How One Simple Change Took this Golfer from 17 to – 8 Handicap


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Right golf mes we’ve got an absolute Banger of a video for you we’re here in Egypt at summer Bear Golf Club we’ve got Peter 15.2 handicap which is probably an average for all over the world now shot scoper set as a challenge I did a video

Recently where I went for the back pin so Peter on this course is a par 76,000 yards has got to from 50 yards out go for the back pin number and I reckon he’s going to play better than his handicap because he’s got a little insurance he doesn’t is it right is

Going to be on the green and stats show you there that everybody comes up short especially as somebody who’s on a mid handicap like Peter so Peter it’s 6,000 yards past 70 you’ve got to agree to from about 6070 yards out have to play to the back pin number yeah not a

Problem so on this course how many strokes do you receive it’s 17 so 17 we’re doing nine houres so half 177 is like eight and a half shots yeah so if you can go eight shots shots over anything under you brought your handicap through this method and I think it’s a

Cracker so what I’m going to say golf mates on the tea eBay Pete right Pete we’ve got our Target yeah no more than two three pots and back pin I’m we going to your handicap right sounds good to me mate sounds good let far one away I hope for the best

Oh Pete love it this is average driving distances if you’re a scratch golfer this is carry 260 5 Ander 232 10 handicapper 227 nothing in that 15 handicapper 206 29 handicapper 192 now that’s all carry what category are you in are you a longer hitter than

Your handicap I’d like to know in the comments because I think think 230 carry 240 carry is bang on for me and I think it’s bang on for you right the pin is a horrible place it’s right behind the bunker he’s got 156 back so he’s going 6

In you can’t take that pin on Pete definitely not I got to go left of that bunker I think I think so I like everything about this club though OBS go going into a back pin position uh yardage so I said five still a good score is it

Yeah of course it is yeah and this all yeah I love this Pete I love it let’s see what happens cuz you took more club though didn’t you I did you didn’t catch it great did you no it was a little bit thin so I like this come on let’s

Shouldn’t be too far away though Pete you’ve gone to back at Green yeah cuz we talk more Club you’re on the green correct if you at your seven iron you’re not on the green yeah so I’m liking this problem is you really allowed so many

Free pots yeah and this this say easy be the I’m really sorry it’s just the green first one Sumer bear it’s a tricky first all is he going to get the might be all right this tell you what hope you left it shot that’s I don’t do that frightened of it but I’m

Quite happy with that mate unbelievable quite happy with that down that Hill I think it flattens out a bit here don’t it definitely marker right Pete this will be an outstanding par beautiful nice part to start with going to Chuck a stat up there for you see what bracket you’re in with the

Puttting see what bracket you’re in because that’s a great two Put well Pete we’re off the forward te’s but we’ve still got 530 yard it’s a boast of a par five this is it again I’m going to say it we’ve done it you’re in profit with a twoot greening rag fur and Rag and a par you’re in profit aren’t you yeah true oh

Pete yep seen it at grass but again it’s a great shot is it thank you got 350 left so can’t go straight at it I’ve got to go to the right all this bunker so right that line was it just so can get in range got it great it’s coming back in

Middle it fway did well though off that line back in play right PA I think you’ve got bubble no getting there nothing silly is it 260 back4 thought at that right bunker I think that is a perfect shot mate and just should give me a short iron inch on it

Good it got it down on the fway yeah it’s kick right I think that should be a really nice place for that pin great golf shot call that really well goes a long way in the heat doesn’t it does I’ve left myself 90 yards to the back

Here 70 to the middle and 52 to the front so go the back yardage which is 91 going bite bite bite we just gone off the back so hopefully a couple of puts so B you won’t be too bad right got this for the PA two pots would be a good

P this is a lovely Po got it in the stats on that all was Zero pots I can’t get down here uh well done great P thank you great PA how long have you had a Muno driver Pete how long have had a Muno driver yeah since a mauno pitted me for it all right but I haven’t got one anymore cuz that’s yours right what we’ve got is short one 340 yards to the back uphill into wind that

Was short 15 that par five he’s just ped so another one on the field right right at the tower that is the line great it mate keep traveling keep traveling yeah well done pal nice little draw that well done cool right pak’s got 130 to the front 140 middle 160 back so

6 iron yeah 6 iron I like it you would never h 6 iron would you no but if it says 120 would hit an eight normally so oh Pete oh Pete Peter stay that’s P Spot on for yardage in it you would have been short all day

Wouldn’t you that easy would have been M short would it we’re you know what as golfers we’re crap aren’t we yeah we’re too egotistic aren’t we yeah we are that’s a great shot that if i g f if I gone 125 front I would have gone eight hour it would have

Been 20 hours Short when I yeah and then said the wind got up or then you start giving it a bit more all eBay for for a birdie it’s giv it a whack actually oh I upt fantastic po fantastic po C pushed it on the right thought it was

Going to go five oh well that’s a bad bad Miss that’s a bad fre put that you’re right so the starts say 17 handicap is always going to have a three po but I didn’t expect it from some so easy but he had a great two put on the First right Pete run a bit of an hour all here we got 400 yards to the back yeah it’s a long all for me it’s beautiful on it is fantastic look at that backdrop there take your five here oh I definitely mate oh p keep drawing come on get the short

Stuff great swing nice height just in the uh little semi there is it so it’s mad it’s a fway Miss but you miss by about 6 in a you I think Gavin from shot scope he was saying some of it they don’t mind you’re missing fareways it’s more about getting

It down there yeah like you could have a fway knobbed in front you h a fway for your start but you’re yards behind that one yeah don’t you mean okay Pete 190 front 200 middle 215 what’s your plan right I’m just going to smack a fivewood

Are you J you going to go left of the pin though left of the pin yeah so you can get the Run yeah I’ve never seen you play so good do you know there’s a chance this Pete do you know I reckon that’s about I think it’s

On question got swinging slow with your irons yeah is it helping you swing the same ribbon for your rest of your clubs I think so I feel like I’m laying into it more do you don’t if it’s the war weather or whatever just feel like I’m class to watch 17 handicapper off these

Te’s Bandit right Pete this two P will be fantastic yeah stay high stay high more Pace more Pace more Pace oh noce it got left or right I would imagine this yeah I said it I could feel it see that was in there yeah I could see left

Or right from here take your time mate B yeah that’s putting again is it yeah it is actually cuz you two hes have dropped two anything Pete pting we carry on because the greens are that perfect it’s you can’t say anything can you What a golf ho this is coming off another three put right there Pete on that last hole but this par three 120 Front 140 middle 150 back what you playing I’m going to play a sixi I’m going to play the back pin that’s what we’re aiming to do in it yep so that

Rake a good line in it I’m going that’s it oh no turn that well over that’s going to work but it’s absolute garbage is it it’s going to work it’s your wor shot today Yeah by your PTS yeah completely turn that over awful shot but if that’s

Your wor shot today it’s all right yeah true yeah I’ve got away with it right Pete uh that’s just tranquil lot and beautiful it it’s beautiful it deserves to hit the green but like I said if that’s a bad shot yeah look at the length your PIN eye yeah but it’s a

Awful stri that but got away with it so going to put this and hope for the best oh I don’t think whatever no you’ve not hit that go on make other one go on there’s another Ridge there go on it’s doing better it proves it didn’t want much more but didn’t that well

All right eBay papa big turn left to right no he’s not done it do it I didn’t think I could leave that short mate well you did good solid pot mate hold on well done got two pot you got two pot you like yourself scur there even only that

Five yeah scary that he’s done well there two Bories all P three over after five doing better than the handicap so starts are better it’s just the putting’s got you yeah the putting’s been awful on it so uh quite all though is it right down the ocean 255 front 270 middle 2 93 back great it that’ll Run Forever needs

To kick a bit right well done thank you sir ehh well done good shot mate playing well right Peter fantastic Drive mate hting it ever so well you’ve got 63 front 77 middle 92 back slightly raised what you hting co right I’ve got my sand

Down which is 70 yards that’s not to the back not to the back but I think if I go to the back I’m through it okay to be honest with you okay might be wrong if I’m sure it just proves the point don’t it hey oh Pete hold on who whoa

Whoa I’m going to say somewh right you can see from that camera if you go big you’ve gone you’ve gone you didn’t so I can understand why you’ve done that and to beer you’ve just nailed it aen you abely nailed it good shot mate thank you

Sir nice two put here Pete hoping so mate you just get scared of him don’t you that’s the trouble you just hitting that little bit too hard and they’ve gone massive right a bird don’t think he hit it again mate don’t know why you’re not hitting

Him I mean that’s done a lot better I know than it should have done mate that’s not a good pop going on you’re better than that it’s awful mate I’m just SC I’m scared after these greens mate come on Pete right Pete for a par take your time mate take your

Time that’s a five is great Drive fantastic second comments are going to say everything they’re not daed no three put again yeah that could be three off four of Them I’m going to get away with that uh I don’t know where it is it’s going up there now into the roof it’s short but in the rof it’s a wedge not a full one either after you’re fin you’re not that bad yeah what you going with I’ve just got 60 try and

Plunk it up there oh that’s nice that is it coming in coming out come around come on come around come around great shot take that thank you good shot pul you’re great with that aren’t you you’re really are sure got a chance for a pie there both of us I love

Me wedges Peter for save his pie it looks like it’s going to come to me a little bit oh quiet go it seemed like an eternity before that dropped I looking And thinking it’s not going to make it will it get there will it not will it not but yeah good P

Mate good P right Pete after your fantastic up and down yeah here we go part five it’s actually the Nightfall of Summer bear this 465 great hit Trac is going to love that draw oh she’s running she’s running like a scolded cat just feel so confident with the

Driver at the moment I don’t if it’s Simon’s lesson or what but uh something’s clicked 276 lay up to the back yeah it’s a layup keep away from them bunkers left all that fway right mate yeah that’s what I’m hoping for end at clubh house line yeah oh G still

Running I reckon you can reach from there like I said earlier on though if you can get a driveway on a power five it becomes a short power four doesn’t it yeah so I might have to b a wood in but I don’t think you will I think you’ve

Got that’s gone over 130 yards so I think you’ll have about 120 in 130 yeah might be yeah it’s playing well take right it’s done really well that Pete aren it cons run through that buker ass 124 front 140 middle 160 back but we think we’re going to give it half a club

To a club upill AR we yeah we are so you’re hting five rescue which I love good you should forget them left hand bunker yeah please just forget that pin put a n again cuz you got plenty of Club just a smooth one and you be on fire would you oh

No it ran out St so he’s going for here golf mze the nor RIS shot do you know what I think it’s a right shot is it I think it is mate you’re definitely going to get it out it’s obviously judging the speed but it’s it’s going to lose Pace going up

The hill going to go up in it yeah but I think this could be this could be the future I think with this lip it’s the safest shot I think the the comments are going to say everything Pete wo wo wo wo stop stop Pete not bad

Though you miss it would have been out the bunker wouldn’t it you no way you leaving that in it even though you’re a good bunker player there no way you’re leaving that in I like that shot well on sir it’s good right yourself a nice tooth pop pal be nice so

Simmer simmer simmer simmer simmer simmer simmer simmer first one pass the all yeah for a long time that for a long time yes well done well done good six six but but it’s a two P that’s what it could have been a three p well done pul good two by Pete Right Pete as the Sun is setting we have got a power five yeah which is not very long we got 453 yards right so there is a chance here of a little birdie well there’s for you 450 might just be out of my arrange

The pile do you want it y take it away mate right let’s go keep doing that nice swing right it’s the last Drive of the it is of the week oh get over that bunker she’s well over yeah over it’s going yeah okay 260 back just about putting in position yeah

Just the do you think bunker with that boogies no that be a nice place would it that’s where so come on oh that’s a th that but it’ll go for miles proper s gun all that is it it is if that shot was an Olympic 100 100

Yards special should it be a gold medal or silver I think it’d be a bronze bronze bronze I think that golf mates give Peete some love he five over par like I said 17 shots he get split 17 up he’s got like eight and a half shots on

It to play with and he’s only five over with three three pots right he’s got 100 at the back 92 and 84 what have you got well I’ve got I’ve got a picture I’m going to go 100 that’s the idea of it anyway yeah oh that look like it got under the

Club that such a good block you deserve that and you played well so scy that was it so scrw upy birdie finish oh Pete yeah please well P2 is five over this is for before over this is some around this and there there’s a giveway so keep

Watching for this stats I’m going to give you a magic word for the giveaway from shot scor chance is this oh Pete you deserve that for birdie that let’s get and find out these stats hold on Pete thank you water a own by eBay Pete the five over that is three

And a half better than his handicap but stats look at this five fur ways hits in nine HS five Greens in regulations he’s had five two PS but here we go he’s had three free pots now look at the stats there he’s only allowed two threee puts

In 18 hour but look three free pots in 18 hour and he’s had that lovely chipping listen what a method this is please try it get back to us more importantly give him some love tell him how well he’s done and how well he played golf mates we’ll see you all soon


  1. It worked Pete, every time you thought you'd got a bad approach, it trickled up pin high. Good golf, thanks for the entertainment shotscope

  2. Shotscope: Savage 9 holes of golf from eBay. It goes to show that getting decent drives away is such a big advantage at any handicap level. But eBay's game is definitely trending upwards as he also hit a lot of GIR. Well done eBay and looking forward to seeing you whopping Mr Barlow in the near future.

  3. Great fun as always. I can almost forget the ensuing maelstrom of Christmas looming! Well done Pete!

  4. Shotscope. Nice to see Ebay Pete playing so well again, striking the ball so well, apart from the putting woes, time to look at ebay Pete, new putter needed! Must be the warm weather helping the swing, unlike back home, wet and miserable, with most of the courses closed. Merry Christmas to Liam, the family and all the team that make up Golfmates. Cheers everyone.

  5. Well played Ebay Pete loved the video Liam Ebay Pete and Presley 🏌🏌🏌🏌🏌⛳️⛳️⛳️⛳️🏌‍♂️🏌‍♂️🏌‍♂️🏌‍♂️🏌‍♂️

  6. shotscope Well played Ebay, Best I've seen you play for a while. Keep looking down till the putt Is well On It's way mate.

  7. Does anyone else think Petes distance would go up with driver he didn't break his wrists so much at the top?

  8. I think you are right, I have to start playing the back number ! Hope Pete left his iron covers home, ah who cares, as long as I'm not behind him.

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