Don’t Know Why You Slice? This Drill will Fix Any Swing! [Beginner Driver Series EP5]

You will be amazed how this one drill can change your game! Get rid of your slice with one drill!!

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Duration : 12/20/2023 ~ 12/23/2023(PST)

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Hey guys it’s Amy your golf coach welcome to beginner driver series today we’re going to talk about your arch nemesis and how to conquer It the number one miss off the tea is the slice what is a slice it doesn’t matter if the ball starts left right at the Target or right at the Target it curves at the end to the right that’s called a slice leaving your ball in the

Trees or out of bounds if the ball starts left it’s a pull slice the ball starts right at the Target and curves right that’s a push slice either way it’s the same slice and we don’t like slices cuz it’s really hard to work with them when you’re out on the golf course

What causes the slice M it could be your hip spin out or hip thrusting forward it could be your upper body getting too tense and then going over the top or yanking through that causes the slice there are many different movements that’ll cause the slice but there is one

Common position to all these different moves is the impact and impact when you’re slicing most of the times your clo face will be wide open at impact and that will cause a lot of curve to the right so we can sit here and figure out what movements you’re doing incorrectly

Work on all those mov movements first but the easiest way to take it is to actually work on that release if you start working on that release through the ball so the face is more square at impact eventually that’s going to help improve the rest of the movements

Whether it’s the thrust forward or the spin out the first priority for us to work on is the release and that’s exactly what we’re going to do today we’re going to be working on that release to get Club face more squared impact and releasing beautifully through

The wall how are we going to do it with an Ami drill but you know when I talk about the release I always emphasize on one position that’s the post impact impact is bur right here at the ball post impact is when the club head is

About 3 ft past the ball if you get that position correct now you have higher chances of getting into the impact with the Square Face it’ll make your life easier to square up the face and impact so that’s exactly what we’re going to do work on your release by focusing on the

Post impact ta I do a lot of tray drills but I actually wanted to make you a big one so I have a new tray for you guys today it’s a tray drill when you are standing upright and you’re carrying food on top of this tray your elbows probably pointing downwards and you’re

Balancing your food this way but in a golf swing you have a spine tilt this way you’re bending over so even though you feel like you’re balancing the food on top of the tray in reality the food’s not going to stay there just understand that it feels like you’re balancing the

Food on the tray just not going to appear that way anyways we’re going to work on that post impact position so when you get to the top of the back swing you have the tray you’re resting the club in your Trail index in this position on the way down a lot of the

Times people tend to spin out go over the top and the face if you release the face the ball’s going to go low left so that your body is very smart so after this movement you’re going to not really leave the face open try to make up for

That left nness so it goes right instead so we’re going to do this get to the top you’re going to focus on your elbow instead of it flaring out you see how it went outward you’re going to make a point at your belly button as long as possible point at your belly button

Point at your belly button point at your belly button and then you’re going to point your fingers to post impact as if someone is standing right here and you’re about to shake hands with this person this way if you flip if you’re used to Leading with your lead hands and

Flip through instead of release if you don’t have control you’re giving someone that you’ve never met a low five that’s very rude so a handshake when you first meet is the most polite way isn’t it not a low five okay so we’re going to go like this balance your food elbow points

At your belly button belly button belly button shake hands at post impact you see how I stayed in my angle no thrusting forward no spinning out no going over the top my swing is on plane and the face is releasing beautifully it just improved many different parts of my

Swing so if you understand the elbow pointing at your belly button and then shaking hands that post to impact let’s go ahead and try it with the club in your hand pretend like your lead hand isn’t even on there even though it’s gripping zero pressure feels like you’re

Going to get to the top balance the tray in your index boom like that and then you’re going to do your best to point the elbow at your belly button as long as possible you see the leg it’s beautiful isn’t it so leg you’re going to point the elbow to the belly button

And then you’re going to shake hands at post impact so let’s do a practice thing go slow elbow shake hands elbow shake hands elbow shake hands okay let’s try and take it about 50% speed and just make light contact using the elbow and shaking the

Hands wo i released it like on time that was great do that a couple more times when you’re used to it just kind of add speed and let’s go up to 100% speed I was trapped so if you’re having issues slicing off the tea let’s work on

Your clace at impact get that release going by by doing that tray drill elbow to belly button and then shake hands and post impact once that gets more comfortable in your body you will be surprised how many other motions in your swing gets better and better and that’s

Really going to get your swing to free up so you can hit more Fairways and hit it past your plane Partners thank you so much for golfing with me today and see you in the next one m


  1. ❤❤❤❤
    I like your way to explain the swing, so easy to understand. Cause we did that by daily.
    – back swing to top
    – and setting the club part is fun for me now and easy to understand.
    – downswing start with the little movement on hip.
    – elbow pointing to belly button ( kinda bit hard but understandable )
    And then the last one is post impact like you want to shake hand to the people in left front you.

    Thank you Aimee !!🙏🙏

  2. What a great tip 🙏🏻☺️👍🏻
    I will try that because my driver often kills my game …

    Merry Christmas Aimee and thank you so much 🎄🎁

  3. Okay, your suggestions of pointing the trail elbow at the belly button is a FANTASTIC suggestion. I needed some type of trigger/feel and the “figure 8” or trying to drop the club to “5 o’clock” weren’t working for me. Thanks!

  4. Great advices to minimize the slice. Always great to see your teaching, great explanations and easy to learn. I like the part with the elbow following the belly button. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🎄🎅🎁

  5. Watched even though a slice is not my problem still helped watching just for the mechanics to better my control and stop my hook hopefully 😂😂

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