Golf Tips Magazine – Efficient Power

Four-time Long Drive Champ Jason Zuback can crush a golf ball. Listen to his advice and in no time you’ll add yards and tear up the golf course. For more tips visit


  1. this club 48 inchs, but it also depends he has all sorts of diffrent clubs and diffrent lofts and longer and shorter shafts. but yeah its 48 inchs

  2. fastest swing speed i have ever seen, must be close to 140mph.

    long shaft and huge loadup in his backswing. i think i'd braek my back trying to copy his swing.

    nice swing though 😀

  3. from the height of the backswing and the amount he moves to his right as he shifts his weight, I'm guessing he slices some of the time. Still, that's a fast fast club head.

  4. Power is not created by a single movement. Power is a function of speed and force.
    You can hit the ball further with force combined with clubhead speed. My concept of Golf The NatraFlex Way(TM) combines speed and power during an eccenrtic contraction. Once you know how to use eccentric contractions and proprioceptive exercise, which I call IsoFlexCentrics(TM), you can control your body which will reach from the ball to the major muscle groups in the shoulders and back which hit the ball.

  5. Jason is actually very knowledgable of the golf swing, i met at long drive contest a couple of years ago, and he gave 2 simple little tempo and rythym tips and I hit longest drive then and there of 335 yards, thanks Jason

  6. LOL not the worst swing , have you seen Furyks, or tommy two gloves? Plus Raymond Floyds, not even close to this one. This whole vid is abour gaining distance on tee shots. Not, how to make a golfer out of you. Zubie can pipe it straight and long. He and Bobby Wilson both won the Team event two years in a row on the PGA tour….tisk tisk

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