Golf Players

How I Went from 3:59 to 2:48 in the MARATHON

Sub 2:50 Race Video:

See my Sub 2:50 Marathon training spreadsheet here:


My personal photo/filmmaking channel:

Thanks to Jesse Schroeder for the cinematic 2019 footage:
Shoutout to Kofuzi for the race footage at Grandma’s: @kofuzi

Current favorite racing shoe:
My current daily training shoe:
Favorite energy gel for fueling during long runs & races:
My caffeinated gel for long runs & races:
Salt Tablets to prevent cramping on long runs & races:
My current go-to hydration multiplier supplement:
Go-To Running Hat:
My Balance Disc for ankle strengthening:
Non-Chafe Stick I use before long-runs & races:
My go-to action camera while training:
Camera used to film this video:

**Some of the above are paid Amazon links that will direct you to my associate account through As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.**

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  1. You were never a 3:59 marathoner… you just had bad strategy. If you finished a half in 1:35 in the middle of your first marathon, your realistic marathon time was around 3:10. Your starting point of a 3:10 marathon would probably put you in the top 5-percentile of males who run the marathon. Not elite but you aren't an ordinary runner that grinded your way to become a 2:48 marathoner.

  2. 6 gels during your marathon was your big gain! You cramped because your running muscles ran out of glycogen. The kind you need to do anything more than slog along. Right? It's like actually impossible to carry on at the same pace once you've drained your muscle's glycogen stores. Nutrition is key. Marathons take a tremendous amount of energy. More than we have stored in our bodies at one time.

  3. It’s crazy that I find you on this channel 4/5 years later. My first time finding your channel was on your photography channel, where you did a funny skit about GH5 users and 5DIV users arguing about specs and color science.

    Fast forward 5 years and I just started getting into marathon training and found this channel!

    Thank you for sharing your failures and the injuries you incurred throughout your journey. It makes me feel better knowing that I’m not the only one experiencing frustrating obstacles along the way. Trying to hit a sub 4 on my first marathon for next month… with only 25–30 miles a week of training. I don’t know where all these people with kids find the Time to run 50+ miles a week

  4. What frequency do you take your carbs?
    Every 20 minutes during the run?
    How many calories are the carb snacks?

    What frequency do you take in electrolytes/salt with fluid?
    Every 40mins?

  5. I learned a lot of great things from you in this video. So thank you for that. I also learned you puke an awful lot 😜

  6. I had to laugh at 14:46 when you broke out the Advanced Marathoning book, as I've got that exact edition pretty much permanently on my work desk as a constant guide.

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