Hogan Said You Must Do This to Play Great Golf – He Was Right It Improves Everything!

One of the worlds bet golfers Ben Hogan said you must do this if you want to PLAY GREEAT golf! and he was SOOOO right. it just improves everything. in your golf swing with irons and driver. Make this correct move and discover how to start the golf swing, make a powerful top of the backswing position and get the club on the slot on the downswing!

This 100% feels like cheating in your golf swing when you get the right arm in this correct golf swing position you get the club in the SLOT every single time. Every golfer i know feels like cheating when they get the right arm in the correct starting position with driver and irons! This will add SO much distance and accuracy to your golf game! This is how to get your elbow tucked in in the golf swing & it 100% feels like cheating

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Hogan said if you do this one thing you are guaranteed to play Great Golf and you know what he was absolutely right the arms act as a connection between the club and the body the closer you keep your arms together the better they will operate as a unit they pull the elements

Of the Swing together so that was a quote from one of Ben Hogan’s book one of his Five Lessons now I’m going to show you at each and every stage of the golf swing how your elbow should work now I’ve done a host of videos before on

This Trail elbow because it is so important but how they work together is very rarely spoken about on YouTube so Ben Hogan said keeping your elbows and arms together as close as you can the better your swing will be now if you look at this right we’re going to show

You how to do this some setup back swing top of back swing down swing into impact but if you look at this right if my elbows are pointing out to start with they’re a long way apart then the back swing we get sort of this chicken wing

Effect they get even further apart and the down swing we get this chicken wing on the way through you can see sort of patterns of why your gol swing would feel a little bit out of syn not very powerful so the first thing I need you

Just to dial in here everybody is that starting position and it’s as easy as this you’ve got to get those arms in front Okay no matter who we are get those arms in front now how I do that is I’m not hunching my way over I’m feeling

As though I’m placing them in front of my chest so the seam of my shirt here you can see it I don’t want to cover it up I say my shirt my three or four jumpers that I’ve got on okay so we’re going to go and put them in front now

The little trick that I have in my mind on every single drive and to be fair an in shot as well is that at that address position I’ve got a balloon in here here I want be putting just enough pressure on that balloon to keep it there but not

Too much I’m going to pop it not too little it will fall away so before every shot dial it in do this arms in front squeeze the balloon that is stage one all sorted let’s talk takeaway and back swing the takeaway little trick that I

Want you to feel here is you’re going to feel nothing apart from the squeeze of that balloon now I want you to do it this way a lot of people try and take the club away with the right hand and this is where we start to get that

Separation happening I want you to feel like you’re squeezing on that balloon with your left elbow that way the takeaway is coming from this move and anytime this left arm moves across your body this body starts to turn so the takeaway nice simple feeling I’m really getting that action my left elbow

Feels like it’s pressing that imaginary balloon in that space top of the back swing now remember this video is just a simply break down how you can get some feeling some little triggers some little tricks to copy what Ben Hogan says keep the elbows and the arms as close

Together as possible throughout the whole swing to play better Golf and you know what I’m telling you he was right so top of the back swing that’s that position this is where we can start to falter a little bit and I see a lot of people compromise their grip here now

What I want you to really think about the top of your back swing is pretty much determined by this halfway back position and we’ve got to understand this I call it the weight’s move now if you let that weight’s move happen you will keep this right elbow in now I

Always imagine and this is a strange way of thinking about this my right hand overtakes my right elbow that’s where I can get that action if my elbow overtakes my hand I’ve got no chance now I don’t want you think about everything I don’t think about takeaway then start

Then top of back swing you will know what what you’re good at and what you’re not you might need more of a back swing more of a takeaway more of an address a good address position though definitely helps you get it all so look at this this is what we’re looking for

Throughout this whole swing right now we’re looking for press the balloon in right hand overt takes right elbow and look at that I’ve still got roughly the same distance maybe a little bit more the same distance between my left and my right elbow I had at the start address

My Takeaway on top of back swing I just need to hit one right now I just need to hit get those arms and elbows in front and that just feels so good I really feel width and turn and freedom and I don’t know honestly just go back swing

For me and try this if you’re at the range now or you’re thinking of going to the range or do this in front of a mirror the feelings you’ll get a phenomenal I don’t think of this as something that you have to do and be playing golf if you got winter practice

Right now this is great little bit of winter practice for you but I need to hit this it feels so good that yes please I would even say that in the summer right okay this is the bit where everybody wants to create lag wants to create power that down swing

Now I have got the best feeling ever after reading Ben Hogan’s book after teaching thousands of students this is the summary that I’ve got for you okay now before I go into downswing I just want you to think about that follow through is just a mirror image of what

We’ve done on that back swing okay let that happen naturally okay let that happen naturally but that down swing is absolutely critical if we want to swing that club on plane we want to hit the gold ball consistently we need to get it right so what I want you to feel here

And remember don’t think about everything just pick one and go to work on the the takeway the top of the back swing or the down swing for me I want you to think about this balloon again but what I want you to think about now that start of the down swing starts by

Squeezing that balloon with your right elbow okay starts by squeezing it with your right elbow so we’re starting to create patterns that look very much like this so we had left to start right to start down this is what I want you to get in your mind and I just don’t

Exaggerate that I’m I’m just like come here I’m just that that it’s tiny in reality it’s not doing anything but it’s having that intention towards the right move so I’ll do this once more slowly for you like this right elbow squeezes in through and then on this follow through

I’m really feeling right elbow squeezes the balloon thanks so much for watching hopefully this has giving you a really simple guide some feelings and how to keep your elbows the same distance apart throughout the entire swing


  1. Excellent video Alex on this Hogan tip! Your video is loaded with dynamite information that all of your viewers should be paying attention to. I thought the informational content was so complete that I have archived the video!! Well Done Alex! Always look forward to your contribution!

  2. Very good Alex. I didn't start to improve dramatically until I started keeping my right arm more underneath at address. But was a bit confused how to go about transition at the top. Now I can see how initiating the feeling of the right elbow is a good swing thought.

  3. Putting my hands behind my right elbow in the backswing (which I actually learned in one of your other videos), has completely changed my game. It has literally taken about 8 shots off my score on average.

  4. Too bad you washed over the transition and finish. This is where i feel i get "caught behind" and "tight" leaving the face open toward the dreaded "S" word. Could you please spend some time explaining and showing from the waiter position to impact and finish? The first part was so helpful. Thanks

  5. Did you hosel that orange ball at the end? Funny if you did. Always enjoy your tips. Watch everyone of them.

  6. Alex, this is an excellent video, I pointed out to you on your "laying the club back" the motion comes from leading with the trail elbow on the downswing, when you do what you've instructed here, the club MUST lay back

    This video puts that all together in better terms than I used saying "lead with the trail elbow.

    Great frigging video

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