USGA, R&A announce golf ball roll back in 2028 | Golf Central | Golf Channel

Damon Hack and Rich Lerner go over the finer details of the announced roll back of golf balls in 2028 where the expected distance lost is proportional to golfer swing speed, and are joined by the CEO of the R&A Martin Slumbers and CEO of the USGA Mike Whan to discuss the change. #GolfChannel #GolfCentral #Golf
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USGA, R&A announce golf ball roll back in 2028 | Golf Central | Golf Channel


  1. The only possible outcomes from this involve negative outcomes that will divide the game, and ultimately shrink the game. The USGA is PATHETIC, and needs to be investigated by congress IMMEDIATELY.

  2. EVERY SINGLE PERSON viewing this video should contact their local representatives regarding the USGA. I have already emailed mine!

    This is monopolized behavior by a non-profit organization trying to control the entire sport of golf. Can you imagine if Amazon proposed such dramatic changes to their industry?? They would be investigated IMMEDIATELY. Mike Whan needs to testify before congress, and explain who is in his pockets and what his true motives are here. This is RUINING GOLF. PERIOD. #CancelUSGA #NOrollback #FireMikeWhan

  3. DRIVER CREEP is the key to all of this. Companies know they're giving out hotties from the tour department or van. No one asks or tests every day. The players get the club and they don't ask questions.
    Baseball had steroids, and golf had driver creep. MAKE THE DRIVER LIMIT 380cc.

  4. Do they realize what it looks like to reasonable people that it takes them YEARS to have endless meetings only to make an announcement saying that in 4 years something’s going to change? I love the game, but we look so out of touch when the the governing bodies operate this glacially.

  5. Ohhhhhh sooo there will be balls from now that will be approved, then deemed legal after 2030. So some golf balls will slip the cracks

  6. The longest drive on the pga tour should go 325. The avg should be 300 and the little guys should hit it 275.

    If swing speed continues to go up The spin goes up to counteract it. The ball will rise and fall differently based on input. So if you hit it gentler, it'll spin less. We're going to get these spinny balls in our hands and it'll fall out of the sky

  7. How about the guy that works his ass off 9-5 and goes to the tee with the new ball swings it 120mph??? You're gonna tell him to swing slower???

  8. Face thickness on the drivers. Thicker to counteract the distance.
    Make the driver smaller. People will practice and hit it in the center and become more precise overall.

  9. It’s a combination of multiple things (physical conditioning, club head, club shaft, golf ball. There needs to be a Governor or what we call in NASCAR “restrictor plates” to level out performance across the board for 31 years. The tennis ball is uniform. The Baseball is uniform. The football is uniform. The basketball is uniform. The golf ball, also, should be uniform.

  10. why are we basing rules for the entire golf world because the top 25% of PGA players have higher club speed? How does this make sense for the benefit of all of golf? This juyst makes it that much harder for me and my son to play golf so that professionals dont hit the ball to far at pebble beach and st andrews? sorry this is unacceptable USGA, you should be ashamed of yourself .The only reason to not make the professionals play a different ball than use mere mortals is because of the golf ball manufactuers. This only benefits them, not the consumer. Get wrecked USGA and R&A.

  11. This golf ball rollback is an arrogant absurd decision for most golfers! Recreational golfers who play for fun or maybe for a couple of bucks don't want to hit the ball shorter on that rare occasion they hit the sweet spot. Leave the ball alone for them. Let them have their weekend fun. Now, if you want to restrict the pros' distance to "save" the golf courses they play on, that's understandable. There is a huge difference between pros and most amateurs distance-wise, 50-70 yards with the driver. Just make a restricted ball for the male pros, if you want to. It will hurt the shorter hitters more, placing even a greater advantage on the long hitters, but the driver/wedge game many pros play is a little boring. Hurt the male pros, if you want to, leave us amateurs, women, and juniors alone! Golf is hard enough for us. Why make it harder? The USGA and the R&A are using very bad judgment here and will hurt the game of Golf! This will be a very unpopular decision. The PGA of America, the teaching pros, disagree with this stupid decision. Then you have a jerk like Rory McIlroy, who hits driver 350 yards, coming on TV and telling us who hit it 250, that this is no big deal, and "what's all of the anger about?". 99% of golfers want to hit the ball further, not shorter, dummy. I, for one, will not be buying the shorter ball!

  12. LOVE all the weekend hacks going crazy over something that won’t happen for 7 years! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💩4️⃣🧠

  13. So these 2 dorks decided for the whole world of golf? Ridiculous. It’s a GAME and meant to be fun! Govern the very SMALL percentage of golfers that get paid for a living and leave the AMs alone! Just old man mentality.

  14. What is the problem USGA and R&A trying to solve? Why do they want people to hit it shorter? They site in this interview that they want a solution to change the ball but why? Where is the problem? Integrity of the golf course and enviromental impact is not related to the golf ball. Even their own reports site changes to grass type, smaller greens and smaller fairways impact water consumption the most. This change is driven by the very elite perfomance who make up less than 0.5% of the golf population and play on a tiny percentage of the worlds golf courses. All they will achieve is driving social golfers away from the game as they will hit it shorter and face slogging it around a course and not enjoying it. If their argument is it wont effect the regular golfer then what is the benefit, what do they solve? The recretional game makes up 99% of all golf. It makes no sense, people want to hit it as far as they can. These dinosaurs are so out of touch.

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