The BEST Grip for Distance

How your swing functions depends heavily on your grip. At, we teach the matchups that are often required for each grip type.

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Weak grip strong grip it’s time to learn which grip is right for you starting with a weak grip which is where the logo will look at the Target right hand’s more on top typically this will orientate the face into more of a open position going back so for a

Beginner golfer who does not have a lot of body rotation that might be good right because as their body doesn’t rotate we might see higher rate of closure through the Impact Zone so by having it a little bit more open from the grip in the back swing it might

Potentially help offset that a better player with a weak grip will typically bow the lead wrist in the back swing which will help Square the face up typically better players will have much better body rotation so that square Club face like John ROM with a lot of body

Rotation is a good matchup if you have a lot of body rotation you you can’t have an open face that ball is going to go too far to the right one of the downsides to the weak grip is the weaker the attachment the less you can actually

Hinge the club minimizing the amount you can load the wrist through the transition so if you’re trying to increase Club at speed or your goal is to swing the club as fast as you can this is not the recommended grip however we do see this from a lot of competitive

Golfers as it is a way to minimize rate of closure issues into the follow through the opposite side a strong grip where the hands sit on the back side of the shaft that’s going to orientate the face into much more of a closed position

This grip is not one that we see as much on the PJ tour but we see much more in the long drive world because the face is going to be much more orientated towards a closed position that’s going to require a lot more body rotation through the shot to prevent that toe from

Closing too quick so it’s a way to minimize rate of closure or control the club face the other reason a lot of long drive guys will use this is because of the added benefit of being able to actually increase the amount of wrist set so a weak grip you can see how much

Wrist set I can have a strong grip it now opens up much more range of motion to load that lever the difference of a strong grip is if we have a strong grip and we actually bow that wrist in the back swing like we did with a weak grip

Now that face becomes too closed so a strong grip is going to take the cup that we have at a dress and try to maintain that much longer into the back swing and through the transition the strong grip with a little bit of cup in the lead wrist is ultimately how we can

Prevent that face from getting too closed in the back swing the first thing we want you to do is identify what your goals are if you are someone who is trying to compete in Long Drive you’re probably going to have a tough time using a weak grip because of how much

Strange emotion you’re giving up the second thing is we want to look at how much body rotation you have if you are a player that from the top creates a lot of body rotation you probably don’t want to have too weak of a grip in the back

Swing the face will be too open if you’re someone that doesn’t rotate good then that weaker grip open face relationship might be much better for yourself and lastly we want to identify what your lead wrist does in the back swing if you’re a golfer who bows the wrist having a strong attachment will

Probably not support that if you’re a golfer that cups the lead wrist in the back swing you probably don’t want to have a a wheat grip at the start so understanding these principles this should allow you to find a grip that works for your goals my recommended

Opinion is to start at neutral and then deviate whatever way you’re trying to go personally my grip sits somewhere in the neutral to strong side of the spectrum so it’s I’d say just a little bit on the strong side but not super strong as some of these guys like Martin borgar and

Kyle burar the reason is my lead wrist Works a little bit more bow in the back swing so if I went too strong that face would get too close for me to manage if you enjoyed this video I want you to do three things I want you to like that

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