Golf Players

George Bryan Makes History on the PGA Tour!

George Bryan makes the cut in his first ever PGA Tour Event!

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  1. Right now in round 3 Wesley has birdied the first three and George has birdied the first two. PGA better jump on this story. It’s so cool. Year of the beast!

  2. The PGA wants youtube audience to watch, so they invite George and they've got me! Zero chance I'd be watching round one coverage otherwise. I'm watching the 4 hour Adam Scott Memorial (someone please tell the PGAT Scott is not retired/dead) and must have seen every stroke Ben Griffin took for an hour. Broadcast is a joke.

  3. MSG does this inspire you to take a crack at champions tour event or has that ship sailed? Congrats to Bryan Bros. They are going to have to go low to get some prime TV time. George has been striping it for last 4/5 months.

  4. Last place gets 14k so I’d be stoked too, wanna see them make a push the last couple days, get that $ boys

  5. I could not agree more! I tuned in day one, hoping to see him and watched for hours. I did not see him once. I may have missed him when going to the kitchen or restroom. I decided not to make the effort to watch day two. The PGA TOUR should definitely Profile these Youtubers, when they give them the chance to come play!

  6. I imagine having the huge success on youtube is probably somewhat of pressure reliever. Alot of those golfers are out there battling for their very livelihood, having all their eggs in that basket. that said, George absolutely has the golf chops to do it. LET"S GO!

  7. As usual, PGA dropped the ball on this. Could have had so many new followers watching but absolutely no coverage, not even on YouTube PGA channel. Huge fail on their part

  8. Love that the YouTube golf community is more supportive of each other than competitive and dismissive. Good stuff Matt! Thanks.

  9. It’s not really the PGAT to blame though right? It’s the Golf Channel. PGAT gave George the exemption…then the GC dropped the ball by not giving the Bryan Bros any airtime.

  10. Let's be honest. George is on another level than the vast majority of YouTubers golfers. Folks like Micah, Rick Shiels etc. aren't even close. Let's not be delusional MrShort.

  11. Couldn’t agree with you more! I was looking forward to seeing him on TV when I was watching the golf tournament and of course there is basically no footage of him. Ridiculous.

  12. I think you might be overselling people's interest in this tournament. If what you said is accurate then they would have had him mic'd up, because his personality is what really drives his channel and golf without peoples personality is super boring to watch. Probably why there hasn't been a great amount of overall growth for the weekly TV product that the PGA puts out.

  13. If Jerge could get comfortable out there he could compete. No doubt he has the game, just lacks the experience/comfort/confidence. He’s the real deal

  14. Just a couple of inaccuracies in your video. George is the older brother of Wesley. George isn’t your average YouTube golfer, actually far better. George and Wesley played golf at The University of South Carolina. George had the better collegiate career and was a three time All American. Their dad, George lll played college golf at South Carolina too, in the 80’s.
    PGA tour tournaments are Thursday through Sunday, and the cut is following play after the Friday round.

  15. Love to see it!. George seems like a genuinely good guy and deserves a shot! Had me checking in on a tournament I probably wouldn't have watched.

  16. Go chompers!!! “ the turn” is a super cool series, showing emotional ups/downs for players/caddies, we want more of this!!

  17. I am so happy for George. I've been watching his YouTube for years. I've always believed he had the game, but he did not believe in himself. I always thought he had the game. Congrats to him.

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