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“Every Game On The Board” Bowl Games, Part 1 Mid Major Matt | College Football Bowl Game

“Every Game On The Board” Bowl Games, Part 1 Mid Major Matt | College Football Bowl Game

Bowl game matchups “Every Game On The Board” show from a betting perspective for the start of bowl season with Mid Major Matt from ESPN Richmond. Matt and Drew breakdown the first 17 bowl games. Including:

Jacksonville State vs ULL
Miami of Ohio vs App State
New Mexico State vs Fresno State
UCLA vs Boise State
CAL vs Texas Tech
Georgia Southern vs Ohio
Western Kentucky vs Old Dominion
UTSA vs Marshall
Syracuse vs South Florida
UCF vs Georgia Tech
Duke vs Troy
Arkansas State vs Northern Illinois
JMU vs Air Force
Georgia State vs Utah State
South Alabama vs Eastern Michigan
Utah vs Northwestern
Coastal Carolina vs San Jose State

#bowl #games #mid #major #matt #weekend #college_football #Bowl_Game #every #game #on #jeffnadu #college #Drew_breakdown #espn #richmond #jacksonville #ull #miami #ohio #App_State #Georgia #Michigan #Carolina #sanjose #South_Alabama #texas


  1. Betting the Bowls is an entire different handicap for me , I have to handicap the Transfer Portal which is over 1000 players ( not all the players are opting out in the Portal , and some are playing like J.M. Madison ! ) , Coaching Changes , Players Opting Out , Players sent home , etc. In the Bowls . I NEVER LOOK FOR CLV and WILLING INSTEAD TAKE A BAD NUMBER , and bet the morning of the game . I learned my lesson betting early for CLV and losing the game before it is played for the factors I just stated . We all know the MOTIVATION and INFORMATION are the two most important factors to consider .Here are some angles I use in MY BOWL GAME CAPPING. Grade out your Coaches . Why ? To see if the Coach really wants to WIN or USE THE BOWL PRACTICES TO EVALUATE and PREPARE THEIR TEAM FOR NEXT SEASON ! Here is an example . Rocky Long never cared about winning and would prepare his team for next season , so he was AUTO FADE , and on to the next handicap. Be sure to include the coaches BOWL RECORD in your handicap to help you. Another form of methodology I developed is to POWER RATE and GRADE OUT CONFERENCES to help me. Years ago I was FADING the MAC because I had them graded out so low. Every year it changes and especially this year. The Sun Belt has really improved over several years ago, Understand the line and good luck if you want to put your money on the SEC just because a team is in the SEC. Look at the Conference Bowl records over the last five years to help you . Another angle I use is RECRUITMENT . Why ? With all the players not playing and coaching changes , LOOK AT THE NUMBER OF 4 AND 5 STAR PLAYERS THE TEAM HAS and COMPARE THE TEAMS. In my pre handicap of UCLA vs BOISE ST. I had Boise St. checked on Monday . However , then with all the players opting out , etc. on both teams I switched from Boise ST. to UCLA because UCLA has far more 4 and 5 star players than Boise St. I know Boise will have to run , so I am hoping the 4 and 5 star UCLA back ups can stop the Boise running game . Matt will like this because I switch my pick from APP. St. to Miami Ohio . Why ? THE WEATHER !! 1 INCH of rain expected and I WANT THE GREAT DEFENCE OF MIAMI OHIO IN BAD WEATHER. The coach for New Mexico St. looms high in my handicap because their Coach is outstanding ! I am NEVER scared to LAY THE WOOD if my handicap justifies it. UTSA enough said. Butch Jones is 4-2 in Bowls and agree with Matt taking Arkansas St. Consider the travel , weather , and altitude with the Utah . On Utah St. here. I want the MORE MOTIVATED TEAM and on NORTHWESTERN. San Jose St. is one of my highest rated selections, and Matt hit the nail on the head with the NERD pick comment , AGREE 100% ! I think they will be motivated to kick butt ! I tip my hat to both of you for INFORMATION I did not know in the exact players position that were not. I added it to my information on Coaching Changes and Opt Outs. I am trying hard to hit 60 % this Bowl Season ! However , without reservation , in 55 years of betting Bowl Games , this is the MOST DIFFICULT BOWL SEASON to handicap !!!! GREAT GREAT show and thank you and all the handicappers for giving your time to help me and others at the COST OF HITTING THE LIKE BUTTON !!! Merry Christmas from HOMECOMING DAVID

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