Golf Players

My Attempted Suicide Helped Me Realise My Life’s Purpose | Ryan Caldwell | The Big Jim Show

Former Rugby player Ryan Caldwell, opened up on his suicide attempt whilst in prison, and how it helped him realise it was his life’s calling to help others in a similar position.

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  1. Hope Ryan adds value to other wayward youngsters with his life experiences…sounds like a solid fella.

  2. Well done Jim for just letting him talk. So many podcasters love to interrupt and make it about themselves usually. This is the way to do it

  3. Typical this man worked his ass off his whole life to make the career he had for his ex wife just to take it all away from him

  4. Great interview Lads, Jim you are an excellent interviewer. You have the common touch and I’m sure the audience relates to you. Ryan, you are a legend. Such honesty in telling your story. I don’t mean the war story alone, just your persona. Whatever your doing is working. I came a different route than yourself into recovery, but it’s about getting there and not the method. I hope you are an inspiration for some younger people out there struggling at the moment. Myself and the misses listened to the full interview last week driving down to Lisbon, we laughed and cried throughout. Keep up the good work both.

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