HOW CLOSE ARE THEY? – Costco vs P790

The comparison everyone wants to see… Kirkland Signature Irons from Costco vs P790!



#golf #costco #kirklandsignature

I’ve got two clubs that so many people want to see tested side by side and that’s what we’re doing here today in this corner we’ve got the Kirkland Signature new iron that they just released about a week ago on the website and here we’ve got

The venerable p790 now this is the 2023 updated version so it’s the best p790 that tailor made has ever made versus this $499 club from Kirkland cure that looks a heck of a lot like it this set of irons by the way $ 13.99 at retail $4.99

Here for the Kirkland Signature so it’s going to be quite the test and I want to give a big shout out to Thomas Cofield a longtime viewer here in the let’s playthrough community that let me borrow these p790s this is going to be fun now looking at these two clubs they are so

Similar down at the soul first of all I’ve got to say maybe slightly wider there for the p790 than for the Kirkland Signature and you’ve got that little power slot down there cut into the p790 which is missing here in the Kirkland Signature which is fully polished now

Towards the toe the p790 might just be slightly wider at the toe but gosh I’d have to get the calipers out it could only be a millimeter or so difference it’s really close both of them have Progressive tungsten weighting each weight is slightly different and tune differently depending on if you’re

Hitting a four iron or a pitching wedge looking at the back of these things if you were to cover the logo you would not be able to tell the difference apart from the Kirkland Signature is mostly polished with a little bit of brushed finish in the middle and that’s the

Opposite of this tailor made which is mostly brushed with a little bit of Polish there in the middle so pretty much the same looking at the face of these clubs the shape is so very similar I would say maybe the sole is just a little bit more rounded shape than on

The p790 but really really close again if you were just to look at the face of these clubs and not knowing which was which it would be really tough to distinguish the difference looking down at a dress there’s a little bit of a difference I would say the p790 is just

A little slightly thinner on top overall and maybe some better beveling there on the top line but it does appear just slightly thinner than the Kirkland Signature but pretty close in terms of offset I would say the Kirkland Signature actually has less offset than the p790 just Again by a touch so those

Differences are really surprising to see the slightly more narrow sole slightly less offset because I thought Costco being a big box store would create a club that was more towards your average everyday golfer and what they’ve seemed to do from what I can see is really make

A club that is more geared to lower handicaps the p790s have been a super popular Club in the mid- handicap category so can this Kirkland Signature hang with it that’s what we’re going to find out now one other difference about these two clubs is the shaft the shaft options with the Kirkland Signature

Clubs are extremely limited you’ve got two flexes regular or stiff and it only comes in one shaft option which which is a True Temper Elevate 115 G shaft now I think that’s a pretty heavy shaft honestly for most average golfers and it’s not a shaft that I could Source I

Looked over the Internet tried to find one of these shafts to buy and then put onto a p790 I couldn’t find one for sale so the p790 is going to have a different shaft on it just slightly it’s got a True Temper Dynamic gold 105 G stiff

Shaft so both stiff shafts but one’s an Elevate one’s a dynamic gold we’ll see how that changes that’s going to be interesting as well but you’re stuck with what Kirkland Signature gives you unless you reshaft these clubs yourself out of the box you’ve got the one option

So we’ll discuss that as we progress here throughout the video we’re going to test three clubs here today because I want to get a good range of this bag so we’re going to go pitching wedge seven iron and four iron I’m going to try to get five good shots with each of these

Things so we can go Apples to Apples if we have to throw on a shot or two so be it but I’m going to try to do my best to take very consistent Swings with each of these clubs because just like you I am super curious to know if a

$499 club can hang with a $1,00 club now before I start taking some shots though I’m going to ask you please do hit the Subscribe button it benefits me but it also benefits you because we’ve got giveaways around these clubs I just gave away a Kirkland Signature driver on the

Last video and I’ve got one more to give away the one I actually used in the testing that I’m going to give away to one of you so that’s coming up in a future video and we’ve got so much content not only on the Kirkland signatures which there will be a lot but

Some really great clubs that are launching in 2024 so it’s going to be fun you’re going to want to be subscribed all right let’s get to work all right first up is the pitching wedge we’re going to go Kirkland Signature first I’d say I hit that one just

Slightly low on the face maybe that second third Groove decent strike though it rolled down to 128 my club speed there 78 ball speed 94 Back Spin 7624 it carried 121 shot two really nice pleasant thud out of these clubs that one was a little better

Strike I’d say that was pretty well in the middle of the club face Club speed was up there 79 ball speed 96 Back Spin 6772 maybe on the Lower Side I’d say carried 126 total 133 we’re on a range where roll out’s not going to make a huge difference so I’m most concerned

About carry here of course but a really Pleasant feeling I’d say they feel super similar to the p790s which is crazy to say and they look so close too it’s interesting all right shot three here pitching wedge another really good strike just a slight baby draw there a little left of

Target good result would be left side of the green Club speed 79 ball speed 97 back spe spins a little better there 6985 carried 127 total distance 134 just want to get a couple more good Swings with this thing and then we’re going to switch over to the p790 pitching

Wedge that’s another good swing very similar result to the last one the club speed our best yet 80 ball speed 98 Back Spin keeps getting better 7080 RPM carried 128 roll out to 135 one more just slightly off the toe there ended left of Target the club speed 79 ball

Speed 95 the Back Spin was low again there 6181 again more towards the toe of that club it carried 125 it rolled out to 133 but again we don’t care too much about that I’m switching now to the p790 pitching wedge we’re going to do the same thing hit

Five shots and then we’re going to compare these clubs now you’ll see these shot traces are going to be in blue just such a nice feeling off these clubs it’s really close though to the Kirkland if you blindfolded me honestly I don’t know if I’d be able to tell the

Difference I do think and maybe it’s psychosomatic that the p7a is just slightly better but it’s really really close I just adjusted that ball a little bit and the GC quad is so delicate that it picked that up amazing device here by the way on loan from play

Where I get all my golf technology we’re going to go ahead and delete that shot out sorry about that so it’s going to say shot eight up there but it’s really our seventh shot and here we go now that one was just like the fifth

Shot where it was just a little off the toe you can see I lost a little bit of distance there but I don’t mind that for this video because I want as much of an Apples to Apples as I can possibly get Club head speed was 78 ball speed was 93

The back spin 7219 it carried 119 the total was 127 shot three and that one was very much like my first shot with the Kirkland Signature just slightly like second Groove maybe second third Groove just slightly thin Club head speed 79 which was the same is that

Shot too by the way ball speed 95 backs spin higher though look at that 7767 carried 123 so more spin but I don’t think it carried as much did it so we need two real good ones here with the p790 and there’s one and you can see how consistent my

Swing is it’s starting a little left of Target ending a little left of Target for everything Club head speed 79 ball speed 96 backs spin 769 so we’re seeing a trend here a little more spin with the p790s carried 124 total was 130 in case you’re wondering but again we don’t

Really care much about that I need one more good swing on of this which I think I did and we’re going to compare these numbers Club speed was 80 ball speed was 93 Back Spin Real High 8249 carried 119 total 125 as you can see five SS of th

Club head speed 78.9 with the Kirkland Signature to 79.1 so we’re within2 mph I have a pretty consistent swing which makes this a lot easier to compare apples to apples ball speed 96 with the Kirkland Signature and 94.5 with the p790 so that. 2 mph translated into 1.5

Mph difference if we look at the launch angle the Kirkland signatur seem to launch a little higher 25.3 de to 24 .4 the spin considerably higher here though with the p790 at 7630 versus 6960 with the Kirkland Signature we’ll continue to see throughout the bag if that’s a trend

I saw with the driver that their driver was a little low spinning some of this could be chocked up to the shaft as well so we can’t rule that out either The Descent angle 48.8 de with the Kirkland Signature so a little steeper than the

47.9 with the p790 so it goes up a little higher comes down a little steeper I think that may be able to make up for the lack of spin possibly if any club Fitters are watching this you’ll be able to tell me in the comments down

Below if we look at Peak height here again that Kirkland Signature higher 29 yards it’s getting up a little higher in the air the p790 27 the carry was further too 125 to 122 so even though I had a little more swing speed 0 2 milph

We actually got three more yards with a Kirkland Signature and like I said I’m not going to worry too much about the total yards but in case you’re wondering it was a four yard difference there with the Kirkland Signature just edging out the p790 so how about that we actually

Got better stats there with the Kirland signature clubs pretty amazing so I’m going to delete the stats out here and we’re going to now take the seven irons I’m going to start this time with the p790 slightly on the thin side as I like to do on those first shots it’s not a

Bad shot as you can see the result there but it was just slightly thin I want you to know where I’m hitting it on the club face the club speed there 881 ball Speed 110 Back Spin 4555 carried 158 total 171 shot two oh much better strike there that was

Dead middle of the club face oh yeah wow Club speed was 82 ball speed 115 Back Spin 4081 my normal 7 iron just so you know is about 5,000 RPM carried 171 total 185 felt really good got to say shot three oh another good one probably is the launch monitor setup here but

Everything’s starting just a little left of Target and with that little baby draw it’s ending further left than I’d like to see but that was really well struck Club head speed 83 ball speed 116 the Back Spin 4322 carried 170 total 184 I really like the feel and the sound of

These clubs at impact it is premium next shot made a little bit of an adjustment there with my swing as you saw that ended a little right of Target Club head speed 80 ball speed4 the backspin 4307 so that’s about where it seems to want to

Live down there in the low 4000s carried 166 total 179 One Last Shot here and then we’re going to switch to the Kirkland Signature thank you Siri good to know anything can happen with when I’m recording these videos good shot there that was a good way to end it Club head

Speed was 82 ball speed 115 my backspin was the best there 4533 it carried 167 the total was 179 so I’d say four out of five of those were really good strikes that first one was just slightly thin but all in all pretty good showing there from the p790 as you

Would expect let’s move to the Kirkland Signature and see how it Compares by the way there’s our dispersion fairly tight with that one that I pulled just a little further left but uh other than that really nice all right Kirkland Signature 7even iron up to bat here we

Go just a little right at Target but pretty nice swing there Club head speed was 82 ball speed was 111 Back Spin 4364 so pretty similar there to the p790 oh I did it again I move the ball just a tad that’s twice that happened it’s early morning here guys it’s 5:00 a.m.

And we’re having all kinds of interesting things happen with Siri and with me uh touching the ball but you get what you get it’s some comic relief I guess for this video Club head speed was 82 ball speed was 111 the Back Spin 4364 very similar to the p790 there carried 161 total

174 can’t remember exactly the carries but it seemed like a carry just a little less but uh first swing let’s go for the second one here caught that dead in the center though it’s fading on me a little bit that could be shaft potentially clet speed

Was 83 ball speed was 114 the Back Spin was that’s where I’d like to be 5168 carried 162 total 173 oh yeah that’s my best one so far at least with the Kirkland Signature we keep getting the same roll out there clet speed was 82 ball speed was 113 the Back Spin was

That’s so much better than the p790 for me for my game at least 5032 carried 162 total 173 so that’s interesting with the pitching wedge the spin was lower but with the 7even iron the spin is higher crazy stuff all right shot four oh I hit a little behind that

One I may need to throw that one out cuz I was definitely behind Club head speed was 81 ball speed was 104 Back Spin 3,400 yeah I’m going to throw that shot out so we’re going to have to hit two more here because we got to get a good comparison with these

Clubs hit that one pretty well but again kind of fading on me Club head speed 82 ball speed 109 Back Spin 55 575 that happens when you hit more of a fade shot you get more spin carried 151 total 161 better shot there middle of the Fairway or middle of the green depending

On what we’re going for but Club bed speed 82 ball speed 114 Back Spin 50 187 carried 162 total 174 I want to hit one more shot cuz I may take two of those shots out better swing there too so yeah we’re going to keep that one as

Well I do want to show you all the shots but I’ve got to be completely honest with you when I M hit one I wouldn’t be able to give you or me cuz I’m just as interested as you believe me I wouldn’t be able to give as good of an Apples to

Apples if I kept those shots in so we got to take two of those ones out so on this shot Club head speed 81 ball speed 112 the backspin was 4711 carried 161 total 173 so so let’s take a look at the stats so I’m going to delete these two

This is the two I kind of M hit there in the middle we’re going to take those ones out and we’re going to have a better average for Apples to Apples here if we look at the club speed real quick 81.6 to 81.9 again just a little bit in

The Kirkland signatures favor there by3 milph ball speed though look at that much more in the p790s favor 114 to 112. 7 launch angle similar 18.2 to 18.6 but again the Kirkland’s going a little higher quicker definitely more spin there now out of the Kirkland Signature

4896 to 4375 there with the p790 The Descent angle again a little bit steeper there with the Kirkland Signature 44.8 to 43.9 you’d expect that since it’s going higher quicker now we’ll look here at the standard deviation and with the p790 it was actually a little wider 9

Yards versus 6. 2 yards there with the Kirkland Signature so just a little bit tighter we’ll look at the dispersion here in just a second visually but by the stats at least it’s slightly tighter there with the Kirkland Signature the peak height is exactly the same 29 yards

To 29 yards and because we had that higher ball speed we had more carry there with the p790 166 to 161 again in case you’re wondering it’s 180 to 174 in terms of stats for the roll out but again I don’t really look at that on simulators cuz every simulator is

Different so I would say objectively the results were a little better there with the p790 than the Kirkland signatur so we’ve got the pitching wedge more in the Kirkland signatures favor and the seven iron now more in the p790s favor we’re going to move on to one last Club here

The four iron and uh see what those do but let’s quickly take again look at the dispersion map there you go real tight there for the Kirkland Signature so that’s really nice even though it didn’t go as far it was tighter it was more consistent that’s interesting too all

Right we are moving on to the four iron and this time again the Kirkland Signature is going to be up that’s one cled speed was 85 ball speed 116 Back Spin 2618 carried 173 and it rolled out to 194 shop two pretty nice strike there as well

Little better result there in terms of distance as well I think Club head speed 86 ball speed 120 Back Spin 2582 it carried 182 it rolled down to 205 now I pushed it but I got to say the contact was pretty good I think we’re

Going to see the spin up a little higher but it was good contact as you can see the result it actually traveled the furthest cled speed was 85 ball speed was 123 it carried 187 the total was 209 another really good swing there that’s starting to leak on me and I have

Noticed this with this four iron I think it’s the shaft to be quite honest with you these four irons tend to leak on me a little bit Club head speed was 86 ball speed was 124 Back Spin was 3150 that’s better carried 188 total 206 one more swing here and then we’ll switch

Over yeah everything wants to leak on me 84 Club head speed ball speed 119 backs spin 3159 carried 176 total 196 I’m not going to be as consistent with a four iron as I am going to be with a seven and especially with a pitching wedge so

I’ll take those five shots right now I’m going to move on to the p790 yanked that one a little bit Club head speed 85 ball speed 114 the Back Spin was 2273 it carried only 166 the total was 190 not my best swing Absol absolutely shot

Two that’s better so we may end up thrown out that first swing cuz again I got to have Apples to Apples still definitely not my best but better Club head speed 85 ball speed 114 Back Spin 1956 woo carried 163 total 191 shot three these clubs want to definitely go

Left compared to the other ones that really wanted to go right that’s interesting I think my swing’s pretty consistent so I I’m going to chalk that up to the shaft Club head speed 86 ball speed 119 the Back Spin was 2278 carried 174 total 199 much better swing there right down

The middle stripe that one roll down to 207 I think that’s our best club head speed 85 ball speed 123 the back’s been 3285 the carried 189 total 207 oh that was really good contact but again heading left just took that club a little inside and you’re going to get a

Little bit more distance there with a shot that is turning over left Club head speed 84 ball speed 124 the spin 2400 carried 185 total 208 going take another one here I had a draw with all those shots I think compared to the other one which was fading on

Everything I think we’ve got enough shots here to take a look at the Apples to Apples and I’m going to remove that first p790 as well cuz that was my worst swing I am a mere mortal by the way so we do as best as we can here all right in

Terms of Club head speed it was a little higher again with the Kirkland s 85.2 to 84.5 with the p790 all in all though pretty darn close let’s look at the ball speed okay so with with the Kirkland s the ball speed was 120 .4 with the p790

On that slightly slower swing 119.4 I feel like that’s more in line honestly with the club head speed differential in terms of launch angle really similar there 12.1 to 12.2 spin was higher there with the Kirkland Signature at 2920 so that’s interesting as we worked our way through

The bag the spin got higher and higher as compared to the p790 which there was 2626 now we did have that one really low one so if we were to throw that one out what would change it would still be lower 2787 on average all right I’m going to

Keep that shot back in there here for this analysis so overall Kirkland cure is more spinny there for sure with the 4 iron in terms of The Descent angle again steeper descent angle 32.3 de to 30.3 De Peak height was higher there with the Kirkland Signature

19 yards we saw that as a trend these clubs launch higher maybe that elevate shaft it’s got got to be right Carrie was in the Kirkland Signature favor there 181 to 178 now again if we throw out that one shot which is kind of our one shot then it gets a little closer

181 to 182 but for the purposes of this analysis I am going to keep that one shot in and in terms of total roll out 200 to 202 if you’re interested in that so if you’re scoring at home here’s how I see it I see the Kirkland sints

You’re winning with the pitching wedge I see it basically going in the p790s favor for the 7 iron and I see it pretty much a dead heat here with the 4 iron got to say I was not expecting that if that shaft works for you these clubs are

Just as good in my opinion as a p790 throughout the bag which is pretty crazy to say because again the price is so low I had a ton of fun hitting these irons here indoors you’re also going to see me hit them outside I’m going to take the

Full Costco set out side and we’re going to test the driver with the irons the wedges the putters the whole nine yards it’s going to be a lot of fun stay tuned here on let’s play through make sure to hit that subscribe button I’ll catch you back here on another episode


  1. You could literally get the Kirkland clubs and re-shaft them $40 per club for $320 and only have $820 in your irons and play top-notch golf.

  2. It's a shame they put that huge kirkland signature on the backs of the club heads. What about just a KS or some small graphic logo? I think that'll keep folks from purchasing that might otherwise be in the market. Looks like a great value, for sure!

  3. Nice job. Thank you. Would be, as you know, for each to have the exact same shafts. Perhaps get another set of the Kirklands and put the P790’s on them to ultimately see the differences. 👍😎

  4. Ahhhh I just want these to come to canada!!! Sucks yhat im hearing not till spring… really wanted to break them in on the sim over winter…

  5. the heaver the shaft elevate 115 will leak to the right cause it is a heaver shaft and a longer club it harder to close the face. the DG105 is lighter so you will close the face more so you will draw the ball even though it is a 4 iron

  6. They are not out yet here in Canada but when converting US dollars to Cdn, it looks like they will sell for $1200 Cdn less than the P790s when including taxes. Thats a lot of money just to stoke your ego.

  7. Not a good look for Taylor Made or any of the other big name brands. They're all overpriced and overrated. The main takeaway here is that the golf equipment industry is one of the biggest scams out there. Clubs, balls, everything. It's all insanely overpriced.

  8. Do you consider yourself a low spin player? We have similar distances. But I tend to get quite a bit more spin than you do with those same clubs. My spin is usually one thousand r p m less than the number stamped on the club… So my seven iron spins around six thousand. I'm wondering if that is too high….

  9. Hi Gabe! Thanks for the really nice comparison !! I’d say i would give the victory to the Kirkland signature solely on better spin control and standard deviation with the 7 iron. Pw and 4 iron had better consistency imo too! Really surprised by these results! I don’t need more clubs but i would definitely go KS for the price… and the thing that shocked me the most was sole width, i was expecting the KS to be bigger! Looking forward to see your upcoming content 👍🏻🏌️‍♂️

  10. I’d argue the stats were better overall with the P790 PW. 3 less yards but considerably more spin which is what you want in a PW and dispersion was tighter. Not a knock on Costco and given the 800 price difference I’m sold on Kirkland just something to consider it’s not all about distance when it comes to irons.

  11. One critical factor left out of the club test is dispersion pattern. It seemed tighter with the Taylormade P790 than the Kirkland Signature and that weighs heavily in the buying decision. Also, there's no mention of actual club lofts. Were they identical or were the Kirkland's a degree or two stronger in each iteration (PW, 7 and 4-iron)? I dislike when golf Vloggers do iron comparison tests and there's no mention of actual club loft. The loft of a set of irons from one manufaturer is rarely identical to another throughout the set. Thus, distinctions need to be made and communicated to the viewer so they can make an informed decision. Next, stack the Kirkland's up against your Edel's and let's see the numbers. LOL!

  12. I disagree on the 7 iron comparison of the TM being better. Better players like consistency, and that's exactly what the Kirkland delivered. None of the "hot" fliers the TM's are known for. The Kirkland and TM PW deviation consistency was similar and Kirkland again beat the TM with the four iron in consistency. It's not always about distance, it's about knowing what your club is going to do when you need it most. Pretty cool results.

  13. Great vidoe. Lots to think about. Looks like the kirkland check alot of boxes and keeps cash in the pocket.

  14. Indeed, this was the test everyone was waiting for. You didn't mention the difference, if any, in static loft between them. Are they the same lofts.

  15. great stuff…one thing I noticed, in all three examples you hit just a bit farther with the first club – could there be a little fatigue factor in there too? (hit KS PW first and it was longer; P790 first w/ 7 iron and finally KS first w/ the 4 iron) Wonder if you redid the test with the other club first in each example if you would have the same results or if the length would flip flop. The bottom line is that it appears they are very close

  16. The P-790's have really jacked lofts and I didn't hear you mention that……And to me those clubs look "Nothing" alike……

  17. I'm not a shaft expert, but I would have expected Elevate115 shaft to produce more of a left bias than the DG105, but for you it was the other way around. I thought the DG shaft would be both stiffer and have a higher kick point than the Elevate. Is it possible that the tendency of the 790 shots to have more of a left bias is because they may have a bit more offset than the Kirklands?

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