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Martin Slumbers and Mike Whan unpack golf-ball rollback | Golf Central | Golf Channel

CEO of the R&A Martin Slumbers and CEO of the USGA Mike Whan join Golf Central to discuss the golf-ball rollback beginning in 2028 where the expected distance lost is proportional to golfer swing speed. #GolfChannel #GolfCentral #Golf
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Martin Slumbers and Mike Whan unpack golf-ball rollback | Golf Central | Golf Channel


  1. simple. make everyone play with a Balata ball: shorter distance, more spin and better feel. instead of crying, the golf ball manufacturers will love it because they will sell twice as many balls as they do now!

  2. Nope!
    I’ve worked hard to get to 300 drives. Your gonna limit me to 285 not to mention irons. “ oh move up a tee!” Nope 👎🏻
    Elite men competition only. !!
    Maybe you’ll keep the recreational duffers ok.
    But to include all recreational golfers ANd lpga ! Senior tour ?
    Me and others like me buy more products and spend $
    The duffers keep their clubs for 20+ years

    You….. are……. Crazy. All due respect I guess

  3. These elitist CLOWNS think they control golf??? THE FREE MARKET controls golf. WE control golf. I will tell you know, I WILL NEVER play a rolled back golf ball. PERIOD. If one company is only gonna make rolled back golf balls, the I will switch to another company. PERIOD.

    Ill start my own company if I have to! True top of the line golf balls will be BOOMIMG in sales once this disgraceful rule goes into effect. #CancelUSGA #ShrinkTheGame#FireMikeWhan #NOrollback

  4. Horrible decision made by a couple of elitist who claim they’ve studied this for years when they knew damn well three years ago, they were gonna do it and impacts millions of recreational golfers around the world who gets zero saying it clearly will run our ability to hit the ball as far as we can today. I can’t believe these assholes are going to get away with this without any vote or input from daily every day golfers they’re gonna lose a lot of people in golf over this but they’ll just smirk and say oh no people will play.

  5. Two guys that are so frigging far out of touch with every day golfers it’s absolutely astounding. They’re sitting there talking about how it’s affected the old golf courses. What a crock of shit you have millions and millions of golfers out here who are just recreational players that love the game and you’re gonna try and hurt it for usscrew you elitist. I’ve given money every year to the USGA for the last 40 years you’ll never get another dime from me.

  6. I recommend EVERYONE contact their local representatives about this issue. This is clearly monopolized behavior by a non profit organization. If Amazon tried to change their industry standards so dramatically, they would be in front of congress. That is where Mike Whan belongs; infront of congress explaining who the hell he is and who the hell he thinks he is trying to dictate the future of amateur golf.

    Everyone, contact your local representative! I have already emailed mine!

  7. Alright so I was going to be on the ‘you did not do enough’ camp but after listening here I do think they got it just right; at least for right now.
    And I’ll let you know now I’m no usga rna mouthpiece. I express strong disagreement with them often.
    People are just too much with the not wanting to lose yards at the recreational level, which I honestly don’t get. So this is a good compromise.
    I hope 2 things:
    1 that the next round of roll back comes sooner than later, so maybe eventually some of those courses in the obsolete folder can start to return to elite competitions.

    And I just hope PLEASE when they roll back driver distance and dispersion, they DO NOT try to bifurcate. Because that just won’t work. Always Find a way to make the same equipment that starts to challenge players as the speeds get higher; and at the very least not give them unfair advantages at the highest speeds.
    It’s that simple. Imo.

  8. Its going to have a massive impact on the recreational game, absolutely massive!!
    and that will be COSTS!
    this move wont effect the pro's the cost of this will filter through to the amature and recreational players!!!
    when all they have to do if limit the ball the pros use only!!
    it seems its all about shafting the amature and recreational player as normal…

  9. Punishing the 99.9% of golfers for a dubious issue confined to the top 0.1% of players makes zero sense. Bifurcation was the way to go and it could have been done without changing the core of the ball at all just the cover. All that would be needed is a mandated minimum number of dimples with a minimum dimple depth & radius. Deeper dimples will not only slow balls down in the air but also introduce a stiffer penalty for not hitting the ball straight as more wind resistance means more ball curvature from sidespin. Add in longer fairways that are softer and you can easily take 15-20 yards off a pro's tee shot and leave us weekenders and club members alone.

  10. Great idea! Let's penalize the average golf because of what the guys on tour are doing! Brilliant! I don't believe them that it will only impact the average golfer 0-5 yards, I'm crying "nonsense" on that. The average guy will now be using a 5 iron into the green instead of a 7 iron. This will not make golfing easier and it will decrease the enjoyment and it will have a negative impact upon the game. Why don't they just make the fairway more narrow from 320 yards and the rough much deeper, make it punitive in nature.

  11. This doesn't go far enough IMO. To protect skill at the highest level the rollback should be much more. I can't believe how much complaining there is from weak players. Just emphasizes the perception that golf is a game for non-athletes.

  12. No one is going to notice this. The recreational 95-plus handicap is definitely not going to be affected by it. They struggle to keep their drives out of the woods. They are not worried about a ball that will make no difference to their game at all. Pros it will have no effect on. I don't see Tiger saying I could hit that fairway at 326 vs. the 322. I just made it to. That . 4 yards have completely ruined my game. They have already moved the tee boxes back to a country mile, and it has not affected the top players. Just my opinion

  13. Brainwashing at its finest. They know this is a pisspoor idea, yet, they're going to push this ball no matter how anyone feels. This is not protecting the integrity of anything, what a crock! Are the Tour players complaining? NO! Are the golf course owners complaining? NO! Who's integrity are they speaking about? This new ball will not affect me in any way but hearing blatant lies told to people that deserve the truth is really awful. The USGA should be comprised of a committee of men/women who are active players and not these people seeking to break what's not really broken. The world is already screwed up as it is with people making things worse for an absolute BS reason. Recreational players and Tour players should come together and ban this ridiculous rule.

  14. They should brought the golf ball back 23 years ago, when Tiger was at the height of his greatness. Instead of Tiger hitting 330 yard drives, they would be 315. I am glad they rolled the back, if not, players could reach a 450 yard par 4 in one shot. Eventually if the ball didn’t go back in yards, every hole would have to be a par 5, just to keep up with the players.

  15. Narrow the fairways, grow the rough and add bunkers on tournament courses. It's cheaper and doesn't affect the weekend players.

  16. Probably the bigger effect on distance is how hard and fast the tour fairways are. Seems like I'd start with modifying the courses.

  17. The distance a ball can travel will make no difference on this. The players going lowest are the ones hitting the ball to tap-in range during the weekend. This is just punishing players who work hard to get their speed numbers up because you're jealous pieces of sh*t.

  18. I worked really hard to get that club speed up and to get the right contact on the ball and get over 300 yards on my average drive. It took over a year of work for me. I've never heard someone complain to my face about that, they are always impressed and ask me how i do it. Alll of them say "well, looks like I'm never going to be hitting it that far" after I tell them the work it took.
    I'm getting older but that distance advantage will hold over people my age and older for as long as I golf. Or at least until now. Because of a few jealous people at the top.

  19. Examining ideas. Lol
    The fact is that golf courses and golf course designers can't keep up. Everything changes. I think the real merger should be NASCAR. I really don't see a difference

  20. Nah, I don't buy it. Dude in the gray suit is a total idiot. If you want to regulate it, do it only for the pros. Just a bunch of old crying babies at the helm who can't take it young guns are taking advantage of technology. We need young blood running the show. This is a sport, not a recreational game nor an elitist after office hours deal anymore, screw that. no suits and tie allowed!. Athletes were engaging in getting the most out of the technology and research invested in, and these patzers just can't wait for any opportunity to mess a now worldwide sport. I say it again, the guy in the gray suit is nothing but an idiot, period

  21. What problem do they think they had to fix for the 100m recreational golfer? Were their inboxes overflowing with emails from golfers complaining that their course was too short or maybe too easy or that they were hitting their clubs too far? Every Thursday, approx. 120-140 professional golfers tee it up on a PGA event and this is what the USGA & R&A are basing a decision that impacts approx. 100m recreational golfers around the world. Slumber & Whan come over as out of touch suits working for elitist golf making a poor decision about a golf ball that works perfectly well for us recreational golfer. Fix the elite professional golf problem and leave the recreational golfer alone.

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