need some insurances there but in the transfer portal world I mean there’s no

Insurances either way no I wonder if kein signing anything that’s what Michigan wants Harbaugh to sign with uh you won’t be flirting with any other jobs Harbaugh Harbaugh is is about the NFL Harbaugh won’t sign it the fact we’re not getting news about his contract on the table and that he’s not

Signing it tells me I’d be real nervous if I’m a Michigan fan that he’s bolting for an NFL job after this season right cuz they’re basically saying we’re giving you a lifetime contract all the money you want we’ll continue to defend you to the death and they have against

The NCAA and everyone else defend you you just can’t continue to flirt with the NFL he’s like I we defend you until we’ll suspend you I’m gonna need a second on that I’m gonna need a second on that one sec Mike joins us here on hot Mike Michael Bratton good to see you

Man hope things are well yeah thanks for having me guys always a pleasure what about old miss you get kein the exension you’ve got uh national Signing Day you’ve got the transfer portal Oxford’s crushing it right now Mike yeah I mean I wouldn’t put a ton of stock into the contract extension just

Because of Mississippi state laws for those that don’t know uh you can only give an employe of the state a 4-year deal so it’s it’s annually renewed but yeah to your point transfer portal they’re killing it I think with the 12 team playoff coming right around the

Corner that um not only is Old Miss I mean about a week ago I was ready to say they’re a playoff team I’m ready to say they’re a national championship I don’t think they’re going to win it necessarily but I think they’re going to be in the conversation

To win the next national championship as crazy as that is to to say I think Old Miss is is doing the nil game better than anybody and I think it’s clear as day to everyone down there you know we don’t have many opportunities like this we got all these players coming back

Let’s go heavy into the portal let’s make a run at it this may be elain keen’s best and only shot ever to win a National Championship and and he’s got the full support of everyone down there in Oxford clearly well if their schedule sets up perfectly uh much like it did

Not this past season but the year prior for them to get off to a great start uh but beyond I mean if they don’t make the 12 team playoff he’s not going to get that annual contract extension a year from now he may not yeah that’s a that’s an

Excellent point because if he if he doesn’t get it done next year um yeah I mean they probably will’ll never get it done but I salute them I salute Missouri for again these teams are not bending any rules couple years ago it would have been bending the rules but it’s all

Above board now so why not go all in when you got all the pieces it’s maybe the only time ever for for schools like that I shouldn’t say ever but it for the foreseeable future that they can realistically compete for an SEC and and maybe even a playoff birth Chad I wonder

What Jimbo Fishers thinking about Lane kein that clown up there in Oxford that was complaining about all the nil things to me the strategy behind all this Mike when you look at do you go with the blanket approach when it comes to nil and we’re just going to cast our our

Nets out there and try to get everything we can or get very strategic Old Miss is very strategic and that they go all in on something and this year it’s portal and it’s really defensive line right with everyone they’re bringing in and they’ve completely revamped their defensive line to have a veteran Allstar

Team almost across their defensive front knowing that they’re good at every other position so and you’ve seen this with different programs kuy’s another example that likes to work the portal a lot but finding that right balance for each program Mike and trying to figure out what’s right for your program and what

You can do I think is the the hardest part of all this but it feels like Old Miss has kind of figured it out yeah I I don’t think the strategy is going to work everywhere you if Nick Sabin just went to the portal every year

I don’t think that would work it you know he certainly could do that I would imagine same thing with Kirby down at Georgia but I don’t think that’s the method I it works for Old Miss because lanin’s smart enough to know that uh you know if he’s going toe-to-toe against

LSU Alabama Georgia Texas Texas A&M on and on and on for a high school kid he’s probably going to lose most of those battles so why kill yourself in high school recruiting I think going to the portal is a much better option try to get guys that are clearly a year or two

Away from the NFL that’s what NFL life is going to be your coach is going to change more often than not uh I think it’s a stroke of Genius by Old Miss and Lane kein and and he deserves a ton of credit because he’s he called this free

Agency a while ago people kind of rolling their eyes now that he’s dominating it but he saw this coming and he saw this I think too with uh you know we’ll never know how interested he really was in that Auburn job I don’t know if it was quite you know one foot

Out the door like some people make it out to be but he used that situation to get nil of donations up and and his program now is uh seizing that so if I’m hyp I I tell Tennessee well I’m leaving every other year just to get those niil

Dollars and even if he’s got no plans to doing so yeah look I think Tennessee’s donating a lot of nil dollars to players but it’s in a different way here’s another example and you mentioned it How Lane kein said it’s free agency well part of free agency is resigning the

Guys on your roster Tennessee went all in on getting their entire offensive line back on getting their top one of their top defensive lineman back as a fifth six-year guy that’s another way that you can be successful in this era um what do you think about that strategy

Where Now teams are going to have to allocate certain amounts of dollars to returning guys to make sure they don’t go another place for one year so they can reup and get more money somewhere else yeah I think that’s the biggest story behind the scenes that not enough people are talking about particularly

This time last year when certainly there were big- time players that entered the portal and changed schools and all that just like there are now but it’s not really to the degree that s that some people in the media particularly made it out to be

Like it was going just going to be a free-for-all and that’s to your point because a lot of these big time schools and particularly SEC schools I’m talking about here that stepped up and kept players from leaving with nil deals and there’s nothing wrong with that either

So uh again that’s just another level to it and Old Miss is killing it with that and and I think that’s a big reason why you’ve not seen they’ve had about I’m trying to think six seven big-time players commit to coming back and they’ve all done it with the nil

Collective and who is the one that has yet to uh announce his intentions Jackson Dart and and why is that because there’s behind the scenes nil discussions you know they probably not hit the number he’s quite comfortable with yet so uh now that you’re getting people like myself out here saying

You’re a playoff this team this now I think that forces uh it’s called The Grove Collective to to Really Annie up and meet his price because that’s the expectation that that we’re putting on this program and not that Jackson Dart I don’t think is like the best quarterback

In the country but I put him top five in the SEC no doubt next season and if you don’t have him all of a sudden you know maybe these narratives change so it I like the way Jackson Dart is even playing this now former vanderbur quarterback AJ Swan headed to LSU

Instead of South Carolina sounds like Malachi Nelson from USC could be going to USC where where is Shane Beamer turning now at quarterback next year yeah it was interesting wasn’t it because I would think AJ Swan his path to being a starter much clearer in Colombia than it would be in Baton Rouge

Uh yeah I did see that report Malachi Nelson you know interesting and and that would be a major addition I would imagine he you know they have another Young quarterback they really like Lenoris sers but he was not I think he was a three star I mean that’s not even

Comparable to a five-star that was regarded by many to be a top five if if not better quarterback last recruiting cycle but again I I think what is uh kind of most intriguing there with Malachi Nelson and I don’t know so I don’t want to just call the guy out or anything but

Given Lincoln Riley’s track record yeah I mean it’s safe safe to say he knows what he’s got in a quarterback and would he really be shopping the portal if he fully believed that Malachi Nelson was the answer and ready toh take Southern cow where where Caleb Williams and those

Before him couldn’t I would certainly think not so this may be a case of of us kind of getting lured by the big the five stars and all this um I mean I I wish the best for Nelson but it’s just hard for me to see Lincoln Riley letting

That guy walk out the door if he’s with all the recruiting rankings say he is many were surprised when Sam Pitman got another year at Arkansas they’re losing KJ Jefferson who’s in the portal right now they brought in a few guys what do they need to show what do they need to

Do for him to get another year and what’s realistic for this Arkansas program yeah it’s tough Chad I mean I thought I got a lot of Arkansas followers and I would say 90 95% of them were ready to cut bait with Sam Pitman until he hired Bobby patrino and then

They seemingly that number changed to about 10% were ready to move on never seen anything like it before in my life where where you just hire as coordinator and you rally the fan base but that is what has happened in fville with the return of Bobby Petrino what has to

Happen two years ago their defense was pitiful it was it was one of the worst in the conference worse in the nation by some regard they changed the coordinator they got it right and they were not locked down by any means but they were very very respectable before the wheels

Kind of fell off they’re they’re not quite there in terms of depth on the defensive side of the ball under Travis Williams but if they get a similar turnaround on the offense this season under Bobby patrino I think that’s the key to S Pitman getting himself another year there at

Arkansas I don’t think he could he could have done any better PR wise will it be ideal for you know the results on the field remains to be seen but I I think you look at what just last season at A&M Bobby petrino’s only year there Conor

Wigman Max Johnson and some guy that I had never even heard of named Jaylen Henderson all three started for Texas A&M at quarterback and all three of them had their best seasons they’ve ever had in college football so that’s a credit to Bobby patrino are we going to see Alabama and

Texas in a rematch for the title I’d be stunned if we didn’t and uh I mean I I I’m still kind of surprised that Michigan is the betting favorite over Alabama I don’t know what that’s all about I would have thought Alabama been favored by about a touchdown made

Change though it’s already gone from Two and a Half to one I feel like it’s starting to get closer to a pick them the closer we get to the game right so I mean again I guess Michigan pulling off I guess it wouldn’t technically be an

Upset it’d be an upset in my mind but let’s say Michigan wins I I guess I wouldn’t be floored by that I would be floored if Texas lost to W uh Washington but that is what Texas seemingly does don’t they I mean they they show they

Come with all this hype and then they fail to live up to it but I certainly anticipate it will be Alabama it will be Texas in Houston for the national championship it sounds like uh a lot of these Alabama people they’re not even going to the Rose Bowl they’re saving

Their money for the national championship and the last time they did that was uh 2014 when they they had to face Ohio State and it didn’t work out for him so I don’t know Rose Bowl one of the most iconic scenes in all of Sports not just college football so uh if I

Could get a ticket to that one that that’d be one if I’m an Alabama fan I couldn’t miss took Eli drinkwitz a little while to get it going in Missouri but he got it going this year is this sustainable when you see what they’re doing now in recruiting with a couple

Five-star guys in the transfer portal is this a program that can be built to be a 12 team playoff Contender for the next two or three years or do they revert back to the mean a little bit yeah well I think what your critical part of your question there for the next

2 three years I I think it is sustainable now over the next 10 years you know different conversation but th these are the type of programs I think that have got to be thrilled that we’re going to a 12 team format because they were unless the Stars aligned I mean I

Don’t think they were ever making the four team playoff but being in the SEC winning 10 maybe even 11 games if they can finish the deal against Ohio State I would put right in that conversation probably preseason top 10 uh they have a lot coming back from this team you

Mentioned that with the recruiting getting the top defensive lineman in the country they just basically stole Oklahoma’s best offensive lineman via the portal this week masterful move by drinking company uh they are playing big boy football on and off the field theyve made Tennessee physically quit in that

Game in November I mean that that was kind of stunning to see uh I think what uh Eli drinkwitz is doing is very commendable and it it’s it goes to you know a lot of these teams a lot of these programs fans they want their coach fired after two Bad seasons

Drake never had a winning season until this year in Columbia and it’s it is paid off in a massive massive way for them Michael Bratton check out that SEC podcast SEC Mike joins us and always gives great Insight Mike thank you as well and happy holidays Merry Christmas

To you absolutely UT same to you guys thanks Mike he’s busy covering the portal and more there’s a lot of play signing days tomorrow used to be a national holiday now not such a big deal I feel like as it has been in the past I mean there’s like four port drowns

Everything out yeah and there’s also two signing days which is different so there’s one now then there’s the late signing period in February yeah it’s just um I mean it was the it was the holiday on the message ports you know and the boast and the brag and the it

Was the offseason now it’s Mary flip from there you go ke there you go that’s what it is again Jimbo Fisher the back and forth with him and kein Jimbo Fisher is just counting $100 bills somewhere right now like an evil genius kein miss too yeah every year but kein still has

To work at least he’s got a job Jim do fails he’ll also get paid yeah he’s hanging out his Ranch doing nothing watching other people work what you’re experiencing is the Bold Taste of a southern Legend Old Smoky Moonshine and whiskey authentic Tennessee Mountain style Spirits we believe in crafting flavors that were

Born from tradition but defy expectation and pioneering a new experience with every s because if it done do This it ain’t this Old Smoky Moonshine and WIS come On welcome into outkick the show I am clay Travis your fearless leader I am going to continue to argue that Sports is one of the great unifying forces in all of American Life ESPN is a sinking ship Democrats are now the party of the white woke college

Graduate we live in a Land of participation trophies you got to lean into the turns you really got to lean into the turns when Leah Thomas walked in that first day it got silent and every girl was uncomfortable very difficult to go backto back years in the NFL with the

Number one overall pick is it fair for people to be upset with Barbie I’ve been out of La long enough to have forgotten that Libs no matter how ridiculous a scenario are going to live another week of inflation another week with Biden with Co and another set

Of losers to Crown people don’t watch the WNBA on TV in person on a plane on a train on a bus or on purpose I mean what have you seen firsthand of how this has affected you in the plant and your fellow employees under Joe Biden the Taliban has retaken Afghanistan Putin

Has invaded Ukraine so if there was ever a time for freaking aliens to inhabit and Conquer earth now would be that time we’ve seen coaches throw water bottles we’ve seen coaches act like idiots we’ve seen coaches slap other coaches but I think if you’re involved in carjacking you’re inherently a rotten

Human being the level of stupid uh that sometimes gets on our YouTube chat just gives me a headache you’re born a male play with males you’re born a female play with females don’t at me about it the American people are being cheated we ladies and gentlemen are being

Cheated I made the call to end the me too movement and today I’m going to continue making that case that’s just a way to further taunt these women to make them feel less than to make them realize that this this has just become a big joke Dion Sanders is the Donald Trump of

Football we were directly impacted by the whole Leah Thomas thing and we were able to see you guys on the ground with your signs supporting that was huge they were saying oh it’s only one or two that’s rubbish and we all know that’s rubbish once those transl identifying

Males were able to succeed it just encouraged Others Old Smoky Moonshine and whis taste of the Six of PE location with EH beer and Old Smoky Moonshine Got The Distillery the brewery here uh just met a gentleman from New York City Hutton right out here at the bar right out here uh doing a tasting here in town with his daughter going to the PRS game tonight he just

Turned to me and said clay oh that’s hilarious well he looked at me and he said huge fan he said huge fan of you guys huge fan of what you do I’m the stunt thanks I said where are you and that’s funny he said he’s on a yacht in

Australia now yeah very expensive yacht yes for sure um very nice man though the PRS are playing the conu tonight Davey’s our resident PR’s expert do they play the New York Rangers soon he had a Rangers jersey and he said I’m a big Rangers Fan but they’re in town to

Watch the PRS they’re going to the game tonight okay well uh maybe he’s in for the holidays or something I don’t know yeah let’s get him Hey sir please come in here let’s get him’s recruiting could be Scout big deal um either way we appreciate it uh chances are he’s he’s

Not upset like Jerry kill is is upset uh with the New Mexico ad from New Mexico State this is uh so Jerry kill’s quarterback urinated on the indoor facility in the off season right in the summer yeah and then posted it after they beat New Mexico so New Mexico State

Quarterback urinates on practice field indoor and then this is the the the the long troll job right not the first time this practice field has been urinated on as my guess but I mean different like when you different when you pee in the pool yeah uh you know because you just

Really need to go vers and nobody knows about it versus you whipping it out and peeing into the pool in front of the owner to show them that that you’re boss that your boss right yeah that’s what the quarterback did so he did this after they won he posted a video of him

Urinating on the indoor facility Now Jerry kill in New Mexico State disciplined the guy um couldn’t do interviews couldn’t had to do community service something right discipline them ad was pissed and I understand why if you’re the ad at New Mexico first off you’re Rivals to begin with sure second

You don’t want any of that so allegedly the ad made it difficult for Jerry Hill in New Mexico state to practice leading up to the New Mexico Bowl was this the Cure bowl or was that a different Bowl this is the New Mexico Bowl um was the

New Mexico cure whatever the game that’s in bows it’s the game in Albuquerque but they did get to practice there and then that led Jerry Hill to just go ham in his postgame press conference on the ad8 at New Mexico isn’t an so like the Super Bowl if if you’re in

Town if you’re in the NFL City and you’re like the NFC team will practice at the if you have the NFC facility if there’s an NFC city you’ll practice at that facility right yeah uh I’m surprised that you have New Mexico practice well they’re they’re the host

The bowls to let both teams do it they just they were mad when Mexico state was the the team I think we have audio of Jerry kill yeah so yeah going off on this here here’s his tiate about trying to uh restrict access when he when he don’t let us want

To practice in the dendor facility when he don’t want us to do this and do that that’s chicken and I don’t care that’s my opinion I get in trouble I don’t give either cuz I can go down and I can go down to Mexico tomorrow drink margaritas and let you all enjoy your

Life because I’ll be enjoying mine but I got class I’ve had class my whole life and un that’s the college football profession I’ve had class never been treated like that that’s Jerry kill he’s got class when you call out someone for being chicken bleep and say I don’t care

I can go down Mexico tomorrow drink Margaritas because I have class I mean it was Kenny powerses from uh from Jerry kill really good rant let me also say that how great are these facilities because here here’s here’s the deal uh Fresno’s practicing on the indoor right

Yeah he’s upset that they had to go practice on a high school field they were going to make they were going to make them they make the practi yeah there are high school programs here in Nashville that are better than College you would rather practice on those fields than

Vanderbuilt you would rather practice on those fields than Nissan Stadium when it had brown grass in December uh so I mean is it that Immaculate well here’s what I would do if I were Jerry kill I I would not have had anyone fight for the right not to

Party like Beasty Boys said but the right to practice on that indoor facility I would have instead the moment I caught when that the ad was messing with that opportunity I’d say fine we’ll go to we’ll set it up at a high school we’ll go somewhere else then I would

Wait to trash the dude when I find out that he was blocking my team from doing that you wait because now it’s an empty deal because New Mexico can just go back and say dude you practiced on the field we didn’t do anything we didn’t stop you

From doing anything right in this day and age so just let them block you and then I’d say you don’t want us on your practice field fine we’ll go somewhere else and then I’d wait I’d lie in the weeds and be ready to come out after the

Game and say you chicken bleep you know what you know what you did that’s what I would do also I wouldn’t want to Beed on the field the paranoia of spine and sign stealing and communication you’re going to go to your Rivals practice facility

For a bowl game and do this there no way that’s going down they had multiple officials that were there watching the entire practice yeah which kill said that the the the police officer just kind of laughed and said we got better things to do than uh sitting her watching the

Logo it’s also funny that they brought like security and police in to what to protect the Lobo logo because the starting quarterback from Mexico State pissed on it yeah one time it’s really funny on that particular day it snowed so had bringing the security to watch a practice that was

Probably awful oh man for a bowl game I love Jerry Hill though yeah Margaritas I love the rivalries I like both see some Senoritas yeah he’s got class Jack very classy got class very classy guy how about his quarterback though because I have class I have class ask anyone in

The NCAA football profession it’s tough to say that you have class when your quarterback is doing that well he may have class like that is a reflection of you as the head coach I will say to New Mexico’s defense like great you punished him I mean it would be a story if you

Didn’t punish him at all I don’t you didn’t suspend him to my knowledge you said he couldn’t do interviews okay you did something at least but still that’s that’s pretty low class like to then argue I’m the one with class but my quarterback did this the leader of my football

Team that’s a tough tough bridge to walk across if you’re Jerry Hill but he did it and he summed it up by saying I could just easily go to Mexico next week and drink Margaritas I hope the ad here gets the same damn discipline with the people

Around this state that Diego got because he deserves it I love it’s calling on the state to prosecute this guy it’s up to you the officials of the state I’m calling on you Governor such and such I’m calling on you district attorney such and such

It is time to prosecute this man and get him out of office Office of the ad of University of New Mexico hey uh uh Jerry crazy story he’s uh ball games eaching the first two seasons it’s Ray season for him too man he beat the hell out of Auburn Ray SE

Before Auburn beat Alabama yeah and now he’s he reached the Conference USA championship game again he’s got class good for him Chad uh are we seeing the end of the Derk Henry era for the Titans if so of course I think so I do think so but if

So it means the running back Market’s going to be a bit different than way the way I perceive it to be because the Titans are a team that are all in on the Run game they suck right now the offensive line is awful but Derrick Henry didn’t help either on Sunday

Offensive line was bad but bad all around how how many teams are going to line up to try to pay him versus what the other teams wouldn’t pay certain running backs on the market after the age of 30 will I don’t think they will at this point so CU again I I

Don’t know he’s going to go play somewhere right I mean he’s going to get paid but not to the tit the Titans have right now the number one they’re the number one team in cap space base I I I I do think we’re seeing the final three

Games with Henry as a Titan but I don’t know if there’s like more than five teams lined up to pay him as the top one two or three running back saying there scenario where he comes back on like a one or two year deal and could get a

Deal that’s favorable from the Titans that’s because the Market’s not going to be great for him I do lean towards he’s gone just like tanah Hill and I I mean based on Lev’s injury who knows what we’re going to see a quarterback tan Hill is wanting to go to free agency

Healthy I wouldn’t want to play behind that offensive line he’s the backup quarterback right now I would say if the Titans get out now on Henry it’s probably the right time to do so because he’s on his way down he still can be effective I’m not saying he’s done

Cooked any of that he’s going to do some good things in his career moving forward but he’s not the same Derrick Henry he’s just not going to be the guy that we saw at the game and that’s just natural for a guy with the amount of carries he’s

Had over the last four or five years yeah and there are enough teams that will be Baltimore comes to mind as no he’s going to do something special for someone at some point again he’s not dead not I’m not burying the guy but he’s not the same Derrick Henry agreed

And he knows that agreed Chad what do we have these uh communion cups for oh wait these are shot glasses these are uh little plastic shot glasses so Matt McLoy who’s been a loyal lieutenant of ours and uh served this show well served out kick well you see him here posing

With some pineapple strawberry water cannot disclose the location of where this is because um Matt may or may not have with other employees of outkick been walking in as not members of this place and taking the water for a while a public that’s a public Lobby right uh

You can walk in ask for a price sure yeah I think it’s kind of implied that that’s for the guest but you know if you want to take some of that water water have have at it it’s water but um that was Matt there and um this is his final

Day Hutton this is his final day so so you’re bringing what do you have with you in honor of his final day I was told by a little birdie that there was something behind me that I’m going to have to okay go grab it go grab it um

You can check out we’re giving some uh stuff here from old smokey check out Old Smokey Moonshine yha beer but you can also check out the new and improved outkick store it’s finally live stock up on golf polos t-shirts hats and More Shot . shop. and

That’s also where you can go to stream the show live starting January 3rd that’s the only place to catch outkick original content shows will be live on the site you can catch up on YouTube but you’ll be able to watch live just by clicking the watch tab at

Watch is your One-Stop shop for all things outkick live on demand still on YouTube live chat not there you have to watch live at so we go live now to Matt McLoy who’s joined us in the hot seat right now he’s got his Tennessee Titans tobogan on I

Call it a tobogan it’s tobogan hat uh look this up over the weekend uh originations in Appalachia for calling that hat a tobogan what do you call it man that’s a stocking cap everywhere else right Matt is from Iowa what do we call that hat in Iowa I call it a

Stocking hat yeah everyone that’s not in the South it’s a very southern thing to say that’s a tobogan but it’s a tobogan hat because you go sledding in a hat like that um we have poured some out the uh old smokey whiskey brand already on the

Ground but here and uh Matt um do you have any final words for us now that you’re not going to see us anymore please go ahead your thoughts well I think it’s just to see you later um I’m still going to be around Nashville I’m sure I’ll probably run into Hutton Chad

Titans game um maybe Bridgestone I’m I’m going to be around and I always look for you Matt at the escalator I joked with some of the uh staff in here and said if you ever hear a knock on that back door you know to let me in

You know I it’s either Matt or a drunk homeless guy at the back door we possi wearing the same thing we hope that it’s Matt at the back door and then uh we can let him in Matt yeah what what genuine genuine nice uh always thoughtful salt

Of the earth Midwestern guy yes some of the best people on the planet never seen him upset and that’s been the inside joke is that he’s always wanting to fight everyone make him mad but you can’t Matt terrific work we appreciate you buddy uh glad that you’re not

Leaving town glad that you’re going to be around thanks for working with us for this long and uh cheers I appreciate it thank you guys or as Tommy Deo would say salute salute and uh cheers the audience as well hopefully you can pour one back uh

In a bit if not already fill that thing up again it’s good Matt we’re going to miss you brother what was this we just had the whiskey this is the um the the official old Smokey whiskey cool Smooth you’re right not the Popcorn Sutton brand that is available I saw you post that

Too bottle appreciate you man and uh thank you Matt thanks for tuning in to hot Mike today as well back at it tomorrow 3:00 Eastern hope you’ll join us hot Mike with honey wiro right here across the outkick network


  1. You later in the chat admitted that you on Monday only read the score but did not go into the Bills vs Cowboys game which was my point. A week ago the talk was Dak for MVP and if the Cowboys were the only team that could thwart the Niners in the playoffs. Then nothing yesterday.

  2. Philadelphia eagles are not overrated everybody just had higher expectations for a team that had and lineup that looked better than but let's be realistic this is football it's human nature anything can happen at any time

  3. Last week there was a dude. I can't remember who it was. That got roasted heavily for suggesting they bench Hurts. Is that such a bad option? Hurts is pretty good. Most of the time especially when he's running or expanding the pocket. But if he is settled in the pocket…. I don't trust where his pass is going to save his life. Something just doesn't look right when he's throwing out of the pocket.

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