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Raw vs Nitro “Reliving The War”: Episode 174 – February 22nd 1999

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Reliving The War takes a close look at the “Monday Night War” era of professional wrestling. With WWF Raw is War and WCW Monday Nitro on television every Monday night, fans had to decide which show to watch. This resulted in a TV ratings battle between WWF & WCW with both companies trying to put on their very best shows every Monday night and, eventually, the Monday Night War became a battle for survival.

On Nitro this week Bret Hart takes on Booker T; the winner gets a shot at the WCW United States Championship. Scott Steiner vs Bill Goldberg headlines the show, and the nWo sabotage the final moments of the Nitro broadcast by taking over the satellite feed. During this takeover the nWo make fun of Roddy Piper, Ric Flair, Steve McMichael and Arn Anderson.

On the WWF channel Vince McMahon seeks vengeance against The Undertaker. McMahon books a Kane vs Undertaker Inferno Match for the main event, but the Undertaker says he has a special surprise for the Chairman. Public Enemy make their Raw debut in a match against the Brood, Sable’s number 1 fan finally gets to speak to her hero, and if X-Pac can beat Chyna in a 1-on-1 match he’ll earn himself a shot at Shane McMahon’s European Championship.

00:00 – Intro
02:51 – Mike Enos vs Jerry Flynn
03:31 – Booker T interview
04:02 – Van Hammer vs Bam Bam Bigelow
05:01 – Scott Steiner & Buff Bagwell’s Spring Break tour
05:36 – Goldberg photoshoot
06:04 – Mr McMahon promo / Booker T vs Bret Hart
11:01 – The Brood vs Public Enemy / Disco Inferno vs Kaz Hayashi
13:17 – Ken Shamrock vs Billy Gunn
17:08 – D’Lo vs Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart / Steiner & Bagwell promo
19:08 – The Rock vs Paul Wight / Morrus vs Jericho
21:55 – Droz vs Steve Blackman / Kevin Nash promo
24:50 – Val Venis vs Goldust / Hennig & Windham promo
27:00 – Bob Holly vs Bart Gunn / Ernest Millar challenge
29:48 – Chyna vs X-Pac / Goldberg vs Scott Steiner
32:36 – Undertaker vs Kane / Ric & David Flair Confrontation
36:50 – Final Scores / Credits

#WWF #WCW #nWo


  1. The Big Show is far more entertaining than the Rock ever was. Rock was super overrated with his silly overselling and constant talking. Wrestling wise, he is below average at best

  2. Love catching up to these. Seriously the best series on the internet. Thank you so much for your hard work!

  3. This is the episode I started watching Raw over WCW. I needed to know how the ring of fire would look , also, I needed to know what the hell was up with the damn teddy bear.

  4. Honestly don't remember exactly when the Brain said the comment I think it was around Mysterio v Nash match on this episode. Bobby about Mysterio: "He feels like he is 4 feet tall!"

  5. I don't remember if anything came of the July 11th thing on WCW(even more reason to watch every Reliving The War lol) but I do know Bash At The Beach 99 was on July 11th so who knows? Keep up the great wrestling content Wrestling Bios, you are the #1 jam up guy!!

  6. Yea should of put Roy Keane saying that think migurie big baby ,,,,, baby 🍼 lol if ye no ye no that Roy Keane put in when mc Mahon has the bear and keaneos face LoL Swifty Dublin Ireland 🇮🇪🇮🇪🍻🍻🇮🇪🇮🇪

  7. Has there ever been a main event star that did less in ring wrestling and had more repetitive promos than Hogan? He couldn't cut it in Hollywood, and after about 18 months of NWO being red hot, now he holds the title and fans' hopes of a competitive future hostage only for his gain and no one else's. Meanwhile McMahon is laughing to the bank every time Hogan's creative card comes into play

  8. Ok you can go to WWF now Jericho….pls….loosing to hugh morris is just sad..

  9. 11 July, 1999 marks the day when India and Pakistan held a between during Kargil war for the pull out of Pakistani intruders who had occupied the hills of Kargil , Drass and Batalik sectors of erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir.

  10. So let me get this straight, the guy that took Goldberg's undefeated streak lost against a guy that's 3 feet smaller than him? No wonder why WCW died!

  11. Hogan in the Wolfpac made zero sense and most of us once loyal wcw fans couldn't watch anymore. No one wanted Hogan in the Wolfpac wearing JNCOs, talking gangster "My trigger finger brother" it was too much cringe and killed it.

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