10 Tips To Break 90 Consistently (STRESS FREE)

Learn how to break 90 in golf with tips from an average high handicap golfer! Join me on the course as I share practical examples and strategies for improving your game. From tee shots to approach shots, I’ll show you how to lower your score and achieve your golfing goal to break 90!

If you are looking for the wedges I use find them here in link below:
Lazrus Wedges:…

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Okay welcome to my guide on how to break 90 from the T to the green all the tips on how to get under that 90 number and a couple of things on what we should avoid and what we shouldn’t be doing before we start trying to break 90 we should be

Able to break 100 consistently know your distances of your clubs and a device to measure distances on the course also recommend using a more premium golf ball But ultimately breaking 90 can be broken down very simply as you need to play bogey golf or slightly better so what

Ian mean by that is most pars which you’re going to be playing on are like pass 70 72 you get the odd 69 here and there we mean by bogey golf is if you have a bogey on every single hole so that’s like plus 18 and if you’re on a

72 course and you’re hitting plus 18 you would be scoring 90 so we basically want to start off with the mentality of Bogies are our pars double Bogies are our Bogies pars are our birdies the one thing that we need to realize with that is it’s actually better for us to try

And avoid a double than it is to push for for a par you can still break 90 with having the odd double here um that’s fine but if you get loads of doubles then all of a sudden you’re needing pars to get under 90 so if we

Can set out with the mindset of we just need to play bogey golf so you know on a par five you’re playing a par six on a par four you’re playing a par five on a par three you’re playing a par four and eventually as you get along the way

You’re probably going to get a couple of par efforts if you’re around this like kind of mid 90 bracket as it is and eventually if you play like that more often than not you’re putting yourself in the percentage to get those pars which will hopefully enable you to break

90 okay so we’re going to start things off on this uh lovely par five but the one thing we want to look at before we take our shot is the most important thing in Breaking 90 I found anyway is to be in play okay so if we’re in play

From the tea if we’re in play from our second shot if we’re just in play as we go all the way around we’ve already cut off any boat any like wasted shots no penalties or anything like that worst case scenario you hit it into the hazard straight away

A you’ve lost your ball and B you’ve also now lost two shots uh which doesn’t help when you’re trying to break 90 how to stay in Play We want to assess the hazards from our current shot location so for this hole it’s the water and OB to the right identify our likely miss

With the club we are using so I’m using driver here so I’m likely to miss off to the right and then aim for a safe spot which allows for our Miss to still be in play in worst case scenario when it is a par five you’re trying to hit the

Distance and it’s kind of one like this the hazard on this hole and on a lot of them will’ll be uh OB to the right and for us right-handers we’re prone to massive slices so as soon as we try and hit it really hard we’re more likely to

Hit like a massive slice and that ball is going to go OB okay so I’m going to take my prov1 at this one I’m going to line it up with a bit of the grass to see like kind of my line in front of me so when I’m standing over it I know

Where I’m going and I’m just going to aim towards that big tree in the middle of the Fairway down there if you can see it okay and I’m not going to swing real hard at it I’m just going to try and put a good connection on it and hopefully get it down there And that is absolutely perfect and it’s down the middle of the Fairway and again that’s like perfectly at my line I’ve done a smooth swing at it and I’m literally banging the middle of the Fairway so I know my shot when I hit a driver well is it’s probably going to

Fade a little bit and the wind’s also going slightly that way so that’s why I chose an object which has a lot of room off to the right this is a mistake that a lot of people will do and I’ll see if I can uh do it here is so with the par

Five you try and swing your absolute mosted it you either hit it very clean or something like probably this is going to happen so I will try and smack it don’t don’t get me wrong again something like that where I’ve ended up just topping it and now

Yes I’m in the Fairway but I’m miles back I’m probably about 150 meters behind my other Ball but thankfully I’m still in the Fairway so if you do do a shot like that it’s still not the end of the world that’s still better than it going out there but you need to just

Reassess and readjust when you get down there anyway we’ll move on to the next shot and we’ll go through a couple more tips not going to lie I’m absolutely buzzing with that t-shot for those of you that are new to the channel you would know that my t-shots have been

Something of a Miss lately but I have kind of worked on something and it seems to be uh doing me the world of good but we’re not go into technical stuff on this guide it’s more about uh just how to break 90 if you want a classic

Example of why the t-shot isn’t that important in terms of distance then click on this video cuz I easily broke 90 but I think I hit two good t- shots throughout the whole 18 um so that just goes to show that you can get away as

Long as you’re in play and not out of bounds you can still break 90 quite comfortably so again there’s that first Miss but we are still in the center of the Fairway and we’ve avoided that main Hazard which is the water over there but our other ball is down the center of the

Fairway which I’m not even sure you can see Okay so we’ve found ourselves in like A1 position middle of the Fairway and we’ve hit for me was quite a good bom of the driver so now we have according to my watch it’s showing 190 to the center of the green

Pin looks like it’s kind of at the back but anywhere at the front of the green 176 M would be quite good so basically what we want to look at from here is yes we could try and get onto the green and give ourselves an eagle putt that is

Technically possible but the likelihood is if you’re trying to break 90 and you’re struggling to break it probably not going to have that shot in the locker every time here’s a great option now to do a shot which you’re comfortable at hitting and set yourself

Up for a good shot which you know you can get onto the green so I’m thinking to myself anywhere within like 80 80 M I’m pretty comfortable with getting in and around the green if I take that off essentially that’s like 110 so I could literally play like a pitching wedge or

A 9 iron and give myself a shot in i’ probably opt for like a 6 iron maybe and it might potentially get there with a good bounce or the seven iron puts me in and around that area what a lot of people do and why you fail

To break 90 is you’ll do something stupid and you’ll try and hit like a two iron or your three hybrid because you know that’s the distance to the hole but again you’re probably not going to pull off that shot so we might show you that with a second ball for now we’re going

To have a look at what the wind’s doing so wind’s kind of into us this way uh so there’s a big Miss off to the right we don’t want to miss there we can kind of get away to the left but we don’t want

To be in the trees I will for the sake of the video take my 7 IR at this one because we want to play more sensible and again just put a smooth swing on it we’re just going to try and get onto the green on our next shot shot but position

Over distance when you’re trying to break 90 okay so 79 in hand and that’s right down the middle again it’s a little bit short but I’m going to have a nice wedge shot onto the green whereas I’m so happy I ped that by the way actually I’m not going to use my

Other proy one for this whereas if I was to go with a two eyon like yes I could pull it off chances are a lot Slimmer but let’s see what happens again now I’ve got this low stinger and it’s into those trees and it’s not come off and I’m going to be

Obstructed into the green now I don’t have that easy chip on so again breaking 90 a lot like whenever you’re trying to break 100 is playing smarter but you’re also slightly better than what you were before so you know where your strengths are so play to your strengths so I know

My wedge game is pretty strong at the moment so I’m going to try and get to that wedge distance here is the linkx ball again what would I have had to play with here I’d have to punch it through and possibly try and avoid that tree yes

You can do that shot but it’s not as easy as you know the seven iron in the middle of the Fairway and also cuz I’ve hit the Fairway on a nice day or if you’re playing on firm Fairways it’s going to roll out whereas as soon as

You’re in the rough it’s going to slow up so again keep the ball in play and we’re going to lower our scores and give ourselves a good chance at breaking 90 so now we find ourselves chipping onto the green the other advantage of playing a safer shot to set yourself up for a

Better chip is now that when you’re here you can see clearly you can clearly see the green you’ve got a very accurate idea of where the flag’s at you can kind of see the um the way the green slopes kind of see all the hazards around it you just got a better clearer

Picture so you can now think about where you want to land this shot so there’s a little bit of a downhill at the start of the green so if I can land this anywhere on the front of the green it should roll out towards the pin uh so I could either

Go for like a 52 and land it a little bit shorter or I could maybe go with my 60° and try and land it on like the center of the green that comes down to like personal preference but you need to practice this kind of range for me where

I don’t have the best T-shirt in the world obviously that t-shot was really good but more often than not it’s the weaker part of my game so I have to rely on this aspect so I practiced this quite a bit I find it’s more important to

Practice these kind of shots than it is practicing on the Range and the one thing with the wedges from this kind of distance is you want to be familiar with trying to use the bounce of the club so you can kind of see these clubs I’ve uh used the bounce

Effect and yeah so it’s about 50 m to the middle really I want to be landing this just at the front I’ll go over the 52 first and then maybe try the 60° I think 52 for me is a bit of a safer option cuz if I M hit it it’s still

Probably going to roll on so when I’m lining up a identify where I’m going to land on the green which is slightly to the left of center because it should Bank down to the right and then I want to have a look at in front of the ball

To have a look at my line so I know what I’m lining up with when I’m over the ball right so I’ve got a little bit of grass there which I’m looking at then I’m going to stand over it do a practice swing until I can feel that like kind of

Skimming of the bounce and then I’m going to step into the ball and try and get it there okay so like I said that should hopefully make that downhill bit and it’s onto the green it didn’t roll out as much as I thought it would I

Thought that was going to roll more and again I actually didn’t hit it that great but because I went with the 52 it’s put me on the green so the most important thing with again breaking 90 is from this kind of range is get on the

Green okay if we get on the Green from this kind of range we just need to tart and we’re good we’re breaking 90day no problems okay so the other alternative is you go with a 60° again just from the same kind of range in okay so you need to just give

It a little bit more so I’ve gone at it there and see I put that one closer to the pin but again I’m comfortable with these wedges CU I practice these shots if you’re struggling to break 90 and you know you’ve got a bit of time then you

Know put down like you know if you’ve chunk that first one put down that second ball you know it’s not going to be your counting Ball but practice it because you can’t practice these shots at the range you need to practice them on the course so you know put another

One down as long as you no one behind you like there isn’t for me or you’re not wasting anyone’s time like just just take the extra time to take another ball so that’s what I’m going to do now so again I’ve swapped back to the 52 cuz I

Want to try and do a better shot with the 52 again same kind of thing and that’s a bit better land and again in that kind of ballpark uh so you can see there all three of those balls I’ve got a p for birdie but what we we actually got is

Not a PT for belly we’ve got a two PT for par and that’s how you want to think with uh trying to break 90 we don’t need to get a birdie yeah if they come along yeah obviously we’re going to take them but don’t rush for the birdie get a

Simple part that’s going to do you the world of good on trying to break 90 the other little I guess kind of technical tip I don’t really want to go into too many technical things but when you are using your wedges when you’re trying to

Use the bounce a lot of people will grip the club real hard that’s what I was doing at the start and that just seems to put you in the a really bad position uh so you want to like kind of like really lightly hold on to

It and then just kind of guide it through you know that that kind of noise is what you want to hear your shaft lean is not going to be like that where the front edge digs in it’s going to be more vertical so that the uh so that the

Bounce can skim just before under the ball and the club bounces up into the ball and we get a shot like one of those three okay so now we’ put ourselves in this situation as you can see all three of those are on the green second two

Slightly better than the first one right but we’re still on the green and we just want to really eliminate free puts so if we put this one basically want to practice the lag Parts have a read of the green I found recently you know taking your time cleaning the ball and

Lining it up does help believe it or not like all the pros do at the start I didn’t do do that but it seems to have done pretty good for me the other thing is I don’t do any practice swings now again personal preference whatever works

For you but we just want to get this one to a nice part don’t worry about trying to get it in for bird from this kind of range you’re probably going to put yourself in a worse position okay so we’re going to hopefully try and tart this

One and I’ve not hit that hard enough so now we’re in a annoying situation where yes it’s still pable for par but we should have really got it closer there but that’s going to happen you need to forget about it and now again the goal

Is really just to get bogeys so as long as I bogey from here that’s still good we’re still on our way to break 90 so don’t worry about missing the odd one here and there as long as this doesn’t turn into a double we’re all good okay

So we just want to again make sure we line up the partt take your time each partt is worth the same as the other one and just lipped out uh so that was unfortunately a tap in bogey but it’s still a bogey and we’re still going to

Be able to break 90 with that yes I did free which is not ideal um but it does happen and you know you just need to get on with it you need to forget about the shot and just worry about where you currently are so you know you learn as

You go on let’s go on to the next hole but we’re still on target to break 90 that’s the main thing it’s actually back to back par fives so again we’re just going to take the driver um you can miss to the right quite comfortably here

You’re just going to go into the other Fairway so yeah we just want to get the driver again smooth swing on it nothing too fancy come on ah came a little bit too left there I thought it was going to fade in hit the tree and drop back down we’re going to

Hit those situations so good example let’s go on to the next shot and play from there okay second shot so yeah I’ve hit the tree there’s obviously a tree to the left here so I want to just come out to the right and again there’s a fair

Bit of space out there so I’m just going to take a six iron at this one and then hopefully play it so we’ve got another shot into the green remember we’re playing bogey golf again I’ve not hit that well at all and that’s not gone very far but it’s in the

Fairway and you just need to focus on you can’t worry about the shot you’ve just done you’ve got to worry about the shot where you’re at now so I’m going to forget those other shots we’re going to play from there and hopefully try and make it onto the green again that’s

Probably one of those situations where realistically I should have gone with the S iron but I got baited into trying to get that extra like 10 20 M of distance with the six iron ended up kind of chunking it and now I am paying the price and I have a fairly long

Shot at the green we’re going to apply the same Principle as what we had on the last hole of we are going to try and just get within wedge distance and hopefully get kind of like up and down rather than you know having like an absolute

Blowout and that’s what we need to avoid going to try and learn my lesson from the last hole and this time I’m going to take the seven iron at this and we just want to stay in the middle of the Fairway and give ourselves a wedge shot on oh that’s got to

Sit that could be bad we might have to do some good recovery work here you can’t start getting annoyed and upset because as soon as you start doing that you’re going to be in the the world of trouble so again now I’m in a bad situation where you know my ideal line

Is probably obstructed by that Branch so I’m going to do a little punch shot with the eight iron and I’m going to come just to the left I’m going to try and just get it up towards the pin if I can get on the green great if I get close

Then that’s fine as long as I don’t hit that tree that’s the main thing they trying to avoid uh so I’m going to do a little eight iron little punt shot here no more than that and that’s rolled just to The Fringe I think just short of the green but again

Like we’ve kept our head composed we’ve not done anything stupid and now this is realistically going to be one of those ones which we’re going to go for what is kind of like our bogey um so that’s essentially going to be a double um but

Maybe we can get up and down and get a one putt let’s see so this is our fifth shot but this is a range where when you’re you’re trying to break 90 you want to try and be pretty comfortable getting up and down from here so whether

You use your wedge or you use your putter even there’s not much uh Fringe to roll to go there’s not much uh Fairway to get through uh or you know like a little eight iron um but when we’re looking at this uh when we’re looking at these chips in order to get

Close we want to read it like we would read uh a putter so as you can kind of see if you can get down uh it’s slightly uphill to the pin and then it’s going to go uh down to the right so you want to start thinking about

Where you’re going to land the ball opposed to where the pin is cuz what you’ll find is a lot of times when you’re like struggling to break 90 and you’re chipping you’ll land the ball around here but then it rolls out all the way down there and you’ve got a long

Putt we want to try and get within like a large maybe 3 foot radius of the hole so with this one I’m thinking I’ll probably land it try and land it around here that’s the kind of goal that I’m thinking of uh with the 52 again some do use a club that you’re

Comfortable with and again I’ve kind of Landed It roughly where I wanted to and then that should give us a nice easy part for bogey which is all we need so if we can recover those bad t- shots and get into a situation like that and again if you’re not comfortable with the

Wedge you can use an eight iron and or like a seven iron nine iron whatever you want and you can try and just like bump it across again look at that line the problem I find with the eight iron is I can do uh shots like that and then

That’s gone really long um so that’s why I personally prefer the um the wedge but at the same time if you just do it right well apparently I can’t use the a iron but you know you can use that if you’re struggling and then you’re duffing chips around the green uh you

Can do a shot like that but let’s go use our poter and hopefully get that done in for a second bogey so yeah these kind of puts again take your time to to line them up they all count whether it’s from 3 foot or whether it’s from 10 foot it

Still counts as the same thing uh so I’m going to go slightly to the left of the the hole and smooth stroke and we’ve sung that one in for a bogey so that’s how to rescue from a bad t-shot you can still get an easy bogey if you just like play it

Slightly smarter and you know practice those um chip shots or putt shots or or whatever and um you want to try and get up and down from those kind of ranges and that will help you be able to save shots a lot easier because you don’t need to do too many aggressive things

Along the way and again just remember we’re trying to break 90 so it’s all about getting a bogey and the odd par will come up like I should have got a par on the last hole I didn’t but I gave myself the opportunity to one of the biggest problems when you’re trying to

Break 90 is staying mentally in it cuz you can do a couple bad shots and you can easily lose your head and then you start doing stupid shots and it gets worse and worse and worse whereas if you just compose think about what the best shot is from your current ball position

Forget about what the last shot did it’s all about where that ball is and the best way to get it to the hole you’re going to lower your score and if you’re around that mid 90 bracket already uh you’ve got the ability to go under 90 quite easily I would

Say okay so same rule applies for par free again bogey golf treat it as a par four you know that’s the worst case scenario um but with par 3es the main thing you want to avoid is the big hazards so on this one the two the two

Bunkers just short of the green so all we want to do here is get towards the back and then also the pin is at the back as well and it’s a downhill green so we want to go longer rather than shorter so we’re going to take that into

Consideration okay so it’s showing like 166 M it’s a bit of wind again you need to start factoring in the wind especially if you’re in New Zealand it’s more often or not a two two Club wind so for me I am hitting it quite well um

There is a cart just there so I’m just going to wait for them just as I’ve started that there’s actually now like a stronger wind uh so I’m going to Club up to a six iron CU again uh we want to go longer not shorter on this one so six

Iron and we found the center of the green didn’t hit it the greatest but because I clubbed up into the wind it still made it over there and if we can get on the green on any PA three um we’ve got ourselves in a good situation

And there we are in the center of the green as you can see missed that bunker to the right and missed that bunker to the left would have liked to have taken it a little bit further but we will be happy with that anyway not going to

Complain about being on the green we want to just lag this part up and get within tapping range for a par which is essentially a birdie in terms of the brake 90 mindset again take your time on lining it up I think it should come right to left uh slightly uphill so do

Need to give it a little bit need to give it more than that really left it short but the advantage of being on the green straight away is that if you do come away with a free put at least you just coming away with a bogey so if we are going to free

Put at least let it be ones where we are on the Green in R right take our time and hopefully put this one in for par there we go and our first par so again that’s where is important just before the round if you do like a bit of

Putting practice of that kind of range what I like to do is I’m sure you would have seen like a drill like this before is you have three or four balls around this kind of range and then you just go one by one so this is on the practice

Screen part one move on to the next one part two and then the third one you want to put them all in one go and then that one’s has gone in but if you miss you got to reset all three of them and then that way you’re kind of

Simulating a little bit of pressure on those parts uh and just keep on doing that move on to the next hole I need to charge my phone up a little bit par 4 now so let’s show you how to how I play a par four to try and break 90 uh so

Again look at the wind that’s like again that’s New Zealand for you so how far is it it’s 330 M I’m going to take a soft drive at this one also I kind of want to practice my driver and we’re try and aim to the center the issue with this play

Is obviously there’s a lot of trees to the left I do naturally fade SL slice my driver so I could end up in the other Fairway if I don’t hit it great but that’s actually not too bad it’s still a good shot in as long as I don’t go into

This tree here technically going for this as a par five so you could also just play like an iron from here again like I said wind and also the kind of slice hopefully that should be okay over there if I was also not wanting to try

And improve my driver which I am at the moment I would have probably played like in a competitive round would have maybe played my five iron but uh unfortunately if you would have seen uh one of my last videos this happened and it snapped and it’s not

Fixed yet I’ve now left myself a shot where I’ve got to go over this tree uh so it’s important to go and have go and have a look at what you’re going over and more importantly what’s over there so yeah as you can see here um we’ve got

The flag and the green just to the left side of the tree but over the far left there we’ve got a water hazard so we want to avoid that uh it does land onto a downhill Fairway so we could come a little bit shter roll towards the pin

And we just have like a chip uh very short chip to get up and down cuz the pin’s at the front hitting into the wind a little bit um so I think the best option really to try and get over it is take the 52 so it come a little bit

Short um but that’s all right again playing for like a par five and we might even get a very nice favorable bounce if we lucky so again that’s definitely over it depends how the Bounce has gone but the main thing is we’ve not gone into the water we’re kind of hopefully in the

Fairway and let’s go and have a look where we at ah didn’t quite get that downhill um just on the uh rough needed to come a little bit left but again breaking 90 as you can kind of see it’s more about just playing smart opposed to playing really really well like a chain

Of bogis really gets you a long way to Breaking 90 and it’s going to put you in a situation where eventually one par is going to come along like that other one did and now we’ve got a shot in the bank U the other tip that I like to do is I

Don’t count my score as I go around so again you just kind to go aim for bogeys and just do that each time and then look at your score at the end so on like the shot on your like phone or something like that if you try and quickly enter

The score without going on you can normally get away with it as soon as you start seeing a score you start getting pressure you start getting nervous and you start doing stupid stuff and you start trying to chase when you probably don’t need to if ID come and landed it

Just here I would have rolled down where I wanted to unfortunately I found a bit of the rough here um but I’m going to try and just chip it onto that bank and it should roll um down towards the pin so 60° at this one and there we go rolled on to the

Green would have maybe liked it to be a little bit closer um but from there we’ve got a nice two part for Bogey and again considering we were behind a tree for one of those shots uh we’re going to take that and who knows we might

Actually sink it in for part okay again so we’re going to get down and try and read the partt clean your all of it’s dirty that is kind of pretty straight although standing over it I’m kind of feeling left Edge so let’s just try and get it

Close ah it’s actually right Edge but again we’ve given ourselves a nice tap in Bogey and stress free Bogies is going to see us break 90 quite comfortably uh so just keep at your goal of getting bogeys and then the odd par is going to sneak in the

Way again one of the other things that a lot of people will say about trying to break 90 and stuff is you need to get loads of uh greens and rag I personally don’t think that that’s as important as what people think um you end up trying

To do more aggressive shots and more stupid shots and put yourself in worse positions more often than not cuz I’m guessing if you’re around like this kind of like 18 to mid2 handicap even a good shot for us we can miss the green by 20

30 yards like it could be a misread of the wind or we could slightly push it off right or slightly hook it to the left um but it could still be a fairly good shot for us so on that logic that I found the most important shot is those

Ones from like within 50 yards you know having a chip which you’re comfortable with where you can definitely land on the green I would say put most of your practice into like that short game region of like like 50 like 80 yards and in because also if you’re comfortable with that range you

Also then have that option like I mentioned earlier on a shot instead of playing like a 250 yard shot into a green you just play like a 170 150 yard shot and then you’ve got a nice Chip Shot in where you’re comfortable you’re going to get in the center of the green

And then if you can tart from there then you’re going to easily break 90 as I have done in the past but also don’t be disheartened when you don’t break 90 that’s going to happen as well by we’re by all means not golfers but yeah let’s

Get into possibly the last hole of the video it’s a par three and as you can see here uh just 110 M but there’s a load of bunkers um so probably want to go uh slightly long left if anything think just another couple of important things to do make sure you clean your

Clubs in between shots there’s no excuse for you to not clean the clubs you can get like something like cheap off that like off AliExpress or your local shop also if it’s a wet day you get a towel dry the club off as well you again we’re going to

Assess what the hazards are on the par three so the hazards are those bunkers I don’t know why I’m talking to you with my ass at the camera um so we got the bunkers there um the wind is actually died off briefly but it was

Into me um so we’re going to take a pitching wedge and hopefully try and get it up there get your line in front of you oh dear and also remember golf’s supposed to be fun so try and enjoy being out on the course and don’t get too concerned

About it um the bonus of being quite comfortable with your wed shots is when you do a shot like that you can hopefully get on to the green okay going to try and be confident here again thinking about where I’m going to try and land the ball so I think anywhere

Around this kind of area would be good um but also I just want to make sure I get over this bunker and it’s not the greatest of Lies it’s a downhill lie um but I’m going to take the 60° and the most important thing is if I can avoid going over the

Bunker and still be all right then I will so I can actually kind of go in between the two bunkers so then the worst case if I Duff it I don’t land in a bunker is the the kind of logic there okay with the downhill lies you also

Want to make sure you don’t like lift it CU then you’re going to just blade it over just landed it where I wanted it to oh get in get in oh how close was that again that just goes to show if you can get comfortable from this kind of

Range to get it on the green that’s all I was concerned about there was getting it on the green again I did think about where I could land took into consideration the two hazards landed it there it rolled down towards the hole like I wanted it to okay yeah also uh

Quick shout out to Lazarus uh wedges uh they’ve done me wonders and also they cost um probably a third of the price of a regular brand of wedges um from a higher handicapper point of view I don’t notice much of a difference and it’s part pretty strong part of my game uh if

You don’t want to get the you know if you don’t want to get like the discoloring then obviously just go for the Chrome yeah I like to add a little bit of flare to my bag and you can also use my affiliate code below not sponsored um but you know if you are

Looking at getting them use the affiliate code then I can get a little bit of money okay camera just died so I’ve had to wait a good 5 minutes here again we’re going to take our time and hopefully make this part I’m going to aim left edge of the cup

Here and we’re in for par and just remember when you’re trying to break 90 a par is essentially a birdie to you so what have we done we’ve done what five holes we did Bogey bogey par bogey par so I’m two shots under trying to get 90

So if I got Bogies for the rest out I’d beat 90 quite so thanks for watching hope you guys enjoyed the video and hopefully these tips will help you cross over the 90 barrier let me know how you go and subscribe for more

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