Golf Players

Gain Factors Explained | Sportsbox AI

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  1. This is a very well explained video, however I am a golf nerd and am pretty familiar with gears 3D but am learning more and more about Sportsbox AI so wasn’t a heavy lift lol. My question is what was the cue/thought you gave him from releasing his lead wrist angle later versus earlier?

  2. Yes, what was the cue you gave for him to add wrist lag in down swing? Many times it is how you start back swing and then at top as you have already started to 😂recentering your first move at top your hands drop back. This is the fastest part of your hand speed in the downswing right at the transition at top from back to forward with hands moving back to give the bigger crescent moon ability. But do you have A technique or a swing drill to help the golfer, feel that so they’re able to do it?

  3. BTW SportsboxAI In looking at all the videos posted this is the only one that goes to this level of detail and expertise. How come there aren’t literally hundreds of these type of teaching videos to show how to use SportsboxAI AI this is fantastic. This guy should be on staff being paid every day to be pumping out videos like this on a daily basis.

  4. I think if you moved the ball up in his stance and had him turn into his chest he wouldn’t have had to even think about his wrists! He throw angles because the balls back and his body stalls

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